COBURN. A New Bridge Built Near J, Planing Mill, Mrs. James A. Kooney is off’ on an extended visit to friends at Altoona. Ww. places. » The gross receipts of the Lutheran festival on Saturday evening were $56. Mr. and Mrs. Mills, of Lock Haven, were visiting at the home of Henry Kling last Thursday. J. B. Gentzel, of Potters Mills, spent Bunday at this place at the residence of Andrew Harter. Some of the farmers in this section have commenced making hay; there will be a good crop. George Ocker, wife and little daugh- ter, of Centre Hall, passed Sunday at this place the guests of Luther Guise- wite, On Tuesday travel was suspended on the Woodward road; Supervisor E. Kerstetter tore out the old bridge near J. W. Meyer’s planing mill and re- placed it with a new one. The heat of the last few days was very oppressive; on Monday the ther- mometer registered 103 in the shade on the hotel porch at this place; how- ever no prostrations by the heat to re- port. BE S——— AARONSBURG, The Lutheran Church te be Remodeled, the Steeple Rebuilt. Mrs. Rodgers has come back from Bellefonte to spend the summer in her own house. F. D. Sower and wife, of Norristown are visiting at Mr. Coburn’s the past week. W. H. Philips who went to Ohio to attend his mother’s funeral, has re- turned. George Homan traded a horse works like a charm: wh up the and head is down the heels are The Luther decided to remodel i :harch by making the side an H. N. Dr. Muss Weaver h that he should ki them properly. Frank Tomlinson : that 1 the head is heels are down when up. nave Wilde field, are visiting Frank works in a yin the te Lanner Wil of Clearfield, and makes big it hard calloused money pitching leaches, but is work and his hands are Lie soles of his feet, Destroyed By Fire, The extensive plant of the Wilson distilling company, limited, at High- spire, was entirely destroyed by fire Saturday night, with the exception of two large bonded warehouses, involy- ing a loss of about $200,000. Several frame buildings nearby, including sev- en frame stables, were also burned. The fire undoubtedly of incendiary ori- gin as the plant had been closed the past two weeks. The building con- tained about 5000 barrels of bonded and free whisky, much of which was own- ed by wholesale liquor dealers, valued at about $150,000. Whether this loss of snake pizen will stop fishing, re mains to be seen. —————— oo ————— A Novel Outfit, “Rattlesnake Pete” of Oil City, Pa., has completed his wonderful suit. It comprises a double breasted sack coat and trsusers made of rattlesnake skins, the yellow and black stripes of which form a peculiar and not altogether un- pleasing effect. It took Pete four yeais to gather enough skins of the right texture, over 400 feet of the skins comprising 125 snakes, not one of them less than four feet long, being requir- ed. The eight coat buttons are rattle- snake heads mounted in gold. A A A — All Free, Those who have used Dr. King's New Discovery know its value, and those who have not, have now the op portunity to try it free. Call on the advertised Druggist and get a Trial Bottle Free. Send your name and ad- dress to H. E. Bucklen & Co., Chicago, and get a sample box of Dr. King's New Life Pills Free, as well as a copy of Guide to Health and Household In- structor, Free. All of which is guar. anteed to do you good and cost you nothing. J. D. Murray's Drugstore, — Tosarance Meeting The Farmers’ Mutual Fire Insurance Co., of Centre county held its regular quarterly meeting at Centre Hall, on Tuesday and granted the usual amount of insurances which are steadly in- creasing, the people in general finding it the cheapest and safest company to insure with. The amount of insur - ances applied for and granted by the board was $152,730. —— a ——— Lizzie Borden Again Free. Lizzie Borden was on Tuesday no- quitted of the murder or her father and step-mother. The jury filed into their seats after being out about one hour and a half and were polled on their return, Miss Borden was asked to stand up and the foreman was ask- ed to return the verdict upon which he announced “ Not guilty.” Falrs to Come. County fairs and fairs of local agri- cultural societies of the ste will be held as follows: Granger's interstate exposition at Williams Grove, August 26 to Beptember 2; Mt. Gretna farmers’ encampment and industrial association Mt. Gretna, August 21 to 26; Berks county fair, at Reading, September 12 to 15; Kutztown fair, September 19 to 21; Cumberland county agricultural as- sociation, at Carlisle, September 26 to 29; Gratz driving park and agricultur- al society, at Gratz, September 12 to 15; Juniata, at Port Royal, September 6 to 9; Mifflin county, at Mifilin, October 3 to 6; Perry county, at Newport, Sep- tember 19 to 22: Union county, at Lewisburg, September 26 to 29; York county, at York, October 2 to 6; Han- over agricultural society, at Hanover, September 11 fo 15. A me What Millhelm Will Do For Us. The Millheim Journal thus endorses the Fourth of July celebration at Cen- tre Hall by saying: The Centre Hall REPORTER of last week makes the announcement that they will get up a big celebration in that borough on the Fourth of July, and predicts as there will be no cele- bration at any point in the county on that day, they will have a roaring time. Centre Hall has the means and if her citizens ‘shell out” liberally there is no doubt that they can make a grand success of it. The Journal is with you and promises a good delegation from this part of the valley to help you cele brate the glorious Fourth. gone Getting the Roads in Shape, Supervisor Samuel Bruss has been running the stone crusher near the sta- tion for several days, and has been get- ting on hand a big supply of crushed stones, which he will use in placing the roads in district of the town- ship indecent shape. Samuel says he | is doing the work as good as he knows how, and will keep the good work up as long the funds will last. The question of new roads could be easily i his as { the hands of supervisors who will work i to the advantage of the township, such ipervisor Bruss is doing. nm Will Be Announced Owing to the Lutheran church giv- Fischer an unlimi- there will be no regular services in that edifice until announce- nent of same appears in the REPor- TER Rev. Fischer will endeavor to re- cuperate during the coming months and regain his former state of health. The next appointment will be announ- ced and the will likely not have much church going during the heated term. ing its pastor, Rev 1 ted vacation, parishoners —— —— Preparing 4 Move Away. Rev. J. W. Boal, pastor of the New- berry Presbyterian church, is making preparations to move his household goods to Centre Hall, Centre county, where he will take up his future resi. dence. He expects to leave this city about June 28th, and will deliver his farewell next Sunday, 25th inst. Rev. Mr. Boal has become greats ly endeared to his people of the old Lycoming church, and the separation is one of regret.— Williamsport Daily Times, sermon er ff ——— i Will It Ever Come ? A clergyman of New Castle, Pa. spoke as follows ina recent sermon: “We have been trying for some time to break up the idea that a circus must be made out of a funeral. There is noth- ing more disgusting to me than to see a whole congregation file around the front of a church merely to get a glimpse of a face which perhaps many of them have never seen before. The custom should be abolished without ceremony.” I A AAA Hay Tedder, A Hay Tedder is as essential to the successful harvesting of hay, asa mow- er or a rake. Farmers who have them wonder how they done without them #0 long. The best to be had at this time, as well as hay rakes are for sale by MeCalmont & Co. 2t mm nA A Thrown from His Buggy On last Friday Mr. George B. Bran- don, who now lives at Spangler, was thrown from his buggy while driving aud quite painfully injured. Mrs. Brandon was visiting Bellefonte at the time and was telegraphed for to re- turn home. A ———— into Frog Ponds, A Clinton county farmer is talking of turning his farm into frog ponds, where he will raise frogs by the thou- sands to sell. The hind quarters are considered a dainty dish by some peo- ple. Frog raising of the present day has become a great paying invest ment. eis —— Principal Wanted. A principal wanted for the High Behool at Centre Hall, Apply to CG. W. HOSTERMAN, Centre Hall, Pa. ini For Sale, Beveral young horses for sale; or will exchange for any kind of eattle, H.W. BMT. Centre Hall, Pa. Bentenced for Life, It sounds very harsh to learn that Ohio has sent a man to the peniten- tiary for life for stealing three chick- ens, but that bare announcement fails to tell the whole story, This chicken thief goes to the penitentiary for the rest of his days under the operation of & new law which imposes a life sen- tence on the third conviction for a penitentiary offense, It is the camu- lative weight of his previous offenses which has made an “habitual crimi- nal” of the offender. plots Shame ! We are told that a cow was struck by a Beech Creek engine near Troy on | Tuesday, and knocked down over the | embankment, where she laid all day with her leg broke, alive but suffering frightfully. Her brutal owner refused to allow her to be killed, as she was | insured, and he was afraid if he killed | her he would forfeit the insurance. We do not know the man's name or | we would publish it. Such fiendish | cruelty is a disgrace to civilization. Philipsburg Ledger. i 812 Per Year, Selinsgrove people drink Penns | creek water, a Centre county liquid | which has its source in the cave near! Centre Hall. For this luxury the peo- | ple of that ancient town pay $12 per year for the ordinary familyluse, and the hotels pay $ per month. Other uses are taxed in proportion, and the | people there without it, a —— say they would not be Lost, Memorandum book, inches: HAINEe O6 Cover. three by six Lost on Wed- Reward paid by returning it to Foundry office. E. M. Huyerr. fo ———————— nesday. Wanted A farm hand during and harvesting. paid a good man. haying First-class wages will be NB. W. BmiTH, Centre Hall, Pa. ———————— . ~The stock of boots, and sold at Mingle's store, Bellefonte, is complete in respect and sold at prices so low all can purchase, shoes, rubber goods shoe very that hat the hats P. ——If you are in need of a new come and see my stock, | finest stock of spring styles of ever brought to this C. Long, Spring Mills. have place. - HO FARMERS, ATTENTION ! We invite the attention of farmers to the Steel Self Bind- ing Harvesters and Mowers manufactured by the McCor- mick people of Chicago, as being the leading farm machin- ery of their class---they are su- perior to all others in the material used, as well as the mechanical construction. They are light running and long lived, We challenge all other bin ders to compare their binder attachments to that on the McCormick, which has no equal as a binding device. McCALMONT & CO0., Zjunly BELLEFONTE, PA. Dr. M. J. Davis is a prominent phy- sician of Lewis, Cass county, Iowa, and has been actively engaged in the practice of medicine at that place for the past thirty-five years. On the 26th of May, while in Des Moines, en route to Chicago, he was suddenly taken with an attack of diarrhoea. Having sold Chamberlain's Colie, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for the past seven- teen years, and knowing its reliability, he procured a 25 cent bottle, two doses of which completely cured him. The excitement and change of water and diet incident to traveling often pro- duce a diarrhoea. Every one should procure a bottle of this Remedy before leaving home. For sale by J, D. Mur- my, Druggist. AGENTS WANTED 2: Geneva Namesy, GH A, N.Y. Hstablished 186. One of Largest, Oldest Established and Best Known Nursuries in the United States. 1804t WANTED I conse or he cae of onr Home Grown Nur it after all other treatment had Tt {41e put up in 9 and 00 cent bozes, POWDER, FUSE AND QUARRYING MACHINERY. ATLAS POWDER.—The very best ed the Atlas Powder, for blasting rocks and blowing out stumps, JUDBON POWDER.—The Judson powder is of medium strength be- tween black powder and dynamite, BLACK POW DER.—Dupont’s make of blasting, rifle and sporting pow- der has always been considered the best in the market and it is as good in quality to-day as it ever was, CARTRIDGES. —Fixed ammunition * for hunters and sportsmen. WE ARE PREPARED to supply the trade with the above High Class i i i ces, We guarantee the lowest pri- ever offered for sale in this com- munity. ATTORNEYS. Atoruey at Law be cousulted in German Jauky Can J. H'ORVIS, C. M. BOWER, E L,ORVIE. (Jrvis, BOWER & ORVIB, Atlorneys af Law, BELLEFORTE, PA. Office in Crider’s Exchange building on second floor, Jnnsh D F. FORTNEY, . Attorney at law, BELLEFONTE, PA. Office in Conrad Building. Jang (LEMANT DALE, ’ Attorney at Law, BELLEFONTE, PA. Office N, W, corner Diamond, two doors from irst Nations) Bank Jans? Ww G. RUNKLE . Attorney at Law, BELLEFONTE, PA. All kindsof legal business stiended Ww promptly Diioe, 24 i ber fuses for use in rock. PLATINUM FUSES AND dry and i i ROCK DRILLS. air with boilers, air ORDERS FOR ANY of the receive prompt attention at very lowest prices, 22Junly I EGAL NOTICE In re Amiguned Estate of} i Bariges in trust for fit reditors BELLEFONTE, PA. mon Pleas of of « } Ce No. 175 Ap is hereby given that an application has fq Pleas of Cen. er io reconvey to the sald i inder and in been made to the Count o tre Ox for an or Daniel Bariges, the Assigned estate, pursuance o! the Beoond sud Third Sections of the aot of the 4th of May, 1883. All persons in terested are « 0 appear before said Court on the Bixih day « 30 1835 Ww show cause, if any they have u application aforesaid should not be g nd an order made direct IRE a recone 1 estate MITH Prothonotary. Rage Ww mayil-4t DMINIS ROTICE ~ LETTERS the estate of F ip, hav~ lersigned, wins Know to make aving claims ¥ suthent RATOR'S stration upon decd. of Potler tow F granted to Lhe ¥ request al edd 10 the MARY E. BURKHOLDER , Administratrix, Centre Hill SMEN, TO RELY n hardy nurs stock 0 offer § fu fruits and nirolied only by us. We pay or salary. give ex rritory and Write us at once and secure choloe MAY BROTHERS, Numserymen Rochester, ot wih LE neve 7 fol th t pay weekly of territory Lunds N.Y. New Bu ———————— A————— ggies, Wagons, &c., AT A BARGAIN. The undersigned has on hand at his shops at Yeagertowna very large stock of Buggies, Carriages, Wagons, &e.. which he will sell at low prices and easy terms in order to make room. All made of first-class material and equal to the best. Call and see my stock. 1 can suit everybody. Bug- gies and Wagons made to order in the best style, lepairing of all kinds promptly attended to. junl-3m H. PHILIPS. BINDER TWINE. “3 Sisal, Standardand Manila--Best in qual- ity, lowest in prices. M'CALMONT & CO. BELLEFONTE, PA. Oss Are you insured ? If not, now isthe time to provide yourself and family with a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy as an insurance against any serious results from an attack of bowel complaint dur ing the summer months, It is almost certain to be needed and should be procured at once. No other remedy can take its place or do its % and 5 cent bottles for sale by J. D. i J. L.BrasaLes, C.P. Hewes, SPANGLER & HEWES, L Attorneys at Law, BELLEFONTE, PA. to coliections. Practice in in German and Jan®2 Hpacial attention : ail the courts, Consultation English BANKS. ANKING OO. BELLEFONTE, PA. Discount notes, J. D. Bunvaery, Cashier (ENT RECOURTY B Becelve deposits, anvil HOTELS. JBVIN HOUBE, 8, Woods Caldwell, Pillar: LOCK HAVEN, PA. Good sample rooms ou frst jane Terms reasonshle THE, WL. Daggett, Proprietor, SELLEFONTE, PA Special atlention given 0 country trade. apr FOUNTAIS HOUSE. Emanuel Brown, Proprietor, BELLEFONTE, PA. The travelingoommunity will find this hotel equal 10 any iu the country in every respect, for man and beast, and charges very moderate Ni W GARMAN HOUBE a Opposite Court House, BELLEFONTE, PA New bullding, new furniture throughout, steam heat, electric bells and all modern improvements, Good table and moderate charges A HOTEL, FRING MILI 8 D. H. Ruki Proprietor, SPRING MILLS, PA. NEW BROCKERHOFF HOUSE, a J. M. Neubmuer Proprietor, BELLEFONTE, PA Free bus to and from all trains. Good sample roots iret Boor. Special rales WwW witnesses and jurors EE PENNBYLVANIA STATE COLLEG LOCATED IN ONE OF "THE MOST BEAUTI FUL AND HEALTHFUL SPOTS IN THE ALLEGHERY REGION; UNDENOMINA- TIONAL; OPER TO BOTH BEXES; TUITION FREE. BOARD AND OTHER EXPENSES VERY LOW NEW BUILDINS AND EQUIPMENT, LEADING DEPARTMENTS OF STUDY. I. AGRICULTURE ( Threr Courace) and AGRI CULTURAL CHEMISTRY; with constant i instrations on the Farm and in the Labora tory. BOTAXY and HORTICULTURE: theoret- cal and practical. Btodents taught original study with the microscope, CHEMISTRY; with an unusually full and thorough course in the Laboratory. {CIVIL ENGINEERING, } These « ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING: Joour es {MECHHNICAL ENGINEERING: J os are accompanied with very extensive practioal exercises in the Field, the Shop, and the Laboratory HISTORY; Ancient and Modern, with origi. nal investigation, INDUSTRIAL ART AND DESIGN LADIES’ COURSE IN CITERATURE and SCIENCE, Two yeas Ample facilities for Music, vooal and instramental LANGUAGE and LITERATURE: Latin {optional,) French, German and English (re quired.) one or more continued through the entire course MATHEMATICS and ASTRONOMY: pure and Applied MECHANIC ARTE. combining shop work with study, three years’ course; New build ing and equipment, MENTAL, MORAL and POLITICAL 8C1 ENCE; Constitutions] Law and History Politioal Economy, ete MILITARY SCIENCE: instraction theoreti cal and practionl, including esch arm ofthe service. 13, PREPARATORY DEPARTMENT: Two ears—carefully graded and thorough. Fall term opens Sept. 14, 1882, Examinations for admission, June 16, and Sept. 15, Commence. ment week, June 12-15, 1992, For Catalogue or other information, address GRO. W. ATHERTON, LL.D., Prest, State College, Centre Co Ps Bucklea's Arnica Salve, The best salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chil blains, Corns, and all 8kin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give per- fect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by J. D. Murray. -= Write for Samples— Name Your price. Tem In Price, Fabric, Fitand Finish WE BEAT THE WORLD ! Arr STOCK OF PANTINGS ome in the Fate . Perrrcr Frrrina Pants Co, LM Altoona, Pa. AGENTS WANTED for the only AUTHORIZED BIOGRAPHY of JAMES 6. BLAINE, By GAIL HAMILTON, his literary executor, with the cooperation of his family, and for Mr, Riaine's Complete Works, “TWENTY YEARS OF CONGRESS" and his later book, “POLITICAL DISCUSSIONS,” One prospectus for these 8 REST SELLING books in the market. A. K.P. Jordan of Me, took 100 orders from first 98 oalls; agent's profit $176.50. Mm, Ballard of O., took 15 orders, 18 Seal Rusia, in one day; profit 335. EN. Rice of Mam, took 27 orders in 2 days; profit 47.2. J. Partridge of Mo. took 48 orders from 56 calls; profit 76.95. EK. A. Palzoer of N. Dak. took 53 or ders in three days; profit 98.25, EXCLUSIVE TERRITOTY MONEY, write immediately for terms to PENNSYLVANIA BE. R. Ae Philadelphia & Erie R. R. Division and Northern Central Railway, Time Table, 11 effect May 21, 1808, TRAINS LEAVE MONTANXDOR, EABTWALD, $158 m~Train 14. (Daily except Sunday For Bunbury, Willkerbarre, Hazleton, Pottsville Harrisburg and intermediate stations, arriving at Philadelphia at 200 p, m., New York, 5.50 p m., Baltimore, 2.10 p m,, Washington 4.30 p. m connecting ai Philadelphia for all seashore points, Through passcuger cosches to Wilkes rré, Philadelphia and Baltimore, Varlor cars Ww Philadelphia, 13 p. m ~Train For Bunbury, Har tions, arri York. $3 # Bunday.) inte {Dually except TED lin New Wesrbing. diated. 501 p. m~Train 12. [Dally exceed For Wilkesbarre, Hazleton, Potteviile snd Intermediate points, arriving at J 1066 pm. New York 3.90 a. ta, Baltiz m., Washington 4.10 & Wilkesbarre and Phils 502p. m.~Train 6, (Daily For Bunbury, Harrisburg and all intermediate stations, arriy- ing at Philadelphia, 4.30 a. mi, New York at 7.10 & m. Pullman Merig cave from Harrisburg 1o Philadelphia and New York Puiladelpbia pas Sengers can remain in sleeper undisturbed until 00a. mm, 120 un. m~Train (Daily.; For Bunbury Harrisburg and in ediatle stations, arriving 8 Philadelphia st 6.504, m., New York 930 sm Baltimore, 6.20 a. m , Wash ton, 17.50 68 Pullman sleeping cam 10 ladeiphin snd passenger coaches W Philadelphia and Baltimore WESTWARD. 537 a. m.~Train 3, (Dally) andaigun and intermediate stations, Rochester Buflelo end Nisgers Vells, with ti ugh Poliman cars 10 Erie aud Elmirs and passenger coaches io Erie Bochesier 10.17. ~Train 16. (Daily) intermediate stations 166 p.m Train 11 For Kane, Cauandeipus a Rochester, Buffalo and through passenger coaches 10 ter, and Parlor car to Roc bod p. m.~Train For Renovo, Elmire and 45 p. m.~Truin {Daily port and intermediate stations EET CORCLCE 1 For Erie and Can For Lock Haven and exX0ept Bunday. Liermwediale sistions wilh Train 15 leaves New ¥ phis 4.30 a 1o, Baltimore 4.40 5.15 a ma, dally, Wilkesbarre except Bunday) arriving at M win 11 leav won 7.008 10.15 8 m es Philadeiphin 8.50 a m, Washing. 3, Bailimore B45 am, Willkesbarre {ally except Broiving at Monian 1 1.06 pu ith Or car from Phlladeiptis and conches from Philadelphia a Train 1 leaves New York m; Washington at 10. 3 am, Wilkesharre 3.12 pm, i arriving st Montandon at 5 nger We BL except wp om, Yh. BUD with i igh passehiger cosches froma and Baltimore 3 loaves New York 2.0 jeiphin p od hilad itimore Lontandon at 5,37 nan seeping cars from 4d Baltimore and through passenger coaches from Philadelphia snd Bais Umaore, LEWISBURG AND TYRONE RAILROAD. Duily Except Sunday, Westward Eastward PMPM AM BTATIORS AMNMFPFM FM $0 Montandon #20 55 5 Lewisburg 19 00} 47 Jiechi ue : U5 ow 3 22 23 Vicksburg 28 dS Mifinburg : 43 SOI M (limeont } § Sk Glen Iron 7 ZiPaddy Mounts'n Lerty Riving Spring Peyn Cave Centre Hall Gitire 23{ Linden Ball 250k Hall rr rT YY TTT 7 a re 45 Additions dou at 5. 20a m turning leave M wm. i h iL Gap FAzemann 5 Bellefonte > e Lewisburg § Vam,l 240and 745 p andon for Lewisburg at 9.20 & Ham blZpmAd pm ands pm For rates. maps, oic call on agent or addres Thos E Watt, PAW, D., 110 Fifth ave. Pitis- i) I. BR. WOOD 8. M. PREVOST General Mansger, Gen] Ps'ger Agt EEE ITTY A es 00 BY Aap (x Bog®) ENDORSED BY SCIENTISTS 4S PRACTICALLY Indestructible Over GOO Beautiful Designs. STONE. 3 Price List & Circulars, ETE o ME a SE COMPANY " eR, CONN. ' Address, PETER HOFFER, Centre Hall. Agent for Centre Co. mar, 308m W. L. DOUCLAS $3 SHOE cent nen. but tnsist on having W. L. DOUGLAS SHOES, with