THE NEWS. ns — Ata wedding at Arlington, Nel., Herman Echtenkamp and Frank Ostman, who had an old grievance, fought a duel with pistols, and Ostman was fatally wounded.———The stook- holders on the State Bank of Veedersburg, Ind., which was organized one year ago with Reid Zigler, of Attica, as president, and Luetus Martin as cashier, with a eapital stock of #25 000, went into voluntary liquidation, «The orehestra of the English Opera Com- pany struck in Buffalo, and the company dis- banded. — While out hunting, Frank Louvett shot and almost fostantly killed John D. Moore, a prominent business man of Brin- fleld, Ill. Moore was getting info a sleigh when the gun which Louvett was carrying was accidentally discharged, the full load entering Moore's back, —— Mrs. Isane Spald- jug, the richest woman in Nashua N.H. died at the age of ninety-seven, Insanity ex- perts have declared Mrs, Catherine Fitzlerald who killed Mrs Carrie Pearsall, insane, Harvey Pate and Frank Stiers were hung at Danville, 1iL, for murder. —— Fire started in the grocery store of Winkleman & Freeman in Temple, Texas, and before it could be controlled that store, together with those of Cheeves Broa, & Co, and W. H., Wilkers, were destroyed, The total loss is £40,000, with partial insurance. Mr. Samuel Cheeves was burned to death in an attempt to save some of his valuables, Henry Collier, bookkeeper for the wood Stove Factory in Little Har Ark., Rook, Both had been drinking. - Mrs, Luey W. Wright, in -The home in the ruins. and the house seton fireto conceal the crime, ~The frequency of incendiary Wheeling, W. Va., bas caused the Mayor to offer a reward for the arrest of The will of Judge Billings, of New the firebugs, Ore ~The second trial of Rev, Frederick How- ard, alleged to be Wm, Lord Moore, charged with conducting a fraudulent ness, began in Nashville, Tenn, - T. Scott, of Kansas (ity, Mo., eloped Miss Belle Rich, bis typewriter. - Yard, causing a loss of probably $250,000. — rob the Emporia postoffice Leavenworth, Kan. A wildeat brandy still, belonging to Wile llam Fowler, were captured in Warren coun. ty, Teain., and one boiler, an engiae wormmill, thirty-one tubs, eleven casks and three hundred and eighty-two gallons of ap- plejack was seized, 10 the federal court, Fight hundred gallons of liquor was also captured —— William Kal- rer, a baker, of Camden, N. J., was shot killed by a burglar, of Grand Island, Neb, Henry Miles, Evans Mill, N. Y. Mrs. Anna M. Ward, who had purchased his farm under mortgage foreclosure The grain elevator, containing 25,000 bushels of wheat, two livery stables, horses, three freight cars, the electric plaot and six other buildings were destroyed by fire in Corsicana, Texas, The wated at £10,000, Edward opium flend, Killed himself children in Erie, Pa, killed Mrs. Catherine woman, in Brooklyn, Bing Sing. and Fowler was bound over and The 3 closed fits doors - of Sale, ee Cady, an : By an ER Johu Deiflno, who Italian was electrocuted in Gressell, an There was a freight train wreck at Stanton onthe P. W_& I. and another hurt, Mra. Wahn, residiag in Monaco, was fatally burnesl by the bursting on the cook stove, and One tramp was of a can of water tried to commit suicide In her coll in Monti. cello, N. H. ——Hon. Isaac C. Lewis, presi. dent of the Meriden, C1, Britannia Company and Meriden's wealthiest citizen, died at his bome of apoplexy, aged eighty-one years, Mr. Lewis began life without a dollar, and by his own exertions accumulated a large fortune, —— Young Tom Rodgers, who mur dered his father and attempted to kill his mother, and sister in Chester, Pa. ,on January 14th last, was sentenced by Judge Clayton to twenty-six years imprisonment for his orimes, —wThe engine and five cars of the Pittafleld freight, bound north, on the Danbury and Berkshire division of the Consolidated Rail. road, ran off an open switch at Bethel, Ct, and were wrecked General Manager Barlow, of the Elkton Coal and Coke Com. pany, died at his home In Roanoke, Va , Capt. J. J. Lawrence, who was the comman- der of the first steamboat of the Mallory line, fell dead at his home in New York, He was about seventy years old, and retired from setive services several years ago. He had a wile and two daughters, —The five-year-old son of Mra, Healy, living in Middletown, Ct, was carrying a lamp down stairs when he fell, breaking the lamp, A plece of glass penetrated his throat and severed the jugular vein, causing death almost instantly, Mensa is II sas. TWO FATALLY INJURED. ———— A Calcium Light Cylinder Exp'odes \ While on a Man's Shoulder, A horrible aecident happened on the river front at Albany, N. Y., shortly after nine o'clock, at the freight house entrance of the People's Line Steamboat Company. It was an explosion eauted in a manner which is a rarity. Wm. Becker, Fred, Rusesll, Edward Eagan and Edward Leslie, who are employes of the People’s Liae, were removing a number ol ealelum light cylinders, Eagan holsted one upon his shoulder, and in an lostant there occurred an explosion which startied every. one in the vieinity, When the dust cleared away three of the men lay prostrate, On the snow io the street was Russell, One leg was torn off, and from a gash in his stomach protruded bis entealls, Eagan lay near him, Une of his logs was also gone, while there was hardly a spot on his body Lut showed the marks of eome of the flying portions of the death dealing cylinder. Becker lay nest the door. A gash in his left thigh showed that he, too, had been badly injured. Leslie escaped with a couple of broken ribs, Eagan wna Russell are injured iot:rnaily, and may die. Becker will live, THE MESSAGE. President Cleveland Discusses Public Affairs, “TARIFF REFORM” URGED. SS—— Chiaese Registration Law-—-TheUnited States and Brazil