The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, January 31, 1895, Image 7

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    At Every Twinge
Of! Rheumatism you should remember that
relief is at hand in Hood's Barsaparilia,
Rheumatism is causal by lactic acid in the
blood, whieh settles in the joints, Hood's
Sarsaparilla purifies the blood and removes
this taint, u res
Hood's Barsaparilla
cures Rheumatism 4%%%%
when all other remedies have failed. Give
it a fair trial,
“ I suffered intensely with Rheumatism,
but Hood’s Sarsaparilla hes perfectly cured
me.” Hanry F, Prrrarp, Winterville, Ga.
“Hood's Pills are the best family cathartic
Buchanan's Famous Housekeeper.
Miss Hettle (not Hattie) Parker, who
has met with a serious accident at
Lancaster, Pa., became James Buchan-
an's housekeeper at his Lancaster
bome about 1834, and remained an
honored member of the family circle
long after his niece, the lovely Miss
Harriet Lane, to brighten the
life of hier busy uncle. Mr. Buchanan
had a warm regard for “Miss Hetty,”
as everyone called her. She might do
and what would, and
sometimes even scolded her famous
employer. When Mr. Buchanan died
Miss Hetty had been almost forty
years in the household.
Lancaster was provided
Mr. Buchanan.
sn at TOI snes
*aris Ever Famous.
. he Lie
say Sie sli
Her house in
for her by
Paris was a famous
city ages before Venice. If we irch
for them, we may find in it
any city in the world, except Rome and
Constantinople; and even antiqua
rian and artistic remains are seldom
equaled or surpassed. At Rome, Flor
churches, and remains;
Paris he gives himself up to
vards, the theaters, sl
The profoundly instruct
profuse antiquarian
great city, are forgotten
vate sacro.— The Spectator.
- a ——
the boule.
ops, and
ive history,
remains of
For a Rainy Day.
Russia has in its treasury gold rubles
to the
F000, 000,000
number of 646,281,000, or nearly
in eral
in gold.
How's Thin!
Wa offer One Hundred 1
any case of Catarrh that ca it be cured Ly
Hall's Catarrh Care, a
F. J.Carxey & Co., Props, Toledo, O.
We, the un ’ ened, have k wn F.J. Chea.
ney for the last 1 and him
fectly 1 i I sinesa transact 4
and fing iy able to carry out any obliga
tion made }
Wear & TrUAX,
lars Reward for
Wholesale Drugglists, Toledo,
vA" & Manvis,
edo, Ohio
re is taken internally, act.
ha hin d Mmueous sur.
per bottle. Sold
estimonials free.
by sui Druggists.
He lives a thankless life who
other men's enterprises and no
an exploit
nan in the Unties
m and Whisk
ks on these diss
Atlanta, Ga.
you free.
y man and
It is never worth while to be discouraged
just because our intimates say ‘Bosh!
With Emphasis
we say that Ripans
standard remedy
troubie« will cure YO
the best and
stomach and liver
r headache or bilious «t-
Oue mbule gives relief,
There's no merit in the consistency that
kes a man constant to hie mistakes
Brings comfort and improvement and
tends to personal enjoyment when
rightly used. The many, who live bet-
ter than others and enjoy life more, with
less expenditure, by more promptly
adapting the world’s best products to
the of physical being, will attest
the value to health of the pure liquid
laxative principles embraced in the
remedy, Syrup of Figs.
Its excellence is due to its presenting
fn the form most acceptable and pleas
ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly
beneficial properties of a perfect lax-
ative; effectually cleansing the system,
dispelling colds, headaches and fevers
and permanently curing constipation.
1t has given satisfaction to millions and
met with the approval of the medical
profession, because it acts on the Kid.
s, Liver and Bowels without weak.
ening them and it is perfectly free from
22 mt i a
0 a for sale by g
>in ble and $1 bottles, but it is man-
ufactured by the California Fig Syrup
Co. only, hous 8 sate is pyived va every
package, also name, Syrup
and being well informed, you i
accept any substitute if
The Eminent Brooklyn Divine's Sun~
day Sermon.
Subject: “Points of Compues.”
— —
Texr: ‘“They shall come from the East,
and trom the West, ani from the North, and
from the South, and shall sit down." ~Luke
xiil., 29.
The man who wrote this was at ono time a
practicing physician, at another time a tal.
entad painter, at another time a powerful
preacher, at another time a reporter—an fo.
spired reporter, (God bless and help and in-
epire all reporters! From their pens drops
the health or poison of Nations, The name
ofthis reporter was Lucanus, For short he
was called Luke, and in my text, although
stenography had not yet been borp, he re.
ports verbatim a sermon of Christ which in
one parageaph bowls the round world into
the light of tha millennium. “They shall
come from the East, and from the West, and
from the North, aml from the South, and
shall sit down."
Nothing more interested me In my recent
journey nround the world than to see the
ship eaprain about noon, whether on the
{ Paciflo or the Indian or Bengal or Madi
{ fterranean or Red Bee, looking through a
nautical instrument to find just where we
| wers sailing, and it 1s well to koow that,
though the eapiain tells you that thera are
| thirty-two points of divisi
card in the mariner’s compass, thero ars
only four cardinal points, and my text
them--the North, the Routh,
! West, So lspres it before us the
the world to see extent of the
| campaign, The | jest part of the
| be taken is the Non
an emotional gospal, andl the Nations of the
far North ars a cold- yded race.
dwell amid fesbergs and eternal snows and
sveriasting winter. Greanianders,
landers, Icelanders, Sibarinns
is the siedegs drawn by reindeer, their ap-
paral the thic rest furs at all seasons, their
existences a lifetime battle with the col
| The winter charges upon them with swor!s
-their vshicte
But already the huts of the
the songs of divine worship.
| snows fall on
ready the warmth of
ness begins to be felt through
and minds and s
Down from Nova Zembla, down from Spitz-
bergen seas, down from the land of the mid-
arctle hear
New Testar
the sun ©
open is, A
down over realms of fee and over domin-
fons of snow and through hurricanes of
sleet Christ's disciples are coming from the
North, The inhabitantsof Hudson Bay are
gathering to the cross, The Cnurch Mis-
{ slonary Sociaty in those |
been grandly sauces
twenty-four gospel stations,
natives have believed
The Moravians have kindled the light of the
| gospel nll up and down Labrador. The Da-
nish mission has gathered iples from
am Duane it . 0
shill latitude ‘olumbia, deliv.
ssful establishing
nnd baptized,
1a shiverit
in the
of Gresn-
in the
| houses and
voice of God thr
aries, men and won
hardships as th
when camping
knocked from t
of snow, saving
luxury wouid we
{ The Jeannette 1
i ty-seven, wi
oa topgaiiants in
Strait and Me
polar expadit
of BSebastis
to be eolipss
romen Who amid the f
ores of Europe, Asi
Scientists have never }
to what isthe aurora is,
Hghts, Ieantellthe It is the
victory for Christ spre out in thas n
night hsavens, v filed
the prophe« ¢ v Ot .
fulfilled in the near iuture
from the North."
Aner ol
+ COmple
¥ shall come
jut my text takes in the opposite point of
he compass, The far thr :
igh mperatare, te
1d indolenecs and
toward multiform evil,
my text got the North in, n
ood which
South, notwithstanding its torcidity.
flelds of cactus, the
to the Lord Almighty. The
means Mexico and all the regi
lam H., Prescott and Lord
made familiar in [terature
i strange dialect of the A
i quered by Hernan Cortes, to
lously conquered ; Mexico, with #ts capital
more than 7000 feet above the sea level look
ing down upon the entrancement of lake and
Mexico, in
tions vet to be horn-—all for Christ, The
| Bouth! That means Africa, which David
| Livingstone consecrated to God when he died
on his knees in his tent of exploration Al
i ready about 750.000 conv rts to Christianity
in Afriea. The South! That means all the
Islands strewn by omnipotent hand through
tropteal seas—Malayan, Polynesia, Melane-
sia, Micronesia and other islands more
numerous than you can imagine unless you
have voyaged around the worid. TheSonth!
That means Java for God, Sumatra for God,
Borneo for God, Siam for God.
A ship was wrecked near one of thess isl.
ands, and two lifenonts put out for shore,
{ but those who arrived in the first boat were
| elubbed to death by the eannibals, and the
; other boat put back and was somehow saved,
Years passed on, and one of that viry crew
was wrecked again with others on the same
rocks, Crawling up on the shore, they pro-
| posed to bide from the eannibals in one of
| the eaverns, but mouming the rocks they
{ saw a church and eried out: “We are
saved! A church, achureh!” The South!
{ That means Venezuela, New Granada,
| Ecandor and Bolivia. The South! That
{| means the torrid zone, with all ts bloom,
: and all its fruitage, and all its exuberance,
the redolence of illimitable gardens, the
musie of boundless groves, the lands, the
seas, that night by night look up tothe
Bouthern Cross, which, in stars, transfig-
ares the midnight heaven as you look up at
it all the way from the Sandwich Islands to
Australia, ‘They shall eome from the
But I must not forget that my text takes
In another cardinal point of the compass,
ft takes in the East. [I have to report thai
in a Journey around the world there is nothe
Ing $0 much impresses ons as the fact that
the missionaries divinely blessed are taking
the world for God. The horrible war be-
tween Japan and Obina will leave the last
wall of opposition flat in the dust, War is
barbarism always und everywhere, Wo hold
| ap our hands in amazement at the massacre
at Port Arthur, as though Christian Nations
could never go into such diabolism, We
forget Fort Pillow! We forget the fact that
during our war both North and South re
jo when there were 10,000 more
wounded and slain on the opposite side.
War, whether in China or the United
States, is hell lot loose, But one good result
will come from the Japanese-Chinese con~
fliet, These regions will be more to
¢ vilization and Christianity than ever be.
2’. When Missionary Curey put vaiube sh
| sobly of ministers at Northamption his
project for the evangelization of Indian, they
Inughed him out of the house, From Oal-
outta on the east of India to Bombay on the
west there Is not a neighborhood but directly
or indirectly fools the gospel power. The
Juggernaut, which did ita awful work for
centuries, a few weeks ago was brought out
from the place where it has for years been
kept*under shed ns n curiosity, and there
wns no one reverentially to greet it. About
8,000,000 of Christian souls in India are the
advance guard that will lead on the 250,-
000,000. The Christinns of Amoy and Pek~
ing and Canton are tha advance guard that
will lead the 840,000,000 of China, ‘They
shall come from the East,” The last mosque
of Mohammedanism will ba turned intoa
Christian church, The last Buddhist temple
will become a fortress of light, The last
fo of Hindoolsm will be pitched into the
FO, wT Er sas 2
The Christ who came from the Eust will
yet bring all the East with Him. Of course
there ars hich obstacles to be overcome, and
great ordeals must be passed through before
the consummation, as witness the Armenians
under the butchery of the Turks, May that
throne on the banks of the Bosphorus soon
erumhla! The time has already come when
the United States Government and Great
Britain and Germany ought to intoms the
indignation of all civilized Nations, While
it is not requisite that arms be sent there to
avenge the wholesales massacre of Armen-
fans, it Is requisite that by cable under the
sens, and by protest
Berlin to Constantinople, the
athematizge the diabolism for which the Bul-
i tan of Turkey is responsible, Mohammedan
is a curse whether in Turkey or New
York. “They shall come from the East."
Lest and grandest and hest men and women
of all time, 1 mean the missionaries, Dis
solute Americans and Englishmen who have
gona to Caleutta and Bo
| because the holy lives and the pure house-
holds of those missionaries aren constant ro-
| buke to the American and Engiish libertines
stopping there, but the men and women of
their good
| work. People just as
| denying as wns Mwsionary
when asked to write in an
| these words :
My album is in savage breasts,
Where passion reigns and darkness rests
Without one ray of light,
To write the name of Jesus there,
To point to worlds both bright and fair
And see the pagan bow in prayer,
Is all my soul's delight,
In all those regions are men and women
{| with the consecration of Melville B, Cox,
| who, embarking for the missionary work in
Africa, sald to a fellow student, “If I dis in
Afrioas, come and write my epitanh.” “What
shall I write for your epitaph?” said
“Write,” sald he, words :
housand fall before Africa be given
stu fent.
| “Let at
There 18 another point of the compass that
ides. “They shall come from
That means America redeamed,
between Atlantic and Pacifle
within the elrcle of
Will ft be by
evangelism? Will it be
I am glad a wavs of
n has swept across this 1, and all
+ cities are feeling the advantage the
} 3 ment, Lot the good work go
til ! inst nnicipal evi is ex-
ut fifteen years din-
10u rainisters talk al
F nothing Ww Ww
the West,”
Ocenns to be brought
holiness and
wordly ref
rapture, fone
ished w»ditor of a
wspaper ey nn
« BAS Doariy
ired columns of
ants to other
policemen in %, and wh
anges theirworldly fortun 1
ADH heart or "
New York to-day
the gospel of
their 18 greatest
i= the transform.
Jesus Christ to
the lite and uplift the
1a of moral sentiment and nke :
right not because they are afraid of Ludlow
Jail or Sing Sing, but because they
» God and hate unrighteousness,
ever heard, nor have you heard, of
thing except the gospoithat proposes te
generate the heart, and by the inflarnce of
men do
$i reet
eveute the law most certainly. but preach the
grospal by
in homes, in prisons, on the land and on the
The gospol is the only power that ean
world, All
In New York it has allowed men who got by
police bribery their thousands and tens of
ire, while some
who were merely the cat's paw and agents of
nribery are struck with the lightnings of the
law, It reminds me of a scene iu Philadel
phia when I was living there,
man had besn arrested and tried and im-
prisoned for salling molasses candy on San.
to go undistarbad, and the grogshops were
open on the Lord's Day, and the law, with
its hands bahind its back, walked up and
down the streets declining to molest many
of the offenders, but we all ross up in our
righteous indignation, and ealling upon all
powers, visible and invisible, to help us, we
declared that though the heavens fell no wo-
man should be allowed to sell molasses
candy on Sunday.
A few weeks ago, after I had preached In
ons of the churches in this city, a man
drunk, saying, “I am one of the reformers
that were elected to high office at tho last
election.” I got rid of that “great reformer”
as soon as I could, but I did not wget rid of
the impression that a man like that would
eure the abominations of New York about as
soon as smallpox would cure typhoid fever
or a buzssaw render Haydn's “Creation.”
Polities in all our eities has becomes so cor.
rupt that the only differences between the
Republican and Demooratie parties is that
each is worse than the other. But what
nothing elas in the universe ean do the gos.
pel ean and will gecomplish, “They enall
come from the West," and for that purpose
the evangelistic batteries are planted all
along the Pacific const, as they are planted
all along the] Atiantlo coast, All the pral.
ries, ail the mountains, all the valleys, all
the cities are under more or less in-
fluence, and when we get enongh faith and
consecrotion for the work this whole Ameri.
ean continent will out for God, “They
shall come from the West,”
The work is not so difficalty as many sup-
pose, You say, “Thereare the foreign Bob
wiations.” Yes, but many of them are Hol.
Innders, and they were brought up to love
and worship God, and it will take but little
to ade the Holianders to adopt the re.
Hgion of their forefathers. Then thors are
among these foreigners so many of the
Scotch. They or their ancestors heard
Thomas Chalmers thunder and Robert Mes
Cheyne pray. Tho breath or #0 often
swopt through the heather uf the highlands,
and the voles of God has so often sonnded
through the Trossachs, and they all know
how to sing Dundes, so that thev will not |
have often to be invited to nesept the God of |
John Knox and Bothwell Bridge, {
Then thers ars nmong these foreigners so |
mnny of the English, They inherited the
sama language ns wa inheritod—tho English
in which Shakespeare dramatized, and Mil.
ton chimed his cuntos, nnd Henry Melvilln
gospelizad, and Oliver Cromwell prorogued
parliament, and Welilngton commanded his
onger hosts, Among these foreigners are
the Swiss, and they were rocked in a cradle
under the shadow of the Alps, that cathedral
of the Almighty in which all the elements,
snow and hafl ond tempest and hurricane,
worship. Among thess foreigners are a vast
host of Germans, and they feel centuries
afterward the power of that unparalleled
spirit who shook the earth when he trod it,
and the heavens when he prayed--Martin
Luther! From all Nations our foreign pop-
ulations have come, and they are homeslek,
far away from the placs of their childhood
and the graves of their ancestors, and our |
glorious religion presented to them aright
will méet thelr neads and fill their souls and
kindle their enthusiasm. They shall come
from amid the wheat sheaves of Dakota, and
from the ore beds of Wyoming, and from
the silver mines of Nevada, and from the
golden gulches of Colorado, and from the
banks of the Platte, and the Orezon, and the
Sacramento, and the Columbia, “They
shall come from the West,”
But what will they do after they comes
Here is something gloriously consolatory
that you have never noliesd, “They shall
eoma from the East, and the West, and the
North, and the South, nnd shall sit down.”
Oh, this is a tirad world! The most of peo-
run all their lifetime,
Business keeps them on the run, Trout
keeps them on the run, Rivalries of life
They are running
running for
from disaster. They are
And those who run
ran thea longest seem bast {«
my text suggests a restful p
God's ehildren, for all 1}
80 Ww
down!” Why run any!
what more o 1
shall sit down.” Not alone, but ple
panionship of the universe; not
1 a seraph should sit Cov
There is that mother who, through al
years of infancy and Was
amid silok beds, now to
stake up the pillow for that flaxen head,
3 aa
5 WHS One
iren bad lifted one out of the croup §
lips, nnd now to hush the fr
ot a little ore, and when thee
jaft. so
weary of
ears on those who warn
eryingout: “Iamsotired! I am so tired!"
for thirty
on the run. not urged
for the purp {
i for the household.
forty, filty »
y by se
On the ron
store to stors, or from factory 10 face
has kept
, meeting this loss and discovering
+y and suffering betrayal or disap-
shoeated or per-
sh sit Cown,
heaven, for the
svermors to be
1 - n ' ‘
plexed or exasperated, he
Ary f
not in a great aalr o
nsed of
ture or semi-l i
nnd radiant
a night of storm 1
I notice that tho on
ML erect
ers ana
noksmiths, ani the
and the
yokes who |
tn or pe 8
ing place,
t ;
of sarth
there ia OO
“Do vo
srops fr
or the droughts
I have lost in that Inst bargain
hurry lest I miss the train,
Inst volume of direful, earthly experiences
Yea, the last chapter, the
last paragraph, the iast sentence, the last
worl, Finis!
Frederick the Groat, not withstanding
mighty dominion over which .
was 80 depressed at times he could not speak
without erying, and carried a small bott
quick poison with which to end his
no longer
vial of zospei
will be finished,
he reigned
io of
jut |
give you this small inody:
one drop of which, not hurting either body
or soul, ought to soothe all unrest and put
your pulses into au otern:l calm, * Chey
shall come from the East an ! from the West,
and shall
— IIc ssn
How Time Tables Arve Distributed,
Many people must have noticed a
big wagon, built after the fashion of a
United States mail wagon, only the
front and rear being wide open, the
time tables and
the inside full of pigeonholes contain-
This outfit is seen going from one
hotel and railroad station and ferry-
house to another daily. One of the
agile young men jumped out and dis.
appeared within the place. He darts
to the rack containing time tables, and
makes a hasty investigation. Having
ascertained just what cases are ex-
hausted, he returns and gets a
fresh supply from the wagon and dis-
tributes them in the rack. The wagon
then goes on to the next place,
This work used to be done by spe-
cial men of the companies interested,
and kept upward of sixty men con-
stantly busy, Now the thing is so
systematized that three men cover
over one hundred railway and steam-
ship lines. There are a good many
places where these time tables are to
be found, though possibly few people
know of this scheme of distribution.
1t is the enterprise of a Pittsburg man.
Heo also has foreign railways on his
list.~~New York Herald.
i III 0s.
The total mileage of electrioal roads
in operation in Europe at the end of
1893 was 186, of which a third was in
Germany. There were about 106
miles under construction. Twenty-
seven ont of the forty-four roads are
operated by the trolley system.
s | ——————————
The rhinoceros has a perfect passion
for wallowing in the mud, and it is
usually covered with a thick vont of it.
Cr ——————
Bs) dh AS) eS
with any other.
1 JO not
ra ra oo
Clinging to Old Methods
The peons of Mexico are a ques
Their ign st
ral and ipidity
. BY no other race
rid. They are to
ining regions of
and h
ad a good
gist in carrying the ore from
in bags on their backs.
: 4 contractor
rows, thinking
They accepted barrows al
chased a
div iii
Sweets in Tobacco.
Milk in Trees,
The cow tree of Venezuela g
cellent artic
o} al
any more than 3
You cas
ted food
out «
Your nerves to
celle on the
seat of (he
fection=, such as
pervous feelings are comg
the '' Discovers it
brings refreshing sleep and
whole system
Mre, K
Chicago, 10
ment as simply
wonderful fance
faking Dr. Pierce s
Golden Medical
Overy 11 Om
with Vieasat
Pellets’ 1 have go
sleepic s8
letely :
mn healthy flesh,
invigorates the
puts «
Hexke, of No. 806
writes: “1
cularly in Sesh
and strengih My
liver was dreadfully
enlarged and 1 enuf
fered grestly
months I am eniis
ty relieved of m
disease My
tHe excellent
food well digested
much improved.”
Ape. Mes. Hexxe
bowels regular
. 1, Angelo, Rubens, Taso
The "LINEXE™ are the Best and Most Feonomi-
eal Collars as On ® worn. they are moade of Snes
cloth, both or nished alike, and being reversi
hie, One collar is equal to two of an ber kind.
Poey nt woear weil and look weil. A box of
en Collars or Five Pairs of Cuffs for Te uty-Five
» Sample Collar and Pair of Onis ¥ for Bix
Cente. Name style and size. Add
TT Franklin BL, New York, #7 Kilby St, Boston,
p for children
$5. Lo
Over One Miillca Peep
ty PR
. L. Dcuglas $3 & $4 Shoes
411 our shoes arc equally satisfactory
ive the best voloe for the money.
yal custom shoes In style and fit,
Their wearing qualities are unsurparsed.
The prices gre un rm, eeestamped on solo.
From £1 15 © 3 saved over other makes,
If vour dealer t supply youwecan
sg in order’
y nourished
rae eeescsssesatsaTeaTan
Agents Wanted. ¢
ab i
Write for Terme. Send § cents in
eA stamps Tor Han i
196-19 , City,
80 Nassau St, N
farm 35 yearsin
busioess: large tobacco seed fart In the
world. Repuiation of our ssofls second In
none. OCa'alogues mailed free. Larger sume
ber of Improved varies toan can « ¢ found
of any other Ist and at lower prices. R
L.R At LAND sEEP CO, yoo Hailfax Oo, Va
some On
NA LETTER of Taine sant
readers of this “er.
, 40 Wall oR XY.
out Pearline.
and it's never done well.
ine she can do twice as much,
and have it done better.
There is little work, less
wear, never the least harm.
Try Pearline, and see it
o for dirt ; when you see
irt—go for Pearline.
Peddlers and some unse
same as Pearline.” 1T'S FA
: - gond it back,
peddied, 35 FUCK, New Yor