VOL. LXV. The Huntingdon Reformatory, from all accounts, needs reforming. a Quay or no Quay seems not to dis- turb our Centre county Republicans, * Wo py The members of the bar have declared for Hon. for Supreme Judge. — It is expected the tween Harrison and smoothed over and a held. Centre county John Dean differences be- Quay will be feast love {SOON Bo pty sn — advanced 25 the last deal is Anthracite coal has cents per ton in price days. The I bearing fruit. several leading already — The New York Sun still continues its malicious attacks on President Cleveland. Whom the Sun the people elect. Opposes A —— week that Cleveland had written a letter declin- President, It was rumored last candidate for authenticity ing to be a but there seems to be no to the report. ca —— Cleveland stock has the past week, and very been going favoral le up re- ports come from all parts of the try of his popularity. He to stay and a sure winner. a The Gazette's lamentations the week over the stagnation of Bellefonte does not include the ment that the McKinley bill had effect on the dullness of trade. COoun- is in the race Inst business state ay ep The Gazette at last the merits of commissioner Goodhart and does not demand his Adams should resign now, thinks, but the him. Adams st hat. has recognized resignation. the not (rrtze tls people are ays you can bet Bp The XXV I11Ith Congressional Dis- trict is made up of the I ties, entitled to follows: Centre field six, Elk two, entitled under the dele Nat - a died at aged 57 years, He eighteen five, Clarion Forest one, rile to rates to the ional Com Azeel Grover Beaver, eonsin, Wis most noted dropsical patient in country. He had been tapped times, and 4,500 pounds of water from him. Azeel walking well of water. drawn must have been a Wc One reading the Gazette would infer that Strohm was the one only compe- tent office, That there are competent commissioner in two other missioners also serving be convinced by ments of "91 Adams pulled the ity hole it was placed in by the can board. terms one can fomp Mmring state- and '90. Goodhart and out of the Repupli- consis A The Patriot says in obtaining con- trol of the coal fields and their output the railroad “combine” accomplished just what it set out to do, the tion of a gigantic monopoly which may set the price of the product and compel consumers to pay it. The peo- ple ought’ now to be able to see the “deal” as is, for tho it has come to them whith the soft words of public benefaction and the mien of philanth- ropy it cannot disguise the color of monopoly nor hide the cloven foot of defiance of the fundamental law, Wp B. K. Focht, editor of the Lewis burg Saturday News, and the man who carries Union county dangling from his watch chain, is making a stupen- dous effort for the nomination of Leg- islature in his county. Focht did big work in the last campaign and is en-| titled to recognition from his party | for his services. He will meet with strong opposition however, in the county. The MifMlinburg Telegraph and Lewisburg Chromicle the two stal- wart Republican orgaus of the county, forma- tion. big fight is anticipated. nai ss Sl A physician in Pennsylvania cannot prescribe liquor in his own drug store, of the Bucks County Yerkes delivered himself on interpretation of the law on violations, Special stress was laid on | h is | laws. His reply was: ‘Acts of As sembly provide that drug stores need | not be licensed, but can sell on pre- scription once, but eannot sell to the prohibited class—minors, drunkards, store and gives a prescription at his own store for the purpose of selling liquor, he is violating the jlaw. The law abhors subterfuge, and when it gets hold of this class of offenders it punishes them severely, Physicians cannot hide crime behind their diplo- mas.’ ” ONLY ONE LETTER. The opponments of to injure him with the people, says the Pittsburg Post. No letter to General Bragg world than the monger, who must have news whether | it is true or declared that Mr, Cleveland had written a previous letter intended for the Aassociated in which he positively declined to be a candidate for the presidency. This letter he have destroyed at the urgent request of Mr, Cleveland. Mr. Cleveland denies that he wrote that he uch a thing. SOO0ner was given to the indefatigable news- | not, was said to such a letter, or dreamed of doing s must be never This evidence wone has taken the trouble to taken as conclusive that son propure and spread a report that may s Mr. Cleveland's comfortable. Grover Cleveland is not the letter for publica-~ tion and destroy it without using. One mal Supporters un- man to write a of his personal characteristics is his be paper, while the Cleveland dissuad- the supposition knowing exactly what he means fore putting pen to ion that Mrs. aing assert ed him from sen letter is lady land's political actions, ims 18 that art in Mr. whieh rinary based i takes an active | Cleve- he de clares is altogether foreign to her habit The denial by Mr. Cleveland of hav- ing written any letter on the subject candidacy for nomination for the presidency eides that to General that lara- Mr. wrote his letter not know- ished, but the sentiments in it are to be interesting in the letter. or FR i Lid im to reiterate deel ned in that nd savs that he to General Bragg hastily, os ing that it would be pul 8 positive. If his party desires the pres. desires it late for that it him in He is a Dem anda and is only anxious that atic a candi and iominating 3 RIIOWS Chicago, he ocratic Demoer party shall select for man that can in November r standard-bearer the them to victory - . - The Baker Ballot Law, Pennsyly ania Prohibitionists lost their case in the lower courts. hed the constitutionality of the Philadel As a result come the offi Hot law in it. fused to grant against city from carrying This ROCOI- new ballot law ns given without an opinion. The prohibition will however, appeal to the su- preme court. IMheir contention is that the law makes discrimination in favor of the strong political parties, and that prohibit of their candidates official the highest number of votes cast candidates in the the three per number of votes it prohibits the ionists from having the names printed upon the ballots, be Tn for the prohibition last election fell below ent of the cast, * AEETeEntle —— wie The Yernal Equinox, Monday, March 21st the sun entered the first point of Aries, and the the goble. the semi-annual accompanied by storms of more but they do not always come on the exact day fixed by the calendar for the at-| vear in what is called These usually vernal equinox. OOCUrrenoes are or less severity, cirele, short time before or after, — Blair County Licenses, Applications for seventy-five and brewery form the number of cases which willl be presented for the consideration of | of the Blair county license eourt day, March 25, five tavern keepers and six have enjoyed the liquor licenses privil- licenses seven li A————— No Hoad At ALL As regards a certain road in the far- ame is no road, and that should settle sound on the gooze as well as upon similis s———— Bad Condition of Crossings. A great many of the crossings across alleys and streets in the borough are in bad condition at present and should { be remedied. Owing to the thaw they are covered completely with water about six inches deep and a wide de- or swim it. These a respectable shape, a a, a at FL Married on Tuesday Evening. On Tuesday evening Rev. Eisenberg officiated at a marriage ceremony at the Reformed parsonage in which Ad- wn C, Waltz, of Walker, Pa., and Miss Lizzie Long, of Madisonburg, were the contracting parties. * i i i § i i i i : | mae Rates to Clergymen on the Pennsvl- vania Railroad In offering half clergymen the Pennsylvania Railroad Company | has instituted the most comprehensive and liberal rates to arrangements ever adopted { under like cirenmstances. Not only is the reduction available by | the gospel who reside upon the lines of {the 1 ‘ennsylvania Rallroad, but it applies « ually to those of any section of the United States, and the i cepted on the entire Pennsylvania | Railroad system both east and west of | Pittsburg, A tie is ne- clergyman having a west or half fare anin on presentation the South is entitled to travel at over the Pennsyly of his elerical order to any ticket of the clergyman of the agent company and likewise any East may use thu lines of the company over their entire extent under the same conditions Ministers of the before accord « stich gospel Were never fons, and that they will show ion of the CONCEeRS it is easy to predict their appreciat jailroad’s lil Pennsylvania werality hs pattonizing it it when they or their fam s have casion to travel, a The A few rigible boys Huntingdon Reformatory. weeks ago a number of incor from Philadelphia, had been confined in the Hunting Reformatory were their retun pretty ugly char agement of that sert the il fins i mode entirely te pI Ray and wounds on while An investigation inmates of tha foot by Senator Osborne, who én the testimony of the boys evidence The were sl to (Governor manne; treated and flendish sort, ar civilized country. There be a change in management. - ad - Sullivan Will Fight and Jam £10 (kx John L. Sullivan best, will fight for a purse of $25000, in Orlean £, Of John hance to elub house at New nesday September 7th then be given a © reputation as the champion fighter the world. - rd - Fighting the Attorney day filed a bill in ejui Beading Deal. (feneral He nisl, thonotary of Dauphin cou e Philads rom using the right ing th iphias & road f isos obtained Dy The Fourteen filing an answer. tion, days Raa Are There Ghosts, Reveral months ago Willian Hamer, for many years agent Vail Station, near Thy now it is reported that night at a cert and operator st died, nearly Tone, and every ain hour, he materializes hand tion. At least that is what ple say. ROH EE. Commissioners Appointed, The south precinct of Gregg is divided two pre Commissioners appointed for the court, are XK J. Allison and to be into ", Heckman. Ea More Snow, like There was a snow fall mid-win- of several Rleigh some parts the Last week was much | ter. and in { count of drifts, illo The Resolver Went Of, A pupil in the public school at Min | Hall, was fooling with a revolver when it thumb. Ask Him to Sabseribe, Ask your neighbor to subseribe for the REPORTER, If he does not already take it—we would be pleased to have you send us at least one new name. alll mp— T'would be a Convenience The Bherif had considerable business at Centre Hall the past ten days. Why not establish a branch of fice over here? canines li dismiss An Married Into the . Family. In Chest township, Clearfield ecoun- ty, three brothers in one family are the husbands of three sisters in anoth- er, . nL A AI wwf in need of anything in the boot or shoe line don’t forget that Mingle, Bellefonte, has the finest line in the state from which to select. He guarantees all goods and you have good returns for your money. HARRITY VOR CLEVELAND, secretary of State William F. Har- who is the successor of the William I. Beott ax the rity, Pennsylvania member of the Democratic national committe @, is an ardent friend Mr, Cleveland, Mr. that Mr. eratic and Harrity believes Cleveland will be the candidate for president, is unders Demo- and he tood to be actively at work to bring about that result. He seems to of his political enemies in vania who are circulating reports that Mr. Harrity and other friends of Gov- ernor Pattison are pp irt of M Fr. Tl not sincere in Cleveland, 1 real friends of Mr. Pennsylvania thoroughly Cleve underst and are not the those who are at heart the situation likely to be misled by misrepresentations of either openly or secretly hostile to the ex-president. It that and Governor is claimed by friends of Mr. ( wil t ill have ni good judges the le veland overwhelming Democratic State con- in Harris which is to meet Wedne slay, 4 Fil 13 Ra vention, burg on To Conl Engines on the Run Nomerset of an ingenious railroad en- stopping, His which Us Wiki t ia road : and i on Ma) - - oe. Married at Intersection, Ie y #4 re Hall, becom In the past was rved to and a large circie present is and everything pass icely during the evening the music on the Miss Kate pany Organ. [ich entertained CO with excellent the outside about ten of the wedded Mrs [.ieb's and by 1 on and gave party a Puff is a sister making the showed a sister's love, grand if Mrs feast serenade she Wp Agitating a New Church. The of our are just now debating the teformed peopl town whether they will build a new church, | or remodel the present dies of congregation one, the have man church, efforts of their society, furnishing of a through the py The Republican Primaries. | Centre county will be held on Satur day, March 26th, and the ( ‘ounty ( ‘on- | vention will meet on oth, gates to Tuesday, the State Convention, and 1892. WASHINGTON LETTER I rae ney Southern dential pros 011s tion of the | hile hospit reception one of ths bls most enjoys The Sen tor sational stories minde, Hous Elections how they sh New Yor EE contested Noy BYE « £15 W reported in Can col he wo Kaw thie produ as well man wha mn ix Al £rior departm Harrison The river and harl reported to the number of new and important which are the Huds among great lake =, ment of Mobile harbor CaITioN In round figures twenty and a half millions Neloon A. Miles, at added his quota to the Len, here, present has usual always produced being considered by lew in nlargds upon “our defencless and the danger of war. officials ones—for that the minor acknowledg Treasury the first time it does not meet them, but Postpone “ means [he National Convention, BM Communion Services, Communion services were held in the Presbyterian church on Sabbath iafternoon, and three new members | were taken into the church, conside ring the unfavorable weather, | Mo Boy, Revolver—The Old Story. On Monday night James Keith, a sixteen-year-old boy, of Altoona, was snapping a revolver, when suddenly it was discharged and the bullet struck eleven-yvearold Maggie Gearhardt, a neighbor's child, with fatal effect. The boy didn’t know the revolver was loaded. aria ifsc A Fine Horse. Mr. Daniel Keller, the owner of King Joe, the fine napper dandy stallion, the horse which has excited so much comment among our horse men of late, will stand the horse bee ginning April 1st, at his stable; at the | at Aaronsburg, See large bills for fur ther information and dates, Subscribe for the REPORTER. { { Secretary Foster returns to his de partment just in time to find a nice Assistant Immigra- tion Commissioner, over the question {of allowing pauper immigrants to land become Assistant Secretary Nettleton, ile acting Secretary, wrote the New York Superintendent of Immigration a very sharp letter practice, to which that official replied by quoting from a letter from the Com. him to do so. Then Mr. Nettleton wrote another, stating that the missioner had exceeded his authority, and that no one could grant such authority, except the Secretary. The | subordinate of the Treasury depart- ment, since the office was created. Mr. Harrison is report to have at tempted to read the riot act to the five | republican Senators who were absent without being paired when his protege Judge Woods of Indiana, just slipped 12, ¢ of thi abworntoes, “Had najor- rked drily: ated thing. oc fy “The Queen's” Prize Problem in a Cold Room To Die. mosphere . t pare nts sat plaintive id's vitali- he third E — EC. CAMPREL}Y Highly Respected Citizen of Millheim Died Last Night, INLY resp fed and ext ned itizen Hiheim, oocuTrrance i Wednesday, had and for tim of an ch deve loped ine $4 y wars Tanll OCHOA. amps ill for som of Lime had been in ¢ ritical condi al days. He was a vic of the grip yphoid fever and dea Mr. ( amplx i xiv vears. Hq ion th was the re- wired about wr of the and one him. WHR WHS a emit A wifi survive svangelical chureh . C. Campbell, Wp Cure for Drankeness, An eminent Russian physician, of the city of about two years ago made known to the world a specific, as drunkenness-~vig., nitrate of strychnia, a remedy now well known to the medical profession, and and even by some imagined to be the agent in Keeley The phsician claims to have tried the remedy in 962 out of which only three were | known to have relapsed; although the time was too short for a complete test. The press should give this wide circu lation. Any physician or well trained pharmacist can give directions as to how te onploy it. Samurov, he savs for 's cure, CRSCR, SAM A RS SS Claiming His Own An old legend of the middle ages has it that once a church member died at a ball, Satan came along and took his soul, and was flying off with it, iwhen St. Peter put after him and | demanded it. “He was a Christian and you must give him up.” “Chris tain I exclaimed Satan, “why I found him on my premises.” “In that case, I give it up,” replied St. Peter. We commend the moral of this legend to | to all professing Christians who attend | dances, circuses, and other places of {questionable amusement. Celebrated their Golden Wedding. On Tuesday , March 15th, Mr. and | Mrs. George Bright, of Asronsburg, [celebrated their golden wedding. | Quite a number of their friends gath- | ered at their home to make the ocea- [sion one long to be remembered by then. } | eho REPORTER at $1.50 is the | cheapest paper in the county. Bute