The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, October 01, 1891, Image 5

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    HA .)
mon, women and children.
Look st my old chip basket, fan’t it a besuty?
1 have just finished painting it with
will do half a dozen baskets,
WOLFF & RANDOLPH, Philadelphia,
PIK-RON beantifies other things besides baskets
It makes a white glass vase any color you
gre to match it changes a pine table $8
walnut, a cane rocker to mahogany
It stalos, paints, Incquors, japans.
Dr. HUMPHREYS’ SPectyrios are scientifically and
carefully pre Frosertpiions ; used for many
years In private practice with success, and for over
thirty years by the people. Every single Spe
cific Is a special cure for the disease named,
Theso Specifics cure without drugging. purg-
ing or reducing the system, and are in fact and
deed themovereign remedies ofthe World,
Fevers, Congestion, inflammations. 4
Worms, Worm Fever, Worm Colle, 5%
‘rying Colle, or Teething of Infants}
Marrhea, of Children or Adults. ... .%
Fagnter Griping, Billous Colle ol
‘holeran Harbus Vomiting
Jonghs, Cold, Bronchitis...
euralgia, Toothache, Faceache. .
eadaches, Sick Headache, Vertigo,
yspepsia, Billous Stomach. oh
ressed or Painful Periods. .}
8. . hs
rou p, Cough, Difficult Breathing o
Salt heum, Ersyipelas, Eruptions.
Rheumatism, Rheumatic Pains... 4
ever aud A gue, Uhllls,
il Blind or Bleeding. .. .
phthalmy, or Sore, or Weak Eyes,
‘atarrh, Influenza, Cold tn the Head
hooping Cough, Vicleut Coughs.
Asthma, Oppressed Breathing
Ear Discharges, Im
scrofula, Enlarged Gland
eneral Debiiity, Physical W
TORRY and Scanty Secretions .
Sickness, Sickness from Riding
Lidney ORAS, dol . : .
Nervous Debility Seminal Weak:
ness, or Involuntary Discharges... 1.
5 Sore Mouth, Canker. “
{ rinary Ww akneas, Wetting Ded. ,
*ninful Periods, with Spasm.
‘2 i Diseases of the Heart, Palpitationl,
Epilepsy, Spasm, St. Vitus’ 1.
diphtheria, U Sore Throat.
Chronic Congestions 2 Eruptions , J
Sold by Druggista, or sent postpaid on receipt
of price. Da. HuwranEys' Rastas (144 pages)
richly bound iu cloth and gold, malled free.
Oor. William and John Streets, Now York.
VEL 8A Tn 8 8 VAL
Used by all owners of Horseannd Cat.
le. A Complimentary copy of Dr. Humphreys
veterinary Manual (500 ) on treatment and
wre of Domestio y Yh rok ~ Horses, Cattle,
ogs and Poultry Gi Sent free. HU
osc Co, cor, William and John Sta, N.Y.
The Most Succesafnl Remedy over discov.
ered, as it Is certain in (ts effects and does not
blister. Read proof below :
Brrveaxox, Pa, Nov. 2I, 9.
Da. B J. Kexparr Co. :
Gents-1 would like to makes known to those who
re almost persuaded to use Kendall's Spavin Cure
the fact that think itis a most e xoelient Liniment,
have used [ton a Blood Spain. The horse went on
ree legs for threo years when | commenced to
use your Kendall's Spavin Care. I used ten bot
ties on the horse and have worked him for three
years since and has not been lame.
Yours truly,
Oenrxaxrows, N.Y, Nov. 2 199,
Dx. B. J. Kesbars Co,
Enesburgh Falls, Ve.
Genta: In praise of Kendall's Spavin Care [will
say, that a year ago Lhad a valuable young horse be.
oune very rs hook enlarged swollen, The
horsemen about here { have ho Veterinary Sur.
goon here) pronounced his lameness Blood Spavin
or The hpin, they all told me there was ne
ve for it, he became about use and 1
ered him almost worthless, A friend told me ¢
the merits of your Kendall's Bpavin Cure, so
bought a bottle, and I could see very plainly great
tmprovements immediately from ite use and before
the bottle was used up 1 was satisfied that it w
Qoing hima of good. 1 bought a seco:
bottle and before it was used up my horse was
enred and has been In the team doing ones work
all the season since last April, showing no more
signe of It. 1 consider your dall's Spavin Cure
8 valuable medicine, and it should be in every
stable io 3
(aibeland. Respect LIST DawITT.
Price §1 per bottle, or six bottles for $3, All drug-
Sints have It or can get It for you, or it will be sent
to any address on receipt of price by the proprie-
Encaburgh Falls, Yermont.
Boldiet’s Disabled] Bince the War are
Dependent widows and parents now dependent
whose sous died from eects of army servise are
fncinded. If you wish your claim ® ily and
fully prosocuted’
saccomfally proscemted” 1nmes Tanner,
Late Commissioner of Pensions, Washington, DC,
BEOOH. 06 5 your is being made by John R.
i Goodwin, Troy N.Y. at work for us. Render,
may wot make a8 mach, bat we oan
you guiekly how 6 men from #5 te
#10 5 day ot the start, and more ae you go
oh. rin rent, ail ages. In any part of
merien, you aan eommencs 8t home,
« all your the or Spare moments ow
the work. All bs new, Gest pay SUR
svary worker, « wart Ie Forni
srepiking. EASILY, SFE DiLY
paK TiCULARS (Ts a on
& 0, FURY
tv J
Two Patal Wrecks Caused by Er-
rors of Judgment,
A Werk Train the Pittsburg and
Waegtorn Hoad Orashed Inte by s
Freight—Arms and Lege Seattored
| Along the Track Fifteen Victims
' in Spain.
| Newcastiz, Pa., Sept. 25,—A terri-
ble wreck oocurred yesterday on the
Pittsburg and Western railroad at Mo-
Kim's Si , & station a short d ce
on the other mde of Zelienople, Butler
county. At this point a work train
with a force of fifty men was engaged
in Rlog down a gew track. The work
a out of she way of a freight
train going west, hut the ovew did got
kuow hat a second section of the same
number was following five migutes
later. The work trath again ng out
on the Fa tr and the op 0
engh thro {rt when the
secontl section st the work train
with great force. were piled up in
sbupeless engines were a
SAR and i and
hot steam and boiling watet po
over the unfortunate ones caught in the
3 4A SBoene of Horror,
| For a moment after the collision there
was silence. Then the air was broken
by the shrieks of the dying, making the
goene so terrible that one of the train-
who hh escaped injury faigted with
ii trainmen and laborers who
were not injured began at once to assist
those imprisoned in the debris. Beveral
arms and legs were found ih several dif-
ferent places, the head cf an Italian
wae found twefity feet away from the
body. The e eer, John Houghten,
‘who bad bray done his best te stop
his engine attached to the freight train,
was found wedged in brokén sha
less iron. The bodies of six Italian
uborers were takem from £5 wreck,
and, with the 0
Houghton, this swells the aap
The killed are: John Hymghiton, en-
Baer Jouys a aad hrwe chi}
en; Joe Hi , Mat Ger '
Gen: 10 John Ossick, John Sow vy op
hére werg at least twenty men in-
jured, several of whom cannot recover.
All of the bodies were terribly mangled
and disfigured. Engineer Houghton
was the only American killed.
It is said that a mistake was made by
the trainmen, who 4id not correctly in-
terpret the signal.
} sss—
Twenty-four Victims In Spain,
Maori, Sept. 26. —A dispatch from
San Sebastian says: It is reported that
Maurice Long, tish vice cousul at
Malaga, was killed jn the collision be-
tween Burgos and San Seb Ho
eral entire families perished, includi
the judge of Victoria, with his wife 4
daughter. Most of the jrulengers were
psleep st the time of the collision
vat dead and twenty-three injured,
r of whom have since died, were ex-
ted from the debris. Many ehil-
were killed,
Colonel Compton's Sentence,
Wasaixarox, Bept. 20.—The presi-
dent has passed upon the recor of the
court martial in the case of Colonel
Charles E. Compton, Fourth eavalry.
While Colonel Compton was in com-
mand of the military post at Walla
Walla, Wash., some of his soldiers at
tacked the jail and lynched a gambler
named Hunt, under arrest for killin
Private Miller. It was charged tha
Colonel Compton failed to take steps to
prevent the lynching, apd be was court
martialed. The court found him guilty
and sentenced him to suspension from
rank and command for threes years ¢
hail Jey, Sod to be confined to the lim
o mili post, ® ident has
approved ir x Oia hu
but has mitigated the sentence to sus
potion from rank and command on
f pay for two years.
Cremated in the Prairie Fires
Witiiamsrorr, N. D., Sept. 90.
George W. Johnson and his son, who
lived near Beaver Creek, were burned
to death by the great Emmons county
praije fires. They had gome to put a
ead fire out when the huge os,
leaping high as the housetops, swept
over them, lanviag them burned and
a red corpses. Mr. Tabor, an elder]
ntieman, H near Williamsport,
tally burned. o further news ean
be learned from the Holland settlement,
thirty-five miles south. Three men are
known to have perished in that vicinity.
The amonnt of damage done in the Hol
land settlement cannot be far
From Afluence to Poverty.
Nxw York, Sept. 20.—James E.
Goddin, 62 years old, at time a
bons V
wealthy lawyer of Ric a, died
in Jonesy in the work house on Black-
wells Island. Goddin been an in-
wale of the aity institu for some
. on uraday of
end while in that cond! hy the
while in t condit! on
sidewalk in Chambers street. He
taken to the station ™ was Son
to the island for ten days. There he
oame ill and was removed to the
tal, where it was found that he
actured his skull,
Workmen's Lnoky Escape.
Brooxryx, = AR ator
ea To a avator
ol in the shaft of the new
or is In course of
®t the junction of W
Green avenues, and six men w
ware in the “crib” of the elevator at
time went down to the bottom
shaft, a distance of about sixty f
Twe of six mem were at all serious!
hurt. Laughlin, 25 ol
sustained a fracture of the ankle,
Th Maloy, 26 years old, had his
\ Washington's Statue of Leo XIIL
Wasuineron, Sept. 20.—The marble
of the 1 presented to the
mulvyrit by Mr, Lou
ow York, was unveiled yester-
The « w
day xercises,
An Attempt to Lay Tracks an
Frdo for All Fight,
PueNrxviLse, Pa, Bept, 20. —
in the morn a punmber of Beads .
loyed by the cenixville .
any cominen to lay tracks accom
street to e¢opnect the works with
t enndyly railroad.
the time sun came up the work |
was well adv d, and the early risers |
were su to see & hundred men 5
work, Burgess 8. R. March heard |
it, and Footuding to the place ordered
re of thé work. But the men
Slag stop.
H H.
Then the town’s attorney, |
Gilkyson, had an interview with |
tant dee Ry oe Houpt, of the
ron eompany, and as a result of this
the work was stopped for the time, but
e town council and several Bundi
citizens gathered at the place, and
sorts of threats were made by partieson
the two sides. Finally the Iren com.
pany’'s men saw that a fight was —
nent, and the whistle of the steam mill
was blown. At this signal the whole
force of the workmeu in the mill
stopped work and rushed to the assist
anoe of the men at work on the railroad,
A pitched battle then took pilase,
elubs, stones and other weapons being
used freely, the result of which was that
the citizens finally prov the victors,
and the iron company’s men were
driven off. Bruised heads and black-
ened eyes are plentiful in the town.
The place is now guarded by special
officers of the borough, and Judges Wad-
dell has issued an injunction forbidding
the eompany to go on with the wora.
A Prominent Wedding Announced,
Birpssonro, Pa., Sept. 28. —Over 2,000
invitations have been issued for the
wedding of Miss Annie Clymer Brooke,
of this borough, to Blair Lee, of Wash-
ington. The ceremony takes place in
Bt. Michael's Episcopal is this
lace, Oct, 1, at noon, and will be .
ormed by Hishop Howe. The brides
maids will be Miss Helen Baer, Read-
ing; Miss Mamie Dunn, Birdsboro, and
the Misses Blaine, James, Wilson
and Warden, of Washington, A son of
Senator Beck, of Kentucky, will be best
man, The ushers will be Messrs.
Woodbury Blair and Gist Blair aah-
fngton; Messrs. Duncan and Hummel,
How Yorks ad He Robert and George
rooke, Jr., Birdsboro. Special
srajes will be rup ou the Penngylvauia
railroad from
yashington and Phila
The Mahan Murder Case.
DoyLesTowN, Pa,, Sept. 20. Coroner
Brennan's i at stol agreed upon a
verdict in wanslanghter case which
ocourred there last Saturday afternoon.
They find shat James Mahan came to
bis death from blows on the head re-
ceived at the hands of John Chase.
assailant, who has beem confined in the
Bristol lockup sinee Saturday, was
brought to Doylestown yesteeday after-
noon to gwait trigl at the next Shun
gourt. nator George Rose and J. F.
Long, of Doylestown, and Colonel B.
F. Eiken, x Bristol, have been re
tained as counsel for Chase.
Hanrmseuna, Sept. #88. — The commis-
elon appointed to select a site for
proposed Btate Hospital for the
ronic Insane has selected the Boush
tain site, sight miles from Besd.
ing, between Wernersville and Robe
sonia, and three-quarters of a mile east
of the station st Robesonia. There are
313 acaen in the site and the price is
7.000. Dr. Curwen, a member of the
commission, writes to Governor Patti
son protesting agsiost the majority re-
port, on the ground that the site does
not meet his views,
To Flood a Buraing Mine,
Wikesparre, Pa, Sept. 28 — The
fire in the lower workings of the Dela.
ware agd Hudson Cenal company's
large Conhynghsm colliery is burning
flercely and all efforte to extinguish it
bave por fruitless. The whole mine
will ve to be flgodod and t will
throw a large gum of men out of
ployment. 1 will take MH ngxt
ebrnary fo the mine and then
pump it out again. |
Blind When He Awoko.
Kexxery 8QUarg, Pa., Sept 28 —
When Wiljiasn Webb, a well known |
armer of Kennett fownship, rose from |
is sleep he discovered that ha bad lokt |
the sight of one of his eyes, and in about
an hour he lost the sight of the other
snd was totally blind. Physicians found
that Mr. Webb had mysteriously rup- |
tured a blood vessel baek of the eyes dur!
ing his sleep.
Connty Foon Affected.
Winkespanrae, Pa, Bept. 20.-—-The
three judges of Luzerne county handed
down an opinion to the effect that not
only county officers who took their)
sasts last Jaunary, but all others, are!
affected by the salary law. This law
fizes compensation for county officers in |
counties having over 150,000 population.
The decision will make several thou-
sand dollars’ difference in the fees of |
sheriff, district attorney and clerk
the courts.
044 Fellows Parade.
WerxenrsviLLE, Pa., Bept. 28. —This
town was crowded with visiting lodges
of Odd Fellows, the ocoasion being a
cnic and parade of order. Bight
es and seven banda of music
erent parts of the sounty were
ent. Many of the buildings on bi
street were handsomely decorated
flags, bunting and evergreens,
A 'semer Kills Himself
Porwrown, Pa,
» yi
Sherman Mauger, ge, bout $8. of
s, Chester county, sul
cutting his throat with a by Ng
Bt to ght cetn
bringing the cows to ton
Fatally Assaulted the Peacemaker.
Lawoasten, Pa., Sept. 20. Benjamin
Frite, a inent on. of town-
, to separate men
engaged in a t, stroek on the
head with an ax by Sen .
receivin fatal injuiies. tman
not yet .
Gulley “of Murderous Assanlt.
WniLiamsront, Pa., 20, oi
has berm guilty, tn the
HS Bag : Te
gt kill upth
with i to
Viet. tenoe has yet
Items of Real Interest Presented
in Condensed Form,
A Chapter of Accidents, Crimes and
Looal Happenings Picked Up Here
and There in the State and Flashed
Over the Busy Wires.
PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 28, —Ex-Btate
Treasurer William H. Kemble died sud-
denly yesterday of heart failure.
Brapronrp, Pa., Sept. 26, — Sand
, Ading, wile blas
jag Stumole with dynamite, Were instantly
killed and horribly mutilated by a pre
mature discharge of the explosive.
Mr. CarMeL, Pa., Sept. 28.—Tons of
coal fell on Joseph Miller, a youn
miner, at the liance colliery anc
crushed him to death, The fall also
seriously injured Jonn Bogot, another
Reaping, Pa., Sept. 26.—A “Univer-
gity Extension” society was organized
in this city, with 110 members. Nomi-
nating and executive committees were
appointed. The meeting was addressed
by George F. James and Charles R.
Lee, of Philadelphia,
Norrisrowx, Pa., Sept. 26.—Hugh
McMullin, a middle aged Irishman, who
has been in this country but a short
time, died at the state hospital for the
insane, where he was an attendant, as
the result of injuries received in a fight
with one of the patients.
Pirrspvnro, Bept. 27.—David Hast
ings, ex-clerk of markets in Allegheny
has besa arrested and held in $5,000 bail
for embezzling. The period of his em-
bezzlement covers nearly the entire
term of his service of eighteen years and
aggregates about §32,000,
Wasmixaron, Pa., Sept. 28.—Al Cat-
lin, the negro charged with the brutal
murder of Emma Gross, at McDonald.
was placed in jail here Saturday after-
noon. Catlin was captured about five
miles from this place by several Wash-
ington policemen. He refuses to make
any statement,
BUSQUEHANNA, Pa., Sept. 20. — While
workmen were prospecting for coal on
the farm of Thomas Heavy, Jr., in Sil
ver Lake township, ! ehanna coun-
paying vein of - was disco¥-
mall quantities of gold webe
found there a year ago. The discovery
has caused great excitement.
Wikessarne, Pa. Sept. 26, Several
hundred miners in the employ of the
Delaware and Hudson Coal company at
Olyphant who want their pay semi-
monthly, met to consider the question.
A resolution was passed demanding a
striet compliance with the law. A gen-
eral demand will be made today.
TioXESTA, Pa, Sept. 26.—J. E. Bolyn,
Charles Groves and James C. Conger
were instantly killed by the explosion of
a boiler in Boylin's sawmill he fire
man, it is supposed, poured cold water
boiler, cansing it to
burst. John Matha and a boy, a son of
Boylin's, were slightly hurt,
Brasror, Pa, Bept During »
drunken ‘quarrel betweph James to
Mahan and John Chase the former was
#0 badly beaten that he died in five
inutes. McMahan had been abusing
hase, who stood it for some time. The
men finally came to blows, and Chase
knocked his opponent down with a blow
of his fist ool then stamped on him.
Chase immediately gave himself up to
the authorities,
GIRARDVILLE, Pa, Sept 25.—A dis-
tressing accident arte) pt the Girard
colliery by which Adam Blass, son of
Louis Blass, one of Schuylkill county's
most prominent politicians, was smoth-
ered to death. Fhile he was engaged
st his work the gaugway caved in, shut.
ting off all means of escape. Workmen
immediately set to work to rescue him
fran his perilous position, but when
found he was dead.
Hazigron, Pa, Sept. 26. — The Balva-
tion Army acks, whick bas been
and the contents are in the hands of 8
constable, hav been attgebed for
rent due. Just when the Salvationists
with their gay uniforms and their tam.
bourines disappeared is not kngwn, but
it was between two days. They had
been fmportuped to pay up several
times, but conld not or would not. Tus
seizure took place after it was foun
they had fled.
Laxspare, Pa, Sept. 26. —Robert L.
Priester, a young farmer who resided
near Telford, was run over and killed
by his own wagon. Mrs. Priester no-
ticed his team eowe into the yard with.
out {ts master, and upon investigation
Mr. Priester was found lying in a pool
of blood close by, near the track made
by the wagon. A deep cut across the
neck and shoulder indicated hy the
w h od over him. Jtis su
ht Semel 2 was taken suddenly
hi and fell off the wagon.
Prrrsrox, Pa, Sept. 238.—John Girge,
a Hungarian, died at Silverbrook.
fore passing away he told the priest
who attended him a startling story of
crimes that he had committed dgring
his residence in that section, {roc
confessed among other things to the
murder of three men, all of whom are
known to have disappeared mysteriously
during recent years. The murders
were copnmitted for plunder. Giroc waa
known to be a desperate charaeter, but
it was not » that he had any-
Shing 30 Ho with the crimes to which he
PHILADELPHIA, 28. ~ Theodora
ye Jenkin, for Jsanes H.
sspeare, who was appoin re-
ver of the Beneficial of Barnest
orkers, and others in wa insti-
order by fam F
Jmind apeioae the the t of Mr
Biakongenrs of the Amel which no has
received. This shows a total of §1
696.88, The accountant claims ts
Prices. Cor-
Centre Elall,
for Infants an
“Castoria is so well adapisd to children that
{ recommend it as superior to any prescriplion
mown 10 me." HOA Awcues, M.D.
311 Bo. Oxford B4., Brooklyn, N.Y.
d Children.
ra, Eroctation
gives sleep, apd promotes <
182 Pulton Street, XN. %
am ———
- vo LAS i Ane
cloganee and cost of its equipment
Philadelphia & Erie Railroad Division
and Northern Central Railway.
Time Table, in effect July 19, 189],
$27 a m.~Traln 14. (Daily except Bunday
For Sunbury , Wiliker barre, Harrisburg and ios
termediate stations, seriviog st Philadelphia at
315 p.m. New York, 550 p.m. Baltimore, 3.10 p
m,, & aati ington, 5 5 p.m. connecting al Fhils
deipiia for all ses-ahore points. Through pes
senger coaches to Philadelphia and Baltimore.
13p. m~Train 8 (Dally except Bunday
For Sunbury, Harrisburg and intermediaie sss
tions, arriving st Philadelphia at 650 p.m. New
York. 835 p.m. Baltimore, 645 p. mm, Washing
tou st 5.15 p. m. Parior car through to Philadel
his, and passenger coaches to Philadelphia and
500 p. m.~Train 12. [Daily except Bundsy.]
For Wilkestarre, Hazleton, Pottaville and inten
mediate points , arriving at Philsdelphis 1000 p
mw. Baltimore 0.40 p.m,
45pm ~Tmin 6 (Daily) For Bunbury,
Harrisburg and all intermediate slalious, srmiy-
ing st Philadelphia, 4.25 a. m , New York al 7,10 a
m. Pullman sieeping cars from Harrisbun
Philadelphia and New York Philadeiphi
sengers oan remain in sleeper undisturbed ul
ie. m
12% a m~Train 4 Daily.) For Sun
Harrisburg and intermnedisie stations, arm
Philadelphia at 6.00 a, mn. New York, 3.3
Baltimore, 620 a m., Washington, 7.38,
Pullman sleeping cars Ww Pulladeipbis i
passenger coaches 10 Philadelphia and Baillmore, |
536s mm Train 3. (Daily) For Erie and Can- |
aodaigus and intermediate stations, Hochosier
Buffaic and Nisgars Falls, with through Pullman
oars apd passenger coaches 10 Krie and Roches
10.17. ~Tmain 15 Daily) For Lock Haven and
intermediate stallions. :
208 p.m ~Train 11. (Dally except Bunday.)
For Kane, Canandaigus and intermediate matious
Rochester, Buffalo and Niagara Falls, wilh
through wenger coches % Kane and KoChess
ter, and Parlor car to Rochester, :
65ip. m.~Train 1. (Daily except Subday.)
For Renovo, Elmin and intermediate siations
10.5 p m~Trin 21. (Daily)
port and inlermedisie slalions.
For Wiliinme-
Train 15 lesves New York 1215 night, Philadel.
phis 4.30 a m, Baltimore 4.45 8 m, Hurrisburg
510 am, Wilkesbarre, 706 a.m. (Dally except |
#unday) arriving at Montandon 10 23.
Train 11 loaves Philadelphia 850 a m, Washing |
tou 5.108 m, Baltimore 900 a m, Wilikesbarre
11.17 am, (Dally except Sunday) ariviecg aij
Montandon 203 pm, with parior car irom |
Philadelphia and through pascuger coaches
from Philadelphia and Baltimore 1
Train i leaves Now York 9.00 a m, Phils, 11.40 a
m: Washington at 10.50 a m, Baltimore at 11.45
am, Wilkesbarre 8.12 p m, (dally except Suns
day) arriving at Montandou at 5.064
through passenger coaches from
Train 21 leaves New York 4.00 pm, Philadeiphia |
5.25 p m, Wash ington d 30 p m, Baltimore 5.352 p
wm, (dally) arriving st Sourandon WHpm,
Train § leaves New York at 800 p m, Philsd
11.5 pm, Washiogion 10 wb wm, Baltimore,
11.20 p m, (dally) arriving at ontandon at 5 36
& m, with through Pullman sleeping cars from
Phila.. Washington and Baltimore and through
passenger coaches from Philadelphia and Bais
m, with
Pais. aud
Daily Except Sunda
Glen Iron!
Paddy Mounta'n
TC 50 68 60 a dn
WT SF af wl wl
—————————— A A————————
turning lea
opm ie pmEL0 pm,
General Manager Gen")
30 0 astes no Grain; Cleans it Ready for
Engines and Horse Powers,
SAW MILL Suna Sundarg implements
Penn + ylvania Agricultural
igh road 10 success, &
opposite the Court House,
Bellefonte, Pa.
The New Garmes House has arisen frou
new furniture
bells, and all 2
Spring Mills, Pa
D. H. Ruhl, proprietor. Free
nd trom all trains.
Corner Second an] Market Nis
(Good Sample Rooms on
Free'Bus to all Trains,
ist floor
aaglZ 88
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% y Avns Page, Austin,
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You can do the work and 1
1 hose, wherever you sre, Even be.
immerse are easily earning from $5 wo
“810g day. All apes. We show you how
4 start you. Can work in spare tine
sll the time. Big money for work.
om. Pallure unknowns among thes,
FEW sud wonderful, Particulars fren,
HH. Hallett & Co., Box 880 Portland, Malse
1.000 PAGES,
The Only Auli tk By
Gen. Benj. F. butler,
Exclusive territory and liberal terms given 0
reliable agents, Accompany application for ter
ritory with $2.00 for prospectus,
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