THE CENTRE . REPORTER, FRED. KURTZ, EDITOR AND PUBLISHER, TERMS, ~One year, $1.50, when paid in advance Those in arrears subject Per year, to previous terms, $2.00 ADVERTISEMENTS. three fnsertions, and 5 cents per line for quent insertion. Other rates made mad on application 20 cents per line for each subse known CENTRE HALL, PA.,; THURS. REP. 15, STRIKES AND REMEDIES, strike in the atten- the Home- It originated in the the principal started ion of non-union In 1890 there was a labor Austraila that commanded tion of the world, just stead lockout has, sheep-raising industry, as one of the colony, and on count of the workers, grew until almost all kinds of produe- tive pursuits were brought in. Trade and were represented by a tradesand labor council holding together the different federation. Em- hand, were as the struggle ac- introduet unions were highly organized, trades in a ployes, strong on the other including almost The rful representing sociated, ent mass of capital. was bo. determined the totality of capital concerned in the em- ployment of labor, tween two powe and bodies, one almost and the otherr genting almost the « skilled and unskil was well men, flict paralyzing as a state of civil war. nigh as disastrous an The injury wrought to the and pros perity of the the government appointed a comm sion with large the entire remedies, peace colony was 80 sori powers Oo 113 subject of strikes and ther The commission was wisely HCH ers selected, eight of the senting labor and eight { iii interes.s, if character It held witnesses and ol with a p and disinterested 1 some fifty meetings, exam wn the p in- i docu wained f sipal countries of the worl of all kinds bearing to has been «iy be investicaed. sults of the labors of of which there is an the Her September. The tails of the | i i of all counties tion orarbitration. It is ax the appointment of the its report by the and es paragrapl mary extrem Wi SON enteen memb Ares ul discussion question piri main States as We ¢ sions of the Hus Aus wi Only to summariz commissi in ti way. Iti wognized that t ground of contention between emp ars and employed is rapidly the emplovment 8 broad dist tween DeCoOm netion must and the wage-getting class put tions, { fecared to | this Ww hi comfort or forth in their organiza friendly conference are oneciliation is best method of dispersing the The tion of conciliation is to get th to come to a voluntarily. ely to de positive that surround a controve rsy. Common Arbitration is distine fermine the merit It Board of Conciliation, 8 and give decision. Vie s a State which is also to perform the duties of Arbitration when Conciliation fails. This board should be a representative one as to ils sym- pathies with the two interests involved —fwo members for each interest with a disinterested chairman appointed by the governor of the colony. not be forced in ever labor controversyy but all disputes should, if possible, settled within the trade itself. The important point of the report the way it deals with compulsory arbi- tration. It holds that disputes that al- most assume the character of civil war ought not to lie outside cognizance of the guardians of the public This extract gives the spirit of report on this branch of the that of compulsoiy arbitration, which is forcing itself on the attention of thoughtful men. We are of the opinion that it should {to the subject, is, cotirse would be very greatly to limit the usefulness of board, to allow one plrty to set the board in motion would be, to a certain extent, to put compulsion on the other party, because it must either appear or run the risk of having an award given in absence. But this degree of compul- gion is in the public interest clearly ex- pedient. No quarrel should be allow- ed to fester if either party were will ing to aceept a settlement by the State tribunal. Industrial quarrels eannot continue without the risk of their growing to dangerous dimensions, and the State has a right in the public in- terest to eall upon all who are protects ed by the laws to conform to any pro- vision the law may establish for setting quarrels dangerous to the publie peace, We may mention, in supporteof this view, that we have already some per- tinent and valuable experience. The Neweastle (New South Wales) agrees the matured prop ietors 5,000) ment, which represents | experience of the fand of a ¢ colliery of miners, provides that differences that Iie f the court may be submitted and that either party may set the court in action, ompact body conl cannot settled out o to a referee, su be in each Five cases have hitherto been mitted, the taken the initiative, hay ing the coming into court to defend miners CHsNe masters their posi- tion. The question whether the arbitrators should have power to ¢ nforee their de- inflict fines for cisions or Tie m-compli- ance is considered, commission does not hold compulsion to Iu HOCES- sary, surrounded as it is with difficult The repo It has been sald that if cannot compel arent BAYH: an arbitra- bedience to The L XH rience tion court its decisions it will b to . though not wholly, In Engl: arbitracons have ouiside because the the th essed vhe pu “pose have been inoperative, useless, answer this is that almost wholly the ind all the trade law, other way. bhoeen ree laws for thouzh arbitrations have the ry not on of Numerous, CASCS {'e Y i have The reas decisions have decisions the been { peaceiul adjustment. - ee - Centre county to make the Republicans expect election of some of their Well, we dont ir ticket any DOM Nees, 6 any- thing so strong in th to give not nameon it then such hope, the Democratic ticket render We will carry the counly by | jority, to weak. SiN ia~ { A { That old, cratic | fifty | live twice fifty and able Demo- Post Saturday again. stauneh, the years old organ, Pittsburg was on may it a . Republican Vermont, | last week, threw out a straw. Demo | eratic Arkansas last week threw out a straw. Doth siraws point direct to Cleveland. Two straws, ¥ also, wl WAGESABROAD. A persistent inquirer has finally in. duced an amateur Protection journal to publish a statement of the wages paid in various industiies in England, France, Germany, Italy and Austria. This is the only fair comparison to make between countries of the Old World haviog similar conditions as to density of population, demand for la- bor, productiveness, cost of living and the other fuciors that everyw.aere con- trol wages. To compare Old World wages with those of the New World is to ignore differences which are as obs vious as they are vital. From the figures given it appears, as the World has frequently pointed out i and workingman | free trade Enge- than 100 protectionist intelligent Wi as every knows, that ros in lnnd are from 50 to more per higher than in Cent, France, Germany or lialy. instance, receive #4 Blacksmiths, for week in Ei in Ger- France. There difference 8.02 pet izland, and $5.81 is the pay of carpenters, many in stihaty the intially Bate in masons, paint- ers, machinists, shoemakers and other tondes, per week in England, $3.11 in Germa- Common laborers receive $5.20 and $3.03 in France, If the tariff the United Stales, why the eflect at hier protectionists ny high in does it makes wages not and of s ventur- | have in the Europe ? KAMme Ciermany countries NO proiectionist ha question and none will. - » -_ for night's begun to boom last Bourke Tatumany has Cleveland, hering and vriday Cockran's all stands, with doubts Her aside York eve ringing speech, puts where New 11 be for ( wi land, and YO reform. The Empire state is Demo- | atic, whet harmo- } and » banner t ever our Is party Harmony inscribed i= on | here is often his who His wheat than fleeced inter- immer CAL any © Tae rade as near he Democrat rhiteenth Co a A PERIOD OF OVERPRODUCTION. hie Liread and t ariel t ana oil world the low- The avail- over 110.- cord, year cut ices Known for s able supply of thie the ls more O00 006) bushels, argest on Ie od O00 00x) than a bshoela pero and 40,000 000 bushels more than dats The Pennsylvania oil is about 19- HN (HK), at “nn in 1880 visible v of 006) bar els and of Ohio oil in th prime necessaries of life and comfort j« not unmixed The borer is worthy of his hire, but the cents a a barrel, The depression in is due in a meastare to over-production, although the presen) quarantine restrictions no doubt have some bearing upon market conditions, The Western wheat raiser and the Pennsylvania oil operator, however, are not the only sufferers in this re- The Southern cotton planter and the pig fron producer have been compelled to face the problem of over- production and have as yet only par- tially solved it. There seems to have been a surfeit of good things the past two years, and as sometimes happens to the human system, the commercial system is temporarily clogged. The money lender is just recovering from a similar state of congestion, and the producer has the consolation of know- ing that his complaint, though seri- ous, is not necessarily fatal, 000 barrels, Cheapness ese two an blessing. In- in- bor of producing wheat at 73 bushel and oil at 55 cents is not worthily paid. both commodities large spect, Sins aA A 50 AAA Candidate for assembly, Ham ilton, has got on the fence question, * Now let him define his position also on the United States senator question. Is he Quay or nay? Many Republicans care more about the latter than the former. sixty Million Bashels of Wheat A Bush Inhabitant of the United Stites. The Kansas Crop of '92, history for every Never in the of Kansas this The enough hands and the B special rates Kansas ( other Missouri River towns, harvest The from sixty year. farmers cannot get to harvest the great crop anta Fe Railroad has from ‘ity and to induce to go into the of the stats xty-five million bushels th. Th very large hands wheat crop will Lo 8) and the quality is hig crop is made, and is a one; the early potato , I'ye burl y and large. for made and are all has it is the found in the country to-day. crops are wenther been propitious corn and cleanest, best all points the Missouri River, August 30 ciO1H mi. Fe Kansas and the points, Louis 1 east of 10 on and Sep I | tember 27, and these excur give a chance for eastern farmers hat the A good slate great Sunflower map Of will upon appl to 723 Monadnock Block together with reliable Kansas ication J. Byrm ago 111, ition at Kansa 1 ont lpn Ap Deserving Praise Is Ds § baed LAT a - Homeseckers' Excursions, Excursions 1 August ; Tig ith and Kanshs Colorado, Texas, Wym Idaho, New Mexico This is a great opportuni , to points in and iy { magnificent tracts of land sale by the Union Pacific at low prices For will sell tick- time, this and on ten years OC casion the Union Pacific trip. See your nearest ticket agent. a -) am An Elegant Souvenir, “The Western Book.” ly illustrated publication descriptive of all the western resorts along the lines of the Union Pacific System. Sent free upon receipt of 6e. in stamps. Ad- dress E. LOMAX Pass, & Tkt. Agent, Omaha, Neb, tesort a fing Gen. id iH a - For many years Mr. B. ¥. Thomp- son, of Des Moines, lown, was severely afflicted with chronic diarrahwea. He says: “At times it was very severe; so much =o that I feared it wouid end my life. About seven years igo I chanced to procure a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhosa Remedy. It gave me prompt relief, and I believe cure me permanently, as I now eat or drink without harm anything I please. I have also used it in my family with the best results.”” For sale by J. D. Murray Duggist. Musican Conia i. ~The Fall Term opens Bep. 12 in Voeal and Instru- mental Music, For catalogues address Henry B. Moyer, Frovhug. Pa, —-———— A DMINISTRATORS NOTIOE. LETT ERS of Administration upon the osiate of James Grove, dea'd., of G wnatip, haying Liawiuily all re ait fren know} would rex re wing themselves ludebiod 10 : © estate to make im- mediate payment, % ihe those having claims sgatnst the same to present them duly suthenti- ented for setliement. W. F. REARICK, 1. P, GROVE, Adm! Spring A & plot IN. FAU BELLEFONTE, In or wry friends, we make IREIEbOT Of 3 ar fas 1 the follow oat Fou wilaent ues , or i i gu ABSOLUTELY FREE OF CHARGE. k ¢ this special offer freriieing rirail we w and write your fu vor ie safely or You io the fo nn Xpress CO Send the photog Hoping AROTICE, Cut thie out and return HR SATE when you send n. As to eo tA pt Commercial Bank, Fargo in every » the D EALERN A Scientific rinciple sells at sight, Machine made on a Scientific ir cost a dozen times a year A child can operate it and discounts. Oregon, Washington and the Northwes Pacific Coast. travel- ing public to the far West for a com- fortable and at the omical mode of The constant demand of the time traveling, led to the establishment of what is known as Pullman Colonist Sleepers, These same has CAs are man Sleeper, the only difference thet they are not unholstered. T acy are furnished go 4 comfortable wa n blankets, curtains, plenty brushes, ete. cupant of a berth as much privacy as is to be had in first-class sleepers, There are also separate toilet rooms for hair snow white of towels, combs absolutely prohibited. For full in- formation send for Pullman Colonist Sleeper Leaflet. EK. L. Lomax, Gener- al Passenger and Ticket Agent, Omaha Neb. t. 1 AMAN..... Always seek tomake in- vestments fromwhich he can receive the most in return in benefits or dividends. $1.50 invested in a year’s subscrip- tion to the “Reporter” will adividend declared each week on the investment. Harvest Excarsions, — Half Rates. Avigust 30th and September Tith, The Burlington Route will sell round trip tick. ets at half rales, good 20 days, to the cities and farming regions of the West, Northwest, and Southwest. Eastern Ticket Agents will sell through tickets on the same plan. See that read over the Burlington Route, the best line from Chicago, Peoria, Quiney ft. Louls. For further information write ¥. 8, Evers, General July 2'-2m NEHRASKA FARM LANDS, Send your address, and that of your friends to ut CB. & a ands of Nebraska. This “tate produced in one year three hundred w other grain, frat end live stock ORSALECHEAP AND ON EASY TERMS A full Roller Process, Short System, Steam sud Water power grist mill, Als four tracts of Mineral with Oosl, Fire clay and limestone, Contains from 100 to on £0 RR Enguismor tL of R. MUEL PHILSON, aug 112m Berlin, Bomerset County, Pa. .