The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, January 05, 1893, Image 6

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" A premature dynamite explosion at Min.
ersville caused the serious injury of eight
Italian and Hungarian workiogmen,— :
Emmet Argenbright fell through the ice |
while skatng on North River and was |
drowned, —Iateresting papers were read
before the Nutioval Conference of Univer.
sity Extension held ia Philadelphia, ——A |
boiler explode! in the carpet-cleaning es
tablisement of R. B. Hutchinson, in Pitts-
burg, killiag John Cox, the foreman, —— |
John R. Bhirp tien, associate judge of the |
Suprems Court, died at midoight in San
Francisco, fiom the effects of a paralytic
stroke with which he was seized on Monday
last. He was sixty-n'ne ysers of age and
served thirteen years on the Supreme Bench,
~—Linrequited love cause! Cora Griffith to
commit suicide in I.diacapolis. —— Peter
Sutter, a retired lowa farmer, murdered his
The largest seizure of smuggled
opium in yeers was made in San Francso.
The contratanl drug, consisting of 1,200
half-pound can, valued at $12,000 wero dis- |
covered inside of the sheathing in the hold
of the steamer O eanic, from Hong Kong.
The duty on the opium amounted to §7,000,
«~The Austin Mercantile Company, Alex.
H, Lowck, mavager, of Austin, Miun., made
an assignment to J. 8,
fit of creditors
$20,000, i
A squall upset a yacht near Sydney, New |
South Wales, and a number of persons were
drowned, ——The Columbus Fountain, the
gift of John B. Drake, was presented to the
city of Chicago.——Mrs. Maria Willis, an |
aged lady, living alone, was found dead iu
bed in Zanesville, Ohio, having frozen te
death.——The large knitting-mills of John P, |
Sheppard, on Walnut street, Sa em, N.
were burned. loss estimated at about #290
000, with $7,000 insurance. The mills were
running full time, and about one hundred
girls will be thrown out « f work by their de
struction. — Fire destroyed 8100000 worth
of property in Slater, Mo. the insurance
being $US.000. The heav.est losers are A. LL.
Haas and A. L. Sieber, both dealers in dry
goods. The loss to each was £25 000, —— Joba
J. Regan, a pali-bearer ut Paroell's funeral,
committed suicile in Chicago A little
son of Mra. Milion, at Elwood, Ind, set fire
to his sister's dress, and the child was burned
to death before her
her assistance. In a collision on the Rear!
ing Railroad, near Philade!phia an engineer,
a fireman snd several passengers were in
fared, ~~~ Widiam J, Leary, cf New Be!
ford, Mass, got drusk on a hunting trip,
and in a tusse! with a sa oon-keeper, his gus
was discharged, Alfred Filder, aged
fourgeen years, receive | a death wound,
Patrick Mahoney and J. H. Barnett, while
crossing the Chicago, Rock Island and Paci
file tracks in Chicago, weve rund
passenger train. Both
Sheedy for the bene- |
Liabil ties, £30,000; assests,
mother could come to
wn by a
men were terribly
and died within half an hour of
each other,
Fire deswroyed the Linden Opera Houre in
Geneva, N. Y.—— Dartmouth College re-
ezived a bequest of §200,000, embracing the
entire estate of Dr. BEalph Putterfleid,
Kapsas Ci'y.~——A fire at Winston, N, C
burned M: Arthor’ stables and de
Mroyim; Loss 8 5%;
insarance §1 000. The orizin of
oot known Five
#Mreet caught fire in N.C. ani
burned down. 1 thought hava
originated by the explosion of
grocery storeci H. CC. E tit & Co.
tock was covered by insurance, ——T
ny Gal meting of the American Peycholog:
kcal Assce ation was begun in Philadelphia
wee Mra. Betsy Hill died in
the effects of ill-treatment received from
threo rough. ——By the bursting of water
and steam pipes, three lower floors of the
five-story building at the corrver of Lake and
Clarke streets, in Chicago, were flooded with
water. Tie loss to the various tenants of
the building will be nearly $27,000, Th
baavies. l.s.r is Fred Giesheimer, dealer in
‘qthing and fur ishing ; oods. —— Anengine
a Eve freight cars on the Cleveland, |
Jraine and Wheeling Railroad fell overa |
estle into the Obio r.ver at Martius Ferry,
T - yeckdipt was dus to the sinking of the
Ade. All thecirs wire wrecked, Engineer
. Oag was [rightiully crushel and burned,
«nd will die. Perry Bishop, the firenn,
was also seriously hurt. The prope ty lows
is heavy Mrs, Samuel McCoskey, of
Btaunton, Ind, has made the agreeable dis
covery that she is the heir to an estate near
Albavy. N. Y.. valued at $50.000,
~The Executive Committes of the Indus. |
frial Legion bas made the amendments sug. |
gested by General Paul Vandervort, and the
latter has accepted the cflice of commander:
in-chief, -— Dr. Ligario, the director of the
Chicago Pasteur Institute, says be is thed s,
soverer of the new cure for epilepsy, ——
Silas W. R. Jones, a wealthy Kokomo man, |
arrested on a charge of bigamy, claims that
bie is not guilty, and is fighting extradition.
wwe Fire broke out in Delaware county's
elegant new court-house in Muncle, Ind. ani
the bul ding, valued at $300,030, was ruined,
The origin of the fire wax in the court-room.
Sw. Fhe South Side strest car barns fo Mil |
waunkee were destroyed. The loss is mostly |
om cars. Many bundred of them were do, |
stroyed. The fire is claimed by the watchman |
to have been incendiary. Loss estimated at |
$300,000. ——By an explosion of dynamite in |
a quarry peir Greensburg, Pa. one man was
killed and twelve others frightiully injured,
Some of those hurt will die.
twoaty three horse
the firv is
wooden stores on Broad
he fre i fo
a lamp io the
be first
Newark from
ious polsoning case at Helens, Ark, are |
dead. John McFadden, a thrifty furnsce
man at Lucy furnace, Easton, Pa, returned
to Mrs. Hughes’ boarding-houss and found
that his trunk had bee broken opon dw ing
| the day and 81,20), his lifetime savings, taken
therefrom. William Sommers, a strange
‘boarder is missing.
our More Cases of Cholera and Two
More Deaths.
Four more cass of cholera and two more
‘ths were reported to the health authori-
tiew in Hamburg. Besides this, seven per
sons suspected of having the disease were
The wall steamer Hungeria, from the
Black Sea, is detained at Cuxhaven
Hovoc Wrought By the Explosion
of Fifty Cartridges.
8ix Persons Killed and Over Twenty
Injured, Two Fatally.
An explos’on, which shook the Jenzth and
breadth of Lom Island City, N Y. cccurred
at 8 o'clock the other morning, at the mouth
and Long Island Tuunel Company, in Fourth
street, cauring the death of #ix poisons
fatally injuring two others, and wounding
20 more.
The scene of the explosion is the most
thickly settled portion of Hunter's Point. la
of four-story
Bank, Davren's flats, a row
barber shop, John Hoptin.'s restaurant and
F. Plain's jewelry story. Next to the post
office is Fraok McDermott's saloon, with two
apartment floors alove,
ocrupiad these buildings. The tunnel
long by 12 feet
pany ’s>hatt is about 25 feet
Some 50 cartridges of Forsythe's powder
had been brouzht from the storage house o
ths meadows, 10 be prepared for send;
down to the driers working in the heading
which is being blasted out under Fourth
street at a dep b of 85 (eat, As tbe explosive
was frozen, Foren a: McEates pmc-d the
caririiges in toe steam coedix to thaw the n
out. Toey hal ben there about 15 misutes
when the explosion ceourred. All that wa
lett of the chests and sheds after the expl
BION Were a ew sp inters, tut a biz bow
ubout three feet deep by eight feet wids told
the storv of its downwar | course
This eff «ct the ¢xuolos oa on Davren
Flax was terr ble, Every window sh iu
the rear was r pped out and the glass driven
pecs of all siz, throu, hh the roam, and
taose in the fr ot 100m bown out Men,
women aud children were rudely dashed
the floor, some being struck by large shosts
of » lass and others by pieces of woodwor.
and tailing celilogs
Bureaus, tavles and sl oves wera uptorned
Nu wreck wa: ever more complete, A tri
of th +» rear brick wall, ten fee: w de
extending {rom basement to roof, fell in wii
a terrible crash, Amid«t the confusion con
be heard the cr ths wounded aod th
moans of the dying Scantily-clad womes
and children rushed frown the building
waiting to sce who was hurt or mis ig
feariog that the wails were unt out tocol
it most
beaded men to suflliciently col ect taeir sen
to ook arcu ad sh 1 inquire 101 toe me ul
of hei families
Firemen and police wer »
aad been
Ms Pots
+ fl #2 vi
“5% O
OOK ssveral minutes lor the
ikly on
wtigh the bud
a seuren the
cm whose body was jou «dd
id the vard at tae rear
with ap s of seantiing runviog a
most through bdy., Death bal appr
ently been iustavtaneous, Then the boy of
Mary Gravden, the wait who was
breat ving b r last, was found on the fi
the restaurant si chen, and near her Edward
Boh the latter
faces borribiy mutilat
bart 0p lay the i
was too mu h disdigur
the time. The ma was still sive
afterward identificd as Nicoai |
t y% broth r.
1 he ambulance from St
and a corps of doctor
and tx
toy the |
ings y Rocco, carters wife
Was LO
She was lying
undead were gq
Th nthe
to stores near
ks +
iY, v
pital. ng
were takea
While all this wa: g
the occasion was mtensified by
flames oa the third
apart ment buildings
rapidiv, and befor: ths
uader control nearly the
its was d stroyed.
At least twenty fam lies
bomeless mot th-m
ciothing and every h og they
opt the low Lain is on their backs :
There were ni ie men working in the tn
when tae exp osion occurred Une of thew
said they felt the shock an | thought the shaft
had coliapsed, It was nearly halfan bh ur
befcre any of them woald venture to invest
gate ant ask to be drawn to the surface.
Mog on th
ys horror {
be bursti
sut of tio ur of one of the
The flames spread
Nremien RO them
whole row of bul d
ren ler xd
ing furmiture,
Pos Sel ex
Of Ow
Charles Griggs Struck and Carried 8x
Miles Unconscious.
Charles Griggs adrug clerk was taken
to his bomwe in Keokuk, Pa., sufferag from
the terrific nervous shook of a remarkable
escape. He wasstruck by the Milwaukee
limited train the Northwestern Road,
Laveling at the rate of 45 miles =u hour,
aad car. ied 6 miles on th» pliot of the loco.
motive in an une nse ous condition. Toough
black and tdue with biuises not a bote nn
his body was broken
Mr. Gri gs was crossing the Northwestern
which eaves Coicagoat 7.30 PP, M., whirled
in sight simutanecdsly with a suburbs:
passenger train golag rapidly in the opp
site dir ction, Griggs was bewiideres
There wa no tine to leavs the rails. Wnt
Griggs jumpxd straight into the air. H
was struck by the tront of the engive au
instinctively clutching the braces. Nene oo.
the trai: men saw the accident, and it nas
Lot untid the liniled reached South Evans
ton that they discoverad the man's danger.
Ho was s.ul unconscious, his hands gripping
the braces on the pilot with superhuman
To the surpriss of every ons it was found
that not a bone had b ea fractured or even
wrenched. The bair on the right side of his
bead was somewhat scorched, as a resuit of
contact with ths boiler,
“I jumped, struck the engine and then
sverytning became blank,” said Mr. Griggs,
“I dev not remember taken hold of the braces
of the piot, but ll must have done so in-
stinctively and opt haoging on. If I had
htgo | would buve been thrown off aud
been killed ©
The doctors fear he will
from tne shock,
BeYEr reacovar
a Bufferer From Emphysema.
Frederick Ott, a patieat in the City How
pital, Baltimore, is likely to explode at any
moment. Ott, why is sulfering from em.
physema, or air swel ing, is now swollen up
to three or four times his normal dimensions
and his skin is as tight as the cover of a base
ball. The doctors say that unless death
comes in some other way, he is bound to ex-
While working at the Adam's Express
‘s stables he was caught between a
moving oar and a wall and about
ten feet. His ribs were broken the sharp
sucs driven hin HErertime be
Baturalls bs term inhaled is pumped
i Lu
Epitome of News Gleaned from Various
Parts of the Btata.
IT has come to light that the funds of the
Treasurer John Obold having acceptsd the
bills in leu of waxes and advanced money to
contractors on city work, Heca'r od both
in the books as city ass 't , theamouat reach.
bog, itis said $750.0. He or his boudsmen
will bave to make up a portion of it,
Ricnanp Reese,
near Monongahela
an engineer
Cty, was found dead
wi h a bullet hole in bic head. Thero is a
suspicion that he was murdered by friends
of men now on trial for the murder of
Reese's brother under similar circumstances
some weeks ag,
A motion wes made to squash the ind et
mest aga nst ex-Frothonotary Meutzer, of
Lancaster County, on ral for
meat, and the court will consider
AFTER making merry
chi dren on Chiidmas
in mines
the mal
with a party of
evening, Margaret
McLane, known as “Grandma,” wa burned
to death in her h vie at Treskow,
Mus. Joux C. Warrox, a Republican, the
wile of the present office-bolder,a Damocrat,
has been appointed postmistres of Kennett,
Frask CooLey's comp wion, Lids Pas
torius, was sentenced at Uniontown to eigh
teen mouths’ imprisonment,
Tax Sate Music
beid a very suce ssful session at Reding
Tue ®t Louis Express, due in York at 4.07
PF. M., was rapid. y approaching t
E. B. Harrison, a
merchant, and his
who driving
Teachors' Association
19 Prine ws
Street crossing wh n
clerk, Ephraim: Wertz
prominent South
bome from market, attempted to cross the
tracks ahead of th train locomotive
struck the vehicle, entirely hg it
Wertz was tantly killed anil Harris a wa
#0 badly icjured that he
iH not expect d i
r to decids wiich bstt gt
Wit the
man Aosthony Mitchell, © st
the St. Cloud Hotel, and John Hull engaged
1zh and tumble fight Houtz lale
Toe light ©
BO apparent injury
sued for one round, and while
ted on either
rpse withioa half hour afte
was infli
Mitchell was a «
the fizht Hud
Ronen Moriey,
Was arrest sg,
ie Vail
ing from a hunting «xp
in the Heckschervi
perhaps fatally, by th accid
of his gun.
f Alle ito and
for The ot
mornin ; be turased up as nvexpected!y as be
bad left, He
Fon ars ago Fdwia H
ieft w. le
hidnn unknown, her
locking bale and hearty. called
upon his wife who received him
has or
8 50 years old and during i
times. His
Miller had d th
was succes
sbsos ce waned the cosan six
wife belie lead applied for a
RIOD SEVErai Years nga o
sine th ng and
"nivie Bn
AT the
inte Duke
rent Bed
syle i
of Marlborouch
was $100
A Man named Chailet w
lang term «
the lab
. who left Engin
Africa to studs
eXPCis 10
i fu
i for
iYiraiue!l as a
lang nogkeys
hn gorul
tH Jan
VORBRARS entered
Milos, wife
Lourt, near
valued at £
an unicoked sate
AT Syduey, NR
be b droom of Lady
Miles, of Larges
und jewels
Lady Miles left in
of Nir {
wa, 1X
Eog .
i which
sto lo
Wo. Makino and bis wife,
the batty farm. re who killed thirteen iafants
by perc their hi arts or epi with
poodles, were committed for tral loth
pleades not guilty,
Arexasxpen Rosser: Ween recent
United Sates consul at Manis, has been
myverted to ldamism, and is now in India
enllecting fuads to convert ths people of the
United States to that faith,
Dr. Frascis Cuanres Scorr 8aspens
formerly manager of the Lyre Club of Lon
do, was sentenced to six yoars penal servi
tude for baviog forged the name of the Ear
t Londesborough to a banker's ch ok for
§ egy
Rosh, §omE,
ng o8
THE wife of Count de Lesssps, the origina.
tor of the Panama Canal, believes ber hus
Land innocent of any criminal action in the
prowolion of the inceresis of the enterprise,
and says shy is convinced that he is not
wholly responsible for what has occurred in
Lie affairs of the canal company.
A caBLEoRAM from Rome states that the
Pope is viensed with the decidon of the
Catholic archbishops of the Upited States
wu the school question, and that he would
have opposed atsolutely any result of the
confer ence tending to encourage dissension
between American sentient and the episco
pats in this couatry
Tar Berlin correspondent of the London
at Dar as Balaam on November 24 that the
rumors of Emin Pasha's death are erroneous,
The le ter says be is now following Stanley's
route through tee Congo State, and but for
sn affection of the eyes, is in exceptionaily
good health,
aamed Jane Savage, while cleaning house,
take down a shelf,
' Horrible Triple Tragedy on Christ-
mas Day.
Henry C. Varnum Kills His Wife,
Daughter and Himself,
A borrible triple murder and suicide wag
| discoverel at noon in the upper flatof a
' tenement building at 81 Taintor strect, Wor-
chester, Mass. Henry C. Vornum, and his
little adopted daughter, Fiorenos,
found dead, his wife was nearly deud when
Ciscovered and divd on the way to the hos-
| pital, and Mrs, Wright, the mother of Mrs.
| Vargum, now les at the hospital in & criti-
cal condition. unaule, as yet, to told or in-
dicate iu avy way the story of the awiul
| event,
Hinry C, Varoum came Worcester
from Haron, Vi, in Beptember, and found
. a oyment osu wachinbt in the shop of
L. L. Pollard, He then blied tbe tenement
vu Lalut or street sod sent for bis family,
which con.usted of bis wile, an adopted
daughter, Florence, and his wife's wot. r,
Mrs. Wright,
The family lived
quietly and to all ap-
pearances happ ly, Mrs. Varoum was a
regular stteudant at Hope Congregational
Churcn, where sbe saug in the choir. Her
bus aud and jittle daughter oftea accome
panied ber. Mrs, Vornum was not present
at any of the church services on B.nday,
aud the pastor, Rev. BE. W. Phillips, re-
marked the avsouce aud expressed some
surprise, saying tuat Mrs. Varoum was not
the sort of wowan 10 stay at home be-
cause it was cold. Mr, Fi ilips, had ocos-
$00 10 make a call on Christy
street, near Taiotor, and in passing
L.ought ne would ses if anything was
wrong. He rong the Varvum bell, but re-
Celved no acswer, snd called up the lower
teaernent and lat r the or cup ul of the mid.
die dueliiog, Mrs F. E, Ha |, who said she
had not beard ans thing from the Varnums,
aud that ste felt nervous about then.
Bbe also said that
ately and entered the
the door upstairs was
ar. Pulllips went up stairs immedi
apartments through
the parior. Tobe rovuis were very cold and
the furniture He
through the parlor into the back parlor aud
hen. Hos tbhen pushel open
the door of the bedroom leading off from the
Kitchen and a terribie sight met eyes,
Lyiog ou toe Led, covered with blood, were
Mr. Varoum acd bis wile, the man was
quite dead. but the woman was breathing
heavily. In a cot in the corger of the room
lay the chi d, turned aver on her face, also
M=. Phillips waited to see but
rushed dowa-talis to the the
RKuowles Loom Works where be telegraphed
fur the jolie. When the police arrived the
wother, Mrs, Wright, was discovers! in an
adjoiniog room. Bhe wus conscious but not
abie to speak, thougn she ucdersiood what
was said to ber ani mado savers: ineffectual
attempts to articulate. Toe b, 0! the
as aud child were removed | ¥ an under
taker, and the two women were carried to
the hospi al, The younger woman died just
as the smnbuance mopped at the bospital
Mrs, Wright ss ill usable to speak, but
she way live, She is about 8) years of sage.
ibe Wea pos with which the © ime Was Om
mit.ed was an iron door-sanger, an iron
stiap about 15 incues Jong beaded by a
cy hudrica koob., The instrament weighed
tuliy our pounds. Veroum bimseifl was
killed Uy a stab trom a kaife, identified as
bisown, He wasout in the region the
heart. There were no other mares upon his
ioe bodies of the min and child when
found were stiff, and water in the kitchen
Was irosen iets WES BO EEO of violence
about the house cutride of we bedrooms,
Mra F. E Hall, who lives io the tenement
below, says tbat she beard a siijht sound
trom whe chlid at abou: 6 o'clock and a mo-
ment later the sound of 1ootseps. The
noms coated immediately and sbe though
wothing of them
undistarbed phssed
toe Lo The wile
no more,
offics of
Tux woollen weavers emploved in the
Backstose Woollen Mill, at Bileckstone,
Mass, struck alleging hat excessive fines
were enforced by the company. The strike
will affect 325 hands
ALL the miners and workmen of the
Spring Hill Collieries, at Spring Hill, the
largest in Nova Beotia, struck and operations
entirely ceased. The immediate cause of the
trouble is grievances respecting short weight
and docking. Use thousand persons are
thirowa out of employment,
THE jesus of an order reducing the wages
of the moulders in the etaploy of the Phoenix
Iron Works, of Baltimore, resulted in a
strike, in which 50 men participated. The
reduc.ion meant about $& per week, which
amount, the firm claims, was in excess of the
prices paid by competing firme,
The a'leged gold ficlds near the junciion
of the Ban Juan and Colorado r.vers, in
Utah, are attracting thoue-ands of prospee-
tors from Areona, New Mexico, Colorado
and Utab., ‘The excitement is unparalleled,
and tows along the Denver and Rio Grande,
both in Southern Colorado and New Mexico
are almost depopulate §. Nearly 8.000 people
are already u the scene, and the new
diggings are saud to have made proprietors
IT is propoed by some Cincinnati trades
shall be promulgated callng upon every
union mau in the country to withhold from
circulating ail funds that be may posses or
money mar et and thus compel the business
ing a strike on iis bands that it will be
the razor,
razor was 1emoved tightly closed, as she
swal owned it
w.l probanhly recover fully in three weeks,
Wasn't Loadod,
A most disastrous aceident ocourred a few
afternoons ago at New Haven, ind, Henry,
the wieven year-old son of Bamusl Smith,
saw bis brothe's shotzun against a table in
Bere we
was no ean on the gun look,
thinking the gun was not Jonds | he an
A cap inl in fun pointed the gun at his two
a a To co, Mo ped dhe
1 avely. 0 |
trigger, and, the gna ok Jon ded
charge of shot struc the two Ye fan
tirover, whose ear: was , diel
instantly and Josspis was fatally injured.
The shot entered hota of bis lungs, About
fifty shot entered Josoph's breast and arms
T. B. Canrgn, Chie! of the Ssoret Sorvics
has prodictsd ois of tae most go
and susorsanl counter! sitin ¢ scaemes
Hn a ant cot am
an ri
Sotuterialted ant oumanl dy Ie, Toe
ng a prot of Wo the makers,
ployes or show a disposition to settle the dit.
ferences between them.”
Sagi wh"
A Ravisher Taken From Court and
Disposed of by Judge Lynch.
A despatch from Bowing Green, Ky.,
Bib Barper has pail te pawity for the
nesmalt upon Mas Auderon, and the people
feel that the teri ible crime Las been avenged,
Ween court upsased the witnesses for the
commonwen'ih wers examioed, and Hon, J.
C. Bimms had jest announced that the com
monwsalth wo 11 rest. Judge Dulaney bad 10 the withes: room 10 consult with
his witness, whe a mob euntered the court
room, avined with gus, it was just 11:40
geoct. The mou eaders seized Lue Wivie
and urazged him trom fue courieroom,
was to hw fair ground ose mile ais
He was there lifted £5 the seat of a wagon,
and 4d to inake a statement. He rtout.y
pro este | kis once soee and ied game, Toe
wagon wa pulled from under bim at 11.57
oon, Le Was to bs ded
tea minutes Int r. Not a shot was fired and
the crowd dispersed q votly, The mob was
somposad of vver 1,0u men,
Adong the streets Jesding fo the fair
grounds the wo nen rash-d to the windows,
pd i excitement was | the
the crowd ths
A CRUDE ofl tank at Bpringfield, O, ex
plated ant Win, Kobler, aa wmpiyes of }
Y Mast & Co,, was Iataily burned,
OXE man was fats lly and throes danrer
ously inj red 1 y au explosion of
wuolie Ulsstlog rocs at Lyao,
Jervensox Lextz, of Ta waqua, Penoa,, 8
brabe.wan, was ki ai by fa.lnz under the
wheels of vis train whils attempting to get
Excineer Wu Keuren, of New Albany,
Indiana, was kie by beim thiown ugue
hs engine, which rau mto uo box car and
Wirned over,
THREE young girls, daughters of Joh
end Wm, Clark, of North Buy, Ontario
were drowned by falling through the ice ot
Bes lute Lake.
AN explosion at the Bickford Fuss Fae
tory, st Hop Meadows, Connecticut, fatally
injured oue empioye and denolished the
building. The cause is unknowa,
_ AX elephant ewaped from a circus near
Crawlor.ville, lodiaua, a few days ago, and
did conside: ab.e damag + to tarmer’s prop
erty. He was finaly recaptured.
Joux Crosswery and James Duffy, lads
8 uployed in the Fine Colliery, at Sg
Clair, Penua., were seriously § ured by the
breaking of a hoist ng 10pe, and the couse
quent fall of a car,
Iwo children of Mrs. Hinekley were
burped to death at Bargent, Col, by a fire
which destroyed their bom #, lobert Hinck
ley. the husband aud father, was crushed te
death a fow weeks ago whie Working in
mine near Bargent.
Charleston Covered With Bnow aad
Bleet--For: Monroe Bnowed Up.
Charieston, 8, C
yast 10
A bl zzard struck
for the frat
housetops wers cove red with a thin
point during the
time within the
cost ng
gnow and sleet The mer Ury average 4
degrees below {reez ng
snd the pedesirians
three or four
pot being accustomed to ice had &
time getting along the sidewalks,
The orapgs trees in the city are it
somewhat aod will robs bly bear only one
crop this year. Tiey usually bear twg
crops. Flantiug and truck farm crops are
not far saou iho ed *10 suffer any dame
age, Strawberries are protected and
the plants will escape without troubie,
Forr Moxnox, Va.-1 worst blizzard
in 20 years struck this vi y about wide
night, The electric car | to Hampton ie
blocked and navigation » suspended
Taz people of Wililamshurg, Col., recently
jspanded the resigaation of Professor
Voorbix, principal of the primary depart-
ment of the public school. He is sccussd of
having pulled the teeth of pupils as punisa «
ment for disobedience. Oge boy is mid to
bave had fifteen teeth extracted in this
manner, The professor resigned.
FILOUR alto. Best
High Grade Extra
WHEAT-—-No, 2 Red
CORN--No. € White...
Yellow as sasan
Ear Yellow per biri.....
OATS -8outhern & Penn.
Westara White
Mixed .
RYE—No. 2
HAY Choice Timothy. .
Good to Prime. . .
BTRAW Rye in car Ids.
Wheat Blocks
Oat Blocks
TOMATOES Sind No. 3.8
PEAB Standards
CORN—Dry Pack
City Cows. .......
Boutbern No. 2...
POTATOES —Burbanks..$§ 80 G§ §
Va Yellow Susans 5 BOO
¥Name......coonin0useis. 5 200
ONIORS.......e0 00000 0.n 0 9
HOGESPRODUCTS shide8 8 @8 5X
Clear ribsides “ata 5 v
16 os
Mess Pork, per bay
MARDCrude.... covnvss.
Best refined. .
BUTTER-Fine Crmy....3
Under fine..........
MN as
srRR sansa n
CHERSE--N.Y. Factory.$
BN Y.8000....000000004.
North Caroling. ........
Turkeys... .oocneesvvnse
Ducks, per B...........
TOBACCO-Md. Infer's$ 150 @ 3%
MiddHng.. .covvivieines 800
PROCY ccassiirersecennes 1300
BEEF Best Beoves......0 450
Good to 400
7 ¥
nN Gr
? @
Bkunk Black
Fran uaRN Rann
HAG usar En sana nn
- —
ai —
UR Southern... 8515 @8§ 400
EAT--No. 8 Red....... 74% 8
RYE Western... ....... .
$i viincicmverin
WARES EE ya ae es
Lue aes
Southern. ...... $360 G4 400
T—No. 3 Red....... [ou 100
b Baanerioniresens
How a Senvesr Feeps.—A tenant
Garden of Plants, Paris, since
August, 1885, and has been an object of
This is a South
i Boa wmurinus), at least
Up to the end of 1531
the serpent had taken food in this place
54 times, an average of five times a year,
the interval between its meals ranging
from 20% dave. It calls for
meals by characteristic uneasiness
usual { has been rin
rabbits on three occasions and a goose oun
one, and the largest auimal it has swa
lowed has been a kid of 26 pounds, or
about one-tenth of its own weight, Such
prey is pot remarkable size, a8 ser
pents are capable of swallowing animals
nearly as large as themselves A i
vears ago, indeed, a horped viper was
caught in the act of swallowing a Frenel
viper a little larger than itself, and
ill effects followed this enormous meal
20 feet long,
O98 to iw
small gonts, with
a subject of cot
Hypuootism formed
sliown 1«
of Psychology in London,
its scientific interest, was
have a practical bearing upon criminal
affairs—aus in erime believed to have bees
committed under the influence of hypootic
and upon medicine and edu
cation. The was described of a
who afflicted with
eleven months, whic
ian for
suicidal mani
woman been
was cured by s
Dr. Beri
uggestion during hypn«
sleep Hon mentioned ed ucatic
0 experiments
h CXR,
old 1
P the ones most suscep
contrary ief,
fromm hereditary nervous de
upun o
wad {ound
from six
f he
children of bo
that « ght out of
filtecn year ould Ix
ad Rid
to general bel
subjects it is
7 inutera proje
on of Lif
ed cach other with
eclipse betwed
{ore attsine
The i
provi irs
postures may
tart w
nsiani wu
of the
band, UPon 3
ced In colors Dy
ved in ¢
itern, when the
ough a lens upon
Another pre
wry sod
ch projects
lLaaur Sous
produces sound
a giass vessel
falling substan
ow a beam of it os
full of
lampblack and
sound may be Or, pass the
; through a prism and form a ain
as the minbow falls on the
sound will be
Red and blue light makes a louder sound
than green. Fill the glass vessel with
red worsted and throw the green light
from a prism on it and the noise is very
loud. Aud so, one by one, we penetrate
the mysteries of nature, Stand
fastone or brick wall, and have
strike the other end with a
You will detect two distinct
vessel a distinct
at one
comes to your ear through the
From particle to particle,
whether of air, stone or any other sub.
The discovery of the fact that
the fall of light creates sound is new:
from brick or stone
any one can test it
for himself. Explode a fire cracker
in an empty barrel, and it
sounds about as loud as a gun; fire a gun
off ou the top of a mountain, where the
old, and
as Joud as a firc-cracker. Soun 1 travels
at the rate of about 1,100 feet every sec
ond. Fire a gun and any one ata dis-
tance will see the flash before he hears
the sound: light goes faster than sound,
you see. [I stood, the other day, on the
platform of a milroad station in the
country. As the cars got near thev
whistled, also while going by, and again
while going on past us. I noticed a
singular thing, and that was that four
hundred yards off the whistle sounded
one note higher cach way. That is, st
the station it was “B.” four hundred
yards before it got there the same whistle
had been +C,” and after falling, directly
opposite the station, to *‘B,” when the train
t four or five hundred yards away again
e sound went up to “C” again. It was
owing to the pulsations of sound being
crowded together on the ear by the swift.
dess of the train. Directly opposite
to us they were not crowded on the
A Word About His Mother.