The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, November 29, 1894, Image 7

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Drop a Nickel {1 the Slot,
The roar of Niagara has been
auy part of America for a small fee
messes AMER — ie sinntorimntn
Homos of the He! Man.
There are 147 Indian reservations
in the United States.
tsi cosets
SiE—1t takes two to make a bar-
gain, you know. He—Yes: but only
une gets it!—Boston Courier
sa ——ie
A Pertinent
“Our country if r.eght,
should be kept right
if wrong should be put right,” is a politieal
maxim which paraphrased applies to other
eonditions o! life, our health if right,
should be kept right ; if wrong should be put
right, especially in bodily aliments, such as
pains and aches, which Ht, Jacobs Qil
romptly cures, Many out of work should
eed to give it a chance? to cure and it will
give them a chanos to go to work cured,
Another ndave is : “*he doeth best, who doeth
well,” Wall, of course, you want to be well
from all sorts of and the best thiaz to
do is to use the great remedy. He who does
80 18 doing well indeed,
The man who minds his own business will
always have business to mind,
Beware of Olntments far Catarrh That
Contain Mercury,
as mercury wil surely
smell and completely d
when entering it throu
Bach articles,
damage they wili doi
car possibly derive frou . Hali's Catarrh
ture manufactured by Cheney & Co,
Toledo, O., contains no mercury, nT is taken
internally, acting directly upon the blond ant
mucous surfaces of the system. In buy
Hail's Catarrh Cure be sure toget the gen
it is taken internal nd is made in Tol
0 io, by. «J. Chen ke Te timonials ree.
E¥Soid t ¥ Druggists, price 150. per bottle.
You eo
ean stop 3
destroy tO sansan of
range the whole system
the mucans surfaces.
except on
an<, as the
dtot he good you
1't stop a vile man’s tongue,
ir own
but you
A Child Enjoys
The pleasant flavor, gentle ac mothe
ing effect of Syrup of Figs, when in need of a
laxative, nnd if the
ion and
father or mother be cos
tive or billions, the most gratifying results fol
low its use: so tha
ody known and
tit is the best family rem
every [amily should have a
wea a
ifafMllicted withsore eyes
sins Ek
y%e Dir, Issac Thom
e-water. Druggists soll at 25¢ por bottle,
Criticism is one form of
Mr, James H. Ashion
i Am Well
Thanks to Hood Sarsapari]
of rheurn
Hood's :
29%°299% parilla
la. which cured me
wntismn and uleers oa my leg. which |
bad for years and ox
aot cure
Pills standard
J. H
birid ee
on Inlington
t watchman
N. H.
West Rochester,
Take Hood' 5 Pilla w wi
Hood's Saraparilia
Canbemade working for
ue. Parties preferred woo cad
$12 10 $35: Res esteem ac
throw of * § a team,
Y 3 in wows awd
eities. Ju: mn and wo oe 1 character will find
this an exceptional oppor unity for profitable
Pp ovoent Soare hours may be dase] 10 good advan
11th and Main mts, Richmond, Va.
-afF REE lea
Oneof the Larg®t and Best COOK
BOOKS patd shod
for 20 Large Lion beads cut from Lion
Color wrappers, and a Teent stainp
Write for list of our other boing Fre
wine Woot Leon Arce
£0 ¥ ¢ CLEDO. Eire
13 Gents a Lh,
CEO. W, HARDER, Williamag ort, Pa,
Don’t leave
home mad
If your breakfast
doesn’t happen to
To have
For breakfast
The Eminent Brooklyn Divine’ 8 Sun~
cay Sermon.
Subject: “The Bick General.”
fexr: *“He was a leper,” II Kings v., 1.
Here wa have a warrior sick, not with
pleurisies or rheumntisma or consumptions,
at with a disease worse than all thess put
together, A red mark has come out on the
forehead, precursor of complete disfigure-
ment and dissolution, I have something
awful to tell you, General Naaman, the
eymmander in chisf of all the Syrian forces,
has the leproay! It is on his hands, on his
face, on hie feet, on his entire person, The
leprosy! Got aut of the way of the pesti-
lene! If hie breath strike you, you are a
dead man, The commander in chiaf of all
the forces of Syrian! And vet he would be
glad to exohanee conditions with the boy at
his stirrup or the hostler that blankets his
charger, The news goes lke wildfire all
through the realm, and the people are sym-
pathetic, and they ery out, “Iz it possible
that our great hero, who slew Ahab and
around whom we came with such vouifera-
tion when he returned from victorious bat-
tle—aun it be possible that our grand and
glorious Naaman has the leprosy?”
Yes, Evervbody has something he wishes
he had not—David, an Absalom to disgrace
him ; Paul, a thorn to sting him ; Job, ear-
buncies to plagus him : Samson, a Delilah
te. shear him : Ahab, a Naboth to deny him ;
Haman, a Mordeeal to {rritate him : George
Washington, a childlessness to afflist him:
John Wesley, a termagant wife to pester
Mm: Leah, weak eyes; Pope, a crooked
back : Byron. a eoluh foot; John Milton,
blind eyes ; Charles Lamb, an insane sister,
nnd you and you
vou never bargained
get rid of,
does not want
for and would
The reason
thiz world to ba too bright
eat these fruits and lie on these lounges and
shake hands in the pleasant society,
are only in the vestibule of a grand temple,
God doss not want ns to stand on the door
step. and therefore He sends aches and annoy.
ances and sorrows and bereavements of all
ports to push us on and push us up toward
riper fruits and brighter society and
radiant prosperities, God is only whipping
us ahead, The reason that Edward Payson
and Robert Hall had more rapturous views of
heaven than other had was beacause,
through the and pains, God pushed
them nesrer If God dashes out ene
of your pietures, it is only to show 10 you
brighter ons, it He 14 f
ir aches
up to it,
your foot w
gout, your brain with neuralgia, your tongus
with an inextingushable thirs:, itis only be-
cause He is preparing to s {ter
body than you ever d
mortal shall put on in
It is to push
toward something grander an A
God = vou, as He did ug
oral Naaman, something
Seated In his Syrian sion,
K Metering 1 with the shiel
when the
batter that
wn Gen-
do not want,
all the wal
be bad cap-
fed with
ited to
ads ar
iw whioh
to piety
Years, . ob, yw the
how the visit the hall,
sav “hers 10.000
dim xd
and ho
was a leper!
yusie drops He string,
a slam shut
read the
the gate Ans
sepuichral bang as yo
words of the enlogium!
He was a leper”
There was ons person more sympathetie
with General Naama Te anv
son. Naaman's wife wal ha floor,
ing her hands and trying to think w
1 d leviate her husband's »
All remedies have fallad, The surgeon
eral and the doctors of the royal stall have
met, and they have shaken their heals, ss
much as to say, “No eure, no sure.” | think
other por
at she
Poh 2
i gone home. Probably
the satabiistime
anil were t
e olher situation.
me of poor Naanan's wife?
sympathy somewhere. In
little Hebrew cap.
house, 10 whom
she tells the whole an Hines
when overbo the sorrows of the worid
and finding no sympathy anywhere else, you
have gone out and lound in the sympathy
of some Bumble lomestie or Dinah or
Bridget—a help which the world could not
give you
What a scene
women in all
waiting maid over the
the mighty general! “I know somethi
says the little captive matd, “I know Some
thing,” as she boan is 10 her bare feet,
the land from waileh I was stolen thers 8 a
eertaln prophet known by the asma
Elisha, who ean cure almost anything, and
I shouldn't wonder if he could cure my
master. Send for him right away.” “Ob,
hush!" vou say “If the highest medioai
talent in all the land cannot cure that leper,
there is no neal of Your listening toany alk
ol a servant girl,” But do not scoff, do aot
sneer. The finger of that litle captive maid
is pointing in the right direction. She might
have said : *‘This is a judgment upon you
for stealing me {rom my native land,
they snatch me off in the night, breakine my
father's and mother's hearts, and many »
time I have lain and erie! all night because
I was so homesick? Then, flushing ap
into ehile lish indignation, she might have
said: “Good for them. 1'm glad Naaman's
got the leprosy. I wish all the Syrians had
the leprosy.” No. Forgetting her personal
Sorrows, she sympathizes with the suffering
of her master and commends him to the
famous Hebrew prophet,
And how oiten it is that the flager of
recom mencations an
most of the empl
had dropped their work
of looking for som
shall now
She must have
her despair she
tive, a servant girl
oyes of
HOE tO 8
in her
story som
end by
it was—ones of
ris in ead
the gran les!
nat council with a
lining heaith
Aes of
right direction ! © Christian soul, how lone
is it since you got rid of the leprosy of sin?
You say, “Let me see,
now.” Five veare,. Who was it tha: pointed
you to the Divine Paysician? “Ob.” you
say, ‘it was my little Amis or Fred or
didn't become a Christian, and,
time stroking my chepk, so |
not get angry, insisted upon
I didn't have family prayers.
grandparents who have been brought to
Christ by their little grandehildren., There
are hundreds of Christian mothers who had
their atteption first called to Jesus by thelr
little children. How did vou get rid of the
leprosy of sin? How did you find | your way
to the Divine Physician? “Ob,” you say,
“my child, my dying child, with wan
and wasted finger, pointed that way.
Oh, I naver shall forget.” you say, “that
soene at the eradio and the erib that awful
night, It was hard, bar!, very hard, but if
that little one on ts dyine bed had not
pointed me to Christ I don't think I ever
would have got rid of my leprosy.” Go into
the Sabbath-school any Sunday, and you will
find hundeads of Httle neers pointing In the
same direction, toward Jesus Christ and to.
ward heaven,
Yours neo the astronomers ealeulated that
there must be a world hanging at a esrtain
point in the heavsos, and a Jarge was
offered for some one who could discover that
world, The telescopes from the great ob-
sarentories wers pointed in vain, but a girl
at Nantuoket, Mass, fastioned a telescone,
and looking through it discovered that star
and won the prizs and the admiration of all
the astronomical world, that stood amazed
at her genius, And 80 it 1% often the case
that grown eannot see the light,
while some little ohild bebolds the star of
don, the star of hope, the siar of conso-
the star of Bathiehem. the morning
TT ot many mighty men, not
— men ave called, bur nath
the weak th Ed the world to eon.
the mighty Dawa tine dd things
Rat are not to bring to nang: things
Are." On, ao not despise the
| little children when they are speaking about
{God and Christ and hesven., You see the
| way yourehild is pointing, Will you take that
i pointing or walt until, inthe wrench of somn
{ awful bereavement, God shall 1ift that child
[to another world, and then it will beckon
you upward? Will you take that pointing,
or will you wait for the beckoning? Blessad
be God that the little Hebrew eaptive point.
ad in the right direction. Blessed be God
for the saving ministry of Christinn children,
No wonder the advice of this little He.
brew euptive threw all Naaman's mansion
and Bep-hadad's palace into excitement,
Goodby, Naaman! With face soarifised and
ridgad and inflamed by the pestilence and
aided by those who supported him on either
side, ha staggers out to the chariot, Hold
fast the flary counrsers of the royal stable
whils the poor sick man lifts his swollen
feet and pain struek limbs into the vehiele,
Joister him up with the pillows and let him
take a lingering look at his bright apart-
ment, for perhaps the Hebrew eaptive may
be mistaken, and the next time Nasmau
comes to that place he may be no dead weight
on the shoulders of those who earry him, an
expired chieftain seoking sepuiturs amid the
Ismentations of an admiring nation. Good-
by, Nanman! Let the eharioteer drive gen.
tly over the hills of Hermon, lest he jolt
the invalid, Here goes the bravest man
of all his day a eaptive of a horrible disease,
As the ambulance winds through the streets
of Damascus the tears and prayers of all the
people go after the world renowned Invalid,
Perhaps you have had an invalid go out
from your house on a health exzarsion. You
know how the neighbor stood uround and
said, “Ah, he will ne ir come back again
alive,” Ob, it wax a sod nn moment,
i you, when the invalid had departed, and
| you went into the room to make the bed,
{ and to remove the medicine vials from the
i shelf, and to throw open the shutters, so
| that the fresh alr might rush into the long
{ closed room. Goodby, Naaman!
There is only one cheerful face
him, and that is the laos the little
Hebrew oaptive, who is sure will get
{ cured, and who is 80 glad she helpad him,
As the chariot winds our and ths escort of
mounted calitiors, und (he mules, laden
{ with sticks of gold unl silver and em-
| broidersd suit of apparel, went throuzh
{the gates of Damascus and out on the [ang
{ way, the hills of Naphialia and Ephraim
look down on the prossssion, and the re
| tinue goes rizht past the battiefields where
inthe days of his health used to
Bs tr000s for ria: onset, and then
processioa stops and reclines awhile in
yes olive and
| Knaman so siek, ry.
Bon the countrymen gaped as
i glon passed! They had seen
past lnys RQ
looking at
like an whirlwind in d
had stood aghast at the clank
gipments, but now )
say : “Poor b
man, Os %
ne alive! Poort ™m
General Nas Hn wi
‘How lon
t Elisha?"
wavsi or. “How
ms?" He says, "Two
ies’ Then they whip
fagzed out horses, Tt
# up
ghtens ap
They drive up to
The ahariote
and tram ping hoofs and grinding
Come out,
at the pro
are shout *
Xo stir ins
the Lord had
eapiain was
Indead, wo
The fact was,
ish Af that the sick
WwW Lo tres him,
ithe Lord wants you to ge
He always tells the doctor bo
re and resson we have
bungling doctors 8 because they depend
upon their own Strength sand instrocotions
and not on the Lord God, and that aiways
makes malpractice, b Elisha,
attend to your business,
General Naaman and
and waited and waited,
Naaman had two
leprosy. The ons was as
as the other. Elisha sits quistiy in bis
houses and does not go ont, After awhile,
wasn he thinks oe has hambied tius prog
man, he says to a servant, “Go out and
General Naaman to bat
river Jordan, out
will gt entirely
out. “What!
the SO many
yme oul, an i
fart was,
pride and
hard to get rid of
his retinus
Lhe oe
yonder five miles, and
well.” The moemage
says the commander
the Byrian forees, his eve Kind
an animation which it had not st
| weeks gad his swollen foot stamping
of the chariot, regariless of
“What! Isn't he coming out to see
Why, I thought certainly he would come and
utter some eabalistie words over me or make
some enigmationl puss over my wounds
Why, 1 don't think he knows who |
am. fsan’t he osming out? Why, when
the Shunamite woman cams to him, he
rushed out and eried : “Is it wall with thes?
Is it well with thy basbani?
thy ehild? And will he treat a poor
known woman like that and jet me,
| personage, sit hers in my chariol
and wait? I won't endure it any longer.
| Cnarioteer, drive on! Wash la the Jordan!
Ha ha! The slimy Jorian the muddy Jor
dau-~the monotonous Jordan! [I wouldn't
be seen washing In suen a river as that,
Why, we watered our horsss in a better river
than that on our way here—the beautiful
river the jaspar paved river of Pasrpar. Be.
| sides that we have in oar country another
| Damascene river, Abana, with foliaged bank
and torrent ever swift and ever clear, under
| the flickering shadows of syoamore and
of Damascus, better thas all the waters of
Inrnel 7
I suppose Naamas feit very much as
Americans would feel if, by way of medieal
on the
and walt
wash in the Danube or the Rhine We
would answer, "Are not the Connecticut and
the Hudson just as wood?™ Or as an Eng
lishman would feel if hs were told, by way
go and
wash in the Mississippi or tis St Law.
ireoe, He would ery ont, *‘Are not the
Thames and the Shannon just as well?”
The fact was that haughty Naaman neaded
to lesrn what every Eaglishman nnd every
hat + en God
it, whether you understand the reason or not,
Take the presoription, wonether you Hike it or
not, One thing is certain. Unless haughty
Naaman does as Elisha commands him, he
will die of his awlul sickness, And uniess
you do as Christ commands you you will be
suinnd upon by an everlasting wasting away,
hey and live ; disobey and die, Thrilling,
aL, undergirding, stupendous
Well, General Naaman could not stand the
test. The charioteer gives a jork 10 the right
Hine until the bit snaps inthe horse's mouth,
and the whir of the wheels and the flying of
the dast show the indignation of the great
commander. “He turnsd and went away in
nrage.” Bo people now often get mad at
religion. They vituperate against ministors,
against churobhes, against Christian people,
One would think from their irate behavior
that Gol had been studying how to annoy
And exXas e and demolish them, What
has He b doing? Only trying to cure
their death dealing leprosy, ‘That is all
Yet they whip up their vorses, they dig in
the spurs, and they go away in a rage,
Ho, after all, it poems that this hesith ax.
servants clamber u in
it and conx him to do as Elisha said,
say: “It'seasy. If the prophet bad told
you to walk tor a mile on shnrp spikes in or-
Come, my lord,
this Jordanic bath," “Well”
he says, ‘to please vou I will
do As yon pay.” The retinue
driva to the brink of the Jordan, The horses
paw and neign to get into the stream them-
selves nod eool their hot flanks, General
N saman, assisted by his attendants, gets
Guan ou’ of h's eharlot and painfully comes
to the brink of the river and steps in until
the water com=24 to the aakle, an! goes on
deap ar nutll the water comer (0 the girdle,
and now standing so tar down in the stream
just a lrtle inclination of ths head will
thoroughly Immerse him, Hoe bows onca
into the flood and comes un and shakes the
nostril and eve, and his attend-
ants look at him and say, “Why, general,
how much botter you do look!”
And he bows a sscond time* into
the flool and comes up, and the
wild stars 8 gone out of his eye. He
bows the third time Into the flood, and comes
up, and the shriveled skin has got smooth
again, He bows ns fourth time into the flood
had fallen
out is restored : thers sre thick locks again
all over the head, H#s bows the fifth time
into the flood, und comes up, and the hoarse
ness has gone out of his taroat, He bows
the sixth time and comes and all the
soreness and anguish have gons out of the
body. “Why,” be saye, “Iam almost well,
but I will make a complete cures, and so Le
bows the seventh time into the flood and he
Comes up, nnd not so muca as a fester ora
scale or an eruption as big as the head ofa
pin is to be seen on him,
He steps out on the bank and says
possible?’ And theattendants look
“Is it possible?” And as with the
an athletes he bounds back into the
and drives on thers goss up from all
tendants a wild “Huazza, huzza!’ Ol
sink the
God for his counsel so fraught with
the prophet's
They have
ust try
+s It
und say,
health of
his at -
*oure: "
want off mad, eoms hae
# ministe
onveried they
Now we ars to them an int
uss we teil them to
thingstha: #0 against (he gralr, but some o
us have a great many otters from those who
Ii us that ones they were angry at what we
shad, ifterward cindly receivad
our hands salted
us fanatics or terro or etistmiss,. Now
they call us friends, Yonder sa un who
sald he would never cone into the church
swirain, He said that He said,
“My family shall never comes hers again ll
dooctr as that are preached.” Bat
enid his famiiv eame again,
his wile ail
Christians, the HER.
i you
than do
able nuisance bees
ROSpel at AUeY Once «
aristian A Carslian,
a OC}
i whole bh
an sin
nine ight ay s expect to ride
into td king io Oo i Never
We gw find
il we
ir pride,
feds and
Get down
yoar ayy seri
That ist
K fiers, It
us from
all got 1
have 1 nake
have io
is oar in
ha ia
on « f&rnas
1 a al
. pen breed
ho: sinners
. I balieve Ths
int gran
gal 1
He bad to
carefal with ’ tion
t and benati.
are is
5 s into mn brig
Ah y hearer, th
brighter than any that j
[tis the 80351 that b
granite of the eternal hills, It is
{ pardon an! pease and an
hat foo | started ia the tears of Cf
the swenst of Gethsamane snd rolled on,
until ail earth and heaven
4 eharish od it the
sin and uscieasnneme,
Hled it toe “fountain Alled
Your fathers and mothers
their sins and sorrows away in
Oh, my hearers, you not
wading into it? Wadeadown now
glorious flood, deeper, deeper,
Pilange once, twice, thrice, lout
times, soven times, It
will take as muca as that to cute your soul,
be clean’
I suppose that was us great time at Damas
cus waen General Naaman got back
chariotears did not have to drive slowly any
font they 0’ the invalid, but as the
horses dashed through the strests of Damas.
propie rushed out to hail
Naaman s wife hardly
He was won
deriully changed she had to look at him two
that it
in it.
“fountain open
with blood”
washed all
maid, she rushed out, clapping her
“Did he cure you? Did
Thea music woke up the pals
ace, and the tapestry of the windows was
that the multitude outside
mizht mingle with the princely mirth inside,
he cure you?’
Damascus that night
man's cured! Nsamau's cured!” But a
gladder time than that it would be if your
soul should get cured of ite leprosy. The
chariot would rush the news into th eteraal
eity. Our loved ones before the tarone
would welcome the gind tidings, Your enils
dre on earth, with more emotion than the
litle Hebrew ecapilive, would notice the
change in your look and the change in your
manner and would put their arms around
your neck and say: “Mother, [ guess you
must have become a Christian, Father, 1
think you have got rid of the leprosy.”
Lord God of Elisha, have mercy onusl
i — a
Utility of Compressed Air,
In the West Shore shops, at New
Doarham, N. J., compressed air is
utilized in various ways. Oil is emp-
tied from barrels into tanks by ite
means, and oars are rapidly and ef.
fectually cleaned. It is the most
and crevice and rooting out dust, dirt
and shreds with lightning rapidity,
It even penetrates to the depths of u
holstery and tufting, There is talk
of introducing it into the hotels,
where iustead of the maid with broom
and dust-pan we may soon see a stal-
wart man with a hose blowing the
dust out of the rooms and cleaning
them as beater and whisk-broom have
never been able to do, —~New York
RL IIIA 0 34 SM.
The big diteh exoavated for the
pose of draining the Tow Sena
and contingent swamps in Calhoun
County, Towa, is twenty-six miles long
and twenty feet wide
Highest of all in Leavening Power.— Latest U. 8, Gov't Report
Reval poe
The Ide
Thomas Sheridan, the father of
Lady Dufferin, once displeased bis
father, who, rewmonstradi with
him, exclaimed
“Why, Town, my fa
never have permitied
to Have » Torty-ftory |
The lofty balldings now in existence
in our cities are as infants to grown
men, as compared with the edifices in
sontemplation, says Demorest’'s Maga
rine, Among other massive fabrics, a
New York newsjape F COMmPAny has be-
gun the erec tion of an of building
which is to contain forty stor
is to rise to the height of
Swift and poweriul poeumatic
vators are to furnish ace 10
many floors. Fach vator is
posed from its constr
iutely safe: ite fall, were such an event |
possible, being harmiess by
he bottom A build
nantes) cou
Kew York Soon
ther would
me 0 ado such
said his son. in a
the greatest ind fon,
presume Compare your
to my father?”
tone of
‘do you
wh it
VOR Dy. Ellmer's Ewanr-Noor
4 oF 1
all K and
Yamphiet and Coz
lab Orato ry Binghamton
tion to be abso
$ert nt 4
ing o! suel
hn helght
There fore the arch
system of!
Las .
inerior 3
air ¢
& great Viol purifier,
. Bow, cs. SL
3 Earl's Clover Root. ti
not i
ves freshness and cle:
+90 And cures constipai
upon const?
* Gey
of the
ole Iremework
imi &
oda Fiuttery
i aorie
the whi is enti <
Syrup for children
ues inflamms.
Zoe. a bottle
rere of
f the of "wa \ Mra. Winslow's Boot
pendent of the outer on 8, i MS teething, poitens: the 2 3%, Ie
thie Hoors and ng colul tion, cures wind
1000 deep snk ba cs in the ce
CRse O
Ailays pain of
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