BOONASTEILL IN POLITICS, He Relates Mis Experience With Candidates for Olce, Middleburg Post. LIEVER KERNAL HARDER. sagwa ich hob ordlich goot ous ga- maucht. Om letsht Dinshdawg der Felty Shmidt aw cooma un ons Hullerhecka g'shtupped, un is hut in der oldt.Solaklupper, der Sam Schnitx- ler, der Johnny Hounaberger un der Billy Bixler oll um der waig. Der Schmidt is en condidawt far Dresherer un are bahawpt are ware sure os are de delegates grickt uffem Soon Barrick: un der Schnitz Creek, in Hosselnis Schwam, im Eila Shtettle un aw in der shtadt; un won are now aw om ce Can't do tt 2 ling to pay for lsarning how to ood an article ns Worri's Ace dX itier can profitably sell it at 10c, Our price is 20c¢. retailer says the publie will not pay Vio say the public will, beeause they always pay a fair price for a good To show both the trade and the pubiio that we want to, give them the best : ast money, we will pay $10,000.00 Reward For above information ; this offer is open until January 1st, 1803. WOLFF & RANDOLPH, Philadelphia, sey to don is are sure far de olsfardt ni far der besht gane gableased. Are hut mere 'n sort fum a wink gevva os are private mit mer shwetza will in der naiva shtoob, un mer sin ni, hen de deer tsu gamaucht, | un grawd amohl on de bisniss. | Are hut mer explained os are wil- | lens ware es recht ding tsu do won mer eme de delegates doh maucha, un | hut gadoo os won are sich tsu sawga gons uff my influence ferlussa date, un 0s are calculata date os es ebbes kusht Ich hob eme don grawd g'sawd os mit a wen- far de delegates ni tsu runna. nich surplus kent mer gor net faila. Don hut are wissa wella we feel os es about kushta date de karls im a goota humor holta mit beer, un tsu letsht hen mer agreed uff tzwelf dawler, un are hut mer grawd sex dawler gevva uff account mit der undershtanding os are de onner sex uff’ cashed so bol os | are de greeked, Sell war awer olles private tswisha mere 1 shtimm: eme. Don sin mer widder nous baar-shtoob un are hut se nuch uff g'setzed un don ob de shtrose nuff in sirae buggy un linx gadrait uff der Hawsa barrick. In wennicher os en fartle shtoond, we mer nucholl der Sam Kisselmoyer aw cooma. is aw en condidawt far bynonner waura, is Are un Ich hob ene etlich | for Dresherer ich ken ene goot. ols in der shtadt Are hut yusht tswwe moh! gatreat. far are WAr, awer hut inerer tzent mer gadoo os won wennich hurry ware. Awer are hut duch ganunk g'hot far a winnieh shwetza in der are a mit naiva shtoob, un ich ich gor ennich fun da condidawta, weil ex evva geld kusht far de delegates maucha do rick. feel wase ich aw.” g'sawt, un ni Hers hob eme g'sawd os nuch net commit bin far anes hom Bar- Ho w hut are grawd i daw ler un hut gevva un sawet: OUus de em sock rous in hound Gottlieb, doh, nems un shtechs in der sock, sawg nix, awer mauch mer de delegates un won du dusht bin ich goot far doubled “All right,” hob ich sin mer nows in de don feel.” don el #0 Un baar-shtoob un ich or! = sawt., hob mines g'numma ous der schwartza buttle, un don hut are uns oll farry- well gevva un grawd ob in sinere foor, un holes mich der dihenker net aw nous is ut’ de Hawsa shirose. i Der naixt dawg is aw der John Petz- miller ins shtettle cooma. Are is hous far Dresherer. Awer are wore net gons so shmart. Are hut de jig gers yusht # mohl uff g'setzed awer ich hob ene aw in de g'numma, un hob eme tsu farshte | gevva os mit a wennich shmaltz fum | surplus kent mer ebbes do far ene. Are war orrick particular, un grawd g'sawt | os are Kee cent geld batzawla con far shtimma, weil sell gmga «i principle | gait. Ich hob em g'sawgt sell is ex- | actly recht, un os ich es gor net so | ich willens ! ware my sega geldtsu shpenda far eme : de delegates secura, un os der aginsich | difficuity is os der Joe Kreider mer finf | won are barricker aw naiva shtoob gamained hel, awer os net greega con. “Well,” seaht egny expense, ei don will ich sawgn wos ich du-—doh, ich lain der now finf dawler so os du net warda musht bis der Kreider dich batzawlit,"’ un are hut mer aw grawd de finf daw- ler gevva, un ich hob eme de hond gevva un g'sawt, des gait now uff’ air- liche bisniss principle un de finf daw ler husht du mer now galaind ols en per- manent investment.’’ Mit da onnera tswee condidawta far Dresherer os doh om Barrick aw garoofa hen hob ich awer net feel do kenna. Ainer hut mer dri dawler galained, un der onner hut mich mohl gatreat ous der schwartz buttle, un don, so a wennich naiva drous hut are mer nuch en fartle dawler gevva ols a wennich beer wexed. * - » = * MoRrALS.—En gakawfdie ‘gookod mer net ins mowl, En engel in polidix farleered ern fligger in der arshta campaign. En gooder politichner watched si friend usht so close os si feind. Ols Widder, BoONASTEIL. ss Yd A eA guarantee goes with all goods purchased at Mingle’s shoe store, Belle fonte, and when a purchase Is made it can be depended upon as reliable. - . shtimm - i : i i i i i Pik-Ron 1s the name of a paint which does work that no other paint can do. New wool painted with it looks iike the natural 1 when it is stained and varnished. PAINTERS AND BUILDERS I ind it profitable to investigate. A int stores sell As ¥ 8 es Cured Her. VI Cannory, Iowa, July, 1880, I was suffering 10 years Srem shocks in my Centre Ha 1S / All grades of Roller flour con- stantly onhand, at whole- sale to dealers and at retail. All grades of Chop. | Bran, fine and coarse. to recover. I took medicines from many doo- Koeuig's Nerve Tonle, The second dose relieved we and 2 bottles cured me, 8. W. PECK, Hammsvinee, Pa, March, 1591. We began using Pastor Koenig's Nerve Tenie for our li-yearold daughter (who had had « pie | loptic fits since she was § years old) over a year ago with but Httle hope of any good, as we had been so often disappointed in other ren Low, oal, always on hand, Hard, Woodland all and get better, and we hope that any and ail afflict ed with this terrible disenso will try your won derful remedy. 1 recommend your medicine to every one aflected with any nervous aMiction whalever, 8 BINGHAM, | ~A Valuable Book en Nervous | Diseases sent free to any sddroes, | snd poor patients ean siso obtain | this medicine free of charge. i This remedy has been prepared by the Reveron Pastor Koenig, of Fort Wayne, Ind. since 180 s iz now prepared under his direction by the KOENIC MED. CO., Chicago, iil. Sold by Druggists at $1 per Bottle. 6 for 85. | Large Size, 81.75. 6 Dottles for 89, w uk PENNSYLVANIA STATE COLLEG ATE! OF THE FUL AND HEALTHFUL ALLEGHENY REGION; TIONAL: OPEN TO FUITION F E OTHER 1} LOW : MOST BEAUTI| SPOTS IN THE | UNDENOMINA- BOTH SEXES; BOARD AND PENSES EADING DEPARTMENTS OF STUDY. AGRICULTURE (Three Courses) and AGRY | RALCH ; with constant fl tions in the Labora theoretd. t original | fy fnciiitios for 0 ctital LITERATURE, Latin 1d English (ree ASTRONOMY: pure | POLITICAL BCT snd History 1%. instruction theoretd | nolading each arm of ithe | 3 DEFVARTMENT: ly graded and thorough, Fall tern ojens Sept. 14. 1802. Examinations for admisio une 16 and Sept Commence. ment week J 255 i}, For Catalogue or other informa « Ba ATHERTON, LILD., Prost. te College, Contre Co. Me HUMPHREYS’ Dr. Husraaeys' Sencieics are scientifically apd carefully prepared ® | teed for reany Jeans in private practioe with success, and for over years by the people, Every single Spee a special cure for the Altcase na. These Specifics cure withous Srogxing. ing or reducing the system, and are In Toot oh deed the sovereign remedies of the World, esl and praotios AETV ICY PREPARATORY Tears 18, Two wie fe 13 qm LIBT OF PRINCIPAL KOS, CURES, vers, Congestion, Inflammations orms, Worm Fever, Worm Colle. ., yixin Colle, or Teething of Infants, arrhen, of Children or Adults, gsputer Oriping, Billous Colle holera | arhus, Vomiting ong ho shitida.. our in, er ache Faceache eadaches, flock Headache, Vertigo yapepaia, Billous Stomach. Plkcsncd or Painful Periods. t too Tse ap, Cough, Difficult Breath! We Jhon, Era iieins, Rrngilons 4 .. “EEE esas. 1 oF Bleeding es 4 . ¥; or Bore, or Weak Eye s In bens. (oid In the ng Congh, Violent Coughs. ny Oppressed tha rges, ¥ rofula, En » lity, ¥ er et; or av © EE EEE ' ney ervans arged yulcal foes : Vs Sicknem from Riding |} n pile Seminal Jeg A Hii As a general liniment for sprains and bruises or for rheumatism, lame back, deep seated or muscular pains, Chamberlain's Pain Balm is unrivaled. forain wai cash paid for same at hi market prices Spec ti others | Wedresdas : I hie Second 3 surevivicg Administraior of 4 of Henry Yer fate of Harris tow neh loco Ihe first and partial aocountiof FP. lH. Meyer inistrator of Ke. of C. C. Mover inte of Harids M ad wp mw i final scoount of 1 Hare! exe of &x iate of Gregg Twp |, detvasd 4 First aod fhml soconot of executor of &c., of Mary Hendernsou Twp. deceased 5. The sccount of Andrew Guiser, executor of &e., of John Gulser, late of Miles Twp, deceased & The first and fins! acoount of Andrew Gy admioistestor of &c. of Mary Guiser, late of M Twp. deceased, 7. First and executor of &c | Twp , Gecessed 8 Actount u, Hors Darius Waite inte of Mion et iles final account of W. W of M. J. Rupert, of M LL Rishel sdministrator of Twp. de On ged . 9. First and final acount of B ministrator of &a , of Jacob Lute Twp., deceased 10 The account of U. 8 Bhaffer, exer of uf Simon Small inde of Miles Twp | deconsed 11. The fist aod fing] scconnt of George Gans brick ana Henry J. Garbrick adminisorators of &o.. of B. Franklin Garrick late of Walker Twp, F. Shaffer ad tor end final acount of Miller, exevntorn of inte of Walker Twp, 12 The AM &c., of Adam McEwen ia Johu J. Arvey, one of the executor of Jacob Arney late of Potter Twp. deceased 14. The account of John J. Ar ey sdministra tor of &e., of Rachel deceased, 15, Twenty fifth svpual scoount of Rhoads, surviving trustee of Wm. A deceased 16, ministrator of &¢ Twp , decensed 17. The acount of istrator of &c., of Thomas McEwen ville Bro, deceased 18 &e , of of Win spotis, late George Alexander, admin inte of Union Centre Hall Boro deceased 19. The Orst and final scoount of W., HH, Cor man, admin strator of &c , of Rebeoon Wolf, Inte of Miles Twp, deconsed or of Ke, Jos. K. Weber, late of Miles Twp, ad 21. First and final acoount of W, D Crosby, ad ministrator of &e., of Robert Stevenson ate of Philipsburg Boro, deceas 4. 22. First sand final acoouot of A. GG, Archey ad. ministrator of &c., of Phoebe Fisher late of Fers guson Twp. deceased i 2, Acoouvt +f WW, Bpaogler, administrator a. bone toa of &o., of Bamuel Spangler lat of Potter Twp., deceased, 2 Aceount of Nathan Mitchell, goardisn of Sarah B., Mary A, and Wm. PP. Mitchell, minor children of John P. Mitchell, late of Howard Boro 4 us filed by EK. 8. Dorworth surety. 26 First and final account of J H. Alexander, and WH. Runkle administrators of ac., of Jacob Runkle late of Potter Twp. deceased, JOHN A. RUPP, Register esse Mr. John Carpenter, of Goodland, Ind., says: “1 tried Chamberlain's Colie, Cholera aud Diarrhoa Remedy, for diarrhoea and severe cramps and pains in the stomach and bowels with the best results. In the worst cases 1 never had to give more than the third dose to effect a cure, one dose will do. good qualities it is pleasant to take.” 32 and 50 cent bottles for sale by J. D. Murray. ~—Subscribe for the REPORTER. Farmers Supplies, | SOYTH BEND CHILLED PLOW. The Farm ers Faverile Plow. This plow runs so steatly that a boy who can drive the team can man the plow. There are seven different suction shares to this plow for plowlog clay, gravelly and stony soil These shares are of the best make, which we sell at lower prices than any other first-class chilled plow share can be purchased. A trial of this piow will convince the most skeptical, that the plow will falfil our claims SPRING TOOTH HARROWS.—We propose bereatter w buy Spring Tooth Harrows a of the Bpring Tooth Harrow Monopoly, therefore we now offer Spring Tooth Harrows ot $1.50 to 82.00 each less than the combination prices. We want every farmer to know that we are headquarters for the best implements und low prices Conklin Wagons, Champlon Wagons, Farm Carts and Wheel Barrows, ‘hamplion Road Machines and Champion Cr the popular machinery for Htone improving BARBED Win in Link Wire I lain and barbed bh wi t lowest pr we (iH §- A chance for dump hay rake The best self for $18.50 net cash We sell the the United States for 830.00 on 1 ne or H per ceul. off for cash, mak oN ’ HAY RAKES AND TEDDER bargains We sell the best han i 0 net « America for $1 r rake tedder in Hix months ti i net ing the ash pri which wlio jon los Rock i and seo ns rreys and earts | d1CT. We open this season with the latest Harper & Kre all productions of Dress Goods. . . . . Clothing ...Notions, Ete.. We ask your inspection of our stock, promising unsurpas sed assortments and values that will surely ple EI GOOD, a5€. ot of pleasure C8 Caris oan CO al ATTORNEYS. ALMONT 3 ie to. iiad Bellefonte, PE THE DISA & £0. Pa. i | ONS | Li i 1 ni 1 J ww dependent | f Army servise are | 3 Your cisim speedily and | Iv presocuted imeeuied James Tanner, Isxioner of Pensious, Washiogten, DC. fe WOE fe 1 fdded If vou wish ‘ sucoessfy Late Comm ~4 ARR RRR AAA RAR SRA BAA ! ted fof Mopeaare Fees Eis OrrosiTe U.S. Parent Ornice i we can secure patent in Joss {ime than those Washingion 1. drawing or photo, with des i FATAL LRARAARARR ALAR LABS VRAY Attorney at Law, BELLEFONRTE, PA iret ws build § Can be cous M. BOWER *, BOWER & ORVIS At orpeys at Law BELLEFONTE ¥ { law LEVONTE, PA fice in Conra DALE, All Ww. 1 & FART AARAAARAL AAA ALBLBAL ALAR - ’ PE. PATENT Ofnice, WassinaTon, D.C. ¢ AAV RAR AARAV LALA SAAS RSA or ¢ Buacklen's Arnlea Salve world for Cuts Malt Rheum, Chapped Hands, BELL Receive 4 i jsuwl ina ail Skin Erup- tively cures Piles, or no pay . A gh passengor « i: PRTG car { HOTELS. ranted to give per refunded. Honey Price 25 cents ie For sale bs irray, Druggist. Scientific American Agency for CAVEATS TRADE MAR DESION PATENTS COPYRIONTS, eto. For information and free Handbook writ MUNN & OO. #1 Bro Hand Y. New ox. Oldest bureau for securing patents In Amerios. Every patent taken out by us is brought before the public by 8 notice given free of charge iu the Scientific American Larpest edrenintion of sty sebentifie paper in the world, Splendidiy llostrated No intelligent man should be without 11. Week! 25 " : BL six months. Address MUNN & OO, nr | Poniians 31 Broadway, New York. Ww Look! 0 0 ( I am now prepared to furnish Farm Implements and Repairs of all kinds at the LOWEST PRICES! £m wi} Special attention given to repairs. 0H wri} HIKE RE K. Woods Caldwell. Proprietor LOCK HAVEN, PA {sod sample roon ~K Frusuwel B oT BELLY £ RImubity wii ¥ lu es aid i mid Demat Leiges Yer) otvosite Court He Opposite Court Hou RELLEFOKRTE PA leaves N i Te or ii Washingion i NG MILLS HOTEL, D H. Rubi FRM IIPeT ( Proprietor, t SPRING MILLE, PA inure LEWISHEVRG AND TYRONE RAILROAD. Daily Excepi Sunday, & estward, MPM. AM BTATIONES ERHOFF HOUSE gif 5 50; Montandon G. B. Brandon, Proprietor, ] 6 20 Lewisbu BELLEFONTE, PA $ X Lew ibure Good sample 6 3! Vicksburg rales 0 withosses {6 45 Miflinburg 00! Millmont 8 Glen Tron Paddy Mount {7 581 Coburn 01 | Zerby 10 Rising Spring SRK AK Penn Cave 0318 24i0entre Hail rege Linden Hal 208 12/0sk Hall 4% 46 Lemont 2818 51 Dale Sy 5719 00 Plossant Gap 4019 04 Axemann 10 459 10 Bellefonte Additional trains leave Lewis Eastward, ARI M PN 8 20s 56 #10 5 - Special WH WNL Ord & Zerfing, Proprietor, LEWISBURG, PA. Good sample | af wf af wt NG 105 5 80 00 We dh Bh oh A AEE RRR RET ISIE ESS 319 ARCH gT | Located | T. ELMO BOTEL 3817 AND Philadelphia, Rates $2 per day 09 ob 6002 mW Montan- Le BERRI ROBO RD MG 0 285uNE BERBER R EES Ww WAGONS and CARRIAGES, :, FERTILIZERS and SEEDS. O msi} All goods guaranteed, Ooo 0 ordered in due time. W. L. GOODHART, Millheim, . « Pa. i COURT PROCLAMATION. ~WHEREAS THE ! Honorable A 0. Furst, President Ju of the Unurt of Common Pleas of the th Jodieial Alstrict, consisting of the countivsof Contre and Hantingdon, and the Honorable Daniel Rhoades and the Honorable Thomes F Riley, sssociate Judges in Centre. having issued thelr pre bearing date the 28th day of July, 1802, to me di rooted, for holding a Oourt of Oyer and Term iner and general Jall Ddivery and Quarter Sessions of the Pesce in Bellefmie, for the county of Cen- tre, and commatios on the 4th Monday of A . the 20nd day of August 1992. and to osntinne two weeks, Notice is hereby given tn the Coroner, Justiors of the Peace, Aldermer and Constables of said eonnty of Contre. that they be then and there in thelr proper persons, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, with their records, inguisi- tions, examinations, and their own remem - ces, to do those things which to thelr office pertains to be done, and those who ae bonod in revognizances Wo ite against prisoners that are or shall be in the jail of Centre County, be then and there 10 prosecute against them as whnll be just Given under my hand at Bellefonte the 28th day of July in the year of our Lond, 1502 and the one hundred and filteenth year of the Indepen- dence of the United States, WM. A ISHLER, Sheriff, A DMINIHTRATOR'S NOTICE. «LETTERS of Administration upon the o ble by street cars constantly pessing the door, It offers svecial indoscments to those visiting the city for business or pleasure. Your patronage respectfully solicited. Jos. M. Fearn, —— Sepoptunity | " HE nd hb See majority neglect their oo serianition, and from that conse live in poverty sad die ohoenrity! Harrowing despair is the lot of many, 88 the) uk bark on lowt, forever lost, opportunity. Bale bs pass. ig! Honeh out. Be up and doing. | mprove your oppor» HALE. And SEEATe prOpeTILY, prominence, pence. TL was si by 5 philosopher, that “the Goddess of Fortune offer » gol ® unity 4a sheh parson ul sume period Li brats ths hanes ARE she pours oat har He 3 fall 4 de wn nnd ohe were 16 return’ How shall you tnd ¥ Investigate every chance that fair promios: that is whet all sue Ha wueh an is moi sfion paaiy to iy and iy slither son. AN ages. You ean GoLPEN burg for don at 5. 20am, 1000 a mn, 1.20, 585and 7 turning leave Montatdon for Lewisburg st m0 Dam 5b pmANe pm, andb lb pm CHAR EPDGH 1. BR, WOOD Gomera] Maneger Gen Pa'eer Apt $23 Favors Sings LOW ARM, $20.07 Drop leaf, fancy cover, tw drawers, nickel ring and a full set of Attachment ual to any Singer Machin . from $40 to $60 by Can wassers, A trial in your home before pay ment is asked. Buy direct from the Manufae turers and save agents’ profits besides gettin certificates of warrantee for five years, Sem. for testimonials to rative Sewin Rachive Co., 201 S. 11th St., Phila, Pa. AWE PAY FREIGHT $8 é Pp m, $50 a J. B. HOBE MEDICA 1. Oy BOG N 2ECOND 87, hilailip a, Ma Are the olded 1 Aer oa be valiwnt of Disossen & Youth ii Drvces, Hood Pals, Nercoms Deblifte, Prose, Rime ni Disch un, Sieh tn es, Bada, Kinney aki Diss 8 Varl voce 0 Hydroe te, Riv ture, pormabentie vire 1 By Saproviad teet hiss without detec © omy Yaaro fnions, 9 he srovess 1 du io boo gl FEO low ¥ 0 the pane Yemaaien peed s tied 10 he thor. bo swudastion an walobtigl tention piven patients Jiri treaties ne, A La £0 pin years edtablishim 1d bxow Rutrgnion OE ment by Nuit on i »