The Hour for Kemmler's Death Remains a Myster u * v THE WARDEN'S LIST OF WITNESSES Man and The Condemned Continues in Good Health Spirits—Str ries of His Temporary Indisnosition and Vision of the Herecafior, From pres. ler will and day- inesday, ester tations terday SI Nt mu pent mu ading faith without ap He has Deara in circulation realizes that ¥ iven sustain finally it was morphine to put him to sleep, said that had iven to NECeRRy quiet and he had A here may the tries th Pa 4 ver rath t in il ler is 11 ell. ats and sl German Day in Cleveland, BEVELAND, An EL. 5. ~The c¢ lebration here resulted in one of seen here, » in line and i ofa to anni- sf the battle of Oriskany, in Gen, Herkimer with 800 Ger. yr defeated twice that number of h and Indians. The stars and ‘as the only flag carried. A dozen floats typical of German influence snd sccomphbshments in this country, including one of the Brooklyn bridge, figured in the parade, stiri the Hail Large as Hen's Eggs. Nuw Ricuraxo, Minn,, Ang. 4.—-The most terrific wind and hail storm ever experienced visited this section at 11:90 Sanday morning. The wind blew from the north and west and buildings for files around had their windows broken. The storm path was four miles wide and ten miles long. All uncut grain its path is a total loss, The hail, in some in. stances as large as hen's eggs, covered the ground for several inches, Election in Alabama. Moston, Ala, Aug. 4.-—-Today the state election in Alabama is in progress. The indications point to an ins creased Democratic majority, A snc. cessor to United States Senator Pugh will be chosen by the legislature elected today. Governor Thomos Seay and ex- Governor Thomas H. Watts are candi dates, and Senator Pugh will ran for re-election, j A. A AO Reception to Harrison and Blaine, Cari MAY, Ang. 5A reception was given laut might at the Stockton hotel ta caddent Harrison and Secretary Blaine a number of prominent cottagers, y people were present. CONGRESSIONAL RESUME, Labors of the National Legislators at Washington, WaAsnixaroy, Aug, | a delay of twenty minutes id securing & quortam in the senate. After some unimportant business the consideration tariff bili was re. sumed, and four pages disposed of. Mr. Blalr stated that, by a caictulntion be had made, the bill would be disposed of, ut the present rate of progress, by the 20h of poxt December, Mr. Frye announced that the river and har bor bill would next week. The ished « and reg Le house, Wasninoron 2 re Blair ft rod flere was af th Ken up on Friday of house in comn of t whoo fine mnsid hill tod ced in i the committe Ir s 1 i : within four dave, au rul ‘ the § “ { My the Of init Hniary we of sinder of the PIER isidderati WHS tone ire » Lion ssion f debate vw. Mr. Vest's iT on chine re~ less than Ingalin, iumb and Pad. hk voted with the Domoorats, $63 i s Of in the £008 Ake dine Oo reduce ih i te of i juornm. Messrs, ved av 17 yea 2 onays the wiohing a attendance tet nbsence, and woptiation bill to THAT CAPE MAY COTTAGE Russell Harrison Says His Father Has Purchased It, Ten Persons Poisoned by a Preacher { 3 Willian TOWER Fuh 3 yes : ¢ F454 1 ir ni is a i years old and a preacher. A Small Sized Cyclone, Provipesce, Aug. 2.-A small sized fyclone struck Warwick Neck yester. day. Trees of good size were broken off close to the ground and limbs were torn from larger ones, A building near the : vas moved some dis cra I. No person was in but the damage to property was lerable, $l CL To Support Celman, ¢ AYRES, Ang. 4.—A Lnanite se «i Enaliy It is reported that the cabinet vided upon a forced currency, leavor will l¢ made to put a stop gambling in gold by quoting ex- in currency meeting tors and deputies has to support President ik Ha Depew Mects Salisbury, Noox, Aug. 2 Mr. and Mrs ncey M. Depow will leave London, starsing for Hamonrg today. Mr. De Ww ped a io the foreign office, smpaaied by Mr. Lincoln, the Amer. unistor, who introduced the emi- ainerican and the English prime r to each other. Yisii Crops in Alabama, MostaosEny, Ala, Aug. 5. The re ports to the state commissioner of agri- culture show crop conditions as follows: Cotton, WW per cent, of a fall crop; corn, average 99 per cent. compared with five years ago, aul 89 compared with last year, ny namite for he Caar. Panis, Ang, 4A dynamite mine has been discovered underneath the Rasik railway station from which the czar will depart on his coming journey, Several arrests have been made, Volunteer Outsails Gossoon, Newrort, R. 1, Aug. 2.—In the ree for the Goss cup yesterday by the New York yacht club, the Volunteer beating the Puritan, Katrina, Gossoon aud others, A SASSI. leo Goes Up, New York, Aug. 2.—The hot hint vant the pricy oF fee up to #2 oh 1 Ym of the mw ¢ forget that we have on them, end water can’t go through, w OIL CLOTHE are sxpens without the Jal will teil you | sod still the ive and wear out, t i ean be washed luxury vr of pore is mqch oa W Bn oN i A PAINT THAY © rey 19° EAN BEE TWROUSH 4 * LPY & RANDOLPH, Philadsiphia, Ask $n Drug, Paint and Howse Far na dors 00000 FEET OF HEMLOCK, 8 white pine and walout Tumber, tale al Tussey ville, GAR MAVLY W. H. Runkle any device yeti luced to worked and washes perfectly free. N.C. BA {Mention The Mayli2 Hanorie nepuTier OHN KLINE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, SELLEFONTE Office on second floor 0 Farst's building north of Court House. Can consulted in Eoglish or Geriran, 7 a'y8 J AMES L. HAMILL, Attorney-at'Law, Office with D, 8, Keller, side of High street. Esq., Nori} Reapy Ma is where you can get itthe .. :... in order to clear n If you need an Dry Goop or GROCERIES, you will my place. 1also deal in it will pay you. COBURN BAZAAR, Spring anc O ahd are open for inspection. ty of novelties in SPRING quality and lowness of price HENRY ROSSMAN, UNDERTAKER ANI TussevyviLLE, Pa. —() He keeps in stock a full line of Coffins, Caskets, Shrouds, Burial Robes, etc., ete. QO a | Funerals attended wilh a very fine Hearse. 17ianly R: RTE PHILADELPHIA PA, 0 3 joss of ¢ from business. Curate Wins Lad, CURE GUARANTEED, or } i BOWER $ " I, H.ORVIS WER R&ORVIS { CC. M 10) Ys BOWE ATTORNEYR-AT.- LAW, BELLEFONTE. PA Office opposite the Court floor of Farst's bailding. D. F BON Xe as 23 Hee in old Conard Law, wilde building # Be Belle. | tLEMANT DALE i / ATTOESREY-AT-LAW Jellefonte, Pa, Office N. W. corner amound, i . 3 leors from first national bank. two jan? J. L. Braxaien, ‘ C.P SPANGLER & HEWES, ATTTORNEYBAT-LAW, FORTE, CENTRE CO, PENNA, to onllections ; practice in al diation in German and English Hewes i Bpocial atis the courts; © ERE DE CLOTHING cheapest. 1 have an ything in the line of S, WSOTIONS. never go wrong in calling at ND FEED Come and see me— ATT MAI, COBURN, PA. rl Summ mess CO csi om It comprises a great varies . A full and complete stock of known tome." JL A Amewea, 0D, 111 Bo, Oxford Bs. Brookiya, X. Y. I SEE API CON A 8 ry Hw A Lak ARTES Constipation, Pour Btw cli, Dinrrnoa, Emctation, Rilis Worse, given sheep, sod promates Jf Tin OBeratn Convace, 192 Pulton Bireet, 3H. Y Da, Humraue ye’ Sppcimos are scientifically snd carefully prepared prescriptions ; weed for many years in private practice with sucoms and for over thirty years used by the people. Every single Spo. cific Is a special cure for the disease named, These Bpecifics cure wilthou! drugeing, wiry. ing or reducing the system, snd are in A and decd thesevercign remedies of the World, LIFT OF PRISCIPAL NOW, CURES, PRICES, Fevers, Congestion, inflammations Si Worms, Worm Fever, Worm Colle... ‘eying Colle, or Testhing of Infants, Marrhen, of Children or Adults. |. Rh rynter ry Giriping, Billous Colic cholera Morbas, Vomiting ‘oughs, Cold, Hronehitia., } pit i gy Toothache, ¥acearhy oH Hradaches, Hick Headache, Vertigo yupepsia, Billous Stomach Wiltesmed or Painful Periods. tes, too Profuse Periods Lrenp: Cough, Difficult Bresthing Sait Kbheum, Ersyipelas, Eruptions Rheumatism, IKheamaliec Palos PECIFIC ever and A gue, Chills, Malaria. .. Piles, Blind or Bleeding. .. Ophthalmy, or Bore, or Weak Eyes Cuturrh, [nfl uenzs, Cold in the Head .f ¥hooplaog Cough, Violent Coughs, ,! pathuia, Oppressed Breathing we ar Discharges, Jm paired Hearing serofuln, Enlarged Glands, Swelling » 2 tseneral Debiliiy, Physioal Weakness 56 Jropay, and Scanty SBecretions 56 Men Sickness, Slclnom from Riding 28 Kiduey Disen se > Nervous Debility Seminal Weak. ness, or Invol untery Discharges... ¥ .040 Sore Mouth, Canker a) i rluar Wen knpess, Wetting Hed, Painful Periods, with Spasm Diseases of th Heart, Pulpitation} tpilepsy, Spasm, Bt, Vitus’ Danes. §. Dipudiersa Uleerated Sore Throst os & & AA REA wb DDE wo BAAR RAT to ot INS ws . y | RSE SD rats, or sent postpald on receipt Dr, Hesrpnevs' Maxval, (14 pages) richiy bound In cloth and gold, malled free, Humphreys’ MedicipeCo 09 Fulton BLN Y, A I SE ESI ANTI. ELAS LAE EUAN NA Sha UMPHREYS' VETERINARY SPECIFICS Usedbyall owners of Horse and Cate tle. A Complimentary copy of Dr. Humphreys' Veterinary Manual (500 pases on treatment and care of Domestic Anlrmais—Homes, Cattie, Sheep, Hogs and Poultry — Sent free. Huxrasery Metctxg Co., 48 Fulton St, K. Y. AEP Ee i ( escopes In othe world, Oo enogusied, sud to introdune ou superior goods we will seudries "Me CNE PEESON in ened loosiity, as above. Only those who write 8 to ue at once can make sure of the chine. All you have to 40 in One of the = ERT Tel r facilities are inning © 3 " shows the all end of the tele. The following out gives he sppesrancs of it reduced Wo shout the BRleth part of its bulk. Jt is s grand, double pipe tele. stop, 88 Large as i ene 10 curry. We will sleo show you bow yoy oan seake fro B83 B10 s day ot least, from The iar, wid ost experience. Better write od one. We pay all express charges Address, B HALLETT 8 00, Bex 880, Fortiary, Maire Ts PORTER! IT'S SPICEE! IT'S SPUNKEE PARK PLACE, ished ever Weds “13 ‘Weakness of Body and Mind Fects Ln of Errorser Exoesses in Older Young, Rebus, Sobie BAS ot Rs Feil Mestored, ow to eul we Strengthen WEAK, USPEVELOPED ORLATSA PARTROF BODY, Abgadutely safuiltng HONE TREATREYT-Beoefits in » Sap, Bos toetily from 50 Mater and Fervigs Constrion, Write thom. Poserigtive Book, riplanntion aad proets welied ‘sealed Fron, titres ERIE MEDICAL ©O., BUFFALO, N.Y. N ONLY! FPEVoUS DERALITY, i sod valuable Hae of ¥ These usmrples, a8 weil free. ADL the work you onl) your Chet sivays resnlie wend Sa i bi Fou frends and seighbors and those show =Chata in saluebie trade for ue, whieh be bly Sor yomss "l and Yhue we wre repaid We pay all oxgem h , yous know all i you weouid Hee te ge 1s wor y i 4 by “ por weok snd spward 4 re ee Pox B18, Portland, Maine. Look Ai ‘This?! The most complete cooking utensil ever in vented * No burned hands, no scalded soars, or disagree: able odor filling the house. Ko overflow on the staves | while kettles. No cloths needed in handling them. They supply the long feit want, Onlons, Kraut, codfish, corned beef or ham can be cooked in them without the bad smell filling the house. Every woman who sees them wants them and the men do not object to paying for them, GEORGE M. POTTER, un Agent for Centre County. ising these 3 XECUTOR'S SALE OF VALUABLE REAL Estate ~The undersigned, executor of estate of John Goodhart, late of Gregg Township, dec'd., offers at private sale the following des seribed real estate, situated about 2 miles west of Spring Mills, Pa. a Ouey F I N EB F ARM 0sp Bounded by lands of Wood's Heirs, John Grove, James D. Wilson's Heirs. Mrs, M. A. Ross, Mich. ael Tibbens, and others, containing wie $3 ACRES AND €2 PERCHES, wan Ry ———— Ton, PERNGYLVANIA AILROAD — (Philadelphia and Erie Division)—en and after May 11, 1590, WESTWARD * ERIE MAIL leaves Philadelphia ; . Harrisburg... " Montandon ., po Willlamwport, o Jersey Bhore., a Lock Haven. » Renovo... ws B65 810 ’" arrat Ere... ~ 40pm funday train—Erie mall west runs siso on Fun. day. NEWH EXPRESS leaves New York........ 1215 am " Philadelphia... 48308 m Harrisburg .. Eioam o = Momlandon 3012 m “ = Williamsport... 11 10am arr at Lock Haven...... i265 pm ~News Express, runs also on Suns oly Jl pm were & 50 8% 10 wes DECA MW william wT8Ham LT 04 am sunday Train day. NIAGARA EXP. leaves New York ~LEBam ‘ Philadelphia... 50am Harrisburg 12 16m m Montandon 20% arr atl Willimmnsport, Lak Haven Renovo... Kane... Harrisburg Momtendon WHLamsport.....o... Lock Haven...’ - arrat Eenovo. WMSPORT EXP leaves Phliadeiphis i Harristiurg Montandonu arrives at Williamsport ETL § LEPOTL BE PICEs on Bunday. EABTWARD, BEA SHORE EXP, leaves Lock Haven... id ~ - Jersey Bho Williamsport... - - on. § - - arr at Harri . Phils leaves Kane - Benovo.. Lock Haven... Williamsport, Montandon arr st Harrisblirg Philadelphia Benovo Lock Haven - Williamsport... - Montlandon .... arrives mi Harrisburg... - . Philad Sunday Train-—-RENOVO Accor on Sunday fr Lock Maven ERIE MAIL leaves Erie......... o . Benovo .. “ Lock Haven....... 11 . Williamsport - Mor A arr at Harrisbur - Phiiad Bunday Train—Erie Mall east r RENOVO AC'K leaves HE B80 IRN EXP leaves Wi Mar arr at Ha rg . Phi phin runday Trein—Southern Express cast on Bundsy Erie Mail West, Nisgars Express West, and Day press Fast, Renovo Accommodation East Erie Mall East make close swilon at Lock Hasvenwith B EV. EE famsport aie *Erie Mall East and West Erie with inson LL.B. & ERR: stConywithB. P& LC ERatEmporiumwith BN. Y. &P. BR aud al Driftwood with A.V. EK LEWISBURG AND TYRONE BAILROAD. Daily Except Bunday Westward, Eastward, PMAM AM BTATIORKSE AMPM. P : Gh 10 50 Montandon @ 10¢ 1 3038 3 } 15 Lewisburg i 24 Biehl b 30 Vicksburg 41 Milinburg { M {imont connect at or 16{Penn Cave 22 Centre Hall 30 Gregg 87 Linden Hall €2i0sk Hall 46 Lemont P ORNS R RDO 0000 dnd wd) Oh i i p for Montan- y OP Im. AL 0pm. re for Lewbburg at 9.20 p pm. J. R. WOOD, Gen'l Pei'ger Ag 1, | ALESME “WANTED. LOCAL OR TRAVELING to sell our Nursery Stock. Salary, Expenses Bloady Employment guaranieed CHASE BROTHERS COMPANY ROCHESTER, N. General Manager. and ISmayom xX. DRS. STARKEY & PALEN’S Treamen 3/7 (1 halaion., TRADE mARY Ny Stress, Phiad'a, Pa For Consumption, Asthma, ;Bronchitis Dyspepsia, ;Catarrh Hay Fever, {Head ache, Debility, Rheumatis m, Neural | Enda Chronic and Nervous = Disor | {ders, ” ——— LT “The original and only genuine Compound Oxy mn Treatment,” Drs, Starkey & Palen have 0 using for, ibe last twenty years, isa scientific adjustment of the elements of Oxygen and Nitro» gon magmdtised, and the compound is so condenses ed ahd Ante portable that it ls sent all over the world, — KR Dea Starkey & Palen have the liberty to refer $0 the following named well known persons who bave tried their treatment Hon. Wm. D. Kelley, Member of Congress, Phila Rev. Victor L. Codrad, Ed. Luth. Observer, Phila Rev, Chas. W, Cushing, D. D., Rochester, N. Y, Hon. Wim. Penn Nixon, Ed. InterOcean, Chicago W. H. Worthington, Ed. New South, New York. Judge H. P. Vrcoman, Quencmo, Kan, Mrs. M Livermore, Melrose, Mass, . Knight, Philadelphia. Mr. Prank Siddall, Merchant, Philadelphia, Hon, W. W, Schuyler, Easton, Pa. E. L. Wilson, £33 Broadway, N, Y., Bd. Ph. Photo, Fidelia M, Lyon, Waimes, Hawaii, Sandwich Alexander Sootiand, of others United States, Compound 0, ile Mode of ® d Ozppon le Acti Suits Shihe uti of n. new broch , published which gives lo all ing this reruarkable DRS. STARKEY & PALEN, No. 1520 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa.