THE CENTRE a, FRED.KURTZ, REPORTER Eorror and Pror'n *TERMS: One yoar, $1.50, when pald (nn ad nee. Those in arrears subject tv previous rms, $2 per year, Advertisements 20 cents per line for 8 inser nxand § oants thr onal subsequent insertion, Centre Hur, Pa, Taors, Ava 21, CONGRESSIONAL Labors of the National Legislators at Washington, WasimiNgTos, Aug. 14.--The senate referred the Quay resolution to the committee on rules. Mr. Hoar introduced an amendment to the resolution, including the election bill among those to be considered before adjourn. ment. Debate on the tin plate paragraph of the tariff bill was continued. The house agreed to the conference report on the fortification bill. Owing to the ab- sence of a quorum very little other business was accomplished, Wasnminarox, Aug. 15.~The senate con- tinued the debate on the tin plate paragraph in the tariff bill. Mr. Plumb offered an amendment making the duty on tin plate 1 cent a pound and offering a bounty of 1 cent a pound on tin manufactured in the United States, The house discussed the Nat McKay relief bill, but in the absence of a quorum no busi ness was transacted. Wasaisaros, Aug. 16.—-The house agreed to the conference report on the Indian ap- propriation bill and a resolution authorizing the use of the balance of the Mississippi river flood to aid destitute persons in Okla- homa. The Nat McKay relief bill failed, ow- tng to the absence of a quorum. The senate ald aside the tariff bill and took ap the river and harbor appropriation bill, WasnINGTON, Aug. 18.—The senate passed the river and harbor bill. The conference report on the bill to establish a national mili- tary park at the battlefield of Chickamauga was agreed to. The house passed the anti-lottery bill and the Nat McKay relief bill Wasnixoros, Aug. 19. conference report on the the customs district of Puget s 1 | agreed to. Senate bills were passed author- izing the i Extension pany to bridge the Columbia river, Ore.. granting leave f abe x 10 i ployes in the customs rvice, i election contest of Chalmers vs, determined in favor of Morgan, in accordance with th report. In the [senate Mr. Quay gave formal notice of his desire to change the rules, but the mat- ter went aver by objection of Mr. Hoar. The general deficiency bill was nsidered and passed. The tin plate 3 bill was discussed fu RESUME. house the reorganize In the bill to was | Uregon COm- M he sitting @ 1 committee's 1 in the tarifd out action. PAragrag her with A DASTARDLY. DEED. An Excursion Train Ditched Wreckers—Three Killed, PiTTseuRG, Aug. 16.—A successful at- tempt at train wrecking was made near Bissell Station, on the Baltimore and Ohio railroad, twenty-one miles from this city, and so far as can be learned, Engineer Sullivan, a brakeman and one passenger were killed. The train was made up of ten cars and was on its way to Atlantic City with a party of excursionists. On reach- ing Bissell Station there was a sudden lurch and the lo and three | sleepers jumped the track, one of the | latter completely overturnin The wreckers had d and the speed of the n checked before reaching the dangerous point. Was by nnotive rail be The locomotive thrown to one side and Engineer Sullivan was in- stantly killed. A large number of per- sons were injured. There is no cloe to the perpetrators. A Serious Shooting Affray. CINCINNATI, Ang. and probably fatal shooting affray occurred at an early hour Sanday morning by which six people were that a a of laborers employed by the Addison Pipe company, whose place is located fifteen miles from this city, came here Saturday night and imbibed freely and on their return home on a “Big Four,” which brought a number of passengers. a general fight ensued among the laborers. Revolvers were used and when the smoke cleared away six were found to have been shot, two probably fatally. No “Yelping” at Quay's Heels, WasnHINgTON, Aug. 16.—In the senate Mr. Quay made a personal explanation as to a remark attributed to him in cer- tain newspaper reports of the Republi- can caucus. He had been represented as saying that he did not wish to have southern members of the house of rep- resentatives yelping at his heels, urged on by the speaker. He had made no such remark, and had made no reflec- tion on the distinguished presiding of- ficer of the other branch of congress. I8, —A serions shot. It seems The Gift of France, NEw York, Aug. i9.—-The statue of Lafayette given by the French govern- ment to the United States, which ar- rived here yesterday, will be erected in Lafayette square, Washington. It is a beautiful work of art. Its height, with lestal, is 50 feet, and the cost was 3000. The pedestal bears on its foar sides bronze groups emblematic of La- fayette's career in America. A Millionaire Commits Suicide. New York, Aug. 18. — Millionaire Joseph A. Jameson, one of the well known Broad street firm of bankers and brokers, Jameson, Sith & Co., com- mitted suicide by hanging yesterday at residence of his sister, Mrs. Amos Cotting, on Fifth avenue. Temporary insanity, caused by illness, is given as the cause. Mr. Jameson leaves a widow and five adalt children. Train Robbers’ Rich Haul, Kaxsas Ciry, Ang. 18. ~The safe of the Pacific Express company was robbed of $90,000 by train robbers on the Mis souri Pacific railway vesterduy morning. train, which was held ap in “Rob- bers’ ent” by five men and LXpressman Avery was compelled to open the safe, the robbers etptying its coatonts into a sack. The roboers es aped without mo- lesting the passengers, The Tarif onfSteel ails, Wasnixaros, Aug. 16.—Messrs, Al h, Hiscock and Sherman, of the senate finance committed, gave us hear. to representatives of the Philadel. iron interest who are anxious to ve the rates on steel billets and radls by the McKinley Will restored by senate, The President's Birthday. pr Ag, Soy age, and he intends to celebrate {El al o mo es | A DESPERATE AFFRAY. ni Slashed with Dark Room, Broomssurg, Pa, Anz. 15 ing tragedy ocotrred at Dan day night, the detalia of v just reached here, he in fon received, do not say that th of the affair woes killed ine 4 subsequent developments show wounds are fatal, The noes victims are Frank Schuriski rick Monahan. John Minis mitted the crime, is now in ing a hearing. Public opinion is in symnith the prisoner, as evidences be learned shows he conimnit while resenting an insalt Schuraski and Monahan went house during the night nndoer ence of liquor. After rescaiy noise was made which attra tention of Minics, who ap room with a lamp in his hao by his wife. One of the go in and mind her this she declined to do, at th making a retort, hat ished, the lamp which her was grabbed and th room in the direction standing. Minics at once became fo 18 #1 seizing an ax, slashed right aud | with terrible effect. The light was ne extinguished and a terribl sued. Mrs. Minics was kno floor where Two Men an Ax ina OW 3 before she senseless, also overcome by a blow on but soon rallied. Monahan on the step with his skal gash was cut in his shouller otherwise bruised iH Schuraski, was found where he had been on the fi ree, w ACTORS Neither Cover, A GREAT EISTEDFODD ii i Vdd ressos Gay Gathering at Hazleton, Pa. HarLETON, Pa, Ane. 1 1] retest eistedfodds b 1 wal fields wa town was gaviy { } bunting and hundreds of people co 3 from over the coal regions participated. They have been preparing for months past Mr. Delamater arrive 10 meat until he h hour, Last evening Delamate the session and made a br pith of which was pleasure reception fn nitude of After the brief speech from the hotel, in v } things, “the obj free ballot and taxes the farmer ; ud been ndered him which was to session adjours vio on The Pennsylvania Cutoff, PHILADELY i Orty way of Phil going throu the dangers fro crowded raffle The cost o new £1,000, 000, but it will pay the course of time in the facilities for handling the 1 the Pennsylvania's main line, line increassd Hines of Rescued from a Well, Harrmsprre, Ang. 18. —“I'm worth a dozen dead Ix ve vet, ma; what's the nee o crying’ I'm not hurt,” said 14-vear- old Willie Irwin, Jr..of Marveville. after being dug out of a dry well in which he had been buried four hours. Willie father had lowered him into the well at 4 o'clock to bring up a buck: The well had caved in just as the boy reached the top, and the father, with other men, had set about recovering the presumably crushed yonng body. Willie fell near to an old pump stock in the center of thas well. That saved his life. At 8 o'clock. when dug out, he had only a sprained ankle and some bruises, A Rattlesnake Story, WiLLiamsrort, Pa., Aug B. Campbell, Jr., D. L. Deane and A. B. Carnett returned from a surveying ex. wdition on the headwaters of Young Woman's creek. While making their way through the timber they suddenly found themselves in a den of rattle- snakes. Seizing clubs and stones, they pitched in, and in a short time killed twenty-one of the reptiles. Before they got ont of the woods they killed eight more snakes. The largest measured five feet in length and the smallest three feet, 1 * 10, ely, Machinists May Strike, Prrrssurc, Aug. 19.—The machinists employed in all departments of the Westinghouse company’s air brake works presented a petition- to the com- pny today for nine hours’ work for ten ours’ pay. If the demands are not granted the men will strike within forty-eight hours, About 1,200 men will be affected. The machinists in the elec- trical department of the Westinghouse company are now on a strike and the movement is in sympathy with these machinists in that Te Warren Jackson's Fate, Harmispuno, Aug. 19.—Mrs. Warren Jackson, wife of the Philadelphia col- ored politician supposed to have been drowned here Liree weeks ago, arrived here and was shown the ring and cuff buttons taken from the body of the man. She examined them carefully and said that, while the jewelry is very sim- ilar to that worn by her ‘husband, she does not think it is his. It is thought, however, that she may be mistaken, and the body will be exhumed, Slate in the Oil Fields, Sroxy Rus, Pa, Aug. 18. —Much ex- citement has been caused by the strik- ing of coal slute in the oil field near this «The slate is the same as found the anthracite coal fields. The pros- pects are now favorable for both coal and coal oil in the most northern town. ship of Berks county, A HABANA a Pendayivaul Counties, NCASTER, + Aug. 19, -Census Landis has nn York THE HISTORY OF A WEEK ¥odneadas, Aug. 13. i Leibbons Is visiting Brooklyn. the Missour! Far. union convened «t Cardin The state convention of mers’ and Laborers State Badalia, Superintendent of estimate of the population of States is 64,00.000, The comptroller of the currency has ap- pointed George W. Stone, of Wilmington, Del, examiner of national banks in the dis. trict of Dela Intent United Porter's the Clensus Ware, appointed stale which to 0, properly ured. The iil wooden Francis, of Missouri, twenty-nine delegates to in the i meets at Liovernor Fepresent the nationad Arner CONETess ancl BH A At Davton, Wa to Lhe buildings value of SX destroyed were mostly fie waler supply Tharsday, Aug. Pitman Grove camp meat The Second brigade of Ney 1 The funeral ton, Wa President Huatgers of SHLKR by the will of PP who in his valued at belonging to . Terhune, Was bel exer dropped dead while she ised at Lebanon, Ind arrived Robert people wi Mrs Joseph Cham. wriasin and wife, Sir Lyon and Lady Play 4d Fanny ¢ Lhe prominent in New York from Europe were Ancoin and her twodaughters Davenpo A. Sargent, aged 75, and his grand. fi ¥ & bigs 0 4 N Bit oRsing th * NRrgent, a iallroe : stati i instant ki Aug. 0 ang in Friday, The Boston boot and Foster & Co 1. CG of the owing to d TAGE an ass An explosion Providence, The schooner Sens rived at Gloucesis ever made 5 re the ¢ ent Saturday, Ang. 10, $ will prorogue parl of the Apsus grammar schoul, Monday, Aug. 18, Eleven Chinamen arrived ia Mostreal in bond, bound for Boston, The striking switchmen on road in Chicago res The Switchmen's New York Central swit Wabash the The Massachusetts Dey vention is to be held at Alton Hila, three men were Killed sad ab seriously injured. The machine paper mill of Paper company at Appleton, burned. Loss $150.00 Alfred Smith, of Newark. N. J. became insane from overstudy and shot himself, The wound will probably prove fatal Kansas City veterans, returning from the Boston encampment, were royally entertained by the Veteran Zouaves, of Elizabeth, N. J. It is thought that hostilities have been re sumed in Central America, with the possi. bility of drawing the five republics into the struggle, President Bogran, of Honduras, has in. formed provisional President Ezota, of Sal. vador, that be will remain on the side of Guatemala, Dr. J. H, McHenry, one of the mest promi. nent physicians in central Arkansas, was fatally stabbed during a dispute with a tele- graph operator about a bog, at Jacksonville. Ark. Tuesday, Aug. 10, Prince Bismarck has received the freedom of Dulsberg. The Jefferson Iron works at O., were destroyed by fire, George Shaw and John Davis ware killed by lightning at Senecaville, 0. Frank Hickey, formerly a street car driver, committed suicide in Boston because hie could not find work. Henry Hutchinham, while crossing the Erle tracks in Buffalo, was struck by a passing teain and instantly killed Davis Dalton, an American, swam in the English channel from Gisneg to Folkestone on his back in 29% hours, William Smith, residing in Griffintown, Que, threw his wife down stairs and killed her. He has Geen arrested. Eleven houses and stores at Winona, [lis were destroyed by fire. Foss, 830.000, Thomas Metirath was the heaviest sufferer, Fire destroyed a large cpartment house in New York. Mr. and Mm. E. O, Stone were rescued through a third story window by the firemen. Samuel Jacobson, a prominent San Fran. cisco business man, was shot and fatally wonnded by two footpads while about to enter his house. . The Auantic Baseball association man. agers have decided to play the games of Lhe present schedale up till Sept. |, when a new sohed ule will go Into operation, The fssun of standard silver dollars from the mints Juring the week ended Ang. 8 was B00, wa, he issue during the vor responding period of Inst year was SIS553L, The nnn belonging to he nn a collision on the the Patien Wis, was Steubenville, lens they ure given an ad vanioo It will not cost you one cent more to buy your clothing and dents’ furnishing goods where you ean gel the best makes, finest fits and largest stock in Central Pennsyl vania to select from for the com- ing season. offers you these advantages. Our counters and shelves are packed with oli the latest and newest things thal the market affords for men's wear, “i The quantity, quality and variety of our stock is far in advance of any gver shown you in Centre County. It is only necessary for you to giveus a call; inspect our stock; take make, fit and prices into consideration, and we feel certain that we will then number you among our many customers, We do not offer you goods at cost. We ask you a Jair, legitimate profil; give you the best value possible for the money; we give you the privilege of relurning anything bought of us not perfectly satisfactory in every particular, and your money will be refunded as eheerful- {y as it was given to us. Give us a call; come and look at our stock and prices, is all that we ask. Your judgment, we are satisfied, will do the balance. M. FAUBLE, Proprietor. OUNTAIN HOUSE, BELLEFONTE, V4 EMABUEL BROWN, Proprictor, traveling commanity wiil The find ABE beust, ard (iiveit a tra respect, for men Sane Lf NEw BROVCKERHOFF HOUN BROCKERHOFF HOUSE, ALLGEHERY BT. BELLEFONTE, PA Good Bampie Booms on First Floor BE” Free Buss to and from all treins Special rates to witnesses and jurors, (2. BBRANDON # non I EW GAEMA HOUSE A opposite the Court H BELOR B14] pwew furnit $ocntl MILLS HOTEL. pring Mi Pa , proprietor. Free "Bas rain 7 BNC ho D.H. Bulbs nd from all CA ERAN HOUSE Corner Second an] Market Ste ORD & ZERFING PROPRI} LEWISPURG, PA. Good Bamnple Free’ Bas to all » IVOOIGs Crans, Cr’ RTAE COUN Y Receive Deposits and slioy i Cunt Notes: BEAVER President BHUGERT Caxhiiey ————————————————— BVIN HOUSE LOCK HA EN, PA. 8. WOODS CALOWELL, Proprietor. Terms reasonable, oa first floor wood sample re nd practic MENTAL, M< ERCE;, Co Political i MILITARY BCILENCE: instruction cnl and practical, including each arm ofthe service PHYSICS; Mechanics, Sound, Light Electricity, ele. a very full course, wit tensive Laboratory practice FREFARATORY DEPARTMENT; years—carefully graded and thorough Eall term opens Beplembar 12, 1888: Winter term, January 3, 1588, Spring term, April 4. 1589, For Catalogue and other information. address GRO. W. ATHERTON State College, Centre Oo..Pa theoreti LL.D. Pras alls Adjustable DESK RAC Parorm ey 24, 1988. ee FOR HOLDING ——e PAPERS, BOOKS, STATIONERY, Ete. Adjustable 1—The Partitions can be moved in. stantiy to make the divisions suy required »ize, Simple Nothing to get out of order—Euey of usimont, 1--Will hold upright any size of book tachmen og At te W ment for ging the Res i make an sitache R against the wail, thereby a shelf : Sizes!—The owing sizes always in stock. Any other length (above 12 inches) to order at proportionate price: + [ee oy ; Torn, ! * Lawors. sponte, Parcw ————— i pa Inches, ‘ "1 “ain |® - | 1 ¢ " k or { - i 3 gE » #4 { " { 3 sf = | “ { " 2 g © " FL“ ’ 8 Co., MANUFACTURERS, % 33 W. Onondags SL, SYRACUSE, N.Y. A A FAVORITE SUGER. i ie 7