PEARLY FARM NOTES, TuERE is no mistaking fowl cholera once you see it. The persistent thirst, the drowsiness, the white, viscid drop- pings becoming, as to the disease pro- gresses, first yellowish and then green, and the characteristic symptom of the fowl keeping on its feet almost to the last minute-—these tell the take, and are unmistakable. The innumerable cholera cures published from time to time grow out eof faulty diagnosis, There are other fatal diseases besides cholera, and more easily cured, GRAIN FOR SHEEP,— An experienced shepherd says that perhaps more than any ether animal, sheep need a little grain in winter. Especially the ewes with lamb need the supplementary ra- tion of grain, It must be borne in mind that the ewe with lamb is doing double work at this season. She is growing a heavy fleece of wool, and at the same time sustaining the demands of the living, growing organism that she must soon bring forth. The double strain upon her system must be met and supported by extra good rations, ANY horse worth wintering, should have some green food in winter to keep its bowels open. It is dry and concen- trated food that causes fevers by con- stipating the bowels, making the hair rough. The good effect of oil meal consists in the fact, not that it directly mekes fat, but that it enables the stomach to digest food more perfectly, Carrots have the same effect, A few given daily enable the owner of a horse to diminish the grain ration and keep the animal in better order at less ex- pense, THERE is danger in buying a made- up let of hogs for feeders. What we mean by made-up lot is a few bought in a place till the required number is se- cured. It is impossible to tell whether all the animals are healthy, Often disease lurks in sections where the scareity of corn gives the farmers a good excuse to sell their hogs, which are really bought by feeders from sections where corn is plenty, When removed to these sections and fed corn exclusively for a few days or weeks Lhe disease is developed in all its viru- lence, WueN planting a young tree leave very little wood. Cut back as much as possible. By so doing the roots will be better able to provide nourishment in the beginning. Many young trees die because there are not enough roots to feed the surplus wood that was allowed to remain on the young tree when it was planted, ABouT SELLING HoNEY,—The sale of honey direct to consumers, rather than consigning it, was advised at a convention of bee-keepers in Ruchester, Producers can increase demand by better quality. It is not wise to carry honey over a year. The price must be as low as that of other sweets, that it may be us d by manufacturers and by the people. Trouble in marketing is caused by dealers not being familiar with bee-keeping in its various branches Great loss is occasioned in shipping vy packages being broken, more often by express than freignt, strange as it may seem. A box should not overrun one or two pounds, and dealers prefer that the weight be less rather than more, How much money has been, and stil] is being filched from people’s pockets, by “mew’’ fruits and vegetables! Hun- dreds of thousands of dollars have been wasted upon new strawberries alone, Now I think the horticultural public ~ught to set down its foot, and declare | that it wil not buy a plant or rend for any species or variety that can be tested in one two seasons, unless it has success. fully run the gantlet of the experiment stations. Tarties confident tnat they | have produced new small fruits and | vegetables of advanced merit ought to | be willing to await such tests, and the | intelligent public and the press should | look with stern dis avor on any effort ! to force these novelties forward in ad- | vance of such a verdict, HOUSEHOLD, VEGETARIANISM, —The wor d 1s fond of what it calls its “fads,” but doesn't seem inclined to work up Vegetarian- ism into one of them, Even its dis- ciples, the warmest of them, are tempt. ed at times—if not, as a rule—to step beyond the strict line which is supposed to divide the animal and vegetable kingdoms. They don’t ignore eggs; and the egg can hardly beeclassed under the head of vegetables, notwithstanding that the newspaper paragrapher gener- ally refers to it as ‘‘hen-fruir.’”” In- deed, it is proverbially said to be noth- ing if not meat; and the vegetarian, or any other man, that explores the true inwardness of its shell for the purpose of finding a head of cabbage or a Con- necticut pumpkin will be disappointed, Now, don’t imagine, dear reader, that-should you chance to be a vegetar- rian—we are disposed to find fault with you, if occasionally, or oftener, if you into more solid and tenet-forbidden pas- ture. We are told that all flesh Is it; hence, we are safe in predicting that mankind-—that is the civilized portion of them—will continue to live and eat as they have done ever since the time they discovered the luxury of 8 roast dinner. When the world was new, men were content to live like caterpil- lars, solely upon the plants of the earth, because they knew of nothing better; but “times have changed, and men have changed with them;’’ and in noth- ing perhaps has the change been more paration of their foods. Vegetables are good--yes, they are with which Heaven has blessed and if that same kind Heaven decide and declare that we must get along without one or the other, that it must be all meat or all vegetable, we should unhesitatingly cling to the veg- etable, Thanks now to the Ingenuity of man, we depend upon no season for these delicacies; the art of canning has bridged over that dilemma, and green peas are as common a sight upon our winter tables as potatoes. In some of the large cities on the ism would seem to be more in favor than in this country, In London, for instance, there are restaurants and cafes, and even hotels, and boarding- houses, which profess to serve up only vegetarian meals, of these meals is, we can judge from the menus which certain metropolitan province it is to make a of 1ts columns periodically to arranging vegetarian menus fr the bLenefit of such places of rrsort or residence as need them. Here is one of these menus together with the manner of preparing the principal dishes served: Store proprietor (to possible custo. mer looking at the window): “Loom in, coom in, und I show you doss dings mineself.”” Possible customer (shyly): “I don’t know anything about going in, their prices plainly marked.” Store pro- prietor: **Dot vas all right mine frienat; bud it nod do vor us to mark our prices on dose dings. Our prices is so low hand.” e——————— A Care for Catarrh and lung diseases, if taken In time, is effected by using Dr. Pleree's Golden 3 ery. Than Pierce's smsall “Pellets.” The Purgative king -— White Cake. - cupful of milk, two baking powder; flour to form a batter, ————— How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Beward for VEGETABLE GARDEN] would | urge every farmer to have a vegeiable garden, and a good one, for, while a poor one is better than none at all, a good one is so much better that one ought never to be satisfied with any- thing else, Let him make up his mind | to work it at least as well as he does | other portions of his farm, and he will find, if be carries out his resolution, and keeps an account of the results, that there is no other portion of the farm which furnishes 20 much of the family’s living, therefore none that ‘pays’ go well. That this is the fact, everyones who has a good garden ‘will tell you. It is also a fact that those who have the best gardens appreciate them most, THERE i8 no profit in stunting a brood sow in her ration while the pigs are sucking. If possible she should be kept in good flesh. In our own experi. ence we have found it within the possi- bilities to keep a sow in good flesh and bave her suckle a good litter In number and quality. Some men labor under ths error that a sow is not a good one ualess she suckles down thiv and her quality is rated by the thinness she w li to, without “‘kicking the bucket, Tie product of a few hens and ro~sters seems small by itself, but our national wealth is likely to suffer from our habit of overlooking th small things and only utilizing the magni. cent. It 8asy to account for the wealth and the thrift of the French nation when it is remembered that they pay the most scrupulous attention to the Uttle details of farming and warket- nL fact, attention to the little th constitutes a great element of success in every t of life, The immense cantilever bridge reach- mg out over the Frith of Forth and the «rand Tower command the ad. muiration He ougineams of the world of and attention largest and most | bo in the world it details are watched closely than the Smposiag things no biinch of income Dotice of the preprietor, boats F.J.CHENEY & CO. Props. Toledo, ©, We, the undersigned. have known F, J and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm West & Ohio, Truax, Wholesale Druggist. Toledo, ists. Toledo. Ohklo E. fi Van Hosen, Cashier Toledo Natloaal Bank, Toledo, Ohio Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, aet ing directly upon the blood and mucous sur faces of the system. Price, 75¢. per bottle. by all Drugsists Muffins —Take bread thin out with warm water; use three eggs to a quart of batter; set to rise, put into muffin-rings and hake. Sess ————— disease is liable to become chronic and affect your general health, or develop into consump- tion. Hood's Sarsaparilia cures catarrh by up the system. Give it a trial. A I AIO 5 Assy If the straw was returned to wheat land it would not become exhausted so soon, — Frazer Axis Grease, One greasing with Frazer Axle Grease will last two weeks, all others two to three days. Try it. It received first premium at the Centennial and Paris Exposition, The Southern Live Stock Journal is authority for the statment that pea- vines are the very best crop for ensil- age. Best, sasiest to use and cheapest, Piso's Remedy for Catarrh. By druggists. 50c. See that the tops of the hay stacks are all right. Half a days work on them now may save tous of hay for next spring. BS so, Is It economy to save a few cents buying a € soap or strong washing powder, and v4 Ia ruined rotted ciothes? It not, use Dobbins’ Eisetric Soap, white as snow, and as pure. Ask your grocer for it. If you have winter grain ona side hill from which the snow ww likely to blow off a thin covering of straw will not d ‘winter protection’? for om io. ory wills Pa fe gars i Four wea0 “Tan- Three things to teach-truth industry and contentment, ' Cold Waves Are predicted with reliable accuracy, and peo ple liable to the pains and aches of rheumatism dread every change to damp or stormy weather, Although we do not claim Hood's Sarsaparilla to be 4 positive specific for rheumatism, the re markable cures it has effected show that it may be taken for rheumatism with reasonable cer- tunty of benefit. Its action In neutralizing the acidity of the blood, which 1s the cause of rheu. matism, constitutes the secret of the success of Hood's Sarsaparilla ln curing this complaint. Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by all druggists, §1 41x for #6. Prepared only by C.LHOOD& CO, Apothecaries, Lowell, Muss, 100 Doses One Dollar A A a A HP lS al 55, 2 0 SCOTT'S EMULSION Of Pure Cod Liver Oil and HYPOPHOSPHITES of Lime and Soda is endorsed and prescribed by leading physicians becauss both the Cod Liver Oil 3 and Hy, ifes are the recognized | agonts in the cure of Consumption. Ii is 4s palatable as milk. is perfect y Scott's Emulsion i Lue is a wond Flesh i 7 i weer, It io the v for CONSUMPTION, Scrofula, Bronchitis, Wasting Dis- eaces, Chronic Coughs and Colds, Ask for Boott's Emulsion and take no other, a a A AN MAMAN, MOST DESIRABLE PRESENTS. THE PURCHASING (00, OF PHILADELPHIA, 614 CHESTNUT STREET, OFFERS THE FOLLOWING IMMENSE BARGAINS: THE ARTISTS YEAR. Poems of the Month, Jones and others, with an (lus tration for each month, by a representative American artist. Full page lasrations by Quartiey, Casilear, Brevoort, Shurtleff, Julia D. Johnson, J. M. Hart, H. Bolton Jones, Thos. Moran, BR. Swain Gifford, ©. H. Smillie Bellows, Oblong quarto cloth, richly £2.00 retall 1.50 our price BEAUTIFUL FERNS Containing ten su- perbly colored Hiesize plates of our American ‘erns. Plates from original drawings by CE H. Emerton. Text by Prof. D.C. Eaton, of Yale College. 1 vol. large quarto, £1.00 retall, $2.23 Postage, Ye, extra. ornamented our price, ENCYCLOPEDIA OF WONDERS AND CURIOSITIES, of Nature and Art, Selenes and Literature. By J. Platt, D. D. Illustrated with CURIOSITIES RESPECTING : Man, llchapters; Animale 4 chapters : Flehes, chapters ; Serpents and Worms, 1 chapter; Birds, i tables, 4 chapters; Stones, 1 chapter; tains, 4 chapters: Grotioes, Caves, ee tor: Mines, 1 chapter: The Sea Moun 2 chapters; Whirlpools } chapter: Burning Springs, 1 chapter; Earthquakes, 1 chapter; Winds, Hurricanes, ete. | © hapter ; Showers, Storms, ete, chapter: lee, | chapter tuina. 1 chapter: Ancient Bulldings, Tem pen, and other Monuments of Antiquity, 4 chapiors The Ark, 1 ch Galvanism, | chapter; The Various Cus i of Mankind, 8 chapters; Vari ous Phenomena or Apps Arances of Nature, 5 chapters; Magnetism, | chapier: The Arts History 5 chapters: Literature, : Miscellaneous, 9 chapters. | neariv 1m pages, £59 You cas ad ole ROGET'S THESAURUS oF ENGLISH WORDS AND PHRASES, classified and ar- ranged so as to assist in Literars 3¥ Peter Mark Rog : P Composition RB. 5 With £2.00 retail Frans AMERICA ILLUSTRATED, contain ng fall we tions of all the pripe pal points of in ates, Edited by J wood cuts, Quarto pr tinted paper LIVINGSTONE AND STANLEY. iS, covering their entire career in Southern and Central Africa. Carefully pre- authentic sources, thrilling narrative of the adventures, discover. ws, experience and achievements of the greats est explorers of modern times, in a wild and i Richly illustrated, large cloth, 78pp. £5 retail. $1.50 our price, 89 Books will be forwarded Immediately after receipt of money, which must ROCOIN- Ax to our responsibility, we refer to the publisher of this paper, OF PHILADELPHIA, BENNY SALINGER, Maxaorn. MABIT. Only Certaln nnd ensy CURE In the World Dvr. J. L.STEPHEMNS, Lebanon, 0 rhe dors Rig € as the only fie for the certalo cure of this disease, GH.INORAWAM MD, Amsterdam, N.Y, We have sold Rig G for and 11 has of satis Chienge, ilL $1.00, Bold by Druggista CR AXLE GREASE ally dutiasting two boxes of any other bran Not effected y heat. S# GET THE GENU- FOR SALE BY DEALERS GENERALLY. PENSION: ttre w uocessfuily Pro tes Claims. Fon a ke 8 Hon SIE: Permana want our PRYAN Rook and For ans Teller, 19 Paces, §vo. By mall for So In Coy 1 000,000 8:35:55: 528 money oF WK, Seventh Se, Piiladoipia Agents Wanted, beat crv ot SHORTHAND Jrchoe. ae Can be learned from Manual, If not near » Send for gircular, VU. 8 BIavogna ra Oo, BG Louis Children cry for the moon; men want earth, COMEDY CORNER: A Relie. The following bit of literature, writ- ten Lo relieve camp life, has just come to life. It is called “clironicles of the Kansas 1at,’’ 1, Man that is born of woman, and enlisteth as a soldier in the Kunsas 1st, 1s of few days and shortof rations, 2. Ile cometh forth at reveille, and is present also at retreat; yea, even at tattoo, and retireth, apparently, at taps, 3, He draweth his ration from the commissary, and devoureth the sane, Te siriketh his teeth against much hard bread, and is satisfied, Iie fllleth his canteen with aquapura and clappeth the mouth thereof upon the bung of a whiskey barrel and after a little while he goeth away rejoicing at his strategy. 4. Much soldiering hath made him sharp, yea, even the legs of his pants are in danger of being cut through, b. He covenanteth with the eredul- ous farmer for many chickens and much hopey and milk, to be paid in ten days; and lo his regiment moveth on the ninth day, and is seen in those diggings no more forever, 6. is tent is filled with potatoes, cabbages, turnips, crout and other del- icale morsels which abound not in the commissary department, 7. And many other things not in the return, and which never will return, yet for truth it must be said of a sol- dler of the Kansas 1st, that of a surety he taketh nothing that he cannot reach. 8. He fireth his Mivie rifle at mnd- might, and the whole camp Is aroused and formed into line, when lo! his mess comes bearing In a nice forker, which he declares so resembled a Secesh that a4 wise precaution led him to pull the trigger. 9, He giveth the provost marshal no small trouble, often capiunng guard and possessing himself of city, 10, flow like milk and hovey from his gen- eérous hand; he giveth without stint to his comrades, yes, and withholdeth not from the bank, expectant Hoosier of the Indiany 24th, 11. The grunt of a pig, ing of a cock awakeneth him from the soundest sleep, and he sauntereth forth until balted by the guard, when he iu- stantly clappeth his hands upon his bread-basket, aud the guard looketh with pity and alloweth him to pass to the rear. 12. No sooner hath he seutries beat, than he striketh a bee- lug a pair of plump pullets, | & goose saved Rome, how much | the flesh | soldier.” 13. He playeth euchre, with the | Parson, and by dexterously turning a { Jack, astonisheth him. | 14. And many | ! | Company G. colons — { Gramo: *'I understand that your son is { quite sick at college, Mrs, Mrs. Smythe: “Yes. Poor John! | to his work wiih too much =srdor, and ‘What seeins to be the na'ure of his Hey trouble? call it." Young Housekeeper “What 1s the price of mutton?” Buteh- er: “Fourteen cents, mum.” Y. ‘And lamb?" Butcher: Eighteen cents | mum,” Y. H. (surprised): “Is it pos- sible? Why a lamb isn’t more than balf the size of a—er—mutton?" ——————— and the Governor has telegraphed a | pardon. We've got the whole account | of the hanging set up, with illustrations, | and the form is on the press,” Editor (coolly) —*Don’t get excited, my boy. Just set over the account in large caps: Johnson pardoned, Below is a full account of what he escaped.” lid A Sensible Man Would use Kemp's Balsam for the Throat and Luogs. It is curing more cases of Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Croup and all Throat and Lung Troubles thao any other wedicine. The propristor has authorized any druggist to give you a Sample Bottle Fre «to convines you of the merit of this great remedy. Large Bottles 50c and $1, Maryland expects to produce 10,000, 000 bushels of oysters this year, Oregon, the Paradise of Farmers, Mild, equable diimate. certsin and abundast crops. Post fruit grain. grass snd stock country in the word Full infornmtion fres Address the ros Lana gration Board, Portland, Oregon. 5 MA PIS Eight sheep may be kept for every cow, says a dairyman, as they will add but little to the expense, the sheep consuming many kinds of food that cattle reject, Canon's Kidney Cure Dropsy, Gravel, Diabetes, Bri ht's, Heart, Urinary or Liver Diseases, Nerv- ousness, &ec. Cure guaranteed. 831 Arch Street, Philad’s. $1 a bottle, 6 for $6, or druggist. 1000 certificates of cures, Try it Old broken china or crockeryware should be pounded and given to the hens. It makes excellent grit for grinding the food in the gizzard, a sm Randi Al ia siopbad ire o Dr. Kilns Groat Treatise nw day's ase. Mar. relous cures, and rial free to Flicasen Bend to Dr. Kine, S81 Arch st. Phila. Pa Max O Rell will open his American tour in Boston on June &, Rupture cureguaranteed b Dr, 4. B. Mayer, 831 Arch St, Fhe, for 5 OA A AERA The autumn of 1880 will be known in history as *‘the great rain Fall, mA. with sore eyes use Dr, im. BGR 2 ere In sou a py wr A " ‘ ONE ENJOYS Both the method and results when Byrup of Figsis taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts ntly yet promptly on the Kidneys, iver and Bowels, cleanses the ta tem effectually, dispels colds, head. aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its find ever pro- duced, pleasing to the taste and so- ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities com- mend it to all and have made it 0), treet. MENS IE PEROHASING OF PHILADELPHIA, No. 014 Chestnut $ ISTHE FOLLOWING 1! BARGAINS No. 997. A Ladies This Is love Ring. gold, richly On both sides, ¥ ¥ Penh Yanied chased ein the i A Gentlemni's Siew! In taglio Stome Ring. with « handsome head carved on the stone ; set plain, with eurled edges; has faney pleces on sides engraved to mate Lop This ring is Bnely finished fqualed to any Gold Ring Betadl price 63; our prices. 81. No. 982, This is 8 Six Cluster Stone Ring of our own design. It has & plain shank, and is set with six of the most brilljant flones, We can recommend this as a special bargain. Ke tall price, $4 sour price $1.30. No. 2478. Bolid Gold Gent's Searf Pin, with beautify) The entire arti. Must be seen $50; our Retail price, the most Jopules remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 500 and $1 bottles by all leadin drug- gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro- cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. not accept any substitute, CALIFORNIA Fle SYRUP co. BAN FRANCISCO, CAL, EPUrBVILLE, KY. VEW YORE, NV, Ely’s Cream Balm Is the best remody for children suffering from COLD IN HEAD On CATARRH. | Apply Balm into each nostefl \ EILYBROR 8 Warren st N. YT. - ir te be appreciated price,, No, 3226. A new goldwire Swing Ear Ring. The top is gold front, perforated and beaatifully engraved. If hasa new six. point setting and a 22 fawcett Rhine. stone, Eetall price, $2. Our price, 75¢ No. 8207. A pew gix point setting Faring, fits close to the ear and has a patent push back, set with a very brilliant clear stone, Retail price, $1.50; our price, 75e. TO WIEIA'T WE HAVE TO SAY. DMORTKRTITZZS BEST LOW-PRICED German and English Dictionary, PUBLISHED, AT THE REMARKABLY LOW PRICE OF | Only $1.00, Postpaid, 650 Pages, | Or only $1.50, Postpaid, 1224 Pages. This Book contains 630 Finely Printed Pagos of Ciemr Type on Exosllent Paper, and is Haga. | somely yout Servioeably Bound in Cloth. It | with English definitions English, you look in obe part of the Hook another part of the Book. | email | voted to study, bow muoh benefit can be derived from the knowledge, and hasten to | regretit. Can be had at any Dookstors, at the ofos of this paper, or by applying © MORWITZ & CO. 614 Chestnut Street, PHILADELP ILA £1 WW bu -n whdreee ANSE and WHISKEY HAB- ITS cured at home with. out pain. Book of ticniars sent REE, B. M. WOOLLEY, \ Bh Office 683 Whitehall 88 NEW PATENT. Saves J time and trouble. An ine i dispensable article for i every household. No lady | should be without it, Samples can be seen ut this office, werent Bt a A CANVASSER for this town WANTED and vicinity. Something sure ., te tor fail patiiculars to MRS. 8, D.ARMBRUST change, 18 S. 13th Street. ER, Phi iphia, Woman's Kx. ASK ANY DEALER, Gold Front Lace Pin, with Rhinestone cen- | tre. Has a patent safety pin atiached, Is well | made and entirely new, Retail price, $i; our | price, 82, No. 13361. A Solid Gold Ring can be bad 3 or Tiger n either Cameo, Stone is Gnely cut. with a sides are micely Intagiio, Cameo, full Sgure on it; engraved. The general construction of this ring Is very fine. Jewelers re tall it for 82.590 ; our price, SL25 please mention nomber of ar mbstakes. In orderi ticle to av The above articles will be sent by Regis. tered Mall free, on receipt of the money | which has to MORON the order, | As to our respousibility, ask the publisher | of this paper. | Purchasing Co 614 CHESTNUT STREET, FHILADELFPHIA BENNY SALINGER, Manager, MANY MEN FIND THAT OF 7% Wea 25 3 , protected in stormy weather 10 avoid them. Aman having 2 * Fish Brand Shick. er ™ may be exposed to a storm for twenty-four hours af a stretch, and mill be protected from every Seep ut niim, Betides being shielded from the biting wi © matter your occupation, Hable to be caught in a rain of snow should have on a * Fish Brand will surely save your and life. Beware of worthless tations amped with or Wn Brand *t suy inferior coat when * Fish Brasd Shcker deliverad Particulars sod ustrated A J. TOWER, = Boston, Mash HOWE s Cals. SRONGEST Inne Word brated N» 19 T Oat Ss 00 Pull ent ¢ Strings Sa, Best italien Vikan, Shor sa dase 13. bi. Viti, Comes » Vv A Ek asoehrth Senin A SL Ae merfon, Sead ir ontals LAS HOWE Ja art skeen Womsos, Mam, cost. STRINGH Wee Send Go. in stamps for our cancun JR Clntnlogus ts us barge DON'T BUY UNTIL YOU MAVE SEEN THE SWIFT. illus of ali kinds, oto. JOHN P, LOVELL ARMS CO., M