{ £ i § THE NEWS. Freight engine No, 107, eastbound, on the Baltimore and Ohio Southwestern Raliroad, blew up near Rockabil, O,, instantly killing Engineer Basin, Fireman Roberts and Brake- man Quinn, The track was badly torn up by | the force of the explosion. J. B. Candler, of Bos:on, and David 8, Baker and John P. Gladaing, of Rhode Island, directors of the Boston and Nova Scotia Coal and Railway Company, together with the local directors, have been in Halifax several days endeavor- ment a subsidy of $8,200 a mile toward the construction of their proposed railway from their coal field at Broal Cove, thirty-five miles to Orangedale, where it would connect with the Intercolonial Trunk System, — Fire destroyed sixteen small frame dwellings on Cooper street, Williamsburg. —~John W, Cassilear, N. A., one of the oldest of Ameri- can landscape painters, died at Saratoga Springs of apoplexy at the age of eighty-two years, —A muss-meetiog was held in Bt Louis for the purpose of organizing the American Railway Union, ——Fire destroyed a block of houses on Droad street, Texarkana, involving a loss of #40,000.-——John F. Ballantyne, a well-known journalist, died at 8t. Luke's Hospital, in Chicago, ——The vil- lage of Arlington, O., is suffering from an epidemic of malignant diphtheria, all efforts to subdue the disease having failed. The whole town has been quarantined by the physicians and authorities, . Two Hundred Houses Burned At Minneapolis, Su i i | | ——— — wemassan The Fire Swept the Box Factories and Saw-~Mills on the Island in the River and then Crosses to the City~-The Wind Stays the Flames, Two million dollars’ worth ef property went up in flames at Minneapolis, Minn. Over two hundred houses are burned, asd at by the element in the short space of two hours, destroying The fire bad it. and only a change in the direction of the wind prevented an awful conflagration, It was little after 1.50 leston, 8. C., of yellow fever to Philadelphia from Charleston, ——- A passenger train on the Atlantie and Dan brought three cases N. C., and five persons were killed and seven injured. ——The receiver of the Order Unity, in Boston, states that certifies Mr. PF. 8. prominent retired was killed ina The Car- of Pittsburg, has ordered a appl to what they put into the concern. J. Trabue, the wife of lawyer, of Frankfort, Ky., runaway accident pear that city, — negie Company, reduction of a salaries ying every under wage scales, - Eight thousand chinists, pattern-makers and other workmen fn the Pittsburg district have been notified of a reduction in wages. -—— The Washington banks have declined to receive on deposit checks for large amounts drawn Ne York banks, ~The Union National Bank . Racine, Wis., closed its doors The an- nual encampment of the Union Veterans’ Union was held in Boston. Mrs, Helen Clough, of Saratoga, N. ¥., held to the grand jury, on a charge of bigamy, bnsbands confronting her in court. Angered beyond reason by the attentions Antonio Andreassi way payiog his wife, An. tonio Fourtunato in Philadaiphis made most determined attempt to kill his rival, shooting him twice, while thy third bullet landed in the leg of bystander, Andrea Goll. —— Albert Zeigiow, thirty-four years old, shot and killed himsel! in Elizabeth, N. J., in the preseace of his wife, He was em- ployed by a New York firm and received good wages, but gave up bis position several weeks ago to work out a patent which failed to sell, and Iailure turned his mind, ——Ty- phoid fever is epidemic in St. Louis, —--The officials of the W. W, Thornton bank in Shelbyville, IIL, were arrested on the charge of embezzlement. ——Thieves ia Delaware, Wis. , made Mrs, Philo BR, King hand over her Jewels. — Fire destroyed the large ware- house of M. H. Rogers, in Bridgeport, Ct The building contained a large quantity of baled rags, and the loss is estimatad at $28 - 000, insurance $7,000, The fire was eendiary origin. ——Dr. Edward a dentist of Sommerville, N, J., committed suicide by taking prussie acid. ——Recorder Smith, in New York, sentenced Dr. Buchanan to be electrocuted during the week beginning Monday, October 31. Julia E. Barringer, the female money-lender, who, in New York several months ago, was convicted of swind- nae on w yf ) tors was a on 0 Goertz 000, was sentenced to state prison for four years by Recorder Smyth in the General Bessions. Her council made a motion for a new trial which, was denied by the recorder, Bhe will appeal. ——A thief stole a bag con taining $5,000 from the First National Bank, of Bt. Paul, Carnegie mills at Pittsburgh, and went on strikers, have petitioned the Carnegie offlo- jals to give them work again,——The Read- ing Company's officers conferred with bank officials in the coal mining district Cape shipyard, Philadelphia. senator, performing the christening cere. mony. Viee-President Stevenson, Secretary of the Navy Herbert and a number of other officials from Wasaington were present. Brick and fron smokestacks lu Nanticoke, Pa., were blown down in a windstorm, and one man crushed to death, and several In- jured President Cleveland arrived at Gray Gables and will remain there until September 1. Thomas H. Thornton, pro- prietor ; J. T. Herrlok, stockholder; C. D. Biliett, cashier ;and W. W. Thornton, ex- eashier of the Thoruton Bank, of Bhelby- ville, Ill, which failod last week, were ar- rested on the charge of embezzloment of the funds deposited. The complaint was made by Charles Nixon, a depositor, dwhard Bond, the well-known plooesr raflroad builder, died ia Toronto, aged eighty-two years. Bond came to Canads from England in 1852, and built the St An- drew and Quebec Railway to New Bruns wick, and was the first engineer to run a lo- ecomotive in British North America ~The deputy sheriffs statione] for several days past at the coal mines at Bedford, Mo., have been withdrawn, the strike having been practically declared off. The strikes in Veroon and Bates counties have cost the miners over $16,000, besides thelr situations, aad the Kansas agitators are responsible, The south-bound passenger train on the New Or. Jeans Pacific Railroad was held up by eight masked men three miles south of Mansfield, La. Only asmall amount of cash was secured, wee A small cyclone visited Valley, Neb,, do- ing considerable damage. The roofs of the ral Union Pacific cars were dumped into “and pit west of town, ol J. BR Clark & Co.'s box the south end of Nicoliet Island, at the bead St. Anthony Falls, An alarm, quickly lowed by a second aud third, was turned in, but Ly the time the depariment had arrived wind, had gained such headway that all the fire. do was to turn their attention Where the fire first but it is thought ft origi factory, on ol fal the flames, fanned by a furious south men could to adjoining property. started is a mystery, 1 either in Lenbart's wagon works or in an fee-house belonging to the Cedar Lake Ice Company, im Nearly all the structures were of wood, dry as tinds did fuel for the Buames, { was doomed before even was thro Next to it, bart's wagon works and the Cedar Lake houses were wiped out of existence. Farther north are Lintjes & Cor jor works, ana here the heavy. est place. This firm bad a ste £50,000, and not a cent other losers are falriy well insured, While this fire was at its height, carried } wom nearly b » od w + 1 fringe modiately ad oining, 0 8 vicinity , and made splon- lark's Lox lac a stream of wo upon it, worth, Leo. We neil s DO ws on the island t yoy ik k valued at over if insurance, in the air alighted ox all a mile above sland. i his island is oc yard by the lumber firm of & Co. No one noticed the spark fall, whole the fr on upled as Woon Nelson, a Teuney but island was soon ablaze, spark that caused the greatest lows jumping across the sn 1 separating the island fron in Nelson, stretch of wate 3 the mainland, the ow & Tenn s were piled flames gained a | footing Co.'s lumber yard, where some ten million feet The and into that of E. V ing. By this time it iv i" fire fairly walked throu t yard was impo fire vg if , BYR i band, the air and started fires many bk the pl men were The a AROS Ware sang bd stro the whols ¥ been on Great embers fle aces where the tures lell Beyond the lumi longing to E. nothing ren as easily viet wrest shells, ie two mills Of these, saing except okest of twisted mm yi J. BE. Chattento of the the sash and door factories of Fault bey and J. W, Wilcox & Co. The change in the direction sm yeks “nd a mass ery and charred timbers tk 851 i s others, as did a & Lib. & way of ere alm ani s firemen were powerless to rend west side of the river, and t at the merey of the fying bers, Th any assistance, for to rach the Piymouth or Twentieth avenue north bridges, it have to be necessary to pass through a fur. pace. The bridges were and there was nothing to do but to hope for the best until some apparatus could make a detour fire. The employes of the yards, however, had not been idle. They stretched lines © and any sparks that found a footing across Along hey w Fparss er would on fire, f hose, them were frame buildings, occupied by the employes of the mills and laboring men. !ew owned ther dwellings, and their principal losses will be their personal effects. Large numbers saved their bouschold goods, which they carried away thieves, At the brewers, where the fire checked, the citizens did much to fireman, they extinguished all incipient blazes, aud FIFTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Extra Session, BENATE. Tri Day. In the Beunte a bill to repeal so much of the act of July 14, 1800, as directs the purchase of silver bullion, was jutro duced by Mr. McPherson and referred (5 the finanes Committee, Mr, Goroaon introduced u bill to suspend the operation of the lu per cent, tax on Btate banks for six mouths. Mr, Voorhees repor.ed back from the Finaoce Committee the bill introduced by him to on- uble pational banks to issue circulation to the amount of the par value of the bonds de- posited by them, and gmve notice that he would move to put it upon its passage, The resolution offered Inst Tuesday by Mr, Lodge directing the committes on finance to report ut once a bill to repeal the purchasing clauses of the Sherman act, and that a vole be taken on such repeal on Tuesday, the 220d inst, wae laid before the Senate, and Mr. Lodge made an argument in advocae,s of it. Mr, Wolcott replied to Mr. Lodge and asserted | that the Sherman act had pothiug to do with the nancial erisis, and its reponl would do no good and might do harm. ‘Ihe Lodge resolution was laid aside without action, and Mr. Hoar addressed the Senate on Mr, Vest's resolution as to bi-metallism He announced i himself to be in favor of both gold and silver i af currency on a parity. A general discus. cussion followed as to the responsibility for the demonetization of silver, and after a brief executive session the Benate adjourned, Bru day. In the Renate, Mr, Vest's bill, i appropriating #300, 00 for a site and bulid- ing in Washington to be known as the “Hall {| of Booords,” was passe, Then the bill to incre we the circulation of national banks | was taken up, and postponed, but before it i wis laid aside an important amendment was propossd to it by Mr. Coeckrell--to authorize the redemption (at par and acerued juterest ) i of such two per « wit, bonds (over $25,000 0.0 in all) as maybe offered, and to authorize the issue of new Treasury legal-tender notes In payment theeelor. This amesdment pro- duced considerable discussio Ms Kherman condemping i as an lke pro sition, Another amends at to the bill was offered inter on by Mr. A of Nebraska, for the cessation of interce 1 the bonds on which the lpereased nati cireuln- tion should be based, there were tWO Bpeos by Mr. Berry in favor of | by Mr lin sey tion before 1 Frye ———————— Sc — —-————————— —— ——— ——— HubUsinoss fH bank thes delivery imetal 3 ngpainst tariff Jegis Prat Day. In th i duced a resolution | merchant marine b resolution ealling Kk the withdrawlog and tion by national bank fest was debatad by Be Mitehell, Chan {ler to take a vote on the + House joint iu 1 i ator It was d on M feage was, after Hepresentatiy and aft the fu gue uday. resoiutl ors and rep: bate, passed 1 hie death { bipman was snnouneed, | } ng a committee to attend ineral Henate adjourned. Th Bsnate has m we ft first fn in exec) t confirm nalley, os natives of “Ff BD alk itive sos of Bradley B. 8: for the district « Millan, of Michigs a bill to provi : old by the people of the statute the ate five dollars for 1 Tr ertinonlios HOUSE. In the Hous was ntinued, spe Massrs, Hat Hall and Sa Bru Dax started by Me in fave { the clause of the Moses {Dem theret Sandwiched HES Were rea by Combs {Dem New York, Bryan . of Nebraska, ¢ Hende reo; 3 op. ), { low The name «de an from a business standpoint ia favor of the repeal the Sherman law, Bryan made the speech ol the day, and although be occ i than two hours in its delivery, and- od the earnest atiention of colleagues throughout, Brn Day hil was York ; Coog i *heson slgrass The eCall rr O Ki between those # er address of spied more be comm his inth delmiod or, of oe House the Bilver Repoal ¥ homes Daniels, of New Florida, and Goliz er, of Iinois, The death of Congressman Chip man, of Michigan, was sanounoed by bis swolleague, Mr. Weadook, and the usual com mittee to take appropriate action was ape pointed, 10r5 Day. The silver debate was continued in the House, Mr. Sibley, of Penusylvania, making his maiden effort in behall of free sliver, The debate wa« suspended in onder to allow a report from the Commities on Rules authorizing the Speaker to appoint the Various chmimitfees, The report war adopted The silver debate was resumed, the speakers being Harrie, of New York Everett, of Florida ; English, of New Jer ey, and Bimpson, of Kansas, who spoke until » recess was taken, There was an evening scosion, BERING SEA DAMAGES. The Question of How Much Is to Be Paid to the B.izad Balers. to burn itself out, All the availiable fire apparatus io the city was in use, and Bt Paul seat two engine companies in response to calls for assistance, No ices of life is reported and it is believed that all the occupants of the houses escaped with their lives. They were all warnsd in time, and none need have been lost, It ie rumored that two or three men were penned in by the flam«s while trying to rescue some of their property. INNOCENT, BUT HUNG. The Miner Lynched by Militiamen Was Inncoent of Murder. The companies of militia at Knoxville, Tonn., and at Chattanooga have been order- od to lie on their arms in antipation of more trouble with the Coal Creek miners, Super. intendent Chumbley, of the conviet mines, and Commander Anderson, of the troops sent thelr families away, The body of Diek Drummond, the miner who was lynched by the troops was taken to Knoxville. He was lynched for complicity in the assassination of Militiaman Laugherty, Lut the inquest established his innocence. Tre Massachusotts school-ship Enterprise, a lying oft Southampton fo oevgrml days. walled Sot Shiba, ', The main interest ofiicially in the Dering Hon decision now centers in the question of damages hat this country will be obliged to pay Great Britain for the use of seal hunting subjects who were kept out of Dering Sea through the operation of the modus vivendi, or were seized as poachers prior to an agree. ment, In accordance with Article 5 of the con vention for the renewal of the modus vivendd, the arbitration iribunal must decide how much compensation is dae Great Britain from the United States to bo usd for British subjects, for abstaining irom the exercise of the right to take seils in Pering Soa during the pendency of the arbiter tion, It is under: stood that the Commissioners of Arbitration have already passed on the subject, But the main quesifon of damages for seizures made is not in so settied a condition, Nothing fa the arbitration treaty, or the con- vention for a renewel of the modus vivendl makes provision for allowing damages to perions who have been Injured through the nulawful seizure of sealing vessels, and it is stated at the Department of State that the matter must take the course usually fol. lowed fn diplomacy. 11 there is a fallure to come to some basis for a settiem ‘nt, the two Governments will ngreo to leave the Qaeution 10 tuo ju VE KILLED. Chicago is Visited By Another Distressing Calamity. MANY PEOPLE INJURED. Women and Men So Seriously Scorched and Bruised that Sev~ eral Will Die-An Exploding Lamp Causes the Accident - Some Narrow Escapes. Chicago was visited again by fire, in which five people were burned to were aecident was the uvenues, The flames first discovered about 5 A. M. The might clerk, Barabino, had stepped out of the office into the wush room, He were when be heard a crash, nt first thought that the poise was tion to it, fouad the hall full of smoke. stairs “Fire.” By alarm tad sent out part of the panies rick windows, He ran do shouting the time the whole lower flames been structure was in @n fron pia A siream the burning building ing the Joseph Wilson was the His roommate, Ha iron pips, ang a mm were leap of water was and the work of rescu” ripest be oun. firs: nu wild down an wi Morto rry Gavaroan, Wa nam i and fell after him, stier lost several niuring massif, kL bout peo were all re carried he burning 0 SEYOL-VOAr-os munan, Wis pmmber, were 80 were aii taken to of E ad, 3 those lward Sho Known and women 1 bie seene during the fire one, Mr who slept in 12 wera ihe moment fying 80a pe, wis an exciting Annie, third Boor, 5 serk. A olhisr owrupants « and ber daughter s front patt of the the Hae ware Atl avenue of d her stifling sm it on the twelow velied to them not Anni other pre the als ts al } ee 10 the way through and Bil The dow esteration $ ation the w nen ung ut the [rams koeping as lar « nw K and flames burs there until th indder cog the: wers unsnown © is flames were Baked | pavement, scious io all Qlve d, and olhers were 80 ty y injured they cnn & iy re hospitals the wands DAInes The bull wat an regarded trag was totally destroyed, man} vor and Mercy pain in tell their and was me time, It The financial losses The fire has created a feeling of urity amd old one {ing as a fre for so: nee ng people in the other cheap hotels, and many of them are seeking better pinces. The fire was caused bv the explosion of & lamp. SCORES WERE KILLED. Bloody Corfi’c's in Beminy Caused by a Hindoo Heliday. The religious race rioting was resumed in Bombay, and for the stroets were the scenes of desperate of nflict The fighting was of tho most sANZWIBArY ns ta, and & Jarge number of persons were killed several hours and wounded, The day being a authorities anticipated a renewal of the re-ent disturbances, and were, in A measure, prepared to suppress an outbreak, but the polios and the force of troops in the garrison were inadequate to cover the whole city, and before quiet bad been restored in one district of the oily. The rage of the mob was directed espec ially against the mosques, several of which were sacked and burned, All the publie buildings are now guarded by troops, and the gunboats in the harbor have been cleared for action and brought into position to cover the native quarters. The local authorities are confident of being able ultimately to quell the rising. O75. MUTILATED CHILDR:N. Inoradible Inhumiai y of a Gang ol Croations Arrested by the Polios, A gang of men have been arrested in Bis kupite Croatia because they have mutilated young children. The men have for years made a trade of erippling children and then sending them out to beg or selling them to others for the same purpose, Children were stolen or wore misled with promises to visit the hone kept by the gang on the outskirts of the town. Once there they wore bound and tortured. When the police forced their way into the Bouse they found two girle of 12 or 14 yoars with their legs broken. Another girl of about the seme age lay bound on a bed, with her right arm broken and both eyes gouged out. Two other children, hardly loss horribly mutilated, were found on eots in the cellar, Many instrambnta Which have hous wach in PENNSYLVANIA ITEMS, Epitome of News Gleaned from Various Parts of the Btate Gronag Ocus, of Bt, Clair, was murdered by Harry Munford, The murderer was ur- rested and lodged in jail at Pottsville, A mob insisted on lynching him, IT is reported that the Behuylkill River at Pottsville is lower than it has been for a hundred years, and manufacturers are fear- ful that they will soon have to shut down Tuomas Evvis, of Pittsburg, was arrested on suspicion of causing his wife's death. Tre Boldiers’ Orphans school will located either at Springs, Cumberland county, burg, Franklin A of Colonel Magee, be Bolling or Chambers. committees con- Captain Bojer, Bkinner, Colonel county. Captain J. Btewart and Colonel Thomas B. Sample that being recom- the most available point every advantage They will gO to and the result of this visit will determine where the school will Le for the students, Chambersburg, Ex-Bguiny McCormick was appointed Governor Pattison as Justice of the Clifton Helghts, to fill the Heat J as, by eave of vacancy of Geo h, deceased, is, inty the Lan« charged with setting fire barn of Charles M ie When was preparations to Baape was lodge in “A Prison, to the Stump, of Litt he nrrestod the co jritain Township. making eave it~ try. W. Bnirr, Grand the Cary. Jas, a prominent has instituted suit of Bh Army man, against bor smokin for 820.000 damages ugh due to a he sustained for injuries received by a fall in a pavement by whi a ba fractured le Tue Christain Ende at Linc of inte in Un Went Na- a - ng in the ol £1 i istrict Secretar ¥ Farrell, je an address on the feaubriand, who was recently i in West Chester §« attempted as. n & ten-year-old girl, aud was sub- Arge od by jtizen of arrested of of laisse pre i n Lan: the New Era, for AGES, Allene attempted to com tiths ago Ww Aas. er, suit an g® 0.00 dan ning bn Bavkbard, of Mrs. w, J wn, a f wid £5 years of age A few mo § mit suicide by hanging the woman's husband suddenly while other woh ame mel oly eating dinner This and mallers upon her ming an extent aud attempt ghbor sa of 1} has ask 4 ’ weved aye io a x00 mas Watt Hart assisting a mm Oo Wa» nda * BAVIRE re sehanioaburg, was srresied 3 practicing without regisira A GENERAL mass moedling of are R Px against Se gates from all G. A ste met in Pi formal- iy pt tistuirg t Aol relary Smith's p in SneIon Tax th ory is being ad tives that fore Plowfeld, stabi tenth at Birdeboro his bre shin, GRoRGE guy was attacked jeanond by the detec who was killed Onn ed t was by 4 ber Ji Re pear Shamokin and to save his money whketbook 10 the side of the road ked it up and ran away with it, the hands by bighway- and so preserved the money from of the fo tpads, CABLE SPARKS. CnovLexs returns show no diminution of the disease in Russia. Tug danger from Cholers in Austria io said to be greater than Jest year, Earthquakes and floods have caused heavy loss of iife and property in Styria, Austria Ciixa has sent a defiant answer to Russia concerning the occupation of the Pamirs by Chinese troops t wx imperial board of health deny the re- | i i 1 Fiero Mansuar Banos vos M sxe has been appointed Austrian lmperial winkster of war in piace cf Baron yon Bauer, who died recently. Sgvexry members of the Paris Labor Ex- change were fined fifty francs each jor re- | fusing to comply with the law regulating trade syndicates, Ges. E. Carazoa, inspector-general of sr- tillery and engineering, has been appointed Cuba, to succeed the late General Arais. "fur convention of the Parnellite party, in has deciared against the present bili because of the resirictions international socialist offered COREress re- by Norwegian gta ted Tux jected a resolution bes Mass., oni. the River a ferr;-boal piying of Boston, suicide in Mus Jang MeTiER, commit i and Birkenhead, Tux Internation al Socialist Congress proved the « stablishment The ap- ght-hour agi~ er ¢ Oi an = delegates agreed (o of an International gross to settle the queslion, Tux conference ol nance ministers of the states compos ng the German empire al Frank! meg ort to devise fneroasing Weans « : Lean taxation expense neces { arrests have i Cartbagens s been implicated in a yw up the Coarteis in Lose nerally doubted it B Darran Tue report number been made & Gl Neh [330 juan nt oonspiracy if bac places with dynamite, 18 g« in Panama, PEOPLE AND EVENTS. Rey, Micasanm MM. Bixronp, Ind , church of the Carthage, has received a Friends’ at Richmond Provesson N .cholas world call Lo Crouch, anthor of was 80 years the Ma- He sr of years, open- ler. one famed ver as the “Kathleen vourn sen,” old on July SL lived in Baltimore for a numis New the fall hus now in York swaiting the ing of Lough the pro ils orchestra You once En retire the army affairs 0 that the auinx: beld this the ake § eprrat. ons Ezy. Ex the Giadiat ‘a of enragement 3 Mavou Jprai mir 1 rendition Professor peror Wi fa seo f eh s od fey fhe nation enr if 3 agricultural Ai ACG Wii B 2am Kyron ic re ¥ BCO0i- ne has passed his boys jecinmati MAGY YEars, bisgon B Me. , although be He bh still prea: undays urch Hurpswell, feth hi unt of eigh ae a wonder- ful Capo ribday ns » Bay in his long fisherman of He «tive service, Hut he can am wood among the arecr, expects $000 10 10dire fire ong as life lasts, in September, never conse doing goo 3 As Bismor Joux H. who sailed May, having visited XCENT, expeels 1 late in i England Gernana, Bwitgeriand, N Denmare, Finlauvd, Bulgaria, Italy, and baving beld sight conferences, the last iu Rome, He writes home that he is in splendid health and enjoying his travels very much. TWay, Sweden, and This is the killed at « & Reading riding on onshobhocken by n Railroad train, They wore an ioe wagon. The sar-old citizen jail by Jus- Taomas Coxxisanam, a 65-y and assaulting his 19-year-old daughter, A Amunose Bravr, of Bridgeport, and twe drunken companions attacked Policeman J. from him. When he drew his revolver to call for ald the toughs seized the weapon and wrenched it from bim. During the scuffle Brady was accidentally shot in the left leg near the thigh. The ball passed through the log. He then fired three shot® at the policeman, two of which went wide of their mark. One struck Warren on the shoe and glanced By this time aid came and the toughs were locked up. Brady was held in 700 bail for court. His w His wound is a bad one, FATAL “EXPLOSION. A Steamer on Snake River Blown to Pieces Near Walte’s Bar. The Union Pacific steamer Annie Fallon, plying in Snake River, between Riperia, Washington, and Lewiston, Idaho, was blown Bar, four miles below Almota. and all the rest wn to . Thomas Meoln- THE STEAMER BLEW UP. Baven Perens Wore X Killed and Every One on Board Was Injured, The Union Pacific steamer Annie Fallon, plying on Snake River, between Riporia, ash, dud Lawistan, Ida ; was blown up of He has previously visited more countries an | traveled wore miles in a single tour, baving during one year covered 20,000 mies. Proreseon B. K. Emerson, of Amberst ool foge, who was seriously hurt in the Lake Shore accident the other day, studied at Am- horst, Goettingen, and Berlin, and Ooally broame professor o! geology and zoology st his alma mater. He is without challen je one ing an eye single to the wor: given to hie charge, possessing great personal enthusiasn for the two sciences and haviag the power 10 room. He is emioent in both the depart. ments of geology and mineralogy, and when ten yoars ago alker hall was burned with the Shepard collection of minerals Professor Emerson st about replacing it. This was no easy task, but he bal reason this year congratulate himssif and tho college that he bad more than made good that loss RE TRIED TO ROB A TRAIN. Robbess moet a Warm Reception From an Express Messenger. As the east-bound mail train pulled out of the Crawfordville Junction, Ind., an attempt was made by a hall dozen men to rob the ear of the Adams Express Company. The train, owing to improvements being made on the track, had to move slowly for several hundred feet from the junciion. When on the edge of the woods C. W. Julier, the messenger, noticed several men were banging on the outside of the oar, evidently ———