The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, August 31, 1893, Image 2

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Robbers tortured J. N. Bolles, a Pulaski,
Tenn., farmer, until he delivered one thou-
sand dollars he had withdrawn from bank,
J, Gi. Rhodes, proprietor of the Rbhodas
House, at Girard, Pa., while speeding his
horse, was struck by a train and killed. The
horse, a valuable animal, was also killed,
Mrs. Argus B. Weaver, of Buffalo, was shot
at Drumbo, Ont, by burglars, Miss Mary
Bowen, a Balvation Army leader, was ar-
rested in Patterson, N. J., charged with a
brutal assault on a little girl,——A&t Camp
Knox, Ky., Mrs. Martha Mahon poured coal
ofl all over her dress and applied a mateh,
and was burned to death in a few minutes,
John McCormick committed suicide at
his bome in Albany, by cutting his throat
with a plece of window glass, He was
spondent over his non-success in securing
work, was unmarried, and about thirty-nine
years old,——Btate Bauk
Briedenthal, of Knnsas, has issued a eireular
notifying the banks in bis that
such New York banks oss
draits in cash are
Ford County Bank,
bilities of $08,600,
legally insolvent,
of Paxton, IIL,
with lia-
and assets % 154,000,
Brie express was foiled, and the desperadoes
maptured, — Health represantatives of the
pamation that there is no yellow fever in
Sensacola —A fire in Benton, lil destroyed
seventeen business buildings, involving a
loss of $150,000.——Seidie's large spoke
by fire, Loss 20,000, Daniel C, Brinton,
oi Philadelphia, was elected president of the
American Association for the
of Sclence at the meeting held in Dixon, Wis,
—A cut of ten per cent. was made
waukee and 8t. Paul Railroad Company, ——
The bonded warehouse of Jacch Hartzeler,
consisting of 650 barrels
whiskey, Los< £20,000; insurance, £15,000,
Origin believed incendiary.—-Dr. D. G.
Foster, surgeon of the Fourteenth
its contents,
fans in Western Pennsylvania, committed
suicide by shooting himself in the
reason for the deed. He leaves a wile and
two children, The deceased was forty-three
the value of §75.000 in Nashville, Tenn. ~
Fire in the main department of the Erie A
sociation houses destroyed alurge amount ¢
frozen fish and applisnees. The falivg of
Annie Laurie was also burned, Loss, $30,-
000 « insurance about one-half,
Dan Munroe was killed near his store at
Danville postoffice, in Louisiana, by J.
Jones, ——Two barns and several outbuild.
ings on the model farm of Hon. James Foeht
Jocated in Panther Valley, three
Cressons, Pa. was destroyed by fire, Twenty
three head of cattle, three mules, ten pigs
and several hundred fancy breed chickens
were burned, as was the entire season's
Loss about £18,000; insurance light. ——A
warrsot was sworn out im Sioux City for the
arrest of E. M. Donaldson, the fugitive presi-
dent of the Marine Bank, who established a
chain of banks in Jowaand Kansas In an
eastern-bound Atchison,
Fe train which passed throu
was a Wells Fargo
$1,400,700 in gold coin.
watehed by a number
gh Lajusta, Col,
e xpress car containing
The treasure was
of heavily-armed
set for the execution of the nine Choctaws
convicted at Wilberton in June, Private
advices from Washington state that they will
not be shot at sll ; that Gen, Armstrong, who
bas long been in the Indisn service, wiil
visit the Choctaw Naticn and look into the
A colored woman and her two children
were burned tq death in a eabin
leston, Mo.—-Prof, ¥. CC.
Anderson, aa
the top of Buoqualmie Falls, Washington,
George A. Daly, the well-known Ameri.
ean, who, while employed on the Mexican
Central Raliroad as locomotive engineer
the City of Mexico four months ago,
been released from prison
Court. —Three-fourths of the town of Birds.
ey2, Ind, was destroyed by fire, The ex.
tensive hardware house of Wm. Starr's Soa
& Morrow, in Halifax, was destroyed by fire,
Loss, $125,000; insurance $80,000
Keating, a fireman, fell from a ladder and
was fatally injured. —— Treasurer Carpain is
reported to have atsconded with a million
dollars given to him to pay the Choctaws, —
Judge Bimonton, in the United States Court
in Greenville, 8, C., declared the Dispensary
law, 80 far as it forbide common carriers to
deliver intoxicating liquors in the state, void
and contrary to the Interstate Commeree
law.——Paul Smith fired into a clump of
bushes near Oleopolis, Pa., and killed his
younger brother, Albert, who was lyicg
L. J. Bovesand Party Raa Down by »
Lehigh Vall:y Train,
An aceldent occurred at Leroy, N. Y., on
the Lehigh Valley Railroad crossing of Lake,
in which five persons were instantly killed,
There names are:
L. J. Bovee, Mrs. 1. J. Bovee and daugh-
ter, Miss Ola Bovee, Miss Nancy Wyckes, of
Le Roy, and Miss Ems Bowden, daughter
of the Rev. Bamuel Bowden, of New York
The Bovees aro one of the wealthiest and
most prominent families in Genesss county.
the five started with a spirited
to church,
As they reached the Lehigh Valley track
the ensthound Lehigh Valley express train
came along at a speed of nearly fifty miles
an hour. Mr. Bovee did not ses it until he
was too close to check his horses,
Mr. Bovee made a frantio effort to get
morose the tarck, but the engine struck the
forward part of the carriage, and a second
later the mangled bodies of the occupants
‘were flying through the air,
Tux Daloh stéamer Bantam ran Into ana
sank the German steamer Amigo, in Hong"
Kong harbor, oa July 20. Several children
were drowned by the sinking of two large
boats lying alovgside of the Amigo,
Yellow Jack and Starvation
Threaten Brunswick's Poor.
and the Streets Deserted-Four
Thousand People Hungry-An
Appea! to Georgia Con~-
gressmen and Senators.
scourge. Out of 15.000 people there
scarce 4.000 left in
are there only because they cannot got away.
wholesale cotton ware houses, which
employment to hundreds, are barred.
The stores have shut their doors, and half
of the residences are also locked up. The
streets are deserted. Every person who
could get out of the city left some time ago,
and now none but the poor are left,
These families are already suffering for
necessities of life, and will be
to relieve them.
The citizens met and appointed a commit-
tee of relief, and the committee immediately
cities for help, Later
once forwarded to Washington to Senator”
members of the Georgia delegation,
The situation here is distressing,
shut off from the entire outside world
Starvation stares the poor people in the face,
The refugees, the ordinarily bread winoers,
with their families, have leit the city without
means, About 4,000 people left in the city
unable to procure supplies,
peed, provisions and money Time i= an
important element. We appeal in behalf of
a stricken people for immediate ald and con-
fidently rely upon the heart of a great
American people and the government to
The document Is signed by Charles W.
Lam, Mayor C. P. Goodyear, Jacob E. Dart,
tev. Edward T, Cook, Hev. J. H Thompson,
Father Hennessy,
The belief that the fever is in the atmos-
phere was substantiated by the discovery of
another case in a locality far removed from
where the other eases were found, The suf
ferer is the five-year-old child of Mrs, Bertha
Cox. The child bas not been out of the
yard of ber mother’s house since the fever
was first discoverad. She has not in
contact with any one who has been near the
ense 8 & mystery,
epidemic, The clerk, Harris,
taken down several days ago,
can hardly recover,
Ms Worse
At the request of the State health office
of Florida, the Marine Hospital
stationed inspectors at Way and
Ga., to prevent passengers from
entering Florida unless they have a certifi
immunity signed by the pro per
Marine Hospital officer at Brunswick.
Advices from Dr. Porter
enate of
received fs
of yellow fever In that vie
Dr. Wyman has established
information in the
a bureau of
Marine Hospital for
purpose of furnishing information to all
health officers,
Corouers, Ga. the 1
Two days ago
of health recommended a quarantine agains,
The city council ignored
recommendation. They stated that such an
action was not necessary. Four of the
The city is crowded with refugees fron
Bx the capsizing of a sailboat on Bang's
Lake, near Wauconda, Ili, four persons
were drowned,
were killed and four injured,
and stripped the tress of their leaves. The
A Boren of the Weliington Roller Mills,
Frank Albin were instantly killed,
Burgeon General Wyman,
Hospital service, received a telegram from
Burgeon Carter, at Brunswick, Georgia,
stating that a further examination of Bran
bam’s case has been made and that he is sure
that it is yellow fever,
Apvices have reached Vancouver that, on
the evening on July 20, the Dutch steamer
Bantam ran into and sank the German
steamer Amigo in Hoag Koug harbor, Two
cargo boats that were lying alongside of the
collision was also cut down and sank, caus.
ing the loss of the lives of severe! children,
Mas. Crixros B, Seams, of Philadelphia,
of the Engineer Corp, U. 8. A, and his
wife were upset in a runaway accident, at
Newport, Rhode Island, and. severely injured,
Major Bears's left arm was broken in two
places, the fingers ¢f the hand discolated,
and both he and his wife was badly braised
and cut.
A Man Rescued After Being in the
Water 33 Bours.
The steamer Eggleston Abbey, Captain
Barnett, arrived in New York from Cardiff
bound to Delaware Breakwater, She put
foto New York for repairs, The captain re-
ports that on August 22 & man was resumed
in an exhausted condition from a broken
boat. He proved to be George H. Upton,
one of the crew of the fishing schooner Mary
Lizzie, of Portland, Me, , which foundered on
August 21, he having been fu the water
thirty-six bours,
The rest of the crew, six In number, one
of whom was bis brother, had perished, Up.
ton having ween the men go down after the
schooner sank, The Mary Lime sank in
five minates, i
Extra Session.
181i Day.—-In the Senate Mr. Allen gave
notice of an amendment to the purchase
repeal bill providing for the coining of all
bullion in the Treasury. Senator Voorhees
delivered his speech In advoeacy of the
repeal, advocating state bank notes, and
attacking national banks. Hpeoches were
made by Benator Dubois against and Senator
Palmer for the repeal bill, The national
bank circulation bill was discussed by Bena-
| tors Stewart, Cockrell, Faulkner, Hawley
i and Allison.
rn Day. The resolution offered by Mr.
Peffer, calling for laformation as to the vio-
ation of the law by the national banks of
Boston, New York and Philadelphia in re-
fusing to pay promptly and in currency the
checks of the depositors, gave rise to an in-
teresting discussion. At that time the morn
ing hour expired and
{ to the ealendar, where it cannot be
to a seat in
ness, Les Mantle's claim
Senate from the state of
i jected yeas 35, nays 30,
151s Day. —In the Benste, Mr,
Hvered 6 three-hour speech on the silver
question. He was followed by another Pop-
| ulist Senator Mr. Allen, of Nebraska who
| spoke for an hour and a ball in support
his amendment, proposing to add to
| Hmited coinage of sliver at the ratio of 16 to
1. Atdo'clock Mr. Peffer's speech was in-
presented That was the motion to lay on
the table the motion to reconsider the vote
whereby theSenate declared Mr, Lee Mantle
not entitled to a seat as seantor from Moo.
161i Day.—~In the Senate, Mr, Vest at-
tacked the statement contained in the efter
of Recretary Carlisle to Senator Voorhees,
fr. Hill made an elaborate address on the
Siiver-repeal bill, and was followed by Senn
tor Stewart, The House joint resolution as
to townsite selections in the Cherokees Out~
let was taken up, discussed and passed, the
amendment of the Committee on Public
Lands, r quiring the trustees to be bona fide
residents of Oklahoma Territory, being de-
feated Ly a large majority. Notice was
given that one the Enancial measures
(Mr. McPherson could mot particularize
which) would be pressed to a vole next
week, and the Senate adjourned,
In the House the silver debate
on the Wilson bil Mallory,
of Florida, was the first speaker against the
unconditional repeal of the Sherman law
Hopkins, of Illinois, took the other side,
Bynum, of Indiana, made a short but inels.
ive argument in favor of the Wilson WL
Heptauirn, of lows, who was comptroller of
the treasury under the Harrison ad
tion, phatically declared against
repeal | of ‘the Sherman law, That law, he
contended, bad been beneficial in its effects
and it should not now be repeaied,
of Virgluia, closed the day's debate with
argument in favor of bimetaiism
14rn Day. —In the House the de
Silver bill was resumed
19a Day.
was resumed
bate on
151m Day.
Quite a number of five-minute
on the silver question was made
in the House, the speakers in: g Messrs
Waugh, Johnson, Hons,
Hartman, Bartholdsa, Houck, Heard Caruth,
Wilson, Van Yoorhis, and
the features of the debate being the sp
of Pence, Populist, who quoted By
cord against him, and IDMagieys
ars iment,
shes ug
Gru Day, In the Houses, besides the Ave
minute speeches made by many on the repeal
bill, ner addresses were Hvered bY
Messrs. Burrows, Springer and Con
Prescu and Italian workmen at Algu-es
engaged in & street-fght and
men were killed,
Mortes, Gard,
A BOAT containing a pleasure party was
god while crossing the EBiver Shannon,
and sevenloen persons Were
in Ireland,
Ouivena has been appointed Gover.
Bueaos Ayres, and if
will soon
Bor of the pr
is said that the
ovitite of
whole republic Le
declared ia a state of seige,
Tue United
is at Gibraltar
days and then sall for the United Slates,
Usireo Ingraxn, of
that Dr. Guiingher, the dynamiter, bas boon
released from priso The report was ofil-
cially denied by government, however,
Secretary Alsquith declating that Dr,
gher's health is sound
George Islands
dred seals killed,
robbed, the watchmen belog overpowered
The crews unknown schooners
were oconoei ned in the raid,
Ax alection for member of Parliament for
Heorelord to succeed Wm. H. Grenfell, Giad-
stonian, who retired, resuited in the choios
of Radeolifle Cook, conservative, who re
ian candidate,
Taz riots in Dombay were renewed with
desperate vigor and many persons were
killed, The fury of the mob was directed
aguiast the mosques, several of which were
sacked and burned. All the public buildings
are now occupied by troops and the gunboats
States steals
She will remain for a
or Sarat
Rs Lhe wig aia »
Dablin, sanounced
and St
made Bt. Paul
on July 4 and several
from wo
quarters should rioting be resumed,
Though Suffering from Hydrophobia He
Preaches With His Last Brea bh,
Georges Willis, 14-years-old, sou of Mr, J,
W. Will, a painter, died at his home in Ate
lanta, Ga. Three months ago young Willie
was bitten on the calf of the Jeg by a sxall
dog. Every effort possible was mado to save
the boy's lite, all of wich proved in vain,
Just before his death he called for a Bible
to road a few words from the book to those
in the rooms. Buddenly his eyes lt up and
he preached a sermon, After he finished
the sermon he said that God bad prepared
him a place in Heaven and was waiting for
him and with these words on his lps he died,
Throw others being bitten at the same time
are being closely watched,
AION. 301300500.
Ministers Blount ad and Thurston Will
Conduct the Diplomatic’ Business.
With the arrival of Minister Blount (a
Washington in the next few days diplomatic
business between the United States and
Hawull will be conducted by Me, Blount and
by Mr. , the Minister of the
Provisional Government to this country, It
i# learned at the Stato Department that Mr,
Blount ls stili invested with the title and
functions of Commissioner and thay he will
| met 1 tho dua
rose a
Two Hundred and Fifty Houses
Destroyed in Ghicago.
sssrsnsen ens apis
Seven Thousand Working People
Rendered Homeless-A Panic In
the Streets-Two Churches
Burned-Work of the Fire~
boat Yosemite.’
A fire which covered a vast extent of terri-
tory begaa In that part of the city known as
South Chicago about 5 o'clock P, M, From
Ninety-first street and Superior avenue flames
which rapidly grew in volume under a gale
of wind from the west, ate their
block after block of small frame
until they reached the lake,
The fifty thousand residents of
As the pine
the 11ki-
were precipitated into & pan ie,
Structures in which lived the
employed in the large steel mills of
nud in which ti
merchants of the places made
ware leveled by the roaring flames,
fallen fled
nols Btesl Company,
their homes,
household the
the oity. were
blockaded with wagons containing the effects
of the frightened and fleecing residents, and
men and women, appalled by the calamity,
whose homes had no* yet
thelr goods and
other portions of Streets
fled In every direction,
in which the fire
had its origin, and beforethe few fire engines
ons -
From the brick building
of the district could make tue
pression upon it, the flames bounded
ward between Ninety-first Ninetieth
streets in the direcsion of House
the inke,
after house rapidly fel the
which hurled biszing brands far in
From Superior Avenue the
i belore EwWeep of
ire, ad -
VaRnOoe, flames
crossed 10 Ootazio avenue, Bu avenue,
Mackinaw avenue and Grssnbay avenue,
g the first build wns the
First Methodist Chureh, at
street and Superior avenue, and before
spire bad toppled to
mmodious German
the opposi
the ground the new and
to corner was blazing in =»
places. Hardly had these more pretentious
to the ground
Dlazing io a
heran church on
buddings been leveled than
the fire was detected dozen
places further east,
a branch of Chie!
, bad been called upon,
The local depart ment,
Swesnie's city service
tial every eff
aino ail the help in
but by the time the
was well on fire It
was soon org
must be made 10 prevent the destruction of
the town
The central fire-alarm off consent tothe fire
every engine that could
south side of the ¢
the greater part of
be the
f La Salle
ihe Yo
tte foot
ity meme,
giant Orebost Iyiog at
rect, was harried from dock and
ugh the waters of
to the
was raging.
harbor at South
the fre had
ita Wan
soon plowing its way thro
southern section w
lake in its tLirtean-mile race far
here the fire
Belore it had reached the
bieago the terrific foree of
ealen away the five Liccks between Se aperior
avenue and the lake, and the Yosemite turned
its attentd the
the river front
At SP. M. the Ore was under
had burned 200 0 es
ne loss, and the
6 to mmense inmber yards on
control. it
Seven thousand
damage was
rss sons scission
Haxrrx Ganraxp #8 about to publish a
small volume of poems entitled ‘Prairie
Bongs.” and illustrated by a Western poet,
Tue namesake of Molly Stark, of revolu-
tionary fame, resides in San Jose,
of thirteen, and the sixth
rom Gen. John Stark.
Hannisox Rongmrsox, the author of the
“How the Derby Was
contributes 10 the September Scribner
Cal. , a girl
in direct descent
Coxonpssxax Wiriiax Evexerr, of Mas
of Melrose Highlands, his private secretary,
Uxpen the retrenchment policy of Presi.
Western Railroad, it is probable that 500 em-
Da. D. 8 Ewss, of Raleigh, N. C., has
trustees physician fo Randolph-Macon Col.
lege, at Ashland, Va, and will move there
with his family about the ist of September,
Mon. Joux T. Svinivas, rector of the
Wheeling (W. Va.) Cathedral and vioar-gen-
eral of the Wheeling diocese, has been ap-
pointed administrator of the diocese, to hold
office until a successor to Bishop Kain is
Rey, Evan KErxrtoooo, whose “Spartacus
to the Gladiators’ has been 80 many school,
boys’ favorite declination for many years, is
still preaching on Sundays in his church at
Harpswell, Me. He has passed his eightieth
Tux sculptor, Ephraim Keyser, has been
appointed instructor in modeling st the
Maryland Institute, Baltimore, in the schools
of art and design. Mr. Keywor's finest work
i& an angel of heroie size designed for the
omb of President Arthur,
Two Little Girls Instantly Killed By
a Threshing Machine.
Ary the salariod omploges of the Carnegie
ftecl Works will bave their wages cut from
16 to 20 per cent,
Tue Amory Mills, of Manchester, KN. ¥,,
smploying 1,400 operatives, have closed for
iwo weeks,
Univ the financial depression is over the
Thomsou-Houston Electric Works at Lynn,
Mass, will only run three days & wee,
Tue Bessemer Stool Works, of Pueblo, Col,,
which closed down thres weeks ago, re.
Tuinry out of forty-five paper machines
In the Fox River Valley, Wis, from Neenah
to Depere are shut down. It is only the
! smaller machines that are running. Three
| thousand men are left iGie by the shut-down.
Paesipext Wirttiax B, Curren, of the Na-
tional Beal Estate Association, hus issued an
order postponing definitely the 1883 conven.
tion of the association, which was tw begin
this wesk at 8t, Paul
the unsettied condition
Ar Beranton, Pa.
of the commercial
the Dickson Mznufac
loying 1,200 persons in
i omotives and mining
| machinery, posted notices of a 10 per cent,
{| reduction in wages in ail of the departments
Tur deputy sheriffs stationed for several
i days past at the coal mines at Bedford, Mo.
bave been withdrawn, the strike having been
| practically declared off. The strikes in Ver-
| non and Bates counties have cost the miners
over § 16,000, besides thelr sit
| Tux Southern Pacifie
turing «¢ ompany,
the manufacture of lo
working ou the new road
Margarite and
which, it is is sald
cxpenses of the
provement Company, and adjonet
| Bouthern Pacific ( Ipany,
A delegation representing the engineers,
firemen, and trainmen of the
| Louisville and Nashville system: had a
{ ference with
has dis
cosrged 1,000 men
between Santa Ban Louis
will reduce
i Obispo, Cala, ,
i the monthly Pacific
full 35 per
General Manager Metonlf, ac
which the proposal of the road for a 10 per
{ cent. reduction in wages was discussed,
delegation did not have the authority to
cept the proposal, but expressed
The reduction will
seoepted with the
i ret
times gel betler,
_——— -
a desire
act Iairly, probably
agreement that
10 the vid scale us soon 4s
the rall-
road wi urn 1
Officers and Priva‘es Commended for
Courageons Acts,
Bix months ago an order was formulated
{ ofMloers and enlisted men
giving the names «
of the army who were reported for distin
Past year,
guished services during the The
Heght and mentioned
have won commenda~
Lieut. P, J. Lowe,
and a Seminole Indian
for heroism in rescuing
it from drowning in Pecos
1880. The
eighteenth infantry are
courage and devolic
risk the
Fort Clark from destrue
fire, The men of the
ioned for
smiiar work
order has just come 10
& large number who
tion by courageots acis
eighteenth infantry
soout are mentioned
another Indian &
| river, Texas, in
May, enlisted
men of company G,
| mentioned for ski
duly in saving at great personal
public buildings st
| tion by
| twenty-third
| eourage and determination in
st Fort Sam Houston, Texas, in
enlisted f
infan are ment
Private Harvey McGuire, hospita
is mentioned for saving a
drowning in the Liek
Sergt. OC. F. Wolf, battery
| for heroic conduct
M, third artillery,
river, ky ;
in saving the life of
insane patient, attempted suicide by
ing in the Mississippi river, at Jackson
la. in resculr young
at Fort M
ke, indy
saving =
your ; adeut
in rescai hild at tb
| and
cuvalry, for heroic de
the risk of his
drowning in New York bay, August 14 last ;
Capt. T. KH. Barry, infantry, with the
privates of companies A and B, for meri
torious conduct in saving & sailor from
{| drowning in San Francisco bay.
EE —
ning at
ring in res
i civilljan from
OWh iie no
The official cholera report from the affected
governments for the past
lows :
In Kiefl, there were 529 new oases and 184
deaths : in Nijni Novgorod, 468 new
onsen and 109 deaths : in Samara, 198% new
canons and 75 deaths ; iv Kazan, 70 new
deaths ; in Simbirsk, 31
deaths, and in Kherson, 54 new ouses and 22
deaths, In the city of Moscow the daily
average for the week were 90 pew cases and
§7 deaths,
Owing to the quarantine reguistions es.
tablished by Bulgaria, Turkey and Servia,
the express train service of the Eastern Rail.
way between those countries and Russia has
bgen entirely suspended. Theexpress trains
now run between Belgrade and Paris only.
There have been five cholera deaths at
Heleingfors the Capital of Finland,
The Csar of Russia His Twenty-One
Trotters at the Exhibition,
The exhibition of live stock at the World's
Fair opened Monday and will close October
#8, and each day in the meantime there will
be a grand display of horses and cattle in the
live stock pavilion. The attendance at the
opening was all that the t could
have desired. It shows that the live stock
feature of the Fair is a popular one. Besides
the 1205 hewd of eattle and 1017 horses there
will be over 1300 head of sheep and 1500
A Co ——
Epitome of News G1 Cleaned from Various
Parts of the Btate
At the National Varmers' Alisnce Pu.
campent at Mt. Groton, Mra. Mary E. Lease
of Kansas, was the principal speaser. Thirty.
five thousand people wers present,
Avveep Asurey, whose skull was fractured
at MY, Gretan, by a falling balloon «uj port
dicd in a Lebanon hospital,
Wirtsox N, Axprews and Andrew Barska,
Lehigh Valley Raliroad track repairmen,
were killed near Penn Haven Junction by a
passenger train.
Ar West + hestor Levi Smith and William
convicted of sssanit,
fenced w
were each set.
years’ imprisonment asd fev,
Albert B. Wilson was given a year for write
lng bogus insurance policies,
Con) Company were discharged by
pienie at
the Lehigh Valley
the sup
for attending Assumption Day
Wilkes-Barre, Fellow
BEVERAL employoes
threaten to quit work sad the com.
fell down
distance of
in the workings and wan-
three in.
Coxpy MoGroanty, 13 years old,
a mine shaft at Wilkes-Barre, 8
200 feet and was rescued slive,
ing party got lot
dered around for
Jured boy.
their «
in Conse
with the
big Pottstown industries closed
floors against workmen because of the
vulling dullness, and 2.000 men are die
fell in the
drouth snd saving Pe
Wa H
Was sentend
eastern part
Biate, breaking long
810 and corn crope,
BEACRERINT, 8 sharp who
at New
made through
od 10 one years impris
nt the recent term of court bir
Ke Jai
His fo ap Was
& hole ju the cetling of his cell, by which be
reached the attic and from there nn Ope
made from his bedding landed him safely in
the street,
Donine a severe th the electric
fiuid plerced the tall steeple of St. Stephen's
fing siute fu every direction
GRInRRe, st.
Beformed Church,
the re
ing no further
wn, and scattered
but do~
ben's copy
sad dis
many of the
bas been shakey
year past
ol ler German tem
ief that the
testation £
ring ele
JOuN Parte
by faction
sension for the and
bers expressed their be.
Hghining's havoe was the mani-
{ God's displeasure with the war-
ments of the shurch,
xii, of Dickson City, drank a
quart of bad whiskey inside juarter of an
ae for
hour and soon 1
was summonasd. Not}
him and he died in
Warren Guise, a young
Altoona, was diso
biood in front of
in Holl
other morning.
left breast and
a short whi
man residing ag
lying in a pool of
Joseph H.
early ho
ghot the
ndition, Hic
{ the affair is that be is a secret
service detective, whi
the residence of
Bead, yeburg at an ur the
He bad
Win R(
been in
eritical o
and ie pressing a crim-
foal too the buliet wound
His assailant escaped,
Tre Rational Farmer's Alliance
annual encampment at Mt, Gretaa,
closely received
began ite
Perry County
eid and
thusiastic meeting at
Banders, 8 notori-
atten pted
to the penitentiary for ten
Ar Lancaster Edward
ously bad man, was convicted of
murder and sent
Boser was kil'ed and
bis brother
sear Liouviile by
Ar New Italia
iv killed by a stone
Paestox J. Harry
Busser, was seriously injured
a premature bisst,
ro Ciiton! was instant-
thrown by Lawrence
Pacifao Ibe assailant es Seaped,
Wars istol at Bill.
wood, Alf «oid sister
in-law, Ma iodged in
the heart,
Evwanp Kviey, aged 12 years,
Easton Hospital from in
falling under a coal train
Groner Krave, an
rapidly mo
valuable cows Jacob
pot were killed by ligh near Chal-
died at
juries received
jumped from a
electric car at Ashland and
fractured bis skull be will die,
Josern Fravaens, aged 57, a track walker
in the employ of the Philadelphia & Reading
Baflroad, was strock by a train near the de-
pot in Tamaqua and instantly killed,
Track foreman on the Tyrone Division of
the Pennsylvania Hailiroad bave been notified
to recuce working hours to nine and to use
no material except what is necessary to keep
the track safe.
At Gilbertoa, near Pottsville, the action of
the tracks of
the street railvay company resuited in a riot
in which two people were killed and severa’
The National Farmers’ Alliance Encamp-
ment at ML. Gretna was addressed by Cap.
tain Powers, of Indians, and National Lec,
turer Terrell, of Texas, Ten thousand
people were paesent,
Three-foarthe of the mills in the Pittsburg
district are now in operation «nd the outicok
is brighter for workmen thea for severs)
A distinct shock of earthquake was felt at
Chester. No damage is reported.
Walter Grass, of Roaring Springs, got
drunk and was put in the borough lockup,
He eet fire to the building snd was terribly
bummed before boing takes out of bs cell
The lockup was destroyed,
Six thousand Lutherans from Blair, Cam-
brian, and Clearficld counties held their eighth
annual reunion at Martinsburg. The prio-
cipal speakers were Rev, Samuel Domer, D
D., of Washington, D. C., and Rev. Henry
Baker, D. I, of Pittsburg,
Edward Flexor, an old resident of Beldets
ville, was kicked in the abdomen by a horss
while leading the animal to & water trough
ead died in grest agony several hours after
the accident.
nmi rn III 11515.
A strike Te “Khnouficsd among the com
miners at Salinevilie, 0. They were offered
half pay and the notes of the company for 60
jerms of the company,
tui work altogether,