FARM NOTES, | The all-the-year-round cow {a the one that generally best fills the bill. If your neighbor succeeds better than pou do, find out bow he does it. Never break off a limb on a waluablo free; always make a smooth cut, Some one asks: “Are we going to the fogs?” No; but the sheep are. Don't be satisfied with wercly misiog b few hogs, but raise good ones. A bushel of potatoes often commands es ugh a price as a bushel of wheat. : A good farmer will drive his work ine $tead of having his work drive him. The farmer has heretofore scattered | bis cnergies over too large a surface. | In judging wool, the rest of the fleeco Is compared with that on the shoulder. | It pays to grind grain for the stock} | pad it pays to feed it with cut fodder, The older the troe the more difficult to , transplant sad the more uncertain of suc. tess. The farmer that has eggs, poultry and butter to scll does not need to go nto debt at the stores for the little pecessary running expenses. But, of sourse, good management is necessary. It separators are to be used which fhall they be, wood or tin? I believe the general decision is that tin 1s prefer. tble with wide frames and wood with the T supers, says a correspondent in the Beekeepers’ Leview. It has been found that corn-meal snd piddlings will not make four cent rk at a profit in Now Hampshire; but fiat twenty cent skim-milk will do it. The Wisconsin Experiment Station has found that to mix meal and milk pays far better than to feed cither exclusively, A good rule in farming is to use tho land that every crop shall make a margin bf profit, and shall leave the land richer at the close of the course of rotation than it was at the begioning. After this has been accomplished during one rotation it will be easicr during each succeeding one. Turkeys like a variety of food, though they do very well upon corn, which they pever refuse while ia health. They aro yery fond of a mash of boiled potatoes ind Indian rocal, and thnve admirably ppon it. What éver tho provender, it bhould be fed rogularly, and the birds be kept thriving from the shell to tho butcher's block. L. I. Lemborn says that the carnation pf the future must be a large and perfect Bower that will give, perfect calyx sup- port to its petals. The flowers must bo on loog stems, stand erect, fragrant in | the highest degree and well fringed. | The plant must be of a branching, dwarf. sh habit, a vigorous grower, sn easly and coatipuous bloomer, | | i i A man who Las practiced medietne for 40 r=, ought to know salt from sugar; read hat he says: Torro, O., Jan. 10,1887, | Messrs. F. J. Cheney & Co —Gent'e ren:—I have been In the general pra-tice of medicine for most 40 years, and would say thet im al my practice and experience have never seen a Buch con. that 1 enuid preserive with as uch confidence of sucerss as [ ean Hall's mannfactured by vou. Have nee. filmes and ts ofleet in wonderful snd would sav in conclusion tht | have yetrofioda eine of (0 tarrh that it wou'd Bot wie i ibhey wou'd take it acoordimng to de rections Yours Tru ¥ iL. I. coR-tTen MD 5 sispinenni St sled. O atarrh Cure pried ta great many We will eve V0 "or any enn ne roid weit i ’ ia irs, » elestric c: . tow: | have resolve ed thesa i St i Veer and shou ve inform 4 you lrresp your request that the Yegetabls Piils all other Pills ever nied by me, a8 to worth and efficiency. Iam troubles with torpldity of the liver, snd shall keep your Pills as my house. bold remedy. tabi Fil a wtive of “Hep ome A California boy bitten by a rattle. snake cured it by rubbing with his | hand. i tl Ap : Thousands of cases of female disease have been treated by Mrs, Pinkham, and every fact recorded. Those records are available to suf fering Women private correspondoengs solicited, — A —— Adventure ‘‘blazes” the path that civil zat on follows, 5 I1afl'joted wth soreoyos use De. [sao Thomps st sEye-water. Druggists soll at Sa, per cowie —-——_—— Ignorance is universal; wisdom 1s oc casional, There is a gentle- man at Malden-on- the-Hudson, N. Y., named Captain A. G. Pareis, who bas written us a letter in which it is evident that he has made up his mind concerning some things, and this 1s what he says ‘I have used your preparation called August Flower in my family for seven or eight years. [tis con- stantly in my house, and we consider it the best remedy for Indigestion, and Constipation we | Indigestion. have ever used o1 | known. My wife is | Dyspepsia, troubled with times suffers very much after eating. The August Flower, however, re- lieves the difficulty. My wife fre quently says to me when I am going to town, ‘We are out Constipation of August Flower, and I think you had better get another bottle.' [am also | troubled with Indigestion, and when- | ever I Bui. 1 sake Out OI two ea | spoonfuls before eating, for a day or Sma and all trouble is removed.” @ | How dd the Sphinx get the credit for being wise, papa? Mr, Nor 1 By keeping. his mouth ghut fur thee thousand years, ReFerreDp To Tue D'strior AT. TORNEY.~P0ot —1 have a Hulse poem hers, sic, that nus be~n in lited — Editor - Will, sir, I wonld 1 e glad to s2¢ it convictet, but I can’t try LN 4 Both the method end results when Byrup of Figais taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts goudly yotpromptly on the Kidneys, iver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, bead. eches and fevers snd cures habitoal constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its find ever pro- duced, pleasing to the taste oll ceptable to the stomach, prompt in ita action and truly beneficial in its effects, propared only from the most healthy and agrecable substances, its many excellent qualities come mend it to all and have mede it tha most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs 's for sale in 500 and $1 bottles by all leading drugs gris. Any reliable drupeist who hand will pro- may not have it on ena it nptly sony ore who Do not accept Wises to try : SYRUP CO i he i “i(y AL . pr ' anv aubetitnte, FIG CALIFURNIA NAN FRA NUH New Vouk LOUISVILLE, & X.Y URE La] MMII Nida ATARRH ne VMottle Cares by "frucy ive 1 gfe. or mailed to ny drop . be Lhirel in wrath and he. i snd senee of smell; he & And invigorates the -yalem, WM. HB Jo NES Npecialist in sila, Fa. Consul tation ond advice Free, 11 a.m to 3 p.m Kymptom blanks and testimonials mailed free Io any addres. AMERICAN NEURALGIA CURE cures Neuralga. 2%. by mall. Ely’s Cream Balm Is the best remedy for dren suffering from COLD in HEAD OR CATARRMH. post: | Arty festaores Pr oves Lhe appet * epared by DR chil y Baim in Arp! 3 foe FLY BROS, 6 © LADIES TOILET : CLF EEN BEY vy ch SAVE YOUR MONE! i be made insure their Lives in 73 # le lpcurance Asso ein lon. fore sary I. 150 Write Jf r par ticulnrs i : F.OODWARD, Secretary, ork ORY. N. } Mustrated Publications, with 8, describing Minnesota, mae Dakota, Montana idaho, Washington and : FREE GOVERNMENT gu AND OREAFP NORTHERN PACIFIC R, R. Bast Agricuitara Gras. ing and Timber Lands : now open to settlers. Mailed LE Fran. RB LANBORS. Land Com. 5. PF. LN Nass Mtreet New Y . - Hen We want a wide asabe honest $160 t0 $200 EAE i in the virodiuce am es 3 — tie soba will Be »{Thact A | MONTY Be je 1 2 a STOPPED FREE of viows Rarvess Tasene Porgote Restored Dr. RLINE'S GREAT NERVE RESTORER & Netewm Increases wily mon v Epwie; op, whe, ISPALLIBLE taken + vod So Fite after Kraft days wee. Treatise and £7 trial botile frow te Fit patients, hey poy 3p 0eea « Barges on boy whes received. Send names, P.O #2 expres address of W. KLINE. 338 Asels oa, Prifadeighie, Pa BEWARE OF IRITATING FRAUDS AGENTS pend for How | Made a ae IV Jonee und Let in One WH Fear, Our copyrighted seethods free to ail or business change §» / Teachers and Ladies & 8 big pay for spare hows Tusasuny Puss CHASING AGENCY, 27 #1 Ave, New York, \ | ANTED«ORGANIZERS FOR A WELL established Seven Year Endowment Order, chartered under the laws of Pennsylvania, Ihe only Fraternal and Beneficial Order making loans to fs members. BUILDING AS- SOCIATION FEATURES COMBINED WITH SICK BENEFITS. Liberal inducements t 00d canvassers. Address W, H, Nellson, Supreme Secretary, 1312 Chestuut Street, Phils delphia, Pa. on OEY Ww. monm1s, a", NSIO oy nate ag teas D, : a 1pims. Swen fn last war 16 adj udioating famine, stly sees ANTED MEN toSell Nareery Stack In thats locality, Salary or Commisson, Noam C—O ss VY petienan heeded. HE Manan & Co. JLeneva N.Y, We want the name and ade dress of every suflerer inthe & ASTHMA P. Harold Sages, 0.0, Bafa K.1. RE rel Hach SICK Caf To HAY FEVER core, vo smar concn U. 5. and Canada. Address QO RATE LEAR ELL DEVRLOR i | i i | i Not a Local Disease Beeause Catarrh affects your head, it is pot i therefore a local disease. Ui it did not »xist mn | your biood, it eonld not manifest itself tn your | nose, The blood now In your brain is before You finish reading this article. back In your heart agin and soon distributed to your liver, | stomach, kidneys, and so on. Wuatever im purities the blood “ors not carry away, cause whit we ca | diseases, Therefore, when you have Catarrh a snuff or other iphalant can at most give only teinporary relief. The only way to effect a ct re | is to attack the disease in the blood, by taking a constitutional remedy likes Hood's Sarsaps- rilla, which eliminates all impurities and thus permanently cures Catarrh. The success of ’ : rood’'s Sarsaparilla Asa remedy for Catarrh is vouched for by many | people it has cured N.B. Be sure to get Hood's | & practical poultry magasine; best pouliry paper published: Ot on trial, 2X no's, 2, or one ar de, If you mention this paper. a Mahly poneentrateod, Doss gmail lows than a tenth cent a day Oiseanes, In anantity costs Prevents and cures all Good for young chicks and pe wilting hens, 16 samips, Ave packs $1. large 81 4 1h, $1 2s mrge cans, 85, express prepaid. Farm-Poultry one year (price bei, and large oan 814 La JOHNSON & OU, 8 Customs Louse S8., Boston, Mass Bix " a r'de (inanticination)—*1 ghouid tike | to give tay Intender a it je Surprise Ho i fore our manlage, What would you Hel vise" Female Friend —<“ITan! presayt him Wilh your certilleate of Lich,” - Mr Blacklot —* Yes well to Ha vind diwior now *? Mra Nextdore—*]) ar the doator do Lowa suuldvin'? my boy’sdomn? He's sculdyiu’ for a | me ! 1 Sr ——E—— “ps, Giarril fel frat wy t Kuows nan inas waal wili | bcos of huu!® File] <*| HK i =n His als i fe} uj ~* t Mat Live ?? sihel "le asced Lio” me to fly with A gentleman in Tacoma, Washington, recently gave a dinner Lo twenty-eight people, the dining room belag the inte- | rior of the trunks of a tree on his estale, —————— The State din'ng room at the White reeds and festoons of American Is. oken by medallions of the 1 Sagi, fruits, filled with 1ud an corn peaches, ig Fish can give put you in a g business «f your from $10) to §0 per io i f over in your mind a few days Pre tination is the thief of time.” and many a opporiunity slips from our grasp forever through the want of prompiaess rile them af ono. ——— George Holmes, of Cincinnat!, is the owner of a peculiar diamond, the morning it Is a beautifql sky at noon is perfectiv white, and at o'clock in the evening begins to tlsek and after sunset it is like a of col, own wh month In turn pece - A lady returned from a foreign that her health was sustained by Lydia E. Pinkbham's Vegetable our claims the use of ge ioound ————— " To be famous when you are young is the fortune of the gods, — Everibody knows fiat at thi blood is Blled with impuriti tion of months All thes tmpurities every trace of = ful it rheam, or diseases muy be acpeiled by taking soason the the accumula and Be sure to get -———— to its last particle 's duty, Not a Nostram, ! Dr. Hoxsie's Certain Croup Cure, the tested | prescription of au eminent physician in regu | lar standing aud practice. Positive, swilt Hold vy druguists or matled on recel Ad iress J.P. Hoxsle, Bullalo, N. X. “ So i Idleness is both a gieat sn and the cause of many more, ———— Pia Cann’s Hikiney Cure for Dropsy, Gravel, Diabetes, Bright's, Heart, Urinary or Liver Diseases, Nerve onsnesas, &e¢. Cure guaranteed. S31 Arch Street, Phllad’s. $1 a bottle, 6 for 80, or druggist. 1000 certificates of cures, Try it —-—— He wept not {or what he had lost, but for what he might bave gained, A — a RUPTURE 1, Jacob Genicheimer, of Clay- # ton, N, J. have been tharou: - ¥ cured of my rupture by De. J. BH. Mayer, 831 teh St. Phula. 1 do the hardest Kind of Yt mg and wear no truss, Go to see Wim, Dr. Mayer alto gives treatment at Hotel Penn, Reading, Pa. on the 24 saturday and follow: ng Sunday of vach month, Go to your friends with your sorrows your joys may disconoert them, A. RESET RTE — w To DR Kine tl Afon a Yo HUMOROUS, A howling swell—an ulcerated tooth, A borrower of books is generally a thorough book-keeper, ———— If we may judge by his feathers the jeucock is a well-trained bird. e——— “Um dan!’ as the poor fellow said when be opened Lhe business letioy. A cornet isn’t a little corn, but its just as great a pusance as a big one, snc ————— Justice is made so blind that shecan's see what is going on in the court- The man who takes the will for the To the indolent man every movement e———— He—'"*A penny for your thoughts,» Bhe (coln.collector)—' ‘What's the date?” *‘ There 18 more snap than go about the tuing,”” as the rat remarked of the trap. * Do you suppose George could be “How much have you got?” ‘Uh, mamm” exclaimed little Johnie, ‘“the trees In our yard are geiting bald-lie uled,” —— A Jupouest, — Tramp-—Madam, I'm slowly swerving tod ath lied Girl—Serves ye right, Ye hain’t to die all tu ouct like decent fit some dealers always. They want to largest profit. What you want to buy is the one that does you the most good. Which one is it? Bometimes, it may be a matter of doubt, But, in thé case of Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription, there’s no room for doubt. It’s a matter that can be proved. With the facts before yon, it's have something else offered “just as good.” And here's the proof : as Among woman’s peculiar weaknesses, irreg- ularities, and discases, the “ Favor. ite Prescription” is the only one that’s guaranteed. If it doesn’t do all that’s claimed in eve have case, you'll money TY as There's strength and vicor for every tired and foe health and a new life delicate and ailing won there’s no Lelp, there's no pay. your Ule CONSTIPATION, Constipation i+ one of the most common and painful diseases, It occurs nowt frequently with men and women who are loroed by thely profession to fol ow & sedentary mo 8 of lide and whe through inclination or necessity are accustomed to partake of rich food. A ithough not dangerous in itself, It may give rise to s*5b ous disturbances iu the general health of the patient, particularly it itis neglected, and in consequence takes deep root iu the syste. In former thmes t was customary to eure it with ail kinds of deastic mixiures, powders and pills containing some lojurious mineral substance, Bat this was driving out sin with Satan because momentary relief, exereive 4 dejeteriogs «eos on the whole systém and particularly ou the vital organs and weaken the body H used con 11 this is sought Lo be avoided Ly pan « di geslive organs will in consequence e+ 2 @ act properly, and then serious compli atl us may arise whi bh will threaten even the ol the patient. But the curative powers of the old drastic purg tives have been secured while thelr evil aft-r-efl ets are avoided, bY the use of 8t. Bernard Vegetable Plils. They are th ad hid» iY of os They a. a8 omote the Ke thaoul wen Lie 4 n of any injurious substances, being med cinal herbs ol the Alps dele er IR 7 prepared of best cretion of undigestible matier w he 8 They are therelore the all the many remes on This fact has been readily scknowl edged by many prominent physicians of ail countiles as well 84 Uy thousands of grateful hey have aflorded relief even under the most sgeravated chicumstances. The Bernard Voegetab e Pills can be bad of ever class drugpist. If your drugg'sts haven to “Ht, Her ard,” Box 2416, New ing yiem, ANAKERIE gives a slant reel and = aa INFALLIBLE CURE for PILES, Prices $i; diuresis’, ar Dy ma Bamples free, Addr § “Avakesin” Haz 2 New York City de . i i “ 4 Dwsgre Oonwen ow vor Rann —dOChas XC srner writes of ronsdo leach, Calif. Hotel hit ont woaside resort betel ia the worth Glimpses of Royalty. Srilliant Contributors. rYoiume nt ¢ coming % #1 of ¢ nent 100 Stories of Adventure, Sketches of Travel. Popular Science Articles. Charming Children’s Page. - AA a i ll ot A ol LA, i rnegie. — Cyrus W, Field. Meath. — Dr. Lyman Abbott Ct The Best Short Stories. Hints on Secif-Education. Household Articles. Natural History Papers. [Eo Nearly 1000 lllustrations. “A Yaid ho | Ct ROSES" THE YouTH's Com This Slip and $1.75, Kumbers, Address, por in ap- 7 he dentist, like th the race for rest of ns, is thealwnys , vat peais Lo be pu li Phe world =" all of “a mn i} when Le is dead bg A new book on the m “Dowoks That Mave Helped Me.” Check books, no doubt, c—— Man always flatters himself. He talks of ids “resignation,” when fortune has simply given him the grand bounce. ——————— He—Will you marry me? I have i bachelor uncle orth half a miilion, She-No; but you might introduce | A pretty woman should be called Procrastination, She can secrete more years of her age than any other thief of time yet discovered, A Huxprrd FoLp.-Visitor—You say you are here as the result of sowing wild oats. What did you raise? Prisoner—Cheques. A Harry Muoiom.—*Pillsbary isn’t as black as he is painte 1,» “That's true; but neither Is be as Our Corven Faced RACIAL TYPE Mrs Bacon—Here's a paper speaks of ‘our copper-faced type.” What does It mean. Indians, I suppore. UF Axorurr Fratneg.—Maud — George has the oddest terms of endear- ment; last night he called me his little duck. Marie—Well, my dear, you know that you are no chicken, “Why is itso much easier to contract debts than to pay them?” “Because we run into debt, but usually bave ‘0 crawl out.” Facetious Lourists—*1t is true that your canton is full of idoits?"’ Merry Swiss Peasant—* Yes, sir, in summer, Bat they don’t stop long.” Oarruthers—*0Of what use isa family tree, anyhow?" Waite-—* Why to cast one’s neighbor's into the sade, of course.” A Western man says this is a *tough world,” and it 18 his opinion that very few who are in it now will ever get out of italive, peewrgne Ad Of Roxbury, Mass., says Kennedy ‘a Medical Discovery me Seated Ulcers of 40 years’ standing, Inward Tumors, and every disease of the skin, ex- cept Thunder Humor, Cancer that has taken and Canada DR. E C, WEST'S NERVE AND BRAIN Treatment, a spee fic for Hysteria, Dizziness Fits, Nervous Neuralgia, Headache, Nervoas Prostration esused by the ase of alcohol or to bacco, Wakefulness, Mental Depression, ening of the Brain, resulting in insanity, n ery, decay. and death. Prematare Old Age caused by over-exertion ofthe Brain, Each box contains 1 month's treatment. $1.00 a box, or ¢ boxes for 8.00, by mail WEGUARANTEE SIX BOX FS With ench 8 order we will send a written guar. antes to r Tandihe money if the (reatment doss pot cure, Goarantees issued only by FINNERTY, Sole Agts., 106° Market Si. Philadelphia, Peana THE SMALLEST PILL IN THE WORLD! LIVER PILLS » & @ tonnity a Er ea! 4) wn Fordon Exact sive shown in thie . 000000OGCOOS www, FOR FIFTY YEARS| MRS. WINSLOW'S | SOOTHING SYRUP ! Se sry 4 ’ Rure eure for Pad Breath Sovr Rio | Headseho, Dyspepsii, Heart Burn, all Biliows | and Gastrie Aflections of the Stomach. W hiteus {| Teerh to perfection Chemieally prepared { from young shoots of the willow. Guaranteed | 30 be periectly pure Price only 25 conts per | box sent by mall, DITMAN'S PHARMACY, Broadway wad | Barclay Street, New York. With won. erful Re sults for the FPrevendion | of Hinir fall. { ing out, in i 7 4 / 4 onse of Badd he \ g i ness, for RT) ] \ rowing =» leard i» PILOCRESCIN, DAMSCHINSKY 'S GREAT HAIR PRODUCER. Price $1.00. Sold by all Draggisis Gray, Red or Faded Hair is Dyed BLONDE BRUWNOR BLACK with Damschinsky's orl brated liguid Hair Bye, wiih i» guaranteed barmices (no silver aor | bend). One botlie, one appl eation. dyes the I hair fo a few minates, Price 15 Ct. AN - gists. or by CU. DAMSCHINSKY, 226 208 Kast J6th St. New York Sent free by mail after receipt of price CRATEFUL-COMFORTING. EPPS $S COCOA BREAKFAST. our break ast tabuwes with » delicately Ba erage which may save ae many heavy dostors’ bills itis by the jodictogs wy Siggy of aiet that a con nay gr duail ug Sait Handed of sadn ladies a Ponting around ready 10 atsmok wherever there weak We mar ssonpe many & fatal shalt by beeping fortified with Wood avd » PAIS, Sem CVell Service. Ganetts, © simply with water or milk. Sold J abelied thas EPrrs & . Eworaws, a J Es Ro PAPER CUTTERS Printer. THR EYE OF ANY | , Bookbinder, wR Maker ox Bp Bs Maker, PER CUTTER, PA HE WOULD SAVE MONEY BY WRITING TO TE HOWARD IRON WORKS, -