A LATE CENSUS JOKE -*"The Count Of Paris is combi g to this country,” “Well, I "ope h ll be estimut 4 nt fils proper worth,” sad the Ohieaco fan. ‘The ennnt of Clicago was very Ladly managed. ”’ 3 Ore Teh ONE ENJOYS Both the method and results when 8yrup of Figsis taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acta ently yet promptly on the Kidneys, iver and Bowels, cleanses the sys. tem effectually, dispels colds, head- aches and fevers aud cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro. duced, pleasing to the taste bof ie ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeabl its many excellent qualitics com- mend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Fi gale in 50g e substances, ige ia fi and $1 bottles by all leading drug. gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro- eure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute, CALIFORNIA Fig SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL, | @POWRVILLE, XV. 44 Syrup of Try BEECHAM’S PILLS, 2b6cts. a Box. OF ALL: DRUGGISTS. —— snc Maou be TW. 1. Douglas Shoes are c UTION. warranted, and every pair has bis name and price stamped on bottom, W.L. DOUCLAS $3 SHOE _ccRimen on valuables Information W. L. Dou + LAS, Brockton, Muss, . PATTERN FREE. Bpged olal Arrangement wi pEuo ESTS FAMILY MAGS ZINE, the Greatest of aii Magssines, We are enabied to make every one of our lady readers a ha : Cut out this slip and ® it (with return post —— desired. Pus, ‘ isnot a Fashion Magaaice is Faabion Department Ww perfect. You res very month, for §3 per -VASELINE- FORA ONE-DOLLAR BILL sent us by mafl we will deliver, free of all charges, to any on in the Unit-d States, ail of the following artic cares fully packe.: One two-ounoe bottle of Pure Vaseline, One two-ounce bottle of Vaseline Pomada, One of Vaseline Cold Cream, One Us ke of Vaseline Campbor lve, « + « Cake of Vaseline Soap, unscented, . . Cake of Vaseline Soap, sxquisitely scented 25 * One two-ounce bottle of White Vasel ne 0 am single artiols tS De A DOLIOGS Se GY SA Ott from i rh pp our mame, been use Th ugh Mig. Co., 34 State St, N. ¥., GRATEFUL-COMFORTING. PSS _0000A BREAKFAST. “By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws Son, a8 by a var AIO SF ta han ase) 9 applioat the fine proper. thes of weallseleotad Cocoa, Mr. Epps has vated ‘our breakfast tabies with a delloately flavoured bev. wrage whioh may save us many heavy doctors’ bila, It is by the judicions use of suoh articles of dist ut 8 conutitution may be gradually bulls up antl enon resist every ancy to diseass, Pl ot subtle maladies are fosting around us ready to attack wherever there Is a weak point, We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping oun selves well fortifiad with pare biood and a properly sourished frame,” «Neil orvics (asette, Made simply with boiling water or milk, Sold anly in half-pound tins, by Grocers, labelled thie: JAMES EPPS & CO. Ho nosopathlo Chemista, Losvon, Esatann, PENSION NEW LAW CLAIMS, “5 Milo B. Stevens & 0), Attorneys, 1410 ¥F Se, Washington, D, €, Brasch Ofless. Cleveland, Detreit, Chicago, |ASTHMA CURED. FREE by mat! to vaterers. Pr B SCHIFFEAN, 80 Pasi, Bian, PATENT ul i F. A. LEVIMANN, Washington, D, BEND POR CIRCULAR. $10.1 0 HUMOROUS, CoLp BLOODED, —**She jlited me for that seilow Jim wien we were three days cut from Liverpool.” * Threw you over overboard in mide ocean? Burbarou-1” s— ili “I pox'r know what o put my boy at.” sald Bobhbs, *‘He’sa promising younes er, very prombang,’ “Ia that case,” said Hi bus, “make a shoemaler or a tailor of Lim." mm A — His LOST uUMB ‘ELA ~“Now.sir," sald the Colonel to the Major, **1 touk no votice of your behavior last evening, considering the tae you were in; but are you aware you put your uwbrella in my ear?” *On, thank you so the Mujor. “I'd no notton where I'd Would you wiad returning it?” pe MoTHER: **And do you really feel so very bad, Bobby?” Dobby: Yes, ma, I ain't quite sick enough to need sny medicine, bat I’m a little bit too sick 0 go to school, much,” replied | left it, — — lf Patient-—I say doctor, what sort of a Iump is this on the back of my neck? Doclor—it is serious, but I wou d advise you, nevertheless, to keep your eye on it, nothing Tinney Brre, T00.—*Why did you go down to that low toned place to lodge?” “low tone1® i ¢ | i » f Why, man, I wantyou | at there are lols of big COPY RIGHT Wom “Well! Well!” That's the way you feel after one or two of Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets have done their work. You feel well, instead of bilious and consti- pated ; your sick headache, dizzi- ness and indigestion are gone, It's You don’t have to feel worse before you feel better. That ww the trouble with the huge, old-fashioned pill These are small, sugar-coated, eas- iest to take, One little Pellet’s a laxative, three to four They regulate done mildly and easily, too. are cathartic, inse the liver, stomach an bowels — quickly, but thoroughly. pill, sold by druggists, beeanse von for y tiie 1701 i vou get. rm s They Ie guar only pay ¥ ang it Leére in Mi ! Hang it over side of the Lat Ya earl {3} y ister’'s wife-( Hix, msi ———— SUB-DIVIDED AFFECTIONS. Helen- Here, Jack, Is a red rose for you, that means my best love, you kuow, Jack—Yon darling! Do I get flower in your other hand, too? Helen—No, That's for Tom, my other adorer, It is myrtle, and means constancy and fidelity, that MvucH IN A NaME.-City Boarder “Why, I don’t see anything around bere but sand and marsh. though the name of your place was Forestviile.” Farmer Frogpond-—¢Ye sir, yess. I named it after the great tragedian Edwin Forrest.” am ——— IT worLp Nor surT. —“Now,mad- am,” said the gentlemanly clerk, *‘this carpet can’t be beat”? “Then I don't want It,” replied the shopper. ‘‘I always take up my carpets in the spring and beat them.” — — One Thousand Dollars. I will forfeit the above amount, if I fail prove that Florapiexion is the best medic existence for Dyspepsia, Is estion or Bi pess. It is a certain cure, and ate relief, in cases of Kidney siaint, Nervous Debility and Consumption “loraplexion builds up the weak system and cures where other remedies fail, Ask your druggist for it and get well. Valuable book ey Bags Worth Knowing,” also, sample bojtle sent free: all charges prepaid, Addtens Fraoklin Hart, 88 Warren Street Sow York, to in ~The art of veneering was known to the Egyptians more than 3000 years ago, The sculptures of Thebes are said to illustrate the process, Life Is misery to thousands of peoples who have the taint of scrpfula In their blood. There Is no other remedy equal to Hood's Barsaparilla for serofula, salt rheum and every form of blood disease. It Is reasonably sure to benefit all who try it. — A IAP Si —————— ~The Chinese have a saying that an unluckly word droppsd from the ton- gue cannot be brought back again by a coach and six horses, Pura soap is white terated with rosin, hide Electric Soap i : Has been soid since 1590 a —A fat men’s club, containing 119 mem bers, and representing an ag rregate weight of 24.0.0 pounds, flourishes in Mount Pleasant, Mich, Rupture cure guaranteed by Dr, J. B. Mayer, 831 Arch St, I'hil’a, Pa. Ease at once, no operation or dee lay from business, attested by thou. sands of eures after others fail, advice free, send for circular, A i" — ~The cheif supply of cloves 1s ob- tained from the Islandsof Zanzibar and Pemba; where the clove tree wag in- troduced in 1830, as Frazer Axle Grease, The Frazer Axle Grease is the very best. A trial will prove we ars right. Received first premium at North Carol. na State Fair, Centennial, and Paris Exposition, nM AA ~Hollyhocks, single and double for. med the chief feature of the Massach- usetts Horticultural Society’s show in Boston, “WOMAN, HE I —————— A — R DISEASES AND THEIR TREATMENTS A valuable filus. trated book of seventy-two pages sent free, on receipt of 10 cents, to cover onset of mailing, ete, Address, I. 0. Box 1066, Philadelphia, a. oct titi a— ~In Rome males wore back for mourning, while the women indicated their grief by wearing white garments, IT 81 All Fits stopped free by Dr, Kline's Gress crve Restorer, No Fits alior first day's ges. Mar. VEIOUSs cures, Tresiine and BL 00 rial Dollie free La } ticanen, Bend to Dr. Kine 081 Aren ss, Pla, Pa i ———— ~A New Jersey peach grower went into his orchard this year and found but half a dozen peaches on 1,700 tices, Jaficted with soreeyos nee Dr. Tsaso Thom son 'sEyo-water, Druggists sell at Bo, per —A mountain side mukes the best ure for young cows, because climb ug tends to strengthen the calves. A.M. PRIEST, Druggls Hielbyy by says: “Hall's Catarrh ry Shel Tad. satisfact on. Can get plenty of test als, ay ft cures very who es i" ts sell ig, The. ——— - EXProTING TOO MUCH, —Mrs. Pot ary am alridd that our son Jota 8g ting Into bial habits, Jud.e Pete by — Ile may turn oul Lr bea grest uu neverthel™s, 8 ime fh ad habits jut e does not s'iow any other sign of being a great man, Well, you ean’t +xpect everything {rom him, “Ir you'll go to work I'l! give you wmething to eat,” said the kind-heart ed woman. *‘I can’t follow my pr - fession unless you do,” returned he tramp, “for I am an speaker.” WHY SHE LOVED BOSTON, ~*I do 80 love Boston said the ii tle girl, “It's my own dear naiatoium, *Your natatorium?”’ “Yes; Is my birthplace, you know,’ avemreiesidmns Ok'ahoma Gu'de Book and Map sent anywhere on receipt of Siets Tyler & Co. Kansas City. Mo Timber, Mineral, Farm Lands aud Ranches M i, Kansas, Texas and sold, Tyler & Co, Kansas City, Mo ire, Harmies action neal Adele , Mo in bought and 's Chinese He positive idache( in r bottle & Co. Do You Ever Speculnte ¢ 7 name and | that will lead Het K ATIEAS © teed five yea - Fright caused STHMA. Asthma Popham's Asg i ji Trial Package Sold hwy Druggl a sent by mall, postpaid for 81 per Box. Address, THOS, | OFH AM $01 idge Avenue, Philadelphia vides Some Children! $25 Too Fast become listless, fretful, without ener. gy: th*n and weak. But you can for { tify them and build them up, by the use of SCOTT'S EMULSION OF PURE COD LIVER OIL AND HYPOPHOSPHITES Of Lime and Soda, They will take it readily, for it is al most as palatable as milk. And it should be remembered that AS A PEER. YEXTIVE OR CURE OF COUGHS OR COLDS, IR BOTH THE OLD AND YOUNES, IT 13 UNEQUALLED, Avoid substitutions aff eved. For Coughs # Colds There is no Medicine like DR. SCHENCK'S ULMONIC 4 SYRUP. Tt is pleasant to the taste and wed Bel conta & particle of ® Te —————————— > ] —————— A At HON Sl A Sl I A SAA $1.00 por onsumption and iy € D FOR FIFTY YEARS! MRS, WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP haa been used by mothers for thelr children : while Testhing for over Fifty Years. It 3 soothes the ehild, softens the gums, allays ¢ all pain, cures wind ollie, and is the best remedy for diarrhoea, ] 4 wenty-five Conts a Bottle, BASRA PIII OPPS 5B IIIS PATENT Patrick O'Farrell, AXLE FRAZER chEase BEST IN THE WORLD, Its wearing qualities are unsurpassed, aoty ally outlastingt o boxes of any other brand. i ellected Dy heal, A GET THE GENU. Fo FORSALE BY DEALERS GENRRALLY, b od » > p y » . 4 ; p b b » > p Inventor's Guide, or How to Obialn a Patent, Sent Frea Attarney at Law, WARHINGTOR, DPD © of this di y GB. INGRANAM MM D, Amsterdam, N. VV. We have sold Big G fos MARY years, and it aos fron the best of satis b. R DYCHR Aco, Trade ar V 81.00. Bold by Drogen PA 3 EN ! 8 to Inventers. Write at once for hand book of ine formation, JB ORALLE & CO, Washington, ©. 0. ITS stoeeen tree ® . pr, Ri INES GRE NERVE RESTORE for all Rosie # Namen Dnenases re ne Kovvw . Pts, A = EEPALiInhE if taken ®8 Girepted. o afer . bottle free on weil wn nadres - 7 Te vereived " See rectus SANA) TUDY., Bookkeeping, busines Formas, PD ts short-hand, sto, OME Ho ufiaie XT MALL Bryant Collage 485 Nain ot, FARE lislocated ber jaw, pea ————— No Polsen Calomel ail applic: New York. -—The Chicago Drovers Journal ob- serves Lhat southern cities are showing up well fo the annual statements of trade and commerce, Cann’s Kidney Cure for Dropsy, Gravel, Diabetes, Bright's, Heart, Urinary or Liver Diseases, Nerv- ousness, &c. Cure guaranteed. 831 Arch Street, Philad’a. $1 a bottle, 6 for 85, or druggist. 1000 certificates of cures. Try it. —————— -~A house In Georgetown, just been shingled for the | since 1803, and the carpenter says he has found sawed shingles that had been laid within ten years in much worse con dition than the shaved pine shingles which had been in wear eighty-seven years, DC., has irst time EE Neplgo ; 9 4 3 3 1 : ? 3 ; 1 3 4 A Phenomenal Scout; Reading Indian “Sign; Hunting Large Game; by In Big Hom Canon; by by » by College Boat-racing ; by Foot-Ball at Princeton; by 7 i Madame Albani. Miss Emma Juch. 4 3 4 ¢ | i ‘ 9 : : $ i Wiy THEY BECAME HONEST, ~The other morning ws a farmer was coming into the city by way of ths Grand River Road a bag of oats siid off hi- load not'esd, A citizen and witnessed the occurrence with out saying a word, Whea he thought it safe to do so he ran out tos cure the bag, but as he reached it a second man came up, “I saw it first,’’ said ot “No. you didn’t!” “1 did!” wYou Cudn’t!”? “Say. you!” both ealled in chorus to the farmer, and as he turned abouteach manwent his way, As there was like- ly to be a fuss as to who should profit by the find they decided to Leat each other by being bonest, Sa, SSRN Life is WMii-c y of peop's who have the tains ob blood, The agonies caused by Ahet manife ta tions of this disease are beyond description, ivdy equal to Hood s Barsap ri is for serofula, «ait rheum and every for of blood diseass, We know that if has cure | th seve res cases and it will benefit all who g ta trial “Herofula b nchies in my 1 disap peared when | ook Hood's Barsaparilis” A.B Krier, Parkersburg, W. Va Hood's Sarsaparilia Bold by all druggists. #1 :six for Prepared oily by C. 1. HOOD & CO., Lowell, Mass, 100 Doses One Dollar res Rare relief jo Price een ASTHMA, oly Ril. Bloweil & Cg TTT KIDDER'S PASTILLES." OARS RASELOMIAY 4. 1.17mi ga, SERT——————— pe —— PI8O'S REMEDY Cheapest, Cold in the Head it has no equal, ™ Bea was Yasiest to use, A cure is certain, Vor pom" enn ~~ “mr ma vom“? IF YOU CAN'T Tt ts Abmnintely Pure ' SR get - Sad v oP man,” and ignorance ia and sensible wa windows, on pots and pans, ignorant of the uses of S —_— —— A. Stephens. | Vga FON Pos er Owe i R. W. Herrick. E. A. Poe. | Pres. Seth Low. : Important Articles. Sir Amelia E. Barr. and even or sta‘*uary. 10 bs Admiral David D. Porter. by Admiral 8. B. Luce. dmiral L. A. Kimberly. Admiral J. H. Gillis of- War; Hon. Andrew D, White, Pres. Merrill E. Gates. Morell Mackenzie, M. D. Jules Verne. “Jenny June™ “ Marion Harland.* THIS SLIP Komd Order, or WITH $1.75 # $ 4 4 ¢ $ : : : : ¥ # § # 8 : : |