W The Celebrated Case Begun at Woodstock, Ont. INTENSE EXCITEMENT MANIFESTED Eaterprise Displayed by the Tele graph Companies in Having Wires Connected with All Parts of the World Ran into the Court Room. Birchall Exhibits No Emotion, Woopstock, Ont, Sept. 28. —The day of the opening of the Birchall trial broke bright and clear, and the wople were early astir about the court Pe The final touches to the arrangements of the court room were given by the of- ficials. Among the preparations show- mz the greatest enterprise was the tele- graph apparatus of the Great North- western Telegraph company run into h connections to all « 80 OAL Inessages Can ut direct from the reporters’ tables One of the public a telephone just connected with wn place, might hear the ad, A large num- n ars here from all v from the Umted p 24 | thont, including y, who are herve to listen to the ease and SJ own miormation, his © te tage § $ for t 10tes of it for Birchall Aveives in Court. Birchall was brou room in a cab, accomy sheriff Perry, Chel was fanitleasly and carried in his Derby hat. His pointed shoes were brightly polished and he had shaved evidently with the greatest care Is } red emotion, except that of himself to be in new surroundings and under the scrutiny face was pale and th eyes were ulated, i» was no sign of tremor 3irchall when arrai guilty” in a firm asked if h Blackst« himself as the ready to proces YX arr or Xr oung, 2 i 1 wie mlntl sed 1 dark clothes, Re . & NANG & neal siiowed no & man who felt expected many of those of and most were for ‘favor,’ in other words. because the juror ha formed an op ion against the prisoner The Jary Secured. Murray, Jos Buschell, George Smith, Daniel Md A. S. McKay The jurors Osler, tL .. made the or the ca : 1 the crown would unfol presenting wWitnosses There w nt of facts, chain of evid 3 8 closely forged and as nale v1 H ir of deceit i + was known upon t prisoner's Woodstock in 1888, when as Lord Somersot tions he money, an i subsequent letters would be ty) this pia muraer, ame satisfied w akiineq wal his } FOWwW # Cad against } 2a o'clock and hnediately Wililam MeDonald as first wit- : McDonald said he becamne ac- quainted with Birchall when the latter came to him as a farm pupil from Eng- land. Birchall was then known as F. A. Somerset. He stopped at MecDon- ald's farm one day, then went to Wood. stock, saying he was not brought up to such work. Pupil Farming. McDonald's evidence threw consider. able light on the pupil farming busi- ness, Ee admitted he was agent at Woodstock for Ford, Rathbarn & Co. England, who sent pupils to places on farms, the farmer getting $125 bonus and the ag eut £35, the farmer receiving half that amount at the end of the first inonth, providing that a pupil was satis- fied, and the balance at the end of six months, McDonald said he first knew Neville A. Pickthall when the latter came out as a farm pupil five or six years ago, and he saw him fast on Sunday in Wood- stock. The names of pupils placed b MeDonald were given by him as Joseph Young. Hertlock Woodhonse, Wheeler Long, Pardo E. Dudley and F. A. Somer- set. The witness said Dudley was placed by him on Pickthall’'s farn., but stayed a month only and $125 bonus was oy just the same, half going to Dud- ey, who went to Detroit, Mich., com- mitted a robbery and fled to Niagara ne MeDonald Cross-Examined, McDonald contradicted himself a deal nnd was given a crucial cross examination by Blackstock, counsel for the defense, He admitted Ford, Rath burn & Co. wrote that Birchall com- ined that McDonald was swindling English farm pupils. He said that Birchall borrowed from him consider- able money and repaid all Hat 8300, Mrs. Birchall was not in court yester- qay- All witnesses except the one testi fying are excluded, Sr Still They Come. Wasnisotox, Sept, 23.—During Au- past 37.587 immigrants came to She Aited Sioa C Sgainat 31,418 in An- . , German month furnished 7570: ud and Wales, 05,688; Russia, 3.830: Ireland, ¥ » THE HISTORY OF A WEEK Tuesday, Sept. 106, The census burean announces the popula. tion of Lynn, Mass., to be 65,054, a gain in the last ten years of 17,410, Newton Case, an old plate printer, and the head of the Case, Lockwood & Brainard com pany, died in Hartford, Conn. A freight train on the Cincinnati and Muskingum Valley was wrecked at Reed's station. The engineer was killed and fire man badly hurt, The Chinese government has commenced the construction of a rafiroad from Kaipine to Guivine with the ald of British capital and British engineers, Maj. H. C, Baxter, for many years a well known hotel proprietor of Boston, died in Seattle of Bright's disease. He was a brother of Dr. J. H. Baxter, surgeon of the United Sates army. E. A. Tatt, president of the New York and Boston Dispatch Express company, denies any knowledge of the consolidation of that company with the Adams and Earl & Prew Exviress QmMpanies, The Rev, Father W. R. Miles, 8. J., of New Orleans, died suddenly of heart fallure. ri y complained of a pain in the tired to his room, 8 found dead a fow hours later. Afters region of the heart and 1 where he w Wednesday, Sept, 17. The cholera has broken out at Aleppo, Count Tolstol, the Russian suthor, {8 seri odds are receding at Budapest, and no her danger is feared. New cotton of superior quality is arriving at Cairo in large Herr Deppe, conductor of the Silesian music festival, and e fellow student of Brahms, has ia t, Germany. quantities "WPo! 2th anniversary of the establishment ton was celebrated simply y of flags from the public bulldings, w Le Crandall & Co, n, Upper F Liabilities, by the dis. paper makers at New- Have mas AN BRSSIgN~ S28.000; nominal ass . Mass, ta, buying syndicate has $465,000 on ita pur. iadelphia brewery al San Roumania has agreed to Bicichroders. the of Frankfort, and the is. for the conversion of the Rou. manian oan. Thursday, Sept. 18, Work on all the docks at Southampton has The government of resumed Las sent frontier *t the St sthard ‘haries Whalley fatally shot his wife and bot himself dead at Portignd, Oreg. ed thy Carroll, at La- : i : } 1" ¥ > ang rod i Oi i Bis LA x nt, lis. Ex-Governor men shot Tin vi nated by ac- clamation for « ighth district of Ohio. A female patient in the Southern Illinois Insane hospital stabbed three nurses with a case knife. Mrs. Hesterneed was shot and killed by her husband rward committed sui the peniten- at Mt Vernon. we that four car- December con oreigners, Russian government has declined to the terms proposed by Gen. Butter. or the construction of a railway to Si at Hanford, Cal, destroyed twelve lamaged several others Loss estimated at business houses and and also th $150,000, Miss cons N.Y... with the gas turned on. “tery © PpOsioiice. Nellle Lillies, aged 22, was found un- us and braised io her room at Oneida, Whole affair Tha Navy has dec nfederite Society of the Army and ided to place headstones at the unmarked graves of Confederate soldiers in Loudon Park, Md. Mormon Bishop Budge was indicted at Boise City, Idaho, for, as alleged, advising the Mormons $o sham a withdrawal from the charch in order to vote Friday, Sept. 10, + Pensacola has arrived al Funchal, Ma~ in a cyclone near Manning, Ia., twelve per. sons were Killed and forty injured. Peizitto, late consul general died at his residence in New niamin F «1 Siates ship-of-war sintic waters, has been Hwatara, ordered Egvpt, destroyed a grain and cotto: use, caasing a loss of £70,001 Head Chief and { ng Mule, Indians who red Hugh . were killed near Miles say that the fam. C. Fremont ia Provi- . to unite with those iver rurtail production by shu ting down for sixty hours during October. revs of Mayor Grant sent a letter to the police comumnission, suggesting that it was abmslately necessary that a recount of New York city should be made, and asking that policemen be detailed to do it. McKee Rankin, the actor, has been served with a summons and complaint at the in. stance of his wife, Kitty Blanchard, who al- leges that her husband has not sapoorted her in three years, Mrs. Rankin does not seek a divorce, but merely demands that her hus band shall support her, Saturday, Sept. 20, The New York brick war, it Is thought, will be ended today. The Cape of Good Hope bank has gone into bankruptcy and suspended payment. Cigarmakers' union, No. 97, of Boston, has ordered ita secretary to forward $1.00 to the Binghamton strikers. The police made a rald upon the Hoxton club, London, and arrested a party of thirty who were gambling there, Lightning struck Benson's flouring mill, and the building together with 8.000 bushels of wheat was destroyed. Loss, $50,000, Four burglars broke open the safe of Kel. sor, Newmeyer & Co. at Mount Olive, Ills, and stole its contents. The amount of the theft is not known. The bodies of the young German actress, Emilie Rossi, and her artist lover, Gustave Koch, who committed suicide in a sensational manner on Thursday last, were cremated at Frespond, LI. I. No religious services were held. Monday, Sept. 21. The Oakland bank, Chicago, has suspended payment; liabilities, $80,000; nominal assets, $75,008, oo] Railway traffic has been stop between Nismes and Alalo, In France, the floods and a landslide, The Austrian squadron, which attended the recent German naval maneuvers, has been ordered to Toulon, William Purdy, convicted of the murder of Samuel Relninger, in Chicago, was sentenced to be hanged Oct. 17. The safe in the Sixth Ward hotel, Allen town, was robbed of $1,176 in money and gold watches valued at $600, The comptroller of the currency authorized the Union National bank, of Atlantic City, to begin business with a capital of $100,000, The officials of the government armas fac. tory at Spandau, Germany, have given ne that women will no longer be em at night work, The twenty eighth af the issu. ing of the emanel rac AmMion by President Abrabism Lis co nual reunion of the old A’ gun in Boston, RECIPROCITY AGAIN Blaine Ventilates His Pet Hobby in a Recent Letter, OUR INTERESTS DEMAN IT. He Says That South America anid Only by Trade Belatioas Trade With Cuba Can Our Increased Reciprocal Them, Opening Up with BosToN, Sept. 17. ter from Hon. Jami received by Col, The Boston Jo invitation to att of the Boot and in which the s his views on 1 Col. W. W. Ci Boston, My Dear asking mo mie ale ments wii not tation, nut the comp imen lam g club are western inter t Western Interests Involved I have lately re ' F. Imbs, of St. Lov of the flour inter convent ing fort great secti cont date in view of 1 protect y ist Gpening while allowi absolutely prohibito can Wilh reciprocit I to make sug dition. nest tra H selves, th tage ground to favor to Spain favor tomo ground belo int £ ® OL « dians of propert prepare a ver lock for the stab ¢ the horse is gone, Beneficial to Farm and Shop, I do not mean anything aid to imply that reciprocity is only + iterest. As 1 remarked, in a note to Se it will prove beneficial and rofitable bath to the farm and the shop, | could be more natural or more just than that, in giving a {ree market oe United States to hides from the seni Republic, we instance, should ask the Argentine Repu! (ive nu a bella produ leather The na f 11] i terevts will be promoted by re not be known until the active men of the United States shall | oped those forms by investigation snd ox. perience. We shall not realize the full bone- fit of the policy ina day or a year. bul shall we therefore throw away countless millions of trade, in addition to the sixty millions we have already thrown away, and then ignore antly declare, without trial, that “the sys tem won't work.” Protectionists Should Favor It Finally, there is one fact that should have great weight, especially with protectionists, Every free trader in the senate voted agninst the reciprocity proposition. The free trade papers throughout the eountry are showing determined hostility to it. It is evident that the free trade senators and the free trade papers have a specific reason for their course. They know and feel that with a system of reciprocity established and growing, their policy of free trade receives a most serious blow. The protectionist who opposes recipe rocity in the form in which it is now pre. sented Knooka away one of the strongest sup. ports of his aysten. The enactment of recip. rocity is the safeguard of protection. The defeat of reciprocity is the opportunity of free trade, Yours very respectinlis, James G. Brain SAR Counterfeit B10 Bille, #1, Lows, Sept. 16. A large nomber of counterfeit £10 Gills on the Geran National Dank, of New Ovioane ee in eircalution here, The polio: Liv I seavching for the gang utter. 0 inarket aan from th commercial HENRY ROSSMAN, UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER- TusseyviLLE, Pa. - 0 ” He keeps in stock a full line of Coffins, Caskets, Shrouds, 3urial Robes, etc., etc. Funerals attended with a very fine Hearse “Claess I'l] go home and try this, and see if 1 can't Y - earse, make that Thousand! . anly Ask for Pik-Ron, which WILL Brain OLo 4 new FunwiTune WILL STAIN GLASS AND CHINAWARE Will STAIN Tinwane Wilh STAIN YOUR OLD Basrers Wilh Brain Bany's COACH AND PIR] ON | A PAINT THAT ONE rey CAN SEE THROUGH, TRY ‘7 WOLFF & RANDOLPR, Philadelphia, Varnish at the save tims v ott Yan 1. Het freniar UARANTEED. omice Hourssu C. M. BOWER. ( JRVIS "BOWER & ORVIS ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, BELLEFORTE, PA s the Court House, on 24 Janno iN KLIN D F. FORT ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, BELLEFONTE, § . { second floor o Farst % Office in old Cos ling north of Court House, Can be | fonte. ited in English or Germs LAW Attorney-at-Law, ; Hug ; To sellefonte, Pa, Office with D. 8, Keller, Esq. Nori] Diamond, two C.F. Hewes REEYB-AT-LAW, CENTRE CO. D000 6st od for Sumn emer d11C —— sen {omen § J af goods for the coming seasons has arrived ahd are open for inspection, It comprises a great varie SPRING : AND : SUMMER : STYLES, in Dress Goods, Ginghamas, ete. all selected with great pre- customers in A full and complete stock of ing, Hats, Shirts, Underwear, etc. is on counters. We cision to supply the wants and needs of oor quality and lownesa of price, Clot inyite inspection of our slock, and we are positive that you be satisfied then of the low prices we sell our goods at, larper & IEreamer's. for Infants “Castoriais so well adapted took Castoris » { recommend it as superior to an 4 Bour Stony « Harrod Aan, . Known to te." i 4 ap ith + Kilis Wori.a, gives seep, aad promotes ¢ - - A Anca By . E postion 311 Bo. Oxford 88, Drookiva, X.Y, § Without injurious medication. Tus Cer ENNEYLVANIA RAILROAD {Philadelphia and Erie Division)—on and aflerMaey 11, 1890 WESTWARD, ERIE MALL leaves Philadelphia, . Hurrisburg., Montandon ,. a Tu 25 am Pam Sam 08m Sham Ham '» 3 “ eyo F Haven... “ Renovo, 56am ’ arr at Erie a 5 Bunday train--Erie mall west runs also on Bon. day. NEWB EXPRESS leaves New York....... 12156 m - FPhilsdelphin..... 4308 m “" ~ Harrisburg ... Bivam " Montandon 1012am Williamsport... 11 1081 srr ai Lock Baven.. 1246p m News Express, 1 Riso on Fun ® slin® y Train any. NIAGARA EXF.leaves New York 62am ’ tadelphin.... 850 am arising 12 iba m andon .... Amsport i ABT LIKE leaves Phil Harrisburg uncey. EASTWARD, BEA BHORE EXP, loaves Lock Haven. Jersey Bhors arr a3 Harrisburg ¥ | we . lace phils AInEport.. sndon ishurg *hlladeiphl BOYO one wk Haven ¥ from On Bunda L ERIE MAI SOCE TA8N leaves Erie. ..ovoiien - Benovo Frey GAY BOUTHERN EXP ie Bunday Ty on Bu Erie Mail West, Niagara Ex Exprom Fast, Res : Erie Mall East Havenwith 3. E ~Erie Mail East and West connect at i. 8 HK. EK. si Corry + mwithB.N CER LEWISBURG AND TYRONE RAILROAD Dusiy Zxoept Bundasy. Fastward., AMPNM. P) Westward PM AM AM 10 18 STATIORE Or Montag iO: 1 30 00 1 00 Mm i122 pm 600 pp CHAS. E PUGH,” General Manager. . R. WOOD, Gen'l Pas'ger Ag 1, WANTED ® tock. Salary, Expenses guaranieed BROTHERS COMPARY, ROCHESTER, N DRS. STARKEY & PALEN’S Treatmen By Inhalation. d's. Pe For Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis Dyspepsia, Catarrh, Hay Fever: Head ache, Debility, Rheumatism, Neural gis andioll Chronic and Nervous Disor ders. ss —— “Theloriginal’and only genuine, Compound Oxy seen Treatment,” Drs. Starkey & Palen have been using for Lhe last twenly years, iss scientibo adjustment of the elements of Uzhgen and Nitro gen magnatisod, and the compound is so conden ed and made portable that it issent all over the world. ——il Drs Starkey & Palen have the liberty to refer to thedollowing named well known persons who have tried their treatment Hon, Wm. D. Kelley, Member of Congress, Phila Rev. Victor L. Codrad, Ed. Luth, Observer, Phila Rev, Chas, W, Cashing, D. D,, Rochester, N. Y. Hon, Wm. Penn Nixon, Ed. Inter-Ocean, Chicago W. H. Worthington, Kd. New South, New York. Judge H. P. Vieoman, Quenemo, Kan, Mrs. Mary Livermore, Melrose, Mass, Mr, E. C. Knight, Philadelphia. Mr. Frank Siddall, Merchant, Philadelphia. Hon, W, W. Schuyler, Easton, Pa, KE. L. Wilson, 833 Broadway, N. Y.. Ed. Ph. Photo Fidelia M. Lyon, Wailea, Hawaii, Savawich is, Aresander Ritchie, Inverness, Sootland, Mrs. Musuel V. Givoge, Fresniilo, 2acatecns, Mex Mrs. Emma Cooper, Utilla, Span, Houdurss, © A J. Cobb, Ex-Viee Uonsal, Cssatilanos, Morooeo., M. V. Ashbrook, Red Bluff, Cal, 4. Moore, Sup. Police, Bianforn, Dorsctabiire, Bog. Jacob Ward, Bowral, New South Wales. And thousands of olhers in every part of the United States. ennai Yrm———, “Compound Orppon-its Mode of Action snd Re suiie,” ix the title of & now brochure of two buns dred , published by Dre Starkey & Palen, which gives to all inguirers full informa on &s to this remarkable curative agent and a record of several hundred «urprising cures in a wide range of chironic cases many of them after being aban doned tw die by other physicians, Wii be mailed free to any address on application. Road the brochure ! DRS, STARKEY & PALEN, No. 1629 Arch Street, Philadelphis, Pa Please mention this paper when you onder Com UKs gon. A AAS NSA Tue Rarorren aod the Pittsburgh Ciuonicls Telegraph one year free toa new subscriber, clubieg with a present wabscriber, The two papers for $1.50 a year in advance to each. The Chrowicle Telegraph is a large 8 page weekly contains all the telegsphio news, fail market reports and other choice reading Two papers for the price of one. Send in. your name early and make sure of thie