PE Items of Real Interest. Prasented in Condensed Form. HASYLVANIA NEWS WHAT OUR REIGHBORS DO AND SAY A Chapter of Accidents, Crimes and Local Happenings Picked Up Here and There in the State and Flashed Over the Busy Wires, EasToN, Pa., June 2.—Ed Mills and wife, of Durham, Bucks county, visited Easton, and when they returned home Ll the evening found their home ran- sacked and the barn and contents de- stroved by fire. There is no clew to the guilty parties, Loss about $4,000, WinLiamsrorr, Pa., May 30. —James Weaver, an employe at Otto's furniture factory, was seriously injured while as. sisting to shift cars on a Reading rail road siding at the works. He was taken to the city hospital, where both legs vere mmputated. Maven CHUNK, Pa., May 80.--The in- quest on Henry Blose, who was recently murdered at Bowmanstown, has been adjourned until next week. All the evi- dence thus far taken shows that he was brutally murdered, but none of it points, even cireunmstantially, to any person in the neighborhood. In the S. Harrisntra, Jane 2. upreme court this morning Jenks, counsel for the Delamaters, applied for a continuance of <& of venue until the October term. Coun el for the depositors gave notice th they would contest any postponemer and a consultation followed. PITTSBURG, June 2, —Secretary W, J. Dillon, of the American Flint Glass Workers’ association, denies the state ment telegraphed from this city to the effact that thirty-four of the fifty-seve flint glass factories in the country wi close down this week for the Mr. Dillon says ti : glass factories will close the usual time, PHILADELPHIA, drowning accid HY aware river off Gloucesier, which a man and woman Southard an Lizzie Dought rlives, T couple were in h was being rowed by pit Hawk, wi it canght in the padd » wheel of a I ne (rlon g Sylvan Dell, and capsized awk saved 1 If by s 3 3 uaaer cinain of y George iL + i it, tl 5] he Om the f There was a bv J ames he ass cester Ss Jeet CIRCE 1 r of the bodies we ry There vention of which The held by F COMM ies finish i opened in Onven the or pain until r it stupeficd him rated conscion will die. A. G Pa... a passenger. had Hapunmbtro, Mav 20,71 approved the following bill amend the election Is titne and manner of m he registry % and the duties rorisiry a sesuors; to anthorize tae employment of two additional clerks in asdintant general's office to prepare muster rolls of the late civil war; an act providing for the assignment of $100,000 annually { h * governor An act to maging the w= AREAS is of votes Of tho providing tor the transfer of the direct tax money mmonnting to $1L,634.000 to the sinking fund: authorizing the audi. for general to conntersign all warrants in the state trensnry 1891. 1891. Wo. | Th, | Fr. Sa. 3/4/56 718]9/10/11112(13 14/15/16) 17/18/19 21/22123(24|25| 26 28129130 MOoN's pAASES. 6 11:20 er Full 1 res | & oon i i @ 5 JE to # - 018 7:34 & mm i i THE LEGISLATURE ADJOURNS Presents for the Officers Before Say. ing Good-bye, Harnrissura, May 27.--In the senate to relieve clerks, from certain prosecutions and punishment for conspiracy under the laws of The congressional and legislative ap portionment bills were passed finally without amendinent, The bills will now The Farr compul- sory educational bill as it came from the house passed by a vote of 80 to 10, In the house the senate bill to provide i of a site and the erection of a state asvium for the chronic insane, to be called the State Asylum for the Chronic Insane of Pennsylvania, and making an appropriation therefor, which had been defeated on final passage, had been reconsidered and postponed, was called np and passed finally. The senate resolution for an inguiry into charges against the management of the Eastern penitentinry was indefinitely postponed, Senate amendments to the bill pro- viding for the expenses of the State Agricultural college were rejected, as were also the senate amendments to the anthracite mine bill, HARRISBURG, May 27.—In the senate yesterday a large number of house bills were passed finally, including the act to fix the number of senators in the general assembly of the state and to apportion the state into senatorial districts as pro- vided in the constitution, and the act to prohibit mining and manufacturing cor- porations from engaging in the business on known as come ir general supply stores, vas a lengthy dis- | bill. The | the senate om tf y NJ its stores, reform amendments by The hoes in KTeRsiog Gpporilonme NON-CONCnr- amendments to the nt bill, and and Ritter (L i ited a comunittes conference on the h H ARR $6 rence Ae ; foot JENS . vile . { oul coming -At tions, but a & other business went ‘or the purpose o senate gFOvVernor 8 31 to 18 thes y : IDA His ich the reese reg bill No. 2, known a bill, was defeated be was agreed to, and vote of 31 The report mittee on acres] to +3 i to 14 lieate temn. of the : and house, he appropriat The factory definitely postponed, but the a a banking department was nspectlors 4 #4 At noon the sena After adjournm Was pres and a beant finng senators Soon after bled and o priation | f¢ 3 “nt while with BeTrvice * general appro- nl Between 3 and 4 o'clock t = pA re kept awake by the shooting off of banches of the of sett iple of owls At & the 120 to irement banking . BS Were two mmaterially sections . ap failed of passage ! amend- the house, unable ref fell. longest con. YOArs was “ £» 5% crackers, several Cats, the and other childish amusanents o'clock the laker ballot bil a1. At So'el bill was defeats At B20 the department bill + others, amend of the retail lig portionment was the senatorial, ments the confers on ssl ihe Guay Were no we and re 1 §: i Re Was T SeTvVICe i Ha pr th an slezant wily and the various were remembered by valuable At 12 o'clock Speaker Thompson's gavel fell with the formal declaration that the legislature of 1851 stood adjourned without day. Fy H i COT Es is LOOKS FO PLAY. Arsenic Found in J, Norris Young's Body at West Chester, Pa. West Cuesrer, Pa., June 2 The body of J. Norris Young, the young miller of Marshallion, who died May 8, about whose sodden death there have been rumors of foul play, was exhumed by Coroner McFadgen yesterday in the presence of Dr. Formad, of Philadel hia, Dr. Mercer, of Germantown, and Jr. Dann, of West Chester. A hasty examination showed that the body con tained a large quantity of arsenic. A partial examination of the stomach was made, after which the organs were turned over by the coroner to Dr. For- mad, who will make a microscopical ex amination and report the result to the coroner and district attorney, Young was said to have died from cholera morbus, but the purchase of rat poison by a weber of the family a few days before aroused suspicion, Papers were also found upon the persom of David M. Link, a New York piano agent, who stayed with the family, which, it is claimed, bear an important part in the testimony. Link subse quently became insane, and his remark when taken to Bellevae hospital, New York, “People accuse me of killing him.” as a sufficient ground to prompt the authorities to exhume the body, Mrs. Young, the wife of the dead man, denies the rumor aflont associating her with her husband's death. Ms, Sid is 21 years old and comely, She denies that there was any trouble between her and her hasband, Before the coroner had Young's body exhumed a dozen prominent citizens stood over the ve to prevent any one from stealing the body, Tey IKE UL hak dh Bs AA A AD A The Reformed Presbyterians, Prrrssuno June 2, — At yesterday's ses. sion Rev. Foster read the complaints of the deposed ministers. At the conclu. sion of the reading, Dr. McAllister of fered a resolution for the arrest of the six deposed ministers for contempt of court, they having violated the rules of the Book of Discipline in not obey the finding of the lower conrt. Rev, J, 8. T till igan, rateedd the point of order that Dr. McAllister, ss a prossentor in the case, no rignt to offer such resolution, wis accepted and the resolution was offered by another win. | Lowest on at Com- Latest Prices Cor- srybody. mown Lo me." dren that pla . ¥ ‘olie, Constipation, srrncea, Ero Se ul mecp, aad proviotos gestio 182 Fulton Bireet, N ¥ ered, blister. Head proof 1 Da BJ Ersatz Kendall's Sparin valuable sad bio with a Is : from lame &h if KENDALL'S De 1 J Kaspars. Co, Gents + : } hanks fie vo ar Bowe is «lf PHAN, § sewers! Ih perl Co was quite lame w entirely free Soda 4 Horcaies, mare a 6 o bw —— ¥. 8B fhe muon, La, May 8 9. ¥ 15 reader you my ails fipavin Lure, il 1 prised very be = § tried ines wich 414 yorir Kesdadl®s un four days 18, Hampom Downes tiles for 8. ¥ Fit w tof pri All drug. ibe sont or by the proprie Lage . ' On the first day of May we shall place on the market Professor CHARLES FF. ESCHER'S NEW BOOK, entitled OUR HEART'S DELIGHT EW MUSIC BOOK. ——— AC or, Sweet Melodies of the Past and Present. areh Falls, Yerment anictans The work will contaln the best Nise 10 x I Nearly #0 pages This work la especially lotended for m gn countries. 3% full-page lithograph re, AGENTS WANTED in every town to . bddreus and For special totus, oto tee satisfaction. and refer you to Dunn's or Headsirvot's agencies for our respons vochlists, § days’ evedit. MH. J. SHITH & C0., Publishers, 3234-238 South Eighth Si, Philadelphia, Pa. iy bound in cloth, stamped with appropriate design. who desire » variety of cholee pleces. Contains plenty for the beginner, and » good supply for the Ine sper of famous - begin May first. Wo guamn enced. Over 4000 advance orders already received, sibility. Goods om 30 and most popular selections of the renowned authors of this and fire being a compliation of vocal and instrumental music, adapted to plane or organ. In the matter of inte of Potter ed hy the And determ of M. L. Ristiel, dent, and to 0 make ment at his oelock a.m. Pant tend, is appoint of Bellefonte, mn D. 1861, at 10 nterevted will Aran at JOHN KLINE Auditor ted to host wad DS The Awlitor ap. A wh the exceptions ! AR AWE. SYLVANIA R. (8 in. PENN adelphia & Erie Railroad aud Nortbern Central Railway. tL May 24, 1801, i eff ASTWARD sz : irain 14 uily oxoem For Bus y. Willkertbarre, Harris tennediate stations, srriving at is p.m New York, Sp.m Washington, 5.56 v. m., connect! sos -ahiore ois. Through r conches to Philadelphia and Baltimor Da EXO Sug ig and interned late Je a ate We, 84% p.m, ar ihe ni Clee 10 VL i Frain 5 ry. Harrist st Wdeiphia and except Bg sialon ari ew York at 7.1 Harrisburg ladeiphiin oi} Wo pas Lat undistyrt Dally ¥ «diate slailons, arriving at Mm. New York, 9% & m., Washiogiuon, 7.90. a m cars to Philadeiphi sud » Philadelphia aod Baitimore, WESTWARD, i For Erie and Can i % stations, Hochesier sd Misgars Falls, with through Pullman LECT Comal Rte aud Moches or Sunbury. MRE ol TL Lock Haven and ‘ rain 31 Dally except For Kave, Ca audsigus snd lulermed ale Baatl Hochester, Bullelo aud Niagara Falls, $ Bopeaseuger Omchies 10 Kane and Hochews 860 Farior oar Ww KB Lioeler ip. m Tras 1. (Dwily Wwvo, Kimmie ang q Penin ww ® wr, except Sunday ntermedinie stations Daily For Willis ermedisie ations } THROUGH TRAINS FOR MOSNTANDOS EAST AND sOUTH FROM Train 15 leaves New 3 Pais 4.9 AAD BW BURMGAY HR 1215 night, Philadel am, Baldmore 4.45 8 mm, Harrisburg W lResbarre, s 00 am. (Daily except arniviog st Montanden 10 8 raves Fhlindelphia 8.50 a m, Usa, Baitimote 9100 & mm, Daily exoep Bauday) i pin, «il Pause rough passcuger aap ia sud Dedlboore Jon Vos Sew York $00 a ma, Pile, 118 & Wash big ton al 1000 8 in, Bailimore at 14 4 Wihikesbarre 5.02 pm, (dally except Sule Gay) sriving of Moutatsdon at 5.04 PF wm, with through passciiger Couches nea Phils and Baltimore Train 21 eaves New York 24 pm, Philadelphia 4.00 pan, Wash inugiou 3.99 Poa, Bailiaore 4.82 p H, (demily) sniviag st Mouiandou 9.15 Pw, Train 4 lemves New 1ork at 500 Pp om, Philad, ILE pm, Washiiugion 10.00 P mm, Baltimore, L000 pm, (Geily) sariving ai Montandon at » 36 B10, Wilh srvugh Pullmas sleeping oats from Fadia. Washi nguon sod Balti aote aod through Passedger coalues from Phlladelpbia and Bais tino Washing Wilikesbarie artiviug st Car roms Vhiiad ihe mid a froma Pu in =n a LEWISBURU AND TYRONE RAILROAD. baily Except Sunday, Eastward, AMPM. FM $0 10 i» 1] 2 Ww ¥ wl s bal Westwara FMAM AB BTATIONRS. 15 3 8 W Moutapdon Liv &b (6X Lewisburg & Sv Biehl #01 Vickaburg 45] Mittin bar Ml Millmont ; i “Hien roy, . = waa Mounts tn % iL Lerpy © Nd | 17TH Eprin $ Penna br i. i {Centre Hall BB ur 18 87 Linden Hall S42 0ak Hall 18 46 Lemont {* SliDale Summit iY Ml Plensant Gap 19 94 A xemann #10 Bellefonte Additional trains leave Lewisburg for Montan. BL 5.208 m, 10.00 am, 1.17 5.55mnd 7.90 pm, re Suning ive Montandou for Lewisburg al 9.55 a JAE m AIS pmSIO pm, and TH pm CHAR, E PUGH, b JH Soon, fearral Manager Hen’! Paw'ger Aw, £7 i & 6 i i» coe Simpad aim Ob OF ee ;*denCRe PO arg Tg BETTER THAN A GOLD No Capital oreded! No HelP MINE risk, but #10 a day profit! Teach. : Ktudents Ministers, Bright Men wd Ludies wanted in every Town and Connty. No expetiovoe nocded, Credit given if desired. Be early this time and secure fir choles of exclusive territory on this brand New Hook DONT BEAN OSTRICH! Write and pet full WORLD'S HISTORY 1, The W. deste and grand achievements of the of the times that information and slid facts abowt FOOTPRINTS OF THE By WM 8 RYAN and JOHN CLARK RID PA orid Ce ehrmted Historic The Story of the Nahions he id - the 1088 ated Heroines A rich si dvavel, Aduwenture. and the weird and Thelllidg sovies of the ho 0 dayx We have the largest stock of Clothing in Centre County. THEY MUST BE SOLD and we intend to make the price sell them. Call and see what we can do for you We will surprise you. Proprietor, Bellefonte.