rt AAA SO ON POO AR SP SRI THE NEW3 The old enpitol building at Atlanta was damaged by fire about $100,000, covered by insurance, —The commissioners of Brooks eounty; Georgia, issued a statoment saying nll the trouble there ways twenty-five white men, only about four of whom lived in the county. The statemen, says that there has Leen no race riot, —No case was made out against the seconds inthe prizes fight in Now Orleans in woich Andy Bowen was killed, ——The directors and the mapagers of the Commercial Dank, at St Johns, Newfoundland, wore arrested on the vcancge of preseating a false statement of the —Joha Moreland, an old soldier, was Ohio, —A at the caused by about bank found deal near Martins Ferry, man, who two days rogisterad Patnam House, New York, as Joseph Harri. in his bed — A bill was filed in the federal court ago man, Chicago, was found dead there, — at Springfleid, Il, asking for the foreclosure of a mortgage against the Louisville, Evans. ville and St. Louis (consdlidated) Railway ~At Cincinnati the Kouzhton Engineering Company ass Andrew J. Marsh, Liabilities 20,000; asset: £80,000, They accepted bonds for building water works, and could not same, Recently they were attached at Hills. boro, Ohio, and Harctiord City, Ind, The —At Piqua, Ohio, gldenea Henry and a sale of property. ed te realize on the firm will soon resume, - robbers entered the r ol Fecker while the family was absent, and se- cured between four and flve thousand dollars killed men were and bad a in cash, ——H, Clay Eazsll Nashville by Purdy Elis, partners in the dairy business, wus near The quarrel, has ordered that tea at St, Paul, Louis, Detroit Milwaukee be moro closely examined, Secretary Carlisle 1 St, and Whitecaps in Michigan bave made several attempts to kill the Rev. W, A. Wetscher, a Bapt st minister of Niles, Mich.——In a col lision between passenger trains on the H. & T. C. Railroad, near Waxahatchie, Texas two persons were fatally and a number of others seriously injured, ——Adolph Jacobsen was arrested in Chicago and taken to New York to anawer to the charge of being at the vaom head of a gung of swindlers he sent around the country to pass bogus checks on The over fifty indictme hotel proprietors,- 8t. Louis grand jury returned for alec tion his son being charged with bribery. burglars the and escaped fr Ala, — pany The object is Falls, Police Captain Johr York, was sentenced to 8 crimes, Sherifl-elect the jailer's head Mo wiaven Water-g "WB SRcK over the jail at The X been has on the bribe, 1 wounded two others a county, Ohio, killec pacy proposes to erect large steel Lorain, Ohio. Ol. Wm. Bundy, commander tho Sons of Veterans, bas sustain Sot ebarters to colored app colored applicants to form fasal of andaries to grant ants. He counsels a separate ization. —Jadge John C, Stallup bas filed a suit for a decree to prevent the city of 1 ma from paying light and water plant the has been swindled formed the comg lamber Ww. the engine house ol TRAD. any tr int arevt any more inlerest and G, E. Crane, and twenty cars the Central Vern by fire at Bu ranca § lumber fo Raliroad, were destroyed ton, Vt; los $150,000, insu wee Timothy stabbed and killed by Louis saloon at Seney, Mich, —— Mra, Sarah M.D, witseof Dr. J, M. N. Y,, has bomeopathie healer, Harry Menier, the jumper, ir Poughkeepsie Bridge Kane, a res Strete ’ Lee, of B the practice 1 anda gly up school, leaped m the wita bis 7 aud, apparently sustained no injary fre foolhardy aot. — Golden sbo instantly killed Bafus Willia quarrel, at named Wilkinson was wood, W. Va, on cattle Kehoe, of Benwood, W, Ya, fell {rom a rail road train, and was trouble in Brooks eounty, Ga, is Two Big Four trains collided near lLafay- ette, Ind , demolishing both locomotives and six freight oars and instantly killing Elijah Campbell, of Indianapolis, Thros masked mon enterad the homes of C, ~Samuel ms, in 8 drunken N Jo—A arrested the charge of false pretenoes,. Edward Lambertvilie, an near King- obia ning under f 1X killed, «wuThe race OVAL, won Lngineer through the house, aod a collection of ancient coins, Erickson sould not release himself for three hours — The grocery store of John McGlensey's Sons, in Philadelphia, was damaged to the entent of $75,000 by fire, fully coverel by insurance, The fire originated in the office, and was probably caused by an overheated stove, —w— A suit involving $130,000 was begun in the Superior Court, in New Haven, against the Metropoli av Insurances { ompany, Ly Dr. A. DB. Fuller, the assignee of forty-five policy- bolders, who elalm thers was not full settio- ment in the policies in the payment of the reserve dividend, — W, J. Quinn, ex-treus- urer of Mosa covnty, Col, who pleaded guilty of embezzling $16,000 of ihe county's funds, Las been sentenced tc the penitentiary for five years, Quinn lost the money in Denver gambling houses, ves cosimii sr IIIION 1 ssc sia =. MAY DISPLACE COAL Disgrans of a Dyvice for Burning Potroleum to Generate Steam. United States Consul Richman, at 8t, Gall, Switzerland, has transmitted to the State Di- partment, Washingtoa, diagrams and a do- tailed description of a new devieo for burn. fog petroleam to generate steam, known as the Leeman Baumvartner apparatus, The results obtained were strikingly success. ral, and in the opinion of experts indieatethe displacement of conlas stoam-producing fuel wherever petroleum ean be procured ———— A Si A dlapatelifrom Minister Denby, of Pekin, sys there is no truth in the report recently printed in somes American pap ns that Yo- fo-Na-La, the young wifo of the Emperor of Chios, had committed suicide. FIFTY-THIRD CONGRESS. CENATER. Frereexrn Day. --Fourteen speeches in connection with the prese. ation to the United States by the State of New Hampshire of the marble statues of Geoeral John Stark and Daniel Webster, were delivered in the United State Senate. At thelr conclusion 0:40 I. M. adjournment was taken, The only legislative business of any importance transacted was the passage of a bill making deflelency appropriations for Census Durenu and the Department of Justice for the cur- rent fiscal year. Bixreext Day. —The United Stales Sen ate was not io session to-day, BEVENTEENTH DAY. —A number ofthe sena- tors have already gone home to spend the bolidays, and when that body convened attendance, ‘I'he holiday adjournment resolution, which came over from the House shortly after the Senute met, caused some discussion, and Mr George (Dem. ), of Mississippi, at flist objected to ity consideration, expressing the opinion that in view of the large i Measures now peadine, the Senate sit through the holidays. He subsequently withdrew his ot jection, aad the resviu.lon was passed, number of im HOUSE, Firrzexta Day.—The debate or the rency Lill was comparatively s exercises in conneet tues of Wels +618, Sherry, of of the Bank and DBrosius, wosad the measure respectively, Sixrerxt Day. In the House ers ginia, Pendleton (Dem Pein.) ot . Messrs, Ha MeLaurin (Ix and Rawlin { Der Mr. Bpringer, ti the Banking and Currency sented the amendmen:s agree upon by the De the 0 yd were 1 and diekies { wa tee, And retary of the altered by the am a substit the subsiitute depend. SgvexTEENTR Day debate in the Houses WORK AND WORKERS. Tax Portsmouth Company’s mill at South Barwick, ter a shut Maine, bas resumed operations al down of six weeks, Taz Directors of the American cago and y the headquarters of Ww. Railway deeided $0 re net in ¢ jet in Ui * roan bea ti tis organizati Howard, imp says that vember 1 to December 8, 1804, {rom (bis country of passsngbra by was 25 ber, 544, and the arrivals during Ly» re, were 19.8588 Tus n Federati Denver defeated by a vote « proposed political platform, was adopted for the removal juarters of the Federation from New of labor, ag Denver adopted a resolution refusing to Ink American Fedor: ha f Labor “a yn say dealings with the Koights o The general det Presideat be anouai id in Pel iting the ray irniomen’s uni salaries made by th swivar ours and want nine hout was made in writing and a {ail- y comply tay use a slrixe, Tar nrbit inted to clo Maassilion controversy have unanimous report lishing abi i 16 re exi cents, Asis Ay means that the of 60 least 65, as they had hoped, the Ho miners wili be paid at the rate king Va ley, This coats, instead of a Ag a result of a conference held ia Wash- representatives ployes of the Southern and the ¢ ington between of the em- Railway Is of the various brotherhoods of iployes on the other hand, and W H. Baldwin, Jr., Third Vice President of the Bouthern Baliway Company, on the other, a trues of 60 days was declared, at the end which time the company is ubmit schedules of salaries and new rules and ulations lot the government of employes. DEFICIT INCREASING. Company railway en ol to paw ros National Expenses the Past Month Ezxcesd Receipts by 85,771,501 The receipts from cus'oms so far this month jamou nt to} £9,157,'51; from internal revenue, $5,240,150; miscellaneous, §1,171,- 189, making » total of 18,560,490, The ex- penditures during the month amount to £24, 341,000, leaving a deficit for the month of $5,771,501, and for the present fiscal year $28,066,643. The disbursements for pensions #0 far this fiscal year amount to abou: &71,.- 000,000. a HELD UP THE PASSENGERS, ——— Four Masked Robbers Relieve Travelers of Valuables. When the Chleago, Milwaukes & Bt. Pau; passenger train from South Dakota came iv Sioux City, Ia, four robbers went into one of the conehes some distance from the depot, They vised no revolvers, -but had masks on Nearly every passenger Was relieved of a watch or a pocketbook, “Just keep still, we are looking for a bau. dle,” ope of them said, as they went through the first man's pookets, Nota ban! was raised against them, i i i { THE INCOME TAX. Constituticnality of the Law to be Testeds Caso Before the Distriet Court. A despatch from Wasbington, The firet steps have been taken in the Disiriet Bu preme Court to test the income-tax law, counsel lor John GG. Moore, of FRyP: the eons:itutl nality o Jeremiah Wilson, as the New York banking firm of Moore & applied to Bchley, Judge Cole, of the equity branea of tue Bu preme Court of the District of « olumbia, for an order restraining Joha G. Miller, commis sioner of internal and colleetin sz a tax upon from his cause of the importance of the expected that the court will for the bearing. revenue, AnRrBsing '" ot mb fix an early day incoms action This is only one of a uum- ber of legal nttacks that wil oa be made here upon the income tax, and each suit wii be based upon different grounds, The mov is the intentlior { a number of the individ to . Moore's compliant » under six heads and his prayers nt corporations which be net earn , from whieh they pay « to bin and other stockholders, ‘he com ininant further states th ar incomes derived from the ia business, He further alleges that roquired t« 2 per ceat, on their earnings, wi to dividends paid outofnet e : he is required to pay a like 4 ridania & lividends received by him, CHINESE HAVE ENOU The Gover Celestial Commissioners assure yaitively be stated t} e the United United Japan and China, while engaged iat } Eiates SIAN tion, nndertaken even to discuss the All such matters as the of the war indemnity to be paid final peace, feated country. the guarantes pendence of Corea, the occu Arthur and the Island o left untouched for the dis commissioners, and the sole Ministers have been directed principals together to discuss term The News Confirmed. Tisx Terx, ~The Chinese Government has finally decided to send two env in order to treat for peace and an imperia; deeres sanctioning theappointmon: ol Chang Yin Huan and Shao for this purpose has been issurd, ys to Japan DISASTERS AND CASUALTIES Tue Denver Times bulldiag was damaged by fire to the extent of £50,000, Arptonso Smitu and William Hillon were kitled at Jeffersonville, Indiana, by the pre. ma‘ure explosion of a bias’, A boiler in Russell Dros,’ box [actory, at West Day City, Michigan, exploded, and Jolin Caleutt, George Plund, Albert Rahn, John B. Raun and Al Haverback wero killed, and three others were injured. One boy is missing, Witeiax A. Prue, of Indianapolis, ex: Chief of the Bureaa of S'atistios of Indiana, was found dead in a bath tub at the Visitors’ flome of Bt, Mary's Lustitute, in Terre Haute, “His death wos caused by drowning, as ho was lying in such & position he could not ex- tricute himsel A boller connested with an {llielt stili inthe neart of the o:ity of Quabes blew up, The building was badly damaged by tho explosion snd nine porsons were badly burned. Aser. gonnt of the aly polices named Remond owned the outfit, which has been seized by inland revenyo officials AT THE WHITE HOUSE. by the Prosident and Cabinet. The President and the members of the Cab- inet celebrated Christmas 10 an old fashion. ed way, making it essentially a family aflair, At the White House it was a genuine chil There the tile fhe pleasure of the Onos wis fi Christmas tree set in Hbrary, own, and Mrs, Cleveland hersel! added finishing touches to the whieh, tree, not of great proportions benutl, uily trimmed ani de with tiny parti. olored electric lamps in i time wax candles. for the little were numerous, and almost until noon ex press wagons and messsnyers came juden to the White House, ent remembered all Evoary fat turkey and to his persoani As usual the Presi employees in the House. ¥ President gave substantia 0x ample King retary ’ ar witl wttendants, Mrs, C Gavel little presen: for each of herself ved very rece ents, the President's to tiful glk The only guests at the White Mrs, ( the dinner was strictly leveland’s mother, Mes Preceding it, iittle members ( un White House to soe All the members Christmas ner at » with and per is largest gathering was at t ire the Secretary and Mrs, Seraior Woleott and Repro sentative Clark, of Mis i. are men of one Kidowy, each having hag one f those crgans removed Hey, W Langford, secretary f the Eola re 14 mistaxen wi LLut Bishop . ten Birk Hack { Blurpgeot strapping SOUS wWiO liave : a Dose sugges from any family team in the country Dr. Ts tions in the prehis ad of yortanes finished his excasa- the ls f great undas s neeropolis of Amorgcs, and the resuits are © the and pre-Mycacnean or isinad age. Harry OC. Daval, Dr the burden of ki for the study of iy cacnean Depow's lieutenant, relaxes fron gece 8 of owing all the the New York Centra’ by lakiog is an adept with the camera grapher. Rudyard Kipling, after sending his first two or three stories to nearly every publisher in England, finally sold them for $156 His last story brought him 1,000 for the English rights alone, For his Scolch engineer poem bie got even more than that for the different American, Buoglish, Iadian and Australian rights, John Jacob Astor modestly responds to the naw salutation of “Colonel” which military distinetion bas come to bim with his appoint ment as an aide on Governor-elset Morton's personal stafl. Mr. Astor is not the first of the family, however, to have the title of cok onsl, for his late uncle, John Jac ob, had i and in 1862 was io the fleid with the Army of the Potomae for a time. El cuuE— A BOY'S AWFUL REVENGE. Discharged a Shot Gun Into a Crowded Sohos Room, Fatally Wounding Four. Near Brundige, Ala, Wilton Bowden, 18 years old, fired a shot gun through a window in Pea River school house, Four pupils were fatally wounded. Mary Bryant, aged 14, who received twenty-ol. ht shots in the lungs; Lillian Bryant, aged 10, shot in the eyos and neck; Willie Black, aged 10, wounded in the neck and head, and Fore man Bow len, brother of the boy who did ine shooting, wounded in the breast, Bevera others reccaved slight wounds Bowden claims the shooting was aceiden, tal, but friends of Mary Bryant say it wae boouuses ber fathor refused iv slow Bowden to visit tho girl, IENNSYLVANIA ITEMS. Epitome of News Gleansd From Various Parts of the Btals At the reservoir, n Elmburst, Frank Pucelo, a laborer employed by the gas and water company, sustained Interna and his right heed and explosicn blown off and his arm badly lacerated by the left hnad was premalurs of a dynamite car iridge, John Jackson, a man 6) yenrs ol aze, em. ployed in the D, & H. mics, at Jermyn, Ds ths was sensed hind with found dead in the mine, been suffering for ssveral mon neuralzia of the stomach, but he Lad been able to at- end to bis work. He bad Danville Insane g r} ia iat srhondaie, coal train and ki le just been released from th 1 killed himself, Yandevar , of Beliwoo wandered from hon Mrs. B I tu dealin by burned t » Ines ove, W nen i othing had been body was very badly William H, Boyder, af returned to Wert Chests wife had Leen divoreed The Behuyikill ( funued con Fires visit and Bal! a block of about £30,000 usurance, $20 Policeman Gallagher, cidentally Brown, whom he was trying to arrest DISTRESS IN NEERASKA, caused 000, ol Wilkes-Darre and fatally shot a man name farmers Flod, Leaving The the Fiel A bl en on Nebraska, asd a ¢ bat Perkins county he evor saw, ereaks or a sign of anything that would give stock iat was there was in ndent saye the most desolate ¢ nnty is 1 » rivers ot Oro Are n moisture or produce bay. But litte pid be seen, though w good condition. A few doseried sod huts and frame houses ware seen, and there were habitations the other goods of their owners when they loft Farm implements were seen in the flelds and at a distance substantial grasaries stood left County signs here and there that some had been taken down and removed with just as their owner had them. represanting about 8,600 people are in desti, tute condition. This is about three. fourths of the county's population, We are facing the most desperate situation in our history." ‘“T'hie suffering here,” says the correspon. dent, “is the most general of any county 1 have yet visited, The people who are desti- wate will not survive unless succorded soon.” President Nason, of the Nebraska State Relief Commission secured a carefully pre- pared report of the number of destitute fam- files in the different counties where there wore crop fallures as follows: Caster County, £50 tamnilios; Chase, 225: Dundy, 130; Hitoh cock, 350; Redwillow, 100; Hayes, 200; Fron. tier, 40; Furnas, 100; Lincola, 700; Dawson, 45; Keith, 200; Deul, 4; Cherry, 4; McPherson, #0; Walne, 20; Boyd, 250; Holt, 50; Antelope 80; Keyapaha, 25; Knox, 25. Coalributions are coming in, but not as fast as they should. The commission bas earefully gone over the finid and none but the deserviag are to be as sisted. i RI. os 120 REBELS BURNED. Brazilian Troops Sot Fire to a Hospital at Ban Gab. isl A house at Ban Gabrie!, used as a hospital wns burned, adviess received Montevideo ro- port, by Bazi jan troops. More than 120 rebels perished, Several who tried to escape were forced back into the flames by layonets, Over 200 Cras Alta and have gone over to the rebels. NOTES AND COMMENTS, Tue first sailing vessel to be li ed by electricity is said to have been the Spanish bark La Vigusea, a buik- oil ard general-carzo carrier. Bhe is fitted throughout with incandescent the power by ishics power Len she is loading or ols ghbs for the dynamo urnighed a smal ollengine, pump i to at for the cure of has been invented it 8 CcoOn~- in vi- gmall electro-motor 600 turns a minute. is described as makes snsation, which 2 _. # 5. , produces drowsiness; ft ine Is asleep under f that the d awakes to find Cra30nR the worst iK¥) to Y 1 WEY, bec n the flow harness will Ariel will do his sub- with ontward token of his existence save in the effects pro- That such will be the case is tricians to be no wild he iarved as energy ul wmrnessed to do the work of 3 tie service no fancy. ¥ IN¥ a recent address to the Royal Photographic Society, Sir Henry Trueman-Wood summed up very concisely the various services which photography had rendered to science, First comes its association with the telescope and the spectroscope, which has placed modern astronomy on a new basis, and its work asa i1ecarder of scientific observations. The me- teorologist has by the «id of photo- graphy been enabled to study the form and nature of clouds, and the shape and character of the lightning flash, The zoologist has been en- abled to trace the real character of animal motion. The microscopist has for a long time relied upon the camera as the only accurate means of producing the forms of organisms too small for the eye to see; while the physicist has by photographie methods been enabled to investigate phenomena in which changes occur too rapidly for the eye to detect. Photography is also extensively used in anthropology, geology, ge and arch®ology ; and it has his observations, ylies the me. 8 ! yy