A Towa Lat Frees, TI had heard about the man in Kansas who was giving away town lots fros, and one day I left the traio at a small station and hired a man to drive me over to the site of the future greut city, I found a sixtyv-acre farm stoked out into lots twenty feet front by fifty deep, but only one house and one parson was in sight. Tle house was a far enbin, sud the person was the owner of it and the one 1 wanted to see “Come for a lot?” Le asked as we | Out of Sorts A laweuit about a copyright is not a Doseribes a feeling peculiar to parsons of dys. | i Louk -cuse, peptic temdency. or caused by change of climate, ee ? | — Saason or life. The stomach is out of order, the | When aman pulls down the shade headaches or does not fel right, | And jerks it off the rollec he gets a cur- The Nerves | tain lecture, seem strained to thelr utmost, the mind Is con- fused and irritable, This condition finds an ex cellent eorrective in Hood's Siv