Dr. Husprneys’ SPrcirios are scientifically and carefully prepared pooseriptions ; used for many Bly private ao ow th succons, ad or grap rity years 0 people, Every a 8 cific 18 a special eure fof the dise fhe pe These Specifics cure without dru; ing or reducing the system, and are In fant and » deed the SOV ereign remedies of the World, LIsT or PRINCIPAL NOS. ou RES. Fics, vers, Congestion, inflammations. . ¥ orms, Warm Fever, Worm Colle, rying C olie, or Teething of nani 8 archea, of Children or Adults, , ® Be, Griping, Billous Colle. . arbus Vomiting w Col Bronchitis, ........... fn, Toothache, Faceache. | .“ » en, Slok Headache, Vertigo yapepsin, Hilious Somach. Rl eased gr p ainfal Periods..; tes, too Profuse Periods, . Croup, Cough, Difficult Breathing. salt Rheum, Eryipelas, Eruptions... henmatism, Rheumatic Palos. everand Ague I" Piles, Hlind or Blveding : Ophthalmy, ar Bore, or Weak Eyes ‘ntarrh, Influenza, Cold in the Head Vhooplag Cough, Violent Coughs, Asthma, 2S Dron: «J Breathing » Sar br [Hach Egos, Fnpatred | He aring « Ia, Enlarged Glands, Swelling . General Debility, Physical HrORAY. and Seanty Secretiol Sian Bi [ Joss. Sicknem from Rt Riding. oy Bj ney online . Nervous Deniliiy Seminal Weak. ness, or Involuntary Discharges. . ig Sore Mouth, Canker... 8 rinar Wh eakness, W ‘otting Bed, winful Periods, with Spasm Riscases of the Hea rt, Pal station, 0 "Ys Spas, St ity 4 Bioht erin, Uk 3 . Chronic ance. . 1. wrated 80re Throat «0 Congestions & Eruptions ,/ "Sold by Druggisis, or sent postpaid on receipt of price. Du. Humrasevs' foe AL, (144 pages) richly bound in goth and gold, mailed free, Humphreys' MedicineCo. 108 Fulton St N Y. AA RCE WATER MAZEL OL CARES. PALES. Ho ied by at ¥ VETERINARY SPECIFICS. - 1H ownersof Horseand C at Het AC oy men tary copy of Dr. Humphreys’ Veterinary Manual (3500 ges) on treatment and care of Domestic Animals—Horses, Cattle, Shee "Ph Hogs and Poultry — Sent free. HUMPHREYS Mevicixe Co., 100 Fulton St, N. Y. MADAME DEAN'S Spinal Supporting Corsets Are, without exception unsurpassed in point o CONFORT, BEAUTY DURABILITY, FINISH and COBRECT SHAPE, and are WARRANTED to be as represented in every instance. Ener. etic and reliable LADY GENTS WANTED ia every town and county, to whom we offer the EXCLUSIVE AGENCY for cur corsets, and the most liberal inducements, Write for terms at once. Agents clear from $as to $c weekly. $3 sample corset free to eas Terms and free. LEWIS SCHIELE & CO. 390 Broadway, X.Y. ruclons HENRY ROSSMAN, INDERTAKER AND EMBA E. Pa, LMER,- TusseEyviIL sme se He keeps in stock a full of Coffins, Caskets, Shrouds, line Burial Robes, etc., etc. Owe {) Funerals attended with a very fine Hearse. 17janly Improved, approac he 8 nearer the old method of band rub y bing than i any device Easily worked and Cirenlars free. Agents BAUGHMAN yet introduced ¢ Hu 0 the put sie, Washes perfectly «¢ ea N.( GU po Office Hours to & CENTRE COUNTY BANKING CO, BELL EFONTE, PENNA. Recelve Deposits and allow Interest : Discount Notes; Buy and Sell Government Becurities ; JAS, A. BEAVER, 1. D. BHUGERT, President, Cashier R.8. G. GUTELIUS.— Dentist, Millheim. Offe “17s ssional services to the public, An red to perform all operation | daata | profession. He is now fully pared to extract teeth absolutely witho pain. my 2 2 HOUSE, AL EN, PA: LOCK 8, WOODS CALUWELL, Proprietor. Terms reasonable, wood sample rcoms on first floor, of my | Vi BOOTS wolrrsACMEBlacking Produce a polish without the old brash, and fhe shine will last a week on men's, and three on women's shoes, WAZ 44k Jo Ad Wars 18 Utes 445% of Pougies? 3 Sold by Shoe Stores, Groce, Droggists, WOLFF & RANDOLPH. PHILADELPHIA. ENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD - Phladelp and Erie Divisioni—on and after Nov, 10, 1859 WESTW ARD. ERIE MAIL leaves Philadelphia. wii Harrisburg. 3 Montandon Williamsport, Jersey Bhore.. Lock Haven, Renovo... HBpm i am Arr at Sunday train-Erie mall west NEWS Exe RESS l¢ aves Ph arr at Lock H Ne ws Exp ress Sunday, Train day. NIAGARA EXP.leaves Philade arr at Willis gi Lock Haven, Renovo... FAST LINE 1 leaves Ph ] Ha y Montando wa Williams; ort. - arrat Renovo... WMSPORT EXT leaves Philadel phis... - - Harnsburg.. Mon tandon........ iamsport... tport EX pre - arrives at Wi Sunday Traln,- WW illiasr on sunday EASTWARD. BEA SHORE EXP, leaves Lock Haven. - - Jere ey shore Wi RENOVO AC Ni leave she Ww — Lock Haven Sunday Tr - RE OVO Accommod n East runs on Sunday Lock Haven, ERIE MAIL leaves Erie...viiinvinn 300 - . Renovo ... wosse) Loe] x Haven.........11 lamsport - Mo tan don es - arr at Hur HUE... - hilade pi a Sunday Train Erie Mail east runs also on San 1 from arr at Harr hye rg Philadelphia... 10 Southern Express cast russ i Day Fast & Lock i £t Hiagata Express We eat, a! Express East Erie Mall East Haven with B. E Vv. i “Erie Mail East and West connect at Erie with tainson LE AMS RE. stConry with B. P & W. R BR: at Bai swith BN. Y.& FP. R. EB, and at Driftwood with A.V. E.R, tion as HL kh LEWISBURG AND TYRONE RAILROAD. BELLEFONTE, NITTANY AND LEMONT R.R Daily Except Sunday. Eastward . STATIONS AMIM. FM {16 15 15 30 Montandon 19 1 15 05 is 15 Lewisburg 2 00 i 5.5 25 vii {6 24/ Biehl si! i Vicksburg ad 6 41/33 Minburg 85 i ! 8 I i6 56 Millmont {7 06 Laureiton {7 40 Paddy Mountain 17 S2Cobarn 17 5% Ze thy is 0 Rising Spring i* Peun Cave > Contre Hall i833 Grege {8 42 Linden Hall 8 $5 0ak Hall i8 52 Lemont i8 59 Dale Summit 9 09 Pleasant Gap 19 14 Axemann is 04 9 20 Bellefonte 6 00 Additional trains leave Lewisburg for Montan- don at 5.20 a m, 9.55 a m, 1.45p m. and 7.30 p m., re turning leave Moutandon for Lewisburg 890 p m. 12% pm, 600 pm and 7 4 p ma. WOOD, CHAS. E PUGH, J. R, Gen'l Pas'ger Ag t General Manager, WANTED to eanvaes for the sale of Nursery yes Block! Steady em ent gusrantesd, SALARY AND EXPENSES Ss BALD D. Appl stonce, stating Chase Brothers Company, ter ie pos N.Y. Write your name and post 10C mee ral OR, plainly on a AC al card and send to the only legitimate Sporting and Sensational paper in the country and receive ssampie copy free. Agents can make big pay and News Agents can sell this 8 ppt frets, open ly sod above board. Order through News Co. 3 Keturnable it not sold. Tur New Yong ILLUSTRATED Mews, No, 2542 Broadway, New York A a i2 ) 2 is 10] 2 i2 dr, { recommend [tag toany knows $0 me." A. Amour, M.D, 111 80. Oxtord 84, Brookiyn, X.Y. Tus Omran Convary, 189 Fulton Street, ¥, ¥. SUFFERING MINEKS. Destitution and TD Coal Reg ALL OWING 0 THE 0 Fl Hundreds of Colliers Feel Hunger ia Thrown Out of men t—Townk Thousands Employ ated nnd Husls Pls 0 Depon Standsrill $20 un Mouth. ness at » Problem of Existence on $arnispuna, Dec. 21, 1] pauperism agmn prevail to wm extent among the miners | tions of Northum the condition of atlai: and Mt. Carmel and i causing uneasin : stantial citizens ol those forced idleness has crented has bred discontent evervy Trevorton, a prosper 3,000 inhabitants only t has scarcely 2.000 borders now, the pe ople to quit the paid bills and hou Carmel thousands idle, and an alarming ists in Coal town men at each ented dail HID fy i wie AUEn wn 04 of 1558 and the weather ju it 10 Be § Noe Fmployme ound, The FPhiladelphi and Iron comj mines in Nort the shutting d Lin ( distre as of industry during u Mt. Carmel, condi W Hic wOT the ing ov work ni for an collieris 0 Of BINA Vase o0 the Glstress will be ternible and Grass Growing in Western Pennsylvania, Prrrseona, Dec, 21.—The Times last night receiv i m it pondents in twenty fi ern Un the iO ana ect of the In several loca in spring wheat is 0 fear it will be ‘ Comes Fruit wil greatly damaged this state, buttert! in Columbiana o are in blossom The open “winte r has hac effect upon the general hes fever 1s on the Mmorease in ley and a scourge of pulmonar is sweeping Blair county pression is reported and two business county, OQ, are due t buds are ! in Favetts ve are Hitting # minty More Collieries Shint Down. SHAMOKIN, Pa., Des Last even ing work was stopped at Neilson sh and Buck Ridge collierie ing to the dullness of the coal trade collie rics now idle are the North Franklin, Cameron, Neilson, Hickory Ridge Hickory Swamp, Lancaster, Buck Midge and Morris Ridge These min ployed 700 men and boys. There is a total lack of orders for anthracite coal, Mine owners admit that the prospect for trade is worse than for years past it fd eine Lost Money and Wife. Huxtixapox, Pa, Dec. 23 Ponkaroni, the Hungarian miner, of Robertsdale, in this county, whose wife eloped with another Hungarian named Belini, taking with her $700 or her hus. band's money, bas thus far failed to find any trace of the runaways, even with the assistance of Philadelphia de- tectives where the elopers are supposed to have gone. Ponkaroni, the forsaken husband, is more deeply worried over the loss of his money than of his wife Yesterday he was detected in an at tempt at suicide by some of his fellow workmen, but was prevented from car- rying out his desig rn on his life. Saved by a Dog Barking. Harrissuno, Dec, 21. —Mr. Sovercoot, wife and three children, residing at West Fairview, opposite this city, had a narrow escape from being burned, A dog in the house which they occupied awoke them about ¥ o'clock by his bark- ing. while the building was in flames, Mrs. Sovercoot and her infant escaped > i= ping out of a window and two children were helped to the out. Side by means of a rope, which caught fire just as they were safely landed. A Tramp Attempts Sulcide. Hazirrox, Pa, Dec. 28. Dennis Fiyan, a tramp ‘trom Hoboken, at tempted to commit suicide by cutting his throat with a razor at y run, near this city. He was despondent, having been for work for two months with no success. He was re- moved to the county aimshouse. Instantly Kiilea. Pos, Dec, 21,0, pu son were’ tly John 10 The coming season bids fair to be|. the largest we have ever experienc accordingly. You know what we have done in the past: come and see what we can do now. Our Goods, Hats, Caps, Trunks and Satch- line of Gent's Furnishing far the largest and most in Bellefonte. Mn, and els. is by complete ever shown In fact there is nothing that Boys, or Children want for Fall Winter wear that we do not have in largest variety and at the very lowest prices. You should see the goods piled on our counters and shelves—not a va- cant space to be found. The goods that fill our store from one end to the other, are the first selections from the finest manufacturers in the United States. - The styles, fit, make and quality of our Men’s. Boy’s and Chil- dren’s clothing is only surpassed by: the immense assortment we can show you and the very low prices we have marked them. Remember that our goods are all marked in plain figures, and anything bought of us not perfectly satisfactory when taken home, if returned, money will be cheerfully refunded. Yours Sincerely, FAUBLE, Proprietor. FEE PENNSYLVANIA STATE COLL EGE Anon LOCATED"IR ONE OFTHE MOBT BEAUTI- FUL ABD HEALTHFUL BPOTS IH THE ALLEGHERY REGION; UNDEROMINA- TIONAL: OFER TO BOTH BEXES TUITION FREE: BOARD AND UTHER EXILNsES VERY IW. LEADING DEPARTMENTS OF BTUDY. AGRICULTURE € t Congraeny and AGRY CULTURAL CHE Se | ¥; with constant 1 lustrations on te Fares and in the Labors BoA any and HORT] CULTURE; theoreti. cal and practical. § is taught original study with the wm Jroncope. CHEMIETS with m1 nusually full’and thorough om in the s Laboratory, CIVIL ENGINE CRING very extens practice with best moder: {IBTORY: Ancient and Mods Tn, with onigl- nal investigation, LADIES COURSE IN LE ERATE RE sand BCIENCE, Two yeas Amp i Music, voosl and inswramenta LAKGUAGE and LITERATURE {optional,) Freuch, Germ quired.) one or more continued through entire cone, MATHEMATICS and and ap ptied. MECHANIC ARTS combining shop work with study, three years’ course; New bulld. ing aod equip ne nt MECHANICAT ERGINFEERING: eal and practl cal MENTAL, MOR) Al, and POLITICAL 8CI ENCE ional and History, Polity ASTROROMY; pure thoorets- theoretl- ry ff arm oline JE jnstruction Qing each rue Ki GE 0 Ww. ether with our Jerge ine of BE ouse hold . those Who C3 ~FORy bose about you--thet aivways resulle boife for years when chon ariod ey Bil express, Seight, ofa ” file to go to werk for us, ¥ an = werk snd ypwards A Boron x % 2, Portland, Maino, MANHOOD How Lost, How Restored Just pub) new edition” of DR. CULVERWELL'S CELEBEATED ESSAY on the radical cure of wrhoes ity induced } ¥ ex Th e celeb rated author, in 1 { es fromm & i you § shed, a { Bperms on may i ely m 13 red priva y address post "paid 4 cents or two postage SLAIN, ed recep Ad drowns, ne free ULVE R WEI ‘ MEDICAL CO. t.. New ¥ ark, 3 Y. Posllice Box, 0 ni I *TES TIRELESS TOILER FOR TRADI n HE C A un i 17. Yours, anxious to please, Eo. L Bowriee, Ask your desler for Ed. L. Huntley & Co's HONEST CLOTHING #8 it our gs are not in the hands of some STORE EPER in your section, you ean PRO. CURE fromm the BEST ENOWN and largest nn Wholesale CLomnise Hovse fo the world, at that will MARE YOUR p ® and KEEP YOU guessing wo oan lord DO IT. It your DEALER ri Bok k our goods. send to us and we WILL fur Bish you a Suit Or Overcoat, express or mail paid, on receipt of price. We will win and boid ur patronage if you try us with an order! We pou built up this fmmense business by our PAINSTAKING methods, and by doing by othe ers as we would be done by. Ep. L. Husriey & Co., Style Originstors, in Seaentg Baits or Overcoats observe pr following rules for moensures Preast measure, over vest, close up ude A Afb. Waist HITS, Sv Jans. Insid leg measure, from crotch to boel. First National Bank of Chi BE Fam, oo aw; Contivental Nationa ED. L HUNTLEY & CO., Manufact Wholesale Dealers in Cond Children, 122 and 0. Box 662 A YANKEE KING _ARTHUS COURT.