Queer Facts About Money. There are 119,000,000 old copper pen- nies somewhere. Nobobody knows what has become of them, except that once in a while a single specimen turns up in change. A few years ago 4,500, 000 bronze 2-cent pieces were set afloat, Three million 3-cent nickel pieces are scattered over the United States, but is very rarely that one is seen. Of 800 half-cents, which correspond in value to English farthings, not one has been returned to the government for recoin- age or is held by the treasury. Con- gress appropriates from $100,000 to $150,000 yearly for recoining the un- current silver coins now in possession of the treasury. These are mostly half dollars and are not circulated because there is no demand for them. Not long ago tht stock of them amounted to $24,000,000, but is enly half that now. The money set aside for recoin- ing is not intended to pay for the cost of the minting, but is required to reim- burse the treasury of the United States on account of the loss in weight which the silver pieces have suffered by ab- rasion. This loss amounts to $30 on every $1,000, and has to be made good in order to set the treasurer's account straight. mit e—— Hicks' Weather Warnings, Of the weather for the last week in December Hicks says: The storm pe- riod beginning about the 22nd and reaching to the 26th, promises many winter storms, and many sections will have their supply of “Christmas snow’ greatly replenished during the progress of these storms. The full moon is on the 22d and will hasten the crisis ear- ly in the period. The Arctic wave fol- lowing the storms will have brought very cold weather to much of the country by the night of the 26th. The equinox of Mercury is central with the | full moon on the 22d, which fact is al- most a guarantee that heavy sleet will | be a characteristic feature of the period, | Men of the wire take notice! Prepare for great cold after the storms. About the 29th and 30th will fall a reaction to warmer, and the month is apt to close with reactionary storms to the east, with rising barometer and colder clear- ing weather in sight in the north and | west. tts A won A Young Attorney Married, Newton Spangler, Esq., of Bellefonte | was married last evening to Miss | Adelle DeForest Fink, of Unionville, | The wedding took place at the home | of Thomas Fisher, at Unionville, and | a large number of guests were present. | Newton is a son of Mr. George W. Spangler, of Potters Mills, and al rising young attorney, practicing at | the Bellefonte bar. The bride and | groom went on a wedding tour, after | which they will locate in Bellefonte. ep is All Free, Those who have used Dr. King's New Discovery know its value, and those who have not, have now the op- | portunity to try it Free. Call the | advertised Druggist and get Trial | Bottle Free. Bend your name and ad- dress to H. E. Bucklen & Co., Chica- go, and get a sample box of Dr. King's New Life Pills Free, as well as a copy of Guide to Health and Household In- | structor, Free. All of which guar- anteed to do you good and cost you nothing. J. D. Murray's Drugstore. ss 5 ML AAAI on a is —A fine lot of Ladies’ coats and Mens overcoats are being closed out at | greatly reduced prices at C. P. Longs, — Headquarters for holiday goods at | C. P. Longs. —We have seven clerks to wait on | the trade during holidays at C. P. Longs. W. L. DOUGLAS 83 SHOE Jf Hie. Do you wear them? Whea next ln need try a pale. Best in the world, Buy Your Holiday AT PER & KREAMER’S. HAR Gloves, Toys, Cups Toy Umbrellas, and China and every- for Holiday Fine Assortment Of Christmas Candies! ES EARLY.OUR STOCK CAN’T BE BEAT. YOUR FUTURE a— 5 —— - IS IN YOUR OWN HAND. Palmistry assumes to toll what the Hones in your Iz will amuse you, if nothing mere, simost explains Meell. The INE OF LIFE indicates babile age Wo which you will live Each BRACELET ives you thirty years. Well marked LINE OP {EAD denotes brain power : clear LINE OF FORTUNE. fase or riches. Both combined mean #iccess im life o bat you most keep up with modern eas to win St. You will find plenty of these in Demorest’s Family Magazive, so attractively pre sented that every member of the family is enter. tained. It ie a dozen magazines in one. A CLEAR LINE OF HEART bespeaks *8 8 Mruight LISE OF FATE. pescefol life; the reverse if crooked. A well-defined LINE OF HEALTH tpares you doctors’ bills; so will the health hints in Demorest"s. No other magazine bLilches so many stories Lo Interest the bome cir You will rita or de . med) you have the G a a aa marked: keep up your spirits by hav ‘8 read. By subscribing te it for 1804 Ray ety of wisile oo int of great value, ides the su nm 1Tx2linches, “* I'ma Daley I* which 1s Almost s oe baby, and equal to the original ofl painting which ne that cannot for its beautiful The above af be equaled by say in the wor on posted om all the topics of the day, and all the ads, and different items of interest about the matter, both grave and gay, for the whole family | are perfect, and you get with it, the patterns you wish to use daring the year, and In any size you choose, Send in your subscription at once, only $2.00, and will rally get over $35.00 in value. Address the pub. fisher, W, Jemnings Demorest, 15 Hast 14th St New York If you are unscquainted with the BANGLE means Dunes) 1 8 Visio 1; 1O BCOND DIV] ing faculty. The MOUNT 0 betok: ambition ; that of SATURN, prudence ; the SUN, splendor : MARS, coarage; MOON ne ; and CURY, and you OF TRU our advice sa above a oh pon don't p O0 or Shoe, it woul 0 oom made and look and wear as well, If you wish to economize In your footwear, do so by purchasing W. L. Douglas Shoes, Name and price stamped on the bottom, look for It when you buy, W. L. DOUGLAS, Brockton, Mass. Sold by Wm. Pealer, Spring Mills. For a sore throat there is nothing better than a flannel bandage dampen- ed with Chamberlain's Pain Balm. It will nearly always effect a cure in one night's time. This remedy is also a favorite for rheumatism and has cured many severe cases. 50 cent bottles for sale by J. D. Murray, Druggist. Caveats, and Trado-Marks ént pusiness conduetad i | | § f CAN BEST BE AIDED BY THE NEWS OF THE WORLD CONCISELY TOLD AND BRIGHTLY COM. MENTED UPON. THE PATRIOT is the only complete morning newspaper that reaches Central Pennsylvania at fh early hour of the day, It is one of the foremost Democratic newspa. rs in the State and the guly one printed at the tate Capital, the official and political centre of the Commonwealth, It prints the news, receiving it over its own wires through the sxtrsordinary facilities of the great Press Associations, aided by its own cor respondents. THE PATRIOT Is Democratic to the core, It is to bosses and an enemy of corrupt mo- fos. It fsu't afraid Ww fight the wrong: it never hesitates to speak fur the right. It makes a specialty of d ment pews and gives more esch day than all the other Stale pa- pers combined, The leading question during the winter will be Tariff Reforma. Ia November next Pennsylvania will elect a siovernor, members of Congress, and # Bate Jegisliature, @ man who desires fo koop informed must read. snd the man who vg should get THE PATRIOT, daily or week: ye To place THE PATRIOT in the hands of a yet larger constituency we will send the DAILY from Bw mie] Ma 1805, mail to an new subseriber on receipt of FIVE DOLLA Tie WEEK LY wil be sent 10 any new Habudriby er until March 1, 1895. on receipt ONE DOLLAR THE PATRIOT is the best advertising mediom in Aennay} outside of Pittsburg and Phils FREE TO THE UNEMPLOYED: It inserts a i Order has - mploy. broug slatance to Bandreds, IL bas & Cont » Want Column for other wants. iMLY, every woek-day mornlog In the year, WEEKLY, Tacs ag evening of oach week, #1 HT THE PATRIOT COMPANY, HARRISBURG, PENNA. The doctor has been for years professor and lect- urer in several of our largest medical colleges and earn-’ ed great fame asf§ an authority and7# author on all sub-/4 jects concerning 4 his specialty. This emi- nent Physi- cian hasdevot- ed lifetime to his specialty-- dis-ases ofthe Nose, Eye, Ear, Lung, Throat, and chroni Dis- eases. CENTRE HALL, Pa., at BAR June 15; July 13; Aug. 10. BELLEFONTE, Pa., at BUSH } Oct. 7; Nov. 4; Dec. 2; Dee. 30; Jan, 27; | June 16; July 14; Aug 11. He will visit this county EVERY FOU pense of visiting the city, as he is the only own maniking, models, diagrams, oto, to [ust pature of thelr di-ease, This will give his numero feal treatment an opportunity to consult this distin R WEEKS TGES’ 0a. ity HOTEL—Fridays, Bept. 8; March 23; April 20; May 18; TOUSE-—Saturdays, Aug. 12; Sept. 9; ‘eb. 24; March 24; April 21; May 19; thas saving his patients the trouble and ex- F WhO Carries Lis ake plain to all afMlicted the cause and 15 patients and others who are 10 need of med. guished physician, whose duties at the institute a URED OF DEAFNESS AND CATARRH BY DR. BALM Our sou Stanly has been very hard of hearing for some years, all 01 account of a bad case of catarrh; we brought him to Dr. Salm for trest- ment, and now alter only four mouths he is al most entirely well and I am certain that the Dr, will finish a cure within the set time BENJAMIN LIMBERT, Madisonburg. Pa, his father Centre Uo CAN LIVE ONCE MORE IN COMFORT EASE CURED OF PRURITUS ANUS BY DR. BALM. For more than twelve years I have had a most severe Hohl og called (Pruritus Anos) the same troubled me cor galiy po matier what position my body was in only worse in summer the sensa ton was alm intolerable Sul now aller & course of treatment with Dr, Salm | can live once more with comfort and ease JOHN D. MILLER, AND i Kent, Ind. Co, Pa. SUCCESSFULLYOPERATED AFTER 16 YEARS, For wore than sixteen years I have been cross eyed v ry much so in both eyes. Dr. Balm oper ated on both of them at the same time, | was not conined to my room nor had my eves ban daged aud today my eyes are as straight ss any Ones, 88 JO 1 willsee by above pictures : LYDA G.GILLAM, North Buffalo, Pa. Armstrong Co SUFFERED UNTOLD AGONIES POR 12 TRIED 7 DES. BUT GREW WORSE ©? TREATED BY DR. SALM For the last fifteen years | nave been very much; bave been Ureated Dre. nearly all of thes ent name and gave The result was thal | became Gotil at jest I w to Dr. Baim. who pronout my disease 0 beof the ladder Stomoch and treated most splendid resait; } pore good in one mouth th i fn years and 1 feel once more like I did sixteen yours ago: 10 feeling of tiredness and fat a hb i can do my Work au wat sibility beretol an Os red slog u WAR RI LID pas MES NETTIE POORMAN, Milesburg, Pa Centre Co 82 YEARS OLD AND MADE TO BEE APTER TO TAL BLINDNESS BY DR. SALM 1 have been bi 1 my right sete years with Eculle Cataract, 1 had heard a go 4 Diseases of women, such as have baled the skill cured. Cancers No cutling, no pain, no danger Manhood perfectly redored. ind ix ght eve for niles and _ diseases, whether from imprudent hat that debilitates sexo! functions, sw Urine Each person appiviog for me t Line which w eoeive a careful chemical and u Small lomo, cancers, wa ls, moles, ele | Method. Fieolros sis, epilepo i method. Address all oon CONSULTATION FREE jet or fits scieniifics icalions to Box 760 ( bis advertisement ap aller the operation br. to suffering humanity; I am yours old toaring Village, Pa, Armstrong Co WAR REDUCED TO A WRECK YEARS FEARFULRAVAGES OF CATAREH AND CHRONIC BRONCHITIS, DR. BALM CURED ME, DANIEL COGLY, ond bronchitis. The disesse gradusily ox 1 Wo almost every other organ in my body I became a physical and mental wreck tried our best Drs. In the county, but | wore: and worse until 8s & last resort tarrh Lot 1 leude first pain breath ang more ard feel as siroug as ever. Ost wonderful of all is that 1 have pot taken s singie cold since the first mouth JACOB VOGEL, 5 years old Wilh Galitzin, Pa Cambria Oo A VERY SORE EYE CURED BY DR. BALM AFTER OTHER DES. HAD ADVISED RE HNOVALOFBAME OW nine yoars old has Dir. advised the 1 conild pot decides u ought him to Dt feast sign of an wal of one of them have the eye Laken oul so we Baim and today there Inflammation snd he sn see Rs well as ever Just think of it, after only two moths treater 4 he I ot and without any Gwe ralion MES MAGGIE LOVE, fim; wif shulie Uo Centre Pa, { CATAREH AXD BEARTROUBLE i YEARSSTANDING, BY DR. BALM For six or seven years | with a bad osse of catareh sree snd The last 10 trouble me a good « 1 uf bouring: they ached a good discharge a tt of very A re of have been gradually Wars two yours : de gun to Now afler il as ever BOT rant and have bo iug of the cars L.A. REESE, more aches ston, Pa Cambria Co, of ali other physicians and remedies, ih use of knife or wi oF > quickly yul the Caos ics, certain «© By prostral ions ire for impotence, Yaricoeie wat manhood, and ail private for manenily tf shou “IRminslion Ww 4 ounces of of the brig 2 tirine soar, New never-falll ug fe, pain or ely cured by a iumb pears twice before each visit Neckwear and Muff] Trunks und Suit Ca Gloves and Mittens. Scarf Pins and Cuff Smoking Jackets an Fur Gloves, Fur Co Hats of All Shapes. Caps of All Colors. idkerchiels ers. S€S. Buttons. d Bath Robes. llars, Fur Caps. Bellefonte. | ATTORNEYS. | JOHN KLINE. i Altorney at law i BELLEFONTE, PA in German ‘ansy | of Court House, Can be cousulted | and English, i { J. H. ORVIS, C. M. BOWER, i (RVs, BOWER & ORVIS, 8 At orueys at Law, | BELLEVORTE PA. { Office in Crider's Exchauge building on second { ! floor. ‘ansd | D. ¥. FORTNEY, E.L.ORKVIES Attorney st Law, BELLEFONTE, PA. Office in Conrad Bulldivg, Janel K. Attorney at Law, BELLEFONTE, PA. Office N. W, eorner Diamond, two doors from | Firm National Bank fans? | ((LEMANT DAL i Ww G. RUNKLE, * Atorney-at-Law, | BELLEFONTE, PA. All kinds of legal business atiend | Bpecial attention given Ww collections i floor Crider Excha ge Office 24 {J L.Brascren, C.P. Hewes i QPANGLER & HEW £8, is Attorneys at Law, BELLEFONTE, PA to collections, Practice in Germs: mnal Bpacial attention {all the courts Consultation {| English BY D. GETTIG MV, ATTORNEY -AT-LAW BELLE} ft all legal business 3 i lta Ger n Exchange Ballding ONTS a allena { Collections ar { prompt 3 Oa Oflice JRL | N B. BFANGLER, 4¥. ATTORNEY AT-LAW, BELLEFORTE, PA « in all the courts, Codsnitation in En German. Oflce, Crider Exchange ROVIW Practice lish and Wing gl | Bul BANKS. (ENT RE COUNTY BANKING CO., i BELLEFONTE, PA. Reoeive deposits Discount notes Jang? J. D. Buverrr, Cashier HOTELS. HOUSE, B. Woods Caldwell, Proprietor LOCK HAVEN, PA. Good sample roogns on first JRL JBVIN Terns reasonabie floor HE WL. Daggett, Proprietor, BELLEFONTE Bpecial atlention given 0 « FPA Apr Op promi url House, LLEVONTE, PA il modern moderale cf Larges 2 HOTEL, D. H. Rubi, Propr Free bus 10 and from allt ERHOYF WBE, Jd. M. Neubsoer Proprietor BELLEFONTE, PA. Free bus to and from all trains Bpecia NEW BROCK Good sample ries 0 wilbessos FUL AND HEALTHFUL BPOTS IN THE ALLEGHERY REGION; UNDENOMINA- TIONAL: OPER T0 BOTH BEXES: TUITION FREE. BOARD AND OTHER EXPENSES VERY LOW NEW BUILDINs AND EQUIPMENT. LEADING DEPARTMENTS OF STUDY. I. AGRICULTURE (Three Oourses) and AGE) CULTURAL CHEMISTRY; with constant {i justrations on the Farm and in the Labors tory. BOTANY and HORTICULTURE: theorots- eal and practical. Bludents taught original study with the microscope CHEMISTRY: with an unusually full and the igh course in the Laboratory, (CIVii. ENGINEERING Them < ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING: Soours IMECHHENICAL ENGINEERING Jes are accompanied with very extensive practios exercises in the Field the Shop, snd the Laboratory. HISTORY: Ancient and Modern, with origi. nal investigation INDUSTRIAL ART AND DESIGR LADIES COURSE IN LITERATURE and SCIENCE, Two yeas Ample facilities for Music, vooa! and instramental, LANGUAGE and LITERATURE: Latin (optional) French, German and English (re quired.) one or more continued through the entire course MATHEMATICS and ASTRONOMY: pure and SPPlisd MECHANIC ARTS. combining shop work with study, three years' course; New build: ing and equipment, MENTAL, MORAL and POLITICAL 8C1 ENCE; Constitutions! law and History Political Economy, eto MILITARY SCIENCE: instruction theoreti. cal and practioal including each arm ofthe sory 18, PREPARATORY DEPARTMENT, refully graded and thoroush Fall term opens Sept. 14, 1892. Examinations for admission. June 16, and Sept. 13. Commence ment weok. June 12-15, 1892, For Catalogue or other information, address GEO. W. ATHERTON, LL.D., Prest, Biate College, Centre Co Ps 12 Two is stamped in the best watch cases made. It is the trade mark of the Keystone Watch Case Company, of Philadelphia, the oldest, largest and best- known factory in the world— 1500 employees, capacity 2000 cases daily. Its products are sold by all jewelers, It makes the celebrated Yas. Boss Filled Watch Cases, now fitted with the only bow (ring) which can- not be pulled off the case—the A WATCH CASE OPENER SENT FREE. A lot of fine mason stones for sale; Le ad | PENNSYLVANIA R. Kk. | Philadelphia & Erie t. Division and Northern Central Railway, 2 ee Time Table, 1u effect Kovember 19, 1863, | TRAINS LEAVE MONTANDON, EASTWARD, | 18a m~Train 14, (Dally except Sunday {| For Bunbury , Willkerburre, Hazleton, Polwvilie ! Harrisburg and intermedintef stations, arriving | 01 Philadelphia at 300 p. m., New York, 550 Pp Pm. Baltimore, 2109p m, Washington 4.350 bv. tn, foonnecting at Philadelphia for sil sea shore i points, Through pesenger conches 10 Phils delpbia aud Baltimore, Parlor cars Ww Philadel. | phia, 1385p m~Train # (Dally except Funday.) ie sunbtiry, Hurrisburg si intermedinte sas b arriving at Philadel pLel m., New York. 0.05 p.m. B Weshing- nal 837 pom. Philadels phia, wid pas enge hultimore bol p.m ~T ain 12 | Fur Wilkestsns rs Hillerman tale | Fe Lions Fonds ville Harrah: {Dai Hezieton, | point 1 New York (er COoRChion 16 €X 0p Bp. In.~Train | Harrisburg and all is i ing at Philads ipt im, Pullman sie { Philadelphia ax | BELgers CAL retain iu sl i008 m adeiphia page undisturbed unl | 129 8. m {| Harrisburg and { Phila , 4 Ya fii pile ang passe Liladeiphis aud Baltimore WESTWARD, Chen 0 a. gus send 0 sud Niag ears 10 Erie and Erie and Rochester, 10.17 Train i ud Can fiesler Ullman chick Wo r Haven and 1.06 p. ms ~Tral For Kane, Cava Rochester, Buffalo through passenger co ler, snd Farior our Ww iu 6p. m.~-Train For Renovo, Els bo fay. slepimiions ie with Boches $i p.m For Williamsport THROUGH TRAINER FOR MORTANDOR EABT AND sOUTH.; 3 16 leaves New York 12.1 phia 4.30 & 10, Siiadeiphia B00 a m, Washings Willlkestmrre rriviog st Train 1 le Washington at 31/4 mn, Wilkesbarre 3 wndon wt £ I CosChios eaves RB LEWISBURG AND TYRONE EAILROAD, Duly Except sunday, Westward FMPX.AM Eastward. MPM. PNM Bn 4 oi i 47 3% STATIOKRE 5 o “ 2 wl 23 6 2 Zi 6 2% Vicksbur § # “ i iG entre Hall it Greg 23 Linden Hall Oak Hall Lemont 8 wie Bun 5 47 Pleasant Gap 0 ix 501 A wermant & & 55 Bellefonte Additional trains leave Low 0.00 a m, 1.20, 5 San 4 ntandon for Lew ish mit rT rT II nr 2 % 215 burg for Moutan- 4 ¥ =. General Manager Gen'l Pw'ger Agt. DR. THEEL, Sal y b » 538 North Fourth St. ive Green, Phlsdeipbia froeh pases ros in & ve JO dure Poiwon, Eiriciures, Disc . U3 very, Pimple. Carly Decay, al) «Sects ©! Youthigl errors wd ah every ie hae failed. 8 venre Eafuiess Hosrdial and 90 years’ practiond es periense. Xo experiment, we failure. Method enti pew snd haradess. ; Fever falls. Send Iv o9a wanes for Pyweth. the expoere of guacie. thelr § books avd Tales stateasonts, Pravdude Pimmoniisie sud hots eure swindle. Twers des © Pally. frome ® we 2 end undars $3 Chr Sony hook A certain cure for Chronic Sore Eyes, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Old Chronic Sores, Fever Sores, Eczema, Itch, Prairie Scratches, Sore Nipples and Piles. It is cooling and soothing. Hundreds of cases have been cured by it after all other treatment had failed tis put up in 25 and 60 cent boxes. Bucklen’s Arnloa Salve, The best salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chil blains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give per fect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by J. D. Murray. 120 PER MONTH Ix Your Own LocaLiTy made easily and honombly, without capi tal, duriig your spare hours. Any man, woman, boy, or girl can do the work hand- fly, without une