THE NEWS. Several small banks in Indiana, eent rolled by Paris & Nave, bankers of Indianapolis, suspended. Upon the announcement of the failure of the Columbia National Bank, of Chicago, the Indianapolis firm ordered their banks to close, Kendall & Smith, grain dealers, of Lincoln, Neb,, who operate fifty- five elevators, failed with liabilities exceed. ing $250,000.-—The Bank of Oregon, of Madison, Wis., established by Chicago par- ties, made an assignment,——There was a heavy run on the Plankington Bank, in Mil- waukee, but P. D. Armour, one of the prin ¢ipal stockholders, helped the concern out by sending a large lot of gold.——The Southern Baptist Convention at Nashville, heard encouraging reports of church work in Maryland and other Southern states, —— The Kissimee City Bank, of Kissimee, Fla, suspended, ——The British schooner Marien, struck on Brandywine shoals Delaware Bay, and was soon swallowed up in the quicksands. Phillips, a green goods man was shot in Brooklyn, N. X., and, it is believed, fatally wounded, by a man named Joseph Hall, who came from George thousand dollars of counterfeit which he believed could be passed without detection. ——The Small & Colby Lumber Company, of Wardner, Wash., failed. money, have been placed against the concern will probably aggregate $41,000, The assets are supposed to be of the nominal value of £100,- 000. The liabilities will probably not exceed 50.000. Six Mississippi Whitecaps were sent up for Wo years.——John W. Stitt, a pioneer ¥oolen manufacturer of Northern New Jer- ey, died from results of injuries received Wo years ago in a railway accident. In his sarly life he ran a number of Delaware river feamboats, and was a great friend of Com- nodore Vanderbilt, When the English en- gineer who brought over the ‘John Bull” mgine was unable to put it together, Mr. Stitt successfully undertook the task. He was eighty-five years old.——The steamer Havana and the schooner J, A. Silver col- ided off White Head. Two of the schooner’s rew were drowned. ——A number of negroes will emigrate from the South to California, where, they are told, lynchings never occur. An investigation of the atcounts of the reasurer of Putman county, O., revealsa hortage of $25,000.——A reorganization of he Sioux City Packing and Provision Com- fany, of Sioux City, Ia., which was involved n the recent failure by a loss of a $50,000 leposit with the Union Loan and Trust Jompany was effected under the name of he Sioux City Packing Company. Ander- on Fowler and Henry Stobe, of the Anglo- umerican Packing Company, Chicago, are #e principal stockholders in the new organi- ation.——The family of Frank A. Williams, 8 Orange, N. J., was chloroformed by bur- flars, who got away wifh one thousand dol- ars’ worth of plunder, One colored woman cut off the ears of ane other colored woman in Newberry county, 8, C., over the posssssion of a man who was claimed as a husband by both woman, The trial was begun in San Francisco of Rippey, who shot Millionaire Mackay, The United Presbyterian Women's Mission- ary Association elected officers in Omaha and selected Princeton, Ind., as the next place of meeting, ——Pire partially destr vyed the Wells Bullding in Wilkesbarre, The losses reported are: Harris & Co., jewelers, £10,000; Isaac Sons, dry goods, £15,000 . Bennett & Walter, boots and shoes, $25,000 : passing the National Bank on his best the loud barking of a dog Bouth Bethied was attracted within the building. The officer soon dis. ered 8 ms Officer Kelly fioiee hiro out the bask way. The wrger to the runaway. ught Sergeant Hildent officer's aid and tt At the Fave his © Rl Was § aptured, hearis wiore Justioe Krauskop he name as Alvin Madeiris, of New Orleans. He was sent to Levi Luken, of Chester, Easton jail, and J. H. Fetters, wen spending Gr ¥ and, while the Closson House for a few Mr, Inu out and left Mr in the carriage, Boome boys threw vk fright and dashed s boal whar! where Tw lying. As neared the wharf It made a gress plunge and threw Mr, Petters out and badly injured him. The borse apd carriage then dashed into the river between the wharf! and boast. The horse drowned before i oould got It was ovmmed by Mr Luken and valued at $1.00, of Brooklyn, N. ) a low Ho have days at Neshaminy ve house near Bristol, town stopping at minutes, Fetters Kens got a stone and the horse to jown Main the Street steamer Was the horse was be out, Tux bill providing for compuls sry arbitrs- tion that had already passed House passed the Senate flually ; also the House bill providing that mus const their ballots at polling places inside the selection district in which they are domiciled. The House concurred in the Senate amendment to the Farr compulsory education bill, and it goes to the Governor. Among the meas. ures that have received the Governor's ap proval are that authorizing the State Supes intendent of Public Instraction to gran teachers’ certificates to graduates of recog- nized colleges and that authorizing COrpor- ations to pay pensions for faithful and long the voters continued services, Commencement Theological day at Seminary at the Reformel Lancaster was new Seminary buildings, Governor Pattison appointed a tumber of gentiemen a8 8 committees to represent Pennsylvania at the convention to be hela at Chicago on June § and 6 to consider the combinations formed to raise the price of fuel. A 2 per cent. dividend will be paid to ereditors of the collapsed Rockafollsy Bane, Wilkes-Barre, The members of the Wrought Iron Pipe Association met at Pittsburg an) agred to maintain prices Tax Lancaster County Tobacco Growers The Residences of Three Iowa Temper ance Advocates Blown Up. The pesidences of three prominent temper. ance leaders of Museatine, Ia, Postmaster John Mahon, N. Rosenberger, an attorney, and E. M. Kessinger, a retired oapitalist, who have been very active and successful in the prosecution of saloonkeepers for viola tions of the State prohibitory law, were com. pletely wrecked by dynamité explosions. Fortunately no one was injured by the dastardly work, but the families had miraou. ook Diagn eater Shenoy, Soto: the thre residences re 0 different parte of the city, The crime is, laid at the doors of the sa loon men. Mr, Mahon is now serving h fourth term as of ay his A plague of lice Is annoying many of the County, A large number of railroad and other cor- poraiious haivg appealed from the tax set. y el © Aun or Gene hement 8 tor General and State Tae Pittsburg iron and steel manufactur. ere will prepare a scale of wages for this year, providing for a considerable reduction in wages, Juve Hespensox, at Meadville, quashed all the indictments against the Delamaters for embezzlement, CREMATED IN A BARN, Three- Year-Old Boys Unable ta Escape ~Their Mother's Futile Efforts. Willis Beully and Thomas Lavere, two the door, was horrified to see the front of the barn in flares. From the inside came agonized cries of the children, ; CABLE SPARKS, eran — Irary’'s grain erop will be short 113,600,000 bushels, Ax actor in an Austrian theatre committed suleide on the stage, Ancupvee Evorre was badly hurt by be- Ing thrown from his horse at Budapest, Tar Bank of Vietoria, of Melbourne, has falled, The deposits amount to £7,000,000, Tue British Imperial Institute was dedi mony, A vmovour of two months’ duration 8 enusing great damage in the south of Eng land, Arovmexres upon England's side of the Bering sea case was begun before the court of arbitration, Hexny A, Avexaspen, of the New York bar, has been appointed counsel to the em Ir is officially stated that the Earl of Aber; deen has been appointed ZovVernor-geners of Canada in the piace of the Earl of Derby. Louis Kossvrn, aceording to a London in- terviewer, says that he believes Gladsions will not be able to secure home rule for Ire- land, Two persons have been arrested fn Dublin on suspicion of having been concerned in ex- ploding a dynamite bomb in the quadrangle of the Four Courts. Exrenor WiLriax's address 10 his officers cussion throughout Germany, Preparations tor the election are going actively forward. Tue King of Groece has requested M, Bo Lisopounlos, who was formerly minister of dent of the council, to form a new ministry, Taz Prussisn government has expressed its surprise to the Vatican that the Pope should have departed from his usaal pru- dence in the political remarks he made to the German pligrims, Tue famine in Central Lusgia has been oll and Southeastern : wed by a fever which is decimating the population, Great ¢iffering prevails, In Tobolsk the cholera is inercus- ing so rapidly that a corps of medical stu- dents has been sent from St. Petersburg to assist the physicians, cmt ———— Looked Like a Natural Sequence. A queer coincidence occurred in one of the city churches last Sunday. During the service one of the ushers notified a physician in the congrega- tion that a call bad been made for him in the vestibule. The doctor bounned out with hat and overcoat, and was soon on his way to sec a pa- tient. About ten minutes later the usher walked down the aisle until he came opposite a well-known under. taker. Ther» was a whispered word or two, and the undertaker hurried out. It was not the same case. but he followed the doctor, and a broad smile floated over the congregatic --Atlanta Journal n. nin MARKETS, nm —— BALTIMORE, GRAIR, ETC. FLOUR—Balto,. Best Pat $8 450 (@m § 485 High Grade Extra 400 410 F, 72 Wn DORN-—~No. 2 White. ..... 53 5% Yellow... 50 51 Ear Yellow per bri..... 280 285 4] Western White......... 42 Mized ..... ross HAY Choice Timothy... Good to Prime Wheat Blocks CAXNED GOODS. FMOMATOES-Stnd. No. 38 No. 2 ul PEAS--Standards...... 120 Seconds. . .. JORN-—Dry Pack...cocen Moist... @s City Cows cnsunes Bouthern No. 2......4.0 big POTATORL & VEGETABLES. POTATOES -Burbanks..$8 75 @% Fh FMUOWecrerurrsiees 4:0 sewnssssnsanisnssns 350 ams OXIONS......co0iesienees 10D PROVISIONS. HOGS PRODUCTS-shidse$ Clear ribsides sas n suru Hamma, oui iveonssnes Mess Pork, per bar..... LARD-Cru hh 500 45 120 TI @h 10 13 15 10 108 158g 1 7 20 50 11 13 FREER R ane BUTTER—Fine Crmy....$ Under ine......coooves SERRE R rune a 83 t al ® 3 be 3 81 CHEESE. G8 1% 11 1% 0 Bkim Cheese ERA RRR snr ¥GO8. 13 14 12y@s 18 sesssnssnseedd North POULTRY. CHICKENS—Heos. ......8 Ducks, per B...c.ccvees TOBAOOO, 1 @% 113 13 ue MIAAHOG + voverrrnraeee B00 Faney c.oovncssscnnses 1300 LIVE STOCK. BEEF-«Best Booves......$ 525 $550 Good to Falr...ccccveee 435 e 59) BHEEREP. cosets rinsrrrsan 450 600 Hogs Te 800 FURS AXD SKINS, MUBKRAT.....cccovneensl Bis Botisoieensnscnirns Skunk rt EE EET PRET EF nine nnnnn 800 Bw ht EE EEE igi 188 od Rutt bead db EE gEREse= FLOUR—Southern..........$ 315 @ § 495 WHEA T-No. 2 Red. ...... RY E—W, FA QORN--No, Qa TS No, Bsns. rae WERE Ree HT re eraesesaes en — PRILADELPHIA, —— PRAT No. b Red hae eth ttt E3REs%S 8. Bree REEEN