———— REABURER'S BALE OF UNSEATED | 25 Carr Joho... “ 5 #7 PRIKET we... irons 1011 # Varker lands for taxes for 1858 and 1880 Agrees. Curtin Boland & Bon 2 1 7 Peck Joneph asda senses b 0 “) Pita B i hard bly to the provisions of law relating to the sale #0 Crows James * Rapp JACOD....ooesisinrinns 26d | WO Plies B ol * of unseated tracis of land for the non payment of | 147 Hill Henry ‘ “mith Daniel rh dnt o Puivor hd al B.. taxes, Notice is herchy given that there will be | 5 Keith Jacob, foott Samuel Zz J Roby iy a Kich exposed at public sale or outery, the following | 216 Lamborn Josiah i 2 Abraham : 4 tg os ™m tracts of unseated lands in county of Centre, for | 3 Moore Thomas 1... 1 57 { Unknown ‘ j taxes due and nppsid thereon, st the Court | Pyle Jacob... House, in the borsugh of Bellefoute on Monday, 17 how son John { if fous rrr b 3 the 9th day of June, 1890, at 1 o'clock, p. mn. 2 : Unknown | 2 Hi Vandersiice Henry BENNER TOWNSHIP ; ee : 00 RUSH TWP ® | Acren, Per, Warrantre Name, ren, . 19 11 a 3 Alllzon John . a 120 i $2! . JH Les Hale, JM... ois ARRLIS TWP i) Lingle, J J....... . # HAR! wi Li ' Andrew, Unknown : i 4} 4 Andre Absolom : “ \ and John 1] : Bell John A Armstrong Andrew BOGGS TWP 3 Connelly Ada / i Arthur Ann 5 Edmiston Samuel y 16:4 { Alkso i Janes Brooks dense ’ ou! Fisher J as 6 oof | aK fd Andrew SIT0KR, LEI 16 15 y Heury Stophel ‘ id : a6 Beverage David... oo : LATS r we ae : b Irvin John ‘ #4 } i Bruptzman Peter ...... eosnsenens 16H $2 ha Livin : Hom Artin, Joli... . q SSAA baa j Brachbill John........ 11 63 | 200 i Thos Curtin, James...... 11 aaa § 4 } Chestyut Bamuel il 119 " K . aii, puma. | Wm ‘ 77 | 2 Copenhaver John Cartin, Bc vin ve : : lohn h Curtin, Roland. Th Johnson Thom as . ‘ 10 20 { 4800, D...conrerrren | 4 MeCaudless Win. 105 | 7 " and Whitecomb ri Saetttm an | 16 Mitchell John . 1 | 436 1634 Delaney Bharp.. 2 \ i . ! 2 k hard 11 90 } 352 Dentler Wim . ? y (LUE 0 ri rs 1 d Dollars 94 $ Fotzor, A... : a { Fon ok rt 15 60 § 455 ¥] Edwards Thoms ere yow can save ouariers and Lar. ¥ {iregs, Andrew . 281% 11 90 | 42 163 Ehler Daniel i" } Godirey, Martha....... . 1 2 & . fol < ; Cheri Philip Higbey, Joseph 'gol.... 5 oe te Hag 15 pe ‘ (a 1 Th Hoit John. gE 1100 Sankey Thom AN k i 53 Funk John..... Re A a . ¢ A 45 Baukey Jeremiah 4 21 il Grant Thomas sine Rebec shay ’ {£0 ’ Lewis David... 10 17 1 400 ames 10) i Glentworth Jas......... lan io i m mesnrsiesnssnes bhi Aller 102) | In Giroe Elizabeth......... fury ahuspasian } { Gob... 12 | 121 : wd McKeon Sarah . » Bl p &q 018 Nathan : i211 i Lobert o Nd Na U5 5 Bn oh . 0 | 153 Graves Thomas vergood M. 15 6 . } 4a 1 SIMON BELLEFONTE. LOEB, Yarnell & McAll BURNSIDE TA A taw? John ' an | Lucas Charl 11 0% Aesnd AO Terie remedies of heWarld E a a ia FF PRINCIPAL Fevers, ( Worms, Wor: Crying © olic, ii hen, Le Dysentery, Chole ria Morbus oughs, Neuralgin, Toothache ¥a onda, bok H Lesdachy BO J yepepuia, | ’ WIE) y Painful Pe riods. 2; t t ©8, 100 Pre we Periods JROCKERHOFF lj W8 Barron Jobst Black James... Brady Robort Croup Drifficu malt Khen Ereyipeias ume, Sheu PECIFICS Vever sud Ague, * Piles, oh do Soh ok hk EH ma —_ y » “Pry le ' - New stock of Men's and CAL BOC ‘ i sleknons fr Hiduey Disen se Nervous Behility Bus ness. or 1avol tary | Sore Mouth, rinar Weakness, "ainfal Periods, with & Plascases of the Heart tlepsy., - &' Dis Dok ar rin, Ulcerated Sore T st Chronic Congestions & Pruptic Boys Clothing, Gent's Furnish. Wer DP TEDL ing goods, Ready Made Suits, RR potas for Men and Boys, all styles “ton 4 by Druggisms, or ment Pot ¥ MPMRRY Maw land prices. No humbug and no oldstock. Goods new, and in new, elegant and best quar- ters in Bellefonte | faunal: Bafah x 34 pan on MPHREYS VETERINAR] Fi i \ i ‘ : 5a Ports to § a ; Smarts dbo Used by all ownera af Horse und Cat. ¢ He CTAATY OOF Phir WK Eo t 3 ats Hormes, ( Wallace Josep > i MARI Wi arty Je i | B : ry = nt ros Wetzel John. i ; Jot i te BN Weidner } wx Wheeler Hear = EE Es Fun sm HB GCGEINIS FURINISEIIING. 8 Gent's Underw ar, Cuffs, Collars, Hats, Caps? Umbrel- llas, Neckwear, etc, Anything! ! ers, and working men, dress well. Atwood Brooks Jose ruce Charlies Carskadden 1 Curtin Ealand.... Eddy Esther Godfrey Martha Furst John 8, Hall Chas... -s Hollowell Bd ..conr..co... P lrwin James... * Rober... . lomgld LL — Morgan Hen R. Mitchel N J Miles Jonathan... Packer Job W iV HW mad 8 ( 4 W Jacob... Jeswe Joseph Richard co. Wharton Mollie Willis Jolin Wister Casper held Wm Hates Danie Ginsgow Bilas Hall John Hill Henry Hicks Abram Wiles Samuel... Mitchell David Moore Thos | Patton John... Rainy Robert Risk Chas. .... Smith Thomas Thompson Moses Unknown ....... GREGG TWP, Antis Hen Anderson J rt ~248 ct a MILES TWP Brady W P w Mien Wi Parker Wis Princeton Jacob Heese John SEwineford Peter Khaffor Michael Riedell Btophiel Unknown . Williams Daniel Young Benj PATTON TWP, Burton Robert Diehl Nicholas... = Adam John ... Ellis William. Gover Robt... MoKane Robert. NewportJames.. O'Brian John. White John West Thos PENX TWP. Mitchell Wm ¥ Melanaben Sara Mitchell Was ¥.. Parker Jeremiah Parker George Npear Margaret Tompkins Was BeliWm Clark Joweg Cowher Jan Curr James Hootmes 3 Kunos [saad Lowden Charl Lamb John... MeCommon McEwen oil y. en Henry Musdeon Thos McEwen Polly Motitgotoery John Merryman Thos Moore Janes Ridgeway. Budd & Co, Neo Ralston David Thomas J W Van Pool € - John Whitehead Richard Williams Joshua : Weidner Michael...... Wilson William... Wallace Thomas. UNION TWP. $75 $20 won Every Machine h: drop leaf, fancy cover, two large drawers, with nickel rings, and full set of Attachments, equal to any Singer Ma. chine sold from $40 to $60 by Canvassers, ch Ma has { ing Tee. ur Co- Operative Sewing Machine Co., 269 S. 11th St eipt ELWE PAY THE FREIGHT. Sa WHET 1 DOME 08 One of the “T BEST Tel Sheapes ini th unBegn ” perio "ge LOOT PRION 2 ae above, Only 1) £0 Be Wt one oa the chance A return ie to show our ponds te hose who oa «ont Beiphbory wad those sround you. The be grening of this sdvertisemens abows the mmell end of the tes seope. The following cut pives the appearance of it reduced + shout the Bfieth part of te bulk. Jt ie & grand a scape, 8s urge ss is ener So carry. We will sles sho v oon make from BB 10 B10 a dey of toast, the +h will oul euperiencs. Better write st snes. We pay 011 expres charges Address. B. HALLETT 8 CO, Dox & . PORTLAND, Maire TO CONSUMPTIVES. The undersigned haviog been restored to health by simple means, aller suffer sumption, is anxious to make known to hie fellow sufferers the means of f eure | send (free of sharge) a copy of the pre scription used, which they will find a Mercer JSD... Johm. vers , | sure cure for Comsumpition, As thma, Catarrh, Bronchitis all throat and lung Ma adies. 11 . . | hopes all sufferers will try his Reme« RE a) " ) 20 | as it is invaluab e Those desiring t Unknown ro § 12 | prescription, which will cost them noth a : {ing, and may prove a blessing, =) WALKER TWP. | please address Rav. Epwarp A. Wiis Askers Robt... .. . » 11 | sox, Willlamsburg, Kings County, New) Ackert Win, ia York. Baker John Brooks Ruth Baker Robt... Carrier Mary Docker Adam. . Dunwoody John... Dougherty Margaret... Frans Teme Rokert Winh............coessesmcs Gi bert Wm Armstrong Jos..... Cook Wm. . Fisher Wm P Cowden John... “ “ erie i Taggart Wm... Taggart David. Tower James U Hinown —— 215314 Rt IRARAR ut <3 od ok 13 Et 48 03 5 Cook Wm........ Hazsilton Thos. FERR2ANATINR By Hepburn Jas... i pS i eigier Michasi... Kroamer POter................... HAINES TWP, Rennedy juhn., " Bolinder John........ ndrew..... =28a88s ane 5 All goods warranted as represented, Money will be refunded. rE o - Benjamin ———— Med ally Joh. re S Montgomery, is “ Wiiliam. McDonald Alex ....... 8338 Black Peter Dudbridge Hannab.. Gratz Michael.......... Grove Wendell........coovnns Hayes Calvin M.. Tanks Mary. ARron. remiss Gri Senin . MoEiroth Robert. wirsls Ema = - zs ERUPT EETBRRRAAWOD LADD aD D us 2 i 2 $ : — «8 Lanta hn - i wie Gagne dh 53 Drie 0S DP 00 Seidel Filip. tue" Fi | Hier ATeamer Come and see our stock, and be convinced of SALE HOUR TWP. be Han Web 4 Oo. the veracity of this statement. i fag Ee — 1 JE2sRB/EEEES Carman - & pp FRYER TE re # PEE EE eT I BD el ee BS dn BD - we rare — vos pe Jol sess FORE EE RY SRVBRRRGR SO FWIessRoesv anes 2eEEEsas RYT BRET EDWG Bane Wong Brizagigiscusssnis a igsyss a FRE LER ea