a FOR THE HOUSEWIFE. ————“ Families about to return ‘to an un- ased house should have sonie one open all the doors and windows, and thoroughly air the house _for several days before their return, and also with buckets or hose to flush out the entire plumbing system of the house, thus filling all traps and cutting off com- munication with the sewer. Let no one neglect these simple precautions; they may possibly prevent the siekness or death of some member of your family. I wonder if every living housekeeper knows that apple jelly and vinegar can be made from apple parings? Bave the parings in the ice chest till a sufficient quantity accumulates, wash, cover with water, and boil quickly for an hour. Strain through a jelly-bag, add half the quantity of white sugar, and boil gently two hours. Flavor with vanilla, and pour into heated glasses. For the vinegar, the parings are put into a jug, a little water is added, and they are allowed to ferment in a warm place behind the stove. Does any housewife throw away crusts and odd pieces of bread, or does she only slip them into the catch-all, when no one is looking? All ye that are tempted in this way know that crusts carefully saved can be made in- to griddle cakes, puddings, meat dress- Ings, fish cakes; and when dried in the oven and ground up with the rolling- pin they can be used for thickening soups and gravies, or for any purpose -for which rolled crackers are used. The pan of crusts carefully kept will save the measure of meal or crackers, and leave another little coin in the purse to be generous with, or to wear away the barriers of narrow means. Warmth is very important for the aged ; exposure to the chills should be scrupulously avoided. Bronchitis is the malady most to be feared, and its attacks are very easily provoked. Asa general rule, for persons sixty-five years of age and upward, the temper- ature of the bed-room should not be below 60 degrees, and when there are symptons of bronchitis it should be raised 5 degrees to 10 degrees higher. Attention to cleanliness is decidedly conducive to longevity, and we may cong Ives on the general improvement in our habits in this re- spect. Frequent washing with warm water is very antageous for old people, in whom the only apt to become hard and dry; and the benefit will be increased if the ablu- tions be succeeded by fri th soarse flannel or linen gloves, or with a flesh-brush. ratulate Ourse adv 3 ia Snilt is tion wi You have heard of the lady take disappointed her in the very of company coming to Did also hear that she was mad and it away! She did nothing of the ki [nstead, she cat it up in slices, delicate little custard, broug preserves, and trinmphant the table a very palatable ch russe, Another lady, rel: her narital experiences, said her ‘hus iad | sbjected to having rhubarb srought to the table more than dimes in succession! Of course hrew it away, and, of course, he twit- ed her with being wasteful. me had but dared to the unhappy woman that might wmve taken her rhubarb sauce, or any sther sauce that chanced to offend by ts too great familiarity, and have made of it a nice large tart, with fancy twist- «d bars across the top, and thus would have mollified the tyrant, man vou threw nd. tea, nt out y pisced on \ iriotie 11 ii rance three she suggest she she Do we throw away the old clothes wefore all use is got out of them and hey are rags? Some don’t, more do. With the scientific housekeeper the shining robe of state descends in reg- tlar gradations till its lowly lot is cast n a comfortable mat beneath the fect. With the less industrions and the im- nature. who are constantly taking heir places in the world, clothes are iften thrown into the rag-bag before hey are half worn out. A child's dress ets short in the sleeves, and in it goes! A skirt shrinks and demands piecing mit. The demands, like the demands of an oppressed people, are consigned o oblivion, the oblivion of the rag-bag. changing fashions condemn many gar- nents to that pit of darkness before heir time, and tho point at which dis- retion judges best to take a stand gainst outside pressures must ever re- nain an individual matter to decide While some may overstep the bound- wy on one side or the other, the wo- nan of reflection will generally do vhat is best. Though no anthority on crystallizing ruit, i. e., professionally, there is a imple process for home crystallizing, which 1 know of. The fruit is dried irst. For this the finest fruit is selected. & must be very ripe, then thoroughly Iried, and after this “sweated.” Then t is dipped in the very heaviest syrup rou can make, say that used for candied Tuit, which isa gill of water to a wound of sugar. | can give no exact ule for time of dipping, two or three ninates in the hot syrup. Then the ‘ruit is dried again. This process makes vdelicious urticle, snd for this reason. The dried fruit, without r, retaius dl the fruity flavor, and dipping wocess after the drying does not pene- rate the fruit so as to destroy that ine, natural flavor, but merely adds to t the taste of the sugar crystals which we formed on the surface. Itis uu woossary to say that the very best gunslated sugar should be mused. | ght add that some confound crystal luce fruit with%weetificats or eandicd ¥uit. As | understand the matter, the difference between them is this: for the former the fruit is dipped in the syrup after being dried, not cooked in it; while for the latter the fruit is cooked, slowly and carefully in the heavy syrup, and then dried. - ® THE LOTTERY CASE. Comment on the Cause of its Postpone ment, Commenting cn the postponement of the lottery case,the New York World says: The supreme court has pstponed the hearing until autumn, in order that the case may be determine 1 by a full bench, but the briefs are in, and a careful reading of them Is not very reassuring to those who desire to see some effect. Ive restraint placed upon this legalized gambling. The argument of the lottery lawyers upon the constitutional ques. tion involved is very strong; that of Asst, Atty.-Gen, Maury for the gov- ernment seems much weaker than a really capable attorney general would have made it. If the law lies with the right in the case, we must depend upon office as at present manned. This is scarcely just to the attorney- general's office. Mr. Maury has made government in this controversy, and has, presumably, acted in full harmony with Atty.-Gen. Miller, who has been brief in person, The trouble is that the government the papers. The measure which the before the supreme court can be de fended ouly on the ground of moral ex- pediency. Undoubtedly it is, as an liberty of the p ess and an infringe- ment of personal rights, Theoretically, If Congress may deny the use of the malls to newspapers con- taininz lottery advertisements, it may, with equal proprie y, take similar action in the case of liquor advertisements, playing card adveriusements, bucket shop advertisements or any other which the party in the majority as the and per:cicious, There 1s, indeed, chief and oppression to which such a principle, once established, may ilead, It js pot natural,, theref re, { that the constit. tion itina general way, and that it should be agesiit support in preceient, We {can readily see that the atltoroney-gen- ! eral’s office may have found it ble to defend the law on any but mie and, to a ceriain | grounds, As we whether the FOVETrnme: { defence mn laws { whether the suj the gravi if Lhe aw to it t BD » fite of soa IL, the question Is not it can find any already existent, but urt will, in Caw Orig uaia | pariic ur Emerg nes. The 8 rictures on Mr. Maury stiri | US 48 unjust He bias no case, and bL | virtually confesses as much, What his i brief means is tha supreme court should make & case for him —|W the ing. (D C.) Critic Record. The New York World { the above as follow: i Why not the | disc ver the limitations of see that the bill wis so ‘ramed as { constitutional? The World ure | pointed out the necessity for ition at the tice, and the reply | formly was that the atl rney genera 's lice had thorou :hly considered matter, How comes it, then, eine © {of t the to he Tilia { the attorney general can do ia to cone court ‘to make a case for him?” a — —— Fogg, who bas just to11 a story) —A ud you say that happened to yourse f? Foug —Uertaiulv; you dont doubt my word, do you? Ricker — Fogg, you ourht to cultivate your memory « great deal, That is the same story 1 told you about two weeks ago. wn, HE WAS A GOOD LITTLE BOY.—Ha must have been a ve y bright boy. a mother: “1 wish a lion would eat me up. » “Why?” the mother asked, “Because it would be such a joke on the lion; he would think | was juside of him, and I should be ue in heaven.” “August Flower” Dyspepsia. man at Malden-on- the- Hudson, N. Y., named Captain A. G. Pareis, who is evident that he has made up his mind concerning some things, and this is what he says: ‘I have used your preparation called August Flower in my family for seven or eight years. It is con- stantly in my house, and we consider it the best remedy for Indigestion, and Constipation we Indigestion. have ever used or known. My wife is troubled with Dyspepsia, and at times suffers very much after eating. The August Flower, Boweves: re- lieves the difficulty. My wife fre- quently says to me when I am going Constipation of pa Eh nstipation ugust Fl : and I think gel better get another bottle.” Iam also troubled with Indigestion, i i ever 1 am, I take one or two tea- before eating, for a day or two, and all trouble is removed." @ Talk's cheap, but when it’s backed up by a pledge of the hard cask of a financially re- sponsible firm, or company, of world-wide reputation for fair and honorable dealing, 22 means business / Now, there are scores of sarsaparillas and other blood- purifiers, all cracked up to be the best, purest, most peculiar and wonderful, but bear in mind (for your own sake), there's only one guaranteed blood-purifier and remedy for torpid liver and all diseases that come from bad blood. That ome—standing solitary and alone—sold on #rial, is Dr. Pierce's Golden Med- ical Discovery. If it don’t do good in skin, —and pulmonary consumption is only lung-scrofula—just let its makers know and get your Talk's cheap, but to back a poor medicine, or a common “ Golden Medical Discovery” largest fortune. Talk’s cheap, but only “ Dis- covery” 1s guaranteed. FverMorer It In The House. Dropped on Sugar, Children Love Sore Throat, Tonsiiitd sie, Cramps and Palos le eves Bummer Cos splaints, Cute, Hrulses lke magia THINK OF IT. In nse over 40 YEARS in one family, Dr. 1 8 J¢ mesos & Oo-18 fs sisty years since | fired ocd FORE Joti usnn en ANd HOY LANTRENTy for more Every Sufferer 4g ten Tiendae be ba hn ar hire POX, 3 A, CAIN CHE POUND A Day: PD ADAY IN TY Sasa ER Re EN ERE SRE ERE SNe 8 : THING USUSUAL. THis FEAT HAS BREN PERFORMED OVER AND OF ER AGAIN, PALATABLE AS MI Ex. porsed py Puysicians. Sop eo ALL : DrucoisTs. AVOID SUBSTITUTIONS AND { IMITATIONS, CRI Nl AAW NNN CNN FARA EN CTU CIN SRBC ER EC ERENT Views ewWew we wwe weeews ews eve FOR FIFTY ° YEARS! MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHINGSYRUP has heen used by mothers for thelr children while Testhing for over Pifty Years It toothes the ¢ (0, softens (he puma allars * all pain, cures wind colle, and is the best YY remedy Tor diarrhons » Twenty-five Contes a Bottle, RR We want the name and ad. dressof every sufferer inthe & ASTHMA ©: PATENTS W. T. Flisgera'd, Washington, D, 40-page book free. 34 Three bunared to four handred tons of coal p r day is the amonnt used in sore of the large pasenger steamers on the Atlantic, This is about one toh per mile run, sb IOS 420. The Vill of Oar Fathers, No new angled mixture of po'sonous min. erals, but the good old fashioned pure veget. abie blood Jor for and liver tonih of centuries ago. when the only eure alls were medicines to assist nature to throw off diseases bv ree moving conge-tions of the liver. kidneys, bowels, and skin which precede all dls ases, The old monks of the middle ages were fol ow. ere of Hypoorates and taelr St. Bernard V etable I’ fs have never been surpassed if th s world, A sample of the Bf. Bernard Veg stable Pills will be sent free to ail applicants, Address St. Bernard Box Mis, New York. The United States ia s1id to be the greatest candy country in the world, 15, 00,000 worth being consumed every year, C—O a “One Botile Was Worth 85, Lavwzarr, Tass, Aurust 21, 1889, 1 have used one butts of Floraplexion, and Am in better shane than I have been for two years, That bottie was worth 85. R. HOTLAN, irzion is the ctr ro mak Hehehe vag Bg i p sia, Billousness, 1Avet O Complaint, Nervous bility and Consumption is the only sure eure for the-s compiauie. ASK your for 1, and get we ———as On dark nights a white light can be seen further than anv other oo. bright nights red takes the first piace. Rupinre cure guarnnteod by Dr, J. B. Mayer, 831 Arch St, Phil’a, P= Kase at ous, OO oe ay from ness, it of eures after others fall, advice free, send for cirenlar Japan bas 40,215 physicians, HUMOROUS, CrEDULITY.~**That 18 a very cred- ulous goat,” sald Binks with a smile as the animal swallowed a circus poster. “Why so?” **Dou’t you see how easlly he swal- lowed that statement?” ——— NOT DISTURBED.—**Store robbed last night.” “You don't say! What was taken?”* “Nearly all. In tact the only thing not disturbed was the watchman, ”’ Sermo ————— NoT “AN ORIGINAL BELLE,” —Rosa~ monpd—**1 don’t see how people can call that halr of hers chestnut,” Dertha—‘‘Don’t you? That's hecause it's been used often before by other people.” THE RULING PASSION,~‘*(ieneral Bronson 1s a fine lawyer, but he still shows the effect of his military train. mg.” “In what respect—discipline?”’ “No. Inthe megnificent way in which Le charges the jury,” NOT APPRECIATIVE.—Herr Hauler What do you think of my voice madam? *he—I1 don’t think of it if I can help it. ———— > A VERY PARTICULAR WOMAN. Agent (at railroad) —**Madame, do you wish your baguage checked?” Woman—**No, sir; I waat it to go.” — ONE USE FOR GENIUB.—Assistant-— The office ix coid this morning. Editor—Yes I wish a poet would come in, Assistunt-—-Why? Editor—So that we could fire him, Tne PropiGAL 80N.—Prodigal Bon I come to you with a heavy heart, Prodigal Father — And alight pocket. book. I know all about that. How much do you need now? EE en mm THE ROMANCE WASSPOILED.-"*Was “Hapdt ® “What went wrong?” “Her father telegraphed return, and all would be forgiven,” ——— The Wassail Bowl The drinking customs of Christmas yriginated with our Anglo-Saxon fore ‘athers, with whom answered to " rp origin of the wassail or ‘was “good ibules to Lhe Rowena, giter of who by her whining Ls hael, the present which atts bow wail" Le sory the the dan Vortigern, ive her proud conqueror, il enough to be true, and has, ane foun act, but was long Some rince 8 gracel perhaps, § Jie lation, in cuslom anterior, the middie ages are still extant, and when brought for- ward om grand occasions at the bane juets of eity companions or colleges at the old universities are the theme of general mn for their beauty suriously wrought in admirals — TI ————— Progress. It is very important in this age of pleasing to the taste and to the eve, Possessing these qualities, Syrup of Fige in the one perfeet laxative and the most gentle dinretic known, -—-——— {CATERING TO HUBRITES, 1, ~Cuittred Boston Mis (victim of the latest fad)-- Waiter vou may bring some bird 's-nest soup and +hark’s fin. int Higent Waiter—We doesn’t hah pork au’ beans The broche China silks in self tones take stylish tea-grown fronts, om LI SA 550 “What it costa™ must be earefully consid. ered by the great majority of pro le, in buying even necessities. Hood's Sarsaparilia come itisthe on y medicine of which can -o_-— Diamond buttons on shoes actually button and are actually diamond. The ohject of the m wnufacturers of Dobbins’ Electric soap has been ‘or 24 years to make this soap of such swperdor quality that It will give wniversal safisfactioa. Have they suo. eveded? Ask your groeer for it. Take no other. EE ———————————— Many scientific societies are 10 meet in Washington this summer, C—O Sate or Ouio, C1ry oF Tosany, | » Lucas County, FraxgJd. Cn, wey makes oath that he is the senior partoer of the firm of F. J. Causey & Co., doing business in the City 0 a 2 0io, County and State afores od, and t said firm will pay the sum of ONE He NDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of CATARRR that eannot be cured by the use of Harl's Ca TARRKRE CURB. BANKJ. CHENEY. worn to before me hoy! subscribed jn_InY presence, this 6th day of Dee mber, A. D, " A { GLEASON, } sear. | Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken internally and acts directly on the blood ard mucous sur. faces of the 8 rh ie nd for Jestimonials, free. , J. CHENEY & CU, Toledo, O. AarSold by 1 LAL Ly The, A LL AI S————-— In France a medieal man can not be compelied to divulge, even in a court ot Jaw, tae nature of the disease for which he has treated a patient, ———— A — All 1 Fa Kitne's Gres RE Te cures, Fil cases BuBu lo UE bilne ssi We. Pala, Pa. A A SO SOSA. Actual work on the Intercontinental Baliway survey has begun, Ds Kidney Care Dropay, Gravel, Diabetes, Bri Heart, Urinary or Liver Disutses, | orv- ousness, Cure guaranteed. Ny Arch Street, Phliadtar So a 4 bottle, § raggist. That Tired Feeling Frevalls with its most enervating and discour- aging effect in spring and early summer, when the toning effect of the cold alr is gone and the days grow warmer, Hood's Barsaparilla speedily overcomes “that tired feeling,” whether caused by change of climate, season or life, by over. work or iliness, and imparts that feeling of strengih and self-confidence which is comfort ing and satisfying. It also cures sick headache, billousness, Indigestion or dyspepsia. Hood's Sarsaparilla Bold by all drugcists. $1; six for 85. Prepared only by C. 1. HOOD & CO, Lowell, Mass, 100 Doses One Dollar, NN” i” NN EEA M! PAINLESS. wewnwes EFFECTUAL. zeta; ar 0 ol PATENT | Worth a Cuinea : n 1 Box. ————r— a FOR ALL BILIOUS:NERVOUS DISORDERS, Sub u Sick Headache, Weak Stomach, Impaired Digestion, Constipation, Disordered Liver, &c. Arousing with the Rosebud of Health the whele Physical Energy of the human frame, Beecham's Pills, taken as (directed, will quickly RESTORE FEMALES to complete health. SOLD BY ALL DRUCCISTS. Price 25 cents BB Box. f { Pre: ' by THOR FECHAM, fr Ha ) FALLEN 0. le nents for the ad faunal lp New York g mot bee hea’ f price, per, PN # rece hig Po we Wer Be EWIS’ 83 % Powdered and Perfumed, PATENTED mages! ag bod for = Wasle pipes Omi LE, WR elo “PENNA. SALT MFG. CO., Ageuts, Puila.. Pa Ia trees, en 5 Lalon, set Dr a I ie AS gitie bn puessbosrd boxes, 3 de Teatimoeisie. Nome Paper Seid by all Leon! Droggisie ADWAY'S READY RELIEF THE CHEAVEST AND BEST MEDICINE FUR VAMILY USE IN THE WORLD, NEVER FAILS TO RELIEVE PAIN, Cures snd Prevents Colds, Coughs. Sone Throat, Inflammation, Rhea tiem, Neursigin, Headaeha, Tootlhuche, Asthma, Diffienlt Breas hing. CURES THE WORST PAINS no from ons te twenty minutes, Not one hour ailer readin this adveriisement need any ous SUFF WITH PAIN No matte, how violent or excruciating the pain the Rheumatic, Bedridden. Infirm, Ord pled, Nerveos Neurglgic or prostiasted wi disease may puller, Hadway's Be.udy eile! will afford instant ease, INTERNALLY, a half to a teuspos ful in half a tumbler of water will in a i» nutes Sate C ramps, Spasms, Sour Stomach Noose omiting, Heartburn, Nervousnes:, slecnless om sick Headache, Diarrhosa, Colle, Viale leuey and ail internal pains. S50, Per Bottle, sold by Draggisis RADWAY’S PILLS. An Exeellent and Mild Cat hartie. Purely vegetable, The safest and best medicine In the world for the cure of al! disorders of the Liver, Stomach or Howells, ording to directions they will re a1 to renew vitality. 20 a bn 7 all druggists, o , 52 Warren Sires Tak en Meila REQUIRES ADDITION OF AR EQUAL PART OF OIL 125 MAK NG COST Pr Gell ADVE TISED IN 7348 PAPERS Where we have no Agent will arrange with any active Merchant, 1. & MN. ¥Y, B TON SCALES $60 STOPPED, FREE, Farorivw Feces Insane Persons Restored NE'SGREA NER WE RESTORER rEYE Dicgases Owiy mate TS; for of! ty I Bvt sos PERNTROY Lr SAFE, SURE ano RELIABLE. oe, $200. Address, = BOWSETED, 206 J. betuid Sirwely or w pif, Nenvors Waeroned mortals ge —_. Health liekpl 5B Yess San pie OOK wor, Bafalo, N " ‘ASTHMA ond Sag—— g } "B anes Riot DER'S PAST iL! ES. ¥ tus. Moweli 808 BNR La wn, Mad, Pil The only Bale. Sure, an Diamona Prevd in Bed wt Borns Sabotivuseons and Indtations ersas ponnterfelte AL Druggies, or ponl “gelled for Ladies. ™ in letter, vv swinra MB CHiCHigTERr Cuimicay Co. Madison ard FHILAPELYRIA, PA ¥ Twaild Ww » § Jus. Dr. d ps DYE Er 1AROND Brand kN LUBURG CHAIR Middlemen's oy Dealers’ profits. ms TRCTRICCAATORS SAVE Guar New Atoms tic Hrake 325 North Sth Street. Cu Best Cough, ¥ else © taste. “Children take ; dlilneetie pe marrieg Pont refuseall: Avice