The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, January 21, 1892, Image 7

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    ———————————— i i TA
The Eminent Brooklyn Divine's Sun
day Sermon.
Sahject: “The Sundial of Ahaz"
TEXT: “And Isaiah the prophet cried
unto the Lord: and He brought the shad
ow ten degrees backward by whieh it had
gone down in the dial of Ahaz,”—11 King
xx, 11.
Here is the first cloct or wateh or chro.
nometer or timepiecs of which the world
has any knowleage. But it was a wateh
that did not tick and a clock that did not
strike. It was a sundial. Ahsz the king,
invented it. Between the hours given to
statecraflt and the cares of office he invented
of day. This sundial may have been a great
column, and whea thr shadow of that cul.
umn reacied one point it was nine o'cloo:
A. M., and when it raacaed another point it
was three o'cloes pr. M., and all the hours ani
half hours wert s> moansured. Or
be found in Hindostan and other old coun-
tries, and when the shadow reachsd one step
it was ten o'clock A. M., or anoher stop it
was four o'clock p. M., and lgewise other
hours may have been indicated,
The clepsydra or water clock followed the
sundial, anl the sauligiais followel the
ciepsydra, ‘Then came tue candle clock of
Altred the Great and the candle was marked
into three parts, and whils tae first part
was burning he gave nimsell to relizion and
while the second part was burninz he gave
himself to politics, and waiie the taird part
was burning he gave himself to ross. Arter
awhiie came the wheal anil waizat oc:
and Pope Syivester the Second, was its moss
important inventor. And th» sil
turies of exquisite mechanis au totiel at tue
timepieces until the word had the Viek's
clock of the Fourteenth century and Huy-
bens, the inventor, swung the first peadu-
um and Dr. Hooke coatrived the
coil escapement, And the ‘‘andless
chain” folowel and ths ‘“casshes and
pinion lever” took its pacs, and
the omvmpansation balance anil the
stemwinder foilowad, and now wa have the
buzz and clang of the great ciock ant watch
factories of Switzerland and Germany and
Eagland and America turning out what
seems to be the periection of timepieces,
took the world six thousand vears to make
the pre<eut chronometer So with the
measurement of longer spaces tnan minutes
and hours. lime was calculated frou new
moon 10 new moon; then irom harvest to
harvest. Then the year was pronounced to
be three hundred ani fifty-f days and
then three nundred an! sixty days, and not
until a long walle atter three hundred and
sixty-five days. Then events were caleu-
lated from tae foundation of Rome, after.
ward from tha Lirmoic games, Fnen the
Babylonians bad vt eir measurement of the
year and the Romans tueirs and
the Armeniaus theirs anl the Hin.
00s theirs, Chronology wns
for studying mi
inscriptions, coins, mu nmies and
omy, trying to lay a pian by wh
guestion of dates might
events put in toeir right plac
jut the chr
0! caa-
1 of confus
the sixtn ©
irom the
“Let evervtamg date
Bethlehem of the Lord
Saviour of the world" T
ALOT, said,
tart a
firisl, the
1 nohot proooss |
to have things dated baciward and for i
from that great ent. What a splendi
thought for rid! What a mizibty
thing for Christianity! It would have been
most natural to date everything from tae
creation of the world. But | am giad
the chronologists could not tor easily gums
bow old the worid was in order t » get the
pations in the habit dating from that
Jecurrevce in its documents and
tories. Forever fixed iv it Laat all history is
to be dated with to the birth of
Christ, and, this matter seitied,
chief chrouologist, cec.ared that the warld
was made five thousana ur hundred and
eleven years beforas Christ, and the deluge
tame three thousand ony buasdred and fiity-
five years telore Christ, and all the iligs
trious events of the ninetoen centuries and
all the great eveats of ali time to coma have
been or shall be dated from the birth of
Christ, say that you may
know what a watch is, what a clock ia, what
an almanac 14, and learn to appreciate
through what toils and hardships ant per
plexities the world cams to its presant
veniences and comforts, anil to heip vou t
more res ectial consideration of that
dial of Ahaz planted in mn} .
We ara toid that Hezakiah, thy king
dving of a boil. It must have
the wort kind carbun !
any central core and sometir
A fig was put upon it as a poulti Hezakiah
did not want to die then, His son, woo was
to take the kingdom, had no yet Geen Lorn,
and Hezaciah's deata would have the
death of the nation. So he prays for re
covery aud is told he will get wail, jut be
wants some miraculous sign 10 make Lim
sure of it. He has the choices of baviug the
shadow on the sundial of Ah
retreat. He replied it would &
derful to have the sun }
ways does go down
He osks that it backward In
other worids, let the dav instead of going
on toward sundown, turn and toward
sunrise, invalid King bolsters i up
and wrapped in blankets looking out of the
window upon the sundial in the courtyard,
While he watches shadow on the dial
the shadow begins fo retreat. Instead of
going on toward six o'clnek in the evening
ft goes back toward six o'clock in the morn
ing. The big pouitics had been drawing for
some time, and sure enough the boil broke
and Hezekiah got well. Now I expect you
will come on with your higher criticism
and try to explain this away and say it
was an optical delusion of Hesskiah, and the
shadow only ssemead to zo bac: or a cloud
eRme Gover and it was uncertain which way
the shadow did go, and as Hezakiah expected
it to go baci ne took the action of
his own mind for the retrograss move.
ment. No; the shadow went back on
all the dials of that land and other lands
Turn to 1I Chronicles xxxil., 31, and find
that away off in Babylon the mighty mon of
the palace noticed the sams phenomenon.
And if you do not like tha Bible authority
turn over your copy of Herodotus and find
2 OA
i thines
inese things |
ox ie
ot won -
Own it al-
sooner later,
go «
8 »
I soe th
that there was something the matter with
the sun,
waits upon God, and suns and mooos and
stars are nos very big things to Him, and He
can with His little finger turn back an en-
tire world as easily as you can set back ths
hour hand or minute hand of your cock or
At the opening of the nsw year paonie are
moralizing on tne flight of times, You all
feel that you are moving on toward sun-
down and many of are under a conse
quent depression, ose this morning
to set the hans of your watches and conis
to going ths other way. I prop se to show
Jou bow you make the shadow of your dia
o ihe sundow on ste dull of Abas fo
stop got forw anl make it ke
ward, You think | have a andbrianin
on band, but it can be done if the sara Lor
who reversed the shadow in Hez'tiah's court.
yard moves upon us, While looking at ths
sundial of Heakiah and we find the shadow
lange Oh, yes;
| shine of a great prosverity. Bat
the day is dark?
| gas at noon,
i sell all day long.
| shadow,
| the storm is from Gol and ths
There is
from God and the chill from Gol.
Wo purcoase g
of, or a crop of grain wa sowal is rainy
i off than we expactad,
i must have heon allowed to go into that un.
| God controls the east wind well
| west wind.”
My friends, I cannot look Tor
on that raotrograde saadow of Ahaz's dial
without learning taat God eontrols ths shad
ows and that lesson wo nexd all to learn,
That He controls the sunshine is not so nec-
essary a lesson, for anyoo iy can bs hapoy
when things go right, When youn slesp
| eight hours a nigat and rise with an anostite
that cannot easily wait for broakiast aad
YOu go over’ ty the stors and ops your mail
to read more orders than vou can ll, and in
the next letter you tind a dividend fariarzer
than you hava bem promisel, and your
neighbor comes in to tell you some flatter-
ing thing he bas just heard said abou: you,
i and you dnd that all tha styles of goois in
tecent, in valu, and on your
home you meet your children in tw
romp and there are ross on tha center of
the tea table and roses of healt in chasis
all round the table, waat more 10 you wane
| of consolation? I don’t pity you abit. You
feel as if you could vosi ths world. Bat tor
| thoss in just opposite circumstancas my taxt
comes in with an omuipotencs of mexiaing
| Tha shadow! Oo, the shadow! Bhadow of
bereavemasnt' Saadow ol sickness! Bhvio v
bandraptey! Shalow mental de-
| pression! Baadow of persecution! Baalow
of deata! Speak out, oh sua tial of Ahax,
end prose that God manages ths
shadow! tez kisah sat In his palace
wrapped invaiidism and surcroundel by
Ann iyn*s ani catapmsns anil loosed
out upon tue bilace hant of the
only coc: known at taat tims anil saw
it move bac ten deress |
hy lsarasd a
lesson that a majority tas human race
nes i this hour to leara-
the best friead
a man ever hal © shadow. Tos
sathacks ars sonetimes ¢ bi things that
can happen Fas great
of ol
toil the
mirols the
German aathor,
Scailler, coull not wor unless he hal in his
roo the scant rotten anpies, and tue de.
cay of the fraits of earthly prosperity may
Deco Y an Inspiration instead of fn depr ee
son. Robert Chambers's lame feet shut nin
up irom other , and he became the
world resowned patiisasr, ani belpad (asa-
ion tha b Literature ol the sges, hs
! panfal disorder like that of Hesskiah called
a carbuncis is spelled exactly the same as
Precious calied toe car
buncle, ani the pang suffering
may become the jowe immortal value,
Your sstoncs, ike that Atnar's sundial,
may be re WEY anda triumpn i never had
a setback but it tuaraed out to bs a set for-
You never would have a
Jaristian if you had not had a setbace, The
gness thr in heaven are for the set
ini suadow ol the sundial of
1 Was sel baci, awl all things
to ran, ant if was sel Dac
in INR, and turthe and still
1865, but tt not an inte
wel balance! man-—porih or
wat wit fosls iL was st back
tie SLOn0S
M61 tae
i in IS
in are Is
Hae Or
sout 1,
toward th
But I pe
ows migat be turned back, t, by going
much among the young psople In most
family circles thers are grandchildren, By
this divine arrasgemmnt most the propls
who have passsd the meridian ol Jills cn
compass themselves by juvanility it isa
bal tain: for an od man or old nau to
sit looking the vivacity of their grand.
shouting, “Stop that
Lest ths edghty-voar-
andfather join ths eight-year-old
ison or granddaggster, My 'staerand
lived 10 soo over gaty eaildran and
grandchildren and gr ~aildren, ani
a mors bolster nevar turoaed
Ou: un sphere, and thee all
scemal to ory oli foles, “Kp
voung,” and th Eeap young Don't
walk with you hava to or only
as a defensive in a oity afield with
CAtins Don't wear
SEAT, puting it]
wil $0 as
company of those who are
roegmaiisn and iam.
«4 the brevity
YOu how Las shaw.
to show
children racist ™
Better join ia the fan,
S114 "ov oa
this subl
oy did
2 CRO uniass
stronger than neo
4 Bid
wy ws
tens when eilulesns
ut thy
y find
Teach the
tir than
joints ani oataip
your sleapicss nig! will ba a larg dogs
vomithial comnanio ys
human Make
Md od A reireat
ten desires, minke thamesives oid
by aiways Kinz about being oid and
wishing for the good old days, which were
never as guod as tness daye, From alll can
bear the grandenildraa are not ball as bad
as the grandparents were, Matters have
been hushed up. But if you have ever been
in arocom adioning a room Waers sone vary
old paople, a nttie deal, ware faiking over
Net bac Hae
the savdo in
mono miizs all tae young rascals. It may
now be bard to gel young people ud cary
enough In the morning, bul their grandpa
rents always bai to be pullal out of bel.
It is wrong now to play misehovious tricsson
{ the voasuspeciing, but sighly years ago at
{ school that now venerabie man sas down on
la crooked pin not accidently placad there,
{ and purposely drove tha sleigh riding party
| 00 near the edge of ths embangment that
be might see how they would joo when
tumbled into the snow,
| has so little patisnes with childish exuber-
| ance was in olden times up to pranks, one
| half of which if practiosd by the eight-year.
old of today would set
gran imother cowazy. Revive your remem
brance of what you were bDotwasan five and
| ten years of age, aul with patience capable
of everything Join with the young. Put bask
the shadow of the dial not tn degrees, but
fity and sixty and sevinty degress,
Set back your clocis ais» by entiring on
| new and absorbing Coristian work, In our
dosire to ins dre the younz wa have ia our
essiys hal much to say aboul what has
beens accomplishel by the yoaag, of Ro
| mugs, who fouadel Hons whsa he was
twenty years of age; of Cortas, wio had con
| quered Mezmico at thirty years; of Pite
who was Primes Minister of Eaglanl at
twenty-four vers; of Hapias!l, wao dial
| at thirty «even yours; of Calvin, wao wrots
| his “Institntes’ at twenty-six; of Malano.
thon, who $x0c a learnayd professor's chair
| by tos sims he was Liirtrofive vars
PIL IN BE Very wen aur us wo sive wow cade
| in life ono can do ver
{and the weltare of
the mightismt work for God has been done
serves the equipoise of senates, of
denominatfyns, of reflormatory movements,
Tyaog, old Dr. Candis’, old Dr. Chalmers!
What have been Blemares to Germany, and
Gladstone to Eogland, and Oliver Wendell
Holmes to America in the time of an ade
| vanosd age? Lot me say to thos io the afters
i noon of life: Don't bs putting off the hare
i ness: wiosn Gol wants io off ke will take it
off. Don’t ba frizhtensd out of life by the
| grin as many are. At ths liest sneeze of an
| Influsnzs many give up all as lost No new
| fervor has coms on the earth. Ths microbes
as the cause of digas wars describad in tas
Talmud ssventzon hundred years ago as “in-
visible legions of dangerous ones.” Don't bs
seared oat of lite by all this talk about hears
| faliure. That trouble has a'ways been in the
world, Taat is what all the people that ever
passed out of this life have diel of—hears
| failure, Adam bad it and all of his descond-
ants have had it or will havait, Do not be
watching for symplons or you will have
i SY litous of everytuingz, Soms of you will
yet die of symaloms, Nymptoms ars often
only what we sometimes woe in the country
~ 4 dead ow! nailed on a barn door to scare
{ liviag owls. Put your truss in God, goto
bad at ten o'clock, have the window open six
{ inches to let in ths frash air, glee) on your
right side, and fear nothing. Tha old maxin
| was right, ‘Gat thy spindle aud distaff ready,
| and God will seni tas flax.”
But while looking at this suniial of Ahaz
| and 1 so» the shadow of it move, 1 notics
that it went back towarl the sunrise instead
| of forward towari ths sauset —oward the
| moraing instaad 0. toward the nigat. That
| thing the world is willinz now to ao, and in
{ many cases has done. There have a greay
many things bean written and spoken about
the sunset of life. 1 have sald some of them
i mysslf. But my text suggests a better idea.
| Ths Lord wao turned bac: that day from
going toward sundown andstarted it towart
| sunriss is willing to do the sams taing for
{ all of us. The theologians wao stick to old re
| lizious technicalities until they becoms BODO
| rities would not call it anything but conver
| ston. [eallitacaanze from going towar.l sun
dow to going toward sunrises, oat man
| who naver tries to waouzkie tas clasp of evil
habit and wao kesps all the sins of tae pass
and ths present fraightiaz him and who
Ifnores the ons redeaqiption made by the
ouly one who cmd redesm, if thal man will
fox unins thy sundint hy will fin that the
shadow is going forward anil Le is on the
way to sundown, Hisday Is on ths road to
night, All the watoies toast tics all the
clocks that strika, all the sand glasses that
emply thamssivedall theshudows Laat move
oa all thy suniials indicate tha approac: of
dardnes Bal now, in answer to prayer, as
in my taxi the caanges was In answer to
prayers, tas pars lonin; Lord reveraes things
aad the man starts toward suarise instead of
suns. He turusthsother way The Captain
of ssivation gives him the military command,
| “*Attantion'! Hight about tace™ He waa
marcaing toward indiffsrence, marching
toward bardosss of heart, marciaing toward
praverisssness, marcaing towar i sin, march.
mg toward goom, marciaing toward deats
Now ne turns and marches toward peace,
| marches toward Hght and marches toward
wi and marcus toward higza hope and
marcaes toward a triumph stuson tous and
everlasting, toward Losannis tial ever hoist
and hallelyjahs that ever rol Now {f that
is pot the turning of the shadow on the aial
of Aha from going towart sustown ta go
ing toward sunrise, what fs it”
Lave seen day bres over
oe Mattoraorn, ov
Mount dance
wr the height
vi mil-Atisatio
rial storm waen the
and bLquid
! th soul
a 0, I Ine
It bathes
and llamines all
ani whel ail ths
aspirations, all
ai more
ts of t
trans unr
he soul,
Las an
iepihs 0. ai,
tions, all tas Bop x wilh a
nes: cannot eclinie, or death
eternity Jo anvibing but aug
marnify. I preaca the sunrise,
at that rofrograde movement ¢ shallow
on Ahaz's dial, | remem oor that it was a
sign that Hesskian was going to get well
and be wall, Solbave to tell all you
who are by the gr God having your
day turned from decline tomsard ni to
assent toward morau ars going
to get wall wal of uf al
your sorrows, wail o. carthiy dis
reas sunrise!
But, says ons, all that you say may
tras but that dos not hiadsr ths hor
dissolution Why, you who are ths
ars n die All that
rots ompared with yous
mature is 8s Lhe «
gor nati as
»iy As you run the
edge of your thumb pail and
™ rather a hin
ail th
ve of .
that you
We sing
ail ¥
ss of
pings of
yHuparal with your
scissors along
ut off thas
irance, you
nag to the
4 0 As «
your unmorial
your fi
wholes be
wn iI is
do not
could be
no funeral
an awflal
gat rid
wiat a faiiar
our departing »
itin the next
ten thousand
aliut an hour
FO" Ih
tise bal
the =
or it Ie ly it is,
i heaven
34 with
tiles mn mingts
to walk four o
mortals ¢ oa
sid 83 only tea
flestost and the hiraith
seen tasre would mide
in hisaveu an inm
one ofl Loa Dw
aii 1 while
a hundrad
mites, and We
oar bodies i
iy nadssary
for or
our neg
files wo ©
at Of
wiv Doses
(Edi tne thin re wal
pea to thas sloughing off
f body whoa wa hava no more use for it in its
west state. WW shall coms up in its
resuriectad form we will by very giad to get
it acs again, i as id I= now with 0s
imitations an {| badwariments isnumerabie,
He wili OD»
hon it
Dut me
i There stia’l 1 baths my weary sonal
| In says of heavenly rest,
And not & wave of trouble rol
Across my pescelnl breast,
Sanriss! But not like one of those morn.
ings after you had gons to bad lata or did
not sieep woll, and yoa get up chilled and
} yawaiog and the morning bath is a repul-
| sion and you fes! likysayinz to the morning
| san shining indo your window, “I do nos see
| what you flad to smile aboui; your bright.
| ness is to me a mookery.” But the inrush
of the naxt world will be a moraing after a
| sound sieap, a sleop that nothing oan dis
{ taro, and you will rigs, the sunsaine in your
| faces; and in vour first morning in heaven
you will wads down into the sm of gla
fmingial with fire, the «foam on fire
| with a splendor you never saw on earth, and
| ths rolling wave: ars doxologise, and the
{ rocds of that shors are gollea and the
| pabhles of that beaca are pearl aad the sities
| that arch tas some are a commingling of
ali ths colors that St John saw on tae wall
{ or heaven-ihe erimsm and the blue and
| the saffron, ani ths oranze, and ths purple,
| and tae gold, and tae groea wrought on
| taose skies in shane of garlands, of banners,
of ladders, of chariots, of ecowne of taronss,
What a sunrise! Do you not feel its warinth
| on your facs? Neovills MeCulium, the dyin
boy o' our Sunday scaso! uitered what sha
ba the peroration of this sermon, “larow
back the shutters and let the sun ta™ And
#0 the shadow of Ahaz'ssun lia. tacos fron
sunsel to sunrise
A ————————
A Story of a Unek.
Mr. Bare, ol bowisen, » sportiag
gentleman of well-knowa standiog in
Scotland, tells a curious story of an in-
telligent duck at Rothray castle which
carried its entire family of goslings, ps
a-back, from the castle moat to a neigh-
boring duck pound. But the humblest
sportsman in American waters has ob-
served the preternatural sagacity of the
coot, which dives when the flash leaves
the hunter's gun and is away down in
the wild celery before the shot come
whistling along harmlessly overhead,
San Francisco Chronicle.
A revised version of the German Bible,
which has occupied
eration, is now con
Saved by a Lasso,
A New Jersey woman,
‘hmultz, visited Colorado recently,
an exchange, and after many
lesser excursions, set her heart upon
making the ascent of Pike's Peak.
The hotel people and the guides shook
their heads. The thing could not be
NO had been to the ton
since November, It would be neces
sapy to take the old trail all the way,
7 as the carriage road to the Half-way
Hil, Hi : House was completely blocked with
Wi | SDOW, Finally a young guide, St
COPYRIGHT IT3) Brown by name, undertook to sce
the mountain
ode a
i AiCiy
All gone
~ woman's suffering and woman's | Indian
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Prescription puts a stop to it. It’s | Schmuits, “what
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rangements and disorders that make | 10 Pass Letween rocks where the space
her suffer, and a cure for all the dis. | ¥#8 80 narrow that he had to
and disturbances that make Larough. In the Wurst p-aces
: «+ | planted his hoofs, which had
weak. It's a legitimate medi- shod straight line
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Other medicines
That's truce.
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was enough to take one's hreath
those shes
it’s a safe and certain remedy,
claim to :
But they don’t claim
if the Favorite Pre-
to give satisfaction,
for which it’s
money paid
0 tis;
recom. §
en iward at a
for it is
ch is likely
for yourself whi
ie better medicine,
3 i
likely to be
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¥ fil pAL Y
ms it
i 2 be
's the cheape ft.
Cleanses the
Nasal Passages,
A) a
Allays Palau and
lleals the Soares
Hestores the
Seuses of Taste
g A >”
Ww “F
sant <8
¥ Fan
i w York
Of Roxbury,Mass3.,8Says:
Frrang nr #Y Medical Discovery
f fa ers . of ee
: : : { Medi nar
cal Discovery all thew £ kt
me 8 boda ! i i os 3 wid thal masxos
fr Ewe
Discovery wa t
and tadore i we ’
work fhe we ; wed bo tere
trey edt 3 ar
& aly
wit aad a. ved 8
45 thee fx
of) eve ron: $ret
it Discprer
i tha WF 5
ys 1
the br
ve bwod
ny rig
ht eve but os i
& ts appear -
t 2 4 « it 1
i Medien! Discovery,
Rass Wars
CATE * sore talk
y lef? eve. | apn w
thank God amd 3
Are its Prompt and Permanent Cures.
Jan. 17, IF Gi
DENNIS, 13 Mi =e
desires 10 say ROBINSON
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for two month
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The voure a 4
Di ; C9
tweens and
Jul “The eripple
fue §my om sqans ition oa
i i is 7 ey our
v at work every day 1 labor
Aberd Dak, 8 pt
LAMEBACK. vears with chronic stitch in the back
by doctors. Two bottles of 88. Jacols Of cured me
wr WN “9 bi oF ae iY
eT, 8 =x, SR
red several]
was given up
We send pianos on approval, return-
able if unsatiefactory, railway freight
both ways at our expense. istance,
even thousands cf miles, makes no dif-
ference. With our patent scft-stop the
piano wears less and lasta longer; leo is
rendered practically noiseless, when de-
sired, for practising.
we We take old pianos as part pay
to suit reasonable convenience. Catalogue, eto., free.
which grrvern the bporations of HUPeAIon St ey
3 p © . and autre:
ton, snd by a carelal appioation of the fine proper
Hea of wellaeloctod Cocoa, Mr. Kips has provided
our breakfast tables with a delioatsly favours! bev.
erope Wh cu may rive ue pany heavy aootors’ Wile
It 8 by the Jodiodoan ues of #ch mrtotes of dled
hats eomartintion sod he rd cate Ba it we ¥
Mustrated Publica tone , with |
dowerd ing A
RE Prete, Montana dans:
Washington and Oregon, the
We aie containing vot letters, Send
Answer, with 5 cents for six |
J swt, 10 QU LL, Pittsburg, E. KE, Pa.
Ww and drew
Te. MY DE, Ferre, 8. Dak.
Health Meter
frusdreus of SYBLe maladies are flouting around us
We mJ ehoabe many u. fait shalt by. Berinh oo
n our:
selves well with pure blood and a properly
noirishad frame. "weil Nervioe (Gasetfe.,
gui. 41 Balt pond ts by Govern: abate ther
inn EFF CO, om isn
Both the method and results whes
Byrup of Figsie taken; it is pleasant
and refreshing to the taste, and acts
gondyyet promptly on the Kidneys,
iver and Bowels, cleanses the sys.
tem effectually, dispels colds, bead.
aches and fevers and cures habitusd
constipation. Byrup of Figs is the
only remedy of fe Rina ever pros
duced, pleasing to the taste and aoe
ceptableto the stomach, prompt in
its action and truly beneficial in its
effects, prepared only from the most
heaithy and agreeable substances,
its many excellent qualities com-
mend it to all and have made it
the most popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50s
and $1 bottles by all leading drugs
giste. Any reliable druggist who
may not have it on hand will pro-
cure it promptly for any one whe
wishes to try it Do not accept
any substitate,
o eat and suffer
For that again I
1 wir med-
Stomach : r, and after
le mor
@ Break
¢ Brea fast Coco
/ is ahaolutoly pure and
it is polnidie.
No « Ti en icals
i 33
# ia hoalth
bry Grocers everywhere,
W.BAKER &CO., Dorchester, Mass.
EE sms
1 howels, par?
hfe sand sd ware eens
Thing Ay
Vaakoegatiene, Hlotchos op
Catnrr? 3
ver &
Bote, ist
Dyapopsia, He
pininte, Poul
ntindioe, Kid
Lows of Appetite
Nettle lash,
tion, Pimples
to the Head,
plexion, Bal
Hond, Beorof
ache, Skin Dis
warn, Hiven,
iHbeura, Roald
jovbe, Siok Hem.
paren, Rour
Somat, Tired Pu ltng Torpie
fiver Ulcers, Waiter Proaly
and every oth Je wr es mpiom
or disnee That Fern its fromm
impure biood or a fadisre iu the props peetorm.
sane of thalr functions br the wba mme’s, liver and
intestines. Persons given to overeating ae hen.
efitad by tokimg one Sabade nlfior emo tod, A
continged ume of the Kipens Tabaies is (he varent
“are far chstinste coametitution. Ther contain
nothing that ous be Injurtons bo the weet dedi
Cate arom 2, 18 groom 81.9. 14 prose Te,
194 grow 13 conta. Semi be peal] posta tad
P.O. Box 675. New York
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WH be the ext young eity fo surprise you with
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Bes wise in the United States, Bosides & large ex
of fertile lands, there are workds of wealth in miner
als tributary to her, Including hamense
Iron, Tin, Lead, Silver & Gold.
railroads are now bulbding, and three others
e000 cven
Ae Darden of 1691 i the ‘ Peer known.
Now is THE Time
spa tenon antioed Fre farther bite.
CIT AS 3, PYYDVEL Pies fant