The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, August 07, 1890, Image 8

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*TERMS;—One year, $1.50, when paid in ad
noe. Those in arrears subject to previous
rms. $2 per year,
Advertisements 20 cents per line for 8 inser
ns.and 5 cents for each subsequent insertion,
Eprror and Pror'z
Centre Bur, Pa. \Taurs, Ava 7.
Is a question often asked by
persons not acquainted in
Bellefonte. Do you come via.
.&1.B.E.V, or B. R
Railroads, go up High Street
about 24 squaresto the Dia-
mond; turn to the left; pass
1st Nat. Bank, Montgomery's
Clothing House, Erhard & Co.,
grocers, and next you find
“The Racket,” being the mid-
dle room of Crider’s Exchange
the largest and most noticable
building in the town. If you
can’t find it ask the first boy |
you come to, they are our es-
pecial friends, they say, “There
is no flies on The Racket.”
And they know.
Religious War in (learfield. |
A flerce religious war is raging in
Clearfield town and county. There are
several camps of the Patriotic Order
Bons of America in the county and |
several branches of an organization com»
posed of British and ScotchsAmericans,
both orders being opposed to Catholics.
At the last municipal election in Houtz~
dale these two orders worked together
and succeeded in defeating the Republi.
can and Democratic Catholic candidates, |
electing a citizens’ ticket, composed ex-
clugively of Protestants, although the
town is strongly Catholic and Demo
cratic. White Nixon, editor of the
Houtzdale Observer, is the acknowledg-
ed leader of the American Protestant
combine. He has been bitterly aesail
ing the Catholics in his paper since the
election, and threats wers made against
rounded in a dark place, so it is said, by
a party of his adversaries, who said they
were going to have his life. He drew
his revolver and dared them to come on
and they let him go unharmed. The
next day he had several of them arrest.
ed and bound over to court
the controversy and it is feared that the
cases come up for trial. Any business |
The fight is being waged in-
on the out.
The Renova News says:
~—Lawyer A. A. Dale is a Republican
candidate for Assembly.
—=Canada thistles are entirely too |
numerous near the station.
—Two children of Jacob Wagaer, |
near Tusseyville, have an attack of fever
——Qur esteemed Democratic friend, |
Daniel Weiland, of Harris,
sanctum a call,
gave our
——Chairman Brown bas called the |
Republican county convention to meet |
August 19,
—We are now informed that four!
mambers of Jacob Wagner's family, near |
Tusseyville, are haviog fever.
~The sale of real estate of George
Btiver, dec,d, near Centre Hill, bas been
continued until Friday, Aug, 23, at 2!
rattlesnake last Friday alterooon.
had rattled out its
warning and was about to spring upon
uscousdons of any
The mother hastily rescued it
Mr. Ha-
minutes the serpent lay apon the ground
devoid of a head, the volley from the
cision of a knife, The snake was meas
ured and was three inches in
feet five
Camp Meeting.
The Spring Mille and Centre Hall cir.
of the Evaugelical Association»
—The Methodist Sunday school held |
a picnic last Tharsday in Hess’ woods |
near Linden Hall. Near ose thousand |
were in attendance.
~—We do not publish communica |
tions unless we are given the name of
the writer, The note from
comes under this rule.
~The grangers last Thursday remov
ed their lumber and baildiogs from the |
Fort woods to the new picaic ground
above the depot. Their better three.
fourths prepared them dinner, and it
Was 8 granger picoic on a smaller scale.
~—If iu need of anything in the line
of farnitare, a visit to Camp's new store
will not be regretted. He sells at the
lowest margin, and his stock is of the
latest and beat finish, Go see it under
any circamstances.
— Yesterday, Wednesday, us the
freight train was trying to make a fly-
ing switch, to put a car on the siding,
the brakeman was unable to close the
switch in time and the balance of the
train rao on the switch and forced a car
over the end of Kurtz & Son's coal sid-
ing. The car near went over, the froat
tracks dropped from under the car off
the tressle and in tilting threw the
brakeman about thirty feet, severely
skinning him up. A lot of goods in
another car was badly usedjup.
—-About ten days ago something
like diphtheria got into the family of Mr.
snd Mrs. C. H. Evy, of near State Cols
lege, Centre conaty, prostrating the fath-
er, and mother and three children, Jen-
nie, May and Emma. The result was
that on Wednesday, 231 of July, Jennie
in her 9th years, died and was followed
on Sunday by May, who died aged 10,
and a few hours later by Emma, aged 6.
This was a most terrible affliction and
Mr. and Mrs. Evy, who are hardly well
themselves, have the deepest sypathy of
the community,
~1t was unfortunate for the mem
bers of that Iowa congregation who
went to church last Sanday and sat
down in pews on which the varnish was
80 strong and fresh that they couldn't
release themselves from its clutches for
some twenty minutes afer the services
closed. There is one consoling feature
in it all, however—if there should ever
be a split in the congregation, those who
figured in the varnish epsode will al.
ways be able to say that they stuck to
the church,
~~, P. Green of Bellefonte, chair
man of the Prohibition County Commit.
itee, has issued a call for the meeting of
the County Convention on Thursday
August 14, in the court house. Candis
be placed in nomination for all
the co offices, and delegates will be
elect the State Conyention, which
will meet in Harrisburg on August 20.
|The printed call is accompained with a
Coburn |
ist of reusons for supporting the Prohibi-
woods near Pean Cave station,
R. BR. commencing Thursday Augost 14,
and lasting one week. Rev, I. M,
A number of prominent ministers will
Tents secured at
$2.00 for the term, these are good water
proof maslin tents. beardiag by
Can De
the week, The boarding tent will
conducted ia the interest of benevolent
purposes. There will be no Sanday
traflicing. The P. KR. BK. Co, will sell ex-
return until August 2. They have al-
go kindly consented to transport all
free of cuarge. All lovers of campmeet-
ing are invited to attend. Persons de
B. Aaraad, Spring Mills, Pa,
Ct ——
th of Elizabeth G. Wag
Elizabeth Gertrade Wagner, died near
Tusseyville, August 1. Aged 21 years 2
month aod 20 days. The death of Eliz.
abeth Gertrude Wagner, daoghler of
John Wagner, recently deceased, cast a
gloom over the entire commanity in
which she lived aud moved as a model
of christian character. A most touching
tribute to her high moral worth, was the
presence at her faneral, of a very large
namber of yonog ladies, who, in tearful
sympathy, showered beautiful flowers
upon the lowered casket. Truly he
memory of the just 1a blest,
“God kindies, for my profit purely,
Afflictions glowing, fiery brand;
And all bis heaviest blows are surely
Inflicted by a Master-hand:
=o I say, praying, ‘As God will!’
And bope in Him, and suffer still.”
look Out For Him,
A bogus special pension examiner is
said to be now crusiing through Penn.
sylvania defrauding peosioners of var-
fous sams of money. He ls about 40
years of age and represents himself as
Dr. Mascar or 8am Barpet, He weighs
about 160 pounds, is 5 feet 11 inches high
and has dark hair, gray eyes and bad
teeth, He wears a blue flannel sait,
black slonch hat and a Gi, A. R. badge.
John Wagner Dead,
Last night John Wagner, son of Mr,
Jacob Wagner, of near Tusseyville, died,
of typhoid fever, aged about 16 years.
Three other children of Mr. Wagner, at
this writing we are informed are serious.
ly ill of the same disease and little hopes
of their recovery.
Mrs. John Slack, of Potters Mills, of
whose iliness we made mention last
week, has died.
The daoghter of John Wagner, decd,
who took sick soon after her father's
Sout, died oi § riday last, and was bus
Local Briefs |
Reporter, $1.50 per year.
-(i0 #68 Camp's new stock
of far. |
Surveyors are at work on Nittany |
Mountain above town hunting lines.
~——Dr, Gast will be at Centre Hall, |
Monday next; Spring Mills, Tuesday, and |
Millheim on Wednesday. |
~8ix boxes of evaporated peaches |
Benner's grocery. Call soon,
A game of ball will be played this |
afternoon between the married ani sin. |
It promises to be a good game,
Simon Loeb's new clothing store |
opposite the Conrad house, is the place |
for bargains in men and boys’ suits. |
—— Camp's furniture store has been |
the latest design and finish. Call and |
see them,
— David Miller, an old resident of
Millheim, died Banday night last, of gen-
—An entire new stock of farniture,
and is handsome too, at Camp's new |
An inspection only is asked. to
~The boys have fixed up a base ball |
of the Presbyierian church aad
The elegant new shoe store, of M
Gillam, in the Crider Block, {
stock and
for ali
variety of boots and shoes
and sexes,
They have of “roastiog
ars” in Kaneas. The ears have been |
weslern part of the state. Some
roast or to hear.
of the |
have po ears to
ef owins makes suils to order, par
samples. Satisfaction guaranteed in all
respects, and at prices 25 per cent lower |
~——YWhile walking on the railrcad
track pear Fleming on Thursday County
of Centre |
county was struck by an and
hurled forward thirty feet. He was fore |
tunate to escape without injury, but will
give locomotives a wide berth
in the
—e owing is putting out new
Everybody wants
like hot cakes, hem
because they are so cheap and well made
He takes
measure and will make s suit to
goods, your
~—eBedford Ioquirer: As numercus
Items have appeared in the public prints
ately in regard to large families of
John Hess, of
says he has been married twice and is
the father of twenty-five children, Three
pairs of twins Lave at different times en
livened his household,
this place,
Have you been to A, C. Mingle's
Brockerhoff h
block? Never miss going there when at
Bellefonte, he always Las something
new and offers none but genvive goods,
which be warranis. For
in the tse
OW prices io
~ Un account of bad bheaith I have
concluded to quit practicing for a couple
of weeks, duriog which time I will not
ing (0 be able 0 resume work soou, and
that my [rieads will accord me the priv.
ilege of takiog a needed rest,
Yours truly,
Wm. A. Jacobs.
in Penn township, on the prem ises of
the manure shed attached to his stable.
His children, the other day, while at
play, opened the chest and found is pop”
ulated by chicken lice, and waatiog to
It blazed
up at once, but fortunately Mr, Snyder
appeared on the spot in time to put out
the fire and thus prevented the destrac-
tion of the shed and stable and balance
of the vermin,
~wf dispatch from Farrandaville,
Clinton county, tc John T, Fredericks,
Esq. on 2, says: The stave and shingle
mill of Fredericks & Co. and si¢ dwells
ings, were destroyed by fire this morning.
The saw mill and lamber yards within
200 feet of the firm were in gre:t anger
but were saved through the efforts of
the workmen and citizens. The loss is
estimated to be $10,000, with no insur
ance. J.T. Fredericks, Esq., is 8 mem-
ber of the firm and said that the mill
and dwelling houses would be rebuilt
at once.
~The Philipsburg Journal says: It
will be remembered by our readers that
and elderly person fell through a de.
fective boardwalk, thereby breaking her
arm. Mrs. David Lohr bas not only sof.
fored great pain but by reason of her age
the uniting of the fractured paris was re-
tarded. She has sued the Council for
$5000 damages, and subpoenas have
been served on Squire Sandford, the
clerk, and other representatives of the
Board to appear at Court. Ths surely
ought to stir up others whose board walks
are in a far worse condition than the
one that caused the above trouble.
county court, beginning
August 25th, 1890,
Robt, Matley & wife va. BR, E. Munson,
J. H, Auman vs. J. W. Blamm,
Edward Gardner ve. Graham, Brown & Co.
W. W, Spangler vs. Daniel Nestlerode,
Fred Kurtz vs. Shires & Kennedy,
W. R, Brachibill vs. Spangler & Hewes
John Buyder vu. 1. C, Dale,
J. Lagority va. A. Loeb
Weatsontown Boot & Bhocs Co, ve, A. Lood.
Dr. J. E, Tibbeus ve. Nicholas Mannetal,
Marks Stoykovic ve. Poor Overseers of Spring
Johu Mann vs Robt. Mann
Mary D. ¥Y. Yearick ve, NH, Yearick.
Tyrone Mining and
James Cross,
Comth Ex. Rel. R. P.
Dorworth, &o.
Manufacturing Co. vs
long, Admx, ve. E. B
Tax Coliectors -1890,
Jellefonte, 8, D, Ray; Centre Halli,
Millheim, W. E, Keen; Philipsburg, C. A
Faulkner; Unionville, J. W,
Benner, R. F. Hunter; Boggs,
Barnhart; Burnside, William
rine; Gregg, H. M. Cain; Haines, M. F.
Hess: Haif Moon, WwW.
Harris, O, W, Howard
supplied; Haston, 1. F. Davis
N.J David
Miles, Cornelius Stover; Paton, L. H.
Masser; Penn, H. M. Swartz; Potter, J.
H. Runkle; Rush, J, D, Gill; Buow Shoe,
slovar: 10 De
Jounsin; Marion, Harter;
R. J. Haynes; Spriog, J. B,
ior, P. Richards:
Union, J. H.
Perry Beck Ww
Storm at Rebersburg.
A fierce thunder storm struck
cinity of Rebersburg ast
ing about 8 o'clock.
down from the mountain about one mile
! wad of
above town, in theshape of a «
of which porteanded danger.
he town the spire of the
~—Rev, Lisonring's family, of Lewis
~Jim Lesher and son spent several
~Mr. A. H, Weaver, of Farmers Mills,
gave the Revorter office a pleasant call
~Mrs, Wm, Wolf returped Baturday
~Mra. Wagner and daughter Margaret,
~Prof, H. F. Bitoer and family, aiter
| several weeks’ visit with his father-ip-
| ville Normal,
Farmers Mills.
| Mrs Royer, of Georgs valley, was buried here
at the Union, on the ist of August,
A.M. Kennelly, of Millhelm , filled
here last Sunday, for Kev, C, V. Aurand.
Our saddier, John Emerick and wife
iting friends at Zion lest week,
Afre ng lost & valuable recently, the
secmod to choke and died io a few mio
the pulpit
Were vise
be cut
During the week most of the oats will
and stored, Corn and late potatoes need rain
badly .
Visitors to the cave are quite numerous of late,
Considerable petty thieving has been practiced
A . $ if 13
recently i
in this vickusty anda if HERPES
i Gwell
rry Yearick and family back to
"niladelphis aller a four weeks visit to Lhe
have gone
t of Lhe fresh alr ch
dren went back (0
stocked with all the
In black goods we offer the
leading stvles at lowest prices.
Our silk warp henriettas at
$1.00, one hundred cents, is
In veiling, plushes, satins,
silks, velvets, we always lead.
We are agents for Belle-
| fonte for the world-renowned
Columbia bicycles. Write us
for catalogue
Everything at lowest prices
and strictly one price.
rday worning, the rest will follow
saturday =
il s00n
oh he bought from Dr, Musser
Bier saved into
d makipg cigars for
irs Gramley has found yyment with Wes
| ver and Frederick bulch ira is one of your
rand 3 3
fi Welzel's wood 8
ley, and trees generally in the village
aod neighborhood were torn {re
roots, to
The storm seemed
valiey from Rebersburg and
{ trees
damage was
track was strewn with hundreds o
and broken Mach
IR Crop.
done to the
Short Pickups
rge Ucker is basing
of pew ocutbaildiogs on |
Ge the
Jeiniager 8 Jot
Howard Hot
ting the stable
{ Ries iol.
nan has the b of erec
and sheds on Will Rane
Dr. Jacobs, from
beaith, hes laid off
| few weeks,
overwork and bad
Dr. Emerick is busy day and night
tending patients
flower beds in ber yard.
The grangors are
grounds ready for the picaic,
: Dress Cutting School.
With Newton's improved Fresch and
ness LY Lhis system,
siruclions given antl the work is thors
| oughly anderstood. Ladies are requess
| ved to cali aud see the work.
Many E. Tuomrson, Spring Mills.
Lizzi Fremisa, Lemont,
Agents and teacuere,
| A Clear Tite Now.
| July 31 paid the state $635,654.94, which
| was the last instaliment due on account
| of the parcoase of the main line of their
i road from the state. The main line of
| the road was purchased in 1857 for some:
| thing over $7,000,000, the raiiroad com.
installments of $460,000, The last in.
stallment fell due August 1, aud by this
payment the railroad company gains the
clear title to the property,
Marriage Licenses,
Following is the list of marriage li«
censes issued during the past week:
John A. Wolf, of Gregg township, and
Julia A, Soit of Potter,
Eimer Walizer of Millheim, and Sadie
Della Confer, of Coburn,
W. H. Rogers, of Pittsburg, and Ellie
Resigle, of Lemont,
Z. Holt and Sarah Rilley, both of Belle
John L. Bland and Charity Hiram
both of Howard,
Speer's N. J. Wine.
It is said to be the most reliable wine
in the market. Physicians prescribe it
as superior in cases of debility languor,
and prostration of strength. It is also
an excellent restorative for indigestion,
Namerous letters have been written by
lawyers, lecturers, and distingnished
divines speaking in high terms of ap-
probation of the healthy blood making
and invigorating properties of Speer's
wine especialy the Port.— Republi
It is sold by drag. ists,
The Reronren one year, the Weekly
World three months, snd a copy of
Mr. David Lohr was formerly a citizen
of near Centre Ri :
Spring Mills.
BM das
I severnd
Maggie and
« Nf
Boards of Health show
| thet nearly th sarihs of all Jdesihs are from
kK over this fact i§ is
started with a
TW imporient |
eh can t
and HO cents, ring Lollies free al
furmay’s Drug Store
! -——-
i Big siock of new suits, for spring
| at Lowins, head quarters for low prices
| and genuine goods—no shoddy or aue-
stock, Tue Puiladelphiz Brascu
| always leads.
! tion
FProspecs for Harve s.
{Despite the fact having been 00 much
wircugbout the coultry, ihe preseul oulivos
equal 10 hel ol ALY previous yoar,
Den Ured rods severe Wil ald Taligue, 1x
mrmer returns 0 Whe shady oes, OLE Jul & Ooi
drink of water. He forgels Ghat Las lide is in
danger from the sudcen cooling of Lhe fren. lu
Le gor
{Ive were awsiliug (he relurg ome and why not
{ mow? Because jou jear ihe impurities. Lel us
{ here say 10 you thal you cal et 3s as ever and at
ressonasie prioes, by Lie quart of gaiien 1 Dow
| $1.50 w $4.00 per galion, Destly packed and shipy
ed by express. For pice Lisl ald osteiogue of aid
| kinGs of Uquors Just wie wo Max Kiel, si Feder
| ai BL, Allegheny, Pa.
of there
Tops is
mentary on the esigle of Mary Koyer,
{ deo of Gregg Vo p., having deen granted Ww
the undersigned, he requests all persons KDowing
themselves 10Gebled 10 Lhe estate 10 make Ime
diate payment, sud Whose haviug ©latns ageiust
| the same 10 preselil them duly sul benucaied for
| selliement,
JOHN EMERICK, Oeutre Hall,
DAVID RBAPE, Aarousturg,
faug © Executes
od by the town conncil of ihe Borough of
{ Centee Hall, Centre 00. Pa, and it is hereby OI
dained, That Locust, Ridge, Poller and Kune
wireets, as they are now ioosied and sbown by
he Wwwa pilot are sdopled » ad ordained as streets
). K. Geiss, Beg'y. Chie Fen
] Approved June 2, 1890, Bu :
World there is bul One Core
Golden Specific,
, Dr, Haines’
It can be given in & cup of tea or coffee, with-
out the knowledge of the person taking it, effect.
| ing & speedy and permassat cure, whether the
: erate drinker or au sloobolic
nds of drankerds bave been eur.
ed wie ken the Golden Specific in 1belr
ooffee without their knowledge. and today think
they quit drinking of thelr own free will. Neo
harmiul effect results from its administration
Cures gusraniced. Send for circular apd full
partictiiam. Address iu confidence, GOLDEN
SPECIFIC CO. 155 Eace St, Cincinnati, O, cotly
I dd afi
it ai |
Any lady sending us the names of
thirty new cash paying subscribers to
the Rxrorter, for one year, will get a
Chicago Bioger Sewing Machine with all
attachments, gnaranteed by the manu.
facturers for byears, es a premiom. Who
wants a sewing machine free? Two §
yearly pupscriptions of new names, will
count as one in making up the list of 80
new names, Here's a chance to get a
nice sewing machinefor nothing. Here
is a cut ot the machine
tore !
robes, etc, and |
ing or distance.
are the