THE CENTRE REPORTER FRED.KURTZ, Eprror and Pror'r YTERMS; One year, $1.50, nee. Those in arrears subject to rms, §2 per year. when paid in ad previous Advertisements 20 cents per line for 8 inser ne.and 5 cents tor each subsequent insertion, A PR. 3. Center Hay, Pa, Taurs, FOR mar——— JUDGMENTS HEIISTATE. Decisions Against Various Corporations for Tases at Harrisburg. Harrispura, April, 1 -—Judgments for the state in the matter of tax on loans were entered in the following cases: Schuylkill Navigation company, $441.72; Mammoth Vein Coal and Iron company, $306.92; Northeast Penn Rail- road company, he 3,01; Norristown Junction railroad, R185.86; Sus jue hanna Canal company, $334.8