THE NEWS, On» California Popuist accusel saothor of accepting the bribe to vote for White fu Kenator.— Shelbyville, Tenn., had a $100 000 fire. ~The Sunalec hame works werw destroyed by fire. Loss, $50,000; insurance | £0 000. — ~The fly-wheel of the 7050 horse power engine in the Alice rubber mill Woonsocket, IR. 1., weighing 4000) pounds | burst, wrecking the engine ing $15,000 damage. Of the 1,000 employes potions was injured City Auditor Miles H. Turpin, formerly a leading tobacco man ufacturer, died in Richmond John F, Miller, the abscon ling clerk of First Nation- al Bank of Columbia, Pa., returned and submitted to The Toby Valley Store and Supply Company's large new hotel building at Hrockwayville, Pa, with barn, ice-housa and other out-buildings wer destroyed by fire. la addition to the hote! the building was occupied by a meat man ket, barber shop, office and the large company's store. The same building was partially burned two weeks ago. The estimate loss is over{50,000, partially insured Nothing was saved cxcept the guest's bag: gage and the horses in the bara. ~——The jury in Pittsburg found Hugh Dempsey guilty of felonious assault with inteut to commit mur- der.——-Rev. Chancdler Hare, Kt. Luke's Church, in Philadelphia, did. John Logan committed suicides ia Boston: ~The body of Col. Dull Green Reed wil be buried in the of the Confederate Veter ens Campo, in Maple Grove Cemetery: New York, Ex-Pres dant Rutherford B. Hayes diel of neuralgia of the heart at his home in Fre- mont, O.——Fire completely destroyed thy three-story brick building occupird by the Peake Manufacturing Company, Rigby & Ramsey and Horne Papr Box Company, in Kavsas City. Loss $60 OK) — The inden, ture of a mortgage from the San A utonio, and Arkansas Pass Railway Company to the Central Trust Company of New York was entered for record ian the county clerk’s of, fice in Waco, Texas. Ihe indrument made 10 secure an is-ueof §15,000 00) ia first mortgage Loads. — The trial of Anderson Anderson, charged with the murler of his wife Annie, was conciud «d in Judge Dann's court ia Chicago, the hearing having occu- pied nearly a week. Anderson was found guilty of murder, and his pun shment fixed at fourteen years’ imprisonment. W. B. Coukey's contract for printing the World's Fair catalozue was approved by the Board of Control of the National Committee, The National Board, however, in order to pro- tect Mr. Conkey, adopted a resolution for- bidding foreign governments from prioting catalogues of their sections in any language except that of the country which makes the exhibit, mas, pang Kei rwas murdered at ber home in Dorgola, lll. Two young men are charged with the crime — A sleighing party was run irto by a traia at Woonsockei, R I, and eight were killed —Mrs A. F. Wood, of Marshalltown, In. died of leprosy. An engine and streel car collided in | Chicago. Two firemen fatally injure I Jung Din Kan, China- man. was killed by a bh ghtinder.—The Nin'h Street Theater in Kansas City totally destroyed by fire. Lorenzo Broth r are playing an engagement this week, and room and caus arrest, doctor s pastor of 14¢ HO is a Chicago Was jose all effects. — Joseph Zigler, a saloon keeper of Leavenworth, Kanp.. shot Lis wife in the head and thea Mrs. Seigler will recover. Jealously was the —Jacques Arncux, a com tted suicide, cause of the accident. - professional purss, committed suicide in New York by cutting his left wrist —A mad dg in Springfield, O., bit twenty peo- ple before he wus killel. —— Appropriations for the World's Fair by foreign govern. ments and the different states of this coun- try are practically closed up, and Pre.ident Harrison will shortly Le officially notified by President Palmer's report just how much the United States and all other are going to do for the big fair, counirwes Mrs. Potter Paimosr has gone to Washing. (oa to persuads ¢ ngressmen to votean other appropriation for the Board of Lady manag- ers. She will be given a beariog before Mr Durburow’s committee, and later will make & personal canvass arong members of Coa- gress. Mrs, Palmer now has sbout §21.000 to the credit of her board, bit she wanis an. bther appropriation. —Lemunel C Salis bury died in the Stats Ho: pital in Utica N. YX, aged filtyons years. His father was Guy H. Salisbury, at 0 ¢ time editor of the Buffalo Courier, xn i ons of the founders of the Baffalo Comm reial —-Toe two Ital. fans in New Orleans whom Sicilians en- deavored to assassinate were sent back to Italy at their own reques‘. ——Tae Novelty Theater, in Chesapeake City, Va, was de- stroyed by fire,——The Richards Diug Com pany, wholesale dealers in drugs in San Franc eco, has failed., $05 000, assets, over $10 000. The failure was caused | by dull trade.———Seviral Italians in St Louishave recy, ved threatening letters from the Mafi:. ~The Daamond Laidging-house, fn Mingeapslis, ¢.ught fire from the explo. | sion of a gasoline stove, The flan es soon spread to the Pauley House, adjoining, but the gues's had been alarmed, and were able to escape safely. Hoth bu ldings were de- stroyed. The los: will be about $55 000, soe | At Richmond, Ind , the residence ol Thomas . Crabb was badly wrieked by a natural gas explosion. The family were aslerp when the exjloson i1ook place. Mr. Cratb's mother was fatally injured. Bis wife and child wore serious y, anil hiassll slightly injared. The cavse of th: explodon is nos known. SENATOR CARLISLE RESIGNS He Takes the First 8tsp Towarl Tak- ing His Beat in the Cabinet, Governor Brown received the folowing wttar in his 12 o'clock mail: How. John Young Brown, Governor of Kentueky—Dear Bir: 1 hereby resign the fice of Henator from the Mate of Ken meky in the Cmgress of the Unite 1 States, ‘0 take offoct on the 4h day of February, 1803. Yours truly, { ; J. G. CanvisLE, Goveraor Brown hurriel a private mos. age to the Senate and House to remain in wasion a few minutes longer, and followad ‘his up immediately with a cymmunieation 0 the assembly embracing thy letter. The EX-PRESIDENT HAYES He Dies at His Home in Oh'os After a Erief Illness. Neuralgia of the Heart Ended His Long Life. Ex President Rutherford B. Hayes had an tine of neuralgia of the heart and died in hs residence, Bplegel Grove, 24 hours at Dr. I, physician, spent The sudden end was not « xpectad, 8. Hillsbaeh, the attendant al the night at the bedside of the stricken general, The Hayes man ion was kept in completa quietness, and ev ry p yeible atention wax given to the ex-Presi lent At o'clock it was that the ead was near as the droadad neuralgia again at- evidert foten=e sulfering, the ex.President becam) uuconscicus and remained so until he died HIS LIVE. tutherford B. Hayes was born in Dela- fn ths common schools, afterwards studying law. Heo was sent to the legislature of native state before the war, an! when hoa tilities broke out w nt to the front in charge of an Ohio regiment. Hix military career was decile ed ho wa« a brigadier-goneral, He again eotered joitics, and afler a term in Congress he was elected Governor of Ohio in 1274 In 1576 be was vomica’ed for Predident by the R-publicans, aml after a stony came paign was declared elected over Samuel J iden. His admioistration wasan noevent- ful oae and it marked the beg nning of the healing of the bitterves between the North and Soutn. After his term had expired he retired to private ife ut Fremont, O., and had since devoted his attontion to domestic yursuits and to lading prison reform and findred movements. A daughter and two SONS Survive im AN APOSTOLIC DELEGATE. Monsignor Satolli Made the Pop's Hepreseatative in America A dispatch from Roms says that “the Pope has decidel to establish a permanent apostolic delegation in the United States and has nominated Monsignor Satolli, who recently went to the 1 tha Papal representative, to dew gate “ape Loo is sald to be greatly interested in the situation mn Americy, and desirous of putting an end to the nesiastion! differ. ences existing ther With this purposs the Pope iz preparing an sacyclical to the American episcopate, advising harmony and Moasignor Satulli, the Papal ablegate, re- ceived at the Catnoue University, Washing tan, the following cable message from Dr, Connell, American Necretary of the Propaganda, who sccompanied Satolli to this country, and recently returasd to Roms; “ha apostolic delegation is permanently established in the United States, aad you are confirmed as the first delegate.” Information was also receive! that the Rav. F. Z. Booker of Albany, N. Y.. bhai bien formally appoiutad Becretary of the apostolic delegation, and stating further tbat he had left Roms for New York, ant was no doubt ths bearer of the Papal bull creating the delegation and coafirming all the powers of Moasignor Satolli, Archbishop Satolli eames to this country mere Papal representative at the Fair Saddenly hs became an Ablegate, which meant that be had limited wwers in 8 few spacial cases. Now as a P legate Apostolic he takes rank over the entire hierar of the United States, As Ablegate he was a minor official, A Delegate he represents the Pope, precisely as a Minister Plenipotentiary repressats his country at a foreign courl. As far as the blatiops the United States are co cernod be is the Pope himesif in the trans. action of church affairs, He ecoull have but one higuer office, that of Cardical Lagate, a rare appointment in these days, WORK AND WORKERS. States ax the first nite i bh 0 an. tae ’ 8 1 70. Tar e eventh arnual convention of the Operative Pissterer's lnternaticoal Asso cation was opened in Pittsburg. Tug opening session of theTwenty-seventh Annual Convention of the Interna. inal Union of Bricklayers and Masons was held is Baltimore, An assay of ore from the gold camp at Ophir, in the Green Horn Mountams, in Colotato, is said to have yielded 237 ounces of goid 10 the ton. Tie Braddock Wires Works, near Pitts burg, resumed operations alt. r a five weeks’ shut-down for repairs. Toe resumption gives employment 10 700 men. Ax Indianapolis des; atch says that “the management of the Vaodalia Railroad has det rmined to follow the example of the Pennsyivania and to discarage all Irieght baudicrs who refuse to leave thelr union.” Tue officers of the Washburn & Moen Eanufacturiog Co., at Worcester, Mass, said there was no truth in the reports irom Pitsburg of a proposed coxbination of wire and nail manufacturers, Tax mansgement of the Rioux City (Towa) Stove Works sout down, owing to the strike 0. seventy-five moulders, and annonnced that it will continue the .ockout until the mou. ders coment to make the factory sn open shop lor both union and non-union N.Z. W. Fish, of Boston, representing Eastern Capitalists, and sent by them to in vestigate the gold excitement at Biult City, snd there fs not enough god in the Ban Juss to was rant any excitement ¢ induceanyons to go there, Nowork «f any cons quence Tur impending troubles between the Big Four oparators and the company have been averted. The operators did po. get all they sékel for, bur secured an increase, which the company © aimed, will amount to §24,000 sayear. I). G. Ramsey, Grand Chief of toe Order of Railway Telegrapers, called on the Uenernl Mauager at ludmoapoiis amd pre sented tae scoedile upon which the basis of I a by the Pushing of a Charge. jug stro, Bt. Louis, M6., was blown up by dynamite and destroyed, The outrage sons to have been the fulfilment of a Limself “‘Jack-the-Ripper.” Last August Mis, Dotterer’s daughter by a former husband was abducted by one J M « Cormick, drommer for an Eastern house, and retuatediy amanitad. She wos but di - years old and weak-miodel, The ab. “4 hy yy 4 1 ¥ - FIFTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Senate, 2% Day. ~The Anti-op ion bill, which has | monopeliz d almost toe whole time of tue | Renate after the morning hour during the resent session, was debated for nearly threo denunciations of Lie Ineasure wots beng in utter contravention of the Const -The MceGar- received its death-Llow in the the affirmative vote fallivg eight short of the constituijonal majority. ——A Lill to repeal the silver bullion purchase pro- visions of the Sherman bill was reported {rom the Committee on Finance, and went on the calendar, 2418 DAY. In the Fenate Mr. Wolcott gave notice of an amendment to the bill to discontinue the purchase of silver bullion, Mr. Teller introduced a new McUarrahan claim bill, Mr. Puffer concluded his argu- went on the propos d constitutional amend- erin. Mr. Wolcott introduce {| a joint reso- ! Jution Hmitiog the sale of the Columbian stamps. Toe discussion of the Anti-option | bill was continued from two o'clock until | the time of adjournment, but no action was | taken on the bil itself or on Mr. George's | Notice was given how- | ever, by Mr. Washburn that be would ask the 8 pate to rem la in session LO-MOFTOw until & flual vote is reached. House. o94r Day.—1ln the House the Burrows resolution calling on the department for in- formation relative to the amount of war clajws allowed was a ‘opted. The bill to ad- just the claims of Arkan-as and other swamp nad gravts was defeated. The resolution to suspond the rules tnd pass the joint res ue tion for the election of Senators by popular vote was passe). Representative Lodge Rep.) of Massachusetts, presented a peti tion in the House, signed by ten thousand in favor of a law placing re ptrictions upon immi ration Mr. B citizens, s intreduced a bl the four pes cents, 10 increase the circulation of patioual banks. and to discontione the issue of silver Hesolution was possed providing meeting of the two houses to al vote, Work was mapped put for the remainders the week A few pr wore passed, amd the Come mittee on Judiciary having, under a prior order, the ri ht of way, calied up some bills of secondary impo Fhe one of most public interest was at providing for the punishment of offen passengers on the pigh seas, which v ’ - A bil pro viding for a court of in the District of Columbian went ithout action orn Day The greater part of the day in the House was con umed in fuibustering Mr. Kilgore, of Texas, was to the fore, by his dilatory tactics be encompassed his ob ject in defeated action on the bill for the erection of as monument to prison ship martyrs, a 1 measure for he tion of a reve: utter for the Pacific With jon 8 bill was passed ro meet the reguirements of the interstate commerce law relative to the testimony of WILE ewes Another bill, amendiog the in terstate commerce act, was cried up and passed, but its maia feature, which out the "pu t of the orizioa’ act was oliminated., The National Quarastine bil was the next in order, but ite oppo iin it eff WORLD'S FAIR. Ting Prisco of tidting Chicago state vent LY Le ¥Fravcis Kn lyse Tig five churches 0 Miffiabarg, Penna. st & meoting of which Rev, E. A. Baook was Secretary, yesterday unasimou«dy peti loned Congress not to repeal the law closing the Word's Fair on Bundays Ine Becretary of the Treasury sent to the House a communication from President Pal mer, of the Word's Columbian Exposition, conta ning an estimate of appropriation of 570.5% to defray the expeose: of the Com- mitiee of Awards Rev, B. Craxrizrd Joxes, Secretary of the Chester county, Pa, Hal bath CObtsery- ance Association, cas received a lstter from Senator Quay, in waoich the Senator says be wilido all in his power in the Senale 0 ward haviog the gvtsof the Coiu ub an Ex- position closed on Sunday. wien Day bullion fora Jn it count the election ivale measiares the thie the ¢ sir ue « Const IL Gos sirises ing sect on chilis * succes le faving Wales has no intention ot this year, according to a private secretary, Sir A COMMITTER repr soutiog the American Savbaith Union and other organ gations in- t- rested in preventing the repesi of the World's Fair Banday ciosing law, culled at the WW bite Houses and was recsivad by Pres: ident Harrison. Rev. C. H. Reusdell, D. D., i Wasti gion, read a memorial adoressed to the Presijent, invoking bis aid ip secur ing the object sought, To this Predident Harrison responded that it would le mani. testiy froproper for hm to discus: th: mat. ter iu view of the fact that it bs sow Leflore Congress for action, JAILED THE JAILER, Two North Dakota Prisoners Tum the Tables and Escape. Harry Smith, the jailer at Bamarck, N.D., Jies in the cell from which two prisoners Lave escapad; be is band-coffed and shackled and locked in, the prisoners having carried off t ¢ key. The jailer’s room is spattered with blood. He cannot be seen, as Shoouler a as the inner the oll locked. He says the priconers were well dor of is locked in the eel! and he went out to mile, When he re- turned le was sirges on the bead witha heavy iron, and knocked down and then hit again. He became unconscious and when be canto to be was jocked in th: cell as stated The Sher ills living rooms were found to have bean ransacked and valoables tolen, The prisoters are supposed to bave taken the evening train Bas. Thea are Frank Mi 1 or. held for larceny, and Edward Moore tor forgery. 5 THOUSANDS STARVING. In Parts of Russia » Third of the Peop'e Turn Baggars aud Robbers, Director Kerbedeze, of the ViadiKavkas Tools, Voronssh and Reazan, where teos of thousands are famin strick n Ia Petrozavodsk and Archangel nearly one-third of the nhabitants ae wandering trom place to place begging aad robbing. 0. 5 FIFTY PEOPLE KILLED. A Wagon Loaded with Dynamite Ex- plodes on the Congo Railroad, A despatch to the Central News from St, Paul de Loanda, Eng, says: “A train crowded with Europeans and natives was halted on the Congo Railroad near Mattadi, | recently, and the engine was detached so as 10 take up a wagon losded with 54 boxes of dynamite and 82 casks of gunpowder. including nn bead of the i, FOUR MEN HANCED. of the Chestertown, | i Maryland, Murderers, Eracution How the Last Hours of tha Condemned | Were Bpent. Four of the eight convicted murderers of Dr. J. Heighe Hill paid the penalty for their crime in the jail yard, Chestertown, shortly The trap fell at 12:20 o'clock, and in less than an hour the four wore dead and buried. The men were Fiot cher Williams, Charles W. Moves irown and Frisby Comegys Contrary to what was generally expected by every one, Chestertown, outside of the jail precincts, pissed a quiet and uneventful pight. The streets of the little city were al- nist entirely desirted, except by the poss summoned a couple of days ago by She il Plummer. Theses guards, in twos and thres armed with guos, rifles vn pistols, patrolied and until during alter noon. ne roms Broo ity the streets nearly all night long, Bu ness the morniog was almost en irely suspendod, but the strests were crowded. Not a single arrest was mads by the men, who walke 1 the streets of the town aid night and not a single disturbance occurred The scene in the county court house, however, was quite diff srent from that oa the streets The rooms in which the eight men wers tried, condemned and sentenced were crowd- ed with you g an! old men, armed with ail kinds of weapons. Thay hid been summo: el to defend the jail should anat empt bemado to lynch the four prisoners. But uo such st tempt was made, and the posse conte ted ftseli with emptying sundry bottles and tell ing what it would yo if a mob should ap pear At half-past 1 o'clock Bamuel ¥. Hill ane Walter 5 Hi lL th father and brother o Dir. J. Heighe H 11, the murdered ma, wers aimitied to the jail The elder Mr Hill ex press:d a wish to talk alony with the con- demned prisoners, with 1he view of forciig a confes jon from them, jhe co'ored m ters and otter visilors Wepre wd to leave the coll room and the gentismoen entered the room anil were 10d the prisopers a d w _Lchoan Hacno of the prone « 1 a y i req wnt twa sed up wilh was questionsd, bu? the visitors wis were made the night ! iy the result Repeated to secure each man stucy denied all knowiedze of the crime. The Rev. A. A Murray, who bal the night in the jail, began bis redid teations to the prisoners at 7 o'clock. preacher began to pray and siog with wisoners, giving out the hymos Hue by lioe Thea he called separately up n Brooks Comegys, Wiliiuns aad Browa to pray. Be tween each prayer a hymn ~as sunt. Como gys's prayer was the most FPocting of all. It was an azoaized cry for help and succor, de livered Li the pecu iar sing-smyg i fl was una La ” “5k ory ounfesdons (rpm the ne roe. y his pLwy and abso ut Jan ww} us at The ihe itonation of ths plantation negro, as i ils burden was: A) Jonas, save my soul” 1a strange and disc this was th» noise of profanity which wa ears of those in the cor dor side he jail A hearty bre kfast was served to the pris Shortly after 11 ook Sheriff Pium- Leagan the first preparations for the exe The members of the posse, Who were inside the jail, toe reporters and the 2) wit nesses allowed by law, crowded alo the cor ridor., Watchman Sior.s opetied the four doorsiand two deputies entere i each cil and handcuffed and pnioosed its cocupant. The Sheriff ordered tie «crowd in the corridor 10 stand bick and the short march tthe weal. {oid commenced. Brosks led, with Comegy: next, iollowed Willissas aad Moses | Brown The sheriff was waitiog on the scafl dd for the men, and he silontly motioned each of them to his position. The heavy, awkwaird-lookiog ooito po se with toeir Uremendous Kno & Were soon arranged aout the decks of the fo man alter the viack caps were pulled over their faces and their lege bound atthe ank ies The Sheriff too a last look at the beans, Uw ropes, the traps snd finally atthe men them selves, Th waitin ia tee yard be tow cond see nothing, so effectively was the gallows boarded up They heard the creak. ing of tue traps, however, an § waited with bated breath for the nolss of the lever. Ins minute it cams. Ad o'clock the bat controliiog the triggers lippe | easily along the greased surface. There was a crash a the eight baitened trap-loors fell to thw ground ani four black bodies shot throu. b tae holes Four of the murder srs of Dr. Hill had ex- Pp as 1 their orine on tne gall0WSs A+ soon as the drop fe 1 a shout of exulta tion acose from the men who crowded inte the § il yard and surroun led the scaflfo 4 Fietoner Williams and Mose: Brown died al most without a siraggie; their Decks were broken. Brooks and Comegy« weat torougl the most appalling contortions. ‘The latim di-d trom strangulat on avd the former: death was due to the dislocation of his nec k Comegys, the youngest of the quarietio, Wa concious for +t least five minutes whili hanging. He twisted his Jeis.s rugg ed will the baudeus and drew hie K so i008 peck, | Hooks went through similiar movements flis frame swayed ‘everal miuulis, anc when the crowd toouzht him dead hs started the most desperite coniorions At 12:30 ths bodies were cut dwn, placed | in pine coffus at once, and Iwo expres wagons conveyed thom 10 potter’ s fisld, dant contrast to all 3 ¢ aud oe Lo the from those oul in iitimed anwiiing Oners, aC mr cuts Oy Hh people $i “. ETORY OF DR. HILL'S NULRDER. The crime for wh ei Charles Brooks, Fies | chr Williams, Moss Brown anil Frisby Comegys paid the death penalty wm the murder of Dr. James Heige Hill, of Millington, Kent county, Md. : It was on Satur ‘ny night, April 23. 1832, | that Dr. Hill received an urgen: eall 10 visit & sick child between Milington and Messoy's Station. ile was preddiag over a poliuecal | meeting at the t me, but jmmelintely left | the bali to attend the siricke « child, Aljew moments afterward be had hitched up bis (ond cart, and, with a cheery good-Lys to | fis young wile, siartol on bis fatal ride. At] Fo de Hill, about m dway between Mid ngton | and M sey's, ard witoin 8 bunddied yards | gang of negroes vrdered him 10 stop, “Don's | hurt me.” entreated the physician, bai in. | stantly one «f the negioos hurled a stove | widen struck him on too bh ad and produced unconsciousness, The another of toe gang | held the torse whi e vthers cat their victim's | throat jamuwd the Lody beneath the seat- | with its | ghastiy bardeo, toward Massey's, At four | o'clock Binday morning Mrs. Hil was | awakened by tie recarning team. Waiting & Poasousbie, 1} efor ths dovwr to bt the house she bLsame apprehensive, upon investigating (ound her husband bleed. ing and unconsc.ous ia the vehicle, Bum. mooning belp, the pays cian was wth d fii. culty removed 10 bis poms, and died that atternoon, Subsequently the four who were just hnged nid Pere Bioadshiaw, ¥o ont a eprom ha dn So vn ain viol oy, wors arrested rath PENNSYLVANIA ITEMS, Epitome of News Glsan Parts of the Btate, a1 from Various an s xpert finding traces of arene chemist tes an l croton oil in the stomach of one of the alleged victia AXDREW CAnNEair is expeetald in a day two at Pittsburg, It will bo his first ap- pearance since the Homes eal trouble Al OF a meeting of representatives of! board and trade: bodies Behuylkitl Valley was urged to water supply. ut Heading maintain ths legislation purity of arrangements to Tux Harmony Foclety, Economy, is conduct is Todas Ropares, Jr, of Chester, women are expected to live, Ir is said that Winter cholera prevails to an alarming extent at Plymouth and nearby Homer Tate, arrested in Erie on the charge of attempting to wreck a pissenger tain, bas confessed that be did it to get even with the engineer and conductor. ATTORXEYS for the accused polisoners the Homestead cases wiil the pegie Company with Lribing witnesses, bas- in charge Car- ing the charge up mn tie slieged discovery of a letter from a witness admittiog the rece pt of a bribe of £500, It is probab e that a criminal prosecution will be instituted against Treasurer Obold, of Head ng, who resigned after a de- ficit of $13.50 had been di covered in office. Ix the trial cases at Fittsburg, nt the Carnegis Vorks Physic ¥ City bis of the Homestead poisoning former workmen i to baving testified WADY testifie that become ill there. AS DO HReoning P BeGning. they found symptons o Uxpen the auspices of the Pennsylvania State Sportmen’s Amociation a large mas at Harrisburg 1» take the reform of the game meeting was held action looking 10 iaws Dr Pave Guirvorp, of Lebanon, is under $10,000 bail, coarged with manslaughter and malpractice Contractor Robart Taylor offer $16,000 to Schuylkill coanty bie the the ¢ aim against him | overcharge, Jauzs L in the Easton Moone, as for steals HOTMoR, Was itenoed Lo eh youre Jail found cutting thr He inter igh the (brick celling of his cell. would have escaped a few bour R——— CABLE SPARKS. wre Crown PrivceFerdinand of Honmania and Princess Marie of Edinburge were mar ried at Sigmarngen, Germany. Frasce has determined not to tolerate foreign jotervention in M. roceo or the ac. gaisition in that country of any privilege by suother power, Bin Fraxcis KxoLLys, private secretary to the Prioce of Wal sg, save the Prince bas po intention of v. siting the Cai Colum bian E «position, sv Lhenish Prussia is weakening and Le pros pect of the men winning a victory becomes wore hope ess daily. is a battle ju British Burmah between British forces and natives, the Brithh Come gander and five Sqpoys was kilel Fi tren 0! the natives were killed, CHOLERA has been discovered sboard the bh sieamer Murciano at the portofl .. Germany. The vessel jell New December 7 with a clean bill of w 3% By Two men were overcune by foul air while eugnged in cleaning the double bottom of the Hritish cruiser Medea, at Chatbam, Eag- fand. and disd before asssl.uce could reach them, Tue delozations of the English Miner's Federation. in ression at B rmingbam, Eng, have adoptad a resoiulion ASK Bg paras. ment to rass a bill making eight bours a legal day 's work. AX envoy of the Argentine government charged with bringing an end to the insar- rection in the Provinoe of Corrientes. in that republic, kas sucresded in stopping We fightisg betwen the provincial aud rebel troops at Santa Lucia, Tag French ministry resigued, owing to differences in the cabinet on the arrest of ex-Minister of Public Works Bahaut and other matters growing cut of tue Paoama sanal scandal, A pews misistry wes jormed, with M. Ribot as premior Ix view of the danger of a cholera «pi- demic mn the Spring the monagers of thy Allan, the Domvaion and the Deaver stoam- ship lines have justonoted ail their European graats for the United states or for Canada, unless the wou'd-be passengers had Leen re territory Lires watis ROASTED TO DEATH. Lives on a Burning Train. dnt accurred cn the live between Slatousk and Samara. Hiatousk 10 Sa vara when flames burst from the foremost car. The train was gol g at ward and io a few minutes all the cars were biaz ng. The engineer, for reason, did not sop the teaia until he had tun a considerable distance. In tgs mean. tims there was a sce o of indescribatie con. fusion in the cars. Tho recruits, or at least as many of thm as could do ro, leaped from the windows and doors, Bume of them land. ed uninjured in the heavy snowh nis while others who landed in the cleared track were kil od, Those who were unable to get out of the care were burned to death, 107 the Lain was entirely consumed. Some f the men were terribly burnsd before th ¥ Jumpel, When tae confusion had rouewhat sulwided, the offi er ia charge of the recru te, who saved himself by jump g, celled the roll of bis wen. 11 was founa teat jony nine of th ui were deal and twenty terrivly burned spd otnerwise injured. It weuppoel thet some of the wen in the forward car were ski larking and upset the the ont ushing PEOPLE AND EVENTS. ————— Mus. Groner Hzanst, widow of Benator Hear, of California, is the not heaviivl iusured woman ia the world, Her police pgeregate § A000, Tug ice gorse avove Cincinnati broke and sunk about $100,000 worih of coal at Lie wharves 11 wa, mostly owned by Pittsburg perioes, Mes GLADETORE issaid to have exposed herseif in wha. sess an almost recess manner whe. cholera was epilemic in Lon. dou ia 1865. She went about mnong the sick in the bospitals and carried off trend eo children suddenly left orphans to an orpba- age which ste establisheu. Bhe wrote ao sp peal to the London Times for subs ripticns ior this purpose and rocured about $25,000 Ong of the many ach evements of the iste Piotessor Horsford, of harvard, was the in- vention of an arm / ration waien should te light but putriticus, 10 dimimi-h the burden warch, aod General Grant bad half & mid fun prepared tor use, Profesor Horsford 100k out no fewer than thirty patenis, most ¥ for chemical preparations, during his life Mu. Epuusps,of Vermont, is said to have been almost the only exception 10 Lhe rue that the Bupr eme Court practice of a lawyer Menntors Felier, Carpenter Morgen and others ound thet their chienis dropped off one by one afer Benats cares began ts press. Senators Mitchell and Dolpb of Oregon, however, till have a good many Tus world is a bustier, and the oburch gallops along with it. A couple of years ago Oslaboma was conseersted to civilization by the mad rush and iostalation of the white setticrs, Last Friday the first ceremony of consecrat.on of a Prot stat Episcopal bishop to be be d wes’ of the Mi-sisuppi occurred st Topess, and the Rev. Francis Key Brooke torn st Gamuier, Oblo, in 1812, ang educated at Keoyon, is now Mmssionary Bisliopot Oiia- bows with bis hors Je larat pe ged st Guie- Tie. ATLaXTA, Ga, according to a directory cet tis recently tasen, now | as a population of 104.421. Building operations during ibe year 1502 wire the largess. ia the history of the city, One thousand and sixty-ons build ings were put up, a: a cost of $7,000,000. At. Janta has maintained its »-putation of being th: Yankee city of the Bouih as the foliow- ing wie jos show: There are witain i's bound. #4 miles of street railways, Its busi- BOSS BILOUL to $144,000, 000 annually, and it contains 220 mercantiio boven, 653 wanu- facturxs, snd 10 bauks with a capital of $5.50000, Ithis no lens than 98 churches, and 1¥ pubic schools, 12 private schools and 6 ins. itutions fo r the education of oolored children, Duning 83a ¢ ntral police sta- pion was Lullt and Lew waterwuks were nid. erent I. one Reront of the Canadian Dominion ternal HK ovenus for six months endiny D comber 41 shows a total of L1%.500,045; ex- penditures, $14 812 407; increase in revenue $04. 540 ( in expenditure, $737 0.0% the same pariod in 1831. Surplus D : 21, $4.716,52%; decrease in net debit si woe of the lust faced year, $5 213827 FALTINORE, GRAIR, ETC FIOUR~Baltc, Best Pat. 8 47 High Grade Extra 400 WHEAT No. 2 Red..... 7% CORN? 0 Yellow 52 Ear Yellow per bri OATS Southern & Penn, Western White. ...oe. Mixed .. No @85 e0 uh 1600 145 12 0 6 50 Bd STHAW Hye in oa Wheat Blocks... Oat Blocks. coven CANNED GOODS, TOMATOES -8tnd. No. 3.3 100 No. 2 re i% CITY STEERS, City Cows....... Southern No, 4.. POTATOES & YREOETABLEE, POTATOES—Burbanks..$ 80 @3§ Va. Yellow . 833% 1M ONIONS... coovnna PROVISIONS HOGE PRODUCTS Sashide $ Clear ribeides. .....ovuee Bacon sides, .. 10 10! @$ 2 Fra sasnene senrenss Mess Pork, per bar..... LARD—Crude Best refined. . BUTTER-Tine Crmy.... 8 Under fine... Roll.ossee 0 as &y - £1 CHERSK. 2G N. X.flals,..ooconvnnnns ig Bin Cheese. ..oovvveren EGOa. od : North Carolina. .coeevee + 6 POULTRY. 11 $ 13 e 12 18 id ad Turkeys... Ducks, per B....covvnns TOBAOOOD, TOBACCO-Md. Infer's$ 15 @ 3 Bound COMMON... .vveee S00 Middléng.. ....covieuees 800 Fanos coerce cncrnnasnsss 1300 LIVE STOCK. 150 40 800 13 » @ss5%0 w 933% $00 HE 650 To FURS AND BXINS, MUBKRAT 10 Raocoo 4“ Gs LE Red FOX.ovveiivisvinsne 1 Skunk Black....cousvun . C WED sensu vasnonanun IK: conriirsnrsnsnnnne Good to Fair... coviees SHEEP... con covrsrviinmm Hogs ORLOF. cons vivins vena sm unsnes Ws FLOUR —Sonthern. $315 @§ 480 WHEAT—No. 8 Red.oone 8034 YE be AH Wester Thine wnninbnnn bth] ut o © *» WRERR e EERE ae w tht tal ett] CHEEBE-State..cuun an