THE CENTRE REPORTER FRED.KURTZ, “TERMS: —One your, $1.50, when paid in ad nce. Those in arrears subject to previous rns. §2 per year, Eprror and Pror'n Advertisements 20 cents per line for 3 inser ns.and 5 cents tor each subsequent insertion, Centre Bare, Pa, Taurs, May 15. DEMORALIZED DUNKARDS Orthodox irethren Lament the Growing Prevalence of Frivolity, Pa.. May 11.—-The breth- kard denomination are in reports made by Elders 8S. R, Zug, Christian Bucher and F. P. Cassel concerning the worldly habits which the rising generation of Dunkurds are acquiring, They charge that in a Dunkard cl hes to Phil LANCASTER ren of the D a state of mind over th number of counties contigu- he women no longer excepting very small wis,” and the men de not wear *‘l hair parted in the dle.” as is the true dunkard custom. Many of the men also, it is charged, wear mustaches without full beards They also charge that in the Dunkard church on Marshall street, Philadelphia, the women ‘wore gold ornaments and fashionable attire,” contrary to the rules. In the same church an or an was found. At the church in German fown the unittee saw ‘women weal hats and feathers in white cap etl ; 4 mid Herald, and © L. Steel, Adv of the « ive omuanittes on aw Com Was £1 pare a on June A Blind Asylam Victim, Mav 13 Stephen Moore ¢ hospita Pitts from vium five day LL. Mu d in St. Ag es pare nts resi their son 1 : i a in nome wore had 1 since 1880 j in the hos treatment food while in the blind asvium. Moore claimed that Principal King instructed the pupils ir the institution in all sorts of ZAVE them lignor to drink, et The attend ing physicians attribute Moore's death to bad treatment while in the asylum bad vices, A Powder Mill Blows Up. Scranton, Pa., May 12.—The corniog mill of the Consumers’ Powder com pany, of this city, whose works are or the Moosic mountains near Winton blew up. scattering the building inte shreds and making a big hole in the woods where it stood. The only work man in the building was William Mill ett, and he was hurled to instant death These works were destroyed eight yeas ago and when rebuilt the different buildings were scattered over a tract of 100 acres. This fact alone prevented a terrible disaster. The loss on the can ning mill is £5,000. The lron Car Company Fails, Hustinagpox, Pa. May 12.-—~The Iron Car company, composed principally of New York capitalists and operating here and at Carlisle, made an assign ment through its president, G. D. Dith ridge, for the benefit of its creditors ft Thomas 3. Ritch, of Stamford, Conn This company was closely allied with the Huntingdon Manufactusing com pany, which built nearly all its cars The failure of the Iron Car company tu meet its matured paper has also em barrassed the Huntingdon Manofactur ing company Attachments at Huntingdon. HusTtinapox, Pa, May 134 Several foreign attachments were issued and gerved here against the Iron Car com oy and the suspended Huntingdor Manufaciuring company, making a total hability of over $200,000, Many suits and judgments have been entered. The Carlisle Car works, referred to in othe d spatches, are in no ways connected with the embarrassed companies. A conference of the directors of the sus nded company will be held in New ork today. A Disastrous Five, BRADFORD, Pa., May 12. Fifteen twe story frame business honses of the vil age of Ellicottville, N. ¥Y., were de stroyed by fire yesterday afternoon. They were located on Main and Monroe streets, The village has no fire depart: ment and assisiance was given them from Salamanca and Bradford. The loss is about §50.000, AN ASYLUM HOKROR Terrible Conflagration in a Poor House. TWELVE IDIOT INMATES PERISH An Aged Imbecile’s Midnight sinoke sets Five Chenango County Preston, N.Y to the Poor House at Thrilling Scenes Bnsae— Laberated Take to the Woods, Norwich, N. 3 Mav 9 Deborah Dibble was one of the d women in the idiot ward of the county wor house of Chenango 1 ry All her life she an inveterate smoker, and obstinate tenacity to ar which was ii ] She was sn p. m. when the night kes through the ward for the night thing was all right, ana Deb was the only person awake Half an hour later a shrill heard and a bright light shone tue windows of the ward in wing. When the keepers idiot ward they found Deborad the bare floor wrapped in the other poor idiots ran to ing to escape the fam licking the Ped clothing in the apartment A Quick Conflagration Patients ven to king it #0, So fierce was the heat had the fire which embers of the old wom that the keepers treat to save idiots, babbling and jabbering, 1 who cried the al around rs Were themsel the keepers, went All ind messengs NATICS Wer ferent var Altogeth ld Ix jority of th directly for afterward the ing and vellin f The Work of Rescone Attention \ oan {2 the 1:¥ Still Searching the Woods Some of the | I burfied that they aT ents SOON as ” £11 There still patients in who a a} " confinement ir thera t4 De at ia The poss { gale 1 country REY Fwelve Lives Lost The number of lives i lum fire is twelve still at tured | The names of were: Sarah Mill gher, Ni county; Barah Bai Gray, Greens ina ered and ++ Warren, Oneida; Arvilla Atwood Norwich; Deborah Dibble, Bainbridge, and Mary O'Daniels, Preston Perhaps Fifty Perished, Norwich, N. Y., May 12.— From stats ments made by Keepers Hall and Man warning it is believed that fifty persons perished in the almshouse asylinm fire at Preston. All the were destroyed, and the keepers do not even know how many were under thei: charge. There were at least twenty in the bedridden ward, from which not one escaped. Officials now refuse all information and promise a statement on Tuesday. rwich and records Faster Than Nellie Bly's Time, MoNTREAL, May 13. McGill college olservatory and Greenwich were placed in telegraphic communication with each other over the lines of the Commercial cable and Central Canadian railways and observatories here showed that the time occupied in transmitting signals the 3,500 miles was three-quarters of one second. Further tests are to be made between Greenwich and Van couver, B. ., with a view of correcting time and fixing longitude between Pa cific coast points, A Successful Strike, CHICAGO, May 12.—The 625 employes of A. H. Andrews & Co.s' furniture fac- tory, will go back today. The strike was settled at a conference between the employes’ committee and the firm. By the terns of settlement the strikers get a marked increase in pay and a half holiday Saturday during June, July and August. This settlement gives them all they asked for A Divided Southern Diocese, Cuanrtestox, 8, C., May 10,—The dio- cesan convention has adjourned. The seceders before adjournment filed a pro- test against the adoption of the com- promise which they claim does not ex- clude negro clergymen from the conven- tion if the bishop chooses to ndmit them. A protest is filed by two clergymen, eig t delegates and about 103 members of the church. Shot at a Priest, Jerrersoxvitre, Ind., May 18.—~An attempt was made to assassinate Rev, E. Audran, rector of St. Angustine's Catholic church, Tww 2 a0ts were fired as he was standing on ais porch. The perpetrator missed his mark and es caped. ‘The venerable priest is popular and was pot known to have an enemy. . in oo a . POUL SELLING Many indictments Expected nt Eliza beth, Evizagerin, N. J May 18 A big d of promin Wit mmonesd before the grand to testify what they knew the ra and pool selling tors Ine builders were®in the gathering Ih labors will not finish its In tue Crow is to tracks Tox jury, it in am under an ol t passed any js the In it { George Francis Train Puzzles "Em LONDO May 1 Phat cheer 1 411 ’ Jail @& Fee enterpr ing all pr Louisiana Lottery's Charter, New () Ae I 1 r Minister Ie i Ls id Di Society of the Cincinnati A ' i of tu 1 $ 2 Aas Bain 1503 A Losing Cup for Mr. Bl New York, May T have been comm gates from and Mexico ference to cup i to Secretary sonal esteem of the Killed by a Fist Blow, Lacrosse, Wis, May 12 engineer at the Davidsom mill, Postmaster Oliver Olsen, of had some difficulty ] city Rew i fist. killing him instantly I'he derer escaped, but has been run and captured at Onalaska. mua Desperate Moonshiners Caught, Roasoke, Va, May 10.—A special te The Herald dated Taswell Court House, says Deputy Marshal John D Daly, cap tured four desperate moonshiners on Cove creek, in that connty. Their pames are dUnerwood, leader of the gang. Bob Taylor, George Taylor and Bib Taylor. They are all in Taswell jail, El The Laity Entitled to Vote, St. Louis, May 10.—The Methodist conference occupied the entire session in discussing the right of the laity te vofe in all church trials. It was finally decided that the laity are entitled vote. Several ministers spoke quite strongly in opposition. Senator Quay Goes Hunting, Wasmixaron, May 10. Senator Quay is going to Chincoteague, Va., next Tuesday or Wednesday on a hunting ex- pedition, to be gone a week or so. Both Senators Quay and Cameron are prepare ing eulogies on the late Judge Kelley, Fought 107 Rounds, Cixcaxxar, May 10.—Fat Burke and fought 107 rounds in four hours, vii ut miles from this city. The battle resulted in a draw. Both men were horribly punished, Burke may lore an eye. Confessed His Crime, Bimaisonad, Ala, May 10.-~8andy Jones was hanged here for the murder of Policeman John Manning, st Besse mer, in April, 1887, He made a confes gion of his crime before being executed, furnishing goods whei del the best makes, largest stoel in Centre '€ you Car itl Pe nnsyl Ing Season. othin EAT {Juv counley and she ve are Jac latest and newest things the the m men's wear 1he quantity, Ti advance of anv ever qual uy and variely 12 only necessary for you to give us a we feel certain that we will then numb many cuslomers, We do not offer you goods at cost fair, le gilimale profil; give wou the be for the monéy; we give you the fy as if was given {0 us, Led wth all arket offords “w of our stock ws fi call; tn spect our er You amoeng our We ask you a &f "a laue poseib le eqe of returning every all { § A GALA DAY FOR ALL) ADAM FOBEPAUGH'S Great All Feature Show Wild West Combined, its Migl Magnitdue; Its Gorge r: Ita Overpowering GO ness and >Sat., { rt The Grand Imperis i Forepaugh "ure { 1 THE MOUNTA ADAM FOREPAUFH. Jr.. f 3 i horoag? IRs actioe DEPARTHENT ra 4, 3 i add ree Pres | J ol Adjustable DESK ul Th we FOR HOLDING ~~ PAPERS, BOOKS, STATIONERY, Eit. Adjustable The 2zrilions can be moved io stantly to make the divisions ane eos ired sins Simple l--Nothing to get cut of order iasy stment. 1 Will hold upright any size of be Attachment We male an » ment for ging the Reck against the thereby forming ns shell Sizeal-The ¥ ing Any other lengih (above proportionate price elpes always in 12 inches ) to ord A ®iwein § tio iis re Tae $e Wells Manufacturing Co., ' MAMUFACTURERS, : BW Snmiags St, SYRACUSE N.Y.