SOLD AGAIN, Resident A nifmber of boys jus’ woul ten when boys feel the mo says the Duflulo of gaspipe, filled it plugged it at the ends, for a niece of v wischicvous, Express, got a piece with sand, and leaving room string to hang out, After this was done the gaspipe pre- sented a very formidable appearance, { door of hood. bed, and it was left The lord of the house was the first to discover it, and, after he recovered from the it him, he began to cautiously examine it. After awhile went back the yard, first his wife and a resident in their neighbor morning. shock caused he in warning daughter not to go near the “bomb ” as he called it. Prescutly he returned carrying the clothesline, on one end of which he te all carefully slipped the noose over it and Then made a slip-noose. advanced to- ward the cause of the trouble and drew it taut. telling his wife and daughter to go down to the corner he retreated to the back of the yard, and climbing over the fence he shut his eyes and gave the rope a sudden jerk. This was all the young scape- graces, who were watching him from an awful strain on his nerves, pulled result of his desperate effort an explo- sion of laughter far louder than he bad expected from the bomb greeted him, and—there isn’t a boy in the neighborhood will go bv that bouse now. Wants a Wife.’ Having red in your paper that B» grates many people register at your booth at the exhipbition, i infer that there are some wemin. I feal that this is my opportunity, and that man pro. poses and God disposes. Sum 15 years sine I left my boyhood bome 10 find a fortun in the west, and while I have found a fortun I now real- Ize that I have mitsed tho ministering ¢ero and tender sympathy of a woman. "I have a fortun and a ranch in the grate palous country. No mortgage on it. I raised this yero 8000 bush. of wheto of 207 acres, and raised n damd sigto more and feel better if I had a wifo to do thacookin. I am feddin a hells slew of hogs, what I can sel soon i I want to get ma L { a woman I will bald and | want who it an a sigh Print this i " $3 ¥ ia. UY, = POE aN Spokesman. A Colorado man killed a sheep, hung KR up and dressed it. H+ was at work when a mountain lion crept be tween his legs, pulled the mutton down, and, a though given kicking, held it fast away with it. Amateur 1 stil a good and got and spots on the sun, which are now reach. ing the maximum in number. The com- parison of these spots with the dis. turbances in the magnetic needle forms an abundant field for useful work. E.B. WALTHBALL & CO. Cave, Ky., says: “Hall's Catarrh Cure cures évery one that takes it.” Soid by Druggists, 75¢. pesmi parma A Mane woman, when she wishes io shell beans, runs them through the clothes wringer. sail Jail joted w'th soreeyes use Dr, lsaao Thompe son ’sEye-water. Druggists sell at Za, per Dottie A jeach grown at Sylvania, Ga. , weighed 18 ounces and measured 13 inches in circamflerence, ———— a German Syrup’ Those who have not used Boschee's Ger- man Syrup for some severe and chronic trouble of the Throat and Lungs can hard- ly appreciate what a truly wonder- ful medicine it is. A Throat and Lung Specialty. ing are unknown joys. man Syrup we do not ask easy cases, Sugar and water may smooth a throat or stop a tickling—for a while, This is as far as the ordinary cough medicine goes. Boschee's German Syrup is a discovery, a great Throat and , Bvt Specialty. Where for years there have been sensitiveness, in, coughing, Spitting. hemorr- age, voice failure, weakness, slip- ping down hill, where doctors and medicine and advice have been swal- lowed and followed to the of despair, where there is the si g conviction that all is over and the end is inevitable, there we place German Syrup, Itciires. Youare a live man yet if you take it. * Cleared away with Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescrip- tion. bearing -down sensations, prostration, all “female complaints,” are cured by it. It improves di- gestion, enriches the blood, dispels aches and pains, brings refreshing sleep, and health and strength, restores Nine Out of Ten Persons one meets have catarrh In 8 mid or aguravates form and yel comparatively few nay any attent! n to it, not se miog to realize until too lute that other ¢angérous diseases, such us bronchitisand consumption, are ¥ery sure to i fol'ow if the trouble 8 ot arrested. Catarrh | originates in impurities In ihe | lood, aud re. quires a constitutional remedy like Hood’s Sarsaparilla to etiect a thorough cure, Be sure ' ou get Hood's. i | Nothing en Earth Wie Ha Sheridan’sCondition Powder! If you can’t get it send to us, It 1s absolutely pure, Fiek! entrated. In quan City if comts | £ . Bis nedicinge. Fr Goud for r chicks, He moult, LE . E314 3h, i Bangle wend Fre as, Mans uterine, tonio and nervine, imparting tem. not a beverage. If you're a tired, nervous, or suf- Prescription ” is the only medicine that’s guaranteed, in every case, to bring you help. If it doesn’t give you satisfaction, you have your money back. A DIFFERENCE OF OPINION.—Dr, Fowler, hav ng had occasion to treat the family of Sum Johnsing for mul- aria, remonstrated with Sam for baving “What's de reason [ de pig pen furder house?’ asked Nam, “Because it is unhealthy,” the docior, sy teckon vou is away from the replied mistiken,” replied for two yeah«, and dar a:n’t been sickness Yit among de hogs.’ -— The Lydia EB. Pinkham Mass, a0 giving away book, “1; ie 10 Health SLigguiet should send their address and no Medicine Co., Lynn a be ut ful illastrated A etd * Ladies tamp lor copy. -——- Apples are as prodtable a crop in Cal fornia as oiauges, - hildren Teouse e's Certal wn —— men to be photographed, wears out ——— fTann's Midney Dropay, Gi s+ Bb Heart, Urinary or Liver ness Cure 8, Bright Diseas EUATRn Lay 5. $1 a bottle, ¢ 1000 certificates of vi Farts ive ALM on i. Arch St for 85. or cures, The Vatican at Rome eontains staircases and 1100 different rooms, ———__— 238 Mr. Carl Conrad, Hampton, lo., writes: The fent me, are excellent anda are suprisingly effective in their resulta. I would therefore request you to send me one dozen boxes of these pills for enclosed $1 75. —-——— The cost of burying the late Grand Duke Nicholas of Russia was $200,000, SE ———— Will Fight to a Finish. Originated by an Old Family Physician For INTERNAL as much as EXTERNAL use. Btopm Patan, Cramps, Inflammation In body or Hmb, Nike nagie. Cures Croup, Admas, Colds Catareh, Lasoe Decl, Beit Joints and Btraine Foil partiouisrm free Irie everywhere, 3 cla. L 8 JOUNBUA & QU, Boston, AMERICAN RE ATARRH jU One Nottie Cares. Noid bY Druggists, or mailed for 81. Stops the dropping in week : removes the bad breath restores the baring and sense sells me roves the apps # and luvigorales the f epared by D H JONES Catarrh, 48 N. J1th Street, Puila., Pa tation snd advice rey il a. n Bymwptom blanks ang testimonials mailed free LG any addres AMERICAN NEURALGIA | CURE cures Neuralg a. Jw i o THE SMALLEST PILL IN THE WORLD! ——————— TUTT’S ® TINY LIVER PILLS ® é have nll the virtues of the larger ones: © equally effective; purely vegetable, lo.ny the throat in ous and be dachest o iT pec to Exact size shown in this border, FOR FIFTY YEARS] MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP Years It AYE is Lag Lewd Twenty - Cents an Bottle, AI 0 FILY'S CaTarnH Cream Balm Is Worth $500 To Any Man Woman or Child Raffering From 'CATARRH Not a Lignid or Roar A particie is applied into each nostril and is agreeable. Price 50 cents at Diuggists or by mail. i ELY BROTHERS, 6 Warren St, N.Y. ! 4 i Wall Paper Co., of No. 12 N. 11th St, Philadelphia, will give the public the advantage of the drop in prices, We get this from them direct. Send four two cent stamps for samples of their 8, 10 and 12 cent gilts. A Uongreiiman's mel Story. Io connection with Senator-eloct Irhy1 duel In his younger daye Congressman John M. Allen, of Mississippi, tells of an sing affair of honor in which he ected as second, There was bad feeling ULetween two young lawgers in Mississippi, nad it wat decided that only blood could wipe out the enmity which existed. A challenge was seat and duly ackoowledged, The hour was appointed, and the two ma met in a secluded spot. Oae of them was a great sufferer from Saint Vitus's dance, the other was cool and énllscted. As they faced each other the afflictes man b:gan to tremble from head to foot, while his pistol described an arc with varying up aad dowu strokes. His op. ponent stood firm as a rock waiting foq the signal to fire, Before it came, sown ever, be laid lus pistol on thie groand, walked into tho woods and cut & Limb off A treo with a fork in the end of it. This Be Lroaght Lack sod stuck if in the ground iu front of his sotagonist. Then, turning to the second, be said: “I mass request yon to ask foar pridcipal to rest his pistol in that fork.” “What for!” asked Lis opyoneat’ secon, “Well,” replied the other, *I ha the risk of ode #0 ob to runsin po I certainly di décliss havia ote bullst make a honegeomb of me, | that mah was to shoot while bis band is shaking the way it is now, he would 8 me full of holes at hiv first shot.” This was too much for thé seconds, and by mutual agieoment a truce wis patebed Voda do shots wore exchanged. ee Sad te 13 W Sat, BARE plexion enresConsti pation, B IT STOPPED FREE » we 0 * £ fee #1 £ 5 x i A sed BLWARE OF INI} ENSIO A FOREN W. TON RES, Washington, B,C, sceassfylly Prosecutes Claime, Lauoce Ba Bx miner S$ Pansion Buren Tvemin laet war iSadlvdiostiog claim, sily haem IINMICOINSG - Bue all SOLDIERS & disabled 11 ide for increase, H roars ax. pericace. Write for Laws A.W. Mclonwiox Bows, Wasmineron, D. CO. & Ciwcinmar:. O Aun author in In a recent manual on . horsem: nship has succeeded in putting into print the peculiar cluck used in starting horses, which a made by thrust. | ing the tongue against the roof of the { mouth, He rp-ils it “Klik,” missin ss Well preserved women, when contulting i their mirror see beside their satisfied reflection | the ealm and earnesi face of Lydia E. Fink. ham. They can tell you why. - Peru was discovered by Perez de la Rua in 1516. A ——— RUPTURE I. Jacob Genseheimer, of . Iy cured of my t -— 4 by Jar: been thorous : Upture Yr... Arch 8%, Pala. To the hardest sinayer Re are tue, Lio ta “Hota : Reading, Pa., on the po Batarday (oben. ing y of each month. Only one man in 208 is over in height, ay fott AI BLSh LT op Fit caren 10 Dr Kaiba po oral oo : Piry Tue BATISFIED WOM «KN, Stugular Girl - My ouly swcit ou is to Wri oe a bok, Tae Practical Girl— We You write on , then, The Singular Gitl=-Why, If I aia, 1 ehoulda’t bave any awbivou leit, woulu i? i i 1, why dou’t A minr--Young Bohrer (difidently) Xen, Mis Lucy, they do say 1 am clever at ba-e ball, Lucy (yawning )—Ishouldso (vawn) dearly love to see you make a (yan n) howe run, | HE HAD BEEN KICKED, —**That girl You aie after is very handsome, Olol- Iv.” “Yaas.” **They say she takes after her father, Is 1t su?” “1 ~aw—don’t thunk so. She has a | very small foot,” i i | non cI ss Too SHALLOW.— Grace — Charley had a: idea Hating in Lis head the oLher day! Belle—N1 Gruce - Ye ; the doctor told him Was only waier on the uralu, though: it — A HIST.~ He—~Your lke gen a, Sliv——1 would rather set them on ing. { ively )—1 always kuvow when I write sotething that is v 1y good, Ciit'e (thoughtfully )—~But do 1s very bad? might add $500 a year to his income by saviog the ci ppings of lus hair Uitge 18 18 cut and having it ured into soft pillows, mattresses, LLRs. | — ONE ENJOYS Both the method and results when Byrup of Figsis taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts frasy yet promptly on the Kidneys, Aver and Bowels, cleanses the tem effectually, dispels elds, bead- aches and fevers sud cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of ita kind ever pro. duced, pleasing to the tasts ol pi oeplabile to the stomach, prompt in ita action and truly beneficial in ite effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, ita many excellent qualities com- mend it to all and have made it the most popilas remedy known. Syrup of Figs Is for ele in 50¢ and $1 bottles by all leading drug gista Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro eure it promptly for any one whe wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute, : SAN FRANCISOO, CAL. LOUISVILLE, Kr, 1 i i Sure cure for Bad Bresth, Roeur Stomach, Headache, Dyspepaia, Heart urn. all and Gastric Affections of the Stom oh. W hitens Teeih to perfection. Chemically prepared from young shoots of the willow, to be periectly pure Frige o iy box s=ut by mail IMTMANS PHARMACY, Barclay Street, New York cents per Broadway and Ssh fetta a SCOTT'S EMULSION Of Pure Cod Liver Oil and HYPOPHOSPHITES of Lime and 8oda Liven Of Eire ol Comemmption. 1 1 Potion 16 ences, Chronic and Ask for Boott's Emulsion and take no other. AGENTS WANTED ON SALARY, to : EEA EE STRATE Cheap imitations should be § They never cure and are often Jangerous, Eo ——— ¢ using 8. 8. 8. until Vv BOOKS ON BLOOD AND There is only one S. 8. 8. Take no other. I continued I waited Before she was entirely cured. VAUGHN, Sandy Bottom, Va SKIN DISEASES FREE y ¢ § Rh i a . THE ORIGINAL AND GENUINE } Ladies, ss Oe ¢ Chichester s Bw ] Take no All pals stoned pe, PANE wre de. in mam $ 10,000 Te Bald by all Kame Paper, Prugiriste. el UL Lives IVARORD BEAND AL Pius Tie only Safe, Sure, and reiobic Pil for se, either kind, Eofuse Bubssirations and Fo tat ona, Frwas oounlerfeita. 41 Draggise, or send “heeliet Tor Ladion,™ in lou br returs BE CHICHESTER CrEMICa, To o, Modicon Mgusrey FHILADEILFBIA, Pa HUMOROUS. A catch phrase—*‘Sick ‘em!” A flagging indu-u y—stopping trains Gay circles naturally indulge in rounds of pleasure, H ili — The forger is always careful to get | good Dane, | ———— | Man peeds somebody to sympathize with Lito even tu his weanness, of a man, dont go his +e unity, ————— A polished villain ~The chap who | bets his Loot-black out of the price of a | shine, —— i to do he proc.eds Lo knit Lis brow, } i ws o— and so 1s the man «hose rent is due. ————————————— The Intest Browning fad is to let the ! sun do it, It is healthy | Ar ———— LOO, Postage stamps bought of a druggist geveraly go from piliar to post, — - - few his heht unde T rik of The farmer who bh a bushel incurs the new barn, needing a —— — 8 well ri 1 provided with ears, 3 0 much, C it's 1 i but $ # ¥ it's Goes L Aathount $ } oy AN A Western farmer recently y threshed | 12001 shels of wheat and two amps | in one day. “I have a misgiving in this affa'z > | as the father raid when he gave away the bride, -—— | Bessto— Arent the breakers lovely! | Milbhcent—1Y e+, but I'd rather they | were brokers. AI — | The most popular read ing now-a-days | are the cereal stones from Russian | sources, “Avoid the very appearance of evil” does not mean that you must cover up your rasoallt;. Bridal parties probably go to Niagara | because a little extra gush would not be | noticed there, i If the woman who hesitates Js lost, she must be mm a dangerous position | when out shopping. s counted before they Ww It i= the chicken are hatched tiat always come home roost, — | “Sav, Pa, was there more than \ Peter the Great?” i “No, my son. Tha' wasa case where | history doesn't re- Pete iteelf, Olt | “I stould think she would put on full | ; mourning for her brother, instead of | half mourning, as she does.” | “He was ouly her half brother,” a — Jimmy-—-What did yer get on yer birthday? Jakey— Nothin’! Never got anything since the first one, an’ then [ only got born." Sald one hotel-keeper to another: “Did you ever board a vesse!p» “No,” said the second, “but I have occasionally lodged a complaint,” Wickwire— “How do they treat you at Jou new boarding house?" ubsley—'‘Oh, I'm ail right, I'm one of the second piecers already,’ 3 % READY DEBATER — Fond Unele~ extravagant rascal, t TI the more Joaon for letiing me have the five hun IMPURE BLOOD, Rearly all diseases of long standing Lave thelr origin ‘in the unnata:al and uuhes thy coudition of the blood, or as ths condition is Very pre 1y denom nated, impure blood. In flaima ions of long standing, rheumatic pains, neering and sc and 3] skin i pimples, ané purities in the ws through th: vessel In pure, fresh and powerful slream, iL carrios to very part of theboiy and to every argan new nd fresh vitality and arrd-s the waste Maller from them be chief care of parents are i$ of promoting the physiol being of their children shoud herefore be lo guard the tender bodies of their ehlidren avainst »useeptit io the atiack of gerne of all king mpure blood It is a well ki people young as well ay od wh ood circulates freely cal ex: th 5 Willi lmpun iy 10 the datipers mpure blood Pi 3 the first opportuaity. All Bp ation ar a € Lue © aseguenes water § inany external 5 ihey will always nains kb. pare . Ferofuls gs of the 1 3 ¥ rotulas fruplions, caused by br BOLREN 5 bh as olches, nie SEARES, 8B ail wd, the blood 8 c t b 3 e w whe Bo gesire al at OFas w cases through fact that FOS ¥ b ANAKERIR GRATEFUL-COMFORTING. EPPSS COCOA BREAKFAST. “By a thorough knowiedre of the natural ines whooh govern the opersli ns of dige ton and nuteh tom, and by a care ul applic stion of the fine (ropa fies of wel looted Cocos, Mr. Epos has our breakfast labios with s dellostely favoured CTREe WhHICh ‘QRF SYS us 3 Lis uy the jadictous use of such articles of thal acoastitation may be gr dually vullt unth “rong enough © resist every dinoase. Handreds of subtle maladies are Sosting around os ready to attack wharever there is & weak point, We may many a fatal shaft by keeping oar seives wall fortified with pure blood ad a propertly nourished frame.” —*Oipll Servier Gasetts, * Made simply with boiling water or milk, Seid only in half nd tine yy Grooers, labelled thus: JAMES EPPS & CO. Hommopathio Chemists, - LONDON, Kalan ”~ i UNTILATED x x x CLOTHIN 'X X INTER-AIR-SPACE x x? Adapted $0 all climates and varation: of tem perature. Sold by Leading merchacts mp ibolps 5 refed ca aloppe ma lod free on Ny cation 10 Harderfold Fabric Co., Trey, N. DONALD KENNEDY Of Roxbury, Mass, says Kennedy’s Medical Discovery cures Horrid Old Sores, Deep Seated Ulcers of 40 years’ standing, Inward Tumors, and every disease of the skin, ex- cept Thunder Humor, and Cancer that has taken root. Price, $1.50. Bold by every Druggist in the United States and Canada. a an hop Haan el SICK, ie ih DYE, hs, Bat RY dior 10 STAY CuREn, We want 0 Sky sutn, cr Cp et ri B Baroid Bags, X05 . Ruin KL Y