CENTRE REPORTER Supplement. - NEW GOODS EAVE AR I take pleasure in calling your attention to my full and complete stock of ING ANDSUNMMER Goods which is complete in every department and desire your inspection. I have been to Eastern cities and purchased at Cash Prices Dry Goods, Groceries, Notions, Gents” Furnishing Goods, ete., ete., which enables me to sell at Astonishing ly X.ow E®xices. which an inspection will verify. Save 25 per cent. by buying at the PENNSVALLEY BARGAIN STORE Have received an exceptionally fine line of READY-MADE CLOTHING, HATS, ETC., ETC. I will give you a few prices on part of my line of goods as I sell them 25 per cent. cheaper than old goods can be bought for. (‘OME TO BARGAIN STORE AND GET NEW GOODS ! PRICES ON GOODS. CLOTHING, GROCERIES, CARPETS, DRY GOODS NOTIONS, Tl OBI Roy's BUILS....ccce cov ivmmeressmsiniscsssssmnse 1 70 1 1b Best Rice 20 Good Stair Carpet...» 2 Ho were 6 now 4 Good Corset ‘now 1 22 1 552 Ib Evaporated Peaches s- 250 { . : ee ‘Wore 50 now 33 24 in. Handkerchief ....... 2% now 1% » 0.3 1b Crackers © Ingrain Carpet ve worth 40 Toweling were § now 5 500 yd. Spool Ootton ns Dress Shoes....... we Were 2 00 DOW 1 Diyouth's Suis. ors cossvemenmesiisees 5 0013 Cans Corn oe “ " sc worth 70 Blue Calico “ wens 70 Rusching, per yard were 2 75 pow 2 10 : china atars 5 7511 1b Corn Starch . © Good Apron Gingham . fe Large assortment of Howiery. Every Day Shoes........were 1 75 now 1 25/ pens Suits... esvisrevesssssissenns 5 00/12 DOES Matohes sence 150 Table Of Cloth reduced to 25. {Good Drem Ringhasm.... - " . wore 1 Wow 1 60 son's Dress Suits... LL 6 25 Best Brown Sugar —-— ba be {Appleton Molin 1 25iMon's Fine Dress Sult....... cennns 8 25 Best Table Syrup, 40¢ per gal., worth Gc. i {Challls, new pattern... : ' " : 0 Bi {omnis obs si A A SAAC AIAN {Table Clothing Men's Catawny BOIS... ccsnsnrand@ GI40 15 (Ff. =smtucuumtdtmmttm—— | o—————————— i i Good Ovesalls,.,.oce.... Sonia He ! wasn: 3 4 i WALL FAPER. i HATH, i GOO Wall Paper, per bolt . ve to Men's Hats. iat: oa were 9 now 50c| : oe {Best White Back. , - “ Re he - were 1 Ei] now "Me Ep —— — DISHES—BEST Wa RE. uM 2 N <, ; B Borders very cheap to match, " eases ennes WOT 2 00 now 1 25 46 Pieces... a . 245 aad cekwear, Something new. OT Largest stock of Wall Faper in Penusvalloy, All Large assortment Boys’ and Children's Hats, 60 J Large Plates. . asa he Imperial Plows and Repairs, gains, 1 new patterns, Straw Hats assorted, | Hardware, a complete stock, . Lange mesortment of Glassware. Save 50 per cent, { | were 2 | Boys 4 A full line of Children's Shoes, You know what we have done for you. Come and see what we can do for you now. Produce, Poultry, Meat, Apples, Potatoes, etc.. wanted in exchange for goods. | CC. P. LONG. Spring Mills, - Penna.