THE CENTRE REPORTER. Freep. KURTZ, TERMS. —One'vear, $1.50, when paid in advance. Those in arrears subject to previous terms, §2.00 per year. EDITOR AND PUBLISHER. ADVERTISEMENTS. —20 cents per live for three fusertions, and 5 cents perjline for each subse- quent insertion. Other rates made made known on application. CenTRE HALL, PA., THURS, Nov. 30 FARMERS AND INCOME TAX. As to the proposed income tax, Judge Holman, of Indiana, the twatchdog of the treasury,” presents the cogent argument that the expenses of the government are now so large it does not seem to be possible to raise the necessary revenues by or- dinary means and without imposing a tax on incomes, says the Pittsburg Post. This he supplements with the statement that the demand for the ex- travagant legislation of the last few years has come largely from men of affinence, who have large interests to subserve and want to see the govern- ment do things on an expensive scale. If they have to pay some of the ex- penses of an extravagant government in the shape of an income tax, it is Judge Holman’s opinion that they may learn needed lessons of public economy. There is a great deal of truth in this. Nothing enforces economy more than a direct levy of taxes to meet the ex- penditures. Indirect taxes sugar-coat the medicine. Judge Holman oppos- es an increase in the tax on tobacco and beer, as they are the poor man’s luxuries. As to an income tax, it is the opinion of Judge Holman that it should include government and other salaries and incomes of $3,000 per an- num and over. Asked if such a tax would catch the farmers of Ohio and Indiana, the Judge said he thought not, as there are not many agricultur- ists who have a net income of any- thing like $4,000 a year. In Iodiana the net income of a farm- er is less than $600 a year, while in Ohio it may go a shade over, but not much. The exceptions are rare farmers who make a net income of §1,- 000 or $2,000 a year by farming opera- tions. Sometimes the farmer will get rich by developement of minerals on his land, by lucky speculations, or by the progress of new towns, but they do not make much money these times by raising bread stuffs, provisions, wool or dairy products. They are al- ways selling in the cheapest market and buying in the dearest one. There is no money in that, and when the process is carried on for years, as it has been in the United States for aquarter of a century, the farmer goes to the bottom. It is not many Pennsylvania farmers the income tax of all in excess of $4, 000 a year will catch. It may sweep in some of the lucky ones who have got big prices for oil, gas and coal ter- ritory. No class of the community could stand a draft in the shape of an income tax better than these lucky ones. Bome of them are embarrassed by their riches, m—————— VioLaToRs of the fish laws continue to catch the penalties of the law, as they are being closely watched, They are being jerked lively on the other side of the county. We trust no one over on this side will cateh fish out of season, as we are a law-abiding people, yet there are reports of unlawful fish- ing. : of ———————— THis is Thanksgiving. Let all ob- serve it, and give thanks for life, health, a land of liberty, great crops, the gifts of a kind and all-wise Provi- dence, that attends our wants, May all be in the enjoyment of a thanks giving roast to-day. fi Foor-BALL is really beginning now to prove its usefulness. A player last week died from paralysis caused by an injury in his neck and back while at play. PowpErLY has resigned as Grand Master of the Knights of Labor, which held their national convention in Phi- ladelphia the previous two weeks, and was an intensely stormy affair between the Powderly and anti-Powderly fac- tions. Liar, thief, robber and other like yells, with clenched fits, and acts of violence, characterised the proceed- ings. The organization has split as a result. Powderly was asked to resign after his re-election on a close shave, this he refused and the fight went on. He has now resigned, and J, R. Sover- eign, of lows, was elected in his place. ————— AS A—————— Ax accurate outlined of the reform tariff’ bill as far as determined shows that the free list will include nearly all the raw and crude materials which en- ter intomanufactures, This, of course, takes in wool, iron ore, lumber, salt, silver lead ore, bituminous coal, flax, hemp and jute and a geat number of chemicals. The duties on glassware are Jargely reduced, but steel rails do not get the cut expected, and $3 ls an- nounced as the rate. Pilg iron will probably be put at 25 per cent, which was the rate 40 years ago. Block tin goes on the free list and tin plate back to 1 cent a pound—n revenue duty, with free wool. in free. Specific duties and compen- ly wiped out, On wr) details, A tax of crease made in the whisky tax. reduction, EE a a A. —— CRIME is not abating. AARONSBURG. Deco, 3rd. Fox hunter Earn Stover shot anoth- him an excellent Sunday dinner, Herb Condo shot two wild turkeys one day last week. He had been feed- and lay in ambush and when they robberies and Near Uniontown, suicides, train deeds of violence. barrel. The Lutheran church in this place own brains. Foster, it is sald, had ago they separated. ciliation was eflected turned to his family. The children were found dead in the next room, and from their position had evidently been aroused from sleep. The eldest child, a boy, was found with hands clasped as if in the attitude of prayer for his life and the lives of his little brother and sister, a fs MAP ———————t and Foster re- Dr. E. J. Wolf, of Gettysburg, will assist the pastor in the services, J. P. Condo, lately elected sherifl’ of Centre County, has appointed Mr. C. Mr. Condo could not have made a better selection stuck their pins for Hastings for gov- ernor. The General is still in the lead A large black bear crossed the turn- pike near George Keister’s, but failed to stop and give George a call, It hard to say how George would have received him, but no doubt he would have given bruin a warm reception if he would have had anything to make it warm for him, Cieorge Homan has found for the horse he traded {rom the medi- cine peddler and now George drives a is a home have been thrown in his way. Wp all pleased with the new tariff bill and not the few, and tariff reform it's going to be. a el —— United States Tue court in goods consigned of South must them carry all for citizens ing liquors, or Tillman's barroom, and he can pt up the lights, shutters and turn out sss A DEATH AT TUSSEXYVILLE, IUness Mr. Jacob Tussy ville, Meese, an noon, after an illness of several weeks Dr. M'Gehon informs us he called see Mr. Meese on Tuesaday eV found him ander the effects of a stroke MISCIOUS, of apoplexy and une he died shortly after the Dr. reached there, Mr. Meese was a highly respected citizen ; honest and upright in every thing, and a Christian is his conduct. He was kind to the poor and a most obliging neighbor always willing to do a favor. He never willfully sought to harm any one. As a hasband and father he was a model. That commu- nity has lost a good man. Mr. Meese was 63 years of age. He leaves a widow and four children. He was the father of six children, viz :- Mary, wife of George Bitner; George, John dead, William in Illinois, Sally dead, and Jacob at Bellefonte. Funeral at Zion Evangelical church, on Saturday at 10 a. m. ———— Specimen Cases, 8S. H. Clifford, New Cassel, Wis., was troubled with Neuralgia and Rheumatism, his stomach was disor- dered, his Liver was affected to an alarming degree, appetite fell away, and he was terribly reduced in flesh and strength. Three bottles of Elec- tric Bitters cured him. Edward Shepherd, Harrisburg, Ill, had a running sore on his leg of eight years’ standing. Used three bottles of Electric Bitters and seven boxes of Bucklen's Arnica Salve, and his leg is sound and well. John Speaker, Ca- tawba, O., had five large Fever sores on his leg, doctors said he was incura- ble. One bottle Electric Bitters and one box Bucklen’'s Arnica Salve cured him entirely. Sold by J. D. Murray, Druggist. HO LLM Marriage Licenses. The following marriage licenses have been granted the past week: F. H. Bartges and Laura M. Meyer, of Haines township. T. C. Campbell, Greene, N. J,, and Cora Brotherton, of Pittsburg, Geo. McWaite and Annie E. Neese, of Rebersburg. Thos, F. Stover and Annie 0. Bto- ver, of Aaronsburg. None Cheaper, The REPORTER office has the finest Job department in Centre county, and with fast new presses, we are enabled to turn out any class of work in the shortest possible time, and at prices which we will defy any concern to un- derbid. We are enabled with presses to do good, first-class work at extremely low prices. First-class work only we turn out. H—— I —————— «Have you seen C. P. Long and Co's $1.57 Boys Suits and Boys over- conts for $1.62? —A nice brown sugar, 3 pounds for 5 cents, at C. P. Long & Co's, Spring Mills. W. Clayton Wyle will the vacate Mr. and Mrs. Yearick are to their sons Henry and Gross and other Thomas on a visit relatives and acquaintances, Mrs. D. J. Meyer, Hall, Lizzie Shelley, of of Centre Lancaster were visitors at James 1. Ettingers, ey county, $500 AYEAR 25% A NUMBER A year's subscription to BURIBNER'S Macazing will bring into your home twelve monthly numbers, aggregating and most than over 1500 pages of the best interesting reading, and more 700 beautiful illustrations. ANNOUNCEMENTS. GEORGE W, CABLE will begin in Sant % He SOUL the January fa romance entit March Southerner.” important serials have been engaged ARRIE, author of the famous “Litlie * has written a now novel, the fired GEORGE MERE DITH, the greet English novellst, has in pre paration a povel entitled "The Amazing Mar rage. SHORT STORIES will be sbundant. W. D. HOWELLS, MISS ELLIOT, W. H BISHOP, LUDOVIC BOURGET, JOEL CHAN DLER HARRIS and many new writers will contribute, STUDIES OF AMERICAN LIFE will be an im portant feature, including Newport, Bar Har bor, Lenox, ere., and the West, THE ILLUSTRATIONS will be even more num- erous and beautiful than ever. A series of froutis pieces chosen by Philip Gilbert Ham- erton will be especially notable COMPLETE PROSPECTUS SENT ON REQUEST nisin] J s— . Special Offer : enwriss and a subscription for 1894, . - $480 The same, with back numbers, bound in cloth, ‘ . . . Sample Copy, 10 conis, ister thal famous story The num. 6m Charles Scribner's Sons, 743 Broadway oN. Y. The Sun. nas J smn The first of American Newspapers, CHARLES A. DANA, Editor, The Ameriean Constitution, the American Idea, the Ameriean Spirit. These first, last, and all the time, forever ! TheSunday Sun Is the greatest Sunday Newspaper in the world. Price 5c a copy. By mail $2 a year, Daily, by mail, - $6 n year. Daily and Sunday, by mail, + « « $8a year, The Weekly, =~ « $l ayear! Address THE SUN, New York. CHARTER NOTICE. NOTICE HEREBY given that an joation will be mad to the Court of Common of Centre County on the nd aay of Juanaty A. D.1 at 10 a. m. under an An Assembly en e THE PRESS. PHILADELPHIA. BUNDAY - For 1803 & '04. Still maintains its position as Phila- delphia’s Greatest Family News- paper. DAILY - WEEKLY It Prints All the News, And this news is Satetully verified, fully clasiified , ably edited, legibly printed and made the more interesting by being well ilustrated. Editorially It 1s Strong, Its editorial policy being at once foroefu) fenrless, impartial, aggressive, honest and always directed to the public welfare, It Is Pre-Eminently a Lamily Paper, Meeting all requirements as such by ap- peaiing directly to the best interests of ev. ery member of the household and by the absence of anything of an obj ectionable character in either is news, Hierary or ad vertising columus TERMS OF THE PRESS. By mall, postage free in the United Slates, Cana da snd Mexico. Dally (except Bunday) one year, " ’ one month {including Sunday), one year, ~ 7.50 " " one mouth 65 . 2.00 1.00 should $0 ol) Bunday, one year, . WEEKLY PRESS, one year Drafis, Chocks and other Remittances be made payable to the order of The Press Company, Limited, PHILADELPHIA, PA. AB AN ADVERTIRING MEDIUM THE PRESS I8 AMONG THE BEST IK THE UNITED BTATES, Press Want “Ads.” give the greatest results Ihe people believe in them and use them. THE PRESS prints as high as 4 044 want ad vertis nie in & slogie ste sed has res of 7 auswers 10 Press Want Ads. In ssingle day. This shows why Press Want Ads. give the greatest results RATES FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS PREPAID.) n One cent ived 10. 4 if cent a word BR word £ out 8 word cents a word $8 word For small amounts one-cent or two- cent stamps are accepted same as cash, THREE DOLLARS A WEEK FOR | LIFE. fowargs iW Tbs come to be ia Of pe La | 5, oF i Yaluabe jpaize list r. Send for prioted | iist of former pris RuLes. Foreign or obsolete words not counted. | 2, Letters cannot appear oftenet 1 they sp- | pear in the words World's Columbian Expo | sition that is, the word “riddle iastanoe, oid not be used, because there 8 but one qd” 1 in the three words, eof Names of persons | and pisces barred 4 f packing or | ipping, but expected i 5 A for No charge for ail prize winooers will be circulation J} correct words will re genlis a will see | Commodore | Anse of Stesuners), | 0 President | dd 10 act We prizes are i, {Prope plerborough, and Times Privting Com AvExTs WANT iy 1 no commission girls, Write for particulars 7 tiers. Address, AURICUILIU RL io men Wl), Peterborough, Catsda "CRT ANTED.—~SALESMEN, TO SELL OUR choice and bardy nursery stock Many special varieties to offer both in fruits and ornamentals, and controlled only by us. We pay commission of salary. give exclusive territory and paFweekly, Write us at onoe and secure choice of territory, MAY BROTHERS, Karserymen, i5junim Rochester, N.Y, A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE LETTERS of Administration tpon the estate of Mi chisel Tibbens, decossad, of Groge tow peh ip hay. ing been lawlolly granted to the undersigned, she would respectfally request all persons & tow. ing themselves Indebied 10 the cstate to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the sae to present them duly sutbent! oatod for soltiement., ANNA M TIBBENS, octinat Penn Cave FP, 0, DMINISTRATORS NOTICE. LETTERS of Administration upon the estate of Catharine Gentsel, deo’d, of Gregg township having been Inw fully granted to the undersigned he would respectfully request all persons knows ing themselves indebted to the estate to make Jwsediste payment, and thom baving ecisits agains ¢ same 10 present ul - cated for seltiement, - Gly Suthene) JAMES D GENTIEL, Adm'r. Spring Mills, UBLIC SALE A GOOD TWOSTORY Gusiting house, with good summer house n Coburn, will be sold cheap at food property and well located, LUCY M. AUMAN, Potters Mills, novaH * AUTION.~ALL PERSONS ARE HEREBY C cautioned against selling my Ae or ly C. Auman, anytning on my scoount, as 1 A no bills, or de whatever LUCY M. 5 UY M Potters Mills, $ $10 and $20. Genuine Confederate Bills only five cents each: 850 and $100 bills 1D cents each: 20 and Ho shinplasters 10 oents each; §1 and 12 bills 25 cents each. Sent sxeurel soaled on receipt of price, Address, Cuas. I, Bankes, % 8, th St, Atlants, Ga, XECUTOR'S NOTICE LETTERS T ESTA. Ld oY ah. thi entate of John 3 Sen, county having been placed in the ands, of the , All persons knowing ives in. said estate are notified mak pd ee BL ARY J RN «A, KERR, / FG. & hf ved or M in 3 Ma, Ly \ ON_THE 1 FIRM St Sa 1 in 1G, Br i ang be dissol main Hi op month of Follow the Crowd . ... ..s +. To The Hill ¥ C. P. LONC & Co., Proprietors. Prva For tilym GREAT REDUCTIONS ! The stock consists of Dry Goods, Groceries, Notions, Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Ladies’ Coats, &ec. joys’ Overcoats, §1.62, Men's Storm Overcoats, $5.00. Ladies’ Vests, worth 50c. now 30c. Ladies’ Coats sold at greatly reduced prices. COME FOR BARGAINS! Red Bed Blankets, were $4. now ded Blankets ( 95¢c. per pair. Hors ikets, $1.00 and up. Baws, Carpet, Z3¢c. per yd. worth 7c. at 4c. Boy's Suits, $1.87 $2.65, Bquare Hand Calicoes rl, 35,000 POUNDS SALT RECEIVED! Butter, Egos for goods. Don't forget originator of Low Prices. the Hill.” Brick Store Abandoned! Y | « « « New Store "On Lome «afi STC the crowd. I I a I I PCAC TPR | Try Us. | Try Us. | Try Us. | Try Us. Try Us. JLWLL COST_YOU NOTHING! WE promise to make your visit an actual saving of Dollars and Cents to you. FAUBLE BELLE- sy FONTE. . Try Us. | Try Us. Try Us. Try Us. Try Us.