Another Prize Problem, If Moses was the son of Pharaoh's daughter, what relation would Mozes be to the daughter of Pharaoh’s son? THE QUEEN will give an elegant Mason & Risch or Steinaw Fine Toned Upright Piano to the first person an- swering the above problem correctly; an elegant Gold Watch for the second correct answer; a China Dinner Set for the third correct answer; an elegant Silk DressPattern for the fourth correct answer; and many other valuable prize all of which will be announced in the March issue of THE QUEEN. Valuable special prizes will be given for the firsi correct answers from each State, Each person answering must enclose fifteen | two cent U, “The ( dian Queen Military Schottische,” just THE water- 8. stamps for ‘ano. oul, with a of a beautiful together QUEEN, containing color reproduction, ‘Seven, He Loves," and full particulars of our Educational Prize Competitions. offering these prizes is to increase circulation of magazine. By may secure a valuable THE CANADIAN QUEEN, Can. copy The abject Of the this popular family sending to-day you Addresss Toronto, \ prize. “pn —— The While light road question, Tribune, it with suspicion. They the Jut they that there is an economy to waste. Bad roads are { pensive luxury in ean indulge, They destroy wagons, RHoad Question, is breaking upon the ", arls i 4 remarks the toons a good many farmers regard are 4 to which 3 i cost. ought most pe Horse which any wear out make half loads perative, wasting time and shorteni the Farmers who are constantly lives of both man and 1 MIEN miserable apolo the rule in able to see to make use of the which ought to be for roads, country, the most Trosishie could make would be aa, of sufficient to make able, are ! hat investment they the to put into these roads a sum | SOTY jee them really cs fy A Leader, 7 Can't do tt ing to pay for learning how to ang rticle as Wor es ACMB of cheap materinl so that a n profitably eell it at 10¢, Our price is 20c¢. nilor gava the public will not wi the Sg biic will, because they sa fair price for a good both the trade and the tog them the best ill pay 000. Reward this offer is open mn 11h show want } we IV nformation ; wry 1st, 1803. IE & RANDOLPH, Philadelphia. Ron is * ty thntiy tho name of a paint which o other paint can do. New ith it Jooks like the natural iz stained and varnished. TERS AND BUILDERS profitable to investigate. AD § sell Pik- INT Sleeplessness Cured. LG glad a » NOTY BEVERY, Ke that yierion I am I Koenig's sleoplosan: groal relief 1 Tows, Md. } WHOL Tonle was Ory One of the parties g's Nervo al be had through hi $e bo was ¢ JOHN day ti I for a number of yours { ter taking ouly two hott Roet ig 8 Ne srve Tonle her trouble has at lod. JOHN FUL LA KS Farmers Supplies, Soy TH Beno CHiLLE D PL ow. §HOW 1 rm that Ow this wold " Li ride ar y th There are seven d plow «for plowiug and stony These shares are of the best make. which we at lower prices than any other firsl-cluss plow share can be purchased, A irl plow will convince the most skeptical plow will fulfil our claims of that il this a HARROWE. wiih) SPRING TT hereafter 10 the Spring Tooth fans Mo HOW © for Hpi g Tooth Ha each less than the com {every farme HOW that we | for the best implements and los OOTH HIy BD bination Ht i} to { } Conklin Wagons, Champlon Wagons, i Farm Carts and Wheel Barrows, | Champion Road Mac | Crushers—the pop | roads BARBED Wir £. and barbed bie HAy Rak ES AND Lh LN hay r Ry Scientific American Agency for CAVEATS, TRADE MARKS DESICN PATENTS COPYRICHTS, etc. 4 free Handbook write tn i BROADWAY, New Yon, wring patents in America, it by ue is brought baefore y free of charge in the For information MUNN & CO, Oidest bureaa for Every patent taken ot the public by a ¢ ¢ wive Scientific American argoat this Paedicine free of charge. Pastor Koenig, of Fort yoe, Ind. since ING an Since its first introduetion, El Jitters has gained rigidly favor, among alte which permits its use : intoxieant, and purest medicine in popular until now it is clearly int pure atives—containning medicinal toni it is recognize or a Stomach, Liver cure Sick Headache, or Kidnes Indig stipation, and drive i Satisfaction system. guarant each bottle or the funded. Price Sold by J. D. Murray. money only Hie -—— AN EGG-LAYING ROOSTER. - snd As Doetors It is Double-Barrelled tonishes th A great atte: This str Fshleman, a ble laid thirty-nine ange fowl is i i : well kn miller. Sines Ma barn-yard it fulfills the 1 arooster and it has a 1 Dr. J. H. Medi and wattles, Lancaster county test the took the fowl two confined and closely that time it has laid A tp ACCUTACY ih A Full Equipment, The RErorTER office and fine equipment of § latest sty les and desig Fee ive tion of all kinds of job type places supplied with ne has been thrown ou Hig We now have a modernly Work will be executed and dispatch. We carry fine line of wedding ding envelopes, cards, le heads, ete, and guarantee work be strictly need of anything enumerated give usa call, and we will gladly quote prices, in stock invitat stter Ons, and note ete, our! to first class —if in A dispatch from Lock Haven says: Professor A. D. Meloy, of the Normal school, has a fortune in hand. He has | invented a “burner” for the electric | | i 1 light, so that it can be managed the | same as an oll or gas light. He uses | one in his room and it works like charm. It will do away with the system-—'‘full blaze or out.” He has | applied for a patent, and it under | stood that the sockets for new burners | al old | is company at Lock Haven. dls Important Business Notice, of my store, that after April 1st, next, upon the cash prineiple, and all goods ly. ALSO THAT ALL UNSETTLED ACCOUNTS the hands of an date to settle nceounts, Smar 8t, Gro. BR. Mess, Ag't, Tussey ville. ae a Nothing Sucoeeds Like Success, ing Coughs, Colds, Hom seniese and Consumptio coughing, soothes the throat and linegs, snd (n. Guten a good night's rest Hundreds enn testify 10 other. 00d nih andiifeanying tins of this ody. LT ot ean TD. on! 5 Mud wi dey urray's brug Hiore, y KOENIC MED. CO., Chicago, lil Large Size, 81.75. © Bottles for 80. HUMPHREYS: BETS Syrecirics are aclentifically and he berip ions | used for many with corsa and for over Every single Spo diseases named, cin oure ut drugging, purg reads Ana g the system, and are in fact and esovereign remedies of the W orld. celal cure for iW FRISCIPAL crnes, Fevers, Oc NO, Pi vation, inflammations Worms, Worm Fever, Warm Colle. Cryin 3 elie, or Te thing ¢ if Infan ww Pinrr ene Of Childre n iy sbnteryy Griping. B Cholera farbus, Vie Counghs, Cs id, Hr wnch NO a Tooth J eada hes, | Sek He mappressed or 1 Hious St reused Wihlien v * FP { Troup Oy 1 salt Hhe wm, Hheumatism, ilhey =. Ray : Sah ah ad adds : nh oo Mon Gd OE TIEN SEE eee AAALAC a » Ophihatmy, or Catarrh, ini Ww hooping C Asthma £ sun, € ia : ugh, Viochent prresaed Breathing Ear Dise barge », Impaired Hoaring wmerofuln, Enlarged Glands, Sesliing tseneral De bility Jhydioal Weakness Dropsy, and Scanty Secretion men wickness, Sickness from Riding Kidney Disease Nervous Debility Seminal Weak poss, of Involuntary Discharges i Bore Mouth, Canker rinary Wenkness, Wett] ainful Periods, with 8; Diseases of ihe Heat, Paipiati tlepay, Spaam, St Vicos' Dane Diphtherin, Uleorated Bore Throat Chronic Congestions & Fruptions , BARR dd et tnt hv ot gz Bad SSE INDE TINS 33 ¥ Draggists, or sent pv wtpail on receipt Da. Homraseys' Mastat. (14d pages) and In cloth and gold, malled free. UMPHREYS MEDICINE CO liam and John Streets, New York, EER ACA ES BARNET VA VE AN W EGRET ROW H' MPHEEYS VETERINARY SPECIFICS. ~ Used by all owners of Horse and Cate tle. A Complimentary copy of Dr. Humphreys’ Veterinary Manual (3X0 pages) on treatment and sof Domestie Animale Horses, Cattle, Shee w Sent free. HURFEREY Wilson and John Sta, N.Y. [Roto mcacacans and Poultr DETER CN, OOF, Look! i 4] I am now prepared to furnish Farm Implements and Repairs of all Kinds at the LOWEST PRICES! 1] wt) ial attention given to Spee repairs, 3] GGIES, CARTS, WAGONS and CARRIAGES, :. FERTILIZERS and SEEDS. Li 0 0H 1 goods guaranteed, oO wn} ordered in due time. WL GODDHART, Millheim, - . I sell the Hench and Dromgold Ratchet Spring Tooth Har. rows-—the best har row on earth at 1450. I can furnish any- thing from a Plow Share to a Steam En- gine at low prices. Address, F. P. VONADA, Madisonbury, “ arn § we can secure 5 Waal oftel. di We a : 1 Our feet sien - ~ 32 4 Si - 15) SNOW &CO. Ore, PaveinT Ornce, WasminaTon ¢ Ors. BATTHT OIC NATMRGTION. DS ARAVA ”m ~~ ue kh hay } Frentme nt by ba M102 FHP. NM Mend amp for Book. (Copyrighted. ) - C2F 3 a wy Bueklen's Arnis Salve, The Best Salve in the world for Cuts Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corng, and all Skin Erup- tions, positively cures Piles, or no pay required, It is guaranteed to give per fect satisfaction, or money refunded, Price 25 cents per box. For sale by J. D. Murray, Druggist. JIJS All stantly Rolle h 1 onnand, flour COn- whole. retail, orads od al sale to di alers and ' 3 ana coarse, %} ND BOTY BOAR] EXPENSES \ NEW ANI EQUI Of BN VION FRY HES LAW i IN PMENT EADL NG 1 DEPARTMEN ™ OF TUR) BALCHEMI Three Comrees STRY: with 1 of the Farm and LE tmught « BOTAXY snd HORTICULTY ow iL NGINEER) i ENGINEERIX LM ECT EIN Al, ENGINEERS eed Wil tf exten he Fivia the wha € LRIw.T BOC [oh 1 exe Pew [aly atory HISTORY. Ancient and Modern, w pal invesliigation INDUSTRIAL ART AND DESIGN LADIES" COURSE IN LITERATURE and BCIE NCE: Two Joa Ample faciiitios for Music, vocal and 1nmmrentsl LANGUAGE and LITERATURE. Latin {optional} French, German and English (re quired.) one or more continued through the entire coliree MATHEMATICS and ASTRONOMY; and applied MECHANIC ARTS; combining shop work with study, three yearn” course; New build. ing and equipment, MEN and POLITICAL BCI istory th origi pure NTAL, MORAL NES E; Constitutional Law and Political Econom MILITARY SCIE) + 0 "CK: sery ioe PREPARATORY DEPARTMENT, yoars—carefully graded and thorough, Winter term opens January 7, 1891; terms, April A, 1891. Commencement week, June MWJuly 2, 181. For Catalogue or other ju form a addres GEO. 18, Two W ATHERTON, LL.D. Prest., State College, entre Uo. Pa HAVING PURCHASED AT CON fe stubs sale the following personal property of Amos Walter, consistivog of 2 beds, 1 6 chairs, table, sink, enpboard, chest, oar wil persons are caotioned ageing ed JOHN WALTER XECUTOR'S NOTICE. «LETTERS TESTA- em, deo'd. ote of Gregg township, having been hed to the undersigned, he would respectful- y requess all persons knowing themselves fu. seit them duly sathentionted for seltiene nit. M. L. RISHEL, Executor. apridg Farmers Mills ITE ce ntly rains i = Dress ( T'} | E15 fi ed our store re taey appreciate our bar- 50In eries, etc. which we aoods, ind tor a uns than befo Come iem before late, C ANERO) Free bu Joon on ELMO NOT Philadelphia 7 ©F RI nse city for El 7 A Bates § differen 19 ARCH gT twit lay siti i ralirond depots the aoor M. Feoen, Propricior shew’ ¥ and die uy sop her, that * ines wo avid whip Geparos, ph, Towne saa wriune Moe " pt bd . din within the reach of lal offers a desirable homestend for sale, bins ae Eph of land of which | 1B acres are good fig timber, Thereona plank | house, bank barn, with other ath ehotoe frult snd excellent water, Heckman farm west of Centre Hall da leading Ww 0 the TT OTICE AT THE AN NUAL KLECTION | of the stockholders of the Ocntre Nntot Company, on the ist Monday of May, be | ing the 20d day of May, In Aa action will be taken | of approval mr appa! proval sf aotusad creas of wo Gg PRED KORTE WM mari; pape Improved, tell give ormity 8 ew SoHE ee es PENNSYLVANIA R. R. hiladelphia & Division and Nort £ ern Time Table LEAVE ASTWARD, in B ina, Pousville, arr ying ’ esa} ore Wilkes mndey.) Pha New ry Philadel iphia upd AND TYRONE Keon BY BRO Daly RAILROAD. pt sunday. Lasitwanrd ew Rs EERSUNNENIRERERER ELL Total att ® oF Peli URve di Uetire Hail Teg Landes Hal & 42:08k Hall i% 46 Lemont od 8 53 Dal e Fumrit : $ OU Measant Gap 04] A xemann $# 10 Belicionte Additional trains leave Lewisburg for Montan- (don st 50am, 1000s m, 585 and 7.30 p m, | turning leave Moutandon for mo A105 a m 5H EAL 5 pm, ands 06 pm WOOD CHAS, KE PUGH, em] Paeoo) $25 rors Sings LOW ARM, $20.0" Drop leaf, fancy cover, tw large drawers, nickel ring and a full set of Attachment equal to any Singer Machin id from $40 to $60 by Can vassers, A trial in your home before pay ment is asked. Buy direct from the Manufac turers and save agents’ profits besides tin certificates of iggy for five for testimonials to rative Sewin 05d SRIMIN RIN WN AD MOR Be BE Be 0 5 10 it Mashine Co., 201 8. Tih AWE PAY FREIGHT. 68 "WVEWANT WORK:es Relary or commission men. Fast ped Ae ev id 4 Ro hing GUARANTEED NURSERY STOCK. Sock falling to live replated FREE. Dim RD, Lemtchford & Oo., Rochester, N, Y* AMAN..... Always seeks to make in. vestments from which he can receive the most in return in benefits or dividends. $1.50 invested in a 's su i tion to the “R