>» Baasonabls Suggestions and Useful Hints for Agrioulturists, A Cheap and Darkdle Farm Oate—Selecting Corn for fed ~ Temperdture of Cream for Winter Churning—Undrawn Péultry for the Market. A Convenient Farm-Yard Gate, The illustration, a sketch of which was sent us by J. W. Graham, N. C., is a simple double gate frame, made to open eiiber way, and closed im the following manuer: Midway betweeh the gates is & short post firmly driven In the ground, er mortiséd into the ground sill, on both sides of which is a large ‘‘buttgu,’” as shown in engrave Ing. These ‘‘buttons” are fastened to the post by a small iron bolt with head and nut and washers, and turn with diffioulty. When the gate is to be opened either way, turn the ‘‘button" vertical on she side toward which the gate is to be opened, and both gates are at once free to onan that way only. Near the lower and outer corner of each gate Is a contrivance for keeping thg'rate in position after it is opened, which may be used to help keep it irm Mm closed. It consists of a imall plece of timber as broad as the jte-frame and about an inch and a alf in thickness, through which is an auger-hole; add In this is the eylindri- its lower end. It then passes through an auger-hole in the lower horizontal lt Rd Td | SECURE plece of the jate is open thod peg is st and the i Both gates are ol FARM-YARD GATE. gate-frame. Wh 1 wide th ant AOE, The Whole Ear For Seed, rs ago I suw a 3 1 ommend f iwice and ¢ rleld was go Any conseq tipening. T} gornels fron tipened seve talks that grew Ni Each lot was caref ihe grain and the fod ind nubbins counted, was small; so much so ne that there wae no ne :arding the tip or butt g § they were sound. Churning in the Winter, tusted public to find fault. No poultry breeder ever made a lollar by marketing undrawn poultry. for every cent gained on the addition. il weight of the fowl in such a con- lition, two wers last by réhson of the wfusal of the dealer to buy more of be same producer because so many polled on his hands. Any competent iousekeepor will tell us that an un- Irawn fowl is not fit to eat if left in hat condition two hours after being dled. Phosphate For Poultry Tho advice to give bones to hens to nake them lay has been improved by t farmer who accidentally learned thas iommercial phosphate answers the imme purpose. He spilled some wjth wed wheat lust September, and gath- wing it up mixed with soil gave this © his hens. Rather to his surprise bo pieces of phosphate were eaten as seadily as the grain, and about the wme time his hens began laying as they had not done before. Not all of he commercial phosphate sold now 8 made from bones. This incident, which a Tribune correspendent fur- ilshes, indicates that the rock phos- )hate may serve a good purpose for ren feed, as we know it does for crop ood. ———————— Sweet Cheese. Put on a large kettle half full of fresh buttermilk, let it just come to a boil, then add as much sweet milk as there is buttermilk, stir it just enough to mix and let it again come to a boll; take immediately off, strain through linen or sieve,after it has drained work the curd while still quite warm with the hand and fingers about ten mine utes; add three tablespoonfuls of but is ready for use. Jups bread dough, butter, one cup raisins, one egg, ia, nutmeg, clanamon. Lexox Pie.—One lemon, ons cup hree eggs, one ¢ one table a kettle with over Frost { ty lf Mother and Sen, Ch LD BEFORE. { An Incident of Farragut's Journey Up the issiasippl war, which, an iv 1% £1 vs v8 LING, ¢ i os y complexion ely it is almost wholly ignored. A iermometer is soen yrdinary dairy, far mmperatur® (oes by guess-work. It is « hat if a small change 8 injurious, the win or more than usual ‘agpect. Une degree fakes all the diffe o rater and ice, and changes a flui 4 Bolid substance. If so, how int a matter it must t rarely and as 8a a Oe in the 1 nent of milk and eream and pg of butter. It is in the winter that host of the trouble in butter #8 met with, and these troubles . il be referred to injurious cnanges in be temperature. With good, clean pilk, from healthy cows to start vith, one may secure the best uality of butter every time in e same time, if the proper attention given to the temperature—always roviding of course, that the milk and ream are kept in pure air and are wt subjected to injurious influences vhich might spoil the flavor of the utter. he normal temperature for wetting milk in open shallow pans or ihe earthen pots that are sometimes med, is 60 to 62°. AL this tempera. mire the cream will all rise in 86 hours sod the milk will remain sweet if the is pure. At the same temperature cream will become ripe for the urn, that Is, it will acquire the exact of gourness needed for the best g in 86 hours; if the three ngs are put in one jar and are stirred when the fresh cream is This will give 12 hours for the iream to remain after the last skim- ping is added. It is then just right br making the very best quality and be largest quantity of butter. Undrawn Poultry, One evidence of the advancement of he world is the vigorous protest ost und . Bo i Sirians pik, fs here pt 2 y Lou t by joining two tugs 1 80 as to nun the two work | the two tugs’ shalts 3 boals. | large bet wheel i three feet green oak logs with | bark on covered in turn with a foot of | railroad iron. When Farragut passed | up the river the Louisiana was sent { out. to meet him; but after poing balf { & mile the engines falled, and the boat | was transformed into a floating fort She carried eighteen guns. While iu this disabled condition, we were grap- sled by the United States man-of-war drooklyn and another frigate. Belore being grappled we used both our broadsides on them with considerable effect; but after that we could not use our guns, owing to the smoke caused by repeated discharges from the two men-of-war. Our ports were not large enough to allow the ascipe of the smoke caused by their guns, and it soon became so thick we could not see each other. The two frigates peppered our fron rool without avail, and finally drew off and we drifted down the river, where we grounded. When we were able to open the vents in the roof we found that more than a quarter of our men had been rende unconscious by inhaling the smoke. Had the men- Hv continued their firing fifseen minutes longer it is safe to say that avery one of the 100 men under the roof of the Lonisiana would have beer ssphyxiatea.’'~New York Star AOA AIA Cl 5 PB AO, woman writer enumerating a Ta bi ore falled to mention money. It wasa strange over- “ARE you Americans still as fond of ball as ever?” “Yes, indeed, Why, all our best familles wre adding ball. rooms to their homes,” “Fawucyl” CEEDITOR—" When are yougoing to pay your debts?” “LignTOoR-— That's none of your confounded business,’ “But I need my money.” **That’s none of my confounded business,’ IT is needless tosay that tailors have a very cutt'ng manner when it suits them, ONE of the healthiest professions in the world is that of signing wills, Ex- pectant heirs will readily confirm this statement, One Thoevsand Dollars, 1 will forfeit the above ount, if I fall to prove that Floraplexion is the best medicine in existence for Dyspepsia, Indigestion or Billous- pess, It is a certain cure, and affords immedi. ate relief, in cases of Kidney and Liver Com- Jiaint, Nervous Debility and Consumption, “loraplexion builds up the weak system and cures where other remedies fail, "Ask your druggist for it and get well, Valuable book “Th ngs Worth Knowing,” also, sample bottle sent free all charges prepald. Address Franklin Hart, 88 Warren Street New York, AD Mm em———— The Wisest Physicians, since Hypoerates discovered that all manner of disorders were produced by the vitiated fluids of the body, have sought to ald nature by methods calculated to purify the blood, pro- mote digestion, nutrition and excretion, stimu. late inaction livers, kidneys and bowels, and as yeoi no attainment of art has surpassed the old Bt. Bernard Vegetable Pill of our fathers, pronounced centuries ago, the triumph of med. cal art and unequalled since. A sample of the St. Bernard Vegetable Pills will be sent free to all applicants. Address St. Bernard, Box 2416, New York. § Seven American firms engaged In the importation of plate glass have com- bined, representing a capital of $10,000,- 00, — I ——— The record of cures accomplished by Hood's failed. If your blood is Impure, out of order, try Hood's S8arsapar ur digestion ——————— Merit Wins And This is The Reason for The Unequalled Popularity of Hood's Sarsaparilla . se i 1 CAUTION. Jvriicod "Sui every pair bas his name and price stamped on bottom, W.L. DOUCLAS $3 SHOE ced @imen t#F Send address on postal for valuable Information W. 1. DOUG LAN, Brockton, Mass, WWW FOR FIFTY YEARS | MRS. WINSLOW'S | SOOTHING SYRUP has been used by mothers for thelr children > tO Hidney Gravel, Digbetes, Heart, Urinary or Liver Diseases, Nerv- ousness, Xe. guaranteed. 831 Arch Street, I bottl ’ for $5, or Cann’s Cure Cure *hilad worl a fry irNEgRIst. Dir. Isase Thompe #2 par Dolls thacapital of 1,00 3 ganized (0 make bottles - - Axle Givense, better and the prios, for it, and take no or, Groase ther, at ———— tary raliroad is Bl wiles long and it cost $0002 mile. It uses American locomo. ives, e———— medicine is Piso's Care Bold every whera, ————— China's soli i The best cough for Consumption. 250. miles, Chicago « than New York. overs more ground - od 3 ONE ENJOYS Both the method and results when Byrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, iver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head- aches sad fevers end ores. habia) constipation, ru is only remedy of ie fina a por Limes od deni ° e y its action and trul benehcial In is effects, from the most substa soothes the ohild flens the gums, ailays all paln, cures w ile, snd is the Lest remedy for dlarrbaom Twenty-five Cents a Bettle, A A I WAN W WANA « s . 4 while Teething f aver Fifty Years. It L 3 ¥ b gr ER RRR TER BEECHAM'S PILL Nervous ILLS. } 25cts. a Box. : OF Al.L DIUGG TE ITARTY. OGaty Certa'n and eesy fT HE In the World, Dr. 1. BTEVHEXS, Lebanon, O : LAIN SET . SEW LAG $v ) ISIONS Thousants emtiti rs i, CRALLE & Co., W al s LADY Wane —" WOMAN'S HAND Home, Cive'lre Presa, § hom, D J art ferns LR TREAT, Pa e PENSION *%" Milo B. Stevens & Ca, Attorneys, 1418 F Se, Washington, D, ©. | ammo —— | was waiting. | mistaking him for rome ore else. ! Yes, but I'm not the doctor, | patient, or trying to be.” ! I PAaTER--"Wall, Adolph, whom | your college men elect to represent thm | at the convention?” Adolph—**Twirler.”’ Pater—"*Twirler? Can he put things | foreibly?” “You bet! He can pitch a ball through a wire netting every time,” ——————————————— do wilh Harry,” said that lad’s mother, disconsolately, “It Is Impossible for me to make him do any work.” “Let him be,’ replied his father, “*re’scut out to be a rich man.” -] understand you are engaged to Miss Long?” “Yes; my first engagement,” “Your frst?” “Yes; never smelled powder before,” ProrLe never know either in disput. ed or other matters, how much may be #ald on each side until they hear two women talking over a fence, A Berrern PrLax.—Indette-Yes I'm getting tired of this single life, 1 think I'll, get married and settle down, Merritt— What's the matter with set- tling up frst? Harp LUuck-—*"Why so downcast?” A. a magnificent umbreila yester- “Leave it in the car?” ‘No; I met the owner of it on the street and he recognized it at once, said Johnson, “1 don"t from swear- Soap Ime rome A Cros CALL.--An ol’ fashioned dry goods merchant dolrg bus ws: in one of th interior towns for many years failed the other day, and when an azen: f.roneof ihe creditors reached the place it was to find the pro, rietor workiug hard to figure it all out, “Lands! but I can’t see why I should fail,” he kept on sayings “"Mebbe, though’ I didn’t collect sharp enough,” **Y ou have a heap of old goods here” said the »gent as he looked around, “Yes more or less,’ “When did you take your last Inven- tor: 7” “Inventory? Take everything down?’ “Yes?! “And make out a list?” LE Yes, » “And put down the cosl?”? LE) Yeas 7 “And dust off the shelves and mop the floor?” “Thats it.” “And clean the windows and paint the front of the store?” “Yes L3 1 “I never went into that. 1 was go- ing toone day about fifte-n years ago, but they had a wrestling match in town and 1 let the inventory go. Merey on me, but I can’t understand how I should faill”’ ————— IMITATING M18 BUPERIORS,—L'ttle Gamin Fltaunterag—Say, granny, how much 18 dem apples? Dear Old Apple Woman—Oh, go way wid yez; sure it’s not a penny yez have at all, at alll Little Gamin Flavnterag— Well baven't I got der right ter go out shop- pin’, all der same, OxNE THING TO BE PROUD OF ANY- HOW.—"*Did you have any fireworks on the Fourth?” “Tots. the nose with a sky rocket?’ gines.” Smet A New —Serimpley (gazi ing horse such a chromo Maxi, yagh as that could tr Thomson It’ W-lnaae ms Hom frp WT 8 feeted when dud pense 10 lender & Co., Kansas Cliy, } { pay from fi i cent, the next few a ——————— A Western confectioner has bad the { courage than any other candy. 2 3 sam." Dr, J. B. Mayer, 831 Arch 3t., Phil's, Pa. Ease at once, no operation or de. lay from business, atiested by thou. sands of enres after others fail, advice free, send for circular, A AAR A railroad Is to be built from Arch- angel to Vologda to unite the extreme habi’able north of the Russian empire with the interior, All on one gidgw the offer that’s made by the pro- rietors of Dr. Bage’s Catarrh Brera. It’s 8500 reward for a» incurable case of Catarrh, no mat- ter how bad, or of how long stand- ing. They mean what they say; they're responsible, and the offer has been made for years. It’s all on your side—you lose your catarrh, or you're paid $500 for keeping it. But it's safe for them, too—they know you'll be cured. Dr. Sage’s Remedy produces per fect and permanent cures of Chronio Catarrh in the Head, as thousands can testify, “Cold in the Head” is cured with a few applications Catarrhal Headache is relieved and cured as if by magic. It removes offensive breath, loss or impairment of the sense of taste, smell or hear ing, watering or weak eyes, and impaired memory, when eaused by the violence of Catarrh, as they all lemedy sold by druggists, 50 cents. Nothing On Earth Will Pa BEC ALB TOTIN W TOMES, BD ENSION Wah con WW Success Prosecutes Claims, ¥ h WM. FITCH & CO, PENSION ATTORNEYS STO a x or. ¥ 8 Foorions i taken & Ain Troatiove seal $2 165 hey pring BE reRe i eames, I, Oso i. EINE, $51 Arels 5a BEWARE OF INTTAYI “on on hoy whey toes address of Phlsndeiitie. Pa. Trrapgns BEST IN THE {i I's wearing WORLD, jHalities are wu i aboxes of iY 2 GET THE i Le haat by heat, i ; Tima Ax i thoron tangh | Bryant's College, i i PATENTS 45% F. A. Washingto SExD FOR LEMIMANN, D.C, \\ ALL STREET MANUAL free. Margi erations £0 upward: Option 810 to $10 | Correspondence invited. 8. J. PECK & OO {62 Broadway, N. Y. “When slovens get ftoms 0 are given &8 never tirec the tidy they polish - en