THE CENTRE REPORTER FRED.KURTZ, *TERM3: Ono year, $1.50, when paid in ad nee. Those in arrears subject th previous rms. $2 por year, Advertisements 20 cents per line for 8 inser ns,and 5 cents tor each subsequent iusertion, Eprror and Puror'n Centre H +11, Pa, Taurs, Ave 7, Ee Clamovring for a Fair, West CresTeR, Pa. Aug. 2. —A general protest is going up against the action of the board of directors of the Chester County Agricultural society, whose de- cision to hold no fall fair was announced in these dispatches yesterday. Now the business men are getting their heads to- gether to devise some means to induce the directors to reconsider their action. They recognize the fact that it means the loss of hundreds of dollars to them, and the country people make it a time for shopping and enjoyment. It is thought that the directors may be of- fered such inducements that they will be able to conduct the fair and pay ex- penses, Sanitary Measures at Bethlehem. BETHLEHEM, Pa., Aug. 1.—Notwith- standing that reports have been sent out that the prevailing sickness here has been exaggerated, Dr. Schnabel, who was appointed by the board of health to make an investigation, has reported to that body that he has found 230 cases. The sickness is, however, on the das cline. The health officer has employed two assistants and will make a thorough investigation of all the cesspools, ete. in the borough. opened and all the gutters in the town washed. The board of health has directed disinfectants to be used in all parts of the town, gutters included. Encounter with an Iceberg. HavLirax, N. S., Ang : Portia arrived route to New with reference t steamer had witn an Head, that it was a most cape for the steamer. A high and 600 feet long broke in three pieces just as the Portia was passing it. One of the pieces 200 feet long, which had sunk, came up under the steamer lifting her entirely water, She remained for on the huge cake of ice mendous sea set her free, from Y yw le mn Derg ' out the minute when Pennsy Pays Pennsylvania. PHILADELPHIA, Ang. 1.—-The Penn- sylvania Railroad company paid the last instalment on ace the pure of the main line of their road from the state of Pennsylvania. The cheel filled out for $835,654.94, which ine! interest. The main line of the road purchased from the state in something over 87,000,000 road « ompany stipulats d to pay yearly instalment iast instalment fall the payment of this | company proper: ty. ant of nase s¢1 Fran 3 ana the ri y ¢ + RAG EH) gains ti Steamers in Collision 1 ORK NEW A vy on TeCeive nouncing ship Francis ma, while kohama wa steamship Aggra and serionsly dam aged. The pa qier BK iE in life | + Janeiro was g condition. An Unforgiving Parent. SUSQUEHANNA, Pa, Ang. 2 Hobbs, aged 17, and Annie Hol 14, children of Jasper H took a neighbor's team parents’ abson (George Wyinan aged 1% and couples drove to were i. £11 ¢ wii taken by Mr. regain children. Walter aged Ararat, during their way with Wyman, The pi HE, Of two and be the married A Rascally Virm. PITTSBURG, Aug. 5. At a hearing be fore Magistrate McKenna, Sefton and Dunn, agents for the National Capital Savings Building and Loan association, of Chicago, were held in 81.000 hail to appear in court on the charge of obtain ing money under false pretenses. The city attorney charged the firm with be. ing rascally throughout and doubted if the agents forwarded any money to Chicago, Iron Workers Strike. Prrrsevio, Aug. 5.—About 200 men came out on a strike at the Carbon Iron works. The trouble dates from July 1, at which time the puddlers to the num- ber of ninetysix refused to work. as the firm wonld not sign the scale pre- pared by the Amalgamated association. sight of the furnaces were started with colored men and a general strike was ordered, eo McKeesport Prrrssune, Aug. 1.—The strike at the National Tube works, McKeesport, Pa., was settled at a conference, and the men will return to work, The scttle- ment was efflocted by the workmen waiving the demand {o sign the Amal- gamated scale, agreeing to resume if an agreement was signed to pay the scale of wages. The strike affected 1.000 men. A Railroad Workman Killed. Br. Cram, Pu, Aug. 1.-Michael Haverty was killed at the Philadelphia and Reading railroad coal station at this place. He was at work ander a car when the train was carelessly started. His body was terribly mangled, Haverty was 21 years oid, and lived at East Mines, College President Elected, ANSVILLE, Pa., Aug. 1. The trustees of Lebanon Valley collage, at this place, elected Professor ©. Benjamin Bierman esident of the institution. The office been vacant for some time, Pro- fessor Bierman was formerly a member of the college faculty, HL A SS ot Seven Robberies in a Month, Catasauqua, Pa., Ang 2, Joseph Taylor's store here was robbed of goods valued at $00, consisting of Scotch plaid and check plaid suits, plain goods, gentlemen's shoes, watch chains, hats, ete. is the seventh robbery in Catasauqua within a month. an Rs West Cuesten, Pa., Aug. 5. There isa fang of thieves just now operating in county who confine them- selves generally to small conn The rs at these 2 a do not usually allow much money to lie round, and just now they are particn- JORNSTOWN'S The Number of Flood Victims Last Computed. WHERE THE BODIES ARE BURIED, A Detailed Statement of to! sition of the 1.22 Po Have Been Becovered Unaccounted of 2,187 Victims, for, Malklag JOHNSTOWN, Pa., Aug. 2. come for the publication of ing chapter in the history ui Fourteen months ago, on 1880, the mighty waters broken reservoir far up in ghenies swept down the valley and destroyed its hb leaving untouched only t which skirted the hilitoos. months of agonized wating it has been for many whose dear ones are still lost to them, although the search for the missing dead has scarcely for n day been interrupted, and many es h from time to time been fi But there comes an en and now the organized sear to cease, at least for the Johnstown Tribune { must be accepted as the th On i Ve ind d to all things, his about $ hn Li ih 3 whit tae mod antaentic CO ir ky ust pu ost Will piled, i The Number of Viciims, this presentation it will whol nher ( nu ber lots in Grand View « ber buried in Sandys Lower Yoder Catl St. Mary's Catholic be sims From gO INT we 83043 Beside the above the day express vet unrecovered Bodies Naot The list of pe known where buried is ination of all the records as unsatisfactory, n Traced, than the sect number There ¢ heart The Tribune's Figures, The Tribune gets its tof Grand View Bandyvale Old Catholic Lower ¥ Public t =. Mary's trerman Na cemetery record Day CX Prose Mise ellaneons Not known t Catholic be found, Total What is meant by “~N found” is, for instance, { lost his wife and has her remains. Her body found soon after the flood, and may nos lie in the “unknown plot” at Grand View, but neither he nor anyho ly else says 80. So far as the “unknown” go they cover the long list of not known to be found, but they are net to be considered in making up the count. r Tey hav FARA fnown A New Lehigh Valley Branch, JETHLEHEM, Pa., Aug. 5.—From an official source it is learned that the Pottsville branch of the Lehigh Valle, railroad will be opened on Aug. 18 for assenger and freight traffic. Tuis road. J to a new coal field and th. sid- ings and breakers not yet leing con- structed, it may be April next before coal will be carried. The route is a single track road for the present. Space has been reserved for donble track, with abutments and piers to correspond. As the greater part of the road is of a straight track fast time will be made between Pottsville and the Lehigh Val. ley main line near Bowman's station. The World's Fair Wants Hastings, Clicago, July 81, —If the sab-com- mittee on permanent organization do not change their minds before the Oe- tober meeting of the world's fair com- missioners, Adjt. Gen. Daniel H. Hast- ings, of Pennsylvania, who made such a galant fight against Delamater for the gubernatorial nomination, will be recommended as the person best fitted to perform the duties of director gen- eral, in which event he will andoubt- edly be elected. Powderly Against the “Force BIL" PuiLaveteiia, July 81.--T, V. Pow- derly is out in a letter arraigning the federal election or force bill. He ea that four lines of the measure contain more intimidation than has been i ticed in the south since the war. om- bers of the order are asked to send (pe tests to the senate and to vote at the representatives who fav the scheme, ’ Pittsburg Plastevers Strike, ITTSBURG, Aug. 4.—The plasterers of Pitts and Allegheny a today for nine hours a day without redaction in pay, They have been working ten for a day. Tus master hours herewivre Bi oo Gr he NEWS OF THE in— Wednesday, July 30, Bamuel Whitney, head of the firm of Whit. ney Bros, founders of the great glass mana facturing business in Camden and in the town of Glassboro, N, J, died at Cape May. Heo war 73 years o'd and leaves a vast estate, Ernest Wanfel, me of the trustees of the Harmony died at Eoonowy., Pa. from the effects of an electric shock received while examining a "well tale,” or watehman's dinl, Mr. Woefel w one of the leading spirits of the famous Ecosomites, and his third ia that society within six WEEK. society, tenth is the montins, hie Commercial Gazette, eoently lustaliod Hix ng. equipped with new puniversary plant th onutain Thursday, July 31. The Unit« f evolution is +e 10] A young Was airaid to ge itis rumored that Mq and John DD. Rockefeller wil tart a 1 Ww lemperance Rev, Walter HH, Wi ietor in wl guest piiar p Was Bricks fi parnly the Blue Mountain house, s+ hee is he new White Star steamer Jestle sre New York ¥4 snd twenty % after leaving Ro i lis } : a the third trans five «: © he iiner to break the Majosti BIE Qi re Fridav, Aug. 1. Out of 28 cases of chi Hon. H. A. Herlert was suffered fires. Ti threatened with In the agninst t} #he had # suit eid that haron and had vo claim on the property Henry Frybarger, a young mins of Salisbury township, Vennsyivania, while shooting snakes accidentally shot ils & year-old sister, all lodged in ber breast, killing her in. The government dredge Advance was run down in lower New York bay by the steams ship Norge. The crew of twenty-five men were rescued after be ing for twenty minuies in the water, The sound steamer Suns at Oren, Po ine ran on a rock i Lol. Bhe had 20 passengers on board 70d the wildest confusion prevalied for a time, but the steamer was beached and all were landed in safety. The Providenes excursion steamer Mount Hope struck a rock near Block Island in a dense fox and was badly damaged. The Tm Passengers were transferred to the Richard Borden and landed at Fall River, Mass. Admirers of Capt. Kelly, of the Boston Brotherhood baseball club, presented him with an estate at South Hingham, Mass, It consists of a house and five or six acres of cultivated land and is valued at $lo.0m, The Baltimore and Ohio railroad enmpany relief department makes the following state. ment of receipts and disbursements for the month of May: Receipts, 83.05% disburse ments, $25,402 benefits paid by relief associa. tion from May 1, 188) to May 31, 1890, aggre. wate $2,307 502 Tuesday, Aug, 5. The United States steamer Dispateh ar rived at Bar Harbor with Secretary Tracy on board. Vessels have brought to New York within the past few days More ice than her dealers can handie, Willie and Fred Preston. brothers and shine dents at Girard voliege, were drowned while bathing at Ambler, Pa. The pattern shop of the Wilson Lanndry afid Machine company, at Columbia, Pa, was destroyed by fire. Loss, $10.08, covered by insaraien William V. MoKean, who presented the Cape May cottage to Mrs, Harrison, states in a public Jetter that the president has paid $4000 for the cottage and $200 for the farni. fare: Manager Barnie, of the Baltimore Raseball club, sued George W. Childe, of the Philadel. pliia Public Ledger, for libel. The Ladlger stated on Dec, 5, 1850, that Mr. Barnio was (ne ane and was confined in an asy loam, Mrs. Mary Leonard, a sister of John 1. Sul. Hivan, the pugilist, was found Insensible on the floor in her house in Boston, In a few Fainates after the physician's arrival Mra, Favnned was dewd. The body was removed 1m She Sp Shey the oman had failen, ie y infant was discovered. 12 bag ren vullocateod while nursing, It will not cost you one cent more to buy your clothing and gents’ [urmshing goods where you can get the best makes, finest fits and lardest stock in Central Pennsyl- vania to select from for the com- ing season. ou THE 0CHESTER 8% 4 offers you these advantages. Our counters and shelves are packed with all the latest and newest things that the market offords Jor men’s wear, & The quantity, quality and variety of our stock far in advance of any ever shown you in Centre County, It 1% on ly necessary for you io giveusa call; inspect our stock; take make, fit and prices into consideration, and we feel certain that we will then number you mong our many cuslomers., We do not offer you goods af cost. We ask you a Jair, legitimale profit; give you the best value possible for the money; we give you the privilege of refurning anything bought of ws mot perfectly satisfactory in every partiewlar, and your money will be refunded as eheerful- ly as il was given to wus. Give us a call; come and look at our stock and prices, is all that we ask. Your judgment, we are satisfied, will do the balance, M. FAUBLE, Proprietor. Reynold’s New Bank Building, BELLEFONTE, EMAXUEL BROWE, Propriei: traveling community will ra The find respect, for man and beast, and Giveit a trial 25june tf BROCKERHOFF HOURE, ALIGEHERY BT, BELLEFORTE, PA Bampise Booms on First Floor BEF” Free Boss to and from all treins G. BBRASDON Pi bv Nv GAEMA HOUSE opposite the Court House, Bellefonte, Pa, The New Garme- House has arisen fr ashes and is open for the pub new furniture throughout Loli, and al ahi mogers npr ow FRING MILLS HOTEL. x Spring Mills, Pa D. H. Rohl, proprietor. Pree nd from all trains "Bus to i —— ————————— (4 MERAN HOUSEH Corner Becond an 1 Market Nig ORD &ZERFVING PROPRIY LEWISPURG, PA {x30 Bample ’ Fred’ Bist TOV, noomas mm 1st floor o all Trains CrSTAE COUNTY BANKING 00 BEL] Receive Deposits and allo seount Notes: Meswerg rit LOCK fA EN, PA. 8. WOODE CALOWELL, Proprietor. Terms reasonable, wood sample rcoms on {iret floor. and AGR) ih constant 13 he Labora heowretls M eal and practios MENTAL ENCE MILITARY Chi ADG practi] BOTY IH 13. PHYSICS, Mechanics, Bound, Light Hest Electricity, ete., a very full course, with ex tensive Laboratory practice 14. PREPARATORY DEPARTMENT yoars—carefully graded and thorough i term opens September 12. 18%: W ring term, April 4 For Catalogue and other information. address GEO. W, ATHERTON, LL D.. Pres State College, Centre Co Pa Eall Wels Adjustable DESK RACK, Wazseree Joy 9, 3508.) —FOR HOLDING —— PAPERS, BOOKS, STATIONERY, Ete. Adjustable I The Partitions can be moved io. stantiy to make the divisions any required sizes, Simple l-Nothing to get out of order~Jasy of sdinstment, Strong 1 Will hold upright any sise of hank Han f Attachment! We muliaan vite ment for hanging the Rack against the = thereby forming a shelf, Sizes!-The following sizes always In rik Any other length (above 12 Inches) to order ui proportionate price: turing Co., MANUFACTURERS, ' 23 W. Onondags St, SYRACUSE, N.Y. FiTAM SIG High