FARM NOTES, HINTS ABOUT more to keep a poor to Keep a good one, Change the feed of your horses often enough to make them relish it, Improper reeding is the cause of nine out of ten cases of sickness amoung horses, Every time you worry your horse you shorten their lives and days of useful- ness, Sweat and dust shoulders to gali, collars, The temperature of water for horses is not so much of an object as the pur ity of it, While it isbest to have the Water cool, it is more important to have it free from all impurities. Affecticn cannot be pounded into an- imals, Kind treatment insures the affection of an animal, while rough treatment is sure to cause its hatred, HORSES, —1t oosts horse than it does cause your horses’ So do poor, ill-fitting Crap Pie. —Procure the crabs allve and put them in boiling water with a little salt, Boil them for a quarter of an hour or twenty minutes, according Get to size (the best test of their being suffi- ciently cooked to their color—they done when of a fine red color.) When cold pick the meat from the claws and body, bread crumbs, salt, pepper and butter. Fut all into a shell and brown before the fire or In an oven. A crab shell will hold the meat of two crabs, Biscurr GL ACES, —Uook one pound of suger and a pint of water together ful of vanilla sugar and the well-beaten yolks of six eggs; whisk over the fire for a moment, and strain in an earthen or china bowl, Beat until stiff and cold; then, If you use it, add four table- spoonfuls of brandy. Whip one pint of cream, stir it into the mixture, then fill it into paper cases or small biscuit molds. If in molds, pack in rough ice and salt and freeze for about one and a half or two hours. If in paper cases, When horses are suffering from the bites of flies or stings of other insects, | sponge the parts that cannot be protect | ed by nets with water in which Insect | powder has been mixed—a tablespoon - ful to two gallons of water, LU i Of two coltssimilar indisposition and sense, one may develop nto a steady and valuable family horse, while the other may be anything that is vicious, treacl unsafe—all because a differet in the men handling and Ce grous “lenty of whitewash should be used, t only for the brighter appearance, t also as a disinfectant. Hot white- | on the Inside of stables, barns, try houses and pig quarters, will n preventing vermin and insects, The horse wi while another li acre, passengers ten miley going tive, t of all considera- tions of amuseineni, taste or what is called fancy, is absolutely worth twice #8 much to the owner as the other. id ich can plow an rse is plowing half an can carry a load of while another is acre Or ole Wiilch independen SABLE sHEEP,—I1t hasalways been a question whether it is possible to breed a flock of black sheep, and an extensive flockmaster of Australia is testing the | watter by sending all bis black lambs | to a range by themselves These can- | not truthfully Le called freaks of na- | ture, as some claim, or if so there would Le less of it. Still, here is sowething about it not well understood, Black | lambs m«y not occur in a flock in gen- | erations and then recur of a sudden. If a black ram be used in a flock of white | ewes, more than nine-tenths of the off- | spring will be white. Cases often occur where both sire aud dam are black, and | the lambs white. As something does | not come from nothing, black blood | must be diffused through most flocks, | Where wool is to be dyed a deep color, 1t is claim-d that the *‘basic pigment” | of black wool being already provided, it | absorbs less dye and makes more en- | during color. However this may be, there is a serious objection to black sheep because their coats absorb more | rays of the sun than white, affecting | them by heat more readily and more seriously. Now that the season is over it is not | out of place to call attention to the fact | that if the disease is to be prevented | next year something must be done with the refuse (stems, decayed tubers, &ec.) | and not allow it to be carried over! through the winter. The Maine Agri- | cultural Experiment Station has been | at work in the endeavor to enlighten | the farmers in regard to this disease, but remedies during the growing season | may be too late, and in order to avoid | the difficulty all tops, leaves and decay- | ing tubers should be burnt in order to | destroy the spores. Do not throw them on the compost heap, as the manure | will only spread the disease another sea- | son, ; BEES NEAR A HIGHWAY, — Bees should not be nearer a highway than one hundred feet, or to a house where there are small children. An aplary can extend up to a highway with safety, provided there is a high board fence, or hedge intervening, This obstruction causes the bees to aim high in thelr flight, which takes them oul of mis- chief. It would be better for all bees on a farm to be in a high board inclos- ure, so that breechy animals wot l' not be in danger by upsetting their bv, It 8 generally the result of carel siness, when horses are killed by ‘hem, According to the dmerwcan Agricul turist, the milk supply of New York city affords an incutue to those furnish- ing it of $10,000,0¢ 0,at 24 cents a quart, Over 200,000 cows are milked to obtain this supply, and £60,00),000 of «a tal is invested, exclusive of the rai roads and of dealers, Milk is drawn feom | five states, and some of it is hau'ed 3 wiles by the railroads. With vigilant Milk Inspectors and an active Dairy Commissioner with his deputies, New York is getting a supply of fuirly good milk and honest butter. the matter, claims that when cows are denied salt fora period of even one week they will yield from four een to seventeen per cen’, less of inferior quality. Such says, will, on the average, turn sour in Jess time than milk drawn from same or similiar cows receiving sa't, al! milk, equal. Waldo F. Drown says: There are thousands of acre: sown in wheat each fall that it would require but a glance of an intelligent man to know that on them a crop of wheat could not be grown that would pay expenses-—old washed clay hillsides, flat wet land, or it may be land that has been plowed Jats wind sho depd put in with a badly prepared seed The American Sheep Grower states that *“if a few dry cows or heifers are in the field with sheep the dogs Jill seldom molest them, We have found sheep in h the morning huddled so «close around und under a fiiendly old old | place them {a a freezing cave for two and a half to three hours. m—mrr—— SALAD. — Bring to of oysters in liquor, to which two fuls of good strong vinegar have been added, with white and red pepper a salt for seasoning; drain, and cut oysters in as not to injure appearance Wash a head « cut the edible ps dice; mix the P in a very serve, when or salad UYSTER thelr dice s ovslers, and kee CO Cove place u i with a ag. ay to mayonnaise —————— npn SERVI) DANANAS —A way of serving bananas is to cut them lengthwise in two pleces, dust them with powdered sugar, lemon juice and bits of butter, bake them iu the oven for tweniy-live minutes, They sh uld be basted with the butte tof nee twi while baking, | and serve Lot in the dish in which they are cooked, NG Ol ett CHEESE. ~B Joil balf drain and shake dry; Rice With pudding-dish, season of cheese, and sprinkie each layer rice with the cheese, Whip one egg with a gill of milk, snd pour over all; sprinkle crumbs, dot with butter snd brown in the oven, sss fs grabaw: flour, one tablespooniul of sug. ar, one-half weaspoonful of sali, one tea- spoonful of baking powder, two table- spoonfuls of butter, milk to make a | stiff dough. Knead five minutes. Roll { thin and bake ten minutes, it Sugar Cane From Seed, A new fleid of investigation in re- gard to sugar cane cultivat'on has just | been opened up. At a meeting of the | Linnean Society, England, Mr. Morris referred to the question of the | the sugar cane. It was pointed out | | that, although well | vated plant, the sugar cane had no- | | seed been figured or described, | the geneialiy received opinion that! baviug been propagated eutirely by | slips or cutting, it had lost the power | Spikelets, however, bad been carefully | and the seed found, Mr, it being | received at Kew, | examined, | tilization and selection of seedlings | the sugar cane might be greatly im- | tached to the subject, issues are coun-ctad with it, § ! The Best Is a good motto to follow (n buying a medicine, as well ag in everyth ng else. By the universal satisfaction it has given, and by the many re markable cures it has accomplish d, Hood's Sar saparilla has proven itself unequ ilied for build ing up apd strengthening the system, and for all diseases arising from, or promoted by, lm- pure blood, Hood’s Sarsaparilla only by C. 1. HOGD & CO., Lowell, Mass, 100 Doses One Dollar CURE In he Word Dry : - OF Tr yoy WTKPHENS, Lebanon, d Ely’ s Cream Balm IS SURE TO CURE QUICKLY. Balm into each nostril fm. "Sie bd ved ole ven” The time 18 approaching when the! | festive rabbit will be after the tender | trees, To bead him off, stnear the trees | with a wash made as follows: Quarter | bushel of lime, one-half pound of cope | tom peras and one-half pound of glue; add | the gl: e amd coppers dissolve! to tie hme after slaking, and apply now with | a brush, Keep the poultry houses well venti | jate «1, and the nests of e sy access and | nviting. ONE ENJOYS Both th method and yosuity when Byrup of Figsis taken; t is pleasant aad tafreshing to the taste, and acts | ee frien on the Kidneys, | ver and Bowel, of canses the sys | tem effectually, dispels colds, head- aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation, of Figs is the only remedy of t To Bin var peo Gata, pleasing to the taste ceptable to the stomach, its action and A truly a Joupt Sects, prepa and Jv the sant y su its many excellent qualities com- mend nd to all and have made the most popular remedy ka 5 0 50e own. Se Figs is for sale in es Tui, uding drug, n may not have it on hand ‘wil pro. cure Apply Sold by all druggists. #1;six for $5. Prepared OPIU HABIT, “omty Certain Cold in Head 56 Warren St.N.} "BEECHAM'S PILLS cure SICK HEADACHE. Qh Cents a Box. FF ATL DRUGOISITS. LEND YOUR EAR TO WHAT WE HAVE TO SAY. BEST LOW-PRICED German and English Dictionary, PUBLISHED, AT THE REMARKABLY LOW PRICE OF Only $1.00, Postpaid, 650 Pages, Or only $1.50, rostoaid, 1224 Pages. This Book contains 83 Flasly Printed Pages of Clear Type on Excellent Paper, and 1s Hand. | Clue yot Serviceably Dound a Cloth 0 ents and prosusolation. and Germaa words If you know a Gee. En, Mb, you look io oue part of the Hook while if the English word #8 tnowa and you want to translate it mo German, rou bok int thoroughly familiar with Baglish, or 10 Amant. cans who wish to earn German. Coasider how poss you can master German with the ald of if a Ball hour per day I dee te © muds, bow muoh benefit can be | dertved from the knowledge, and hasten to send for this frst-olaem book. You wil gever regretis. Can be hat at any Bookstors, at the ofoe of this paper, or by applying © MORWITZ & CO. 614 Chestnut Street, PHILADELPHIA PENSIONS. 2\sion: invalid, Widow's or Minot's, or are you drawing fess than #1200 per month ? Have you a claim pea ding but want rellef.wnomw # | Write us and receives & and full Instructions pew and Hheral law DO YOU WANT or, your cue, with YY of the he “HAW 2 Bal ART x 45, Wasi nein, D. C Grants pensions to “aldiers, Sailors and thely Widows and Children, Pre ent Pensious Write im mediately, stating ¥¢ NE CA, J.C. DERMODY, At yatls Chauncey Building WASHINGTON, D.C. 1,000 Holder MEW PATENT, Sivas | the and trouble. Aa ine vispensabie articles for « very household, Nolady bould be without it Ben pd ve oan be seen at this oifice, # The Great 18 Passed, wiaewn sea —-—" Ss CAULIFLOWER IN Barren.--Take the cold head of a esulifiower that bas been well cooked, but is not flabby or overbolled, Trim the cauliflower into small heads about the size of the top of a wine-glass, lay them in a pe dish, and sprinkie with a little pepper and salt, Make a very light baking batter, When it is well beaten up pour over the caulifiower and bake ina brisk oven. This is a very delicate dish, but 1s not RaspBERry Buns. —Mix six ounces each of ground rice and flour, rub in a quarter of a pound of lard, the same of white sugar, and a teaspoonful of bak- Make 1mto a stiff paste with the yelk of an egg and a little milk. Divide into small balls; hollow into a oven. close up neatly and dip white of the egg; flatten bake on a tin in a sharp A orm—— SricEp Brer.— Eight pounds of one-quarter of coarse , hut Ounce ato. of salt, one- The dry in- the it days 1 MCE] Lie beef ten it should an earthen pan is of t beef iL one ounce sugar, one ounce of black weg, mace and ¢ one geLber, one quarter pound quarte; pound of treacle gredients to be well rubbed beef, the treaci to be a t has 1 pepper Oves ino { ded iO after | mr pickle, turn 1 ially for then be baked wosthils Jake four ai i a week or dAys in to about t ie or uve li ————— ALLS For Soup, Bureap B Crumbs of a st put them ina basin, them enough hot without making them too wet; COO: chop an pan with a large lump some chopped parsley, light brown; mix it with the bread and, when cool, add two well beaten eggs, salt, pep per and sutficien t flour to bind; be mixture into small balls, and into the boiling soup about ae loaf into small pieces, pour over moisten let them in the frying dripping and and fry to a ana water (o Oomon, ay it Ee —— CROQUETTES. ~ cold caulitiower heads about the size of a shilling, mash some potatoes with butler, cream or milk, and one or two eggs, whipped to a froth, Roll the ecauliffiower in form into breadcrumb CAULIFLOWER egg and — four eggs, two teaspoonfuls of hot water, thin nice roll jeily cake Plense Don't Forget fe. That Dr, H. James’ Cannabis Indios 1s pre mred in Calcutta, india, from the purest and best Native Hemp and is the only remedy either in that country or this that will posi tively and permar ently cure COmeumpliion, Broveldia, A thm Ma Del ity or brea & freabh cold in twen. $2.50 a bettie, threes bottles for ty-dour bours. 2.5. Omddock & Co. Proprietors, 182 Race ss of turpentine put in the trachea on the tip of a feather. One or twe drops will desiioy the worms, AI One Thousand Dollars I will forfeit the above amount, if 1 fall 3 prove that Fioraplexion is the best medicine { existence for Dyspepsia, Indigestion or Billous- ness. It is a certain cure, and affords immedi ate relief, in cases oi Kidney and Liver Com. slant, Nervous Debility and Const imption Tloraplexion builds up the weak system and cures where other remedies fall. Ask your drugg! st for it and get wel Valuable book “Things Worth Knowing.” al 50, sample bottle free all charges prepaid Address in Hart, %8 Warren Street, New York -——— is the teeth of our They often suffer from neglect, a —R— The peculiar curative powers of Hood's Sarsa- parilia are successful] when everything else has failed. If your blood fis i your digestion out of order, try Hood's Sarsapari.da -—— A bundle of spider webs, npure not larger a dram, would, if s:raightened out and uutangled, reach a distance of 330 miles, i ——— B. Mayer, Pa. g Hrd at once, iny from business, attested by sands of cures alter others fall, free, send for cireunlar, i Dr. 41 Arch St, 'hil's, no operation or good seed and {able whether this may not often be harmful, instead of beneficial. Fre. quently cutting the hair, has a tendency to encourage its growth snd we have known a simple lotion of sulphur to prove apparently beneficial. This prep- aration may be made as follows; Sulphur Hair Water, Precipitated sulphur 80 gra. Fine salt 60 gra. Glycerine } 4. oz Rose water 1pt A Drussive vor tae Ham, one of the simplest, best and pleasantest com- pounds for this purpose may be made as follows: Benne oil 1 pt Oil of bergamot 2 drs. 15 mina, 5 mins. Oil of cassia Oil of bitter almond The oil may be colored red, if desired, bY iitanioh with alkanet, before the ition of the perfumes. —DruggisC’s | veious Circular The Keifer pear trees is a Fraser Axie Grease, as loug as any other. Use it, and wagons, prove that weare right, Give the fowls meat food of some kind and less grain and you will get more eggs in cold weather, pei For washing flannels, Dobbias’ Electric is marvelous, Blankets and woslens w with it look like new, and there is Absolugely no shrinking. No other soap in the world will do such perfect work. Give it a trial now. No one material can be considered as a complete food in itself, Cann's Kidney uns for Dropsy, Gravel, Diabetes, ht's, Heart, Urinary or Liver tan erve ousness, &c¢. Cure guaranteed. 831 Arch Street, Philad’a. $1 a bottle, 6 for $0, or druggist. 1000 certificates of cures, Try it a A I 5 Plant prime seed corn only, i IS kia) ALT All ita oped frge Has oy B Or. dary ies ak loss core res ao der Arch Se iki Pa 1¢ pays to look after the bees. EB, CIR a Cave, Ta takes ” lS i ee, 4 poles every one I WO in MAK 50m of ull Sepurimanty, DEPENDENT, PENSION. BIL a discharged boidiers and Saflors of the inte | war, who sre incapacitated from esruing & sy rt | Widows the same, without regard to osuse of desth, i Dependent Parents and Minor Children also inter {ested, Over J years’ saperience. Beferences in ail | parte of the sountry., id clinrye ¥ unsuccessful, | Write at onoe for 4 opy of Law.” blanks and full in. | structions atl Fees Wo %. MeALLISTER ae 00. | thucessscry bo Win, Conard 8 Cog Pe Dy | 715, Washington, D, C, i S; [nese F Fares Bog i3 ERY E NEST - all Beam N BERVE Disgases. on ER owe for Neve Afections, Fos, Epi es INPALLIBARE if fakes we direrted No Pua Meet day's ue. Treaties and $1 trial bottle freeite Fil patients, they paying ox iovos charges on bon when received. Bond seme, P.O snd sxperes address of shired to DR. RLINE. #5] Arch Bi, k wdeiphia, Fa. fsa tirugetess. BEWARE OF LMITATIS Pr ¥ prescrive and fusly ene Gorse Big €3 ss the only specific 10r Lhe cers cure of this disense G.H.INGRATIAM. M.D. Atnsterdasm, N, Y We Lave sold Big or Sok many years, sud ii ous ven the best of satis action D.EDYCHEE & O00, Chicago, Ii¥%, Wark a1 OHH, 214 uy Drogeiem a —————— WHE only by the “A RACE WITH DEATH!” Chemical 0s. Among the nameless heroes, none are | more worthy of martyrdom than he who Mounted on a powerful horse, faster and faster went the rider, WM. FITCH & co., but the flood was swiftly gaining, anti] | 102 Corcoran Buliding, Washington, 1, € it caught the unlucky horseman and PENSION ATTORNEYS swept on, grinding, crushing, annihila- ting both weak and strong. £0 ver 45 Yaurs experieno In the same way 8 disease lurking . ’ near, like unto the sword of Damocles, ready to fall, without warning, on iis victim, who allows his system to be. come clogged up, and his blood pol soned, and therel his health gered. To eradicate these polsons from the system, tter what their or nature, and save yourself a spell of malarial, typhoid or billous fever, or eruptions, sw rg, tumors and kin. dred disfigurem keep the liver and kidneys healthy and vigorous, by the use of Dr. Plerce’s Golden Medical Dis- covery. It's the only plood-purifier sold on trial. Your money is returned if it doesn't do axactly as recomme ied. A concentrated veg get able extract. Sold Hilo B. Stevens B.C, A. LEMMANN, by druggists, in large bottles, st $1.00. PATENTS! Washington, D.C, ern ——— hii mimi J —— A CANVA SEK [0 ENSION: Wash! w moma, WANTE Apri LaYgSess 8tylly Pro utes Cigims. to take, Write for fu 4 MES, 8, Yenmion I). ARMBRUSTER Ful Jartiouia Woman's Ex- eddy rey by pe Cinlma, WILY BOM | opine os 15th Sireet. uf SR Tift is a 4 =— 2204 revenue. “Thrif BEES son ® AXLE FRAZER Ae BEST IN THE WouLD. TIM. 1is wearing qualities a unsurpa 14 Ww CnGalk- no Ina boxes Lier 343. heal, SFGET THE G ¥ NU i £33 SALEBY DEALERS GE NERALLY. PEASIONS ene irk LAW CLAIMS, ilo 0 0 B. Stevens &Ca. Attorneys, 1419 ¥F sq, Branch Ofices. ( leveland, Detroit hicnge. r this wwn slLing sure results frol cleanliness and Iris a solid cake .—=-0F scouring soap, Try irinyour nexthouse-cleaning and be happy. CHEAP COMFORT Can be secured by the small investment in one cake of SAPOLIO when you have a house or kiichen to clean. From the paint to the pots and pans, and including the windows and floors, it is the very best labor-saving soap Jor scouring and cleaning. Al Grocers sell it. everr WATERPROOF COLLAR or CUFF THAT CAN BE RELIED ON ot to ti Not to Disocolor! BEARS THIS MARK, TRADE REEDS NO LAUNDERING. > CAN BE WIPED CLEAN IN A MOMENT THE ONLY LINEN-LINED WATERPROOF COLLAR IN THE MARKET. LOVELL MICH CRADE “DIAMOND” SAFETY. 5 35 CALIBRE. ging 38. & W. C. F. Cartridge.) bik Action BevoIver in tae market. rrice, *10.00. SWIFT AUTOMATIO HAMMERLESS REVOLVER. LADIES’ and BOYS' SAFETY. Solin Wad xe sor aeIval of crerd JO 11900 80 “(0 0 1099