REV. DR. TALMAGE. The Eminent Brooklyn Divine's Sun. day Sermon. » Subject: * Forgive and Forget TEXT: will I remember no more."—Hebrews viii, 32. the heliotrope, of the Assyrians is the water Chincse is the chrysanthemum. national flower, but there is hardly any flower more suggestive to many of us than the forgetmenot. Weall like to be remem- bered, and one of our misfortunes is that there are <0 many things we cannot remem- ber. Mnemonics, or the art of assisting memory, is an important art. It was first suggested by Simonides of Cos five hundred years before Christ, Persons who had but little power to recall events, or put facts and names and dates in processions, have through this art had their memory reinforced to an almost incredible extent. A good memory is an almost in- valuable possession. it. I bad an agel friend who, detained all night at a miserable depot in waiting for a rail train fast in the snow banks, entertained a group of some ten to fifteen clergymen, likewise detained on their way home from a meeting of presbytery, first, with a pieca of chalk, drawing out on the black and sooty walls of the depot the characters of Walter Beott’s “Marmion,” and then rociting from memory the whole of tnat poem of some eighty [ies in fine print, My old friend, through great age, lost his memory, and when I asked him if this story of the railroad depot was true he said, “I do not remember now, but it was just like me. Let me see,” said he to me, ‘have l ever seen you before? “Yes” | said, “you were my guest last night and I was with you an hour ago.” What an awful contrast in that man between the greatest memory I ever Enew and no memory at all, But right along with this art of recsilec. tion, which I cannot too highiy eulagzize, is one quite as importans and yet I never beard it applau lel. 1 mean the art of for getting. There is a splendid fac r in that direction that we all need to ca We might, through that process, be times happier and more useful thas we now are We have been told that forgetininess is a weakness and ought to be avoided by all possible means, So far from weakns s5, my text ascribes it to God. It is the very top of omnipotence that God is able erate 1 part of His own memory. If we repent of sin and rightly seek the divina forzivensss the record the misoehavior n ony crossed off the book, but Gol acige iy lets it pass out of memory “Their sins and tueir iniquities will I re. member no more.” To rewember no m is to forget, and You cannot make anything else out of it. God's power ol forgetting ix so great that if two men appeal to Him, and the one man, after a life all right, ges the sins of his heart pardoned, and tos other man, after a life of abomination, gets par doned, God remembers no more against one than against the other, Tne entire past of both the moralist, with his imperfections, and the profligate, with his debaucaeries, is as muuch obliterated in the one case as in other. Forgotten, forever and f “Their sins and their iniquities will I member no more.” This sublime attribute of for ctfulusss on the part of God you and 1 need in cur finite way to imitate. You will do well to east wut of your recollection all wrongs d youd. During the course of one’s life he is to be misrepresented, to be lied about, to jured, There are those who keep things fresh by frequent rehearsal, If bave appeared in print they Keep them iu their scrapbook, for they cut thess precious paragrapis out of newspapers or books and at leisure times louk them over, or they have them tied up in bundles or thrust in pigeos- acles, and they frequently r e themselves and toeir friends by an inspection of these flings, these sarcasms these falsehoods, these erueltios, I have known gentlemen who earried them in their pocketbooks, that they ould easily getat these irritations, and they «ut their right band in the inside of the coat pocket over the heartand say: “Look here! Let me show you something.” Scientists catch wasps, and hornets, and poisonous in- cects and transfix them in cnriosity bureans for study, and that But these of whom I speak cateh the wasps, and the hor nets, and the poisonous and play with them and put them ves and on their friends, and see how far the noxious insects can jump and bow deep they an sting. Have ro such scrapbook Kes; noting in your possession tha” is disagree able. Tear up the falsshoods, aud the sian ers, and the hypercriticisms, Imitate the Lord in my text and forget, actually forget, sublimely forget. There is uo happiness for you in any other plan of procedurs, You see all around you, in the church and out of the church, disposition ascorb, malign, cynical, pessimistic. Do vou know bow these men and womon got that disposition? It was by the embalmment of things pantherine and viperous. They have spent rouch of their time in calling the roil of all the rats that have nibbled at their rep- | utation., Their soul 1s a cage of vultures Everything in them is sour or imuittered The milk of buman kindness has been curdled. They donot believe inauytody or anything. fe they soe two people wihisreriog they think it is about thenssives. If they wee twc people laughing they think it is above | themseives. Whore there is ous sweet pip- pin in their orchard thers are fifty crab apples. They have nover besn abie to for- | get. They do not want to forget. They | never will forget. Their wretehedness is su- i preme, for no one can be Lappy if he carries werpctanlly in mind the mean thiugs tliat ave been done him, Un the other band, you can flad bere anl there a man or woman («xr there are not many of them) whose disposition is genial and summery. Why? Have thoy siways been ticated well? Oh, no. Hard things havo been said against them. Tasy bave been charged with officiounsness: and toeir generosities have been sot down 10 a desire for display, and they have many a time been the rubjecs of tittle-tattle, ani thay have bad enough small assaults Jike suas and enough great attacks like Hons to hava made them perpetually miserable, if they | ‘wnuld have consented to be miserable, But they have had enough diviae philoso. by 10 cast off the annoyances, sad they fare Fopt themselves in tho sualizht of God's favor, and have realized that these copositions and hindravcss are a part of a mighty discipline, by which they are to be prepared for uselulness and heaven, The secret ~f it all i. they have by the help of the eternal God learned how to for get, Another practesl thougzht-—when one faults are r ted of lt them go out of mind, 1f God forgetathem, ve ave a right to forget them, our infelicities and misdemeanors, thers is no noed of our 1epenting of thee again, Suppose 1 owe you a large sum of money, and vou are persuaded 1 am incapacitated to pay. and you give ine acquittal from that obligation. You say: “l cancel that debe, All is right now, Start again” And the next day I come in and say: ‘Yoo know about that big debt lowed you. I have come into get you to let mo off. I feel go bad about it | cannot rest. Do int mo off.” You reply with a little impatience: *'1 did let you off, Don't bother youself with any more of that discussion.” “he following dey 1 come in and say: ‘My dear sir, about that debt. | can never got over the fact that I owed you that money. Bt in something that weighs on my mind like a =sillstone. Do forgive me that debt” Flas time you clear los: your patience and say: “You are a nuisance, What do i mean by this reiteration of that affair? | am almost sorry | forgave you that debt, Do understand the plain language in which wid you that debt was canceled?” t r t v oO Is ne ev er. re One sure be in those thing things 0 is we insects, on tae SHOW 1 tians guilty of worse folly than that, (3od has forgottan them. forget them? he has not only but ! Quit this folly, forgiven [ do not ask forgotten, full deliveranca of hits merey. He does | Rivea receipt “or part payment, or so much | received on ncronnt, but receipt in full, Gol | and your iniquities will I remember 110 more.” | As far as possible, let the disagresables of { life drop. We have enough things in the present and there will be enough in the fu. ture to disturo us without running a special train into the great gone-by to fetch us as special freight things left behind, Some tan | years ago, when there was a great ratiroad | strike, I remember seeing all along the route from Omaba to Chicagoant from Chicago to New York hundreds an! thousands of | freight cars switchel on the sido tracks, | those cars loade i with all kinds of perishabls material, decaying and wasting, After the strike was over did the railroad companies bring all that perished material | down to the markets? No, they throw it { off whera it was destroved, and loaded un with something else. Lest the long train of yeur thouznts throw off tho worse than use less freight of a corrupt and destroyed past, aud load up with gratitude and faith and holy determination. We do rot pleas: Gol by the cultivation of the missrable, Ha would rather seo u< hanpv than to se usde- pressed. You would rathor your chil { dren Jaugh than to see them cry, and your Heavenly Fathor has no fondness for tories, My VO only forget your parlonsd tranizros but allow others ti forget thom. The stock baad of many people is to recount in prayer matings ani pulpits what big scoundrels they ounces were, nev not only will not forget their torgiven de ficits, but they seam to by determined that the church and the world shall not forget them, If you want to deciars that you have been the cuiof of sinners ant extol the g that could save su*h a wrach as y lo so, but do not go into particalars, not tall how many timss vou got dean's, to what bad plac want, or how many free rides y prison van bel YOU Were © sions, ohiat on "ACH Wars Do or i “ yi Laampit brother; give it Lo us in buik, It yon any scar: got in warfare, si t bus il yoa have 2 fon it diso able SOAs anve hono 3 fitile re the horrib digged but do not n Bh wrible £33 Sometimes | wnfited felt in Christian mostings 1 ¥ unfit for Car stian service + none of those ave and hati don . seemed th disc eC Us i whica in tae many necassary aristian usafuines, for I never swors a world, or sever got drunk, or went to © Or was gality of assault ar utteradi a slanderous word, or ever did any oas a burt, although [ kn my hear: was sin ful enough; snd I said to myself, “Toers is uss of my trying th do any good, for I or went thro depraved ex perionces;” but afterward | saw consolation in the taougzht that gaiasd any wdination by th» laying of the hands of eness and nfamy. Aad thouzh an rdi y mora snding in a Caristian life, may not be as dramatic a y to tell about, let us bs grateful to Hol ratuer than worry about it, if wa have never plunged into outward abom nations, It may be appropriate ir forme drunkards or relo gnate for those not od how desperate and nasty you ones we wt do not drive a sravonger’s cart into ass:anblages of paopl the most of whom have always been decent and respectacie ut 1 have een sometimes in great evangelistic went into particalarsabout tae sins that they sommittad, so much so that [ felt putting my band on my po sethon dg things ad estimation of FRPTOms or tnt ng places, tery, Ld Ho ¥ thos? no ons in diss life, z a meeting of re ned deh JC ees ty meetings whare psy sie one: cor like or call ing the poice lest these reformed men might fall from grace and go at their old of theft or drunkenoess « tthroatery your sins have been forgiven and your purified, forget the way wardness of the past and allow others to forget it But what [ most want in the light of this text 10 Impress NPON MY hearars an i readers is that we have a sin-lorgetting God. Bup pose thaton the last day—calied the ast because the Nn will never again ris» our earth, the earth itself fluaz into flery yi == sR ODOSIng that on that last day a group of infernal spirits shou bow get near enough the gate of allenge our entrarcce, and canst the the Lord, l=t into the realm of sap -raal gla ines? they said a great many things never ought to have said, they did a great many things they caught never to hava done. Sinners are ¥.: sinners all. And suppose God shoul | deign to answer, He might say: “Yes but did not My only Non die for their ransom? Did He not pay the prise? Not one drop of blood was re- tained in His arteries, not one nerve of His that was not wrung in the torture. He took in His own body and soul all the suff:rings that those sinners deserve. They pleaded that sacrifice. They took the full pardon that [| promised to all who, through My Son, earnestly applied for it, and it passol out of My mind that they wers offenders. Iiorgot all about it. Yes I forgotail about ‘Their sine and their iniquities do | re- member no more.” A un-lorgetting God! That is clear beyond and far above a sin. pardoning God. How often wa hear it said: “I can for. give, Lt I cannot forget.” That is equal to saying, ‘I verbally admit it is all right, but [ will keep the old gruigs good." man forgiveness isoften a flimsy affair, It does not go deep down. It dos pot reach far an. It does not fix things up. The con- testants may saake hands, or passing each other on the highway they may speak the “Good morning” or “Good night,” out the old cordiality never returns, always reanain strained, Thers is something in the demeanor ever alter that seems to say, ‘I would not do vou harm: indeed, 1 wisa you well, but that unfortunase affair can never pass out ol my mind.” There may no hard words pass be. bus ges it life ay being femolit 1 some heaven and sry tude “How souls Why, 1H jasi Foe fey aod Bat God lets our into oblivion, He feels as kindly toward us as though we had bem tpotiess and positively anzelic all aleng, Many years ago a family, consisting of | the husband and wife and litle girl of two | years, lived far out in a cabin on a western { prairie. The husband took a few cattle to | market, Before he started his little child | asked him to buy for ber a doll and he | promised. He could after the sale of the | snttle purchase household necessities, and | certainly would not forget the doil he had omised, In the village to which he went | he sold the cattle and obtained the groceries | for his housenold and the doll for his little darling. He started home along the dismal | rond at nightial’, | As hs went aloug on horseback a thunder | storm broke, and in the most lonely part | of the road, and in th? heaviest part of toe | storm, he heard a caild ery. | heen known to do some bad work along thas | road, and it was kaown that this herdsman | had money with him, the price of the cattie lsold. The horseman first thought it was a stratagern to bave him halt and be despoiled of his treasures, but the child's ory became ore keen and rending, and so be dismountad | and felt around in the darkness and all in vain, until he thought of a hollow that he remembered near the road where the child might be, and for that he started, and sure enough found a little one faggsd out and drenched of the stor n and almosc dead. He wra it up as well as he could and mounted his horse and resumed his journey home, it all } same coolness remains, pardoned offsnses go hited up and supposed all thess lights so as Yo husband through the darkness. But. no. The house was full of excitement and the neighbors were gathered and stood around the wife of the house, who was insensible as | from some great calamity, On inquiry the returned husban i foun that the littie child of that cabin was gone, Bhe had wanders out to meet hor father and got the | he had promised, and the child was | Then the father unvollel from the | the child he hal found in the fields, and lo! | it was his owa ohil'd and the lost 010 of the ott aver the lost one found. | were lost in the spon flalds or among the | mountain crags, Gols wanlering children, | wrapped us in the magtle of His lovs and | fetched us home, gladness ani congratula- | tion bldding ns welecoms., The fact is that { all flock to Him, Through their own blind. {ness or the fault of some rouzh preaching ; that has got abroad in the cmturies, many | men and women havs an isa that God isa | tyrant, an oppressor, an autocrat, a Nana Sahib, an omnipotent Herod Antipas. It is | & libel against the Almighty: it is a slan ler heavens: it is a defamation I counte | in my Bible 8M timss the worl I counted in my Bible 473 “love,” singzie or other words, Then the with counting. timo eo npounded I got tired at flzuros. But the Hebrew and the Greek till they cannot pay any moro tribute to the love and marcy ant kindoess and graces and charity and tenderness: and friendshin and benevolonce and sympathy aud bounteous- news and tathorliness and motherliness and patiencs nad pardoa of our Gol Thera aro certain names 80 magnetic tl their prouuncis it who heat on thrills all { tha Italinn so! liberator, Garibaldi. Marchinz with troops, Pe met a shepherd wily was in great distress Leo wuss he had lost a jamb. Gari- baldi said to his troops: ‘Let this poor shepherd fiad bis lamb” And so, with lanterns and torches y explored th mountains, but did not tae lamb, and saful lata nt nu Hs hein ho find searen @ ight The next agiesp far Craribrudi Lie ny, PHATE de that he had not given up the searci w thasoldiers 4i1, but had kept on sill fa into thenight ani bad found it and he fown the blank «84 from his eouch Iny the ian a, whieh Garibaldi mais » its morning on int sor was found ang and fount Joy SONG en her pulled and ther ordered i Co ur OW ner tha # ¥ of oa heaven t { and vo lorious the cmtarios of heaven and an | rocosver tha! world, wi 1 Was thie fare - rill men hats glorions lost yas ynpany ght y cima, bat | é angelic escort came any tase most ilas - 12 all the way down, and by foas oar little } world, our worid wl by 13 t. ii be found pherd, and then all cantata anti WR 50 1 set open the t, inviting you all to vy and pardon of God; into the ru of the was Kept the Knowle worl oy mn of Mmven wi ‘The Jost the 41 Hit wide gate of my Come into the mere Yea stili further, 4 piace ize of your where ig i One » iniquities Toe piace has bean tora down records destroyed, and you will the ruins more dilapidated and broken and prostrate than th rains of Malrosw or Kenil- worth, for from thse last ruins you can pigk fragn al stone, or you can s*» Loe ours : some broken arch, but after your reg roar forgive ness you cannot in ali memory of God a frag: all your pardoaed sins so larze as a nesdio’'s “Their sins and their iniguitios will I remember no more And noose of th vou if you to back of Jera- vo or tat wont and the fini up some nent of point AL Will surprises * F 4 ed tos ol a Mull will salem (it tae us only 0 cumb I, and ses what flateaa of limestone Xv that sot Lhe roo upright, asiant, ani or climb took A par had bren bling cross Jivering rust out by sickened the fell back on midnight were heard ote] into the WE sax wan A310 tre pieces of the spit bung the q form of Him wh metallic points of cru noonday sun till it i the black loungs of ¢ 3 Six Kinds of 1 on that night which was intar) dayviizht of ( neighing of th» war hor soldiers were we ile differsnt in rat's ibe f tae wand ord sird saddle baa malignants was & the waeping of friends ana © tors was a fos and; ou the rocks was a tifch the expiring Lord was a sixth soan nmingied into coe sadness ein Russia where wolves were pursuing a joad travelers and to save them a servant sprang from the sled int the mouths of wild beasts and iT voured, and thereby the other lives wore gavel are inseribal the words ar love hath no oan than this taat mau iny down his life for his rriend.” Many a surgeon in our own time bas in tracheotomy with his own lips drawn from the windpipe of a diptheric patient that which cured the patient and slew the sur eon, and all have honored tos self sa vifics, jut all other scenes of sacrifice pale fg'ore this most {illustrious Martyr of all time and After that agonizing spectacie our fallen raze nothing about in the - WAS the mang « f the was th ys joo rai jae fadsecnd arth » ths iE sauna And of the wae ater a my faith, and | accept tie promises, and will you not all accspt it? “Their sins and tosir imiquitiss will I remember no moras” "e Cats as Swimmers. Many cats are fond of, rather than averse to, water, and take to that ele. ment freely. Some years ago, when re- siding on the banks of the Thames (writes a correspondent of Land and Water), I had a cat which used regularly to swim across the siver to an eyot which ing forty yards, I often used tr carry her mcross the broadest part of the stream, opposite my house, at least 100 yards, in a punt, and land her on the opposite bank, when, regardless of weather or flood, she would boldly fol- She always swam very low in the water, with tail erect, and weed to shake herself like a dog She was well formance. {though a dread of water is instinctive in cats, if brought up on a riverside they lose all fear of wet and, once the aversion is overcome, love to dabble about and swim, Biting the Nails. The habit is comparaively easy to break off if one goes at it in the right way. A middle aged woman, alter hav. ing bitten her nails almost her entire lifetime, broke herself of the habit by | beginning on one finger. This sue per. sistently left alone and carefully eulti- vated the finger nail, giving a certain amount of attention to it every day. | When this flager nml had grown to the | usual length she took up another, and so on, until all her nails except one were in perfect shap, It took months of the most persistent effort to break up the Inst remaining scrap of this tenacious ols fort, ~New York Press, GOLD I? GEORGIA. titles, A RICH DEPOSIT DISCOVERED KEGA, GA. ~HOW THE GOLD IK SECURED, of North Georgia, and mineral property is being “gobbled” up by capitalists and mining wen from the North and West, The whole gold belt, and particularly that immediately about Dahlonega, promises this year to be the scene of gigantic energy in mining operations, the like of which has not been witnessed sance the carly days in Cali- fornia, This tremendous revival of an industry which bas been prosecuted in a lst ess sort of way for upwards of fifty years field, the result of certain experiments recently completed on a large scale, in the concentration and subse quent reduction by chlorination, of the metailic particles contained in nesrly all of the ores of this camp. These ex. the old ig occasioned by centage of the actual value of the ores, and that by the introduction of methods long practiced in the west but strangely enough, never before tried here, many wines before can worked at enormous profits, The ores are all more i less supburetic, and increas: in sulphur ax well as gold as depth is attained Boome of the riocest ore the writer has ever seen came from water level and below, but con tained »o much sulphur that the stamp mill process alone would not save the goli from it. 'l he new processes introduced do this most effectively and have the virtues of being in. expensive and reallly app to the mills now in use. Ata point about threes iniles from Dahlonega, on the Calhoun elt, of the five great gold-bearing belts Lampkin County, an old mine has opened and some marvelously rich of gold quartz and gravel were discovered, One smad spot is reported E4000 in three dave’ work of the whole pro tuct of mine, ’ eralions, entir iy without fat upward of P¥LOG 0 whole land lot of 40 er 100 feet Wkie, The work on about two only the bree Calye one of bs nn re deDosils the eslitnnle 40 ne Cavers one BOTY, i the RO xtends ent an ire through the lot aiTuy and the resto Mak, war ROTEN, Le ES | Shs OO Leen goid Une P An ID * taken from it bushel or at free gold nen 15th sufficiently to show nt : nid wens sUNK a feet ot the Delt anit iverage batt ha in have Lin unty, and Corpora. iN mine, in, as the with a shares mus w and a por shares si ern Banking and Trust EE ————————— A SPEEDY HORSE. He Went So Fast that Ballets Could Not Hit His Rider. ’ va lrvmer were gath- oat : 6 nor ond gaged 1 AY see, gly hazard Ar with the eves open into an I was bes. my g dr WwIrning hoofbeats squad of John- i 8 my horse, awn as a, turning, ing down on me HRW gallop. and was fl like the wi I heard the pop; pop. pop of their behind me, They fired until their ammunition wae exhausted and never touched me, 1 should have got off all right, but ust then my he stumbled and fell Before 1 could and mount again J was siruck by a storm of bullets.” “Why, how that?!” the Major broke in. “You said their ammunition was (xhausted.” “You, it was, look: chance {o oviriake me. msm sen re Lots of Walnuts. annual crop of English wal Southern California reaches a and a half pounds. essai The first Earopean lady to arrive in Cali ¥ touched the spurs i i soon (1 carbines ana 8 ree rise Was lied, with a sly bullets had a Gile reg “but when | fell t He The nits in million Teo Cleanse the System fous, or when the biool is impure or sluggish activity, without irritating or By rup of Figs violently forward. is clear, Thousands Of dollars | spent trying years. Physicians sald they never saw so severe soase, My legs, back and humor. 1 began to take HOOD'S SARSA. me more heal hy. the sores soon the soaies fell al us won abie to give up orto bandages nid ad a apy man § was” « Dw RY, 45 Bradford Street, Providence, R. 1, HOOD'S PILLS cure liver fle, const ipa. ton, billousness, jaundice and sick headache. Deafness Can't be Cured By local applications, as they cannot reach the heen) portion of the ear, There is only one way to cure deafness, snd that is by constitu. tional remedies Deafness is on used by an in. flamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube gets in. flamed you haves rumbling sound or fmper. fect hearing, nod when it is entirely closed deafness is the result, aod utiless the fnfinsm. mation can bs taken out and this tube re. destroyed forever, ine out of ten are caused by eatarrh, which is nothing but an ue flamed condition of the mucous surfaces, We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of deafness (caused by catarrh) that we cannot cure by taking Hall's Catarrh Cure. Beud for circulars, free. F.J.Cuexey & Co. Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, ix Cpe walk from 6 distance of Nine young men are about to Americus, Ga., to Chicago, 111., 10W miles by road, on a wager. Wm. Sprague Smith writes: “1 find Brad » headache.” All druggists, 1) ty videnee, R. ., niways cures Cents, “It’s all up” with the landiubber when he takes his first sen voyage. Browx's Iron Bitters cures Dys aria, Billousness and Ger Birength, aids Digestion, creat e« appetite, The best tonic Mothers, weak women and children, epsin, Ma. ity. Gives Five.eighths of the bread baked ina London, is mad i e ol ! ¢ ’ American wheat, Brercnav's Piro Cliuxdy for sll For Bait Sweden enum reindeer nmong | leated from the itters, which +n- ryes, 8 CHALI On Persor { BOW energy a Marana yale Ly i an G3 Of, " ie yd strength with two a Other blood to do me an} 1 was troubled from childhood wit gravated case of Tetter, ud three 1 anently. cured me perm — w All 3 M er E i - - Manne £, 3 book on Blood and Skin 4 Swirt Sreciiiw Co., Allaula, “August Flower” AL. MT. Eases TIA a “One of my neighbors, $+ £385 oes 1s diiict di ” gust Flower 1m was magi wrfect he al MPOs: an Kidney, Liver and Bladder Cure. Rheumatism, Lumbago, pain in joints or back, brick dust in urine, frequent calls, irritation, intiamstion, gravel, ulceration or catarrh of bladder, Disordered Liver, Impaired digestion, gout, billious- headache, SWAMP-ROOT cures kKidoey difficultion, La Grippe, urinary trouble, bright's disease, Impure Blood, Serofula, malaria, gen’l weakness or debility. Guarantees a sontents of One Potthe, 1 not bone efted, Draggiete will refund to you the price paid. At Draggists, 50¢, Size, §1,00 Size, “Invalide' Guide to Health "Tree Consultation fret Dr Kituree & Oo, Meavavrox. N.Y. 0PAPLIGSSOO A torpid liver is tho souroe of dyspep- sim slek headache, constipation, piles, bitious fever, ehills and Jaundice. Tut's Tiny Pills have as fie effect om the liver, re. @ storing It to healthy acthn, 25cts. se00006000 [ 5 TO 815 tag jewelry, watches, tableware, sie, neta wiih gold adler or wishes! 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At the two critical periods in a woman's life — the change from girlhood to woman. hood, and, later, the “¢ hange of life” ~—it is a perfectly safe and an es- pecially remedial agent, that can produce only good results, It’s a powerful, iny and a and nervine : legitimate purely vegetable, perfectly less — and carefully adapted valuable igorating tonie, ert # "w strengthenin soothing or ™ ~ meadieins harm- apled an 10 womans 1CRR aa i, OY CX peri Noe ian, dedicat needs, For all the derangements, irregn- . 1 larities, and the sex, the IE 4 rem dy guaranteed, WeAKNeSECeS to “ Fave 80 Corian If it doe faction in returned, women 1s 07 BE DECENED Hh Fates, Eos . ha ubnre Tin Le Rising Sun 8 { Yous, Durable, and 1% { OF Elam package wal | 5s 1 9 liast, Oder. ' rs for no tin rohan SUV LI VET LITE 0S00000C EO “MOTHERS”: RIEND” * F Makes Child Birth Easy. Shortens Labor, Lessens Pain, . 8 1 far tha N ’ i OY 10¢ Lean Book to “* Mothers’ nailed FREE. BRADFIELD RECULATOR CO. ATLANTA, GA. 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