FOR FARM AND GARDEN, ACTUAL COST OF FEEDING COWS A cow may be well fed for fifteen tenis a day, and in some cases for twelve cents. Winter feeding will cost considerably more, counting the market value of the fecd—fifteen pounds of hay and six pounds of meal is as littlo as a cow in milk should be fed, and this may be worth twenty. one cents. For winter dairying only the best cows should be kept and but. fer of the best quality only made, other. wise the food of the cows will not be paid fori=-[New York Tribune. A BENEFIT OF ROLLING THE SOIL, Here is a reason for using tho roller. It has been found that a rolled soil, when the temperature of the air it seventy-five degrees, is eighty-four de. grees at the depth of one and a half inches, during the warmest part of the day, while the temperature of the game soil unrolled is only eighty de. grees. Three inches below the surface the rolled soil is five inches warmer than the uorolled. After cooling over pight the rolled soil is one degree the warmer, = [New York Wilness. — DRISCOURAGEMENTS IN KEEPING POULTRY, “A man starting into business for himself knows there is g great deal of bard labor before him, Naturally he fluds many discourngements. DPerses eran ¢ will win, however. There is royal road to success im kecping pouliry. - Fowls are Illable to become gick, lay soft shelled egs, or not lay at all. Young chicks may die of gapes | gr somes other ailment; rats, minks nd other rodents may kill them. Ahese aro” all° common stumbling blocks to success. The farmer cannot expect more than ho does when his erops fail. v'No class of people are $3 favorably sitnated for raising poultry as farm. gre. With plenty of room and grain, certainly two essential advantages are theirs. Do not blame the hens for lack of success. * Determine to over. gome tho difficulty, and the nextef- fort will be a success. © Never ask a farmer, of the far too common kind that keep no accounts, whether his hens pay, for he will tel you he does not know.~[ American Agricultarist, SALT WATER IN THE STABLE. A most excellent preventive of gall Is to bathe the shoulders each evening with strong salt waler, commencing six weeks before active spring work begins, and conlinuing the bathing during the summer. An English veterinary surgeon, who bas tested the above for ten years, “In the slable I Keep a small frmit can, in which I throw a small handful of sait and then add the necessary water. This is stirred until the salt solved, and the solution is applied to the shoulder with a cloth tied around the end of a cora-cob. The roughness of the cob holds the ¢loth well in place. Usin - this avoids geuwing io il waler ou thie hands— an agrecable precaution, especially if the skin on your hands is broken. When the horses are at work I wash their shoulders clean with clear wa'er Rs soon as the harness is removed in the evening, and then apply the salt water. It cools and eases the should. ors, and the horses like it.==[Chicage Times. SAYA: is dis ——— THE CHERRY TREES, Until recently, cherries were ihe gasicst fruits to propagate, but now ihey are the wost dificult in many sections. This is all due to what they call the “spotting” discare, which be- gins ou the leaves, and extends until the whole tree is stripped of all foli- age. The shoots around the trees be tome weak and spindling, and the life of once fine, hardy trees scems to have been supped out of them. This dis. ease is still restricted to certain sec. lions; but so far no remedy has been suggested that proves effective. Even potash around the trees docs not appear to stimulate the trees to better growth and production. The black-knots have made (heir appears arce upon the cherry frees again this season, and threaten to kill hundreds of fine frees. This disease has been mostly restricted (0 the choice va. rieties, Lut the malady now infecting the dessert cherries is of a much more disastrous character After growing well for a few years the (rees begin fo die. and no remedy seems to be able to save them. Frequently the bark splits, diselos. ing the wood below, and occasionally sonal * * foliage Is only half developes, turns rellow and falls off. Ove twig after smother turns black until the tree be- somes useless. The proper treatment tor this is still unknown, bes washing nd spraying with a solution of pot- at ” Baniup vorl, Te, 45h and limo yer mwmily lossens (he amount of ~AAIPTNeW York Yoice. ——— , FARM AND GARDEN NOTRS, Necded——more tillage on logs geres. Give the fowls plenty of range mow, Don’t forget the Leyelt of mulch ing. ‘A weak harnces often causes aod dents. Better thin the frult than prop the tree. Look well to the pullet crop about pow. Hogs require a large amount of drink. © Uso plaster freely In (he horse. stable. Good pastures increase milk and butter: Using an inferior aire Is breeding downward. The shortest road to long prices is te have the best articles to sell, Do to your animals as you would be done by if you were an animal, An acre of clover is estimated to mako about 600 pounds of pork. Pat coarse manure where you want a mulch and fine where yon want it to speedily mipgle with and enrich the soil. If perepiration stops when vou are working in the sun ‘and your head feels bad get into the shade and avoid sunstroko. When a limb is grafted keep it clear of all sprouts of the parent stock, which absorb vitality that ought to go to the graft. Johns Hopkins University, of Balti- more, Md | is about to re-establish its marine laboratory in the West Indies, It has heretofore been a valuable aid in the teaching of science. Ths Univer- sity of Pennsylvania is about cpening a marine laboratory at Sea Isle City, “He is Well Satisfied.” Rosro, Micu., March 6, 1800 Iam satisfied with your Floraplex.on, aud recommend it to do all you claim. Warten Bovonxnn, Floraplezion is the speedy and § nanen cure for Sick Headache, Indigestion. Biliousness, Liver Complaint, ¥ I Consumption Lis cure for these complaints, for is, and get well, en —————— Beautlful meteorological photograp’ s of clouds and the aspect of the sky have been taken by riflectieg the ob- ject Io a mirror of black glass placed in frot of the object glass of the Camera, —— “What it casts” carefully consid ered even bines must De bY the great m a ty of peop SATSApa great ass ties., Hood's Positive sconomy with it is the only 16 Doses Une | ———————— The Hungarian state railways are introdocing electric lights in the cars of their express trains, Eight coaches have been equipped medic ne of truly be sald with tritilat “§ Cullis o Saturday asd following Professor Thompson finds in his experiments on the physiological ef- fects of alternate currents that the dan- ger of the current diminishes as the oumber of alterations per second is mn- creased, Cann’s Kidney Cure for Dropsy, Gravel, Dia Bright's, Heart, Urinary or Liver Diseases, Nery ousness, &c. Cure guaranteed. 3831 Arch Street, Phiisd’a. $1 a bottle, § for $5, or druggist. 1000 certificates of cures, Try iL The famous house of Peter the Great at Zaandam, near Amsterdam, which is one of the sights of Holland, Is now being restored, by orderof the Czar, to whotn it belongs. The house was lifted bodily, by means of craves, in order to lay a foundation. —— 7 740 “August Flower” This is the query per- petually on your little boy's lips. And he is no worse than the big- ge older, balder-head- ed boys. Life is an interrogation point. ‘‘ What is it for?’ we con- tinually cry from the cradle to the grave. So with this little introduc- tory sermon we turn and ask: "What is AUGUST FLOWER FOR ?'' As easily answered as asked : It is for Dys- pepsia. Itis a special remedy for the Stomach and Liver. Nothin more than this; but this brimful, We believe August Flower cures Dyspepsia. We know it will. We have reasons for knowing it. T'wenty years ago it started in a small country town. To-day it has an honored place in every city and country store, one of the largest manu- acturing plants in the country and sells everywhere. Why is this? The reason is as simple as a child's thought. It is honest, does one thing, and does it right along—it cures Dyspepsia, G. G. GREEN, Sole Mao’fr, Woodbury, N J. ® What is it For? CorvRIGHT ioe In the train of diseases that follow a ter- pid liver and impure blood, nothing can take the place of Dr. Pierce's Golden Med- ical Discovery. Nothing will, after you have seen what it does. It prevents and cures by removing the cause. It invigorates the liver, purifies and enriches the blood, sharp- ens the appetite, improves di- gestion, and builds up both strength and flesh, when re. duced below the standard of health. For Dyspepsia, “Liver Complaint,” Scrofula, or any blood-taint it's a posi tive remedy. It acts as no other medicine does. For that reason, it's sold as. no other medicine is. It's guaranteed to benefit or cure, or the Should Have it In The House, Dropped on Sugar, Children Love to take Jomssos's Avopyae Limtunwy for On up, Colde, Sore Throms Tomsdlitin Colle, Cramps and Vaiss Fe Goves Busomer Complaints, Outs, Drulses like mage. THINK OF IT. In use over 40 YEARS in one family, Dr. L 8 Jouwson & C018 ia siety years since | fing Af your Josnson's ASopyeg Livin? for more han forty years | Barve used 1% 1m ssy fa } of the beet and safest ped internal of extern Tearon Pod Paptise Fis. Every Suffer or From Rheumatism, Reb ation, Negra Nay vous Heads he, Diphtheria Coviaghia, © b Tarinre rive, Dinero, fuie or DOES CURE CONSUMPTION in its First Stages. Be sure you get the genuine, IT Erot Tonnessgre's PINE ATE an | Gsrar Removuoss wv VILLE .aNTINEL; dally | vo i your, 81; sumples Se Wax, Neavons, W ED moriaie get SiC well and ke well, Health Helper sells how, a year, Sempie ong ea. Dr. d.M. DYE Efitor, Buffalo, ¥. Y. ———— KIDDER'S PASTILLES. v2 Ts im F welown, Mass, TWO UeBs OF THE HALTER, ~—T derfoot { who had just purch«sed a horse -*18 it the custom here in the West to throw In a halter whon a man takes a horse?” Old Resident—""Well, it depends on bow he takes him,” ———— THEY AL DO THAT, —~ Mrs, Brook “My husband keeps account of every drink he takes,’’ Mis. Banks“ Are you sure. Mrs. Brosk—'"Oh, yes, the dear fol- low says be never gete one that he doesn’t put i& down!” - AN AUTHORITY ON BLUE Miss Brownstor.e —* Do you ever feel blige?” Miss Backbay-—"How absurd! We do not become cognizant of colors through semse of touch. I have fre quently seen blneness ** si. A NEARTLESS MOTHER IN-LAW, Mrs, Van Milllon—*But, Mr. Mai gold, if you marry my daughter, how do you and she propose to live without woney?"’ Jack Marigeld Do you mean to say that you would allow your son-in-law to starve.” LMI AX INTERNATIONAL AFFAIR, — “There's | rivce Bps hettl still bidding adien to his lances. By the way, isn't their wedding to be a fortnight earlier than was announced?’ “Yes. The board of Immigration decided he must be returned Ly the ves- sel that brought him,” A CAKDID CONFESSION, — Heo ‘Life with tue bas been a fatiure.” She —**You must have had and wast ed some © unity.’ "18~**No; I have spent haif my life raising whiskers 10 conceal my you, and the other half dyeing them to cone cenl my age.” ) HUMOROUS. There 18 a great future for the nut- meg, Smt fas. Every silver lining bas its cloud. You can’tearn a half-dollar without working for it. It Is hard for the young man who is just learning to ride the bicycle to lead an upright life, how desperate a her No man knows woman can look until he has seen undertake to ride a bieycle, Next to rolling off a log, the easiest thing is to tell other people how they ought to bring up their children, | tf pn : Teounyson is sald to make $30 000 out of his poetry. He mak:s dollars out of it when others can’t wake sense, “They say there's nine on a ride in a game of base ball,” muttered the umpire, but when you come to find out, it’s eighteen to une is”? Iltis a mournful commentary on human vanity to see the mourners look- i ing back, on turning the corns, to! see If the procession is worthy of the corpse, ———— Lady (who 18 about to move, to neighbor's little boy)—And what will you do when I go away, Sammy, snd | leave no one in the house? Sammy—DBreak all the windows, “There's a good deal of sarcasm In that,” remarked a man suffering from ague, as the druggist handed him a bottle of medicine labeled, ‘Shake be- fore taking.” ————— ABR Gargoyle—I should think that wo- men could find more congenial em- ployment In banks than anywhere else, Mrs, Gargoyle—Why? CGargoyle—DBecause money talks. s——iffso—— “Fee that fellow over there? He doesn’t know where he'll get his next meal.’ ‘You surprise me, He looks well-lo-do.” *‘He is; but he doesn’t know whether he'll dine home or at the club,” A NEW WAY OF PUTTING IT.— Ethel “Why are you always kicking because I have other admirers?’ George—"*Oh, if you want to make a syndicate of yourseif I don’t object.” of AP" WOMAN'S HAPPY MANNER — Miss Oldemaide—to Miss Youngene after a discussion —** What is the difference be- tween ux, anyhow?" Miss Y. —pleasantly—*“A difference of time, mostly,” etn li A PASTURE ¥»OHO,—Texas Steer— “lI am going down to Chicago next week." Texas Oow—* Be sure and bring me back a faithful report of bow those City cows are dressed.” FIXING THE BLAME. —“Don’t blame me,” be cried, widly, “Mf Jou dies spinster,’ 'No, Mr. Budd)” she answered, sweetly, “but 1 am sure some day your future wife will.» ONE OF THE UXVORTUNATES, — Bro. therton —*“*Marriage is a failure.” Benedict (In surprise) “Why I didn’t koow you had ever been mar- ried |? Brotherton--*1 haven't I failed." BOUND TOGETHER. —Primus—**You and Jackson are always together. Some strong bond of union beiween you, eh?" Secundus—*“ Yea He is too obtuse to take a hint, and 1 too gentlemanly to insult him.” mm I'm Played Out How often this and similar expressions are heard from tired, overworked women, and weary, anxious men, who do not koow where to find relief. For that Intense weariness so cominon and so discouraging we earnestly ree. ommend Hood's Sarsaparilis, It is not & stimu- lant, but a true tone gradually bullding ap all the weak organs in such & way as to be of last. log benefit, A fair trial will convines you of its merits, N.B. Be sure to get only Hood’s Sarsaparilla Bold by all druggists. #1 :six for #. Frepared onlyby C. 1. HOOD & CO. Lowell, Mass, 100 Doses One Dollar $8000 GIVEN AWAY 1 AWAY THE CANADIAN AGRICULTURISTS FOULTH GREAT HALF YEARLY i LITERAR 4 Y COMPETITION LE phi i8 A POSITIVE CURE For all those Palulfal Compisinte snd Weskuossss #0 cymes among the wn imes | nBdles of the World, SENT FREE oth THIS MONTH TO T, Ge of i > CN he MO | : |E ud i SENDA POSTAL TO-DAY AND BY RETURN WAIL RECEIVE, GUE TWO PRIMERS Conramins Paarry Pigrurse Of besutiful! babies shot, by loving INFANTS INVALIDS DYSPEPTICS ANI ) CONVALESCENT MORE CHILDREN ARE SUCCESSFULLY, REARED ON RIDGES FOOD THAN ALL OTHERS COMBINED Jt is sold throughoot the dvillesd ' workdy anil can be secured at the drugstore where you is sing ih ¥ . El mn Hw t ADL TURE ugh, Cans EF Cus this sdverusument & ¥ £ SUL aPpenr again. . Shit Way RR. RR. RR, ADWAY'S READY RELIEF THE CHEAPEST AND BEST MEDICINE FOR FAMILY USE IN THE WORLD. NEVER VAILS TO RELIEVE PAIN. Prevents Colds. Conghs, Bore Throat, Inflammation, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Headache, Toothache, Astin, Difficalt Breathing. CURES THE WORST PAINS in trom one » - twenty minutes. Not one hour after reading a0 WOOLRICH & CQ» s ve ® Lt sees i v 8 tig this, Sd Vo nt need any perARTMENT PALMER, MASS, _ No matier how violent or When writing pleas mention his pager, 1» thelr ones on Cares and matic, iN, Netralg : ——— - ner ET o aa IT WOSPERITL, THE “NEW TREATMENT” FOR 1 erual pa . Per Bottle, Sold by Droggis's. CATARRH, ’ | _ eciievesn Bad Breath in five minute Rian: UY A LD IE TWERTY EE BOUl gress Chronle Cstarrh and i! Discas PILLS i Throat and Nese. YOU REA MU ¥ An Exon} Ha Uatharti Vare vegetable BE fie LEALTH SUPPLY CO 710 broadway, X28 the world lor 12 {the EWIS’ 48 Jo LYE FP d. owdered and Perfumed instant case SALLY i of walter iient iy M ar safest Resor ders Liver, Stomach or Bowels, & to ir sons they wil nd rene VARNA I FOR FIFTY YEARS! i ¢ ; MRS. WINSLOW'S $ OOTHING SYRUP } bes need by horn Sar , rem % 5 Ming Tour © ror Tt: Xe i Softer the TON SCALES $60 ng fies, paints tire w PENNA. SALT HFG. CO Gen. Agents, Phils... Fa. LECHLE oe S & Ye RDG is Lhe Led : : ores Jinrbn. a Bottle, eT STOPPED FREE sons Re ered, ew lony Er nt owe fr Serve Piarlepmy, ete, Israriiste oF = ered Ne Fas afew frp days we BY viel bemle free te Fit pattern, (her PRYSRE SF rom ¢ Berges on box when teigbead. Send neanes, P.O. snd eapress adress of 6 DR RLIEE. 35 Lreh Ra dime irbin, Pa vs. BEWARE OF IMITAVING FRAUDS a, HAY FEVE CURED TO STAY CURED, U.S. and Canada. Addvem i TE TS W. T. Vitegeral PF A N Waskingren, DD. CC. : 10-page book free. We want the name and ad. dress of every vafforey in the : & ASTHMA P. Bard Bayes, K.3, Bufiade, RY, HIGHLY UNNATURAL --Walker—*1 bad a most unnatural dream last night, Fadman, I dreamt Binks borrowed $5 of me for a week.” Fadman—*“Unuatural! Why, that’s Binks all over!” Walker—*‘Yee, but 1 went on dream- ing, and I dreamt that Binks paid it back to me at the end of the week," Progress, It is very important in this age of vast material progress that a remedy be pleasing to the taste and to the eye, easily taken, scoeptable to the stomach and healthy in ite nature and effects. Possessing these qualities, Syrup of Figs is the ome perf laxative and the most gentle din known, A nautical mille, according to American measurement, is 6080.27 feet. In the English nautica! mile there Is no fraction. Accordingly, it is just 800 feet longer than the land mile. sit —— How's Thy? We offer One Hundred Thatiare reward for any case of catarrh that eannot Bs aaired by taking Hall's Catarrh Cure, ¥F.J. CHENEY & CO., Prope. Toledo, O, ¢, the undersigned, have known F. J. for the last 15 , and believe hh perfecily honor able lu all business transactions, and financially able to carry out any obliga tins made by their frm. WENE, & TrUAX, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio, WaLDING, Riknan a Makvin, Wholesale i gists, Tol ) Hal 3 arth Cure is taken internally acts directly upon jhe ood and mucous acer vor Dottie” Sond hr onials sent ire. Pain Tn, A Danish archmologist has found in Macedonia, nearthe modern town of Niausta, a Greek painting on the walls of a tomb, Jt shows a Greek horse. nan bailing with a Persian foot sol A All Fis SIRS hcad Toe opie stmt as RS Ee A A OS OB. The Methodist Church needs 1000 dung th poses cumin, | . Best Cough Medicine, Cures where all else fails, taste, Recommended by Physicians. he: 5 Pleasant cod agreeable to the Children take it without objection. By druggists. _— —_— 5 BUSY DURING THE SUMMER. TRA LIN of photograph or tin typo of any Senora. CRAYON PORTRAITS ios iiiasins » ; s of A Hving or des, and we will make rou a life YL, K aad at (he same time sxtond our business we have dou - KEEP OUR ARTISTS ws For the purposes of Vigueite Bust CRAYON PORT cided to make this offer for um short Lime ons. a FR E “Ut provided you exhibit # to your friends se 5 ssenle of work. W, rrant eur ’ and pw Fold i» lkomem, Wo gasrasiee the safe mp urn or —— i a a Has Farum rite your name and om baok of photo, snd enclose hy te return, and mall to F.OBeen] PHILA DELPHIA CRAYON CO... 1040 108 N. 100k St. Philndelphin, Pa, SR FRE STE & MIGH_GRADE IN EVERY PARTICULAR. \ #ix cents in stamps for our 100-page iiwsiraied Catvioges of | | uns, Rises. Revolvers. Sporting Goods of All Kinde, se. VELL: ARMS CO. « NOGSTON, MASS, Cp “PIrmay be brue what some men say. [rmaun be trues Pub PINION Scouring soap apolio.=- ¥ For many years SAPOLIO has stood as the finest and best article of this kind in the world. It knows no equal, and, aithough it costs a trifle more its durability makes it outlast two cakes of cheap makes. It is therefore the cheapest in the end. Anv grocer will supply it at a