Is a consti'utional and not a loca! disease, and therefore it canuo! be cured by local app lea tions. It requires a consty’ utional remedy like Heo's Sarsapariliz, which, working through the blood, effects & permanent cur? of eatgrrh by eradicating the impurity which causes and pro motes the disease. Thousands of people testify $0 the suceess of Hood's sarsaparilia as a remedy for eatarrh when other preparations had failed. Hood's Sarsap irilia also builds up t eo whole system, and makes you feel renewed in health and strength. All who suffer from ¢ adareh or deo- bility should certainly try Hood's Sarsaparilla, “I have used H od’s sarsaparilla for eatarrh benefit from it" J. F. thy all druggists. $1:s8ix for $5. Prepared by C. 1. HOOD & CO, Lowell, Mass, 100 Doses One Dollar A Te iy 80! on “A Yard of Roses.” York Academy of Design was a yard-long pane el of Hoses, A crowd was always before it. One art-critic e celaimed, “Such a bit of na- ture shoul! belong to all the people, it is too beautiful £ r 02e man to hide away.” The Youth's Companion, of Boston, seized reproduce the painting. The result has been a triumph of artistic delicacy and color. The Companion makes an autumn gift of this copy of the painting to each of its five hundred thousand subsgribors, Any others who may subscribe now for the first time,and request it, will receive “The Yard of Roses *” without ex- tra charge while the edition lasts. pew subsoribers will The Companion free from the time the subscription is rec till January First, including the Thanksgiving | and Christmas Pouable Numbersand for a full year from that date, The price of The Com- pas £1.75 a year. Every far ally should take this brightest and best of illustrated literary papers ino addi to its local paper. a —— fon is i { | i Ang ~ Ana, in Los eles connty & general fruit depot for S withers Ciliforoia. eoem———— He Strack It Rioh, Whats hink if some one that Knew "we work? pdt ar nave slong mord, many gtOry over awhil Hicks § this tirn d ju I give Were 1 that am, If] your bus or lose what I have f Amee] w tt bt «1 an proud 1 yay that ! could go 10 you for &: and soon make anothers ¢ ey wis pot how to double snd t your income, if you sre in any bu-ine jdoying a cap tal of ke $4000: and if you are not in any business at all, they will enable YOu to be in » short time, if you will take their advices. They want a good honest man or woman in every country in the Union to man- age that wil! yield handsome returns, Write them at e for information. ——————— rebie ST. mn #8 than business a Chinaman is or- ge for the bene- in Hollister, Cal... gan'z'ng a Masonite Lod fit of his countrymen, Mr. Thos Rockstrob, Wakefield, Miohigan, writes: “A few days ago | received your ter inquiring as to th efficiency of the 8t. Berasrd Yeg t ble Pills I find your Pilis un. girs passes? for indigesten and ba i a m ner Hing, has with gun ke frequents ped hen Bernard Vegetal th sent me wider «tt An v the off vn ~t er ! fin i« on han thank -— The first invo ee of fest rec:ovet at San Diego, C osirich farm at Mont hers has ben l., from Falrview, ut How's This! We aller ( fired Dollars any cas of Car takiop Hall's Uat \arrh C ure. F.J CHENEY & CO, Propa.. Tolede, ©. Wa, the ander A I ———— ‘L'here are ouly twenty hearses in Buf. falo. One day recently every one of them was in use, and at the same hour, Prevents Pneumonia. ir. Hoxsie's Certan Croup Cure positively revents pneu onia, diphtheria and sap. raneous crop. It has no rival. Sold by erug- iss or will be malledarn receipt of % ot. ress ALP. Hoxsle, Béftalo, N, XY. The Buffalo Courier suggests that free passes be given to every theatre- golog woman who will doff her hat, --— Cans iainey Cure for Dropsy, Gravel, Diabetes, Bright's, Heart, Urinary of Liver Diseases, Norv ousness, &e¢. Cure guaranteed. 831 Arch Street, Philad’a. $1 a bottle, lor $5, or druggist. 1000 certificates of cures, Try it. The roof of the pension office at Washington leaks with every rain storw sud welting snow, ead “I have been taking Hood's Barsaparilla for the past four years at Intervals, I was troubled wit « eatarrh, and tne medicine affecten a per fect cure, I take it now wheneve I feel debilits, ted, and t always gives me hinm diate strength, regulates the bowels und gives an excellent ap: petite.” Levi CampseLy, Parkersburg W. Va. “My daughter has had catarrh for 9 years, She coughed and expectorated 80 mu n that every one thought she had consu nption. I tried every thing I veard of but gained no relief, I sent het to Florida in September for the winter.and there her frieuds advised her to use Hood's Sarsapa- rilla. She wrote me that she had taken three bottles and never felt so good tn her Hfe." Mis. MoeXxiauar, 137 Williamson St., Newport, Ky. Sold by all druggists, $1; six for #5. Prepared by C.1. HOOD & CO.,, Lowe 1, Mass, 100 Doses One Dollar, Pronasry the most remarkable rail- in length, It begins at an and has its ter- feet. It has fifteen seventeen tunnels, £9,000, 000, 13.000 double viadnots, A Brimisa regiment returning to from China is to make the | trip eastward by way of Canada. This will be the first practical test of Jritain’s new military highway to the Kast across her American possessions, and the result will be looked for with much interest, Ervonrs are being made to cultivate i the wattle-tree in the Kansas aud Col- orado plains, It is a shrub of Austral- 180 origin, containing more tannic acid in its bark than a big oak, Ix 180% there were thirty-five trans. Seriptures in existence. Tuere are now nearly three hundred, num ymboat is now rap. n the Lake of Zurich, Switz. r- It woighs only about half a ton, uf the weight of ordinary boat AX alami ste laud. or an ff Fhe wit easily 0 8 wel carries a two-horse | makes SIX | same 1Ze, and rites ihe eight petroleam miles an hi In t thé Dead m chyoks Persons, a nar. iat reach ed year thers x, 542, and » value of 81,- e 6 tters tl L Letter (Ki 00) |e n ney a : » 8 and notes T1871 2iA,0 six of coal in Wyoming Las Years, A MOCNT been burmng for thirty EE Syrup of Figs, Produced from the laxative snd nntri- | juice of California figs, combined the nedicing to be human system, and bowels, system, dispeling colds gud curing habitual tions with of plants beneficial to the on the kid- effectually {18 vir known most acts gently, neys, liver cleansing the and he adaches, constipation, T he newest kind of a thief 18 one In Bellevue, OO. who steals thermometers exclusively. amon a—— Will Fight to a Finish, xr as the As Ion ia gween ng wok, IL is Liisbory el Lhe ¢ dou nm New iajualed nh assis" 1 Fila Moped “roe of Dr LOTeT. a alter Gre Feniiee aid $0.90 or Fi : | cases, sen J 40 UT. bse, u0l Az An artesian well at Portland, Ore, feet, and has cost, Kilns ira Favs ren, fale a FRLe [ree tO 2 5. hia, Pa ’ 3 80 far, ing a good flow of Water. Jacob 6 o Gens «ehetmer, of Cl 4 ’ ton, N . bave been thoroua hb rapture rd br.J.B 1 do the hardest kind of truss, Go to se~ him Mayer also gives treatment at Hotel P Reading, Pa. on the 24 Saturday and tollow ing Sunday of each mont May or 81 $155 Dr Phila It is estimated that 2 0 lives were lost in Germany by the recent heavy JAPANESE PILLE CURE Intern ai, Bi {4 cont NE BOTTLE OF y bust five or fy Ok HE Cons iKS DR TONTI Wi L DEVELOP in days, or money re. ttify ompirxion send stamp for eireular, ISChestnut St, Phila. Pa. See FREE Ineans Pe pe RLINE'S Bn N gry ERNEST Afvorions, Pua, INPALLINER if taken ss directed Seat day's see. Treaties and $1 ial bottle free to Fit patients, (hey paymg onsrons charges on bos when reveled Rr £.0 sod sox rea Foomobing afield to 0 Pa. Sot Uragoivs. BEWARE oki iv PRAVDS ———————————— A 5 A ih will | bigs wy MILLER, | —— ’ r 10M ‘ene Dw SWAN, Beaver Dam, wi CURED T0 STAY "CURED, We want the name and ade dremsof every sufferer in the HAY FEVE & ASTHMA V2 “i aE metus 100 PE3 CHT sou oie GNI CA rises on my Covesde, Beis, ARETE fran, Toevisary, WT. Sridmmans Ky Wear, X.Y ny AGENTS WANTED ON SALARY, gr UNIT to a the New Patent Uhomional nk Erasing Pencil Agents mak wonk, Me roe Fraser MI 'g Co, La ns A a, wars — TT (en froe m= fo iy Somat BOY | INCuRABLE —Mr. Noopop (through the telephoor, 2 A. M.)—**Doctor, come down right away and »ée the baby,” Dr. Paiesis— ‘What sems to be the tronhle!"’ Mr. Noopop—*1 think it's insom- nla,” ape —— , WHORLSALE DEALER, —Talkative mmmer (Lo Str unger, on train) — hat’s vour line?” 8 ranger—* Bialns!”’ Drummer (sureastroally)— ‘*Indeed! how do you sell em?” Stranger—“'By the case; I'm a yerl” law- ——————— A SETTLER, — Wealthy Party -- “Want my daughter, eh? Why, you have just failed in busin ssl?’ Young Upto muff--**I"couldn’i think of marrying if I hadn't.” Wealthy Paity— “She is yours, You are bound to succeed.” - The head weiter reminds one of mat- rimovy. He is a high menial, it will be remembered, A farmer of Murray County, Ga., sixty-tive years old, boasts that himself and several members of his family have never worn anything but home-made clothing, The wool was ralsed, woven dyed an? made up at home, Professor H. W,. 8. Cleveland, of M nneapolis, Minn,, has an autograph letter of Beujumin Franklin, in form< ing the pustmaster in Bost nn Lhat he shoud not exempt governors from pay- 47 58 if » 3 s 34 it A med- | that | ~—every cent you've paid for it or doesn’t benefit nl. cure v icine that promises LLis 18 one elp you. Dut there's only promis es to | ’ one medicine of | d does promise it. | It’s Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis. It's the guaranteed re medy : for all Blood, Skin and Scalp Dis- | blotch eruption to the worst scrofula, cleanses, pur blood, invigorates the cures ¥. i eases, from a common or Is | the | system, and Tetter, Eczema, | manner of blood- | ifies, and enriches Salt-rheum, Erysipelas and all & taints fre Great under whatever cause, Eating rapidly heal its be nign infl uence, It's the best blood-purifier, and it's | i the 3 cheapest, no matter how many doses are offered for a d ilar—for | You pas Onis for the good you got, . 3 roid as eT walls Min CHI e J SON'S Anodyne Liniment. Ue ANY OTHE “. OR $inaten IN 1810, oF 171 rm. Rf : 1x03T A czxruaY. er, Frory oy should keep I af band, RON s of ife liable to ooour bo any one. mg, Healing and Penstrating. Once seed als | odd evervwhere, Price Xe six. $2. Fall 8, JOHNSON & UO, Paaron, Mass, Taiz poe -i siars free, i Taking butter from milk was known in the earliest times. It was left for our time to make a milk of cod- liver oil. Milk, the emulsion of but- ter, is an easier food than butter. Scott's Emulsion of cod-liver oil is an easier food than cod-liver oil. It is rest for digestion. It stimulates, helps, restores, digestion; and, at the same time, sup- plies the body a kind of nourishment it can get in no other way, Scory & Bowne, Chemists, 132 South sth A venus New York, hy Your druggia ol all druggists ever weeps Scott's Emuluon of cod liver ywhere do. $1. Siz Hewnr Taourson, the most noted physician of Eag- land, says that more than half of all diseases come from error ia diet Send for Free Sample of Garfield Tes to 310 West th Street, New York City. LD TEA: jours: Beak Hod Biek Head in jearesConsti Over. comes results RARFIE restoresComplex Piso's Remedy for Oatarrh is the fost, Katies 10 Tse, and CHonpest, CATA R RH Sold by drugiela of seal by tusdl, woe. kT Haseiting, Warren, re TREE Ci WHICH MOST Skin Cancer and inherited Scrofula vegatable and c a Atianta, Ca. ful Sharaving %, also & grand Jongth Excl > AGENTS WANTED. JHustrated with over 400 wonder- in 12 colors and ten feet in FRI A —— snd P 0. a f 8 sgenis or those FREE. 1000 Att Passugen, the Bores, Gives Re ® FEIN Arp smell, and Cures is uickiy , 00 Warren St, XN. Y HUMOROUS, Many bandkerchiefs are moistened vy | | Soriows that p -ver occur, live ¢n the achers just the sume, It wonld be legged la «yer a limb of bardiy fair to ec» 1 a jack= Lhe luw, - It is odd ey ough that burglars take such 1isks lo a safe opening. Astiney manean'e rel ed npon to keep everytling but his proud « vemeant thew hird party upe m uy AD aces plat le t —Lmaviug Lhe youug ¢ B ves, i coae———— Fome weak: knw d husbands with ve y large wives are not ale Loeil wil, in to huld - The debtor 1s tue fellow who fen’t a buny oll his account. ———— “Mamma, why do they put the pie. To show that money ties, my dear.” ———— Marriage is a divine in THE SMALLEST PILL IN THE WORLD! TUTT’S OTINY LIVER PILLS ® Oo have all thd virtues of the larger ones; ® equally effective; purely vegetable, Fanet size shown in this border. eee OWN FOR FIFTY _YEARS| MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUF has boon used by mou wi Toot for over the ¢ 1M, softer a es wing ¥ for disrrbhoes Twenty-f ‘+ Cents un Bottle. ers for thelr Pity % es With won. | derful sults for tue te. Prevention of Hair fall. ing out, | case of Bald ness, for . Erowing “ Beard, I» used, PILOCRESCIN, DAMSCHINSKY'S GREAT HAIR PRODUCER. Price $1.00. sold J Irraggivis, Bl ONDY BEOYG LACK wi Pamechine ky’ Fair * "He ve, Bor shee § 5 Cte, iNaK% Sint of & THIS MEETS THE EYE OF ANY Printer, Bookbinder, Lithographar, Paper Maker or Paper Box Maker, WHO MAY BE IN WANT OF A FIRST LARS PAPER CUTTER, BE WOULD SAVE MONEY BY WRITING TO THR HOWARD IRON WORKS, BUFFALO XR. ¥ Fon HNALUSTRATED CATALOGUE AND PRICES Ladies can make BIC CASH Profits by securing subscribers for the leading, olden and Fashion Magazine America. A profitable and pleasant occupation, tha in full particulars send us Four Bame ar dros nA postal card. If you want a full outhit and sample copy, send 15 Cents, of we will 3end for ment hs for 23 cents, that you may koow and appevciste te excelioucies Always address GUDE Vs LADY'S BOOK, BOX X. 15685. 'hiladeliphia. WOODEURY'S FACIAL SOAP. w Skin, Sealp and Compirsion ED eT or hy mins bo ek © Ta. roe + For axle btw. Mminpie Derm mycology illus 1; on Kkin Somipy vid vl Flood dlaease and ther Hee spl wesled Tor Te also A PISFIGURERENTS Tike RIKTH MARKS, Boden, Werte, India fok and Powder ar seprn, Piitings, Hednoss of Nose, Sa perfinoas Tale, Plapies, &e.. removed HHS BH. WOODRI EY, DERNATOLOLITAL INNTTTUTE, 155 West 2ndturest, X, V. Og. Consulist on fren. ut offen or bre letter. Ament Ww in each Pleo. AMERICAN ATARRH JURE One Bottle Cures, Sold by Drug ists, or malled to any address for $1. tops Thi e dropping in the throat in one week : removes the bad breath and headaches tesiiites the hearing and sense of smell: im. es the ap 5 te and ght ge the system, Fepared ty WM JUNES, Specialist in Catarrh, 48 0 Hien er. Phila, Pa. Consul. and advice . Ham do - m, Symptom blanks and testimonials m tree Bo addres. AMERICAN NEURALGIA Cok CURK cures Neuralgia Fe. by mail E SILK SPONGE." ‘or mat ey BY D-ORGANIZERS FOR A WELL esta Endo nt Order under E h , fhwonly Fraternal Order BRR TON YEATT Rn ENEVITS. CAL VASSETS, Supe Seeretary 548 a Ppt The Change of Life. The sole aim of women nearing this critical period should be to keep well Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound to tt ¢ ondition, 5 n tee Utes ot as surly rious Hungry NV ADWALS’ PILLS The Great Liver and Stomach Bamedy, i the Blomack, ada r. Nervous Dis eadache & on tips lisorders B Far the eure Low BASEN, 1A aii OF ve jeielerns ic aDAGHE (EADW AY x PILL will b ove Samed disordes a iT BAT AS wk, Sin t 2 you. $ for RA D- ADWAY' DYSPEPSIA. ndispwition uss 50 fre , as well aa children, yess of tio 1). No other by so many different symp wequently mistaken for No other aE if neg ecled, and yet ly cured than socalled rs with babies and testh- th grown persons partion ce of a cold on the stomach proper diet or The use n Su uggi ia to DK. ar he Not quently wit ther form ¢ 144 via ado ia (weant itsell oo disorder » He Cas } And w by wel feet, o ahRervus ¥ nach un i Ten the whiok i» eave [« neglegt- Ver the eyes a grown persons ose of In A { he Drain, More or less rt att cks of feve: alms] & WAYS ROBO pany a weak digestion, ant frequently the cause of the disease is sought aby where else than in the tomach, which has becomes rebel. 1 ous in cons gence of a cold or an Improperdiet. Ard yet all forms of dyspepsia can be easily reached with the aid of the St Bernard V table Pills, which are prepared from the hes of th Swiss Alps. The plils contals an extract of these herbs, which act as a tonic and at the same time healing and strengthening. It with th most delicate constitution, an news the power of digestion in the stomach and consequently the appetite in a wonderful man ner. The St. Bernard Vegetable Pills can be ortained of any first-class drugrist if your druggists haven t them. send 25¢. to “St. Ben nard,” Box 2416, New York City, and ysc will receive same postpaid by return mall, ANARIENS ives stant reel and BB an INFALLIBLE JURE for PILES. Prices ; at druggisis’, or by mall Samples free, Address “Analesis Hox 2436 New York City cou-tipa “RK, BS ob sfis ID e di in itt oO 6 extent with yin res 8 . § e howe is of «of i Ww. L DOUCLAS 83 SHOE cenffnen. The BEST SHOE in the World for the Money GENTLEMEN and LADI AN, save your foi ines by wearing W, L. Douglas Shoes, Thes meet ihe wants of all classes, sid sre (he most sconomiond footwear ever offered for the money. Beware of deniers who offer other makes, ae bemg Just wood, and be sure you bave W. LL. Douglas Shows with name Aang pre fSmbed vo bottom, « La Douglas, ton, Mass, TARE NO SUBSTITU PE. _g9 Insist on look! ad vertiesd dealers mpying poy. SS ge Jo NES Sc ALES) wo FULLY WARRANTED® » 5Ton Scares $60 Freicur Poy Me JONES BingHAMTON NY. i wal webmdy wilde wlthont We Lows ar rusty pwd amit vediction © ea Bowed for the Ltt ow Nan pain a Jang lar hoe 1 ¥ A ees od Va. for infor mealien awn Unban that wii "tes. PATENTS beng |