The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, February 28, 1895, Image 6

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Thrae mon used dynamite on a bank vault
at Thomas «n, Conn, —D. J, Millhouse com-
mitted suicide by swallowing earbolic acid in
tho street at St, Joseph, Mo, He and his wife
had had troub.e, ——In returning from a
dance at White Park, Minn, , an omnibus con-
taining twenty-five men and women was
overturned one mile from the city, anda
ignited the curta n and straw. Beveral peo-
ple were badly injured. ——The annual mee:-
ing of the Army and Navy Union was heid in
Chicago. ——An explosion occurred in Edwin
Gould's Continental Mateh Works in Passale,
N. J. Superintendent John Rae wai so
badly scalded aboat the face and head that
he will probably die, ——The remains of Fer-
pando Telespourl, a dish-washer, were found
in the ruins of the Delevan House at Albany.
~Jdosephine Werner, an inmate of the
prison at Auburn, N. ¥., was killed by ma-
chinery in the prison, ——Four men were
frozen to death recently in the woods twenty
miles below New Orleans, ——At Colorado
Springs, Col., Dennis Dunn, a Bull Hill man,
who was engaged in the Cripple Creek riot,
was found guilty of assault with intent to kill
Captain De enbaugh, of the Colorado Na-
tional Guard, last July.——M. Michaels, a
wealthy citizen of Corry, Pa. banged him-
self. He had just completed building and
furnishing a new hotel—the Imperial—which
was to have been opened for bu«iness,
J. E Lu‘z & Co., hat dealers at Knoxville,
Tenn., made a deed of trust to James J,
White, —— Mrs, Lavinia Bohannon, daughter
of t :e Hon, William A. Harris, congressman.
at-large from Kansas, who eioped with Bo-
baunon, a liveryman of Luray, Va,
mitted suicide by taking poison, —— United
States Commissioner Connelly, at Savannah,
decided that the crew of the schooner Annie
Thomas, from Ba timore, were justified in
refusing to go to sea under Mate Lund, who
had threatened to kill some of
James B. Leake, of Hanoibal, Mo,, thinks he
is heir to an estate of £100,000,000
them. ——
verdiet for £5,400 in her suit agalost John R
sition of the War Department to remove th
troops from San Carlos
Three men were arrested in Newark,
for stealing #10,
ore and bullion
and Refiniog Company. ——Tae trial of
train robbing was
irom the Balbach
ganfleld for
assaait upon his
ation by a bratal young
wi e, John Pitrowski shot
Kovajek aad seat a ballet
Kymns Kovkoski. Pitrowski ba
married, and while the
were in progress a gan?
the house, and demanded assistance,
kilied Jobs
the lag ©
I jast
of ruffians
Christopher Spearlng murdered bia
in Hoboken. ——Judge Baldwin, of the Sa
preme Court of Connecticut, appointed Hu
bert T. Warren receiver of the i
and fireplace guards, The [abilities
£40.00), and the nominal assets,
shriokage, $75,000, ——Prof, Marsh, of
University, bas prepared a bill to be intro-
duced in Congress providing for a uniform
electrical unit
Ihe centennial of the birth
of George Peabody, was appropriately
brated at Pesbody the
philanthropist. A cablegram
from Queen Victorio, expressing her
birthplace of the
was received
ful remembrance of the philanthropist
Mrs. Nehring and two children
frozen to death in a fence
blizzard at Aberdeen, 8S D,—Captain Col-
of the British t
cornor after a
lier, ack steamer Roel Light,
Mi, longitude 44, a ball of fire descended
three hundred yards from the steamer, caus
jand terrified all on board,
Five sailors of the schooner Jeanie Thomas
of Baltimgre, sought the protection of
United States commissioner at Savaannan,
declaring that the first mate had threatened
to kill them ———A bigl was introluced n the
Jilinois legisiature to reorganize thaeity gov-
ernment of Chicago, and if passed, that city
will be almost in absolute control of
mayor. —— Fremont P. Peck, first lieutenant
of the Ordnance Corps, was killed at the
proving ground at Sandy Hook by the bursts
ing of a breech of a rapid-firing gun, ——
‘While under the influence of liquor at Sham-
okin, Pa., Lucas Leshko shot Mrs. Ma-y
Zarambo in the left bree st, and alter havioyg
fired five additional shots at two other
women, who rushed into the hoase, he sue
ecoeded in making bis escape. Lashko, who
iis a hunchback, was captured, He bought
ithe revoiver for the purpose of murder nz:
the woman, —— After twenty-four hours og
wontinuous work the foree of men engaged in
fighting the flames at West Bear Ridge col.
Hiery, near Ashland, Pa, where five men
‘were killed and seven injured by an explo.
sion of gas, suceeeded in quenching the fire,
~The fast expre:s to New York on the New
Jersey Central Railroad ran into an open
switch near Phillipsburg, N. J., and was
wrecked, Several trainmen were injured,
Charles Matthews, & private in the Second
United States Infantry, murdered his wife
and committed suicide in Omaha, —J, W,
Mook, formerly an employe ofa Norfolk, Va. ,
chinaware company, who went to St. Louis
and ailed in his s:areh for employment,
committed suicide. Samuel Young, aged
seventy years, stabbed his young wile to
death and afterwards bung himself in bis
home at Wiltshire, ©O.—The Kolbites in
Alabama again threaten to establish a dual
government, and Governor Oates declares
that if they ars seeking trouble they ean got
it.The proprietor of the National House
in York an | tue managers ot other hotels in
Pennsylvanin have bees swindled by bogu«
check men. ~The organization of ef y
school systems was discussed by the mem-
bers of the department of saperin ende ice
of the Educational Association at their moot.
ing Cleveland, OH, M. Trout, the aye
“specialist,” whom many York county peo
plo charge with swindling them, was given a
preliminary hearing at York, and held for the
action of the grand jury, — Mm, Horace E.
Pope and Wiliam Brusseas, her accomplice,
were held for trial at Detrolt for the murder
of Dr. Pope, the husbad of the former,
———— III nisin.
The strike at the Greylock Mills, Norta
Adams, Massachusetts, is ended, the oper.
atives having voted to return to work at the
old scale of wages,
Six Miners Killed by Explosion
of Blasting Gas,
Ss —— t——————
Firrv-Sevesnrn Dav.—In the Ssnate the
ohiei interest in the proceedings centered
around the discussion of Heununtor Jones's
pending free silver coinage bill. The dis-
cussion continued far into the night, lu
effectual efforts wero made to secure a vote,
Mr. Vilas (demoerat, of Wisconsin) was the
priveipai speaker of the day, He occupled
the floor for four hours, Mr. Wilson (repub-
Hean, of Washington) was swora in, The
lisagreement of the House upon the item in
the diplomatic and consular bill for £500,000
for preliminary work upon a cable to Ha-
wilian Islands was reported,
Frery-Eronru Day.—In the Senate Mr.
The Men Were Cut Off from Escape
by Fire and Were Suffocated—
Four Others Fatally Burned
Flerce Fire Raging In
the Mine.
By an explosion of mine gas at 10 o'clock
A M., the West Boar Ridge colliery of the
Reading Coal and Iron ut Ma-
hanoy Plane, Pa., six miners were killed and
five were burned, four of them probably
The first five men were probably instantly
killed, anit wes some tims their
irom the workings,
tut Myers was taken out alive, aud died on
the way to the hospital,
The injured are Edward Davis, of Girard-
vi le; William M:nnieh and William Goft, of
Ashland, and John Lamey and William
Davis, of Mahanoy Plane
It is fear~d that the first four
jured mea are fatally burned, but Davis was
bodies wera recovered
of these in-
only slightly hurt,
The o igin o the explosion is not
but it is -upposed that a naked lamp ign ted
bean let loose
a large body of gas that ha 1
rom a blast that was made io the
The explosion set fire the timbers ol
Afrway,"” outs
ting off the sseape of the five men killed in
what is ealled the
the mine,
utalive were
The #ix men who were taken
neares: the gaogway, and escape l the sullo.
catiog fumes of the gas and the avalanche of
coal aud timber which followsd the explo.
A fierce fire broke out in the ga
nevertheless the work
prisoned men or recos
dead, was at once
of hoe ¥
twaen 2 and
dead bo
The mine fie
as mine ofl
{ies of the five
have t
be thrown out of work
capacity o! 26,000 tons annual y.
Liquor Petition.
The Metropolitan Meth
Church, Washington, D. ¢
was becomi
the ¢
White Ritboners, Temperance |
decorated in honor of
resenting the different
nations of
were hung around the Le
rear of the puipit was
flags, one the
ican, brought
silken banner, ou which
notto, “For God, for Home
T™Ha i nal OO
The principal obj
call to the attention ¢
ident, as stroagly as posain
poiygiot petillon which bas arrived in Wash-
ington alter a journey roun
which now, it is asserted,
»{ more than 4.0.0,00)
This monster petition is as fol
“For God asl Home and
glot Petition of
Christian Temperance Uailon,
Every Lat
the Word's
to the Goveraments of the World
“Honored Rilers,
br We, your
belongiog to the physicall; weaker sex, are
strong at hewrt to love our home
RR: Pprewental ves
thers: petitioners, althougs
. our native
land aod the world’s family of nations,
**We know that brains,
Learts make honest lives and that
the nailons prosper, and the time is brought
nearer whea the world shal be at peace,
“We know that induigencs in alcohol and
opium, anl ia other vices which
our social lie, makes misery for
the world and most of all for us anc
oloar aud pure
all the
for our
“We know that stimulants and
are sold under ‘legal guarantees, which
make the Governments partaers in the
traflle by accepting as revenus a portion of
the profile, and woe know with shame that
they are often forced by trea’'y upon popula
tions, either ignorant or unwilling,
“We know that law might do much, now
elt undone, ito raise the moral tone of so.
ciety and render vies dificult,
“We have no power to prevent these great
iniquities beneath which the whole world
groans, but you have power to redeem the
honor of the nation from an
“We, therslore, come to you with the
united volces of representative women of
every iand, beseechiing rou to raise the stand.
ard of the laws to that of Christian morals,
to s'rip away the safeguards and sanciions
of thestate from the drink traffic and the
opium trade, and to protect our homes by
the total prohibition of these curses of civili-
zation throughout all the territory over
which your government extends,
French Agriculturists Petition for the Prohi.
bition of Beef Imports.
M. Gardaud, minister of agriculture, re
‘otived an agratian delegation from the De.
partmen » of Pag-de Calais and the Nord,
The delegates urge | upon bim the need of
taking stops again the importation of
American oaitie, which, they sald, threat
ened French cattle w th contagious diseases,
The win ster sald that the subjest bad
been placed already betore a specisl com
mittes an the diseases of cattie and any nee.
[esary steps would be taken soon. Premier
Ribot also promised the delegates to give
the matter full attention,
rong! essional investigation of the recent pur-
has of gold by the government. He also
referrod to the question of an exyra session of
Congress, Toe advocates of the free silver
bili of Benator Jones gave up the contest,
The credentials of Mr, Thomas A. Carter, as
Sens or from Montana, was presented. The
credentials were criticised Ly Mr. Hoar,
Fivry-Ni¥te Dav. --In the Beaate thore
was a lively debate upon the proposition of
the committee ou appropriations to take out
of the Indian appropriation bill all appro-
priations for secterinn schoo's. Thd acdon
of the commitioe was sustained by a vote of
21 to 84. The eredentinls of Beunators-elect
Tillman of South Carolina and Butler of
North Carolina were presented, Due recog-
nition was made of the honors paid the late
Minister Gray by the Mexican government,
Sixrixry Day. —In the Beanate the chap-
iain, Rev, Dr. Milburn, referred fosling.y to
the life and virtues oi George Washington
in his prayar Mr. Quay presented a meme
orial from the Manu. acturers’ Club of Phil-
adeiphia, atiribot. ug the cause of the finan.
elnl depression to the alleged assault upon
the Ameren protective system. The In.
dian appropriation bill was further dis.
cussed, but no voto wis taken,
In the House
chile! men was the
propriation bill The decision of
svorruling a point of order
ployment of two th
man the new warships was sustained
House, mendments to the a
tural appr
sent to cor
Hens gricul
bill was disagreed to and
Mr. Bayers's nmendn
strike out i n the naval
priation bill thousand
DAL seamen
lcisney LAL
nt colli
Denals reso
The Government's Reserve Will Soon
o §115.000.900
arrival o! the Majastio
yf the Belmont-Mourgan syndicates,
re gold, mostly bars, it is
{ elisved
expected in the Canird ste
and the American Line steamship
rach succesdiog
pect]. bring similar cousignments
until the full amouut conir.cted
abroad is received
As it become
more and more
seed ng in ils under:akiog that confidence is
already resiore |, asd not only ar» gold ex.
ports stoposd, but that they are not likely to
added to
which gold is now being imported r pparent-
iy without difficulty, the rush to get the new
bonds in exchange for currency at a big ad-
vanes over the
be resumed again for some time,
syndicate price
12) was asked, The a«king price
creased two polats, evidently because of the
€10.000,0000r £15,000 070 of the bonds would be
all tied in this country, and thos + mostly to
who want them for investment and not for
speeula fon, It was said to ba very doubtful
whether any of the contracts t> deilver bonds
With these deposits the United Sintes treas.
nry's stock of free gol! amounts to about
$756.5300,000, The government's gold reserve
will vary shortly amount to 115,000,000, a
suming that there are no abnormal with.
drawals in the time
Preliminary Step Taken in the House to
Amend the Constitution.
Representative Blair, of New Hampshire,
introduced au resolution in the House pro-
posing an amendment to the Cons {tution of
traMo ia the United States, The resolution
Is introduced “by request of the general
officers of the world's and national W, C. I
U.,”” and as the legal expression of the poly.
glot petition just presented to the President
a I AO
Du. Gronor ¥. Root, the veteran composer
who wrote “The Battle Cry of Freedom" and
otuer patriotic war songs, Is a white-haired
veteran of seventy-five years, but his voice is
still o.0nr and resonant. He produesd his
iamous song in his li. tle music store in Chi
mio thirty-four years ago,
A oablegram from Nagasaki, Japan, stats”
that the Northern Pacifio steamship Vitoria,
due at Tacoma, Washington, on the 2d inst,
was damaged by a collision on January 28
nt 8himonsakl, Japan, and will be ésiryed
three wooks, ;
An Explosion in the Forts at
Takao Creates Havoc,
A —— ——— ————
Information of Their Ralds on the
Island of Formosa Reaches
Hong Kong.
It Is reported in Hong Kong that an explo-
sion which recently occurred in the maga.
zine of the forts at Takao, a treaty port
the soutuwestern const of the island of
mosa, and at first understood to beof a com-
paratively trivial character, wa* .errible in
its results. It fs now said that the explosion
killed 200) Chiness soldiers attached to
forts and injured many others, A squadron
of Japauese warships is patroiing the island.
The information that has come
from the
island of Formosa since the sudden
ure on the 18th inst, of the British cruiser
Mercury, upon the receipt of informa'ion
that the notorious robbers, known as Binck
Flags, were o ymmitting oatrages and the
Briti<h residents were in need o! urgent hel
his been meagre ; but what has been received
ghows that the situation is as serious as the
Reports hinve ar-
Increasing and have become so bad that the
merchanis are nlarmod and are leaving.
The Black Flags are predatory
5 pay, tt on;
little autho
od Ul Ar
forces, They are not in China
sometimes sho has a
Warfare Is their professios
depend upon it for bread, and they
rob Chine<s and otuers indiscriminate
They have no law but the ¢ 1 is of ti
They are muck
Wariike than the
bave litie fear of
sy Prene
t the Japanese,
Dispatches Confirming the Reports of the
Surrender of the Chinese
bas been received
An Woi-Hal-Wel,
no It
fer made by
the Chinese nava
to surrender his vessels i! conditions of
nesly wore granted, COM
masder of the Japanese forces,
‘oat the naval station be thrown open,
The Chinese messenger who conveyed this
jemand returned
formed him that had
mitted sgic of
. 8
and that his responsibility bad
master of sritish
ferred to Capt formeriy the
merobant vesssl who
bad been appoluted by the Chinese Govern-
as assistant Admiral Ting. Ad-
Ito, the time the despatch was
seni, was conferring with Captain MeCiure,
Marshall Oyam, who is in command of the
ment to
miral as
A despatch dated Fobruary 14, {rom
also an-
two other
a letter from the Chinese flagship, acospting
diers who garrisoaseld forts on the Isiand of
the complete surrender of
on land and sea Ho
The Chinese sol
Wei Hal- Wel, to bold out against the Japan.
asa, and the sailors of the Chisese fleet were
to be taken beyond tho Japanese lines and
while the captured officers and
belore they are given their liberty,
A despateh from General Nodzu, com
mander of the First Japanese Army in Man-
churia, says that 15,000 Chinese with tweive
guns, attacked Hal-Cheag from the Lao
Yang, New-Chwang and Jinkao-Roads
loss was five killed oz
Bs ———
Confirmed at the Navy Department.
The Secretary the Navy.received the
following despatch from Admiral Carpenter,
commanding the Asiatic squadron, from
Jhe Foo, dated February 16: *‘The Chinese
(lost and the Chinese island forts at Wei
Hal-Wel, Chica, have surrendered. The
¢hinese admirals and the Chinese generals
committed suicide, I have seat the United
States steamship Charleston to watch the
In ————
They Made Way With Uncle Sam's Confis
cated Whisky Factory.
8 G. Woods, deputy internal revenus eol-
lector, reports the confiscation by him of the
entire plant and product of the Cluster
Springs Distillery Company at Blue Wing,
Granville county, North Carolina, forty
miles east of Danville, Va, for gross viola-
tions of the revenue lawa Two large cop.
por stills, together with worms, oaps, fer
menters and other paraphernalia, and also
eighty-three barrels of unstamped whisky
were seigad.
These articles were carried to Virgilina
for shipment by rali to Roxboro, bat before
they could be shipped moonshiners raided
the depot and eapiured the two stills,
The Queen of the Deigians was recently
pitten on the hand by a pet horse, which she
was feeding a lump of sugar. The band
swelled greatly, but she Is now out of
Piorre Bogdanoff Driven on by Pain Shoots
A despateh from Washlagton says: Plorrs
Dogdanoff, first secretary of the Russian le
gation shot himself in the right temple about
10 o'clock A. M., at his apartments, 1725 H
siroet, northwest, and died lnstantly, The
only cause that is assigned for the deed is
that be had saffered from neuralgia sines
coming to Washington about a month ago.
A few minutes before 10 o'clock his French
servant, a fa thful old woman whom he had
brought to Washington with him, called at
his room and recived his order for breaklas:,
As sho was leaving he asked her to get the
morning paper for Bhe was away
about fifteen minutes and when she entered
the room she was borrifled to
ter dead, the revolver was
not heard in the house, but there is nodoutt
about M. Bogdanoff having fired the shot
that ended his iife, A little siiver-handled
was sill tightly clutched in his
flod ber mus.
The report
knife, were two sealed lottors, Oae was ig.
the other
The servaat
two lelters oa
and was
sald that she had noticed the
be opened”
the secretary the day before, Lut
10 atiention to them.
The letter marked “io be opened"
unsealed by Coroner Hammet,
the house a few hours afier M
who visited
Iu the envelope was a card
the Russian crest, and a
in Russian to this effec:
lew words written
For a long time, dead soul, this bo
to be carried,
this reason, I destroy mysell,
iy is
all too heavy a burden For
The other letier was not opened, but will
be forwarded to the dead man's relatives
brothers aad sisters in Moscow,
Alter the coroner's
Cantacugene, the
members of the legation, visited
Russian minister,
the apart
the body of
placed |
ments and took charge of their
countryman. An undertaker
bandsome casket wiich was
sompieted, but it
inter the remains temporarily at least 13
Hil ¢
arrangements were
was decided to
The Labor Leaders Are Working at
tol for Their Enaciment
House Ly the Lal He
is bope-
expoctingly difficult to arouses the
. £6 po Te % 1: ten 5} ay
ors toa point shiiea will impel them
ol memi
10 aelive work for the bil
The Federation of Labor has no speelal in-
arbitration bill, Mr
says, because it applies to the
Gom pers
ralirosd men
only, but he hopes 10 see {tenacied,
In Its Place a Free Coinage Raysolution is
Against the determined opposition of the
administration Damoerats, and of the Eas:
¢rn Republicans, the {risads free
coinage of sliver ia the Senate made a gal
lant but vain effort to bring to a vote the
Jones bill tor unresiricted crinage., When
the Banate adjourned, shortly alter § o'clock
at night, that measure had been abandoned,
and lu its stead an understanding had been
reached upon a simple declaratory resolu.
tion, offered by Senator Wolcott, as follows
That it is the sense of the
Senate that the wellare and prosperity of the
United States require the enactment of a law
o! the
at the ratio of 16 to a
Resolved, That in
this Congress will expire by law on
of March, and that there are impor ant ape
propriation biils requiring the attention ol
the Senate, it is the sense of the Senate that
consideration of such a law be no: entered
upon at this session of Congress,
When this resolution has been voted on
and adopted, and there was no doabt ex.
pressed that both of these events would
ocour without opposition, the Senate will
take up the Indiana appropriation bill, unies
Mr, Butler is fortunate enough to secure
consideration for the pooling bill, aud there
will be a cessation of silver and anti-sil ver
Thelincidents which marked the struggle
for silver during the dventfhul day, and
which culminated in Me Wolcott's reso.
ution, were kaleidoscopic in their many.
sided changes,
Bought by the Eaglish.
The Elgin National Watch Company, of
, be
view of the fact tha
Excursion and Stock Trains Col-
lide on the Santa Fe.
Engineer Uppleby Expilated His
Fatal Error Under His Engine,
and Two Score Others Bul-
fered Injuries-Met at a
High Rate of Speed.
Through a misunderstanding of orders the
south-bound Galveston
Banta Fe
GX presi, on hue
Atchison, Topeka and Ral road,
heavily loaded with
northbound live stock extra collided at
o'clock P, M., while rounding a curve
miles south of Guibrie Oki Oue mun wes
stantly killed, two fatally iojored, aud ¢lzh-
teen received serious wounds,
anc »
Engineer Uppleby, of the stoek train, bad
orders to stop at Seward,
three miles south
of the wreck, (0 allow the passenger 10 pass,
but it probably will never be koown why the
orders were not obeyed,
The trains met on a sharp curve in a deep
cut in a bend of the Cottonwood River
Passenger Engine sr Frey saw a shower
sparks throws into the air across the
near the end of the curve,
He realized In as
in-tant the sparks were from anotbereagin
achine, he leaped
and reversing bis m
the side of the
the darkness against th
calling to his fireman to jump falso, but
fore the latter could comply the exiry cams
around the curve at the rate of forty
ati hour and the two engines came 10seths
were buried
other one-third their eq
iu a terrible orash, and
gths, A
od into a great heap and
- % ral i 3 4 Va
CRE. ADC MA 14 i: the pas
ng and pi
Mg erno
jred were taken to G4
of cattle were Kilie d,
Three Daring Highwaymen Fatally Wounded
a Victim and Robbei Many
tasers were held up in the principal
the city by three highy who
wounded one of
id up street cars on every line in t
the past
and escaped, same
and robbe
80 many such cases have occurred
weeks the
that the companies no longer furnish the
men with money for making change and in
#OWe instances have put guards on the cars
To Bach Protection a Western Burglar Owes
His Life.
Thomas Cook, a merchant in El More, Col,
was foreed to open hus by a masked
J safe
man, be the b rgilar was leaving the tore
The Luli
Mr. Cook shot him with a rifle,
struck the robber on the shoulder and fell to
the floor, flattened out, showing that he had
some sort of bullet proof covering for the
upper part of his body. Hs escaped, bul
only gt a small sum of money.
Da Awsznr Vaxpes Veen has been elected
regent of be New York State University,
Govenxor 0. Viscexr Corrix, of Conneo i
cu’, f«said to be the best dressed Executive
that the State has had for many years,
Carrarx W, G. Kop has been condustor
of the accotvmodation train on the Nashville
& Pula-ki (Teun ) Raticond sivcs 1857, and
bas never missed a trip, He is 72 years oid.
Mas Amrria Rives Cuasies, of Castle
Hii, Va., who has bal a return of rheuma-
tism by the pecent cold weather, is forced
to #0 to a dry climate anl she will
pass the rest of winter in Texas,
Guxenrat J. Warms oe Pevsren proposes
to erect at a cost of £81.00) a home for cone
sumptives on the Priory arm near Vertank.
The farm has already beea greatly cor ched
by geperous contributions from the General,
Ex Mavonr Huan Guraxy was one of the
Naw York sisitors a. the Capitol recently.
He was the guest of Beaator Marphy, and
was in Washington to attend the cothion
given by Senator Murphy's daughter,
O. H. P. Batwoxr wil have his Summer
villa at Newport so arranged that guests will
drive in on the lower floor aod their horses
and carriages will be taken up on the eleva.
tor, just as they are driven in, #0 that per.
sons may alight directly at the baliroom
Ersuwor Teosas W. Casersnery, of Toronto,
Can , and president of the minster a! aso
cintion of that ol.y, bas acesptel a call to
the pastorate of the Relormed Episespal
Churoh of the Reconeilintion at Brookiya, N.
K., but will still retaia episcopal supervision
of hisehurch work in Canada,
Gexexan Molook, comman ler of t ve Depart.
ment of the Colorado, delivered an address
at a mesting of the Indian Rignts Associa
tion, held at Denver, in whieh he declared
tha in bis forty years’ expecionce with the
Tadians be had slws s found « white man at
the bottom of ever, difficulty. He said that
his decisions Is cass of rouble between
whites and Indians bad alwn;s been in favor
of he Indians, Sil