WINGED MISSILES, The cave-in of the bluff that took place as Yaquina, Oregon, was worth thousands of dollars to the railroad company. A thous- and dollars’ worth of powder would not have accomplished what the rain did. The rock and dirt fell into the bulkhead just where it was wanted. The prince of '\ ales has become a very regular attendant at the sessions of the En. glish parliament. The fact is that the prince is very much worried about the chances of the succession in case of his mother's death, and wants to make as many friends as possibla stealing #0) from an express company. The company failed to make out its case and had to pay him $4,000 damages, but only a week ago, after patiently watching for all these years, they got the drop oa him and he will now go to prison, Walker Fearn, Iate United States minis- for at Athens, states that brigandage no longer exists in Greece. He says that he and his danghter and a few friends, un. armed and without an escort, visited on horseback the wildest parts of Greece and met with nothing but cordial hospitality. Riveting by electricity has been successfully accomplished. The cold rivet is placed in the hole, and when heated to the proper temperature it can be closed by any of the ordinary apparatus now in use. ‘The heating of a half-inch rivet of two or three inches in length takes about half a minute. The late Henry W. Grady was a great raconteur. He was a master of dialect, and was never afraid of givinga good story plenty of coloring. It was considered a re- markable thing in the office of the Atlanta Constitution if a week went by without a new yarn from Grady. His stories were always witty but never vulgar. Seattle was founded thirty-eight years ago by some thirty or forty men who wens there iu the Schooner Exact, which had miners to go to Alaska. These young men were landed at Alki Polnt, and went to the site of Seattle, which was then an Indian settlement and mainly a dense forest. The last venture that we read of in the use of human hair is a fan valued at $30, says Harper's Buzar. have fashioned this unique curiosity, for sticks is really human hair; baby curls, like unto fairy thistle down, we doubt not, yielding to the gentle wooing of summer's softest breezes General Khaireddin Pasha, who recently dled at Cons‘antinople, was a remarkable man. He was a Circassian and was pur- chased as a slave sixty years ago by the Turkish state treasurer. After various adventures he was made grand vizier by Abdul, but his tenure of office was brief The Turks resented his success, and his downfall was as sudden as his rise facture of a new and cheap building mater. ial which he is about turning to a good account. In Paris he found many large structures bullt of concrete mixture, of which volcanic sand is the chief! ingred ent. This sand exists in vast quantities near Santa Fle. The other known ingredi- ents are lime and water, and the secret is in the fourth ingredient and the propor. ticnate use Stanley says that during his recent Afri. can expedition he came across a new and interesting race of blacks, the Wahoumas, who were absolutely European in ty pe and very intelligent. ‘They appeared to be de- scendants of the aacient Ethiopians, who settied in some way not known to him in Equatorial Africa. These people never in- termingled with tho aboriginal races, but kept their blood intact, considering the ordinary negroes beneath them. Pundita Ramabai, hat sccomplished Hindoo lady who is so well remembered in New York and Boston, has formed a club of “king's daughters'' among her pupils in India, and says that she already sees the effect of it in the steaaying and strengthen- ing of character in these irresponsible and undeveloped maidens. She has translated into Maratti the four mottos of the Words. worth clubs: “Look up, and not down” “Look forward, and not back,” “Look out and not in,” and “Lead a hand.” Among the exhibits at the Indianapolis meeting of the Western Canned Goods As. sociation are two cans « ontaining beef soup, part of a lot prepared for the United States navy in 181%. They are owned by William Daggett, of Indianapolis, whose grand. father was at the head of Daggett & Kens. lett, of New Haven, Coon, in the early part of the century. The contents are sup- posed to be in good condition; if not the fermentation and creation of gases within would break the seal. The soup to-day is therefore seveaiy-one years old. A Cleveland artist says that a genuine artist is very much like a singed cat. He is better than he looks. In speaking of artists in general ho says that the artist of ability does not differ in appearance from the ordinary man. He says that in Munich when the student begins todraw from the antique he lets his hair grow long and car ries a paint box around with him. When he enters a more advanced class he cuts his hair reasonably short and leaves the paint box at home. When he gets down to genuine painting ho wears his hair in the ordinary style and dresses like the ordi nary mortal In & recent work on “The Pphysiclogy of Bodily Exercise” Dr. F. A. Lagrange says that fencing, apparatus gymnastics and riding school lessons may be safely pre- scribed for the person “whose brain languishes for want of work.” But for “a child overworked at school, for a person whose nerve centers are congested owing 10 a persistent mental effort in preparing for au examination, for such we must pro. scribe long walks, the easily learned exor. cise of rowing, and, felling bet. ter, the oid game of leap frog and prison. er's base, running games, anything in fact rather than difficult exercises and acrobat lc gymnastics. The force of an ice shove Is fllustrated by an socident related in a Montreal paper, when 8 house and family were swept Away: “The mao and woman and their two or threo children were in the house, which was an old French style affair. The house had foundations and walls three feet thick in places. 1t was about 12 o'clock, and the family were at their dinner, when suddenly the ice commenond to move. The upper fee struck the sir ot of shore lee and sent it like a huge knife up the bank, scraping all before it. Bofore the family had time to 8scape the edge of the knife had struck the house. It cut it clean away and left not a soul alive of the entire family, Hardly one stone remained upon the.other, so heavy was the crash of the los upon the house.’ tha CoMpPARATIVE. —“*You think I'm tart, Mr, Henpeck,’ beran Mrs, H. “You put it middly, Mrs. Henpeck,"? returned her lord, **You are more than tart; you are a Tartar,” Up IN FRACTIONS, — Emplover(to the new boy) — Have you any brothers?” New Bo '—Yezzir; one Ewmployer—One? ing, wife; give me some doughnu 8," “Going to use them for bait?’ **No, for sinkers,”” I. I The Pill of Our Fathers, No new fangled mixture of psisonous mine | erals, but the good old fashioned pure veget- able blood purifier and liver tonic of centuries | ago, when the only cure alls were medicines | to assist nature to throw off diseases by re moving congestions of the liver, kidneys, bowels, and skin which Jieeede all discases, The old monks of the middle ages were follow. , ors of Hypocrates and their St. Bernard Veg- etable P fy have never been surpassed in this world, A sample of the St, Bernard Vegetable i Pills will be sent free to all applicants, Ad- dress St. Bernard, Box 2416, New York. | An American syndicate in Jamaica gets a square mile of good land that will ' ralse cnffee for every mile of railroad it ! lays down; and there is not much dig- | ging. | There Is more Catarrh In this section of the | country than all other diseases put together, { and until the last few years was supposed to be incurable. For a reat many years doctors yronounced it a local disease, and prescribed Pal remedios, and by constantly falling to i cure with local treatment, pronounced it incur. able. Selence has proven Catarrh to be a con- stitutional disease, and therefore requires con. stitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the on.y constitutional cure on the market. Itistaken internally in doses from 10 drops to a teaspoonful. Jt acts directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of tie system. They offer one hundred dollars for any case it falls to cure. Send for circulars and testimo- nials, Address, F.J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. &FS0ld by Druggists, 7%. According to good authority thereare in the city of New York 100,000 home- less wemen, including the very best and i intelligent class of wurkingwomen, antl ooo | Guaranteed five year eight per cent. First ! Mortgages on Kansas City property, interest { payable every six months; principal and inter est collected when due and remitted without | expense to lender. For sale by J. H. Banerlein | & Co, Kausas City, Mo. Write for particulars. i — I I IH L | After a period of low neck street | gowns has come a return to linen col- | lars, fp n——— Cann’s Kidney Cure for Dropay, Gravel, Diabetes, Bright's, Heart, Urinary or Liver Diseases, Nerv- ousness, &c¢. Cure guaranteed. 831 Arch Street, Philad’a. $1 a bottle, 8 for $5, or druggist. 1000 certificates of cures, Try it. A ——— Florence, Ala,, is to have the largest { cotton mill of the New South, It will have the remarkable number of 53,500 spindles, ———— CRE All that we can say as to the merits of Dob bins’ Electric Soap, pales into nothingness be fore the story it will tell you #self, of its own perfect quality, if you will give it one trial. Jon't take imitation. There are lots of them. ‘There were in the Unite ] States in the year 188s, 9.000.000 of legal voters who were unable to read or write, sillier Frazer Axio tiresse, The Frazer Axle Grease lasts four times Aa long as any other. Use it, and save your borses and wagous, A trial will prove that we are right. The marriage ceremony in Borneo consists in knocking the heads of the couple together, ———— Timber, Mineral, Farm Lands and Ranches Missouri, Kansas, Texas and Arkansas bought and sold. Tyler & Co, Kansas City, Mh in in The report that China is beginning to abandon the cultivation of tea has stirred Boston society from twp to bot- tom. EE — Money invested In choice one Lundred dol rar building lots in suburbs of Kansas City will pay from five hundred to one thousand per cent, the next few years under our plan, £5 cash and 85 per month without interest econ- trois a desirable lot. Particulars on applies. tion. J. H. Bauerlein & Co. Kana City, Mo, - Linen collars and cuffs always give a finished look to a cloth costume, Rupture cure guaranteed hy Dr, J. B. Mayer, 831 Arch St., Phil's, Pa. Ease at once, no operation or de- lay from business, attested by thou sands of eures after others fail, advice free, send for circular. The froutier method of giving a fire alarm still prevails at Crawford, Neb, Everybody on the street fires his re volver and gives a blood-curdling cow- boy whoop. Lee Wa's Chinese Headache Cure. Harmless in effect, quick and positive in action. Sent pre paid on receipt of $1 per bottle, Adeler & Co. i —— f yandotte 8t., Kansas City, Mo In 1880 over 8,000,000 kegs of nails were made in the United States, of which one-half were of cut steel, less than one-fourth of cut fron, and more than a fourth from wire. — es ———— E33 erve All Fits mopped free oy Dr, Kline's (ross tT, No Fits afer first day's ase, Mar. Yeious cures, Treatise and $500 trial Dottie free to kicases. Sendo Dr. Kine, #31 Arca 5¢ Phila, Pi “Rhino” signifies ready money. In Sweden they have what they call a nose- fa ja penny per nose or pull, and In this custom *‘rhino”™ had its origin, A Cough, Cold, or Sore Throat should not be neglected, BrOWN'S BroNoural Trocues are a shinple remedy, and give prompt relfef. & ota. a box, A I AAAS AAI A man died in Malpe Bate Piison recently who had been about fifty years in prison during a life of seventy-six years, Oklahoma Guide Kid Map sent anywhere i receipt of Yoots Tyler Sos Kansas ly. Mor A MII MI 5 Bb. Sixteen Chinamen, each of whom had accumulated $500 in cash in this coun try, salled for home from New York the other day. ASTHMA. Popham's Asthma #pecifio Gives Immediate relief, it is believed to be the best ASTHMA Remedy nown to Bumaniey. Bend for a Trial Pack- FREE. old by Druggists, Sent by mall, ipaid 2001 1 714 - EETHAMS PAINLESS. wenenee EFFECTUAL. ‘Worth a Cuinea a Box. NGA Ad ANON FOR ALL BILIOUS:NERVOUS DISORDERS, Sub u Sick Headache, Weak Stomach, Impaired Digestion, Constipation, Disordered Liver, &c. Arousing with the Rosebud of Health the whole Physical Energy of the human frame, Beecham’s Pills, taken as directed, will quickly RESTORE FEMALES to complete health. SOLD BY ALL DRUCCISTS. Price 25 cents per Box. Prepared only by THOS EECHAM, Ke, Helens Lancaabire, England. B.F. ALLEN ©0O,, Scie agents for the United States 365 & 387 Usnal BL. New York Who of our druggist does not keep them) win a Bon has s Pills on receiptof prive, but inquire first. Mention thls paper, a ) For Coughs # Colds There is uo Medicine like DR. SCHENCK'S ULRKONIC SYRUP. Tt fe plenssat to the teats and BE does mol cenlais 8 particle of ¢ son oranything Infor i thee Bont Cungh Medici World. Vor Sale by all Draggiets Price, $1.00 per bottle. Dr. Schenck's Bok os Cotsumption and ts Ogre mo {row Ad Foe EMULSION 4.87 Of Pure Cod & '® Liver Qil and HYPOPHOSPHITES ! of Lime and Soda is endorsed and bed by leading physicians becnuse both the Cod Liver Oud and Hype, dfes are the recoguized agents in the cure of Consumption. 1% is as palatable as milk. 5 ls a perfect Scott's Emulsion 5.5.22" is a usngerii enh Producer, It is the Best y for CONSUMPTION, Screfula, Brenchitis, Wax Dis- eages, Chronic and ids. Ask for Boott’s Emulsion and take no other 3 0 I ONIN SN — WW EWE ee FOR FIFTY YEARS! § ———— MRS, WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP Bas boon used by mothers for thety children while Teething for over Fifty Yowrs It soothes the oni, softens he frum alias all pain, cores wind colle, and is the best remedy for disrrboss. wenty~five Cents an Bottle, HUMOROUS, THE TERRORS OF BANKRUPTCY, First Merchant —Met Snodgrass last evening entering Delinonico’s, He was dressed In the height of fashion, and a Rigs and juicy cigar was between his Second Merchant—Snodgrass? Oh, yes; he failed two months ago, ard 1s trying to settle at ten cents, ———— HABIT —Groughter—I want to get some socks with a hole in them. Balesmun— What's the idea. Groughter—I've been a bachelor for forty years, and they are the only kind I can wear, He GOT A PENSION, —Commissioner | Were you wounded in the war? Pension Seeker — Yes, sir, Commiscioner — Where? Peusion reeker—In my vanity, didn’t get a promotion 1 expected, A TRUE BILL~-Jones-—I don’t think you ought to go around eaying that Robinson is the biggest cowa d alive, Brown—Why, be shows In every way | he's afrald of me, Jones— Sof Well, you're justifiable, ! I ——— A —— A GREAT INDUCEMENT.—Bobble— When I get to be a man Iw going to be a printer. ! Papa—Why so? | Bobble (smacking his lips)—'Cause | Mr, Type, the printer up the way, says | they have always lots of *‘pi”’ | THE REASON FOR IT.—* That man," said the proprietor, *‘is as rich Croesus, yet he kicks like a mule every time be pays his bill.» i **Still it's nalural epough to kick | that way when he’s well heeled, you ! know,” i } i i as | GUIDED ARIGHT,—Father-I am very much afraid our daughter will elope with that young rascal. Mother-—No danger, [ reminded her | last evening that girls who eloped got no wedding p esents and I feel sure my words sunk deep Into her heart, ————— RECKONED HE COULD.—Parent— Say, teacier, do ye reckon ye kin make my boy smart, Feacher— Wal, I reckon I kip, If this biroh rod of mine hol 1s out, TE Byrup of Figs, Produced from the laxative and nutrition Juice of California fig ombined 1 medicinal benefice ot the Kidneys, cleansing the system headaches. and caring habite uver an iw * . SOCLUAY | a ——— THE POOR, OVERWORK 8D BURGLAR, - H. nx-—~Who is that elegantly-dresred man? Cranx—That is Col, Booke, the great eriminal lawyer. Ie makes $10.00) a year out of Browny, the blacksmith bur giar, alone, “Aud who him?®" “Why, that's Browny, himself," til is that poor chap with AN EXCUSABLE ERROR.—**Did you | call me a rich loafer?’ *No, sare. 1 vas not : vith 2¢ American tongue, say you were a rich baer, alfpssiffie HEAVY BREAD, — Mr. Charley Young- husband--Why what's the malter, ackgwainted meant 0 Mrs. Yourghusband--{la deep an- guishij—I gave--i—feetlramip-a pp ~~plece of my fresh howe made bread and-—and-he gave it to Rover, Mr. Charley Younghusband {consol ingly '-Well, 1 wouldn tory al out ajitile thing like that, Mrs. Younghusband—Y ou don't u— u--understand. 1'm crying about Rov- er—he is dead —b 0 ~hoo-hou. PLAYING AT sTORE ~“*Mamma” asked the next to the yoangest girl, “Eddie and I are going to play grocery | store. Won't you give us something to start business wit, 7?” “Here's my spool of thread and the button tag anl-" *Oh, wedoa't want them,” inter | rupted Eddie, “why don’t you give us | ple or something #0 if trade is bad we | can eat up the stock and Keep it from | going to was'e?” { ——— Do Yeu Ever Seocculate ? id wo fname . a ALY Daren sendin Tesi that wll ho to a fortune. Ben lewia & Co. Security Building, Kansas Clty, Mo TURN ABOUT.--At a Scoteh fair a farmer was trying to engage a lad to assist cn the farm, but would not finish the bargain until he brought a character from the last piace; 8) he sald, “Run and get it and meet we at the cross a» four clock,” The youth was on time, | and the farmer said, **Well, have you got your character with you?” *No, replied the youth “but I have got yours, and I'm vo comin'’.” POINTER, ~Mother our hostess A MUSICAL (whispering) ~My dear, wishes you to play. Daughter — Horrors, mother]! You know I nev. r play before siangers, | become so nervous and excited that my fingers got all tangled up, and I make all sorts of awful blumders. Mother—Never mind, dear. Play something from Wagner, and then the mistake won't be noticed, MP — AN Avripr-Bunday -school Super ntend- ent—=Who led the children of Israel into Cansan? Will one of the smaller boys answer? [No reply. | Superintendent (somewhat sternly) Can no one tell? Little next to the aisle, who led the children of Isruel into Canaan? adly frightened) - It wasn't me. Jl just moved yere last week 'm Mssoury. PB AN APPROPRIATE GREETING, do tay to abi A, olor Bad! I met one I should probably say, ‘Hello, stranger!” SA — 5 Mo.) man to ow the ares baat Sia 1 he word il Copyright, 1890. Help yourself if you're a suffering woman, with | the medicine that’s been prepared | especially to help you—Dr. Pierce's | Favorite Prescription. It will do it | where others fail. For all the dis- eases peculiar to the sex—dragging- down pains, displacements, and other weaknesses, it's a positive remedy, It means a new life, and a longer | one, for every delicate woman. In! every case for which it’s recom- | mended, it gives satisfaction, It’s! guaranteed to do so, or the money 18 refunded, It improves digestion, invigorates the system, enriches the blood, dis- pels aches and pains, produces re- freshing sleep, dispels melancholy and nervousness, and builds up bot flesh and strength, It is a legiti- | mate medicine—not a beverage. | 1 Contains no alcohol to inebriate ; | no syrup or sugar to sour or ferment in the stomach and cause | distress. As peculiar in its mar- | velous, remedial results as in its composition, Therefore, don’t be put off with some worthless com- pound easily, but dishonestly, rec- ommended to be “just as good.” AXLE GREASE BEST IN THE WORLD. qualities are gusurpassed, aoty ngtl oboxes of any other brand. | Not effected by beat. GET THE GENU- kK. "FOR SALE BY DEALERS GENERALLY. iv outl #LY outiasti ~ T T news Dove free | te Inventers, EN 8 ! ii wide to i hand book of a | formation. J. B.CRALLE & Cu., Washisgren, D. Cy STUDY, mor.ueejung, Budosss Forms | Home Penmanship, Ar hmetic, Short-hand, ote, | thoroughly aught by EAll, Chouisrs free | Bryant's Cel ege, 457 Mais 5, Pulteie X. ¥ ASTHM/ wr DR TAFTS ACTHMALENE TROBE. TAFT saos. wm. co. socnesTa nt. EF REE | R.R. R ADWAY’S READY RELIEF. Bowels, RHEEUMATIN, NEURALGIA, Headache, Toothache, Weakness or Pain in the Back, Chest or Limbs, by one applica tion, Internally in water for all internal pains, flatulency, Heartburn, Sick Headaches, Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Pulpitation eof the Heart, Chills and Fever and Malaria 00. a bottle. All Druggists. ADWAY’S PILLS, An excellent and mild Cathartie. Purely Vegetable, The Safest and Best Medicine in the worid for the Cure of alli Disorders LIVER, STOMACH OR BOWELS. Taken according to directions they will restore health and renew vitality, Price, 25 ots. & Box. Sold by all Draggists. DE. BADWAY & CO. NEW YORK. -VASELINE- FOR A ONE-DOLLAR BILL sent us by mati we will deliver, free of all charges, fo any persons In the Tuit 4 States, ail of the following articies, care fully packe .: One two-ounee bottle of Pure Vaseline, . One two-ounos bottle of Vaseline Pomade, - One jar of Vascline ( old { roam, - > » + + 1 One Ci ke of Yesslive Cam hor los, - « « + W° One Cake of Vaseline Soap, unscent-, 0 1 4 8 One two-cunoe bothe of White Vaseline, - 5.10 Or for postage stamps any single artiele al the price named Ow wo cooount be persuaded to aooep! from your druggies! any Vasdiae or preparalions iwerefrom unless dled th war name, beotwuse pou will oe tainly recelioe an temilation whioh hos Hitie or ir Chessbrough Mfg. Co., 24 State Sc, N. ¥, I prescribe and fusiy en dorse Big €3 as ihe only specific for Lhe certais cure of this disense CG. H.INGRAHAM. M.D. Axasterdam, N.Y, We have sold Big GG los many years, and Ii oss ven the best of salle SCUGn, D.R DYCHREAOD, Chicago. 1% Rud 381.00. Bold by Droge BAGGY KNEES opted by students at Harve wlicges, sien, by pr an where WTS only by Ge Cromionl Da. PFOEITIVELY REMEDIE] Greely "sn! Stretoher, 4d, Ambersl. and p feaw » ees If of for sale in your own se: 4 $8e. 4 BJ GREELY, TI) Washington ®ireet. Boston A XMAS HEALTH CIFT (Exerciser Complete $5) Is Bony or Ass, Cincuiar Fees, Boows: For “As 1deal Complexion & Complete Phywical Development,” 90 lis sorts. “Health & Streagth in Phydeal Cultore,” 40 Tis 0 cis. Chart of 3 (lis for Dumb Belis # Pulleys, 25 cts. Ad I%0. E. DOWD'S Vocal & Physical Culture school, 136 Monroe St. Chicago men ¢ Ab B=\ se RELIEVE STANTLY. Crone sens EwoLisy, E THE ORIGINAL AND GENIN $ Laden, set bores soning whi Bos hea AI pill in paemebosed Bowes 19,000 Toimonuinls. Name Paper Bold by all Loral B Diamonp Branp \LhS The only Safe, Sure, and reliabie PIT tor sade Red snd Goid wesaiie BePure Sbstiintions amd Jmisations, poms counierfeiin. 31 Dregeion, or send w for Ladies,” in totter, b+ returs Maik CHICHESTER Cnemical Co + Madison Synere FHILAPDELIBIA, PA. Rep Cross £ ‘they use EE * NE emer DUTPOS ES. gots the blame—il things are upturned while hr of peciad! i QLIC: ng 1 SH rall cleanin ligrocers keep by many a woman who strives to olease her household and bouse- cleaning goes on—why blame her clean. and the reign of hor+e-cleaning disorder will be quickly over, ey rd Best Cough Medicine, hr + Cures a all else fails. av Roel CRW jolans, le 10 the ruggists, PTILON A FEW ols. Jr YOU CANT GET IT ds HENS FARM POULARY Te oan pom at te 1A SHER DANS Ral, Eo L}