THE CENTRE REPORTER. FRED. KURTZ, EDITOR AND PUBLIOHER. Te TERMS. —Onejyear, £1.50, when paid in advance. Those[in arrears subject to previous terms, $2.00 per year. ADVERTISEMENTS. 20, cents per, line for three insertions, and 5 cents per;line for each subse quent insertion. Other rates made made known on application. ] CENTRE HALL, PA., THURS. JULY 20, ANNOUNCEMENT. SHERIFF, We are authorized to announce that Geo, B. Crawford, of G , will: be a candidate for Sheriff, subject to Democratic rules. We are authorized to announce thai Cyrus Brungard, of Millheim, will be a candidate for Sheriff, subject to Democratic rules, We are authorized to announce that J. P. Con- do, of Gregg township, will be a candidate for Sheriff, subject to Democaatic rules, REGISTER. We are authorized to announce that W, J. Car lin, of Rebersburg, will bes candidate for Regis- ter, subject to Democratic rules, We are authorized to announce A, G. Archey, of Ferguson township, will be a candidate for Register, subject to Democratic rules, We are authorized to announce thatG. W. Rumberger, of Philipsburg, will be a candidate for Register, subject to Democratic rules, Weare authorized to announce that C. A. Weaver, of Haines, will be a candidate for Regis- ter, subject to Democratic rules. TREASURER. We are authorized to announce that J. Lucas, of Snow Shoe, will be a candidate for Treasurer, subject to Democratic rules, We are authorized to announce that John F. Potter, of Boggs twp., will be a candidate for Treasurer, subject to Democratic rules. We are authorized to announce that A. J Greist, of Unionville, will be a candidate for Treasurer, subject to Democratic rules. We are authorized to announce that W.T. Speer, of Bellefoute, will be a candidate for reasurer, subject to Democratic rules. We are authorized to announce that H Moore, of Howard boro, is a candidate for Co Treasurer, subject to Democratic usages, We are authorized to announce that J. H. Beck, of Walker township. isa candidate for Treasurer, subject to Democratic usages, A. unty COMMISSIONER. We are authorized to announce that George L., Goodhart, of Potter, will be a candidate for Com- missioner, subject to Democratic rules, We are authorized to announce that T. F. Ad. | ams, of Bellefon te borough, will be 8 candidate | a County Commissioner, subject to Demoeratic | rules, PRUNING THE PENSION LIST. The Pension Bureau has notified a | great many pensioners throughout the | entire country who are drawing pen- | sions under the act of June 1890, | op. “iy which is known as the dependent pen- | sion act, that payment of their pen- sions will be suspended for sixty days, during which time they are required | SPRING - OPENING —— AT THE — We have just returned from Eastern cities with the finest and best se- lected stock of General Merchandise ever brought to Spring Mills, which will be sold at lower figures than elsewhere, With our complete stock, can, and will sell goods for less money than you can buy them from our competitors, COMPETITION DEFIED. : : av. onah. In the line of Notions, the stock is, (just’like all our other lines) a full and POY Diop ko solish Suuduy oper | complete one. Have you noticed the N ECKTIES ? If not, you should, for we one or two days of the week to 2! have them that sell other places at 40 0.50 cents each, our price 15 to 19 cents. cents. This is in the interest of the | Our stock of these is limited, Just had 72 doz., and they are going fast. poor class, who it was thought would | Our stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots, Shoes and Clothing, will surprise throng the exposition on Sunday by | YOU In quantity, quality and prices, You will find a nice line of useful arti- Ja r 5 § Oh ce ) 8, the hundred thousand. It appears | Cis on our, 10 ind 25 cent counters the best pact op 50 on Buiiday with | SPECIAL BARGAINS IN DISHES AND GLASSWARE the best part of the exhibits veiled o ———— gg — You will find Mr. Howard Rosman with us, who will be pleased to see all SUNDAY opening of the World’s| i 14 friends, and a host of new ones. Fair ended with last Sunday. Reason, | C. P. LONG & CO. it didn’t pay. Spring Mills, Pao. At the Old Stand! were plundered and were ransacked, Troops were called to town to restore order. None of the rioters were killed and but few were injured. A FRANCE AND SIAM AT WAR. SPECIAL CLEANING-OUT ~ SALE OF A little war has begun between France and Siam. Two forts were taken by a body of French marines, and a French vessel was sunk by the Siamese, ———————— ——————— BUNDAY OPENING seems to be a fail- ure. Even the Chicago peopleand the authorities of the exposition are chang- ing their minds on the question, There was a great deal of misinforma- tion sent out on this subject. It is About 400 Children’s Light Colored and Light Weight | Suits, including the famous Bessemer Suits---made with a Ih, ”tr” THE Democratic primary elections are the next thing in order in this | county. All candidates are out on | ~ their last rounds. At this writing | each one is ahead, and right we are it | is 80. Successor to D. E. Bibl | double knees and double seats; goods that are sold by the largest retail dealers in the United States, and were never | known to be sold for less than $5.00, GO FOR $4.00. We have got more of this price goods than we need. ws sm THE German reichstag had an up-| — roar the other day, something like we have in our own congress sometimes, | Young Count Bismark caused the fuss by some remarks he made upon the! army bill ss fp Ap THE German reichstag passed the army bill, demanded by the emperor, | by a majority of 11, to keep even with France. Next France will order an increase of her army, and that will | leave the situation just the same, | arms smams——— —— A LATE forecast of the senate shows 38 against repeal the We have just received our new stock of Dry Goods, Gro. ceries, Notions, etc., just what you would look for in a first- class store. The stock is new and was perchased for the Spring land Summer seasons. No larger and better assortment of | goods ever arrived in the valley than we offer for your inspec- | We tion, which we ask, being assured that you will find as we |reduce them now when you need them, instead of waiting un- ‘represent. We have made a specialty in the line of | til you have bought, or until the season is over. Clothing, Hats, Caps, Go They Must . ..... Boots d1( 10€S, . . . Regardless of Prof and is well worth your time to examine the stock and prices. i On Dishes we can .. SAVE YOU 25 PER CENT .- THE application of electricity to do-| mestic uses is believed to be a matter of of x it! But this ma- it ! It may not | the time for the! regular meeting of congress in Decem- ber, | Think of it! Suits for 5.00 Suits for 4.00. 4.50 Suits for 3-30. 4.00 A minority of 38 in a body of 88 - . These are - y seirable or in¢ can have its own way in the matter of 3.00. These areall new, desirable goods, running delay under the senate rules. | from 4to 14 years. at it. Big Bargains any way you lool: np Which amount can be saved on all other lines. You will find a nice line of usefal articles on our 5, 10 and 25 ct. counters. to show cause why they should contin- | only a short time. The practicability ue to draw pensions. The testimony | of cooking by this means has been de- Decessary to prevent their being drop- | monstrated, but marked attention has ped from the rolls is the certificate of | been called to the subject by its elabor- a reputable physician, attested by two | ate and attractive illustration at the! witnesses, to the effect that the pen- | World's Fair. The principle, of sioner is precluded from active labor | course, is the developmeut of resistance owing to injuries or disability not the | to the passage of the electrical current, result of his own vicious habits. The broiler for a steak, for example, | In case no attention is paid to the | a porcelain plate, in which a netwotk department notification within sixty | of wires is embedded. The steak rests | days the pensioner will be dropped | upon a metal framework above this from the roll. On the other hand, | broiler. A turn of a knob and the should the necessary certificate, prop- | wires become incandescent, and in four erly drawn up and signed, be forward- | minutes the steak is cooked. In ed to the pension Bureau, the pension- | oven the heat can be regulated to any er will be requested to appear before | desired degree, the temperature being the local Board of Medical examiners | shown by a thermometer hanging in- for examination as to his condition, | side and readily seen through the glass { door. By attaching an insulated wire | | to her flatiron the mistress of the laun- | Country produce taken in exchange for all goods C. P. LONG, Spring Mills, Pa. FAUBLE. 17-2m BOSS Washing Machine, . It washes clothes fectly clean. 2 [t works CASY. 3 It clot . It adjusts itself to the size of the wash, so you can wash one shirt as well ns ten. 5 No dirt ean scocumulate irr this machine as in others; opening onewaste A a A ie # per- HYDRAULIC CIDER PRESSE smooth and cannot tear the an hes, Arnis THE ALTOONA Tribine, a republican organ, speaks solid sense and truth, as | regards pensions, in the following: The Tribus: believes that every sur- vivor of the federal army who is un- able to earn his own living by reason of wounds, age or disease should be i given so liberal a pension that he will be able to spend his last days in com- fort, unvexed by poverty or care. It believes that widow and orphan should be amply ecered for. It would oppose | zealously any proposition to reduce the pensions of these worthy ones. It will favor any legislation that will in- crease the amount now paid them. But there it stops. And if to defend the cause of the worthy and to oppose the payment of the national bounty to those who have no legal claim upon it be unpopular, then it chooses to take the unpopular side. Any who imag- ine that profit comes in the long run to those who play the demagogue may denounce it, and impugn its patriotism but it rests its case with the people who pay the taxes. i —— A — i ——————— BURELY this will be another year of abu ndance in our county, in the state, and in the United States. Who will dare complain or accuse a kind Provi- dence of being Jmmindful of its chil dren? The garners, the chests, and the sacks will be full to overflowing, and if Providence blesses the people of the land with good health in addition, truly we would be enjoying a full measure of good gifts from above, and murmuring and discontent would sacrilege, # THE CHASE after the Jews in Russia still goes on. The Jews of Yalta in the Crimea refused to obey the decree to retire within the pale, For several days the clergy exhorted the rest of the population to rise and expel them, An anti-Jew mob took possession of the streets, broke into houses occupied by Jews and tried to drive the oceu- pants from the town. The Jews fought back. Dozens were dragged into the streets and were beaten. Many were killed. The houses owned by Jews By turning a | switch at the head of his bed a man | can start up the electric radiator and | warm the room before rising to dress. | This device eliminates from facetions literature the old problem as to which | of a married couple should rise on a cold | winter's morning to light the kitchen fire. There are other devices of house- hold convenience, too numerous to de- scribe, but which may becom as famil- iar in domestic economy as the gas stove. Sr es, ——>- No Change of Place, Many of the Democrats of the north precinct of Potter township have been holding the coming delegate election on August 5th, next. The precinct chairman George Emerick desires us to state that the election will be held at Bartges’' hotel as heretofore, The new law requires elections to be held in each respective district, but this does not apply to the delegate elections, ——— Rp — A ————; Barn Burned, The new large barn of Samuel Gin- ger, near Martha Furnace, this county was destroyed by fire, being struck by lightning last week and totally de stroyed with all its contents. No in- surance. Pleaty. Cherries were never more plentiful in our county t this year. Other berries are also li to be in abun- dance. #” Awarded the Contract, The contract for the new hotel at State College, has been awarded to Samuel Gault, of Bellefonte. & Married On July 16, 1808, Mr. Henry Lengle, and Sadie A Confer, both of Tussey- ville, by J. 8. Houseman, Esq. — REPORTER Only $1.50 per year cock removes it all, i. Your wringer can be at- tached right to the ma- chine, allowing water to run back into it. 7. It ean be thoroughly ventilated, so no dinap remains to rot the wood. . It is remsonable in price. 9. Wringers sold separate. McCALMONT & Co., Bellefonte, Pa. Oss) ($0 WANT FAIR PRICES, To Oeupy Last fall I was taken with a Kind of summer complaint, accompanied with a wonderful diarrheon. Soon after my wife's mister, who lives with us, was taken in the same way, We used al most everything without benefit. Then I said, let us try Chamberlain's Colie, Cholera and Diarrhoea Reme- ody, which we did, and that cured us right away. 1 think much of it, as it did for me what it was recommended hy 25 and 5 cent bottles for sale by J. D. Murray, ~efSubscribe for the REPORTER. Elder 8. 8. Beaver, of McAllister- ville, Juniatta Co,, Pa., says his wife is subject to cramp in the stomach. Last summer she tried Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for it, and was much pleased with the speedy relief it afforded. She has since used it whenever necessary and found that it never fails. For sale by J. D. Murray, Draggiss. weed, P. Loong & Co. have just re celved a large stock of chain and lever | pumps. Come and see them. * § ~-~HUYETT, MEYER& BOOZER.—. Manufacturers Agents for Centre and adjoining counties, for Hydraulic Cider and Wine Presses, . .. Evaporators, Apple Graters, Cider Pumps . + And General Cider Makers’ Supplies. . . O—— 0 HYDRAULIC PRESSES FOR EVERY PURPOSE. . . . .*. ALWAYS IN THE LEAD ! .-. ies, ing Wagons, So Harness. and banded at $9.55 per Reporter office; factory on WM. W. BOOB, Repairing a Specialty. 180m CENTRE HALL, PA.