3 mom 3 1 3 ints for Farmers rnd Busy Housewives to Appreciate. In our experience the late crop of white turnips generally better among potatoes than among corn. does So BOON as potato tops die the turnips and they are rather benefited stirring of the soil required in dig potatoes by hand. If a digger is no by ging horse potato used, be grown, as the turnips can digger necessarily up- or whatever else may be it. growing In all best when planted on soil with a good deal of vegetable matter. apt to be a moist This is more and prevents the deep freezing that so often destroys trees when they ing. These Kinds of low sheltered from winds, another great advantage when the denuded of origi the of § to have it soil, moisture get into bear- soils are usually and i country is What is lat 9 hillside 5, Lo forests. 1184 growing fruit on blown egins ripen. Many f and Septer to sow nr gives cutting if BOW garded a Yi} . armers think the fall. in the 8 not gprout very early in ¢h earlier than from gpring, The Dixie Farmer says: The possi- ble prod are pounds pounds of hulls, of oil, $21.23; $8.80; mills get al but ar oil, wortl of cott seed of lint, S55 cents; ucts of a ton mn twenty $1; BS 400 pounds of impr 700 pounds total, £32. The most 1 » lint and all get only 300 1 $14, and 800 pounds of cake worth giving a yield or meal, to the i £10 a ton, less expenses, of £13.08. ™ 3 The seed costs leaving a profit to the mill, In passing any iece of sowed corn fate in the growin to see what will make good feed. thickly sown, « is a Jig it i ££ Season, 1 What and whicl for Hs grain The acr declin f has alo Belgiam it i Germany own on the pe other ¢ decreasing impor the same marked noticed. wt entire in in its in the apa Hassia yids nds, while MITT ANOS, untries of Earope in tance. In France dimis on is to be Barley is also on the decline, But oats are steadily increasing in im- portance, and are taking the land that rye was formerly given over to and barley. Prof. E. W of the Country Ge 7. Stewart tells the reader. ovate old animals clover hay shori, say Hail an cheap molasses “German Syrup’ For Coughs & Colds John F. Jones, Edom, Tex. writes: I have used German Sy rup for the past six years, ‘for Sore Throat, Cough, Colds, Pains in the Chest and Lungs, and let me say to any- one wanting such a medicine German Syrup is the best. B.W. Baldwin, Carpesville. Tenn. writes: I have used your German Syrup in my family, and find it the best medicine I ever tried for coughs and colds. I recommend it to every- one for these troubles, R. Schims u!hausen, Charleston, Hl., Alter trying scores of preseriptions and tions I had on my files and without relief for a very severe which had seéttied on my lungs, Druggist, of me immediate relief nent cure, G. G. GRPTY. Sole Sashioniet, Vi uudiury, New Jun, 5.0 A Votan on An “Weakness loss of Appetite, Sick Feeling, are cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla S— in one gallon of water and sprinkle this of the cut clover with two pounds of buckwheat flour and two pounds of wheat Feed this amount to each horse or ani- a upon three pounds bran. mal three times day, commencing with a little less per day for two days.” Marvelous results are claimed for such feeding, The best time de Peng is to prune apple trees the in 54 largely on manner which it is per the vih supers fluous pinched off done all throu Where it is owth, the gr t ero rubbed i yery begin hich the air and light Hogs duras, although 12 1-2 cents re comparatively few in Hon- fresh pork sells for pound and lard for 20 country af market for the writs per Pr considerable ! of the ucts sugar-cured per und. This fords a hog acon Teguc igalpa for The cli duras pro and hams sell in "ge ib cents per pound. wsturage of Hon- to the duction of pork, mutton, and b itlers mate and pi are both favorable pro- eef, and in- BOW inroe HON nrg American capitalists to and abattoirs. Will potatoes and such vegetables Well, depends, They frequently the baskets wrieties are being dug, the this do in cellars, when the ad- where of into field, rowing 4 RKIONL- bv fot HEY SOUT Yon Liu d heavy dews width, ter from rains an thus protected from too mach moisture to thie die- eases, now so prevalent, could be kept mildew or the 4 wonld not be able grapes to rot, or at least, off at much less expense than under the Under cover grapes would ripen one or two present system such a weeks earlier than if unprotected. in needed areen pic kies will - keep perfectly ¥ Waier is r of cucumbers ox he bottom of a cask them w ®h BRif. Di tables and time to time until of and with win the the brine. A in it, mist ssel is fille The juice bie will draw ont dissolving salt will form a board with a few holes bored snd loaded with a heavy be kept on top of the pickles to hold If they float and come in contact with the air, speedy decav follows. stone, them down. Moss litter and sawdust are becom- ing so generally used for stabling in England that many of the Lancashire and Chester farmers are unable to sell their straw. They meeting to consider recently held a this subject, at which it was admitted that is the pros. ent state of aflairs continue, straw will be selling at five dollars a ton before the end of next Certain land lords and corporations have found it profilable to buy the moss litter and soll their straw, which still further The farmers have yeur. x piel and it is chimed that It was in Manipur thas hocke, or polo wus in- . i ~=the life that is fighting against Consumption, Only —act promptly. Put it off, and nothing can save you, But, if taken in time, Dr, Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery will certainly cure, It must be done blood —and the “ Discovery” is the most potent blood - cleanser, strength - restorer, and flesh - builder that’s known to medical science. The scrofulous affection of the lungs that's called Consumption, ‘and every form of Scrofula blood-taints, all yield to it. Weak Lungs, Spitting of Bronchitis, As thm: ly all lingering through the For Blood, and severe Remedy ‘atarrh. Vor av] and eek — Stops Pain, Cramps, Inflammation in body ar Hike magic Omran t oy sth ia Catary srs Morbos Dare? b Sai, Suit Joint ® 5 8 8 ola port pel LB 100 Pages, Cot POULTRY BOOK. ra 180s ENS! ON WILLIE Suc cessful! iy | Progegytes Claims, ns. fate ric drain ast war » 8 Seakis og cima ky ALE 3 IV MX CO I 63 Trae nll SOLDIER SS! pinmors for increase HB years ex perience. Write for Laws, A.W, McConw ioe Bons, Wasnineras, D.C & Civciexar: J 34 : 745 ree ee ~An shows that ea es of Lhe Ix tude of the greater in Switzer aiality from organic art decreases as the alt ibitation rises, ani U owns t in the imvestigation In t an shehad A Big Mistake, eas CUars Ww Pan aful In E sent proved ind, in some a difference or 1 the temyerature of uD a io make to +H degrees from uncovered pipes, . _-— Hew * Pourist Makes Money. While % cass IL ha i Dean IRENE of in terest, LE tables ware and je 4 id seid make from & $i6p rv day i wi i ne nicely that « s wants it. paid & fr my plate to H x Deine & Co, Columbus, 0. Wh not have a good time and money in your pocket, when for § you can starf a busi ness of your own? Write the above firm for circulars. A TOURISTY ————————— wen 3, Dew car of the Michigan Cental Railroad does the work of 300 men in scraping the dirt dumped on the sides of the track to the edge of the GIL $0 Lydia nkind ar A physician 1 “probably . Fink i aon pote for wona than aii t A WOInAN Unc stanids those no han we do TW Aus rin in entel a new explosive which {is ¢ lied ecrasite, Ita power, a8 COm- pared with dynamite is as 100 to seventy, and it may be ¢ rried from place will perfect safely, ngineers have vibe Had Tried All Kinds” MORGAN Spi xan. Tenn, March 41, 190, 1 recsived your Lival bottle of F loraplhe xion and was muh pleased with it, Have tried a i kinds of remed es for ayspe pein and fin I yours the best TARGARET JORDAN, eure for stek Headache, Indigestion, sia, Bsiliousness, Liver Compla nt, bility and Cousumption t ws the only sure cure jor these com plaa’e for it, and get well, Elcctrie light ox in nesrly forty American mines, Dyspep- of electric wining 1s antic ated, osm PR. LL GORSUCH, To'edo, O., have pr.cticed medicine for for'y yeirs, have finYer Seer a Preparat un that | could proseribe with so 1 uch confi le nee of success as 1 ean Hall's Uatareh Cure.” Sold by Druggists, Toe, 51530 S00 England from the ramie fibre, mater'al is subjecied t tremendous hydrauile pressur . — “Don't fee! well and yot you are not siok enough to consult a doctor, ~we will tell you just what you need. itis Hood's Sarsaparilia, wide will 1iit you ont of that uncertain, un. of good health eonfid. snes and chesrfulness. | =A new upparstus throws gfty | pounds of dynamite three miles, C—O Asi Hafidoted w ih sorner ne we De [no lL Eyeow non Drags soll gt Lo, per 0otus cw JOCoiutive Las 600) pleces H U MOROUS, A bower of roses—The wind, Dear little things- —Diamon 11, Ss —— A faculty divipe—T he college dean. A summer's evening—Striking a bal- ance, gift of The beauty — looks fatal Killing Because you feel good 18 no reason you are. —————— Every married man 18 a hero to some bachelor. The laborer is worthy of his hire, the student of his lore. The undertaker is a gambler who usually wins the dle. Youcan buy a fine 5 kt. for $500, if you have the $0, diamond The deed of an incendiary is correct- ly referred to as a **burning shame,’ ———————— It is surprising the am unt of trouble will endure lelore it reaches LIPD Rert SAL — Harry — tively refuse you?” jectediy) tt exactly. her If she ever thought of mari i, she said she had Dev: I yet Ligd a ma i a8 hier about it t.Y AN IMr Jack { is NOt woman deends -——— —— recommen is tarirate of ar ug from white a I. Calvi Kes) pmonium load, , of Douglia us ago b sdeiphis, Lah Maver is # ond Mature fay of each month. Go to is wy L13 ate d that 1,000,000 nis of rabbaT are used annually for —]t pot ——————— Midney Cure for Gravel, Diabetes, Bright's, nary or Liver Diseases, Nerv- &c¢. Cure guaranteed. 831 Street, Philad’a. §1 bottle, @ droggist 1000 certificates of I'ry it. Cann's cures, ag ———— —A De troit manufacturing firm will wheels with bollow spoke . # SOpped Tree oy Dr, Kline's Gy i Berve Hesorer vo Fils aly & . 4 i YEOUD i Fit WE RB Chath, a BOO ML Kine, a ——ns —The big clock hia's new C its ty Hall I is to be wound yn engine, i i is the for boils, pimples, Because, while it cure, blotches, etc. never fails to for another, as is the case with “Petter ol r of rhe w w fas rid. than our of the The best classes DIOS REM i 4 Men would be cou'd only learn as think they could teach them, very wise if they an—— eins Handsome is five cent fan will #8 one all as handsome does give as and fea sir ——— gol goi i thers. The cheapness of ho mostapparent to the It often cota th» viee Is s who receives it, ot he fellow afrieni When a man wee tion he May | bank off er Ars an alr of De sues resig id belng Canada. aang ¢ wn Land O Varsied about to vat Capital and labor th ¥ if t! on wall not 80 thout could get €re were al pit al wi ONE ENJOYS Both the method and results whem Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gonur; yet promptly on the Kidneys, ver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head- aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of ita fina ever duced, pleasing to the taste ol so ceptable to the stomath, tin its action and trul cial In it effects, prepared on gm the most healthy and agreea oie substances, ita many excellent qualities com- mend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs In for sale in 600 and 81 bottles by all leading d gists. Any reliable dru may not Nes it on hand gs cure it m for any one whe wishes ot Ta Do not accept any substitute, HoxesT Cox 1 right; that cam Soap 9? 47 hard nelineis no i gown isn’t italucky t dian "re Are the natural $ Smo “IL is very stra said the feur gardene ge,’ AlDa~ : “1 planted radishes Lhere, and nothing but a of green talks bave come up, with not a radish or sign of a blossom on ’em.”’ 1.0 ir Ee — Dashaway--'* hear that you upsel lisade's d:ea« al th: dinner last night stuffer ~ *Yes and I put out about it. You polite to ask for sHup twics LarTLe Broriens' Girl (reading) — adorned the most.’ mean?’ know it ” AID, ~Litt]« t sNature unadorned is What does hat chicken its feathers means a rast a chicken wir “I guess it than on" SusLiMe RiDiCcULoUsSNES. —** ‘It's BAN FRANCISCO, CAL Lov ISVILLE, KY. NEW YORK, N. ¥ "SENT FREE THIS MONTH TO MOTHERS SEND A POSTAL TO-DAY AND 8Y RETURN NAL RECEIVE OUR TWO PRIMERS Convamine Pasvry in Of beautiful babies sont by loving Figg, ro00 thelr ttle ones “How so?” “Here's a man offers £1000 for a bird dor. That's rublite, tiere’s the ulous." A — Grap 10 Kxow 11.—Wife—*The Husband —*'30 is my money." “The cosl is gone *' “50 is my credit.”’ “Well, we can’t starve.” “Can't we? That's good; [ was afrasd Attendant--~Y es, ma'am. “How many rattles has hep” “EF fteen and a button.” “May I make him rattie?” “Cartaluly, marm."”’ “What must I do?” “You touch the button and he will do don™t Mr, Boump ny A Bath eg 2 "Mitac 's that? A Skin of Heauly is a Joy Forever, DET. FELIX GOURAUL'S (ream, or Magical Beastiflor Femoves Tan, rim ws, Freel 8, Moth st be Bash Furifiesns well © Tr k SE rsognas Re 3 =. 4 “4 of, yea re; bo other hag, sney Cor Canada ody DONALD KENNEDY Of Roxbury, Mass., says Kennedy's Medical Discovery cures Horrid Old Sores , Deep- Seated Ulcers of 40 years’ standing, Inward Tumors, and disease of the skin, ex- Thunder Humor, and that has taken root, Sold by every cept Cancer Price, $1.50, and Canada. ADVICE TO THE ACED. Age brings infirmities, such as sluggish bowels, weak kidneys and torpid liver, Tulf’s Pills have a specific effect on Shiens eng ne, stim. uiating the bowels gives natura a divchargs es, and imparts vigor te the whele system tied thet FOR FIFTY YEARS] MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP hax been teed by mothers Tor theie children while Teethir § for over Fifty Yemrs It wovothen the ¢ id, softens he p allays ali pain, cures w a oolit, ao 1% the Lost remedy for diary Twentysfive € © nad - Battle, ITS See fe STOPPED. FEE or. alt Baas + Ney oh RESTOR a ory Fr Keren rw BL Ixwavimbe ulin - reread ties and 82 tie fA Ro of bey when wwe ewe wee “Wwe PR tdi wisi, {omfg pr gH ed FRET rive SETAE HAY FEVE ee te Sor a ASTHMA of every sufferer in the vs 8 he Address P. Roreid Bayes, 0.3, Puffs, RL ad 4 R TTNRL i me, Ma. weekly i ais b your, wt Sunnie So 4 . Ad Bord vee ais FARMS Ee tie a COLLEY, Coe a Kan SE TEE aoe yf - Teaness o'n FIN Gear Ting