The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, May 28, 1891, Image 8

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    Barly Sunday Schools. Farmers Mills.
f i | Meiss & Co,, of Tusseyville, moved their saw |
A Gang of Bhaipets Reap a Harvest at | The Commencement exercises of the | For the Reporter. . | mill north of the eave Tn week, and are sawing
ellefonte. Pennsylvania State College will take | In our last article we started out 10 | , 101 of lumber for Ream. iesiion
*PRRMS;—Ono year, $1.50, when paid in sd| A gang of swindlers resped quite a place in the week from June 28th to | give some account of early Baoday | The memorial services were weil attended here | : oom
vace. Those in arrears subject to previous |
| harvest at Beliefonte on Tuesday of last | Joly 2nd, 1801 Following is the prow | schools in Penns valley. | last Babbath and were considered good.
Grain Market.
| WHILE WHEBE...conviriisimisarssonss sisssssisiscise sine
FRED.KURTZ, Eprror and Pror’r
REPORTER | PULLED THEIR LEGS. State College Commencement. L
Advertisements 20 cents per line for 8 inser
ns.and 5 cents for each subsequent insertiou.
Cextie Bun, Pa, Taurs, May, 28,
New Youx, Arrm 23, 1891,
Racket Store Co., Bellefonte. —
Sirs: =I took the liberty of sending you 10
pieces of Dress Goods, the cheapest and best
goods jor the money I ever sole
wholesaled yesterday at 80 cents per yard,
The above explaios itself —the goods
are on our counter tolay at SIXTY
Just in, an entirely new line of dress
trimmings, beantiful goods, latest ideas,
Racket prices, Spanish net and Chantilly
Flouncing and Demi-flonncings. New
things in China aod Florentine Silks,
Silkeline and Art Draperies.
The Shoe Department offers you some
very special bargains, and when we say
barsains we want you to expect it, 1000
pairs —regular shoe store stock, clean
ad new at a less price to you than we
can buy them.
Subscribe for the Reporter,
—Ten barrels of good cider vinegar
for sale.—A, P. Luse & Son.
—Mr. Samuel Breon, of Aaronsburg,
was in town one day las! week,
Cabinet photos $1.50 per doz
Shaeffer's gillery, Bellefonte,
Mrs. W. l.. Kurtz, of Burlin, Pa,
is visi'ing at the home of Fred. Kurtz,
——~Mr. Wash Campbell, of Linden
Hall, was seen upon our streets this
— Mrs. Jacob
improving from
Harpster is steadily
her recent
~—(3eorge Benne r has masous at work
on the foundation for his store building
at the station.
— Mr, Will Keller,
member of the F. & M. college, was in
town on Taesday.
home on
in Williamsport.
Mrs. John Riter was taken quite
ill this week with
confined to her room.
Mrs. Dr. Ward, of Bellefonte, has
been visiting her mother, Mrs, Stiver, on
Charch street, the past week.
- —Mr. Fergus Potter, Harris towns
ship's veteran pedagogue, was in town
Monday morning on business.
~ Under the new schedule the afters
noon passes Centre Hall at
2.47 instead of 3 28 as heretofore,
— Curt Lingle, of Milesburg, is a fre.
quent visitor to Centre Hal
there is attraction for him in
Of eourse
the town,
Parties wishiog fine photos, will
please call on Mike Condo He carriesa
line of samples from which to order
Mr. and Mr2, John Odenkirk, of
Old Fort, spent several days l«st week
visiting friends and
— Don’t forget the Lawn Fete to be
given by the Aid Society, Saturday even:
ing, May 30th, at Rev. Baskerville's. Aii
are cordially invited.
in Williamsport
~The water company has opened
bids for the taking up and laying of the
new waler main from the RerorTiR of
fice to the woods at the lower end of
~Caterpillars are more numerous in
this section than for years, and are dos
ing much barm. They should be exters
w ioated at once by the free use of the
Use lime and other disinfectants
abundantly about your pig pens, chicken
coops, &c. It is much beter to bar our
diseascs than to let them in and then
have to drive them out.
~The recent heavy rains we had the
last week did not penetrate the earth
more than about five inches as we are
told. and still more is wanted for a good
crop of grain.
~The new Potter House, Philips
barg, has in each of the rooms a Bible
for the accomodation of guests who are
religiously ioclined. This is the lates:
hit in the hotel business.
~The legislative committee on ap~
propriations has favorably reported an
appropriation of $30,000 to the Normal
School at Lock Haven, and $120,000 for
Pennsylvania State College,
~-=The bridge across the river a
Lock Haven has been turned over to the
county and made free. It has been toll
bridge heretofore, but viewers assessed
the damages at 812500 and the grand
jury and court approved of their report,
~The turnpike Company controll~
ing the road from Miliheim to Coburn,
bave purchased a stone crushing ma-
chine, to be run by steam, which will
greatly expedite the work of macadas
mizing the road,
Stoves should be kept in a dry
place when not io use. Stove pipe flues
and e/bows must be well cared for, or they
will rust out ia a single season. If there
is no dry place for them, they should be
well rubbed over with tallow or othe:
greases, which will do much to keep
in g rod condition,
| week. They traveled with
{ hundred dollars,
| of small sums of money by the sharpers
| and among those who lost large sums
10.830 a wm —~Dacealaureate Address, by
8 p. m~—~Annual Address before the
The game was played openly in the
like catfish they were caught.
of going into business and needing so
counted at bank and furnished the mon-
business vanishes. The other
and shell game,
Wedaesday morning and told District
Attorney Meyer about his loss and
asked his aid.
Clark, of Philipsburg, who hunted all
day for the man but could not find him.
losses. This Meyer refused to do, tele
phoning Capt. Clark that unlees
would pay the full amount of all losses
| he wonld arrest him in Tyrone.
| pleted pulled the wool over the
fonte authorities by pret
Isteetive following up the #
| way he got into the confidence of every-
| body, it is eaid, assisted in stoppiog a
{ ed the crowd while the sharpers fleeced
| the people.
ly >
Children's Day.
i A the
| Master of the State Grange, appointing
| Saturday Juve 6th, as Children’s Day,
proclamation was by
and a feast day for the Court of Fauna
The day
| each grange gatheringjfiowers and decors
| ating their Publie
| with addresses, songs and recitations and
a banquet will be the principal features
of such a day, This will not only be ob
served in Pennsylvania but
state in the Union. Itisa new featare
in grange work and mey become a fixed
holiday for the organization.
The Grange of this place will celebrate
will be made memorable by
halls. meetings
in every
this day, as we understand, by a picnie
at Grange Park, to which al
lies of the members will participate, but
with the privilege of
are not members, It
the gronnd being in a very beaut
the fami-
inviting any who
will be a pienic,
ful condition at present,
the heads of the
rder show great consideration in thus
idl —— —
Implement Agents,
This section has never before been 80
well provided for in the way of farm im~
plement agents, and the farming commu-
nity so well canvassed as at present by
the agents Among those whom we can
recall at present as engsged in the busi-
ness and sconring the county high aod
low for orders, are Robert Foreman, Pes
ter Hoffer, Daniel Luse, James Spyder,
F. M. Barkholder, Henry Boozer, and
several others, all of whom are hustlers
and reliable men with good houses at
their back. These are in this immediate
vicinity and with other agenta from oths
er parts, makes the farmer's life not one
to be envied,
- -———
Clean Up.
His Eminence, Chief Burgess, John Ri-
ter, has allowed the edict to go forth
from his official chambers, notifying the
citizens of Centre Hall to clean the
streets or alleys adjoining the properties
they own or occupy, of all rubbish, ash
piles, filth, ete, on ‘or before the 28:h
day of May, 1801. Upon failure to com
ply with the above notice the street com-
missioner will be iostructed to clean
said streets or alleys at the expense of
the owners, their agents or tenants, with
twenty per cent, additional to be collect
ed in the manver provided by law for
same deb!s,
Another Decision
The Supreme Court has decided that
all bridges after being constructed, are a
part of the public highway and ss such
must be kept in repair by the township
or borough in which they are situated
Heretofore it has been custom of the
con ity to keep in repair all bridges erect
ed at the expense of the connty, but the
vew ruling will put a stop to it
iat sninntbiln
Finger Laroera ted
Wm. Allen, of the Eagle valley, was
leading a spirited colt with a strap which
be had wrapped around his thamb and
forefinger, when the colt made a plange
and stripped all the flesh off the thomb
and fioger. Amputation was necessary.
- ow
w= No shelf worn stock is thrust upon
customers at A. C. Miogle's shoe store,
Bellefoute. His large trade enables him
to constantly keep new goods, and als
ways of the latest styles and at very
moderate prices, as all customers admit.
Cabinet photos $1 50 per dozen
this is no advertisiog fake but a genuine
cut-at Shaefler’s gallery, Bellefone.
10 a. m.~— Examination of candidates
8 30 a. m.—Annual Meeting of the
Alumni Association,
9.30 a. m.—~Artillery Salute,
10 a. m,—Anoual Meeting of Trustees,
12 m.—Meeting (in the Chapel) of dele
3 p. m.,~Exhibition Drill of Btate Col-
7.30 p m —Anuvual Address before the
of Lancaster, Pa.
9-11 p. m.~Reception by the Faculty.
930 a, m.—Graduation Exercises of
the class of "91.
Commencement Address, by the Hon
phia Times.
A special train will ran from Belles
fonte to Lemont at 10.30 Wednesday,
July 1, on the arrival of train from Lock
Orders for excursions tickets over the
# -
Rain and Crops,
The wished for rain bas come, and
come in good time—we might say, at the
knows best when is the right time,
Tue grass crop will be helped yet; the
clover will be short, but the timothy will
come along finely, and while there will
not be such an abundance of hay as last
The wheat crop may now be considers
ed safe, The drouth had not yet affect.
ed it to preciable extent, and
the fine showers in the past eight days
of w
Corn was slow in coming up for want
of moisture, bot it will no doubt boom
Some farmers had pot
planting corn, ss the ground
had become too dry and hard, bat they
will get all planted now, and with a fa
right along now.
vorable season, the late plating wil
catch up, The same may be said of po
The oats will be somewhat short in
the straw, but may be fairly headed and
an average crop is in prospect
The apple crop, sod fruit crop in gen-
eral, is safe yet at this writiog,
‘His Pants Blew off, ete.”
I've Asronsbarg correspondent of the
Millheim Journal states the rather ioter
esting experience of which a cit zen of
Aasrousborg was the victim. Mr. Wil
liam Haffley booght a half pound of
powder to nee it in destroying caterpil-
He placed the
of powder in the pocket of his
his way home he passed a blacksmith
shop and stopped ia for a friendly chat
with the brawoy armed smith. He was
standing near the anvil and a spark
from the r-d hot iron which was being
worked, struck the loaded pocket, drop.
ped down on the package of powder and
cansed it to explode. A terrible explo
sion followed which almost denuded Mr.
Haflley and completely demoralized the
trousers, He was considerably burned
about the face and body by the prema~
tare explosion, not to say anything of
the fright which he had uadergone.
La Orippe Again
Daring the epidemic of La Grippe last
season Dr. King's New Discovery for
Consumption, Coughs and colds, proved
to be the best remedy. Reports from
the many who ased it confirm this state.
meat. They were not only quickly re
lieved, but the disease left no bad after
results. He ask you to give this remedy
a trinl aud we guarantee that you wiil be
satisfied with results, or the purchase
price will be refanded. It bas no equal
in La Grippe, or any Throat, Chest or
Lung Trouble. Trial bottles free at J, D,
Murray's Diug Store. Large bottles, 5c.
aad $1.00,
———— A —————
Look Out For Him
Veterans of the late war shoald keep
their eyes open as there is a new swind-
ler about. This time it is a canvasser
lars upon his fruit trees,
pai Kage
pantaloons and started for home,
dier's history. The questions asked are
cheerfully and correctly snwered by all,
After the information has been written
ovat and the unsuspecting informant is
requested to sign it, being assured it is
only wanted as aothority for publishing
After a few days those interviewed are
farnished a $15 history, and are suprised
to find their signature to a contract agree:
ing to take the book.
st Sn SBS
"A Rolling Stone
Gathers no moss; neither does the dust
light on the Poilad. Branch’s new stock
which captivate all,
Woodland Coal.
Two car loads Woodland coal jast re-
From data at hand, we Jearn that the |
the year 1818, or, reventysthree years |
| ago, in a Cooper shop owned by Daniel
| Kinley, then standing on the point be-
tween Penns creek and Sinking creek
near where Long's store now stands at
Spring Mills, This information we got
from Alexander Kinley, while attending
the semi centennial of the present
used to thoroughty renovate the Cooper
shop on Saturday evening after regular
working hours, preparatory to holding
Sanday schoo! the following Sabbath
morning. At that early period (accords
ing to his statement) the pupils came 8
long distance, barefoot, and with home
spun trousers, carded, spun and woven
by their mothers. David Allison and
Jacob Snyder were among the first offi-
cers, and the only surviving members of
the school then living (ten years ago)
were the informant, Polly Bnyder, then
living in Nittany valley, and
Potts, living some where in Miffl n coun-
The books used in the school were
Bysly’s speiling book and theBible, (old
and new Testament.)
This school antedates the present
Spring Mills school ten years, according
house which stood on the south side of
the pike about an eighth of a mie east
of the mill.
to éach pupil on a single Sabbath.
years of 1850 and '50.
Crosthwait, (now Rev.) James M, Good
some whose names we have forgotien.
we thiok is still standing) with Matthew
Andre as superintendent, Among the
Cook, Samuel
Rishell, esq.
Shannon, Sr.
our correspondent to be a pupil alon
we Can
man as an earvest Christian teacher
He was an ordinary farmer, not learned
impressions were, that he was a Godly
Many miles lie between us and the old
charch at the Union; many changes have
taken place since our boyshood, bot how
we would love to walk over some of the
old paths, and converses with some of
our old Sunday school associates, if still
living. Many a happy hour we spent in
the old charch, and we trust the early
impressions have been productive of
good. We shall never forget some of the
sermons preached in the old church by
“Pappy” Raese, Rey, P. 8B. Fiagee and
afterwards Rev’s. Ruthranf and Smith,
And what joyous times we used to have
tions, when six to ten schools would
join, and they would come with four
horse laddere | wagons, with flying ban-
pers and well filled baskets, when the
home school would march out to escort
the visiting schools tb their assigned
places on the ground, then what singing,
after this the addresses and after this
the dioner, then more singing snd
speeching and then the farewells. Our
first Sunday school speech, very early in
lite, was made on the grovnd where the
present church now stands, then all was
woods around there. But there is a
queer moisture comes to our eyes and
we must close, wishing Heavens blessing
to reat upon these schools,
“ Ss MS Ml i
Happy Hoosiers.
Wm. Timmons, Postmaster of Idaville,
Ind. writes: “Electric Bitters has done
more for me then all other medicines
combined, for that bad feeling arising
from Kidney and Liver trouble,” John
Leslie, farmer and stockman, of same
place, says: “Find Electric Bitters to be
best Kidney and Liver medicine, made
me feel like a new man,” J. W, Gard.
per, hardware merchant, same town,
says: Electric Bitters is just the thing
for a man who is all ran down and don’t
care whether he lives or dies; he found
new strength, good appetite and felt just
like he had a new lease qu lite. Only
500. a bottle, at J. D. Murray's Drug
Stor e .
sine MIM SS
wweeJabinet photos $1.50 per dozen
Shaeffer, the photographer, Bellefonte.
«A fall line of spring clothing has
been received at the Philad. Branch,
Bellefonte, and can be purchased at very
low prices, One of the best cutters is in
the employ of Lewins and a perfect fit
The Arinbruster brothers are building a
Our road supervisor, John Rossman, has a big
force of hands at work repairing our roads in first
class style. He Is the right man in the right
| boys,
| The remodeling of the Evangelical church
| this place is in progress The contract has been
awarded to M, Guise , of Penn Hall and James
| Leftzell, of Bpring Mills,
| for Mr. Btover this spring
Rumor says the Evangelical association will
hold a campmeeling near Lhe cave Lhis summer
Owing to the recent dry spell, the corn, oss
ete, is very regular In coming up and the cul
worms and birds are doing much damage to the
corn that is up.
The Hagan brothers are bullding a barn ou the
i on the Roup farm, west of State College,
| the farm of John Goodhart, dec’d., for $2500,
Visitors to this vicinity were quite numerous
The prospects are good here for a full crop of
fruit, but by present indications the crop of hay
{| and barley will be very small
{ . :
i Don’t Stand that rain
It don't do Wo neglect
| through the system cause Hheumatism,
| safe remedy 1s required. Red rag Oil,
| mous Pain Cure, Sills the bill, Price 25
Are you Consumptive, or do you suffer with a
1{ 80, use Tine Cough snd
the Fa-
{ Cough or Cold Pan-
| Consumption Cure, Price 2 and 00 cents,
| bottles free st J. D. Murray's Drug Blore,
- >
Spring Mills
Decorating services on Memorial Day will take
Farmers Mills at 93 a,
Georges valley st 2 p.m, and Spring Mills al 6p
Rev's Wolf, Fhoemaker, i
{ will be the speakers. The veterans at thelr meet
piace as follows
bX 1
| ing Ww make arrangements appointed sa oor
10 wall upon our bLusiness
the hotel
men and ask
| closing of the mill
! stores, from five till seven o'clock on
| Country people coming to town to make purchases
{on th
ooTne in
early to attend to thelr
five o'clock, so as 10 give the In
their employees time and oppor
Memorial services
iE 8
the in the evening after he
g of the memorial work Bev. A. G.
rousburg, will presch for the Lutheran
in the Preabyterian church. Let there
1 out 10 hear the Reverend
On last Sabbath Rev, C. V
James ¥
Miss Flee a
genni AD
Aurond preached
for Samuel Phaunon Post
1 oh h at Farmers Mills
in the
mernorial sere
in th
Runkle, stud
in by BI
iE J © 10 wpe
an Krise are visiting relies
{ Uves in Johnstown
The Golden Eagles intend to turn out
| veterans on Decoration
A Mr ung, bh
| his periodical visits to see his cousin, Mr
Siecle, from Harr
| rine, and also 10 see his—ahall
Charley Cun
ngs I® up wo
child snd also 10 sell shoes Lo our
i - :
i Married
i May 22 180, by W, J Can
sand Annie M. Doebler
Centre Hall Enterprise
The well kr
My has taker
own and popular Druggist J
the Agency for
St towad Ty } .
nd all
itis a well known fact
| and Consumption Cure has cured
¢ Ooughs and Colds when all else fall
s 25 and 50 centa Trigl bottles free
When Baby was alek, we gave ber Castoris,
When she was a Child, abe crind for Castors,
When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria,
When ahead Chidren, she gave them Castorin,
Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
The Best Salve in the worid for Culs,
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Balt Rheum, Fever
Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblaios
Ofroe, and all Skin Eroptiods, positively
cures Piles, or no pay required. It is
guarnteed to give perfect satisfaction, or
money refunded. Price 25 cents per box,
FOR SALE BY J. D. Marrsy, Drog-
The Enemy In Ambush.
Every ope knows that at this sesson of the
year disesse lies in ambush, ever ready 10 pounce
and prey gpom the weak. "And any fairminded
hysician will tell you tbat the only safeguard
jes in keepfog the system thoroughly keyed up
by the use (ot abuse] of a reliable stimulant.
Hundreds of tonics are advertised for this purs
pase, but experience shows thai a pure nye whis
key is the only one 10 be depended upon. Mex
Klein's “Silver Age ‘and * Puquesne” brands am
sold under a sworn guarantee of absolute purity,
afi affidavit accompanies each bottle “Silver
Age” sells for $1.50 and 'dugocsne” at $1.25 per
ful: quart bottle, The difference In age makes
the difference in price—both brands are Warman
ted to be unadulterated.
Yon can get Guckenheimer, Kinch, Gibson or
Overholt from Mr. Kieinat #100, His stock of
wines, brandies, gins ete., is acknowledged 10 be
the largest and choioest in the state. Goods ship
pod to all parts of the U. 8, Send for catalogue
and price list, mentioning this Paper AX
Kixix, 82 Federal street, Aliegheny, Pa,
of administration uw the estate of Ra
chael Arney, dec'd., of Centre Hall, having been
Jawhally rene She unders 1 Je ivi
respectiuily req now ing them-
selves | ted to the eiaic to MARE immediate
payment, and those having claims against the
same 10 present them duly authsuntionted for sets
thement J.3.ARNEY,
ms yee Administrator.
court of Centre county. In the matter of
the estate of Jobn Peters, doo'd., iste of Potter
nders , an auditor
ecutor Administrator
Joos and
rdence. of
fllow ..
Consumption Cured,
An old physician, retired from practice, bavs
ing had placed in bis hands by an East Indian
Asthioa snd
and radical cure for Nervous Deblilty snd sll
Nervous Complaints, after having tested its wou
| felt it his duty to make it known to bis suflering
fellows, Actusted by this motive and a desire 0
relieve human suffering, 1 will send free of charge
{to all who desire ii, this recipe, in German
| French or English, with fu irections for pres
paring and using. Bent by i addressing
{ with slap, naming this paper . A. BOYES,
820 Powers' Block, Rochester, N. ¥,
{ 26mar ly
i —
{ y
| We pay Salary
and expenses to LIVE AGENTS men or women,
| No drones wanted, Work stesdy year round and
| cash weekly. Good pay for part Lime. Fine oul
| fit free. Experience not needed. Send referets
| ces and stamp at once. J, ECoENE WHITERY, Eo
chester , 8. %
This firm is perfectly responsible, 1 dec Gm
i an order of the Orphan's Court of Ce :
| county, Pa: the undersigned, executor of Bu
{ Treaster, dec’d,, late of Mifflin county, will @
pose al public sale on tract No.l , on
pom BATURDAY, MAY 3, 188,
ai 1 o'clock, the following valuable real estate
TRACT RO. 1—-All 1 trdet of land
situated in Potter township, Centre county, sds
joluing lands Wills » Breon,
David Evans, lands
Barger, and others, containing
nd allowsnoe, upon which are erecied a
| and other improvements
{| TRACT KO 2~All that certain 1
1 of unimproved thwber od adiol
J ommnn{ w—
n Allison, Evan Evans
d others, containing
{ and allowance
cent of purchase mor
ack down. One-half
atian of sale. The bala
interest from confirma)
utor of Samuel Treaster ,
» thrifty towns,
rows Roads snd Cowan
urchased by P
¢ Adam Young,
nion county, Ps |,
ber, Mary
¥ and limestone gravel
no waste land,
aiion and as good in qu
ed valley
INGE are ample
and goods
ie Frame
House snd Kitchen
barn i
nowe. Cattle 5 heeds
£ don 814
3 ider House and Press
Hog Btables, Wagon Eheds
Corn Cribs and Spring House
WATER There are tw
the best of water, and th
watering plane to any fie
pan ¥
y never falling Wells of
Can: go froin the
the farm without
rough er §
Fruit. Tiere are
good condition, an
ter loGality in which ©
Orchards in
8 Apple
h other fr
ere i Dol probably & bets
reside, on every aboount,
of the State of Pennsyls
¥) per cent, J i ast, 388
fl 1a, 182. lumen nly
1 the Best of Nelghborboods,
ei 2 o'clock p.m, ®t
103 en,
Assignee of P. A. Baker
Miflinburg, Pa. May 4, 189]
1 pangier, dec’d. The Auditor ap-
od 10 besr apd pass Upon (he extoplion
to theaccoupl of D. M Rookey, exe
swinte the sume, and make dstributk
ng those legally sr iitied thereto, will
¢ duties of his appointment st his office
&t Beiletonte, on Thursday June 1134, when and
where all parties interested of sitend, if they
see proper, or be forever debarred from claiming
again sgeinst said esate. D.F.PORTRE)Y
Our opinion is that some
groceries have about reached
bottom, therefore, it might be
well for all to look up their lar-
It is hardly possible for su-
gars to go any lower, Try us
on a barrel, or hundred pounds.
Evaporated fruits have also
taken a tumble.” Ask to see
our unpared and pared peach-
There is no better brand of
canned corn or tomatoes in the
market than the “Superior,”
true to the name. Try it.
Canned Peaches, Apricots,
Pears, and a full line general
Take a peep at our
you will likely see something,
“just what you want” at less
than half price.
Stop in and give us your or-
der for any article you wish,
not usually carried in this val-
ley, and we will be glad to or-
der it for you, at no additional
expense to you.
e have a line of catalogues
by which we can serve you al-
most as well as tho the goods
were in our hands,