HOOD’S IS THE BEST Fall Medicine, because it purifies, vitalizes and enriches the blood, and therefore gives strength to resist bad effects from Colds, Catarrh, Rubcumatism, Pasumonia, Malaria, the Grip, ete. Take it now and avoid the danger of serions illness. It may save you many dollars in doctors’ bls, Be sureto get toons amd only Hoon's. “I can truly 00d’s sarse- 2evcve parilic recommend Hood's Sarsapariila ns sn ex- LIFES colleat medicine, | have taken tour bottles D097 and I am letter than [ years past. I was all run down, my limbs swelled and my blood was in a very bad con- dition. Now I am free irom neuralgia and better in every way.” Mes H, Convrxion, Hame, N. Y. Be sure to get Hood's, Hood's 'ilin¢ dice indigestio ., sick bes ‘ache. 20 cents Thunder Kills Fish, An electrical storm in St recently deprived many both in residences and show win. dows, of their silver and goll fish Thunde lightning are judged by Louis aquariums, and |i n.d fishermen and proprietors of ani 11al stores to be the cause of the Jeath of the fish which are found floating on their backs for several mornings after an electric storm. A St. Louis elecirician gives it as his opinion that the concussion of the thunder breaks the air .chamber which by compression cause the fish to sink and by expansion to tw the surface rise i ——————— Times, It is net fact men are said to be out of quent loss of time, piacy and Hiard mareiy tha that a million Work with conse. that thers are other aggravidions saperadded, growiag out of the williul neglect ol s0 maay, that make tho times seem hard, indeed, Lf bet ier tines w t houd and good places open to nll that ¢ i He, there are thousands who would betol sit to go 10 work by reason of the negiee: of some infirmity whieh totaliy unit hem 10 accept a prol fered cusuce, betier opportunity rouid ther their physical tion in go vuloresd néss Lives out of tur bard times so mae fo make anyvibing i BO economy al ail flieing healti and Lrain ing is possi Hi. liso things that tae finally overaie nafs who iat eRe ae moasy, makes the times seam so tough, but iv ur ¥yhat got eoudis ile than the i rofl ) ther » do 80 is making p do 20 Is making It is poor logle WwW Worse, and it is cXpetine Ly sacri nn wahls brawn, 13CiH mis ot 10 ler, Rr welll Pica atiment 0 looked mt Lones, | Sirs Al Bdure atl de Hua patus soul Te Mos | old me BCLs we if Het led treated at minutes ture certain a Workinguea higuivr, otalitn ww Basd lun a We know plenty of people who are too nice. feith ino peopie is being HaviNGg fooled. How's This! We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of CUstarri that cannot be cured by fall's Uatars Cures Bal F. J. Caney & Co., Propa., Toledn, 0, We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Che. ney-for the last 15 years, and believe Lin tectly honorahio in all business tran snd financ’ally ably to carry out an tion made by ther firm. West & Troax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Oulo, Warni a, i - OLR Kixvan & Manvin, Wholesale ean, au ly, act. ar JOUVIRS WIP. . per bottle. Sold Testimonials free. tt ag directly upon the blood [aces of the aysie rice, by ail Druggista, i" Belf-confid there is goo excelent an United Whisky these lise nan in the Bt tes interested in the inm and habits to have my THORS sases. Address B. M. Walley, Box 381. and one will be rent you me of Atlanta, free Gi. It's a good plan wh it to make the best of n you get the worst of it. KN Brings comfort and improvement and fends to personal enjoyment when rightly D The many, who live bets ter than others and enjoy life more, with less expenditure, by more promptly adapting the world’s best products to the needs of physical being, will attest the valus to feaith of the pure liquid laxative principles embraced in the remedy, Syrup of Figs Its excellence is due to its presenting fn the form most acceptable and pleas ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of a perfect lax- ative ; effectually cleansing the system, Gispelling colds headaches and fevers permanently ‘curing constipation, It has given satisfaction to millions and met, with the approval of the medical profession, because it acts on the Kid- meys, Liver and Dowels without weak. e them and it is-perfeetly free from every nable substance, Syrup of Fit in for sale by all drug. gists in 50c and $1 bottles, but it is man- ufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, whine nate is printed vy every kage, also the name, Syrup Jd being well informed, you will uot accept any substitute if OPIUM £2532: Bee igid REV. DR. TALMAGE Th eEminent Brooklyn Divine's Sun- day Sermon. Subject: “The Lookin; Glasa" ——— Teese: “ad he made the laver of brase, and the foot of it wns of brass, of tha looks ing glasses of the women assembling.’ Exodus xxxvill., 8. Wa often hear abont tha gnsnel in John, nnd the gospel in Luke, and the gospel in Matthew, but there is just ne surely a gospel of Moses, and an gospal of Jeremiah, and a gospel of David, In other worlds, Christ is as certainly to ba found in the Old Testa- ment as in the New, When the Jsraelites wera marching throuzh the wilderness thev earried their church with tham, They called it the taber- nacle, It was a nitehad tent, very costly, very beautiful, The framework was mada of forty-oight hoards of acacia wood set in rockets of sllvar, The ourtalns of the piaen were purple and seariet and blue and fine linen and wera hung wilh most artistic loops. The candlesticks of tabernizie had shaft and hranch and bow! of solid gold, and the figures of cherubim that stood there wings of gold, and there ware lamps of gold, rings of gold, so that skenticism has some- i that precious ma- terial coma from? It is not my place to fur. nish the precious stones, it is only to tall that they were there, laver that was built in the fast, The water came down from the basin in spouts and away alter the cleansing, This laver or basin was made out of the looking gmiasses oo! the women who had [requentsd tabsrnscle and who had made these their eostributions to the furniture. These looking ginsses wore not meade of glass, bat they were brazen, The brass was of a very superior quality and polishad until ft reflactad sasily the features of thosa who locked into it, so that this Inver of looking glasses spokan of in my text did double work, It not only furnishad tha water in which the priests washed them. salves, but it also, on its shining, polished surface, pointed ont the spote of pollution on the face which neaded abiution. I have to say that this is the only looking glass ino which a man can see himsalf as he fa, There are some mirrors that fiaiter the features and make vou look better than you are, Thenthers are other mirrors that dis. tort your features and make vou look worse than you are, but I want to tell you that this looking-ginsz of the gosnal shows a man just as he ls, When the priests enterad the ancient tabernacle, one glance burnished side of this laver them their need of eclaansing. So this gospel shows the son! its divine washing, “All have sinned and soma short of the glory of God.” That is one showing. “All we, lke sheep, have gona astray.” That is showing. “From the crown of the bead to t is of the foot there ia no health in us showing. The world calls . imperfect or siricitien, or ereaties behavior, or or “high Hving,” but the gospel ealis thom sip, transgression, flith—the abominable thing that Gol hates, It just ona glance at that mirror that Paul cory . wretehol man am, who liver me and that me with hyssop, and shall 1d that made Martin Luther © sine, my sins!” 1 mn not talking al bad habits a and 1 do pot need any tell us that bad habits are wrong, bissnhemy and evil speaking are wrong, Bat 1 am talking of a sinful nature, the souros « il bad thoughts ans well as of all bad actions. The Apostle Paul calls their roll in the first chapter of Romans, They are a regiment of death en eamping around every bear? holdingit in a tyranny from which nothing but the grace eo! God ean deliver it, flere, for {nstance, is ingratitude, has not been guiliy of that It a man hand us a giass of water we sa “Thank vagu,” hut forthe 10.000 mercies that we ars wyery day receiving from the hand of God ) little expression of gratitude—Tfor thirst akad, for hunger fod, for sheiter, and san- shine, and sound aleap, and clothes to wear, little thanks! I supp thers men fifty years of who have never vel been down orth kaees in thanksgiving to God for His goodness, Besides that ingrati- tude of oar hearts there is pride~wno has not feit t7—pride that will not submit to God ; [hat wants its own way a nature that prefers wrong sometimes instead of right, that prefers 10 wallow instead of rise up. If you could eateh a glimpse of your natur. al heart before God, you would ery out in amazement and alarm. The very first thing this gospel doss is to cut down our pride and self sufficiency. 1f a man does not feel his loss and ruined condition before God, he does not want any gospel. I think the rea- son that thers are so few conversions in this day is becanss the tendency of the preach. ing is to make men believe that they are pretty good anyhow-—quite clever, only wanting a little fixing up, =» few touches of divine grace, and thea you will be all right ~