The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, June 22, 1893, Image 2

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— pssst
An unsuccessful attempt was made to rob
fi Missouri, Kansas and Texas tram near
Moran, Kansas, Dr. A. H. King, a veterin.
ary surgean of national fame, is dying at
the Cincinnati Hospital as the result of an
assault by James Welton, a park policeman,
The trouble arose over the election of a dele.
gate ata political primary, ——Frank Cannon
aged fourteen, stabbed and fatally wounded
his brother Edward at their home in Coving-
ton, Ky. Frank came home at noon and
quarreled with Edward beennss he was not
workins., The brothers went into the back
yard to fight it out, Frank drew his pocket
knife and stabbed Edward in the side, -A
road agent made an attempt to hold up a
stage coach near Jackson, Cal., and killed
Michael Lovey, the guard. Jack Barnitz
of Carlisle, Pa., placed his neck across a rail
near Monahan, Texas, and was killed by a
train. The Habilities of 8. Bonham, the
neighborhood of £125,000, with assests equal
to more than that amount, It isthought tho |
bank will pay dollar for dollar, Bonham's
large merchandise store is included in the
assignment A bad wreek oceurred on the |
Central bridge over the Tonawanda Creek,
near Batavia, N. XY. An eastbound freight
stood on the bidge, when another eastbound
crashed into it. Many cars were telescoped,
and about one hundred head of live stock
were killed. Fire started in the wreck, but
was extinguished by the firemen —J, R
Harris, of the Lubricating Company of Min-
neapolis, was killed by two burglars who had
been discovered by him in his parlor. He
attempted to seize them, and was shot twice, |
George Pike, the embegzling accountant of
the Imperial Bank of Toronto, who was ar- |
rested recently In Kansas City, was sentenced |
to three months’ imprisonment, Pike stole
$12,000, which he lost in speculation, —— Fire
destroyed the sheds of laths and shingles of |
the Eastern Lumber Company, in Tons
wanda, N. Y.——The works of the Meriam & |
Morgan Parafine Company, corner of Seneca
and Ohio streets, Cleveland, were partially
destroyed by fire. The plant consisted of a
three-story briek building used for makivz
paraflne wax, a three-story frame cooper-
shop and a four-story brick eandie factory;
loss $200,000. — Destructive forest fires have
been raging in the vicinity of Col.,
for two weeks, and the flames swept over a
portion of Bachelor Hill, destroying a num-
ber of cabins and the shaft houses of the Ar- |
genta, White Star, Moran and the Park Re- |
geat companies, ——Five persons were in.
jured, one fatally, by being thrown from a
FURAWAY Car Chicago.——The People's
Guarantee Savings Bank, of Ransas City,
made an assignment. The liabilities ars sup-
posed to be about $70,000, and the assets be-
tween $30,000 and #65,00,—The terribly
mangled body of Gustave Koenig, a well
known young business man, was found
side the Hannibal tracks near St Joseph,
Mo. He had been murdered apd robbed,
alter which the body was laid on the track to
cover up the cause of death, There is a clue
to the murderers, which the officials are fol |
lowing up. Koenig was to have been mar-
ried Bunday, and was returning from calliog
on his flancee when murdered,
John L. Osmond, was dlectrocuted in Sing
Sing. for the murder of his wife and his
cousin, John C, Burche l Nine prisoners
escaped from the jail at Tyler, Texas. The
keys ware left by the warden in the office, |
and are believed to have been handed to the
prisoner by a colored servant. The officers
recaptured the prisoners subsequently. i
The passenger steamer Nyack, which left |
Buffalo with a large excursion party for the
World's Fair, and which was reported as
having foundered, arrived safely in Cleve.
land. The vessel encountered a heavy gale
soon after leaving Buffalo, and put into Erie
until the storm moderated. Miss Clara
Weaver drowned her children and herself in |
Buckeye Creek, near Fultonbam.-——About |
sixty feet of the state dam across the Hud |
son river, at Troy, gave way, and the tim.
bers were earried a hundred yards down
stream. ——QGraduating exercises were held
at West Point.———Batler Lowry, a real
estate dealer, made an assignment in Chi.
cago, with estimated labilities of $80,000, |
The assets are said to be in excess of that
amount. ———A receiver was appointed for the
Harvey World's Fair Hotel and Harvey Home |
Improvement Companies in Chicago, — |
William E. Mitchell, a jealous husband, shot |
at his wife and her mother in the vestibule |
of a church in Boston. Bandit Sontag |
was mortally wounded ina fight with officers
near Visalia, Cal
In the Sangamon Circuit Court, at Spring- |
fleld, Ili, the Atlantic Trust Company, of |
New York, flied a petition for foreclosure of
8 mortgage against the St. Louls, Chicago
and St. Paul Railroad for $1,200,000. The
court appointed the Charles E. Kimball Com-
pany receivers, with Joseph Dickson for the
road. Albert Yon Gelder, son of a Hol
lan nobleman, was arrested in Chicago on a
charge of stealing diamonds, —George
Helme, snuff manufacturer, and owner of
the town of Helmetta, N. J., died of heart
disease. He was seventy-four years old, apd
worth about 84,000,000, Mrs, James
Kirkendall, of Spokane, Wash, , fed her little
daughter of strychnine, and then took some
herself. Both are dead. Mra, Kate Kerch,
living near Parkersburg, W. Va, lost her
reason, killed two children, throw two others
in a well, and ther. poisoned herself. The
Dexter Wagon Works, at Canton, Ohio, were
destroyed by a fire supposed to be of lneen-
diary origin, Loss $12,000 ; insurance $10,
000. The piant bad been on fire three times
during the past month, ~The Backus Wire
Nail company, of Cleveland, has made an as.
signment, &— Postmaster Charles Il. Worldey
postmaster at Long Branch City, has disap
peared. There is a shortage of $2,040 ju bis
msn AI somone
The Escaped Maryland Murderer Re-
captured by the Officers.
William Pinkney, the colored murderer
who eseaped from jail more than three woeks
ago, was recaptured near Marlboro’,
He is under sentence along with Barber,
#80 colored, to haug June 30th, for the mur-
der of Francis H. Bowie, A roward of $750
was offered for Pinkney's capt
be. |
Tux valise of Louis Halbertatadt, of NapTer.
ville, Iil., who died in Drockville, Canada,
ja Jos ago. was sold to a drammer at an
jue unalaimed pris faek for
#2. It contained gas stock worth £107,000,
Children and Commits Suicide,
Ax outhreak of
A coxanrss of military unions at Baden
Spread on the Boys' Bread.
ever took place in Wood county, W. Va, oo
curred Wednesday at noon, It took place at
Mrs, Kirsch had been {ll for a long
ous disorders, and it had been observed that
her mind was not entirely under
tragic consequences from her troubles, She
bad been under the treatment of a competent
was ime
proving in health,
Her husband was at a barnraising at Mr.
The two elder boys were en-
At dinner time the boys came to the house
and sat down to the r noon meal, the daugh-
Mollie did not observe
come, Mollie,
and die with me.” At the same time the
mother laid hold of the girl and tried wo
throw her into the well also,
The daughter fought with all her
and the well sur being about two feet high
she was able to keep herself from belug
thrown ‘n. At this moment a younger child
eight years old, appeared, sand the mother
in the
well and caught the younger child,
The daughter fought with desperation and
almost superhuman strength to release the
young: r child, and foally sucesaded in re.
leasing him from his manaie mother's grasp,
and then told him to run for his life to an
uncle's house, near by.
1 he mother then started to throw herself
into the well where the two younger chil-
dren had already drowned, Mollie
caucht her mother and screamed for her
brothers to come to her ald. They arose from
the table and giarted out, but ous of them fel
dead before he got to the door, and the other,
Just as he reached the doorway, pitched heoad-
long to the ground, a corpse,
In the meantime the daughter was engagod
in a desperate struggle to prevent her motoer
from throwing herself! into the well, She
fought with evurage and herole streugth and
tore almost all the clothing from her body,
but her efforts were unsucesssiul, and at last
the mother pitched headlong into the well
and was drowed,
The poison given the boys was strychnine
mixed with the butter that the mother spread
on her boys” bread at their dinner, One
pleco of bread so spread was iying beside the
plate set for one of boys only partly
Whether he was taken sick vefore it was all
eaten or whether it was laid aside when the
sister screamed for help from the outside of
the house will never be known.
In a brief time the neighbor assembled and
the three bodies were taken from well
Justice of the Peace Devaughn, of Walker
district, held the inquest, and his finding was
The funeral of all the dead took place at
the Skidmore graveyard at Dallison,
nas simon tI
Ths Massachusetts Christened by Miss
Leila Herbert.
The big battleship Massachusetts was suo
cesafully launched from the shipyard of the
Cramps in Philadelphia, Pa., in the presence
of Secretary of the Navy Herbert, Attorney
General the
state of Massachusetts, a number
and army officers and a
Miss Leila Herbert, daugh-
of the Naval Department,
Qiney, iatter representing the
of distin.
guished naval mule
titude of 15,000,
ter of the head
christenad the vessel with the customary
pretiily decorated bottle of champagne,
The Washington party came on a specia’
trzin. The weather was pleasant,
was shining bright and clear, but its warmth
was tempered with gentle, cool breezes,
The big hull had received the last touches
of a coat of white paint above the water line,
and of deep red below, and lowered on the
be sent overboard as soon
as the tide should be at its flood.
the vessel began to move, Miss Herbert
GERMASNY'S finance mini ter, Miquel, says
he is opposed to the imposition of un imperial
lncome tax,
It Is sald that the Czarewiteh of Russia
been betrothed to Princess Alico, of
Hesse Darmstadt,
Tue Badapesth express train was wrecked
injures, many of them fatally,
Tur regulations proposed by the United
Btates for seal-hunting in Beriug sen are dis-
Tuere has been but litle change
condition of affairs in Honolulu,
10 advices received at Ban Francisco,
prow and christened her the ‘‘Massachu-
By her own momentum, the latest addition
which 600 000 came from Amerioa,
pun sh the bank pluonderers,
the Bank of Naples
Count ZiNzk1
incident in Yienns, in
bis trainer, was dus to
controlavie horse,
infessed his
declares that the race track
which he rode down
a fractious and un
People are sald to be
from cholera in the valle
¥ of the Tigris, and
ing the epidemic through Turkey.
Tar journals recognized as organs of the
modified his schoimstic policy heretofore
enunciated in regard to the United States,
Bev, Tuowas Brrrarvox arrived in San
Francisco from New Zesland, He will hold
atwo week's revival at Chicago
the London Tabernacle,
Tar discovery of dynamite bombs neat
the residence of th ex-Quesn of the Sand.
wich Islands has occasioned great alarm
blow up the government barracks,
Aporr 100 hod carriers of
Pa., went ou strike for an increase of Wien.
StTErs have been taken for a general redao-
tion in the force of employes of the Baiti-
more and Ohio Ratlroaq,
SEVENTY furniture factories in Cincinnat],
Oulo, have shut down, throwing 5,000 mea
out of employment,
ue eighteenth annual convention
Amalgamated Association of Iron
Workers was held in Pittsburg,
eatic Row
ing Ma-
J OrRey,
out of
money to pay ths em
bere was no
A comuirres of the Ohio Valley Manufas
furers Association was in ;
Pittsburg with the ir wage comn
the Amaigamats eintion
Oil Was reas
i, are ons
if 30 per
* weavers have bean surn
¢ iron manufacturers an
s Finishers’ Unio { the Mab
benango Valleys
mnge the
fing and
oungstown to
“ng year, No
ut 10
rote |
was Peau
esiring a reducti
fn said the
t per cont, on
billets, Socrota y
A sore action
would bave no bearing on the
¢ Anal
inti of the Hnishers
Torrent Caused by a Clond-Burst at a
Mexican Mining Camp.
A cloud-burst st San Jose de Gracia Min
ing Camp, in Pueblo, caused a rush of water
which tore up trees and carried along hugh
fragrants of rock.
Boome houses in ta course were crushed
in, burying the inmates, Houses which r.-
slated tne torrent quickly filled with water,
snd the people in them hed to escape from
the upper stories on rudely fashioned 1afis,
The surviving lobabitanis have taken
reiuge on the mountain sides. Helief { ag
been forwarded by the State Government,
They Loot a Home at Pulaski While
the Owner was Helpless.
Just at dusk the other evening three men
oalied at the residence of W. D. Byers at
Pulaski, Pa., and gol Byers from the house,
Then two pistols were placed against hie
face and he was ordered to throw up
river, When she reached
moored the eruvisers New York and Columbia,
snd the ship-of-war Indiana,
A naval battalion, consisting of 125 men
and divided into two companies, participated
in the ceremonies. One company acted as
escort to the guests and stood guard at the
Isunching stand, and, when the launch was
effected, cleared the way to the cruiser New
York, on which the second company, with
a band, was stationed to salute the Massa
chusetts as she took to the water, When the
guests had boarded the cruiser, the entire
battalion acted as the crew and saluted the
Secretary of the Navy's flag as it was raised,
The dignitaries inspected the Now York, and
after banqueting in the office of the Cramps,
returned to Washington on the special train
which had conveyed them hither,
The big warship left tho ways a minute or
80 before the expected time, but no accident
of any kind oecurred. The warm weather
biocks on the sole piece had been loosened,
Misa Herbert, the fair christener, was at
tired in a becoming costume of black Brus
pols net, and wore a sms Viack hat trimmed
with crushed roses,
Sst IIIs
Celebration of tho Anniversary of the
Btars and Stripes.
Vor tho first time in American history,
them wan a general celebration in Philadel.
phia of the anniversary of the adoption by
Congress, June 14, 1777, of the Stars and
Btripes, The historic dwelling 239 Arch
street, where Petsy Ross made the first flag,
was handsomely decorated with 8 and
bunting, Members of the Colonial dRmes,
with whom the idea of a commemoration 6
the day originated, distributed 8,000 flags
to school children at (he above mentioned
house, The children then marched to Inde.
pendence Bquara, where patriotic songs were
sung and appropriate addresses made. In
every ach in Philadelphia the story of
how the first wea made was told, and
the ‘‘Starspangled Banner” and other Na~
tional anthems wore sung. Buildings on all
the principal streets of vity were liber
ally decorated,
him, after which they pushed him into an
old shed,
They entered the house and ransacked it
from top to bottom, frst tying Mrs, Byers
It was daybreak before one of the mem.
i ——
It appears that much of the work of tow.
ing the Columuus caravels to Chicago
be done by Canadian contractors,
will cost atiout £7,000,
of great newspaper aitention in London,
where his work 18 almost as well known
in America. Last week he was the chief
guest nt a dinner of a ecosiderable group of
the younger literary men in London,
Tax cond tion of Senator Qolqu tt.0f Geor-
gia, is improviag, and is not pow of a sort to
cause serous concern. The feeling of re.
tursing heath makes him more than usually
alive to passing events, and he expects to be
ready for duty at the next rollcall of the
Tur new Harvard Catholic association eleo-
tad as its president a descendant of Toomas
Addis Emmett, brother of the young Irish
atriot whose “epitaph is yet unwritten,”
r. Emmett, who is a New Yorker, is a moms
ber of the senior class, and is president also
of the Hasty Pudding Clan,
Ruenyanp Kirvixa's father has been foreed
by reason of {ll-heath to resign his govern.
ment post at Lahore, Kipling is the au-
thor of a book called “Man and veast in In
din.’ but his best-know contribution to liter
ature is hie designation of as “Hell
with the Lid On.”
Tur school of applied ethics will not hold
A session at Plymouth, Mase , this summer,
One reason is that that the World's Fair con
greases at Chi in this geseral line fof
study will attract attention to this quarter,
and another is that the of the
school wish for time to put it on & more per-
manent and enlarged basis,
Rev, Tunovone C. Pease. of Malden, who
Boa been chosen by the trustees of Andover
Theo I Seminary to the Bartlett pro-
fossorsiip of sacred rhetoric, late y occupied
by Prosident ng of ot Dartmouth Salley, In
not widely known ® general po o
was graduated at Harvard in 176 nod from
Andover in 1880, and is vouched for as a
competent man,
Morning Was Gloomy.
Priceless Laces Bent by the Queen of
Italy Missing.
tainty regardi: g the Sunday openfog of the
Fair kept « arly attendance downto a
mark, Chief Justicd Fuller's action
granting the was not
far sway from Chicago in
time to brivg a good crowd of countrymen,
known enough
part Chicagonns,
The morning was damp and eold, a heavy
fog blew in from the lake, hiding the towers
and minarets of the great buildings, and
sn came oul
warm, however, dispersing the mists and
and from that hour until dark every mode of
lust Sunday.
transportation was tested to fullest ca-
The for
good, exceeding that of
work was done
attendances Wis
Considerable in
The doors to the Jap-
ancse pavilion, io the north the
building, were barred, and two guards stood
on watch outside, Everything in the En.
lish section was shut up, while ber neigh-
bor, Franc+, secross the wide aisle hb
her gates wide open, ss
Everything in the German section was in its
ev ry-day appearance, but hall of Austria's
by white cur
ing windows and arranging displays, to
Work in the Bpanish Beetion.
A large force of men had possession
wore working bard under the sug
of the
soction in the big hall, and they
the assistant commissioner It
tion of the Bpaniards to have their dis
in two or three days, and t
Infanta, The
sands that were
a reception to the
gan the gro
ris begs
sacred and
Laces Missing.
disclosure was mad
grounds when the pric
Bere by Queen Margarbe
While the noes
mg fakes ‘ : !
ploce united, IH was
pie 8 Wore missing.
gent to Re £ the Queen
of her great loss ; fo as develop.
ments thus far indicate, that the loss will
not fall upon the Exposition Company,
their bond not covering the safety of the
laces in transit An «ffure was made to keep
the discovery a ssoret, but the
cores divulged the startling sews,
These rich possessions, out of reverence
wry of her countryman, the dis.
verer of America, Queen Margarhetts con.
sented to send to Chicago lor the Palr., She
sent a noble, trusted Iady, the Countess di
Bragza, to watch and sunrd her treasures,
and the government of the United States
gave a bond of $100,000 to guarantee their
eale return to Italy,
Ex-President Harrison will
jays in Chicago this week soving
of the Exposition, and during the
President Palmer,
was shout 55.
ee ———— .
modiately me Appris
custom offi
for the men
stay wil
he the guest {
tend aioe
a o-
— Sn
A Desperate Highwiyman Attempts to
Hold Up a Stagecoach,
An attempt was made {0 rob the nn
from 1« Jackson,
wayman, about
had KK
whom wre ladies,
Badeliffe ;
i Ove,
all silage
ne to Cal, by a lone high
m Jackson. The
five miles fr
inside, two of
Outside was the
stage Ur passengers
Clinton guard,
behind the rocks of
Michael and passenger,
robber wus eonceale i
conoeaiment he fired
Nix horses were attached
crack of the rifle fright.
into a gallop,
opposite his place of
killing Lovey,
the stage, and the
ene | them
back, producing a slight wound, The horses
two of the animals,
the driver halted and turned two of the in.
a fleld and came on,
bringing the bo iy of the murdered messen-
Tae robber made no effort to
The firing was heard by
several farmers working in a bay field near.
The robber escaped into the thiek
There was treasure on board the
for Amador City and Jackson,
for twenty years and had been wounded
three times before by road agents,
A Portion of the Prench Exhibit De-
What might have been a disastrous fire
was extinguished by prompt work of the fire
men in Transportation Building at 5 o'clock
p.m, A guard saw fire climbing up a draped
post in the exhibit of the Trans-Atlantie
French Mall Line steamers in the gallery and
turned in an alarm, at the same time trying
to extinguish the blaze, :
When the firemen arrived the blaze had
reached the overh streamers and was
idly Approaching the adjoining sections,
which are only by ocean parti.
nguished, however,
necessitated the
Lpitome of News Gleanod from Various
Parts of the Btate.
The Bummer meeting of the State Board
of Agriculture, nt Bethlehem, after papers
read, adjourned to meet at Kittaning in the
to affect
the primary nominations were passed,
A convention of candidates was held
West Chester, at which regulations
J. F, Oren, a business man of Waynes.
the Cumberland Valley, los;
satchel which was stolen from him,
Tus yoar the National Guard will
regimental camps probably arranged as fol.
ond, August Sth to 18th,
lows : First Brigude, July 15th to 224
Ju ly 224 to
The places are to
20th ; Be
be fixed by the colonels,
Ix the Beaver County Courts George Ward
was found gulity of lbeling his brother-in
John Duss,
second annual convention of the
law trustee,
Tux sixty
Universalist Association of Pennsylvania, in
of Economy.
session at Erie, adjourned
and Marshall €
mencement of Franklin
formal com
oliege at Lancaster was
and the corner-stone of the new theol
seminary bullding was laid,
Tue change in the dog tax law which pro-
vides for the collection of moneys only from
those dog owners whose amimals have killed
sheep or poultry the
Is much regretied by
chies! burgess and Borough Council, of! West
Chester because the
of from $400 to 8500 pir an
ber of worthless ¢
to the minis
which herstolore
been reduced
10 lnerenss
while ut ®work
tax. Doorey, of New Philad=lphia,
at the Eagle Colliery, had a
miners’ needle run int ower part of his
He had
was ran-
abdomen and was atally d.
s fuse of ashot to be flied and
ving away from the needle in his
hand when it struck the side of the gang.
Rociety at Harn
alsd a mortrage «
soil y for #100 000
seceded, leaving Oto
rin jess
Female (
£ near Belle
lisle and Franklin a
Wenxtestin* a
gun at hie shops
i nuemats
Co, at
instantly and =
iL hester, the hea
striking James
whi #
lightly inju
sameod Pylant,
Tue fire bugs of
mance 1
3 4
stalk ha ni
walsh has 3 A 0
Toe row iween the N
and the regular Sch
Township, 8
in Bi
faction to
haykill co ¥ rosal
{ the Nolan
he | through
ft: ge
rough the of
got the books of it
anty conventions were held
id York x
of Franklin county
in both
J adgr
Joresd for the Supreme Court
of York.
fumberiand sa unties
Slewnrt, was en
by the Repub.
Lanongns emp'oyed by the Pennsylvania
Eailroad the & Columbia
Electric Railway fought a ptehed battle over
over the
and Lancaster
the latter's occupation of a bridge
maiiroad tracks at Mountville,
Bexaror Hamavy Avrvax Hass
Attorney al
war ap
Bosunorvuas of the Lancaster & Quarry-
vilie Railroad met at Lancaster aod decided
Beading management,
Wu F. Moves, warden of the Norristown
Joli since 1886 as under keeper and warden,
Arrooxa has enjoyed the luxury of two
The Couscils
April, 1892, but Nicholson P. Mervine, repub.
lican, the then incumbent of the offios,
claimed the right to hold over ob the groand
that his successor had not been legally
chosen. Both attorneys bave represented
the city in court litigation, and have freely
aid of the Blair County Courts was invoked
to determine who is the legal occupant of the
office, when Solicitor Flick secured an alters
native mandamus, to show cause why his
salary should not be paid,
James Boyes, 8 worthless charactor, of
Tamaqua, ose home drunk, and starting a
quarrel! with his wife, became #0 enraged
that he threw a beer bottle at her, The bottle
broke when it struck her and cut a gash in
her throat from the effects of which she will
probably die, Boyer has been committed to
Jail to await the result,
He Killed His Half-Bister Because She
Became Fretful,
One of the most unnatural dosds ever per
potrated was committed in Charles Mix
County, 8 D,
et's wife, was left in obarge of his half-sister
2 years old. Because the baby became fret-
fal the inhuman boy got down a shotgun and
shot the little one in the bead, instantly kill-
tog it. .
By the premature explosion of blasting
powder in the Jeddo couniery, st Haziotou,
Yenn,, Daniel Marley was instantly kilie
and James Mahon fatally injured,
Tux eyelone which visited H spe, Arkansas,
and vicinity left 5,000 Bom less and
in destitute circumstances, and su appeal
for aid has been made by Ms. or Bisek,
By an explosion o. gasoline in the base.
ment of 6 grocery store in ®t, Louis, sixteen
Persons were injured, four perh ps fatally,
bamely : Bamuei and ars. Ksopper and
two children, aged 5 and 10 years,
Tue Governor of Louisiana arrived in Sew
Oricans 10 negotiate with the bauks for
loan of 50,004 for the flood sufferers in the
Lake Providence district. About 10,000 peo.
Pie, nearly all colorsd, are on the verge of
slarvalion in this distriet,
BE oom
S50 years, of
Trenton, N.
lied near
a parachute, He had as
i 10 4 holght of 3000 fect,
sd to aot H
¥., ¥ the jal of
eended in a ballo
Bud ih
a pond
paracauts fell int
8 Protaiagy
New York onthe Dela
i Westera Raliroad col
an iron
ang a
sherwood, en
din a jew
i L rag away,
areestod Jor orion nad Leno
Ax CXpress trian for
ware, Luckawanna sod
ded with & r
bride ne
HWreek 10k pisos In ae
and Bert
i tual Lie
ar Louil an XW
iANaY Le
aineer, was Kilied
sineer, 80 Lindi
} Bd chiatry
Tur Marine Hospits vice re
despatel irom the © uted # Charge d
Affairs ut ( stating ;
latest ne 3 i Pid spr ad of
This will soon
Ores Another
hed Mates Consul at
that the epi
that region is lucreas-
wived a
A Railroad
the Dsath
A passenger train «
in Dayton, O.,
of One Man.
athe Delphos Branch
yn & Dayton
’ ; 3 geridt
of the Clocipnati, Hamil
rond collided with a Wh
utskiris of the
Gn the «
Dayton, de-
and inia r for
sua injuring the fo
of them, Martin Randolph
Home, died aiter be-
3 ugh the Hungarians
in this country, Fort re made
them 3 1 60.000 of then
Austrian Emi
Brareys are being made
gation and
Cilia, twelve mil
proposition is
tural ledge. The river has a fall i
feet a mile, and it will consequently back the
water twenty 1 he canal will ran east
of Yuma and into Mexico,
FLOUR—Balto. Best Pat.$ 470 @ $47
High Grade Extra...... 400 40)
WHEAT-No. 2 R of a
WAIKN-Ng, 2 W yi 34 5
Ear Yellow per bri
OATS—8Bouthern & Peon.
Western White
RYE—~No. 2.....00000.
HAY Choice Timothy
Good to Prime. .... cece.
ETHAW —Hye in oar Ms..
Wheat Hlooks
Oat Blocks
TOMATOES Sind No, as 9 Gs
No. 2 nN
. sre nnEm en
PEAS-—Standards >
Seconds .
CORN~Dry Pack.....cen
Moist........ “ons
cen snn
City Cows
BSuuthern No. 2...
POTATOES-—Burbanks..§ 9 @
UNIONS... 10)
Clear ribwides. .......... 104
Baoch sides. . cove vernens 12
Hama.... . 5
Mess Pork, per bar.....
LA RD-Crude .
Best refined. ccoivncnnnns
BUTTER-—Fine Crmy....$
Under fine........
CHEESE-N.Y. Factory.8
Bhim Cans
| EGOS-8tate.....c.......8
| North Caroling. ........
| CHICKENS Hens. ......8
Ducks, per B.....,..0c0
TOBACCO-—-Md. Infer's.$ 150 @s
Sound common. ......c.. 300
Middling.. .... soo... 600
PODEY ssn cassnssiene 1200
| BEEF Best Booves......8 54°
10. @8
8 9
WD 5.5
2 4.0
83 79
MUBKRAT...cconivcicn 8
B00 PON. ve seseressnens
Bkunk Black
Aare Eeanann
Good to Fair
SHEEP. .coinercrsviiisenn
Rebeca t 3 o
i s——
FLOUR-Bonthern..........5 8
WHEAT--No, 2 hugniser§
RYE-~Westora.... on...
QuRY-No. Bcninoneis
ATE-No. Bioooooiiiniion
EEA ea
A ———
RBouthern,..... 38
nay os * 34