HUMPHREYS Di, HustPuusys' Spears are selent iy and carefully prepared Prescriptions ; many Js 1 tptivate Phe thi sucocss.un forgver peopie, very sing 9 oific Special curs fo ha disease amed, pe : These Shecifies ours rithtut riguing. nore. HE oF reducing the sysbens, and are in fact and Sd reig dies of the World. LIET OF PRINCIVAL gue, Chill #s Blind or Bleeding. ......... ot SEOphthalmy, or Sore, or Weak Eves , 34 Catarrh, inftoenmm, Cold in the Head , 54 Whooping Cough, Violent Coughs, , 34 Asthma, Oppressed reathing +30 r dpcha rues, Impaired Hearing . serofuln, seneral Debility, Physioal Wenknoss , 54 Topsy, and Scanty Secretion... .... of Son Sickness, Slekness from Riding . 56 Lidney Myon ne nininess ss aut Xervous Debility Seminal Wonk. _ ness, or Involuntary Discharges... 1. Sare Month, Canker Irinar enknens, Wetting Bed. | pei? Pe odg, with Spas . Fisenses of the Heart, Palpitationy, Eptlevsy, Spasm, Bt. Vi tus’ hrhorin, DUloerat 4 1 Nore Throat, & ira Da. Hv id on, rec t we tpeid of Sie. UHPFRREYS" Joana (144 pages) richly bound in eloth and gold, mafled free. Humphreys MediclneCo 0 Palton StL NY, WUN PAREYS’ WATCH MAZEL OV. VATE SR RR HUMPHREYS VETERINARY SPECIFICS. Ny Te pil axusasf tl greg tudOat; Veterinary Manual (50 god) on treatment and care of Domestic Animals—Horaes, Cattle, Shes; Hogs and Poultry — Sent free. HUMPRREY Mevicrxe Co., 109 Fulton St, XN. Y, MADAME DEAN'S rting Corsets Are, without exception unsurpassed in point o COMFORT, BEAUTY DURABILITY, wixisd and CORRECT SHAPE, and are WARRANTED to be as represented in every instance. Ener. etic and reliable LADY GENTS WASNTED in every town and county, to whom we offer the EXCLUSIVE AGENCY for our corsets, and the most heral inducements, Write for terms at once. Agents clear from $es io $75 weekly. $3 sample corset free to agents. Terms and instructions free. LEWIS SCHIELE & C0. 890 Broadway, N.Y. HENRY ROSSMAN, UNDERTAKER AND EMBA LMER,~ TussevviLLE, Pa. smn B,J eos savas He keeps in stock a full line Ran ate Af Chatfine | ots Shennds Burial Robes, etc., etc. J Funerals attended with a very fine Hearse. 15a nl y AY LG Wik Ad % Office Haars 9103 GUNS, REVOLVERS, AMMUNITION Eto, Ete. A wood stock of new guns just receiv. ed ut Deschuer's Grest Central Gun Works, Bellefonte, snch as Double B. L. Shot Guns, Doobie B L. Rifle and Shot Gun. Single Rifles, B. L. from $2.57 to $12. Siogle B. L. 8hot Guns from 84 to $9,’ Guns for the Farmer, the Spoting Man, andthe Oc- casional Hunter, sis mm -V-E-R.Y C-H-E-A-P. CALL AT THE GREAT CENTRAL GUN WORKS, BELLEFONTE. A Sweat-Groan-Gronl Wir siCM Ebtacking REQUIRES NO BRUSH. Sheds Water or Snow, Shoes can be washed clean, requiring dressing only once a Week for men, once a Month for women. It is also an Elegant Harness Dressing. WOLFF & RANDOLPH, Philadsliphis p ENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD —{Phiadelp and Erie Division}—on and after Nov, 10, 1580 WESTWARD, ERIE MATL leaves Philad Jersey Bhare Lock Haven, " Renovo « BAS . ~ Arr at Brie......oomen... 406 pm Sunday tmin—Ere mail west runs also on San NEWS EXPRESS leaves Philadelphia... 4 30am Harrisburg .. Sidam Montandon, “«1012am Willlsmaport..... 11 iam arr at Look Haven 20pm sunday Train—Xews Expros, ros also on Suan Philadelphia... Harrbsbteg....... 12 15a m Montaudon ...... 203 sm arr at Willingapori..... 3 a Lock Haven Renovo... - . Kane... FAST LINE leaves Philadeliphi - - Harrisburg. - Montandon d - Williamsport. Lock Haven. - Arr al RODOVO oceans WMBPORT EXP leaves Philadelphia... - - - Harrisburg Montandon........ $ - arrives at Will it... 20 X Sanday Train, -Willlamiport Express runs on Sunday. EASTWARD, SEA SHORE EXP, leaves Lock Haven... - - - {Qiney Bhove... Moutandon - arr at Harrisburg - 5 - Philadelphia DAY EXPRESS leaves Kane... . . Beno... Say NIAGARA EXP.loaves Sam pis BEEBE! @ = «PQ = sEo ER - - - Ww EEpRUROYYYR EEEEHEUEEEEE & - "- ” ¥ Te. Cera re SONAR Da mia BERBER ERERREN LES HTT - + Williamsport - - Movtandon ....... - arr at Harrsburg ... - » Philadelphia RENOVO ACN leaves BoovD ue... - - Lock Haven. Williamsport Montandon .. suvuYLUNTYRre ¥ aut Sunday Train-REROVO Accommod's: Bast rans on Sunday from Lock Haves. ERIE MAIL leaves innisissssmesns 3 00 P 1B - REBOVO «ivcvinevnran 10 8 Philadelphia... fnnday Trein—Erie Mall cast mos also SOUTHERN EXP loaves Williamspors - ” Maoniandon - are at Harrisburg ” Phlladelplia am Sunday Train-Southern Express east runs ale on Bunday. Erte Mail West, Ningare Express West, and Ds Express East. Renovo Accommodation East Erie Mall East make close connection at Lock Haven with BLE V. BR. Trains. Erie Mall Bast and West connect st Erle with treinson LE AMER R.mtConry with B. P& WER sEspriimwith BX. Y. & P. BK. KR. ard st Driftwood with A. V.E BR. LEWISBURG AND TYRONE RAILROAD. BELLEFONTE, NITTANY AND LEMONT BR Daily Except Sunday, Westward, Eastward, AM AM SBTATIORS AMP 10 15 15 50 Montandon #10 1 10 25 16 15 Lewisburg 900 1 of 16 24 Blehl 301 Vicksburg » 41 Mifinbury 56 Millmont 5 Laurelton #3 Paddy Mounts 2 Coburn Huu e Relies eiaisnhosny so = & SRARS LE VHBRERLIRLNERS BE ssn dia MUIR ERE ——. TT S2ENREESRS=CNSEHRES Fo ihe cet cnt ttc heh one of bd HEAZESENVURLESISYNESR i foute Additional trains leave Lewisburg for Montan dou at 5.20 a m 2554 Ih. L45p I 404 1.50 Pn. re- turning leave Montandon for Lewisburg at 9.20 p m 12pm Se poanl7a pm, CHAS. E POOH, .R Aenoral M ® WOOD, fen’! Pa'ger Ax! TWENTY-SIX PERISH. SEA. Fearful Holocaust in an English Paupers’ School, THE VIOTIMB WERE ALL BOYS Those Killed Were In the Upper Stories, and Were Awakened from BSisep to Meet Death~All but Two Were Buffo- oated—A Boy Hero~The Girls’ Departs ment Esonped the Flames. Loxpox, Jan. 8,--The boys’ section of the paupers’ school iv the district of Fi y if CO tion with the White 1 and Poplars unions, took five while ipmates were asleep and was burned, with terrible results, twenty- Six gf hi Joye. were in the upper # s before they could be rescued. ty-eight other boys were safely en from tae burn- ng building amid ble exsitement. 0 of matrons of the instititution escaped in safety by sliding down the water pipes. Beveral of the boys es- ped in the same way, The superin- Yondont of the school Xopintedly rushed through the flames and brought out a Bumble of the I tes, There were 600 persons in institution. Caused by an Overbeated Stove. The bedies of those who were suffo- Sled w carriétl to the main hall of e building, which was still profusely decorated with tas greens. The fire was caused by an overheated stove, The female department, in which were 200 girls, was not touched. The boys retired in the highest spirits, having been promis presents and a New Year's fo The scenes in fo main hall, where the bodies of the dead boys lie, were har- rowing. Relatives and school fellows of those who perished were loud in their lamentations, Their Cries Were Terrible. Further reports of the fire show that it originated in a clothing room beneath the boys' dormitory. The smoke and flames issuing from the stove flue slarmed those sleeping on the top floor and they made their escape. The fire Hines were promptly on the spot. @ employes of an adjacent railway station rushed tothe scene and rendered valuable assistance. The dries of the boy ho here nally a were o. & ages of th range from 7 to 12 vears. A Behoeol of Incorrigibles The school was filled with boys who been committed to its care a of their incorrigable habits, and alto ther the inmates were of a character rom which little discipline orjobedience might be expected In moments when both were imperatively demanded, As a rule, however, the boys yielded readily to the directions of their superiors, and to this fact is due the safety of scores who otherwise would hsve perished. Of the twenty-six who lost their lives only two were burned to death, the others having been suffocated in their beds. Many of the latter were aroused with the rest, but became stupified with the smoke and crawled back to their cots to die. A Juvenile Hero. The hero of the ococasion was a boy who acted 1m the capacity of monitor in the fatal ward, himself a boy whose vicious habits had wade him an inmate of the institution. Through his «efforts many boys were literally driven from the building and he ceased his work of rescuing his fellows only when he was himself driven out by the flames, Sev- eral of bis companions he dragged un- conscious out of the windows, while others he carried into the air in his arms, Thousands of persons impelled by curiosity have visited the scene of the fire in the building of the Forest Gate pauper school, and the police and at ants have been kept busy in their endeavors to return sufficient clear space wherein necessary work might be one, CALIFORNIA'S SEVERE STORM It Causes Fatal Railroad Acoidente—The Thermometer Below Zere. Bax Fraxcisco, Jan, 7.—The storms have done sat damage to the Oregon Railway and Navigation company and several sccidents have been attended with fatal results, Fireman Cross was seriously scalded at Hood river on Saturday. " Fhemin Cryes yo. kified by a colli- on between a freight and a ger train, near Willows, on opehed pit, ag It is rumored that two were killed and thirteen injured on the same road at Riparie, but this is unconfirmed. The first train from Spokane in five days arrived here yesterday, Eight engines were demolished on the It is the heaviest snow in years, and the thermometer is below zero, The Jackson Election, eral el i ong Jan. 7, munici ec off uietly and without ny on, y bemocrat, for mayor, and Only about fifteen or twenty ted and EE vaiol mehime Sat a ak ego ol vo s on men stationed near the polls to there was a peaceful election might cause trouble, ! w, none of them . There were a in town. Sullivan Will Fight No Jan. 6.—~John efd7 ti SF £3 EE i | i > : e] sEE5E ExEed ny fi E Hi HA Eb id i { ! i ‘NEWS BREVITIES, ist sominated for mayor of Windeor by ace clamation, Mohler, of the Kansas state beeoreiry Moiler, says he does not anticipate the test to the Kangas wheat crop from the A hundred men from B.D. attempted to “jump” a Jor, half breed Tndians, but were set upon by the latter repulsed, after a skirmish, The Dublin Freemans’ Journal says it has strong reason to believe that will dissolve parliament at the earliest moment, cendiary fires. Last month the gor. ernor issued a dozen proclamations ing rewards for firebugs., , swived at Erne Jacobson, § years Castle Garden from Ham! 5 On a crimson ribbon about her neck ts printed the name and address of her father, in. Chicago, and the little tot was sent on her way. : At a bull fight in the City of Mexico the plaza gave way, and many were buried beneath the debris, some being stripped of their clothing in the rush for He. Hun were wounded, but, 8 © as it may appear, were no fatalities. Ten and people were present, Mrs. Sarah A. McAuliffe, formerly matron of the Tombs prison, New York, committed suicide by drowning in the East river. She was evidently insane, Queen Victoria has ordered the court to wear mourning for thirty days for Ex- Empress Theresa, of Brazil, Dr. Douned, the court Munich, committed suicide Thursday. A dispatch from Paris states that Minister Whitelaw Reid has obtained leave of absence and will visit America about the middle of February. The reported t of Anderson to PPro mig Bl New York, is denied. re neta down town station of Sdison IHuminating com » OB Pearl street, New York, was Noirs destroyed by fire, Michael Davitt, in a speech at Dub. lin, declared that he had nos with state endowment of universi Jesisies N Ye ih Fri grams on New Year's wishers in the fatherland abroad, It is positively stated by one claims to know Mra, brick, convicted prisoner, will be doned. F. who ey burned by the explosion was {a ine Which he Wis Using polish a stove, A valuable anthracite coal discovery is reported at Savanna, Ont. hysician af once sent to home. The Pottstown, Pa., Iron raised the iron puddiers’ wages £3.50 to $3.75 per ton. of Labor held two sessions Saturday at Philadelphia and transacted business of at importance to the order, but no nformation of its character could obtained. Gen. Bingham has introduced ing house I SY I J SR All grades of Roller Flour con- stantly on hand, at whole- sale to dealers and at retail. All grades of Chop. Granulated Corn Meal of the finest grades. Bran, fine and coarse. COAL, always on hand, Hard, Soft and Woodland, all sizes. rpme PENNBYLVARI A BTATE COLLEGE ommmin A FUL AKD HEALTHFUL HPOTS 1% ALLEGHENY REGION; UNDENOMINA- TIONAL: OPEN TO BOTH BEXus, FUITION FREE BOARD AND OTHER EXVENSES VERY LEADING DEPARTMERTS OF STGDY. I. AGRICULTURE Conran.) and AGRI CULTURAL CHEMBREY; with constant if instrations on the Porm and iu the labors ARY and HOETICULTURE; theoreti. cal and Jactical Biudents taught origins study with the microscope, C ISTRY: with an ususually fall and oourse in the Laborstory, CIVIL ENGINEERING, very extensive field with best modern instruments. an [i RY; Ancient and Modern, with origl. vestigation. / LADIES URBE IN LITERATURE asd BCIENCE, Two yeas Ample facilities for Cea insromental, LANGUAGE and LITERATURY: Latin } Foesch, German niglish (re. quired.) ohe of more continued through the entitling conimne. : MATHEMATIOB and ASTRONOMY: pure and Jed , MECHANIC ARTS: combining shop work with mudy, three years course; New build. aud equipment, : MECHANICAL ENGINEERING: theoretd. , MENTAL, MORAL and POLITICAL 50% ENCE: Constitutions] Law and History, Political Beomomy, oto Midi BES MM oustion theoreti. 3 i siding cach arm ol ihe 13. PHYBICE; Medhiavics, Sound, Light, Heat. Electricity, ele, 8 very full course, with ex- tensive Laboratory practios, i". PREPARATORY DEA NE Two eRrs—carefully graded and thorough. Eall term opens Beplembor 12, 1888, Winter term, January $, 1588, Spring term, April 4, 1858, and other information. address GEO. W, ATHERTON, LLD., Prem. State College, Centre Co. Py Wa sl eprom, | ¥ you would ike 0 go 10 work be. Box 51 3, Portland, Abdrens How Lost, How Restored Just published, a new edition” of DR. CULVERWELL'S CELEBRATED EBEAY on the radical cure of Epermatorrhoss or intapac. ity induced by excess or early indiscretion, The celebrated suthor, in this admirsble essay, clearly demonstrates from & thirty years’ practice that the alanmi consequences of early error may be radically cured: Joint 5g oul a mode of cure at onoe simp 1, effectual, b meats of which every er 00 matter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, ip every youth and ¢ ua be oy 1%, Santis © €Very msn . Beat ander seal, in plain envelope, to sddress post paid, ob receipt of four cents or (WO postage smmps. Addross, Bample of medicine free. HE CULVERWELL MEDICAL CO. A DEB New York 8 €. Puifise bog i 8 LR “TEE TIRELESS TOILES POR TRADE! 10 please, Yours, anxious A Ask your dealer for EA. L. Huntiey & Co.'s