The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, February 02, 1893, Image 2

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A nolle prosequi was entered in the Crimi-
nal Districs Court of New Orleans in the
case of Julge J. CC. Baumann and Dennis
Richardsoa, colored, arraigned for the mur-
der of Judge H nry Long. The sawmill of
G. W, Favors & Co, near Columbus, Ga,
was destroyed by the explosion of the boiler
of the engine. Will Grizgin, white, aged
fourteen, and Titus Heath, colored, wore
killed; Sandy Tinsley, Johan Grant and
Aaron Watson were fatally injured and four
others painfully hurt. —— Jefferson Shank of
Dayton, Ohio, was arrested on the charge of
murdering his wife. .—Baron Shultz, why
was the husband of Lady Anna Bishop, the
once famous singer, died of typhus in New
York, a va abond,———The body of Bishop
Dwenger was buried in the Catholic ceme’
tery in Fort Wayoe, lod.——Frank Duffy,
at ons time a well known politician in New
York, shot and killed Georg: Cunningham
in front of a saloon kept by Duffy in Fort
Hamilton. —— Amos Whitely & Co.'s mower
and binder works were transferred to a new
company to be knowa as the Whitely Ma-
chine Company, It has been incorporated
under the laws of New Jersey, with a cap-
italization of £10),000.—Charles Burg
callad at thy residencs of Mr. and Mrs
Waldo Whipple, in Butte, Mont, and cal-
ling then to the door, shot bo'h of them and
placed the pistol to his mouth and blew his
braivi out. No cause can be assigned for
the deed. — Mrs. Sarah Johnson, aged fifty-
one years, living in St. Louis, was burned to
death in her home. Mrs. Johnson was a
paralytic and, while sloge in the house, in
some unaccountable way her clothes caught
fire and in her helpless. condition she was
burned to death before discovered.
The principal part of the town ot Edison,
Washington was destroyed by fire. Loss
£25,000, ——Mrs. Mary A. Forrest, widow of
General N. Bedford Forrest, one of
prominent Confederate commanders, died
in Memphis, Tenn. James F. Black, alias
Frank Woodruff, who was arrested on sus
picion of being connected with the murder
of Dr. Crouin, died at the Laosing Feniten
tiary October 10. Black makes the seventh
participant in the crime or witness at the
trial who has since died.——Nine persons
were injured by a terrific toler explosion in
Adrian, Mich. - tev. Dr. Lyman Abbott
defined the differences between the Roman
Catholic and the Protes ant churches ——
The McBeth Lamp Flue Works, the largest
of the kind in ths world, burned in
Elkwood, Ind. The warehouses were saved,
Over 600 men will be thrown of out employ-
ment, The loss is estimated at $100,000;
fully insured.——The car-shops of the Fitts
burg and Lake Erie Railroad, at Chartiers,
Pa., were entirely consumed by fire, together
with severa! freight cars and two passenger
coaches, The fire was caused by natural
gas. Loss, $65,00).——An infuriated mob
attacked the house of Dean Hart, in Denver,
who led the crusuade which resulted in the
breaking up of Sunday amusements
Madison G. Whittaker, a famous old Texas
fighter, is dead.—— Fairhaven, the
City,” so ealled, in Rutland county, Vt,
was visited by the most disastrious fire in
fts history. Fhe fire spread to a dozen
buildings, and caused a los of over £5,000
~joht A Davis, of Chicago, said to be
one of the heirs in the famous Mon ana wiil
case, fell down the stairway of the Driand
Hotel, in Victoria, B. C., and is supposed to
be dying from concussion of the brain —
8. J. Henry and C. J. B nd, the colored por-
ter and conduc or of the seeping-car’ “Sal
mon River,” were arrested at Buffalo for
opium smuggling. Forty packages of opium
were found under one of the seats in the car
on its arrival, Toront
York sleeper. A masked robber shot and
killed Jefferson Thompson, a storekeeper
near Newport, Arkansas Miss Maggie
Twomy, a music teacher, was outraged and
then murdered in Fort Worth, Texas -A
man registering as George B. Tay.or, of
London, Ont, committ.d suicide at the
Mansion House, Buffalo, by taking poison
From papers found on his person he is sup-
posed to be KH. G. Haun, of Orangeville,
Ount., county treasurer and manager of a
bank at that place. The United States
Banking Compaay, with branches at June.
tion City and Sheridan, iu Ovegon, suspend-
ed payment. Farmers coe
The car is a New
is less than $50 (00
Miss Adeli e Holmes, assistant priocipa
of the high school, and ber sister Frances
died in Saginaw, Mich., of malignant diph
theria, Susie another sister, principal of
the Dolsen Scheo!, 's ill with the sume d »
ease, and is not expected to recover, — lov,
Father John T. Cullerton, pastor of the
Roman Catholic Church at Raywick, Kr.,
has renounced bis faith and married bi
cousin. Fire desiroyed the argest gra'n
elevator in Indianapolis, which was owned
by Frel. B. Hush & Co. ~The Owl tra'n of
the Pennsylvania Railrowd crashed into a
freight train near Nw Brumswes, NJ
Two labore s were seriously hurt, and one
is expocted to die. —~A locomotive dashed
into asleigh near Passaic City, killing several
destroyed the four-story bric: block in Bf,
Bhoeh & Co. Losion stock and building
$42,008, covered UY ipstrasce. Governor
El jab T. Paxton judge of the District Court,
indorsing the Hatch Astioption bill, and
the Texas se. at ws, Coke and Mills, doing
what is best under the circumstances,
Explosion During a Test.
Tho water works boiler at Naphanes a
town of 1,800, twenty-f ve miles southwest
supp led the electric plant and had just Leon
The killed are N. A. French, of the town
board; George Parker and Electrician John
son, Injured, Jones and iwae Whistler,
mn ns pms AIO ns
Pus procesdl in the Ber
pe wii begin in Pari, Pons
The End Comes Unexpectedly at
Jame: Gillespie Blaine died rather unex-
pectediy at 11 o'clock Friday Morning.
from the world a charsct:r w 0 was pror «
nent in everythiog he undertook, caused bu
littie surprisy. Tho news of it had been wu
long«di-counted that the: e remained but the
I neof at ro neeament at the bed of this dis.
patch. It was a foregone conclusion that
his Latiie with death would be the fiual
feat of his life,
Though the facts as to hisiilorsi hava from
the first beso studiously concealsd through
the official channels ¢ ammunication,
was a sick man whe=i he returned to Wasi.
ington to sett e dowa for the winter: deat:
aud its bereavements added more and more
to his ailments. He has grown worse and
has continued oa his journey to the grave es
fast as the days woull carry him,
Selence and skill have furnished him the
weapons of defense fora comparatively loug
time, but b « death has furnished the end of
the fight. He was a doomed man from the
start. His miod bas been almost a blan ; for
weeks, bs lu d woments having be n
Tew, and at times far between: but his
sical irame bas withstood the
ravages of
wasting disease until now,
Dating trom the erad » to the tomb Mr,
Blaine's Glsears bave been active ones. Al}
the trials and tribulations that fall to the
lot of a public man have been his, and have
earned for him the
peaceful ending of! a
career which clossd when life's cradle ale
its last flicker today
Mr. Blaine, on bis deathbad was surron
ed, just as he had bea
almost incessantly
for weeds, by those woo were
own family aud those very closely associated
nearest and
dearest to tin. Ia fast, was oaly his
with them tha have bean permitted to see
or eveu hear from bim during ths last days
his life
Trained journalists, calling into r quis
tion every honest means at their command
sud resorting to ith
journali w, h ve
kept a ost watchful eye on every
every possible means w
in the line of
went without®(and ax far as possible withir
the pow femous “red house” where the cis
tinguished stat sman breathed his Jast,
Naturally enough there has heen a
sition, both on the part of the family
the attending physicians, to either «
from time
or distort in some way. th» real co
the blsioe mansion; but,
secuinte information ax to Blajioe's
tion hes beea obtained and faichi
poried. It is quite saletosay that there are fo
if, indeed,
which could
simple of watching and waiting th
any journalistic experi
irish 8 more thoroug
cass of Mr. Blaine
Every element of discomflort-—rain,
s'e t and frosi—has
been A Iactor mn
line of duty of
noted the
reporters w ho
scenes and locidents at tle
# for weeks past
Johnson was suramoned to the
of Mr. Baine early in the mourning
i Rn
w le in oO
Fe WHA xn to tho
fy 3
Fi-34 {pany
Hyatt, be left tie house
were unusually pale, and when a
the reporter for the latest news t]
cant look in their faces answered
“He is dead,” syd Dn
passed away peaceiu’ly
observed tha
The doctors aid not give exact
10.45 the windows in the
death, but it wes
chamber wore slightly rajsed
The news of Mr. Blaine's death spread like
wildfire. Crowds gathered on the
sod visitors flocked to the house Dr. Hamlin
who was pa sing the
house when ihe an®
nouns ement of death was made at once en-
tered and with the family for
some time. Word wis sent to the President!
immediate lvaliter 1he death.
At 11.25 President Harrison accompanied
by Private Halford and Lieut
Parker, walked over to the Blaine mansiov
The Presidevt showed marked siges of grief
Wanamaker follosed
hie President.
re raioed
Postmaster Gone ral
the foots eps of t
The President's Proclamation.
my painful duty toa n unce 10 the peorle
of the United States the death of James
Gillespie Blain®, which occurred in thes city
at 11 o'ch ek,
“For a full generation this emin nt cit
pens hes occupied a conspicucns ard influ n
ti «dl position 11 te nation His first public
servi o was in the legislature of his slate,
Att rward for 14 years he a was member of
the Na isnt Houce of Hepresentatives, and
w. & thres times chosn its M; eaker. In i870,
be was clic ed to the Senate. He resigned hi»
seat in that body in 1551 to accept the pos
tion of Secretary of Stats jun the Cabinet « {
President Garfield. Aftor the tragic death
of bis chief here igned from the Cabinet and
devoting bi veell to literary work, gave to
the putlic his “Twenty Years in Congres’ a
most va uable and envurisg contribution to
our po it eal Hterature,
“In March, i180, ne again became Fo re.
tary of Biate, and continued to exerc a, ths
office untit June, 1822. Hix devotion to toe
public loterests, hin marked ability ani h's
exa ted patriotim bave won for hm the
gratitude and affection of his eousirymea
and the admiration of the world, In the
varied pursuits of legislation, diplomacy and
litera ure his genius has added new lus re to
American cit zensh p.
“As a suitabl: expression of the national
appreciation of his g eat public services ai J
of the g veral & rr. ow caussd by hs death |
direct that oa the day of b's faneral all the
departments of the executive branch of th
government at Washington be closed, wid
that on all p b je buildings throughout the
United Sates the national flag shall be dis
played nt half oa, ant thas 107 8 park d of
3) days the Department of State Le draped
in mourning.
“Hy the President. Brexs, Hannisox.
“Jos W, Foster, Secretary of State”
The Funeral.
A public funeral was rnggestad, bul the
wishes of the tay ity preva led and the core
mw nies will be of \a private nature. They
wil. be held at the Presbyterian Church of
the Covenant, whore Mr. Blasi we was a pew
holder. De. Hamlia, who officiated at the
fu eral of Mrs. Harrfion and hor fa hor,
wil contuet th servic.s. The remains will
be Lid to rest in the ten | ul Ouk bid
in Georiet own, which forms
JE cr
~dangh or. Ms. Covplnrer
err nti ¢ Ma zion, Washington i
Ths physician have officially made public
the cause « f death as HBuizht's direase ag
gravated by tubercular di ease of the lungs
and followed by heart fadure,
251TH Day.—~1In the Senate, Mr, George
couciided bis argument on the Anti-option
bi, and after some col oquy, it was finally
agreed to take a vote on the bill on Tuesday
next. The Cherokee Ouatlet BHI was then
considered and a number oi any ndments of-
fered, but the bill pally wont over withoat
2001 Day In the Hennts a bill was passed
autho izing the C omnis rs of
to accept as proof of the ciiz nuship of an
applicant for pen-ion the tact that be isa
boua-fide resident of the conutry, The Hen-
aethen adjourned out ol respect to the
memory of Jus ice Lamar
2974 Day. —Fiibustering against the
Jwkruptey bile was inaugurated in the
Howe by Mr. Kilgore (Dem, of Texas, He
wax seconded in bis endeavor by Mr, Plerce,
of Tennessee, who suppl mented his ever til-
iha teriug motion wich anotherwhich wascal.
ciated to prevent action and the {| bustering
cominued “Another waded day,” was the
comunent «choad by a majority of memoers,
But the tew Democrats oppessd 10 the bank:
ruptey measure held flrm, and the Hose
adjourned withoat action, thus exhausting
the two dayr sssigne | to the Judic.ary Come
mittee and the B.onuruptey bill,
2% DAY.—In the Fenate, the House ocon-
crcrens reolution for thy masse bing of
both housed Wednesday, Feb, Sth to
count the electoral vots was pass A res.
olution asking tie ety o Phisadelphia
for the Litety Bell fo- exhilltiog
nt hicago WHE referred, Bill to
pay the widow of Dh, Kane, t eo exviorer, a
pe.sion of fity dail rsa mouth was referred,
Mr. «handler offere | a resolution loozing
ty an nvestigat.on of the Whiskey Trust.
A hil for the appointment of » commission
to maken thiough mvest gatios of the
1 quo traffic was offered by Mr, Vest and
went over, The Anti opt on bill was argued
ty M Mills Hiv ork, Senator
Ait hell tor the Comm tee on Claims, re
ported favors * the bill introduced by Mr.
Frew to adios the «lsurs of any state for
moar hw its defense of the
nite | States stor Gallinger pres nt eel
pdment to the Naval Appiogs iation
sppropriate RIKI IKF} LOW Fu
tion of a diy dock at Ports
Navy Yard, under a linit of
tal cost for the dock,
i th Hous»
ne 0
and My
it Is
Coast ras
ts IN. H
ire Day
Lill came up
after o number of
down in
adopted. Thee wos a parbameniary’ en
tankiement when the bill was reported to
the Houre, and when 1! is was smoothed out
the bill was fiually passed alter a motion to
rreommit 10 the. Commi tex Lommerce
had been Aofeal «The New York and New
ey Bridge bull then came ut filivos er
' pres rritesd Vs cotiderati n The
«f the whole, pro-
nn of the Sundry
ind hal gotten
h when an sdjourn-
watner, of Alnbama, in
a bill appropriating
aims for
thes Jusrantine
buisness, and,
were voltad
it Was
Bite nls
the commities of the whole,
in commie
Mr. }
n the House
st was had
ond ipoesd
5 to seitie allowed
FM.» Gamages
van«wed by 1 © dedructy vessels while in
{ the LU nted Males ,
house Mr
nmitiee of the whole
L, b this was de
the Hankruptey bil
ed out of
Liilary re
TH AY thas Holman
op the Hundr, it
fetes by the It
: » Honse then adjours
ay oF Justice |
Neither the Antiortions bill
out et 1 whi bh have
iderat on 13 the Nenate
v sf ow of cone ideation In
tour of the » JE WH
respect Lo
soem Day
n the L LirTOSEy
the alternates con
bad a
ate. Tas
1 entits
ser tl Tot 1 Wf 13
i as of
fy ¥e itiley
Only exoeg
sii Of
ae td
1 the Cone
erred 16 the
‘om A pagar iookinz to a
farther in rease ot one batt'e
ship, tao armored ©o felon ve wh
tf bots, The rest
the admis]
n Navel
oe on
boats apd o gi
day eed
pax | toh
fe | ter LR
f Ms
fro re
M of
oclock up to
¢ Jomeed
1 of whether
onurt of the Di
not oon
and was devo
nomina’ ion
+f the
dumbia should be or
mr pment doors
In the Hou
appeals for the
LEO The bu
I wae reste |
» and, while a few obstructions
ys 1] tack, nme of then
diam tr and the bill made fair
progress Ti { appropriatios for ihe
survey of public lands Was fof ob oct
of the attack: but Mr», Holman kept hh s men
in line, and smen ments to an in
crease Of the appro ation for this purpose
from R0L000 to $2.0 000 and $500.00) was
cleared, 4
a bill to edtab
District was
wiry Civil Ap
oi nitlee
ore, Day
1 sh a con
the «
jovi ing
Epitomof Newes Gloanel from Various
Parts of the Blate,
Tux Jury trying the case of Maser Work
a verdict of guilty as indicted
J. PF. Mirren, the alsconding clerk of the
Columbia National Ban, returned and sur
rendered to the autboritirs] He bas teen in
i fon, Anstralia and India,
Tur Adjutant General's offi e places the
wut of the Homesiea ll 1iot to the State at
(454.818 30
Insane Asylum, assaulted
and killed Harrison Rank, another inmate,
Tur expert Philadephia buflders will
the Werneravi le Asylum prejaratory toa
report to Governor Pattison,
J. K. BLATTESRERGER wos sentenced at
snd $100 floe for tampering with a jury.
through the Reading Treasurer's books as an
Battery BB, thinks sn sttempt was nade
up a powder house,
New orders Fave been rm ceived and the
M Iton ear works will again be busy.
Tex foe waa cleared ftom a Lancaster
three people by Dunkarnd ri es
Fire conmed $15 000 lows at Tyrone,
Som nso III Ss
Tin total no al bh Mie Suc Ay ” rg
the Morgue, New Yor: City, dus
was TTL Of theses 4520 wors nduits, Foien ls
buried 2401 adults an 101 children, Toeres
wore buried in the City Comatery (Potters
Field; 2098 adults and 2351 children. Thers
y disposed of during
His Public Career From Man-
hood to Old Ace.
! His Early Life asa School Teacher
and a Journalist,
leginning of His Political Career
Speaker, Senator, Secretary of
state, Presidential Candidate and
Historian— Hix Bereavements and
Hi-¥ated House In Washington
The Blaine Houschold,
James Gillespie Blaine was bora on the |
sist of January, 18 at West Brownsville
vas built by
War of
The Gill
standing belors
Penn. ina b hits great. rand.
father before the ths Hsvolution,
which still stands, ves and Bialoes
were prop of
tion, Colonel Blaine, who was commissary.
general of the Northern of
Washington's army during the Revolat
was James G, Blaines if
When eleven years old,
uncle, Thomas Ewing,
ther’ father, Neal Gillaspie,
shed sobolar, directa l his »
hie attended Washi ton Collages,
ington, Penn., graduating at th
the Revol
he went to live with
Ohic, where his
an B/OOSM-
wdies, Later
at Wash.
aze of
or leaving
Mus Lick
win t
eollege be tanzht +»
Kv. [twas av uj
sehool § rs that tb
of the la -—lf
o afterward be
his wife Later to
where he taught nod
But after two years he aban
fer, went to Maine, and
and editor of the Kennelwe J
Atl the birtn the Republ
was a delegate to the Philadelphia Coaven-
tion in 1856, which nominated
After serving as Speaker the Maine Lag
isiature, he was sent to Congress and began
hie Naticnal ocareerin | with the out
break of the war. During the orty-frst
Forty-scond and Forty- thir | Congresses he
was Speaker of the House,
Mr. Blaine's administration of the Speak-
ership i= commonly regarded as one of the
rilliant and sucessful in the annals of
He had rare aptitude and equip
ment for the duties of presiding officer, and
his compiete mastery of Parliamentary law,
his dexterity and phys cal endurance, bis
rapid dspatel of businows, and his firm and
impartial spirit were recognized on all sides.
It was during his occupancy of the Sp sak
of's chair in 1574 that he took the floor and
uecseded in defeating the passage of the
original “Fares bill”
The political revulsion of 1574 placad the
Demorrats in control of the House, and Mr.
Biaine becsine the leader of the minority.
The evasion precadiog the Pres jential cons
toast of 1576 was a pariod of stormy aud vi
bement contention, 21 of May a
resolution was sdopted in the Houss to in
vestigate an alleged purchase by the Union
Pacifier Ralirond Company of certain bonds
of the Little Hockand Fort Smith @aiiroad
Company, It soon became evident that the
investigation was aimed at Mr. Blaine An
extended business corrgoondencs on his
part with Warren Fsber, of B witon, man
ning through years and relating to various
transactions, had fallen into the hands ol a
clerk named Mulligan, and it was alleged
that the production of this correspondence
ol mt
Noring {
rom Maine
Le went
stadial law
ed law
the Ho
On the
transaction, wes traveling In Barone and
both slider were seskine: to communicate
with him, After finishint the reading of
the letters Me. Blaine turned to thas Chsirs
man of the Committee and demanded to
know whether he badd received nny dispastes
from Mr. Caldwell, Hecoving an evasive
answer Mr, Dining asserted, sx within
own know odge, that the Cosirman
ceived seh a disoaten
sntitely sxrmeralin zy
And vou hava
ympletely and
mas from this
cf jt.’
In 1815 Mr.
Senate to fill th
signation of Sensto rill,
winter was elected by the Leogisiatnrs §
succeeding tera, His car
was both ant and di
had been in the House Ho was called
the Senate to enter President
‘nbinet ag Necretary ol Niats,
Blaine was appomis i to the
in ani the nex?
y the
in the Senat
"1 8
tril tinguis wd, os
It wax wi
3d enol
8 Bre regs nliy ¢
with bim bout
widay that
g fatal bullet
Gartleld received the asewsin
retirament from the
1k J
Cabinet, in Decamber,
1 From that date until be entered Mr,
Harrison's Cabinet as Secretary of |
be was in private life except during his
CAampsign Ls
During hie: Bisine wrots
v Year: in Co a work of
greal historical in goowrdancs
with his oe 3 2 ad due to his
earnest off ort was made In
the McKinley Gill for the rorty trea
which formed such pr
of National policy The
for the Pregdency in
tirement Mr,
tie t features
Samoan diffical-
3 arising out of the
{ Italians at New Orleans and the
tier, Lhe cations
fAMTRE 46.
killing of American seamen al Valparaiso
were also diepossed of while Mr. Bigine was
at the head of the Stats Department. The
events preceding and atten ding thy recant
Minnean wis 4 Aanveqlion ar: OH rod sant al-
most to need recsunting., Mr. Bains was
indaced to permit his names Lod ussi nea
cindidate, and resigasi « placs in the
Cabinet. Waoether in public position ©F in
private life, he alwava ramainel a central
fi rure in National aff ir
For nearly thirty vears Mr. Baine
been & resident of Washingloo,
never gave up his homs anil home tife in
Maine, wher: he hal a town residence in
Augustasnnd a summer residence at Bar
Harbor, yet he
would confirm the imputation against Mr.
Blaine. When Mulligan was sammoned to
Washington Mr. Blaloe 1 himvenl! of
the lettsre, with memorandum
that contained a full index and abstr ot. Oa
the Sth of June, 1874, he rose to a personal
explanation, and aiter denying the power
of the House the pro luction
ant his willingness to
of his rights,
there as 8 Member of Congress tbat he
tought the residence, 821 Fifteenta street,
— A —————————— ny,
“0 manv yesrs. ‘Thuis
t th » 1880, when ho was
ol ve J the Housa for the first
hous he bon was ons ©’ a
and was re.
About the bezinming of his administration
be purchases his late home, which is on the
opposite side of Lafavetts squares, soi ws
Know the Sewar] House, Toe old piace
bad boea unoc-aoiel for syns vears and
was in a dilapidated condition, It was
notoriously uninexy, we
tragedior having oncarred within its portals
Daring Buchanan's siministration it was
pie! ns a clubhouse. One day Phillip
Barton Kw, tie vouee and handsoms Dis
riot of Columbia,
pd TAI
a —————
fal just jefe 2
shot down Ly Congressman
York. Mr. Key
when Be was
Sickles, of New
was carried baci to Lhe
iptrigus which Key had
om with Buwcslen's wile wes
Tw) this occurrencs the bou we
1 was for a time anoccunio J, was Lage:
bv the then Nec etary of State, William H
Seward, and pe swovad into §8 with bis far
vears afte
hit of Apri M4, 188, while M
1 bed in one of the ug
FOOmF, A , oak complexionsd, bros
ghoulaerel man rang the door bwil an
told the servant who admitisl him that
be had a packace of medicine which the Se
retary’s phvsician hal ordered to be deliv
ered to him personals, The servant =r
ow him to go upslairs sand th
son, Frederick WwW. Seward, also
but the stranger, making »
departare, snddenilv sorang of
a revolver, almost on the same
instant siashing the servant with a knife
Hie then darted forwarl and reached the
sick chamber where Soceretary Beward was
sitting up in bed, The kaife gleamed again
and Mr. Seward, weak and helpless, was
stabbed in the face and neck, but ths band
ages that swathed bis neck saved bmn
froma mortal wound As the murders:
intruder retreated he was again intercepted
this time by Major Augustus H, Beward
and an attendant, bul be shook them off,
and running down stairs, leaped on hus
bourse and rode of He was captured =»
few dave later, and beng fully identified
as lewis Payne, one of the me
implicated in Pres dent ldncola’s
death, was fried, condemned and ex
ecntead with has fellow.ennepiratore
Necretary of War Belknap was the next
tenant of toe bouse of misfortune, and for »
time the sober old adifice became gay wil
the life of the Grant regime. Balore a twelve
in Lhe 1s
ward my +
the batt
self and Mre. Belinap lay dead under i
roof after a brief iliness. Then, aller the
Belknavs vacated, it again did duly, as in
the earlier days, as a boarding<house, but
Washington ba { somehow got the impres-
tenants wera dog zed by au evil fate ¥
a time the Commissary Ueneral's staff
held possession, then when they bad
ing it was agein tenaniies:. It was abou!
astonished his friends by
at 83000 a yewr. Ho decurated and reno.
in whoa the attempt on Mr
transformad the dingy old
wide roomed house into a magnificent mod
ern resdenca. Yet ail the changes failed 10
eradicate the characteristic attributed to the
mansion by the superstitions Washington
fans. Becoming its tepant, Mr Blaine has
suoountered the greatest reverss to big am
bitiong, and experienced the keenest sorrows
of his lite
Of Mr. Bisinég's six children, thres—two
pons and a daughter were saddeniy stricken
down by deatn after rescuing mabarity. Hi
sides: sos, Walker, a young msn
fine paris, who eal given evidence
of rare abilities snl Was Apparently
destined to a brilliant future, died two years
apo. Emmons, bis gaooivd son, A bright
business man, in manner and character
closely resembling his father, ats) died sud.
deuly in the heyday of youth ani prosperity.
A taird apd crushing bereavement was
the death of the eldest daughter, Alice
‘who was matriel to Lieutenant Colonel
John J. Coppinger... Is 1ollowed closely
on the death of her brother, Walker
; whose funeral sue was at
when seigsi by the fatal
surviving ree,
made an uafortunatle
LA resulta of which en
heron, the latter years of his father’s
lite, Ove of the daughters, Miss Margaret,
ie to M~ Walter Damcosols, She fa
mous New Yorks musical director, and the
other, Miss Harriet, # unmarried, Mr.