The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, March 01, 1894, Image 3

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Muck Made.
Money stringency is not the only cause of
hard times, and it takes very little money to
make a good deal of happiness, as the follow-
ing shows: Mr. IL. B. Kyle, Tower Hiil,
Appomattox County, Ya., writes that he was
aficted with rheumatism for several years,
and physicians guve him no relief. Finally
he was rubbed all over with St, Jacobs Oil
and it During his illuess he had
spasms and was not vxpected to live. This
points x way to many who think times hard,
but who can flud an eusy way out ol hair
Every time the devil makes a
hypocrite he has to admit that noth.
ing pays so well as being good.
1410 Bus, Vortatees Per Acre.
This astonishing yu
Hahn, of Wisconsic
there. he itor
reported by Abr,
Salzer's poiatoes
always gel of the Rural
New Yorker vepuriss £306 bushels and 8
poun is per ace from of
new seedling
Salzer's early po
tatoos, 111) vasuels ars irom
Hua wire l-fold., His
new early
potato. Light Express, has a record of 86
bushels per acre. He offers potatos as low as
Land the best
wourld fur but $24
to the Joan A.
Crosse, Wis, ¥
25.3 a barr potato planter inthe
~nlzer Seed Cou. La
wa will recaive his mawe
package of sixe
Gc postage
. free
moth potato catalog ae and =»
« BIL raqishi,
teen-day “Gol there
Much bending breaks the
beading th - mind.
Low : mud
How's This!
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for
any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by
Hall's Catarrn Care.
F. J.Caexey & Co., Props. Toledn, O.
We. the undersigned, have known F. J. Che.
ney {or the last 15 years, and believe him per-
fect] honorable in all business transactions
and financially able to carry out any oblige
tion made by ther firm.
WEST & TrUAX, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo,
WaiLpisg, Kixvan & Manvix,
Draggists, Toledo, Oho.
Ha'l's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, act.
tng directly upon the blood and mucous sur.
faces of the system. Price, The. per bottle Sold
by all Druggists. Testimonials free.
great inet is that fe is a services
only question is, “Whom will we
Malar‘a cu m the sys
by Br wr Hit . an
i's Bromchial 7
i hey reli
we of the
, Genulae,
Lapp Drug
Grass und Clever Seed,
{| Clover Sead
srass a
sme, Wis
fk lowest prices!
s New York, Va and the
“Salzer deed Co, La
en packages
Boia farm
ir Lhe (ale
Pills wtend of silos
am's~no others, 5
™ i
Mrs Eliza E. Hills
Fenner, N. XY.
Indigestion--Distress in the
Desired Results,
“0, 1 Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.
“Tear Sirs
and eusativepowers of Hood's Sarsaparilla and
cheerfully state that 8 has done wonders for
me. For yoars 1 have heen a great sufferer
from agonizing headaches and
Distress in the Stomach
after eating and at other times, accompanied
by sour stomach. 1 was very bad with indiges.
tion also. I noticed in different papers men
tion of the cures Hood's Rarsaparilln had
wrought and thought 1 would try it. Jt has
Accomplished the Desired Results.
The pain and distress in the stomach and the
severe headache spells have been overcome as
well as my indigestion. 1 can now enjoy a meal
without any distress and can recommend
Hood's Sarsaparilla as one of the best of medi.
cines.' Euiza E. Hives, Fenner, New York,
Hood's Pills are pureiv ve etable, eotly
harmie s. always reliable sad eMclent, ah
. Take no substi.
tlemen or send for
Justrated Calalogne
giv ine
Subject: “The Lightning of the
Texr: “He maketh a path {5 shine afte
him,"—Job xli., 82,
If for the next thousand years ministers of
religion should preseh from this Bible, thers
will yet be texts unexpounded and unex-
plained and unappreciated. What little
has been said concerning this chapter in Job
from which my text is taken bears on the
than deseribed as disturbing the ssa,
creature it was I know not, Somesay it was
a whale, Some aay it was a crocodile, My
own opinion is it was a saa Jnonster Dow ex
tinet, No creature now floating in Mediter-
ranean or Atlantis waters corresponds to
What most interests me is that as it moved
on through the deep ft left the waters flash-
ing and resplendent. In the words of the
text, ‘“He maketh a path to shine alter
him.” What was that illumined path? It
was phosphorescence, You find it in
wake of a ship in the night, especially after
rough weather. Phosphorescence is the
lightning of the That this figure of
speach is correct in describing its appear-
incident, After
first « time
crossing the Atlantic the
jean magazine an account of my voyage, in
which nothing more fascinated me than the
phosphorescence in the ship's wake, I called
it the lightning of the sea. HRaturning tomy
hotel, 1 found a book of John Ruskin, and
the first sentence my eyes foll upon wus his
description of phosphorescence, in which he
ealled it “‘the lightning of the sea.”
Down to the postoffice I hastened to get
the manuscript, and with great labor and
some expense got possession of the magn-
zine artiels and put quotation marks around
that one sentence, although it was as orig-
inal with me as with John Ruskin, I sug
pose that nine-tenths of you living so near
the seacoast have watched this marine ap-
pearance called phosphorescence, and hope
that the other one-tenth may some day be so
bappy as to witness if, the
sea diamonded ; it is the inflorescence of the
billows ; the waves of the erimsoned as
was the deep after the sea fight of Lepanto
the waves of the ses on fire,
There are times when
horizon the entire
ration with this
changes every 1
dazzling color on all fyvou. Yous
looking over the taffrail of the yacht
ocean steamer, watohing and waiting
what new thing the God of beauty will de
with the Atlantic, It is the ocean in trans
fon : it is the marine world easting its
garments of glory in the pathway of ti
Almighty as He walks the deep ; it is an
verted firmament with all
down with it. No pleture can
Y iran TE t 5 oo 14
f the painter
awed and powerless,
t is the waves of
from hd
seems |
(0) See
its sfars
sh it, and
MADY respects
where we wore {
will be ten ve
OOK at the tami
or into the
is where vou
ars }
p and
feet of not one
feet may tri
tars has tripe
ture of the te
after use? It
oul my text suggests it,
wat infloene
after we have gone through it?
swer handrads «
the immortals,
of the world it w
habited it." YX saving thwt
I pass down thro ence and u
through theses galleries, and I am K
some one whom I eannot find,
I am looking for « who will have no i
flaence in this world 100 years from
3ut [ have found the man who has the
influence, and I inquire into his history,
I find that by a yes or & uo he fod some
one's eternity, In time of temptation he gave
an affirmative or a negative to some tempta-
tion which another, hearing of, was induced
10 decides in the same way,
Clear on the other side of the next milion
years may be the first you hear of the jong
reaching influence of that yes or no, but
bear of it you will, Will that father make us
path to shine after him? Will that mother
make a path to shine after her? You will be
walking along these streets or slong that
country road 200 years from now in the
character your ndants, They will
be affected by your courage or FOUL COW
ardice, your purity or your depravity, your
holiness or your sin. You will make the
path to shine alter you or blacken niter you
Why should they point ont to us on some
mountain two rivalets, one of which passos
down into the rivers which pour out into the
Pacific Ocean, and the other nivuint lowing
down into the rivers which pass out into the
Atlantic Ocean?
stands at a point where words uttered, or
deeds done, or prayers offered, decide oppo.
site destinies and opposite oternitics, We
see a man planting a tree, nod treading sod
on either side of it, and watering it in dry
iogve In
we are not
yours after we are
i be as though we never
wre Wrong in
igh this and!
ing §
of desc
ture, and he never plucks any fraits from its
bough. But his children will, We are ail
planting trees that will yield froit hundreds
den fruit or groves of deadly upas,
I am so fascinated with the phosphor.
oscence in the track of a ship that 1 have
sometimes watehed for a Jong while and have
seen nothing on the face of the desp but
blackness, ‘The mouth of watery chasms
that looked like gaping jaws of hell, Not a
of mrf ; not a taper to Hiluminate the might y
sepulehors of dead ships ; darkness 5000 feet
deep, and more thousands of feet long and
That is the kind of wake that & bad
man leaves behind him as he plows through
the cosan of this life toward the vaster ocean
of the great future,
Now, suppose an man seated in 6 corner
sory or business office among olorks gives
ch’ to jolly skepticism. Ho langhs at
the Bible, makes sport of the mirseles,
speaks of perdition in jokes and laughs nt
revivals as a frolic, and at the passage of a
funeral procession, whish always solemuaines
sensible people, says, “Boys, let's take &
drink,” There is in that group a young
man who is making a great struggis against
temptation and prays night sud morning and
his Bible and is asking God for belp
day by day. But that gaffaw against Chris.
tianity makes him lose his grip of sacred
things, and he gives up Rabbath and chureh
and morals and goes from bad to worse, till
he falls under dissipations, dies in a lazar
| houses and is buried in the potter's fleld,
| Another young man who heard that jolly
skepticism made up his mind that "it makes
they shall influsnes for all time, while you
add to all that the work of the churches he
helipad bulld and of the institutions of mercy
he inipad found. Better give up before you
10 measuring of the phosphorescence
nll come out at last at the right place,” and
{ began as 8 consequence to purloin, Some
| money that came into his hands for others
he applied to his own uses, thinking per-
haps he would make it straight some other
time, and all would be wall even if he did
not make it straight, He ends in the peni-
tentinry., That scoffer who uttered the jokes
neainst Christianity never realized what bad
work he was doing, and he passed on throuah
life and out of it and into a futurs that! awn
not now going to deplet.
I do not propose with asearchlight to show
the breakers of the awful coast on which that
ship is wrecked, for my business now is to
watch the sea after the keol has plowed it,
No phosphorescence in the wake of that ship,
but behind it two souls struggling in the
WAVe-A WO YOUN men destroyed by rock less
nnd on all sides of them, Blackness of dark
You know what a gloriously
Rev, John Newton was the most
but before his conversion he wis a
wicked sallor, and on board the shin
wich instilled infidelity and vies Into
mind of a young man principles which de
stroved him, Afterward the two met, and
Nowton tried to undo his bad work, but in
vain, The young man became worse and
worse and died a profligate, horrifying thos
who stood by him in his last moments,
Batter look out what bad influence yon
start, for you may not be able to stop it, It
does not require very great fores to rain
others, Why was it that many years ago a
grout flood nearly destroyed New Orleans
A erawfish had burrowed into the banks of
the river until the ground was saturated and
the banks weakened until the flood burst,
But I flod here a man who starts out in
with the determination that he will
never ss suffering but he will try to al-
and naver see discouragement
try to cheer it, snd naver
with anvbody but he will try to do
good, Getting his strength from God,
starts from home with high purposs of de
all the good he can possibly do none d
Whether standing behind
talking in the business office
hind hisear, or making » rain with a
low trader, or out in the fleld
with his next neighbor the wisesi rotati
the crops, or in the shoo
of his life,
leviate it,
mat he will
the coun
witha pon
i OF
joathe " thnre is
nnd in his phraseology and in
per, that demonistrates the gracs o
heart, He ean talk
awkwardly drageing it in
: - i | an
ad §
sole some
i On religion
by the
elernal destiny,
For fifty
or si
i anw
maket of a gospel minister
5 remarks had « auion fo recall a
fight in a farmhouses When Iwasa boy a
un evangelict spending s night at my father’s
, who said something and
tseratifal and impresseive that it led ma into
the kingdom of God and decided my destiny
for this world and the next, You wi toe
fare twenty-four hours £o by, mest some man
y¢ woman with a big pack of care and trou-
bie. and you may say something to him or
her that will endure uotil this world shall
have been so far lost in the past that nothing
but the streteh of angelic memory will
able to realize that it ever existed at alk
f am not talking of remarkable men and
women. but of what ordinary folks ean do
1 am not speaking otf the phosphoras
in track of a Newfoundland fshiug
smack, God makes thunderbolts out
«parks, and out of the small words and deads
ot n small life He can launch a power that
will flash and burn and thunder through the
How do you like this prolongation of your
sarthly life by deathless influcnes? Many a
habe that died at six months of age by the
anxiety eroated in the parent's heart {0 meet
that chill in realms seraphic is living yet in
the transformed heart and life of those
parents and will live on forever in the his.
tory of that family. If this be the opportu.
nity of ordinary souls, what is the oppor.
tunity of those woo have espacial intellectaal
or ancial or monetary equipment?
Hava tou any arithmetic eapable of eseli-
| seating the inflaanes of our good and gra
cious friend who a fow days ago went up to
rost--(oorge W. Childs, of Philadelphia?
house #0 tender
Who ean tell the post mortem influences of a
Bavonnroln, nn Winkelriod, a Gutenberg, a
Marlborough, a Decatur, a Toussaint, a Boli-
r, nn Clarkson, an Robert Raikes, a Harlan
. who had 125 Sabbath scholars, eighty-
four of whom became Christians, and six of
With gratitu le and penitenes and worship
I mention the grandest He that was ever
lived, That ship of licht was launched from
the heavens nearly 1900 years ago, angelic
hosts chanting, and from the celestial
waarves the ship sprang into the roughest
sen that ever tossed, Its billows were made
ip of the wreath of men and devils, Herodie
sanhedrinie persecuiions stirring the
deen with red wrath, and all the hurricanes
{ woe smota it until on the rocks of Golgo-
ia that life struck with a resound of agony
yalled the earth and the heavens,
Bat in the wake of that life what a phospho-
the cheeks of souls
pardoned, and lives reformed, and Nations
redeamad, The millennium itself is only
ne roll of that radiated wave of gad ness
and besnasdiction in sublimest of all
s+nsss it may bo said of Him, “Hemaveth &
path toshine after Him,”
But I eannot upon that luminosity
that follows ships without realizing how fond
the Lort is of Hife, That fire of the desp is
myriads of creatures all a-swim and a-
and p-romp in parks of marine beauty
and parterred and rossated and
ned by Omnipotense, What isthe use
0! thoss creatures called by the naturalists
crustaceans” and “copepods.” not more
than one out of hundreds of billions of which
by human God cranted
for the same reason that He cregtes
ywers in places where no human foot ever
makes them tremble, and no human nostril
r inhates thelr redsalence, and no human
eye over sees thelr In the botanioal
world they prove that God loves flowers,
in the marine world the phosphori prove that
loves life, and He loves ile in play, life io
ney of gladness, life in exuberance,
%0 I am led to believe that He loves
¢ mission as fully
The Bon of God
fhiave life and have it
But I am glad to tell you
tthe God
eritic at the head of
+. or an infinite scold, or 8 God
better waddings
ighter, an
Nuna Sahit
rescancs of smiles on
LPS VET Seen oye’
f ms
sometimes de.
8 8 harsh the
funerais than
if profars tears 10 ia
a for O04
the universe
1 whether
the Majestic
He nursery
iar to garret,
how much that oil
iy smonped w the most prosper.
i i
You know «
ow nek an
hergtsn SO
invalid who is
appetite, She cannot
sannot eat, Broil a
von and take It to her before night and
her poor appetite inlo Keen relish,
' You know of some ons Yho likes
1. and vou lke him, and he ought to be a
tell him what religion has
for you, and ask him if you ean pray
for him
{ some
Christian, Go
Ob, for a mition so charged
with sweetness and light that we cannot help
st shine! Remember if you cannot be a
leviathan lashing the ocean into fury you
san be one of the phosphori, doing your part
toward making & path of phosphoreacence,
hon I will tell sou what impression you
will leave as you pase through this life and
after you are gone, I will tell you to your
face and not leave it for the minister who ofl-
firiatos at vOur ohseuios,
The faliars in ali eulogium of the departed
is that they eannot hear it, All hear it ex.
cept the one most interested, This, in sab
stance, is what I or some one alse will say of
you on such an osoasion : “We gather for
« It is
how many tears he wiped
or how
Haine fas
impossible to tell
away, how many burdens he lifted,
thirty years without one word of defams-
tion or sourrility or scandal, and putting
a chief emphasis on virtue and charity
| and olean intelligences, be reaped a fortans
for himeel! sed chen distributed a vast
| amount of ft among the poor and strugaling
| putting hiv invalid and aged reporters on
| pensions, until his name stands everywhere
jor largn heartedness and sympatny nad
! help and highest style of Christian gentle
In an ors which had ie the chaire of its
i joccnaiiom a Horace Gresley, and a Henry J.
| Raymond, and a James Gordon Baanstt, and
| ap Brastas Brooks, and a George William
| Cartix, and an Irenaeus Prime, none of them
1 will be longer remembered than George W.
Childe, Staying away from the unveiling of
the monument he had reared at large ex.
| pense in our Greenwood in memory of Pro-
| fessor Proctor, the astronomer, lest | should
| paid for the monument. Tf all seknowl-
| sdged a representative of the highest Ameri.
| own jonenaliem,
| Ifyou would ealeulate hie influence for
| ood, vou must count how many shestx of
NEWRDA| have been published in the
aarter of a century, and how many
people have read them, and +h5 effect not
only upon those readers, but upon all whom
tal in saving. His influence will never oon.
We are all better for having known him.
“That pillow of flowers on the casket waa
presented by his Sabbath-school class, all of
That eross of
mission, and
the other was from a prison cell which he
hat often visited to encourage repentance in
a young man who had done wrong.
hose three loose flowers mean quite as
much as the garlands now breathing their
aroma throngh this saddened home crowded
with sympathizers. ‘Blessed are the dead
who die in the Lord. They rest from thei:
labors, and their works do follow them." *
Or if it should be the more solemn burial
at sen, lot it be after the sun has gons do
and the captain line read the ap
liturgy, and the ship's bell has { lod, a
on are lot down fromthe stern of the vesssl
nie the resplendent phosphoresestios at the
wake of the ship, Then lst some one say, in
the words of my text, “He makoth a path to
shine after him,”
Win mI AGS
Virginia City, Nev, is 6400 feet
above the ses.
vin Is PARC FCs
A006 Fang on
x £9
bed 4
of Church History.
Rev. Dr. Philip Schafl, éminent as
at his home in New
York. He was born
at Coire, Switzer-
land, in 1819,
father, who was a
soldier, died early
in life, and at 10
years of age
“boy was forced to
earn his own liv
ing. He worked
the gymnasium at
afterwards attended
fectures at Halle, Tubingen and Ber-
iin. He spent a winter at Rome,
working in the library of the Vatican
by special permission of the Pope.
Last year, or fifty vears later, he
worked in this library, securing Pope
Leo's permission through a letter
from Cardinal Gibbons. Young Schaf!
was ordaided in 15844. Then he came
to this country and was professor in
the Theological Seminary
the German d4 Church of
the Upited States until the year
1863. in 1870 he accepted the
orship of red literature in
) Theological Seminary, in
which he was active until a short
time ago. He was many times sent
to Europe in the interest the
American Evangelical Alliance. Dr.
Schaff is remembered as Presi-
dent of the American
historical and
iis way through
Bible Revision
His works are mainly
ssn on IIIs
WHEN 3 man
but hasn't got
to wed,
50 fot
essary 8
if he
were marry-
Rag yi iY
r Th 7%
ngs comfort and improvement ard
tends wrsonal enjoyment when
rightly a The many, who live bet-
ter than others and enjoy life more, with
less expenditure, by more spromptly
adapting the world’s best products to
the needs of physical being, will sttest
the value to health of the pure liquid
laxative principles embraced in the
remedy, Syrup of Fi
Its excellence is due to its presenting
in the form most soceptable and pleas
ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly
beneficial properties of a perfect lax-
ative: effectually cleansing the system,
dispelling colds, headaches and fevers
sng permanently curing constipation
It has given satisfaction to millions and
met with the approval of the medical
profession, because it acts on the Kid-
peys, Liver and Bowels without weak-
ening them and it is perfectly free from
every objectionable substance.
p of Figs is for sale by all drug:
gists in 50c and $1 bottles, but it is man-
ufsctured by the California Fig Byrup
Oo. only, whose name is printed on every
package, also the name, Syrup of Figs,
and being well informed, you will not
accept any substitute if o
0.000 acid tn 1985. A Tree trial of (hose Rings isviven
Write for particulars. Waren & Co, Hadiyme, Conn
A remedy which,
if used by Wives
abonuttoex :
the painful ordeal
attendant wpon
= taint da
57, Nida
The Drummer's Advice.
First Passenger (on rajlroad
“Traveling man, eh? Familiar with
Boom City, 1 presume?”
es Os er ©
Take it in
“Glad to hear it. 1 have never
there. What hotel would yon
La vice me to stop at?”
“The Boomton House.
“Io you always go there?” ;
“wo, 1 have never stopped at that
stel. But I've been to all the rest.”
—aNew York Weekly
How to Eat an Orange.
Those who take an orange every
morning may like 10 try the manner of
eating them that prevails in the land
OYanges, Take a thin-skinned,
heavy orange, thrusts fork through it
from the stem end, snd with a shary
knife cut the rird away, beginning at
the fork and cutting downward, Place
the orange on ice for half an hour and
bring it to the table with the fork still
in it. If oranges are goxi they can be
from the pulp with perfect ease,
1 satisfaction than
other way
and w much more
To build up both solid flesh sud strength
after grip, pneumonia, fevers and other
prostraiiag diseases, there is nothing to
equal Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery.
Mra Rrvpex GARRETY,
King George C. H., Va,
writes: “1 was taken
with grip which Suoally
resulted In poeumonis.
Was prostrited for three
months. Had a terrible
and was emaciated
ry weak. Was fast
g into quick con-
on. 1; actor
_RnG vw
4 of it without any
I had pain in oy
Ider and Lack
you, and you
ed your
OTT ok only
: y bottles 1 could sit
rom thi grave,
i strength”
one hott)
After tw
i Deen save
vos pleteeet of our 13 advert te, of wh thie os Ne
ort ls worth $28 and we will slisw you that seouni for
Lie Srdiowiny wa Ee of owe tine by © veg
willy 24 This pope wed stely @ ftv
wir sab
armel got yo
and Awtos 2
Eve ine? ome Op
eddrem of bth svibarviber
which Chey Gove ol iggmd,
Tuy rine Hank av
atte with The wane end
9 ww ¥
will Allow YE bt TOW AND
TORTE 0 Os ¥ Ome JeTEes
3 Ee » Food Dulter
® pow in ase ae the
s whet #1 Br? wppenred
po Ars BE take wed hold
ot, the hersvtor Bleed
t Pow
carl pee
thaw Sor " Famed rity he Sornighed on
of tomy wriicies for w Phpse wl vert
oi pie eapies of
Fa Trak, fo w
whili ms
we w EN jut penty ©
be » Sheed
showing ony
The rash
thems, i part passes). Ope Ww
Wwe Tool a wpe r »
FEVIRETt pugwovers of» ¢
reed woth t Ww he
& "4 vd sfvertismmmetd wa Bee Or
auld Frame for forme and eusers’ use Tt 35 8
" seh bows pover Shan eed inery bugs
und has un hetier THIS Bg Saw
in ives » her we are go
spre of
i Very a
ug to make
eww wi vet
ety + Windmills
wanghd of wsivg » wind
Ww Tear wwite se af once, stalk og
2 ven think yeu will peed, wiwther
Pomp ong or Gesred, und if posite
we will maketyou « bers! offer
The pout your, though one of
upparslivied Bosseis! Sime
turbenee and busivess de
prowion wer one of grest
prosperity to the Aer
moter Us, The Past
thet (he dermoioy
Ca in the past
six years Bas
sements in pert §
11 you hinve wny t
wifi §
Frice har ve
Govnded greviiv te
lene and bee
broad te ite Pactery
an enormous volume of
business. Even of The very
ow prices ot wikioh we wail
Bieel Windmills sof Weel
Towers, wade i the sont pe fort
manner, of The west Tort won.
THE RETAL, #1 ix possible fo save & fou
tenis on serh wat, snd Thess few cents
on the suarmeons wawher of evils wre wheily
satilactury to Hee Bermoter Or whieh bes alas
Bevived move plesvare Trew Use servieor 11 haw ven
Gered ou grest wumier of yeoyle sud From She pride
takes in deing well whateer # pate ite hands 86,
Duan from the money 1 makes from i seletproes.
Tho pear, beewuse it bors iin materiel wore chanply ard ee
ports En enorteeus intreeee In Re ever growing heise, "
Mere Ita patrons & vast incronee bn Ube guaniiiy sed
material pploped In (he ronsirastioe of ile Fiend Towers,
sopompanying disgrem, 83.222 12 shows the smalion
that will be weed by it in the corner poste of Towers sven
the 80 wheel, Por De 167 we ws v6 Theneanie of Sone
oF amghen for Towern, peldarlivg and very srnighl wad period
wre mew being Gelivered at wr works Ofes whe bev a
few Sons, wold Tereforen yout's supply, of Sa 0 whoth
they are wwing Tor S01. IDF and sven for 100 wheelie, will
Fond this puragreph @ith wurpriee nd sorvew, site we have Bot
previously given them amg formalin concerning whel we
will wwe for 4
The Aermotor Co. proposes te ditrilate $500 IN CASE 3X
PRIZES for the bent wasnys written by the wile son or Seger
of a arene sr weer of p41) rusaring tne quinn,
“WHY SHOULD 1080 AN AERBOTOR 1" For sonditmns
in and amounts and rosmbers of prises send Bor
to the Serine On, Chines, of te its brane,
Prameinon, Kane ony, Linoein, Nob. Sioux Oty, lows, w
oeapotin, Dofain, or 8 Park Plies, New York City, bermebonn,
Pumping sod Geared sane price, 7 Sued, ofl Gl onsiond 3 Pers
Completion. Seiivered Troe om cove 5 Ohieage end shipped 98
way one, anywho, st Vie following prions
6-t. $20. (2. 550. 10-4. $128,
a" 0 SAY